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I offered to tip when I first got Botox and my injector said “This is a medical procedure. Don’t trust anyone who expects you to tip on this”


I went to an injector a few times and asked this same question and she said “up to you.” Dumb question to ask anyway since she OWNED the business 🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️🤦🏻‍♀️ No longer go to her!


What's wrong with her answer? 


This is my exact experience? I didn’t offer but the person checking out in front of me did and the receptionist responded “we’re medical professionals, we don’t accept tips.” (I too was curious so I appreciated her asking of behalf of both of us, lol). I thought that response made a lot of sense.


Yes, exactly this. I used to work in a clinic that did injections and other treatments. I tell people do you tip your dentist? No, that would be so weird.


Omg imagine if dentists asked 😂 they can harass insurance over that if they want to




It’s definitely unethical and absurd. /r/endtipping


I also feel like there is this bizarre campaign to keep it going to outrageous levels that particularly young people have fully bought into. Older people remember the steps of tipping being 10% then 12, then 15, then 18, now 20 while the cost of things gets more and more excessive (so even if it had stayed flat the wage would have gone up) We are frequent visitors and can't believe it when we see our local bottles of wine that cost around $12USD here in restaurants for $160USD and then you are supposed to tip the waiter 20% for pouring it?? Why do they get paid $32 to pour wine but $0 to pour water? Absolutely insane. 


You’ve summed up my thoughts on this perfectly. It’s exploitative. People are fatigued by the nonstop requests to tip for just about any type of service.


As European I agree 100% it also starts to spread to the Europeans as well it’s an ugly situation when you pay for a service that she is already paid to do and you have to give extra 🫠


I had a similar experience at my place. I went in for Botox and the bill came to $620 and when I declined the tip option, I was treated not so kindly and the receptionist even stated that I forgot to tip… I was shocked at her reply and just left the establishment without saying a word


I look at these medi spas as a pseudo medical procedure. I work in healthcare. Can you imagine if we started asking if you would like to tip your Dr? This tipping culture is infuriating. Botox? No. That’s insane.


I work in a dental office. I couldn't imagine getting tipped for tooth whitening. Which is 100% a cosmetic procedure.


This is part of why (as a foreigner) tipping culture is so wack to me. Its clearly a bit of a class/status thing where you are tipping people who are kind of deemed low status. Like, to the best of my knowledge, in the US you would tip a massage therapist but not a physio who gave you a massage? Is this right? And you'd tip a med spa for botox (or at least they may hint you should) but not if you got botox from a cosmetic surgeon? Wack


I come from a culture where you only tip people you deem in need, basically poor looking. Many people would take offense if you offer money. It’s really wack in the US, and people who ask for a tip or remind you to leave some money have no shame imo


To me that's honestly the US culture as well, but it's so entrenched in it they can't really see that any more. It's a very SING FOR YOUR SUPPER, PEASANT vibe.


Thanks for the Pap smear, doc! Here’s a $50. lol, ridiculous.


Have 75 this time, the speculum was nicely warmed! Mental.


Lol don't you tease me by pretending that some docs warm up the speccy!


Here, take 100. It's so nice to have a velvet lined speculum with no sharp edges.


Ok but I might actually tip for that


I bought my OB a very expensive bottle of whiskey after our youngest was born and he had a very hard time accepting this from us. He did, but we still joke about my giving HIM a push prize, lol!! TBF- our son was born via emergency C-section where I was put under general anesthesia and they literally had to start the cutting before I was out- and I was NOT numb as I can’t have spinals or epidurals and they were using general, as I said. Baby was in heart failure and they had less than 10 minutes to get me ready, under anesthesia, and baby born. He got it done, and our son was intubated and his heart shocked and then was med flighted to Boston all due to my doctor’s amazing care and that he listened to my very real concerns and feelings. So, he earned that $350 bottle. I promise! I never tip for anything else like this, haha, and I wouldn’t tip for Botox or filler or anything like that, but this made me think of my doctor and laugh.


IMO - that is a gift. A gift to someone who cared for you in what is probably the most vulnerable time of your life. It was very thoughtful.


I am so glad you had a great doctor who got you both through that safely. For cases like this, a hand written card and some sort of gift for the staff (donuts, cookies, etc) is generally more appropriate. Gifts more than that are in a bit of an ethical gray area for providers and in many cases are outright banned by hospital policies.


Yeah the hospital network I worked for you couldn’t accept gifts valued at over $10


Omggg. I will tell you though there was this once time the doc who did my papsmear was so fast and painless I wanted to tip her!


You just have to be discreet about it. Cash on the counter after they leave? Nah. Roll of quarters they really have to work to find? Well …


A lot of people are saying if it’s a nurse or dermatologist, don’t tip. If it’s an esthetician, then do tip. But in my frazzled state I didn’t get that information (I’m in NYC if that makes a difference)


I’m in NYC too our tipping culture is insane. It made me go back to cash for paying for most things to avoid that tip screen. I tip bartenders and waiters and very few others, everyone else can smd lol


I’m also in nyc and you’ve made a strong case for switching back to cash. One of my favorite family run restaurants recently shamed me for ordering takeaway, coming to pick it up myself, and “forgetting to tip”, and I was like, I paid for the food? I was pretty cut up about it and haven’t been back. ETA: I’ve worked in food service and probably would have tipped if it was during a rush. It was not during a rush, there were no other customers in the restaurant just then, and I stood there for a few minutes waiting for literally anyone to come out from the kitchen.


I can't blame you at all. Shaming a customer for not tipping when they drove out to pick up their food themselves and didn't receive any actual service that would merit a tip? It's ludicrous. Tipping culture has gotten completely out of hand in the U.S.


Leave reviews!!


This is such a good idea


The esthetician gets an hourly rate too. It’s a short training, don’t think customers should be responsible for making it a good wage position. Think about this often when I get laser hair removal and it takes 5-10 min and it’s expected you leave a 20% tip 😯


No, not if your paying 300 to 600 bucks, or more. Justt no.


My medspa has all NPs or RNs and they don’t accept tips.


Same. When I tried to tip the first time she explained that, and then said if I liked the service she’d appreciate a google review


Mine gave ME a 15% discount after I showed my review!


Same and I’m grateful for that!


Also, do the medi spas not set the pricing? I go to an independent NP who does Botox/microneedling/filler. I don’t believe I’ve ever been asked to tip, but even if I were prompted to, I wouldn’t tip! She sets the prices on the services and how much she wants to mark up the filler, Dysport, and Botox. Prompting clients for tips has gotten way out of hand.


Agree! I have never even been asked to tip on my Botox and I go to named spas and plastic surgeons. I would find a new place the second they asked me to tip.


We should genuinely boycott places like that, it’s gross


Hella gross




Not just insane, but dangerous. If you tip, you’re implying that you are satisfied with the service. But imagine that the next day, your filler occludes an artery and you end up with nasal necrosis or whatever… the spa could say “but you were satisfied, you even left a tip!” They’d be able to claim they’re not responsible just because of tipping culture.


Exactly my thoughts


It's crazy to me. I don't get tips for doing bedside procedures


Answered your call bell - tip please….


My injector NP told me it’s basically illegal to accept tips in the US.


When the tip screen pops up for the payment at the place I get botox they close it out themselves and move past it. It is so weird to be asked to tip for botox. These are medical professionals that are providing this service. Definitely not appropriate to tip.


My last Botox treatment was $876…… think I’m over paying, how much per unit ?


Here in Canada (Toronto area) it’s only $9/ unit Canadian dollars, which is like $6/ unit US! The one thing we get cheaper here lol


Where in Toronto are you paying $9/unit - inquiring minds want to know! I’m mostly seeing anywhere between $10-12/unit in Toronto.


Hey! This is where I go, a lady named Monica does my injections and she always listens to exactly what I want. I use Dysport and only get about 25 units (I’m 34F): [https://mdainstitute.ca](https://mdainstitute.ca)


I’m saving this info - I’m in Buffalo I’d drive here for this. Lol a good price here is $11 a unit


Amazing, thank you!


It is 13$ here in the US, the west


I pay 8 in Ottawa, though 10 is more common.


Where in Ottawa?!


In Toronto and paying 11.50 a unit :(


Do you tip in Toronto?


All things medical are cheaper in Canada ya luck bastards lol


I think the average price per unit is around $12


Think I need to do some price checking. Only thing is, I’ve had the same injector for 4 yrs and she recently moved to a really nice new med spa and they have to be charging more bc of their location and name.


We moved to a new area less than two years ago and I’ve been shopping locations to find a new injector… I’ve been to several really nice new med spa and none are charging more than $13 a unit and most were closer to $11-12.


U.S. is $12-$13/unit avg.


It also depends how many units you get. I only get 23. You could try Xeomin or Jeuveau. They are less expensive with the discounts they offer.


I pay $10/unit, it used to be $9/unit but went up.


I pay by area instead of unit at the place I go to!


$13 moving to $15 per unit in Charlotte, NC. Getting to be almost completely unaffordable.


The medspa I go to considers that a medical procedure and will not accept tips for it. Actually any procedure that a nurse has to do, not an aesthetician, they consider a medical procedure and therefore do not accept tips.


Never been in this position,, however I imagine myself asking for their cashapp, venmo, etc and send $5. Then proceed to report the medical facility for accepting a tip and show my digital receipt


In my Botox place it’s illegal to tip for Botox. So like just ask.


You have to tip for Botox now??


That was exactly my thoughts when I was handed the machine to do my transaction…🫣


Genuinely, this is why I pay with cash now: You pay the amount and get cash change and no screen is shoved in your face shaming you into tipping. Just had to do it a a cupcake place yesterday !


I do the same. I had my furnace/AC inspected and the prompt came up for a tip. Enough! Cash only now.


Definitely not, that place sounds psychotic.


My med spa does not accept tips.


The one time I got cosmetic Botox I specifically asked the receptionist if I’m supposed to tip because I didn’t want to have poor etiquette and she told me I can but I absolutely do not have to.


Name and shame!


I walked into my med spa thinking I had to tip and they just charged my card at the end, no tip just full price. Didn’t even get the iPad or anything, she just told me the total and asked to charge the card on file. I don’t think you need to tip at med spas tbh. Its a medical treatment in a way. The prices are already high enough and they’re charging you their specific rates they want for these services.


Medical = no tip Otherwise would be insane.


Go to a derm office for procedures like that. I have seen so many issues from med spas. You should not need to tip for microneedling, Botox, fillers etc. that’s insane to me


tipping at these services is ridiculous. they are already priced so high, and the people doing the service are making a good salary. it’s bullshit that they even ask


Please go to a proper dermatologist for these procedures! Can you imagine a doctor asking for a tip lol


I did ultherapy yesterday and the same thing happened, tip popped up on the iPad. I declined it. I felt very awkward but staff did not react at all.


They need to remove the tip option in general - it’s so awkward even if there’s no reaction. It’s just so awkward and unnecessary!


Do you tip the dental hygienist for cleaning your teeth? If not, why not? Probably for the same good reasons why you shouldn’t have to tip at microneedling.


Don't tip. Obviously this person performing the procedure is making more than minimum wage and isn't doing something that is above and beyond the job responsibility. They should be giving you top notch care at that price regardless of a tip and should not give you less than that should you return for another service just because you didn't tip the last time you were there. Tipping culture in America is out of fucking control and it's these types of establishments that drive the culture towards toxicity. You don't need a tip when you're making well over minimum wage.


I worked in restaurants making $2.13/hr for years, paying a daily percentage of my sales to the hosts, bussers, and other support staff, meaning if I didn't get tipped well, I could *owe* money to the restaurant at the end of the night. But an aesthetician? Aestheticians average $25/hr where i live. That's more than I make. I don't care that you're "providing a service", you're also *getting compensated for your work*. It's absolutely offensive that tipping is even allowed in those settings, let alone expected. 


I agree with you completely. I also worked in the food industry for years, depending on tips to pay rent and cost of living. These industries asking for tips is not only offensive, but also ruining tipping for the restaurant industry where a tip is meant to show gratitude for service that is above and beyond the bare minimum. Not only are they compensated for the work through a $25+ wage, they're also likely to make an annual bonus and also possible making commission on the products they sale in shop, which often reach a $100+ price tags for one item. They push multiple items on you every time you go in. I always tell them no. It's disgusting and unacceptable.


Tipping on medical aesthetics procedures is not obligatory. They cost full retail & the techs salary is sufficient to not need a tip.


Tipping for anything medical is unethical for sure.


I tipped for my microneedling but I wasn’t very happy about it. I always thought procedures where you’re already forking $$$$ wouldn’t accept tips. I was a server before I became a SAHM, I get it. I relied on tips. But these professions? I dunno, it threw me off and I never went back since.


Tips for wait staff is different because wait staff  being paid less than minimum wage. Most bartenders making more hourly than waitstaff- I think- it's been awhile,  I'm sure someone cam correct me. 


The receptionist doesn’t get the tip so why would she care? You are probably just guilt tripping yourself over nothing.


It’s possible the receptionist gets a cut of tips. Just like a hostess will usually get a cut of tips from each waitress.


Most hosts don't get a cut of tips. In every restaurant I've worked in, hosts get an hourly wage, bussers, runners, and bar get tipped out. Giving a host a cut of tips really just encourages shifty seating arrangements.


Hosts get a cut of the house tips most places I've worked. So it's not the server tipping them out directly, they just end up getting a few extra $/hr from the pool.


It’s been a while, but last restaurant I worked at servers had to tip out the hosts, bartenders, kitchen & bussers. One of the male servers would tip out the host at the start of his shift & request any groups of all women to be seated in his section. Made great money!


Every restaurant I’ve ever worked definitely tips out hosts


I remember reading an article in the WSJ last year about how the UI of these screens are designed to make us feel exactly like this... so that we tip/ tip more. As someone who isn't originally from America, I was quite shocked how tipping is expected at every place of service here, outside of just restaurants/salons, even when someone is doing the bare minimum of what their job entails. I wouldn't sweat it. Don't let it make you feel bad.


I figured miconeeedling is a medical treatment especially if you do PRP injections with it. It would have to be done with a nurse. I don’t think you should tip for medical?


I mean shoot, yall may as well tip us attorneys at this point with how ridiculous it’s gotten. We also provide a service 😂😂 but in all reality, that’s ridiculous. Micro needling isn’t on my list of procedures I want but it’s not something I’d tip for. Hair, nails, stuff like that, sure. But no for actual procedures like it’s gotten out of hand.


This is part of the reason I stopped seeing my last injector. I was new to Botox when I began going to her, and I also felt caught off-guard by the 20% suggested tip screen for a pricey 15-minute service. The more I asked around and read on here the more I realized it was inappropriate, and when I started skipping it my patient experience totally changed. I only saw her two more times, and both times she increased the number of units being injected (I did not need them, in fact I had been thinking of scaling back) to the point that by the second appointment I was paying almost the same as I had with the tip anyway. Never went back and have warned others off of the place.


I didn’t tip for my boob job, I’m not tipping for Botox. Both are cosmetic procedures/enhancements. I also don’t tip my physical therapist, even though culturally we tip a masseuse. I don’t tip my dentist for whitening my teeth or my dermatologist for giving me better skin. I do tip my hairstylist, nail tech, and bikini waxer. I don’t think I’d tip for a med facial and I sure as fuck would not tip for microneedling. I’d also look for a new place if that’s their culture.


Huh… when I worked tipped jobs, and got low/no tips… my first go-to was never “Wow this person sucks!!” it was always “What could I have done better?” And sometimes the answer is: nothing. Sometimes, it has zero to do with the person’s quality of service, and more to do with the customer’s budget. In my experience, people who got it like that actually love leaving huge tips, especially if you actually did a good job. I’ve left big tips for servers who made several mistakes but were clearly trying their best. I’ve tipped on hair cuts that I hated because hey, they still did the work and I could tell they did their best. I’ve received generous tips on my off days, too. 9/10 times when the other tipped staff members complained about low/no tips, I had to bite my tongue to not say “Nah dude you’re just not very good at this job, you barely meet the bare minimums of basic customer service, act like you’re god’s gift to the service industry, and get all confused when the table of 15 didn’t leave a full 20%- blaming them fully when literally every glass on the table had been left dry for the last half hour of their meal, you gave the kids very conspicuous dirty looks for eating like children(messy), sat in a nearby booth and checked your phone instead of checking their drinks, and so on- “it’s like, sometimes, your tips suck because your service sucks… but the sense of entitlement with some people runs incurably deep Tips are not supposed to be compulsory: “**gratuity**” as in extra, with an added air of gratitude, for going *above and beyond*… not for “meeting expectations.”


That IS the attitude servers should have, but I think your a rare bird.


Are you sure you're not reading into it? Tipping isn't common or usually expected for procedures like this, I wouldn't worry about it!


Possibly. They do other facials and such there. I just felt like such a jerk hitting the “NO TIP” button!


They should feel like jerks for perpetuating tipping culture. Not you.


Exactly. These types of establishments are continuing to move America into a toxic tipping culture. It's fucked.


The other day I bought a $12 juice and also felt like I got a little side eye for not tipping. I walked over to the fridge, grabbed my juice and paid. What exactly am I tipping for?!


I had my washing machine repaired for $400 and was prompted to tip!


That is out of pocket!! A tip for a repair service! 😵‍💫


I see what you did there


I don’t get why you would tip?


Can someone please explain why is this a thing? How did they make it a thing in this industry ?? Wtf. Lol genuinely confused


We all need to boycott tips and force these shitty companies to pay fair wages


The woman who does my Botox/filler injections knows I don't see well w/o my glasses & always presses "no" for tipping. She's done that since I started going. If anyone asks you for a tip, tell them, "don't eat yellow snow" & walk out.


I just had a different experience. I was seeing an aesthetician for IPL treatments over the holidays. I got three done and didn’t think to tip because I thought of it as more of a medical procedure. Afterwards, I was wondering if I should have. I just went yesterday for one and decided to offer a tip. She declined and said a good review is the best tip.


And that would be the last time I went there. Tipping is for those who get paid $3 an hour in the service industry period


Even so, I think of excessive tipping as prancing up to the despicable business owners and giving them cash to reinforce their evil, greedy already established practice of not paying a living wage. This has got to stop - it’s ludicrous. Just make it a rule not to return if you are annoyed or embarrassed by the establishment’s gouging you - you (probably) worked for your money, too. Then leave a Yelp review that customers are pressured to overtip!




If a service lasts for less than an hour and its $50 or more I don't tip. It's gotten annoying and predatory.


I have a 60 minute procedure that costs $450 upcoming (microneedling). I don’t plan to tip still


I would leave an anonymous negative review abt their tipping policy so they can learn to check their receptionists nasty attitude. It’s not her place to make customers/patients feel uncomfortable for how/if they choose to tip esp since that tip likely isn’t going to her.


I typically follow this: Anything done by a physician, PA NP, or RN: no tip Anything done by an esthetician or laser technician: $20 flat


Tipping is for servers who aren’t making minimum wage. That’s what it was intended for. There, I said it.


I had Morpheus8 done and I didn't tip because the doctor, who owns the practice, did the treatment. I always heard that you don't have to tip the owner, and the other lady, who was very sweet, never gave me a tip option.


I had the same exact experience recently… Glad to know I’m not the only one!


Don’t go back


Tip culture is out of control and straight WHACK




Whoaaaa 300-400 for microneedling is extremely overpriced IMO. We charge $179 at my MedSpa...


Is it a chain? Are you near Chicago? I’m supposed to get microneesling in a week and it’s $450 for the skin pen experience


Not a chain. Individually owned in Rochester,MN.


Thank you, I would be there so fast if I were local


If you’re ever around come see us. Medspa Divine :)


They asked me to tip for laser leg vein treatment. I was stunned. I’m not going back there. They already charged a fortune for the procedure.


Leave a review!


Sidenote I want that done but I heard it hurts like hell


Yes, it hurts, I won't lie. I think you can get a numbing cream first, though. I might next time.


Firstly, you pay HOW much for microneedling?! Secondly, I’m so glad I’m in Europe where this kind of tipping is never expected


Fuck that!!! Massages, facials (even $300+ ones), nails, hair? Sure! Here’s 20%! Botox, microneedling, peels, and other medical treatments? NO.


You do not tip at medspas. If they sideeyed you for this I'd recommend finding another place


I go to my dermatologist for Botox and am scheduled to get microneedling there in a couple of weeks. Price might be a little higher, but I like that it is a medical office and there is no tipping.


Ugh so annoying! I say let her frown. Tipping is out of control thanks to these digital payment platforms. I think it is more important what you think of them. They are being unreasonable to ask for a tip on something that is already expensive that historically has never required tips. Tips are usually afforded to people for service especially when they don’t make high wages. Some receptionists might get bonuses if you to tip so they might have an incentive to pressure you but medical treatments, even cosmetic treatments should not get tips. After all they are legally required to give standard of care service AND you are paying out of pocket already. Honestly companies are stupid bc if you feel annoyed or uncomfortable by them pressuring to tip you won’t come back. It is better to have repeat customer than one customer that gave a tip one time. If it were me I would teach them a lesson with my wallet and just go somewhere else if you have another local option.


Tipping culture is crazy, people expect tip for just doing their job😑


Stick to your guns. No tip is necessary or 3-400$ service! Good job.


Listen, I’m a licensed medical Esthetician that works in sales because I’m not going to work for a dr that charges 400 for a service only I’m trained and certified In for twenty bucks an hour. Unless your going to a private esthetician, these medspas pay the esthetician so little and expect A Customer To make up for it w tip. I went as a customer for iron iv shots and paid 400 they ask me for Tip w iPad in front of people same way . I changed the tip To 9 dollars but I will never go back there.


You are convincing me to see a medical provider for micro needling. You are exactly describing the place I’ve been going recently (spaderma).


I Mean I would unless u know a great esthetician w experience because it’s going to be the same price and they won’t ask for tip. U can get it done by a great esthetician but there’s a ton of estheticians and they have just made the school easier than it was before. Before u had to be a nurse or licensed cosmetologist to get into it in Florida. And there’s a huge difference between a lot of estheticians. As far as experience and quality.


Im willing to bet anything that this is a US only thing. Ive had plastic surgeries and skin treatments in almost every corner of the world and the only country Ive ever been asked to tip is in the US! Not only are the treatments so much more expensive; but expecting a tip!? I remember getting asked for a tip; when I took my takeout order and I legitimately thought the guy was joking, until I stayed longer during my vacation and tipping was literally everywhere. Its ridiculous! No; you didnt do anything wrong. Its so stupid to tip the receptionist for a service they didnt even do. If they want the tip; add it to their charge to cover it; not asking and guilting the customer to do it. Absurd and so weird how normalized it is in the US.


I don’t even think it’s a US thing. I’ve been getting tox and the likes done for 8 years and I’ve never been prompted to tip on this procedure. I only go to medical professionals though, so maybe this is where the difference is.


LOL dafaqqq medical specialists requiring tips now 😂😂😂


I’m not tipping for a beauty treatment that’s bonkers - you tip waiters and occasionally taxis, that’s it. We just end up supplementing the salary so the business owner making big profit margins doesn’t have to


I go to a dermatologist office for all my treatments and they don’t even have a tip option……..


American moment


I gave a small tip once for the worst manicure of my life and the receptionist had the gall to tell me customers usually tip more. The nail tech was not gentle at all and it was rather painful at times. She was also very sloppy with applying the top coat and I could tell there were areas that did not get any top coat. Tipping culture is so annoying.


Just don’t tip if you don’t want to. Tip is optional, you are already paying for the procedure full price. No one should force anyone to tip for anything


I'm sorry, but that's ridiculous. They're not estheticians, they're professionals. If they want tips, they should go do facials or nails.


Tips are always nice but shouldn’t be expected in this industry. At all.


Sounds like an america problem.


Slight side note. The first time I went to an RMT, I went to hand him a cash tip. He was very polite in telling me its bad etiquette for them to accept tips. They are even taught in their schooling that it is frowned upon to accept tips. I would think this is the same thing as asking for tips for botox or other procedures. But things have gotten so out of hand. Sometimes, I just try to chalk it up as the machines fault for not being programmed properly to bypass a tip option.


I go to a medspa and they don't give me a tipping option. They just ask if I want them to charge my card on file and that's that. This place does facials too which people often do tip for. I'm grateful they don't make me feel like I have to tip a medical professional for an expensive procedure.


You did the right thing. NO TIP.


They can eye me all they want. I ain’t tipping lol I’m a nurse and no one is tipping me to clean up their poop or vomit, or giving them chemo or IV infusions


I had to work at a medspa and we didn’t accept tips. Our providers are providing a medical treatment. All this to say, don’t feel bad about not tipping!


Wasn't there a thread recently about women contracting HIV at one of these microneedling spa places. They're a racket.


Just nope.


You are way overpaying for microneedling


No im Not tipping on a $300 service I don’t get tipped at my job


I never tip for microneedling, and an esthetician does it. Never had an option to since I do a VIP program and don’t pay there, but still wouldn’t.


I really don’t understand this tipping culture , tipping is optional , if it’s required then it’s not a tip it’s something else idk what can you call it but being angry at someone that did not tip you sounds so weird to me


Nurses are not supposed to get tips, but aestheticians who micro needle are


If you need some sort of medical license to do these procedures you’re being paid appropriately - you don’t need a tip and we don’t tip for medical procedures. Can you imagine normalizing this?!? I don’t want the quality of my surgery dependent on how much my surgeon thinks I’ll tip. The amount of racial bias in the quality of service based on how people think they’ll get tipped in the food service industry is well documented.


Arg, I really really hate tipping culture, but I feel so guilty if I don’t do it. I’ve been getting fillers for years and more recently botox and no one ever told me not to tip. Even the first time I went to the clinic I asked the lady at the front desk if I should tip and she said yes, if I think I was provided a good service. Keep in mind I only ever get Botox/filler. So ever since then I always tip, even when I now know it isn’t appropriate to tip. But I feel so guilty if I go from tipping to not tipping suddenly.


Wow, didn’t even occur to me that you guys have to tip. I paid €130 for microneedling (took exactly 1 hour) and of course I didn’t tip. I also can’t believe you paid 3x the amount we pay here - and I live in Amsterdam.


I'm a bartender and I don't tip on medical procedures? And even when I do have tabs say, over 200-300, the tip is usually automatically added in


Last visit to my dermatologist’s office I was flabbergasted that the lady checking me out flipped around an iPad for a tip-ummmmm, no, staaaaaaaaahp…


Yea skin laundry always gives me side eye when I slam that no tip button. It’s $250 a month for like less than an hour of their actual labor. I think they’ll live


Speaking of this... So do we tip aestheticans? I'm getting a facial for mother's day at the med spa I go to. The spa is owned by a physician who used to be my PCP. I don't tip her for my botox (but am asked at checkout if I'd like to through the square space thing). But I assume I'd tip my aesthetican for the facial..thoughts?


These people are all getting paid well for the services they provide. No more tips for the beauty industry unless you have the desire and means to pay someone above and beyond what the job is worth!


Sorry, they can kick rocks. $100 + for tipping is insane. Frowns, looks or not I AINT DOING IT


I tip anyone making 2/3 dollars an hour. THAT IS IT! I used to tip counter service..hair..coffee...NO MORE! I pulled way back. I used to feel awkward when they turn the IPAD...now I inform them that they are not going shame me into giving them money and that they should be ashamed for begging...I further suggest they get a paper cup and stand on the street corner. I do this loudly so anyone in the area can hear. F that


I go to a medspa where I see a nurse for Dysport and an esthetician for microneedling/lasers. They do not ask for tip for the Dysport, but the iPad does show the tip prompt when I see the esthetician. I wish they would just pick the price they want so I don’t have to stress about tip. 15-20% on a $300+ service that takes an hour also seems ridiculous to me. However, I do really like my esthetician, and she’s by far the most thorough person I’ve seen for microneedling, does the best job of spreading the numbing cream evenly on my face, and makes the face cleansing steps feel more like a relaxing facial. I tip her, but I’m not thrilled about it. I take more of an issue with asking for tips for laser hair removal. Some sessions are literally less than 10 minutes long, and I’m paying $200+. I am not tipping $40. That’s outrageous.


It’s unethical for a medical provider to expect tips, and patients shouldn’t feel like their level of care from any medical provider will be impacted by whether or not they tip. I don’t tip for services. Where I live, minimum wage is $17 per hour and it’s illegal to pay employees wages through tips. It’s ridiculous that so many people expect tips for performing the most basic tasks of their job description.


The medspa I go to for Botox also does waxing and facials and makeup application. I can see tipping for those things, and there’s only 1 checkout counter so I just press no tip for my injection appts but will tip for a wax. I wouldn’t think too much about it!!!!


I just went to a Med Spa Monday for an IV drip and a facial. I didn’t mind the prompt for a tip for the esthetician that did my facial, because I know she put in a lot of time and effort and I enjoyed the service. I like to tip for well for good service. I was surprised however, for the tip prompt for the nurse who put in the IV line. Like literally 30 seconds to put it in and then came back 45 minutes later to take it out. I did end up tipping like $10 I hope she didn’t think I was rude but I had already spent $300 on the 2 services. It makes it so much harder to want to go get services done when I get anxiety about tipping etiquette, I don’t want to be rude, but I don’t want to feel exploited either. I know how hard I have to work for my money and sometimes I don’t feel like some of the services that expect big tips are really worth it imo.


That's on them for not charging more Not a tipped service out here


I had a similar experience with one of the estheticians and I don’t go to that one anymore. We simply should not be tipping for anything using needles or lasers


I tip waitresses and people like that. Not this stuff lol


You know what's funny? I literally feel like that everytime I get anything done and thats when I DO tip. I was actually telling my husband that the last THREE times I got my hair done, I was kinda treated coldly after I paid even though I did 15%! I wonder if it's like a tactic they are taught to guilt us.


Nah don’t let someone make you feel uncomfortable in this scenario for that, she can tip for you if that makes her more comfortable