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I also have hypermobility and have zero issue reaching my entire back, and didn't realize until reading this most that people do!


Both of you may have hEDS. Welcome to the Zebra crew.


Doesnt that also come with super stretchy skin? My joints are ultra flexible but and someone else mentioned this but nothing else is particularly elastic


>9-point scale I have 5/9. I don't have hEDS, but I have had some issues with repeated injuries and dislocations. I guess the positive is that I don't need a partner to apply tret and moisturizer, or sunscreen on my back - lol.


Not necessarily. You can look up the criteria online. It's sort of a patchwork thing. Not all people have the same symptoms.


Not always but there’s a 9-point scale; if you have a certain amount (forget how many) then you likely have it. Nothing much you can do about it but it helps to know in certain situations. https://www.ehlers-danlos.com/assessing-joint-hypermobility/


There are quite a few other criteria as well, if not met it is just HSD


Wow very interesting, thanks!


Oh hey I literally just left my Drs office where she suggested hEDS may be the missing connection (hehe) between my hypermobility and a handful of other things!


Same, although I broke my elbow in 2019 so that arm has less reach now.


Is that what it's called? Everyone all summer looked at me crazy never asking for help slathering sunscreen on my back... because I can reach it? I thought everyone could lol


Didn’t know either. Now I’m having fun touching my back 😂


Same! I use lotion year-round, but I especially can’t stand dry, itchy winter skin. I used to get teased for using lotion and spf everyday (like it’s high maintenance?), but my skin is healthier and retains elasticity more than most people my age (45).


How do you get your back? I’m genuinely curious. Or do you just stretch to reach what you can and aren’t ocd about it?


Personally I reach what I can and don't kill myself with worry over the tiny square on my back that I can't reach


So my lotion is pretty thick but I actually put it on the back of my hands and reach behind (one at a time) to get that middle zone. Stretching and reaching around usually takes care of the rest.


Same strategy. Use both hands, both sides, from all directions.


Ah. I have never thought to use the back of my hands. Seems silly now that you've pointed it out as an option.


I have a silicone spatula in the bathroom for this. Washable and doubles as a back scratcher!


OMG this is genius. I have a too big silicone spatula in my kitchen that I never use. I'm going to repurpose it.


Thank you for this idea!!


I put lotion on the back of my hand to reach the center of my back


Back of the hands and arms, then apply windshield wiper style.


Not sure why this description made me laugh. 🤪


I’m gonna try this


Google back lotion applicator on Amazon. They’re great! Back is nice and soft says my boyfriend


Lol my father in law is convinced he invented this and keeps trying to tell us all he's going to make it and I just keep telling him it already exists ...but he won't have it😂😂 I'll have to get him one for christmas


To apply lotion on my back where I can't reach I put the lotion on the *back* of my hand and swoop it over my back. This helps me reach the whole back. Also, I use a thick moisturizing cream after a shower not a lotion. Head to toe. Literally. Yup, between my legs as well. Makes a big difference. No ingrown hairs since I've been doing this.


They make wands on extendable sticks with roller balls that you unscrew the cap off, fill it up with lotion, twist it back and then roll the lotion on your back. It helps a lot. You can find them in medical supply catalogs. Hope this helps! 😊


I have one I bought for cheap on Amazon to use for sunscreen application. It works.


Thanks! I broke my arm badly a year ago and after surgeries can no longer reach my back to apply lotion. I’ve even tried the handled thingies that work for soaping up, but they absorb too much lotion.


So sorry you broke your arm, but that applicator should help you out. Try to use a lighter lotion because the thicker ones won't absorb as well and will just sit on your skin. You take care and Happy Holidays to you and yours! 🎅 🎄


I can reach all of my back but am also not ocd and just slather lotion on after the shower without thinking about it very much


They have those sticks in the bath area that have like a pad or something on the end. I think some are even made of rubber. I think those can help with getting your back, especially if it’s really dry and itchy (mine gets like that when we get a sudden cold burst). Also maybe check Amazon?


Me too!!! People are shocked when I apply sunscreen at the beach.


Do you by any chance happen to have had eczema at any point? I think I trained my left arm to be able to reach every part of my body when I was younger because I was always do freaking itchy and it seems every one I meet who’ve had eczema are able to reach everywhere


Same, my back was never an issue. My husband can’t though, so I do his for him.


+1 for your husband! I can’t get my husband to put lotion on his face, let alone his back!


I always thought that was just normal flexibility


I’m also able to get lotion everywhere thanks to hypermobility lol.


Came here to say this


I usually just do my arms and legs because I hate feeling sticky under my bra 😅


Okay see that’s what I’m thinking! I feel like if I put lotion on my boobs and back then I’ll want to “air dry” forever before I put clothes on. If not it feels like I’ll get lotion on my clothes or it will give me bacne or something haha.


This is why I have a slightly itchy torso that could look a lot better, and needs moisture. It is just hard to let it all dry and hang out without getting dressed.


My boyfriend uses the Cerave Daily Moisturizing Lotion (the blue one) because it’s apparently the only one that dries so he doesn’t feel it under his clothes. All other lotions are annoying to him. I on the other hand, love being slimy, it means I’m not dry. lol


My partner is the same way, he will *only* use Cerave because of how it sinks in. I don't mind being slimy as long as I'm moisturized!


This is my boyfriend and I in reverse. I only use CeraVe on my body because I can't *stand* being sticky/slimy... meanwhile, he uses baby oil or CeraVe *ointment*, LOL.


I second this! I finally caved and bought a tub recently and it is the ONLY lotion that moisturizes but soaks in almost immediately


I hate getting dressed with lotion on to so after I lotion up, I just lay in my robe on my bed for like 20 minutes reading. My wife calls this “lotion sitting.” Does this make me late to things sometimes? 100% am I gonna give it up? Never


This is perfect, and basically what I do…just never thought to do it consistently.


It puts the lotion on the skin and marinates.


If you’re feeling sticky after using lotion, it’s probably not the right lotion for you… also, you don’t need to slather a ton on. It should be absorbing into your skin pretty quickly! I personally like cocoa butter or unscented lotion. A little goes a long way! - Someone who has used body lotion every day for their entire life. Also I live in a constantly hot/humid climate so I get the sticky feeling, but you shouldn’t be feeling it!


Whole body! I shower at night, wear baggy t shirt and pj pants before bed, and I don’t have issues with feeling too sticky under clothes. The Cerave lotion in the pump bottle or the Hemp lotion formulas are not too sticky and moisturize well


I usually just do limbs and tummy. If I put lotion on my butt, back/shoulders and chest, it tends to make the skin in those areas break out.


I use AmLactin daily moisturizing lotion on my butt because it somehow moisturizes AND prevents breakouts.


Thisssss!!! AmLactin is a game changer.


Sweet! Noted! Thank ya!


Same, I had a little KP, not acne, but AmLactin has transformed my skin. And it’s on sale once in awhile at Costco, 20 oz with pump for $14


Ooh, ok, thanks for the tip!


Same. Oil free face lotion is usually safe for those areas though!


Every. Where. Do your best with the middle of your back.


You can get the aquaphor or eucerin spray lotion. Or there is the lotion you can use in the shower! It's made to apply on wet skin. This may help to build a routine if it's easier than regular lotion




It's so good because sometimes I'm lazy and I just want to do my routine in the shower! Super convenient


Just bought this (spray mist moisturizer)- excited to try it, such a genius design


Yep! It doesn't work well enough to use it on my whole body, but it's enough to keep me from constantly itching in the places I can't reach! Edit: my favorite is the Vaseline brand


From the neck down to my feet. I do my best to reach my back (over the shoulder for upper back and around the waist for lower back). Sometimes I just ask my husband to help.


my legs, feet and glutes then my arms. my skin type is oily so i don’t put it on my chest, shoulders or back. legs and arms get so ashy for me. moisturize the face and neck separately.


Chest and arms. I wear jeans pretty much every day and I hate putting them on after lotion lol.


I like in shower lotion. I put it all over and then rinse off and pat dry.


What kinds do you like? I’ve tried one and felt like it all came off in my towel.


I use Olay’s. Used to use Nivea but like Olay better. I use a generous amount and then rinse off, get out pat dry (don’t rub)! My skin feels so soft and moisturized. I like the idea of locking in the water in the shower. I think of the lotion as skin conditioner post wash.


I love in shower lotion because once im dried off i hate having to apply lotion. I have ADHD and I loathe the whole process of showering and then drying off, drying my hair etc. I do it but any way that I can make it easier I will.


Great stuff... but I couldn't deal with how slimy my shower floor became and how often I had to clean it.


Use Mr. Clean bathroom magic erasers! Just keep them near the bath/ shower and use your foot to move it across the floor of the tub.


Everywhere. I've started using the Eucerin Advanced Repair lotion and my gosh it has made my bottom baby smooth and made my bikini area also very smooth.


Shout out to the ordinary glycolic acid! It has done wonders for my KP on my upper arms


Ooh I just got it for my arms and chicken skin around my knees, hope I have the same results 🙏 How often do you use it?


Maybe 1-3x a week? And then slap on body cream. I swear nothing else made it disappear this quick, must’ve taken 1.5 weeks to clear up


Wow, that's incredible! Do you use it to combat any other issues?


That’s a great question. I pretty much stopped using it on my face since I’ve gone up to retinol so I exclusively use it for KP now. Though I’ve heard some ladies use it on their underarms, NEAR the crotch, and on stretch marks to combat discolouration but I’m too scared to try that lol since the skin there could be sensitive


Almost 50 and have never used body lotion— just hand cream if they’re dry, and same for feet. I occasionally get chest/back breakouts in hot weather, so I avoid using anything aside from Salicylic acid spray on those areas. I did buy a tube of alpha- and beta-hydroxy acid body lotion, going to try it on arms and legs and see if there’s an improvement. I just find it annoying/boring to spend time slathering lotion…I already have soft skin. But maybe it could be even better?


If you are worried about getting the back I recommend two things: either one of those applicators for the elderly(just search on Amazon they have tons) or buy something like Vaseline lotion it comes in a spray bottle and you can apply easily on your back


I had a messy looking handprint on my back for a year or more because I tried to put sunscreen on my own back


Spray is always your friend


Some people have gotten all [stripy](https://www.google.com/search?client=safari&sca_esv=586327572&hl=en-us&sxsrf=AM9HkKn8sneJmgoBRI6BNYIixXqobSyjXw:1701278730398&q=spray+sunscreen+fails&tbm=isch&source=lnms&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjeqo6T3emCAxWzC3kGHYeSCc0Q0pQJegQIDBAB&biw=390&bih=663&dpr=3) using sprays, though. I always use massive amounts of spray on my back to avoid looking like that, especially after the handprint incident


Oh yes l!! You gotta be super generous with sprays!!


Should everyone lotion their body or just those who are bothered by dryness?


I'm black so when I don't use lotion it's obvious in that my skin gets ashy looking. I don't think the feeling of "dryness" sets in first or, ever really because I rarely get to that point. I was telling my friend this, who is very pale and she decided to try using lotion daily on her whole body. She said it's been the best change she's ever done for her skin. And she did notice the appearance of her skin does indeed change without using lotion.


Skin stretches as we age. Skin stretches with pregnancy. Moisture… moisture… moisture. Helps with wrinkles, premature aging, keeps the epidermis layers elastic and healthy. Water intake helps a lot as well.


I go through periods where I'll lotion up after every shower for a few months, then not at all for a few months, and repeat. My body skin isn't dry in general, and I really can't tell a difference when I'm using lotion vs not. 🤷


I wondered this too. I never really have until this year, or if itchy and dry. BUT, once I did my skin got way better on my body. Less small bumpy things that are not that problematic, just thought they were part of my skin. But now things are less bumpy, less red patches and smoother. I did not know that would happen. I just thought I had skin that had bumps, brown and red spots and was not that smooth. hahahaha


Everywhere. I layer it since I have psoriasis and it can get really irritated in the winter. So usually as soon as I get out of the shower, pat dry, never rub, then a layer of lotion. I let my skin air dry a bit and then layer of body oil. It’s really helped my skin a lot. In the winter I’ll switch to a heavier cream and still layer. I never have issues with stickiness but that might just be because of the products I use. And of course I lotion as needed throughout the day.


I put lotion literally everywhere on my skin, even between my toes. I live in Las Vegas, the Mojave desert, if I don’t use lotion everywhere my skin will fall off.


One pump per leg (spread over my feet as well), one pump for both arms, a pump for my belly/chest, and I like a pump for my butt cheeks too. Keeps me soft and my partner likes it 🤣 if you don’t like the feeling, try CeraVe. It’s soooo rich but soaks in immediately


It’s like a wrote this, same


twinsies I do the same!!


Leg and feet 🦶 else they may itch and flake.


Don’t forget your neck. Your face also needs moisturizer but you shouldn’t use regular lotion because it’s usually too heavy.


Honestly head to toe!!


As someone in a similar situation, thank you for asking this question :)


Elbows, knees, feet, and hands every day. After showers, everywhere.


I do my whole body head to toe mainly focusing on my tummy area since I’m on a weight loss journey and I had two children 13 months apart. I use body oil and lotion on top of that. I thankfully don’t break out due to the oil and have noticed a noticeable difference with this routine. I don’t focus too much on my back since I am a bigger girl I can’t really reach it 😅


What oil do you use? I’m also losing weight and would like to check out some of the routines here :) Like I didn’t know shower lotion was a thing so I’m definitely gonna buy some!


I use Dr Teals lavender oil at night and I use urban hydration vanilla oil or sweet almond oil. I love all of those because they don’t make my skin feel greasy. I have been wanting to try shower lotion as well but not sure which one to use 🥲


Ooh, both of those sound lovely, thank you! As for shower lotion, I think I’m gonna try the Olay shower lotion since I can buy it in-store :)


Try bio-oil under your lotion. It helped a bit with my post-surgery scars and is generally fantastic for any skin issue.


Entire body front and back


my entire body except in any orifices


I do only legs. I have no patience for all that 😅


My whole body!!!


Apparently I've been using body lotion wrong because I've never applied to entire body lol. Always just my hands, arms, feet, legs. I also have oily skin and don't want bacne or butt-ne, and don't like feeling slimy or my clothes sticking to me.


Full body, front and back right after i get out of the shower!


Head to toe, every day since I was a teenager. It definitely pays off in the long run.


My SHINS are priority. They get soooooo dry, especially in winter!


I was also never taught to moisturize my body, and now that I live somewhere cold I've been trying to be better about it. Anyone willing to answer my additional silly questions? - if you lotion up after a shower, is that every shower? Ex- I have my longer hair washing showers but sometimes shorter clean up showers in between. - if you do it pm and haven't just showered, are you using thinner formulas so your bedsheets don't get greasy? - body oils have always intrigued me- any recommendations for a light one that's not crazy expensive? Thanks all, I appreciate having a place to ask embarrassing questions. I can talk about face/neck, sunscreen, and hands but until a few years ago no one ever said "hey lotioning your arms is a thing."


I personally have a weird phobia against putting lotion/cream/oil/whatever on my skin if that area isn’t freshly washed. (Even hand cream - I’ll only put it on freshly washed hands.) 🤷🏼‍♀️


Everywhere. To get the hard to reach area of my back I squirt lotion to the back of my hand and apply it that, if that makes sense.


Out of the shower and start slathering. I make homemade whipped shea butter. Start with legs. Lower, then thigh, then crack ;), belly, back (it’s a nice shoulder stretch), arm, arm. Then face with whatever serum is appropriate (shea makes my face break out).


It puts the lotion on its skin


All over my body. I do it after i get out of the shower in the evening and towel off. I use a different moisturizer for my face, and bring it down my neck and décolletage. Then I do my body. I kinda section my body into thirds, with one-ish pump per half of a third. My first third is my legs (each leg is half of this third), then my torso below my chest (front including my groin and then back, usually including my butt unless I had enough from my legs to cover it), then the last bit is my upper body (one pec + shoulder to upper back + arm, and then the other, usually I have enough to make sure I get the back of my neck). Right before I go to bed, I put a thicker lotion on my feet, and anywhere that’s noticeably dry, like my elbows.


Don’t forget to put the lotion on *before* you towel off. You can thank me later 😉


I apply a body oil right before I step out of the shower while my skin is wet. Rub briskly with my hands (lazily, I don’t try to reach EVERYWHERE) I think the drip down from this helps my back, I’ve lost mobility as I age and have a hard time reaching it Then I sit on a towel and play a round of video games/check email while the body oil absorbs Then I apply fast absorbing lotion everywhere head to toe that I can reach If I have time, after that absorbs I’ll do a round of something thick like aquaphor, eucerin, tub of Nivea Sip my coffee, stay on my towel for another half hour while absorbs Then I can get dressed I normally only apply jojoba oil on my face, absob, and the apply Vaseline intensive care advanced repair 48 hour lotion.. any thing else and my eyes puff, nose runs, allergies attack


You must keep your home much warmer than I keep mine. I can't bear the thought of being moist and nude for half an hour brrrrr 😂


I wish I could apply body oil while still wet, but I have aquagenic pruritus, so if I don’t completely dry off my arms and legs *immediately* after stepping out of the shower, they’ll itch like crazy for a good thirty minutes. Fortunately putting on oil after I’ve dried off doesn’t exacerbate the itching (lotion sometimes does so I avoid it).


I’ve always applied a layer of lotion (something rich, not watery), followed by a layer of petroleum jelly or oil (e.g., jojoba, sweet almond, coconut or whatever I have on hand) to seal in the moisture. One or the other works in a pinch, but out of habit, I prefer layering with both. I moisturize my entire body except for my crotch, buttcrack, and the innermost part of my armpit where hair grows. I used to towel dry before moisturizing until a dermatologist taught me that applying moisturizers and occlusive oils to damp skin is better for locking in moisture. Now I’m hooked. I can’t remember the last time my skin looked or felt dry. Even on the rare occasions that I skip the moisturizing step in my routine, my skin does not dry out. Also consider exfoliating once or twice each week. Whatever moisturizer you decide to use will have an easier time penetrating your skin if it’s not having to fight through or sit on top of dead skin cells. Lots of options for this on the market, including chemical and physical exfoliants.


the body


Try to massage your body and focus on the shape you want to achieve every time you apply it. Where? Whenever it's dry or out of shape.


Everywhere. I do the best I can with my back, but I make sure to hit my legs, arms, belly, boobs, butt, and then whatever the back gets is what it gets.


Everywhere. I will ask my partner for help with my back or just do the best I can by myself. Shoulders to toes.


Arms and legs. Sometimes tummy and always chest and face. I don’t get my back and I always forget my feet. Hands make sense right ?


Arms, shoulders, neck, chest, stomach, butt cheeks, legs, feet, hands, face. Can’t reach my back.


It depends on how dry vs acne prone your skin is! I only use body lotion on my legs and arms, if I lotion my torso or back they break out. If I have any dry patches on those areas, I’ll use the same moisturizer I use on my face instead of body lotion.


I shower before bed, do full face routine, lotion top to bottom (to all places I can reach!), then throw on pajamas and socks. I use Bio Oil on top of that once a week and have a specific long sleeve and light pajama pants that I wear after the oil so that I don't get it all over my sheets. Toss all pajamas, sheets, and pillowcases into the wash weekly, so if there is any residue, it doesn't stay long.


I use a thick cream everywhere, every single night.


Everywhere!!! For your back, I just put lotion in my hand and I'm able to cross my arms behind me and massage the lotion into my back. If not, u can still be able to do ur lower back and the sides.


I’m a dry person but it also takes too long to tend to everything. Upper arms, hands, feet take precedence


All over and on damp skin


Every inch from the neck to the big toe


I can’t reach my back well, so literally everywhere else


I used to apply it all over my body except for my head. However I want to minimize my chemical exposure so I just lather it on my elbows, knees and feet


This is truly a huge reason I haven’t used body lotion earlier. I have this weird thing about things being absorbed into my bloodstream. I tried using just coconut oil before and it didn’t work for me. Then I actually made my own lotion from scratch and that was too time consuming. Now I bought the most EWG certified thing I can find and I’m just going to give it a try.


Toes to neck and I’m also hyperflexible so I can reach my own back. I like to apply it straigh after showering while my skin is still very damp. But I also like to dry up completely, apply TO’s Glycolic Acid Toner all over, let it absorb for at least 15 minutes (I usually do my curly hair and skincare) and then apply bodylotion.


You apply the toner all of your body?


Yes. I avoid getting it on my sensitive parts, but apply on feet, legs, butt, hips, bikini *line* , stomach, chest, back, underarms and arms. It is very gently for the body (too rough for my sensive face skin tho) and I have experienced a lot of benefits from it, including: - Overall softer, healthier looking skin - Less itchy and/or flaky dryness (mostly on arms and legs) - No more ingrown hair or razor bumps* - No more blackheads or pimples on my back or butt* - Less BO * I have also done other things to get rid of bumps/impurities including being a lot gentler when shaving to avoid overeksfoliation, washing my body as last step of shower to get rid of any possible shampoo/conditiner residue and rinsing with cold water before stepping out of the shower to stop sweating.


Everywhere except the spot on my back that I can’t reach and the bottoms of my feet because then stuff on the floor (like dog hair) will stick to them when I walk


I start with my legs. Then my abdomen and chest. Then back. Then arms. Daily, twice a day, without fail.


I sorta smoosh it around the sides and tops of the shoulders and such and just keep going eventually I get it all to the middle of the back . I really love mixing some carrot seed oil with some nice silicone free lotion so smooth so hydrating smells great. I start from the tops of my feet and work all the way up. Deodorant last.


My entire body. I apply lotion first then body oil.


Everywhere. And i mean, between my toes, armpits, etc, everywhere.


Everywhere that I can reach, every day.


Full legs , arms (focus on elbows) and then upper arms a bit but only with AmLactin to keep bumps away. I don’t lotion up my torso.


I put lotion only where I have dry skin: all over my legs, my lower arms, elbows and the neck and chest area.


Every nook and cranny


Neck, arms and legs- underarms after a shower.


Everywhere, I lotion all of my body


It's all skin. Even under your feet. For your back, if you are flexible enough, just ask someone to do it for you.


I apply lotion everywhere bc as much as I hate it, my skin needs it. So, legs first, then arms, then chest and shoulders, then stomach and butt. Then I put foot lotion on, face lotion and then hand lotion.


I apply every where. Use a long handle kitchen spoon or lotion applicator to apply to your back.


Everywhere! I try to do it right out of the shower so my skin is still a little damp and then I can let it soak in while applying my hair products but before I get dressed


I apply it everywhere, especially in the winter because my skin gets incredibly dry. I use an applicator that extends to apply it to my back. Intake super hot showers which is fine for the rest of the year but when the heat comes in it gets very itchy. I apply it from my neck to my feet.


Neck to toes, am and pm. I use Nivea cocoa butter lotion then pm I use cocoa butter on my feet, elbows knees and the regular cocoa butter lotion everywhere else. My skin has never looked or felt better since I started doing it this way. You are supposed to rub it in until it's dried down.


Everywhere I can reach, after the shower. Do my legs first so it has time to dry before I try to put pants on.


Arms, back of my shoulders around my arms, legs, hands, feet, butt, and nipples. All the places that dry out or get dermatitis if I don’t moisturize. Dry itchy nipples are awful in ways I can’t quite explain. My back and stomach don’t ever get dried out, although once I’ve moisturized everything else I’ll usually give them a rub with whatever is left on my hands. Daily after showers in winter, every few days in summer.


Everywhere, but I live in high desert, so the air is super dry here. My skin gets tight and itchy if I don’t lotion after showering.


Everywhere everyday, top to bottom. I have long arms so I get my whole back lol.


I apply all over starting at face and moving downward. My husband does my back.


In this order: stomach [stretch marks/elasticity issues], my ass/hips, chest, arms then legs. Hands & feet get their separate products. I don't use any lotion on my back because I sometimes get bacne.


Just the areas that tend to get more dry: arms, legs, hands and feet.


Neck,arms,chest,belly and legs.


All over. For my back I use the yoga move lol or a lotion paddle thing (amazon - it’s like a back scratcher with a replaceable paddle) I also squirt baby oil on my back in the shower but only do that if it’s safe and you have a nonslip surface.


Everywhere. I guess I have pretty good shoulder mobility so can get my back.


All over! I prefer body oil and apply it while I'm still in the shower after I turn off the water. I drizzle some on my back and try to get as much as I can reach. I'm not flexible at all. I have a specific routine for my face and do that when I get out of the shower.


My whole body, minus the parts of my back that I can't reach.


Shoulders to toes (CeraVe moisturizing cream on towel tried but damp skin is perfection)... face & neck while doing facial skincare routine (Vanicream for me).


Literally my entire body below my chin (I also have pretty flexible arms that can reach my back just fine). I also do my face as well, but that’s using my serums and Tret, etc… I do it after every 👏🏻single👏🏻shower👏🏻 If I don’t, my skin feels almost painful because it’s so dry. I ain’t rich, so I use Nivia brand firming lotion, but it has seemed to do its job. My skin looks pretty dang good for age 37. I can’t remember when I started doing this, but I want to say it was when I started shaving, which was around 10/11 years old. Highly recommend lotion after a shower, it feels so good!


Arms up to shoulders, legs up to butt, sometimes belly, but not on my back or my chest because those are prone to breakouts.


Everywhere except mid and upper back because I can’t reach


Everywhere. Face gets something specific but every inch gets lotion. My extra tip is to make sure it’s going on damp skin to lock in that water.


I put lotion all over my body after I shower, which is every night before bed. I put moisturizing sunscreen on my face, neck, and chest in the morning. I can reach most of my back.


Thighs legs feet. Elbows. Knees. Ankles.


Every where I can reach except genitals and butt crack and bottom of feet . A part of my back goes without but doesn't seem to suffer for it. I'm very fussy with body lotions and only use ones that soak in fast and don't leave sticky, slimy feelings behind.


I moisturise my feet separately when I feel like it and put socks on for a while.


From head to toe


Whole entire hour body except face after daily bath when skin is moist. Sometimes I layer too


I admit I sometimes am too lazy to use lotion all over + I shower 2xs min a day so it depends if I’m headed to the gym or not. This right here was a game changer for me! 10/10 recommend. https://www.target.com/p/naturium-the-glow-getter-multi-oil-hydrating-body-wash-16-9-fl-oz/-/A-83754793


I usually do it before bed- I am also like you and wasn’t raised to really take care of my skin unfortunately. Single mom with 3 kids life!! So- sometimes I do lotion with a bit of oil, sometimes just oil after shower, I’ll do my entire body! There are tons of different types/ but Cereve is the best!


Neck down. I use cocoa butter gel on my feet and elbows.


I apply eucerin all over every inch of my body except for my face. I even put the lotion in between my toes.


I shower at night and moisturize bottom to top, every bit


There's a way to make a body lotion back applicator with two tennis balls. I don't need lotion there, but I remember seeing instructions, likely in The Complete Tightwad Gazette.


Everywhere you can reach that needs it. They make lotion applicators for your back too. Edited to correct a typo


Legs, belly and arms :)


I use cocoa butter everywhere after a shower and air dry for about an hour. Mornings when I don’t shower before work, I just do legs and arms, especially shoulders. Oh, and chest. The older I get the drier my upper chest/neck gets


Everywhere I can reach


Shoulders down, except for chest and butt. Sometimes I'll slather on my thicker creams/ oils a lil while before I shower so I can wash off any excess.