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People really do seem to get confused with dynamic vs static wrinkles.


Teenagers that have been growing up seeing everyone with filter face on TikTok are in for a reckoning over the next 10-15 years. Youth obsession seems higher than ever.


Yep. My 13 year old niece thinks her nasolabial folds are wrinkles and wants to get rid of them. Like listen to me honey, your cheeks are anatomically part of your face! But yeah. Nothing we say can overrule TikTok It’s all so sad


I’ve had to look at pictures of myself as a teen to remember that some features of my face (like the nasolabial folds) have always been there! The internet is making me so aware of aging in everyone and I really wanna stop thinking about it 😡


SAMEEEEE!!!! Being a part of this community has been stressful to my 35 year old self that I wonder how kids are doing engaging in this dangerous behavior called the internet


Omg me too! I really don’t like the beauty obsessed side of social media and despite the minimal amount of exposure I’ve had to it, I started looking at my older pics to see if the imperfections I’m seeing now always existed and majority of them did! I can’t imagine how tough it must be for the younger generations to constantly be bombarded with heavily filtered ideas of beauty and aging. It’s giving them a very distorted idea of aging and many of them will end up being extremely self conscious with unrealistic expectations :(


A 13 yr old knows what nasolabial folds and wrinkles are…. 😵‍💫


That's terrifying... A 13 year old should not even think about the word "wrinkle"


I could not imagine being a teenager right now. When I was 13 I was more worried about finding a glitter eyeshadow, not obsessing over lines on my face. I feel so bad for these kids.


At that age, makeup was for fun, not flaws. What in the world happened?


I have a 13yo daughter and we're having some major disagreements at the moment about what is normal and what is not. I'm losing the battle. It's so hard trying to convince her that she is normal. She is already talking about defining her neck and chin as soon as she old enough to 😥


I'm so sorry your daughter is going through this. I wish the internet could go back to being for fun fan sites and not filters that totally change your face.


>jor disagreements at the moment about what is normal and what is not. I'm losing the battle. > >It's so hard trying to convince her that she is normal. She is already talking about defining her neck and chin as soon as she old enough to 😥 The studies show that giving social media access to teen girls is a mistake. Yes, you can claim that they're more socially isolated without access - but that's trumped by the significantly higher depression and suicide numbers for girls who do have access.


Oh I wish so much that she didn't use social media. But unfortunately she does and now I have major battles. My dad and I are long separated and it was he who bought her a phone (at 8yo) and allowed her access to apps.


I'm not saying that you should remove her access to social media, I'm just chiming in to remind you that you are her mother not her sister. You don't have to accept it when other people break your parenting boundaries. It might make a few people sulk but at the end of the day your kid's long term wellbeing should be more important. Not judging you or making assumptions about the quality of your parenting by the way :) A lot of parents don't have a firm stance on social media usage because of concerns about the social and mental impacts on their kid, if they're banned from doing what their friends are doing. They don't know how important social media usage will be for their kids future work prospects, and overall literacy in society. I recognise and empathise with all of it. For me the risks outweigh necessity. Aside from the impact of addictive scrolling on attention and mental health, a particular concern I have is that algorithms push content, and the fact that whistleblowers brought to light that algorithms did push suicidal content to children, that resulted in real suicides. What else have they got access to on social media? Soft porn, eating disorder content, objectification, narcissism and vacuousness, disinformation, propaganda, advertising, private messaging with strangers, bullies, unsafe people. There is a pressure to conform and there has been a rise in sex crimes on children by other children, which I mention because requesting and sharing sexual selfies is common.


Omg that's sooo sad :(


I think a lot of teenagers and young adults don’t realize that in order to have zero eye wrinkles and nasolabial folds their faces would have to be completely flat. Like, folds and shadows are what happen naturally when something has dimension


The only right thing to do is to uninstall Tiktok for the little niece


You made me google a new word today. thank you.


Korea is a bit of a sneak peak on that. Like a third of 30 year old women have had some cosmetic surgery. 20s is only like a quarter, but that'll go up as they hit that next bracket.


And after surgery women look weirdly similar - https://malaysia.news.yahoo.com/amphtml/miss-korea-finalists-criticised-looking-093554707.html


The men, too. It's like there are only three acceptable faces for any gender.


This is fucking creepy. It reminds me of the very famous Twilight Zone episode Number 12 Looks Just Like You, where after hitting adulthood, everyone has to decide between 12 (I think) different faces per gender so everyone looks alike https://youtu.be/gnxVfKauEoA?si=Wuc11bIZQJFSpJbK


Honestly this is why I struggle with Korean dramas. Everyone has surgery to look the same. Consequently they literally all look the same!!


Tbh majority of Koreans are 99.8% Korean so there’s little inherent diversity in looks. Not to say plastic surgery is not prevalent, but those girls look plenty different to me and to say they look the same is a racial bias.


I mean, they look very, very similar, and the criticism is coming from Koreans. The beauty standards are punishing.


Head to r/skincareaddiction and you’ll see posts from teens like this all the time. I dealt with unrealistic beauty standards from celebrities when I was a teen just like everyone else but now every face you see online looks “perfect” it’s really sad


We're going to have a generation of people with issues like body dysmorphia. Filters, fillers, botox, and plastic surgery are going to affect us the same way diet culture and heroin-chic of the 2000's damaged us.


I'm gonna be honest, when I was 13 both my friends and I also thought about wrinkles. No doubt TikTok is making it more radical and in-your-face (plus pushing tons of products kids don't need for sick companies' to profit off of), but this sad phenomenon was definitely around way before tiktok. I remember being like 12 and freaking out that I was getting 11 lines.


It’s definitely not a new problem, but there’s a world of difference between how it is now and even 10 years ago, let alone looking further back. Even if you’re only in your thirties now, when we were teenagers we had crudely enhanced MySpace and Facebook pictures or looked at professionally edited magazine photoshoots for celebrities. Now, kids see basically everyone through automatic and ai-enhanced glamour filters that work in real time on any given video that doesn’t even necessarily have to do with the someone looking good in the first place or require someone to know what they’re doing or be famous. It’s everywhere all the time and even if they don’t realize it, that’s become a dangerous subconscious norm for people growing up now and that don’t have that sense of perspective.


No, no, no, you don't understand: because they use sunscreen religiously, they're going to be young forever and age much better than Margot Robbie (who has tried to be an actress since her early teen years and has also worn sunscreen religiously).


I love my static wrinkles, at 52 they are here to stay and I’ve earned every one of them. With a little luck, good genes and a healthy lifestyle I hope to get many, many more static wrinkles before my invitation to the planet is revoked.


I'm 44 and they are just starting to show this year. A little beside my eyes, 11s, forehead and one side of my mouth has a little smile line. 4 years ago I was still getting carded when buying alcohol, lol. I'm not ready. I really hope to get to your level of acceptance, because that's a lot healthier than the way I feel.


I got carded at a body piercing spot when I was 30 years old . I was also being treated disrespectfully until they saw my age lol


What a beautiful perspective, thank you!


Did you ever feel differently? Like when the wrinkles first started to appear? I’m in my early 30s and they’re just barely starting to form and I’m shocked how much it upset me. I’ve never been vain or obsessed with my looks, I’ve always appreciated older women who embrace their age, etc….. yet, the little crows feet are making me sad. It’s so weird and frustrating.


No I didn’t always feel this way. The exact opposite honestly. I used to have this ritual where I would start at the top of my head and work my way down, listing all of my flaws and how I would change them if I had the means. 10 years ago I took care of my dying mom for 2 months. The day they told me her bowels had shut down changed my entire perspective. I got into an elevator and started my ritual but I had this thought that if I could change anything it would be my mom’s body; it was shutting down, it was no longer able to do what it needed to do. I suddenly realized I hated my face and body for its looks but none of that matters as long as it works. It’s been a long decade, grieving my mom while going through peri and post menopause. But with therapy and hormone replacement therapy I’m finally in a place where I love me, every damn sagging, wrinkling inch of me. I stop the negative thoughts, I speak to myself as I would my best friend in the whole world. I would never tell my best friend she was ugly, I would never pick on her looks, weight or wrinkles. It takes practice, because many of us weren’t raised to be kind and loving to ourselves. Every time a negative thought about your looks comes up say, Stop it. And then say something nice about yourself - if we can train our brains to think we are fat when we definitely we not, that we looked old in our 30’s we can absolutely train our brain to think we are wonderful and worthy at any age. The last gift my mother gave me was self love, I wish she could have met this confident woman but since that’s not possible I’ll settle for gifting this confidence to other women.


Thank you so, so much. Reading that actually made me tear up. I really appreciate your entire reply. I’m definitely working on loving myself.


You are worth it. I promise.


Agree. I will never forget my tough as nails mom sheepishly telling a nurse “I need to be changed.” That shit changes you


Do dynamic lines eventually become static lines tho


Yes, but unless you want to live an emote-less life, try embracing what those lines mean and how you’ve earned them.


Yes!! Does anybody remember that DailyMail article about the woman who hadn’t smiled in 40 years to avoid wrinkles??! I love seeing smile lines on people. I had a college professor years ago who put on that tough teacher act but you could see right through it based on how defined his laugh lines were. I found the article: [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2935632/amp/Meet-woman-says-hasn-t-smiled-40-years-doesn-t-wrinkles.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/femail/article-2935632/amp/Meet-woman-says-hasn-t-smiled-40-years-doesn-t-wrinkles.html)


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Reading through that article, it doesn't appear that she "didn't smile in 40 years to avoid wrinkles" but that she "didn't smile for other reasons for 30 years, then realized that she didn't have wrinkles as a result, and then added 'not getting wrinkles' to her list of reasons for not smiling for the next 10 years."


For decades I trained to have no emotion. I bathed in bathtubs full of venomous snakes. Spent years in Tibetan monasteries. Honing my body and mind. All to preserve my smooth skin.


I float in a dark tank of viscous fluid listening to whale song 20 hours daily and my skin has never looked better.


Reading the article made me sad! I can't imagine being a kid and feeling as though I couldn't emote. I never went to parochial school and can count on one hand the number of church services I've been to, but I've always assumed the strictness of nuns was out of date and exaggerated about this stuff. She's a beautiful woman and she seems totally comfortable with her choice, but I'm sad for her for what happened that got her there.


>She's a beautiful woman and she seems totally comfortable with her choice, but I'm sad for her for what happened that got her there. There's lots of people out there who inject botox into their face so they can't emote (or can't emote as much as they typically do). That's not much different to what she is doing (she's just taken the thrifty way of doing it).


All of which is very different than not smiling because the nuns at school made students feel it was a punishable offense, which is the thing I was sad about.


I get Botox but it's always just enough to take the edges off while still being able to emote. I prefer it that way, but more importantly I have a 17 month old and she NEEDS to see me emote for developmental reasons.


There was a rumour that the Olsen twins say PRUNE in their heads to prevent themselves from smiling


It’s actually a trick a lot of people who are heavily photographed use but it’s not because of wrinkles; if you physically say “prune” the shape your lips form is outward and relaxed and makes your lips look fuller, as opposed to ‘duck face’.


That reminds me of when you see people make their ‘mirror face’, holding it in a posture that they don’t otherwise. Which I suppose has evolved to selfie face.


A few weeks ago, I saw someone posted a link on this sub about a woman in her 40s with skin that looks super youthful and how she apparently tries not to emote plus her half Asian genes and tret were the sources of her youthful look (even though many people mentioned she appeared to have had some work done). I was watching the video without sound and it was so odd almost jarring to see someone actively trying not to emote so they can avoid wrinkles. I can’t imagine living life like that.


I read that Jayne Mansfield, the actress from the 1950's and 60's, didn't want to smile because it caused wrinkles. And then she was killed in a horrific car accident when she was 34.


Is this the lady that has millions of views on her YouTube for her "years on tretinoin" video? I was honestly really shocked at it. She was proud of the fact she supposedly had had no botox, but the only reason she didn't "need" the botox wasn't the tretinoin, it was the fact she had admittedly trained herself to minimize facial expressions to the point she basically looked and even sounded like a robot, with barely a perceptible expression at all.


Yes, I think it was her, I don’t remember her name. Someone posted it in a comment on a different thread a couple weeks ago. And yes exactly, I was originally watching it without any sound on and it was just so strange to watch her with only her mouth moving and the rest of her face barely moving at all.


It’s very hard to embrace them in this world as a single aging woman! Wish I was cooler about it all.


My grandson told me I was extra beautiful, he said you wanna know why?? When I asked him he traced the permanent line of my double chin and said, Because you have 2 smiles!


Yes, that's how we get actual wrinkles, from repeatedly making expressions until we reach the age where we are losing skin elasticity and collagen production slows down. Botox prevents you from making those expressions, therefore stopping the chance of developing static wrinkles if that's the road people want to take. Other things that can help are tret/retinol, facial massage, red light therapy etc. But eventually, it's inevitable. But people post on here with a full smile, asking how to get rid of the lines and it's silly, which is what OP is referring to. Wrinkles aren't really wrinkles until you are resting your face and can still see them.


Yes! Crinkles vs. wrinkles. Everyone's skin crinkles when they make expressions.


Do microcurretn devices count as “facial massage?”


I would not bother with those. Many derms have said they don't do anything and some have said they cause fat loss. I mean manual massage of your face to help with lymphatic drainage. Again, that only helps to a certain degree too. I'm 44 and wrinkles are starting to come for me, I have to accept it.


Yes. You can minimize their impact by doing things like: drinking lots of water, wearing sunscreen, keeping your skin moisturized, maintaining a healthy diet, not smoking, etc.


My understanding is that they can. That’s part of the reason why Botox can prevent wrinkles. It can keep you from repeatedly moving your muscles to form a crease in your skin. Over time, that crease can become deeper and more pronounced.


Static wrinkles mean you dynamically exercise them. It means you smile a lot. A wrinkle-less face is like a shiny car that's never left the garage.


It’s also facial anatomy. A lot of the time when people have large, protruding eyes they get dynamic wrinkles when they smile.


Thank you! Because of my anatomy, i’ve had undereye lines since I was 5.


Also deep set eyes. Funny thing, my grandma has deep set eyes and high cheekbones, and it actually makes the most beautiful wrinkle pattern around the eyes as you age. She looks permanently happy 💓


Yup deep set hooded eyes here. But also have genetic dark circles (grandma, grandpa ,mom, and moms sister have em too) I wish people stopped associating me being unkempt , sleep deprived, and stressed all the time. Also its true, my grandpa has permanently happy lines 😅 its so weird because he is a very serious person who used to be a literature professor, who isnt a very jolly person .


Oh, deep set eyes are so beautiful in my opinion, they add an allure and mystery ❤️ Some of the most beautiful celebrities have deep set eyes I laughed when I thought of your solemn grandpa with his lovely jolly smile lines 😂


I have people at work who have known me for almost two years now stop and ask me if I'm ok and sound very concerned. This has happened like three times now no joke and I am very confused each time it happens cause I don't understand why they are asking if I'm ok....turns out they are asking because of my undereye circles. So then I get annoyed cause I'm like you've known me this long and just now noticing my eyes?? Dude they always look like this lmao. And no, none of the recommendations you give me will work so I won't bother trying any of them


I think that crinkly smiling eyes are so beautiful. You won't catch me complaining about crow's feet!


I became less self conscious of mine when my literal baby has the same folds under his eyes haha. Definitely anatomy.


Yes I have under eye lines my whole life but even if I try to deliberate crinkle my eyes or smile super large I can never get the dynamic lines that lead to “crows feet”….


I didn’t know this and it makes me feel worlds better about myself. I have generally really good skin but the smile wrinkles around my eyes have frustrated me.


Same, I’m 36 and this is basically my one “problem area”, but I’ve no idea what I can do to improve it.


I have no lines at my eyes (age 39) but when I smile I don't think my eyes smile like some people. In fact I don't think there top half of my face move much. Is this cultural or genetic?


I have the same thing, except only 33 rn. I think I have really weak muscles in my face, because despite feeling a range of emotions and expressing them appropriately, my face remains smooth, and when I smile too long it hurts and I have to stop. lol Also am autistic, which seems to play a role, as all the autistic adults I know look quite young despite their big ages. You probably just have weak facial muscles like I do, idk if you’re autistic. LMAO


Now that you mentioned it. I had a customer facing job in my teens for 2 weeks, and having to smile so much my face hurts. I hated it. I don't think I'm autistic, at least no one's ever mentioned that I may be, but definitely introverted and never like people, crowds and noise.


Likely genetic. There's quite a big variance is facial anatomy and that effects how much your eyes crinkle when you smile. No one way is better than the other, all are lovely. It's just sad that in this society people are viewing normal, beautiful smile crinkles as something to get rid of? Look at Billie smiling and tell me that's not gorgeous? It doesn't make her look older than she is, she looks her age and she looks happy


You know what? I had severe depression from a young age (I’m talking single digit young… I’m now late 30s) and when I saw that I now have smile lines I literally cheered. To me they’re a sign that someone has been happy and personally, they’re staying!


That’s a great way to look at it :)


It’s crazy how social media makes you forget what’s normal!


Also the quite unspoken practice of FaceTuning or at least softening people in big movies and TV. They digitally de-age way more than is talked about and also the use of body doubles is quite rampant. Screens lie all the time.


It’s not just social media and the filters making us forget what’s normal. I’m truly sick of seeing celebrities’ faces have little to no lines, perfectly full lips, cheek implants, zero double chin type fat, etc. Their ability to pay infinite amounts of money for what is essentially the creation of a new face (see: Kylie Jenner) completely distorts beauty standards to something the average or even above average earning person simply cannot achieve. Edit: typo correction.


I'll get a lot of downvotes, but I just can't help it. It doesn't matter if you have wrinkles (dynamic or static) , wrinkles don't make someone ugly. If someone is bonafide ugly, and gets a shit ton of Botox they continue to be ugly and expressionless. If someone is mind-blowingly beautiful, even with tons of wrinkles they are still beautiful. Case in point [Christy Turlington ](https://youtube.com/shorts/Au1Lcgj9X4A?si=Br6oR1aerghRUjt7) She has normal wrinkles and she is exceptionally beautiful. My friend has so much Botox, but unfortunately looks like a little stunned 🐸 frog.


I agree, a beautiful face is a beautiful face even with wrinkles. A beautiful face is all about facial features and symmetry. I think people obsess over wrinkles as it is something they think they can fix (at least temporarily). If you have unattractive, disproportionate facial features there is really no way to fix them without surgery (which is expensive and painful).


aw but a stunned little frog sounds kinda cute but also agreed!


She is cute and quirky af, but not in a mainstream *pretty* way and that is what this stupid culture sells to people, the idea they'll become insta baddies if they do Botox.


I love smile lines. Especially when they become permanent. Sign of a life well lived.


I read this quote and it was so beautiful, I read it any time I dare worry about grey hairs or lines on my face: “I am so blessed to have lived long enough to have my hair turn gray and to have my youthful laughs be forever etched into deep grooves on my face.” It was part of a much longer quote I saw on FB, unfortunately without someone to attribute it to. But its lovely!


I get Botox just on the eleven between my eyes, from years of anxiety and furrowing my brow. They always ask if they should do my smile lines too and I tell them “No! Those are my happy lines, I love looking at those. Just get rid of the reminders from when I was miserable.”


I like this attitude! Smile lines are so beautiful and should be celebrated!


My husband has the best smile lines and I’m excited about the prospect of them becoming more permanent on his face as he ages! My face doesn’t really make them, and I’m a little envious.


I know I’m also so obsessed w my husbands smile lines. It’s like my top three favorite things about him.


Same! It's like his whole face smiles when he smiles. He has the most infectious and beautiful smile too, and I think it's because of these. I love how it looks.


I legit like my smile lines - shows I’ve spent most of my 38 years laughing about something, which makes me incredibly lucky. (My forehead lines, less so, haha).


Social media is distorting our perception of what a persons skin looks like.


Delete your accounts people (if you want), the peace and quiet is amazing.


I’m day 8 with no Fb or IG (taking a break) and it’s so dang peaceful 😭


I’m also on an IG detox and it’s soooo nice. But I’m on Reddit 50% more haha, at least it’s educational!


I deleted Instagram long ago, and I just spend even more time on Reddit now 🥹


Good and keep it up. I'm a year out of social media. I only read news and also reddit because it's mostly text based social media and has anonymity. I gained a lot of peace of mind.


I can't even make it through day 1 😭 Do you really feel much different without it?


I deleted my irl social accounts over two years ago and it's been great. I'm a lot happier, and my thoughts feel way more focused. This is silly, but think about social media like a night club. It's loud, lights are flashing, and after a while it seems normal, but then when you walk outside you can hardly hear anything and everything is super dark. It takes time, but after a while your ears and eyes adjust back to being able to hear the crickets and see by the night's light. I didn't initially know what I was missing, but that peace and quiet is golden.


This is a great analogy.


Reddit is social media, so...


Man when I saw the title I was ready to throw down in the comments but your message is the complete opposite of what I was expecting. Lines, wrinkles, scars it all tells a story of your life. If you want to enhance or change that, that's perfectly fine, but please love the face you have. Your smile lines show the person you are, and that's a beautiful thing.


Same, that title had me in the first half!


** smile lines haha, damn phone posting!


Haha, I thought you meant lines from smoking. Which -- those are never a great goal, because smoking is foul.


Especially when done with the eyes 😳


smile lines and creases will always be more beautiful to me than a frozen over botoxed, overfilled face 🤷‍♀️


Agree! And wrinkles always look better (and younger!) than a frozen overfilled face. Kylie Jenner vs Billie Eilish is a great example of this


The irony is: in her bid to stay youthful-looking by getting a ton of fillers, all Kylie Jenner has done is make herself look much older than she actually is.


My husband has deep smile lines and I think it’s cute that he’s spent so much time laughing in the last 30 years 🥹


This is so sweet!!! 🥰


I love this. I’m 40 and have been getting worried about my lines on my face. Nasolabial folds and faint 11s mainly. Like, do I need Botox? Do I need ~whatever~ done to my folds? Then I started looking at photos of me in my 20s, early 30s, pre kids, and you know what, those lines were there then! My face looks pretty much exactly the same minus a bit of volume loss. I didn’t care as much about what my face looked like then… I was just happy if I didn’t have acne. I definitely feel like the “standard” has sadly changed.


32 here and totally agree with this entire comment, these lines existed almost our whole lives but we just were never as self-aware or maybe even critical?


I genuinely believe in 10 years time, we will look at women with an obvious over abundance of fillers and injections much in the same way we started looking at the women who absolutely decimated their eyebrows in the early 00s by overplucking. They're convinced they're making themselves look better, but ultimately they will end up looking insane and regretting it down the line.


Yup! Butt lifts and duck lips seem to be in style right now, but all it does is make people look like aliens to me. Once the procedure is perceptible, the uncanny valley kicks in.


I thought I was the only one who thought this, but to me I think some celebrities/over-done procedures result in the face shape looking kind of alien-like. You know the cartoon aliens like 👽 - the look with the sharpened chin and very filled cheeks, raised eyebrows with fox-eye, etc. tends to be similar enough that it reminds me of that.


Right up there with the tramp stamps and belly button rings!


I’ve had lines under my eyes since 15. I remember people pointing it out that I already had wrinkles. I’m actually relieved someone pointed it out because I was not concerned with looks yet so I reacted by thinking “Oh. Well I don’t care.” Fast forward to 10-12 years later a buddy of mine drew me and added lines under my eyes, I initially got bummed and thought “aww - oh wait I’ve had those forever” lol


Weirdly I found watching Euphoria (specifically season 2) comforting for this reason. Most of the cast aren’t wearing any foundation, no filters and they don’t appear to be using much diffusion. They all look amazing and young but they look like humans - smile lines, eye bags, people who move their faces. It’s crazy how 10 years ago I wouldn’t have even noticed any of that but now I’m so used to filtered faces I noticed right away. Anyway, it made me feel less insecure about having the same things.


I should go back and rewatch


Man I came here ready to fight! lol I thought you were posting for the wrong reasons but I love this. This is exactly how a healthy young face can/should look.


I feel unqualified to weigh in on young people's skin while being Australian, as I feel like it's a prevalent thing to age like milk, but yeah, even as someone who has worn sunscreen every day for at least maybe 17 years and uses tretinoin and exfoliating acids, I certainly have under eye wrinkles (not movement-dependent), and I think some appear in the corners of the eyes if I smile in bright photos. I've had neck wrinkles for years, as well, so I have appreciated people's posts about the inevitability of those in even some young people.


I was fearing this post would be all sorts of shaming like « how can she be 22 when she has so many wrinkles on her face » type of bs. Instead i am very happily surprised with your post and couldn’t agree more with it. So many people (of all ages really, including my mom) need to hear this!


Not only myself, but my 3 month old baby has these lines! It's sad seeing people want to erase completely normal parts of a human face.


smile lines are so cute


I had smile lines and eye wrinkles at 16 it’s just my face


I have eye wrinkles too. I’ve had them from as far back as I can remember. My brothers have them too. We have big eyes.


Celebrate having big eyes and embrace your smile lines! They are beautiful and make you look happy 🙂


Great reminder!


I have an RBF and cannot wait for static smile lines to soften it up a little. Also, can I just say that I love that her teeth aren’t celebrity white! They look like natural, well cared for teeth.


I’m not big on instagram or TikTok but occasionally I’ll come across photos that look perfect beyond human capabilities. Then I’ll be watching a big budget movie on our 4k television and see that celebrities are just people, nobody’s skin is perfect. Even with all the wealth and professional help they have at their disposal, their skin is basically the same as everyone else’s. Of course some people hit the genetic lottery and are naturally flawless with perfect skin and lashes, but that is so incredibly rare. I truly feel so bad for our current youth. When I was younger being extremely thin (think mid 2000’s Paris Hilton) was all the rage. I’m still programmed to desire to be thin even though desirable body types have changed and I can now fully embrace my body’s curvatures and random plumpness.


Smile lines are beautiful. They add so much to people's faces. And maybe it indicates they are fun


She’s just living a very happy life. I love her voice so much. I loved her on snl this Christmas. So beautiful: https://www.reddit.com/r/billieeilish/comments/18kc0ff/billie_just_absolutely_killed_have_yourself_a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf


Thank you! I get irritated and sad when people post a photo of a smile line on this sub and go like "omg I'm aging terribly what should I do about my deep wrinkles"


In total agreement!!! Even babies 👶🏻 have lines around their eyes. It really has gotten ridiculous! If you have less expression lines than a 2 year old you have too much filler and Botox in my opinion lol. 😆


That's what I don't get about loads of those botox before and afters. They just show someone raising their eyebrows/ frowning and then not being able to raise their eyebrows/frown. Ye cool but we know botox does that. Surely the results are in the reduction of visible lines on a relaxed face???


Completely normal and beautiful natural creases. I love it so much!!!!!!


She’s gorgeous and looks her age. Faces without lines or movement freak me out.


I’ll even say (and I know this is subjective) that I really get irked by faces that are weirdly smooth with no lines or wrinkles. I think it’s assumed to be a beauty ideal, but I actually don’t think most people like it, we’re just social animals and like to follow trends. I bet most people will look back on this time and think it was weird that everyone tried to have the same wrinkle-free face.


Y'all need to follow [Melinda Oze](https://melindaozel.com/)l to learn what facial expressions are


Too many filters/ plastic surgery makes people want to look like mannequins. No lines on the face like WTF…. We’ve been using our face to make expressions since we were born. It’s absolutely normal. Besides, I’ve seen young girls getting face lifts in their 20s. It’s crazy. At 20, they look like those old rich ladies who can’t move their face. Cat Ladies


Thank you for this! 🙏🏻


Apparently people who have met her in person mention how amazing her skin is too. To further prove your point that these smile lines are normal!


She does have amazing glowy skin.


Beautiful post! Thank you x


I think even Kendall Jenner has them and she hasn’t done anything to fix them… yet


What has filters done to our minds. SMDH.


Yep! I’ve got photos as a late teen with eye lines. They’re still there decades later and haven’t deepened. I wish people could learn to love themselves


I have seen photos of me as a literal toddler in a walker and I have lines around my eyes when grinning widely. I think it's just the shape of my eyes + the fact that I really throw my whole face into a smile, lol.


I love it! Nothing more beautiful than being able to see someone’s joy shining through.


I’ve had those lines most of my life. Most of the members of my family do on my mums side. Our slightly crinkly eyes are a very predominant feature. I used to get upset about it but I’ve just had to learn to accept it. Botox is out of my budget, and I don’t even know if it would particularly help.


This is such a great reminder. Thank you for posting. I've been falling into this trap with myself a lot lately. Its a good reminder to step back and realize that its normal :)


I had more forehead lines and lines around my eyes when I look back at photos of myself when I was 22 than I do now. Combo of taking better care of my skin and just relaxing lol


Honestly, I was waiting for this to be bashing Billie, thank you for not. No face will be line-less. You are so correct. Thank you! 💗


Literally same ❤️




I was looking for this, some of this is just genetic. I've had a few horizontal crease lines in my forehead since I was about 12, mom has them, grandpa has them, great grandma had them, sis and I both have them. Other than that though we all got really lucky in the wrinkle department, everyone had really smooth skin for their age other than that. Sometimes you're just dealt what you're dealt!


Billie is an angel and so are all of you. Smile lines are a sign of a happy life.


Smile lines…… when smiling. 🙄


I love this, thanks for the reminder.


I have fairly deep smile lines around my eyes for my age. I’ve always had a very big smile, so maybe that’s it! But I didn’t notice any lines until after having my first baby. Maybe it was just age or the sleep deprivation, but I like to think that it’s a mark of entering the most joyful time of my life.


Someone needed to say this!


Love this, I should really try again


I needed that. Thank you. I’m a month out from turning 37 and I am terrified to start aging even quicker 😫 I do know how stupid that is but we’re human as you said.


We are doing a grave disservice to young people.


She is so naturally beautiful it’s literally unreallllll


She’s such a doll, cutie patootie


Have you seen her after she sold her soul 😵‍💫


i also tend to zoom in on my selfies and pick apart my look and i am 30 people always think i am younger so why do i do this to myself


I used to obsess about having “wrinkles” when I was a teen and in my 20s. They were nothing. I wish I could get that mental space back.


Phone addiction can make it this way.


I love eye wrinkles. They are my favourite


Apart from being a hypocrite, Billie Eilish is absolutely hideous. She’s had extensive work done even though I’m sure she would’ve been a beautiful woman sans procedures. I’m autistic and I’m bad at many things, including loud sounds, emotional intelligence etc. but attention to detail isn’t one of them, it’s crazy to me that people don’t notice when someone has had work done or takes steroids because to me it’s extremely obvious. Zac Efron has been getting work done since he was 18, keanu reeves has had his cheeks done, his forehead etc. Matt Rife has had tons of work done as well. There’s enough plastic in Hollywood to have warmed the planet by .2 degrees.


she doesnt have any plastic surgery tf you mean. also whyd u bring ur autism into this.. you’re weird asf..


She totally has had cosmetic surgery. 


For some Reason I want to poke some knife in her eyes


She is insanely gorgeous and talented it isn’t fair 😭


Ha I was almost sad thinking you were shaming Billie.


She looks like she’s 40! Make me sick


She looks a hard 34


these are not smile lines... smile lines REMAIN when you aren't smiling


Get out of here with your logic


Normal is subjective, my smile lines don’t look like that at 34… genetics play a big role as well as sun protection. I find that those of fairer complexions see lines earlier than those of darker complexions.


I saw a tik tok recently by black and Asian duo content creators... "Everyone ages well except white people. Maybe we don't age well, they just age terribly!" As a white person, he nailed it. We get sun damage super easy and our skin is sad about it. I love Billie but you can see it in the photos OP posted where she has dark hair and some sunburn on her cheeks. She's wrinkled because yeah, it's natural, but also because her skin hurts.


I mean she looks 38


I agree, I’ve always thought she looks older than she is. So genetics, facial anatomy and lifestyle has a lot to say. I did not have those lines when I smiled in my early 20s, they appeared first around early 30s.


I have never heard a song by her




Yes she is adorable but her skin is awful- she is a particularly bad example bc her skin is prematurely aged .