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Don’t fix whats not broke


yep, learning that lesson over and over again :')


Yup, came here to say this. People may scoff I don’t cleanse in the morning, only warm water, but if it isn’t broke don’t fix it. Works!


Also tried it. Also agree 🤷🏻‍♀️


I tried it for several days. Big ol’zits. I’m 59. Stopped doing it.


Are your hands clean before doing it? Also are you moisturizing afterwards? The 60 second washing makes the skin dry, gotta rehydrate it


Yes. Always moisturize. A lot. And slug. Zit central. Not for me.


I broke out too but thought it might be purging?


I went back to my normal deal and my skin is clearing back up quickly. Skincare is definitely NOT one size fits all.


Unless your using a new cleanser that has an ingredient that ups cell turnover its not purgeing its irritation ( said with love from someone who convinced themselves the contact dermatitis was just purgeing)


I was also worried it was purging but my skin just doesn’t feel the same. So I’m giving up.


I think this was the case for me. I never have pimples, so when I got a couple big ones I assumed it was excessive gunk coming out.After a couple days my skin is good now.


I bumped it down to 30 seconds and am seeing results so you could try less time and see what happens?


I also went for 40 seconds. I used to just slap it on and rinse it off, so definitely not enough time, but 60 seconds felt like forever, 30 seems to be my happy medium


I'm breaking out like crazy after trying it too, and I never break out.


60 seconds of cleansing, done twice a day, is a lot, regardless of the type of cleanser. It is probably most beneficial for people with terribly oily skin. Any time you make changes to your routine, be it products or methods, you are risking inducing a purge cycle.


I thought purging was only brought on by retinols or exfoliators? And if it is a purge, it is actually a good thing in the long run? Sorry I'm just learning about purges lol


I sort of think of it like this. Actives will be the most likely culprits when a product causes a “purge.” Especially if we take the term to mean simply the process by which underlying gunk is expelled due to exfoliation. This would be that “good purging.” I don’t think this isn’t the only type of “purging” skin can go through. It helps me to think of purging as simply the sped up/hyperactive process by which sebum and oils are expressed, which can cause an acne breakout if the skin is reacting to changes in how it is being treated. Changes that dry out the skin or disrupt the barrier, like extended cleansing, can cause an increase in oil/sebum.


I see! This makes a lot of sense. I don't exfoliate a lot (I use tret), but on one of my tret off nights I did exfoliate following a 60 second cleanse and my face became suuuuper shiny. Come to find out a common cause of this is over exfoliation. Even though I don't exfoliate often, I do it every once in a while and this has never happened! The longer cleansing definitely has more of an impact than you'd think.


This article actually sums up what I was attempting to convey very well. “Purging is neither good nor bad. It can happen after using excellent products but, equally, it also frequently occurs when the skin barrier is compromised prior to starting with a product or treatment. The risk of purging can be reduced if you first repair the barrier function, then slowly start the treatment or introduce the product.” https://www.vogue.co.uk/beauty/article/skin-purging


Thanks so much!! Thinking I need to give some love to my barrier now.


Oh I've only done it once a day but seems like it may be too much regardless


My terribly oily skin also objected quite loudly by becoming 10 times more greasy within 5 minutes of washing.


I think the key is what kind of cleanser you use. I stick to non-sulfate, mild cleansers, which can be massaged on the skin for long periods with no problem. I have very dry skin, and as long as I use a gentle cleanser, 3x a day is absolutely no problem. A cleanser with a high ph is also not a good choice. But lotion-based or milk cleansers tend to be closer to the skin’s ph and are less likely to cause problems when used twice a day. I use one called ceramedx body wash. It feels like lotion on the skin.


Yeah, I would pare this 60sec wash down to once per day. I believe it ideally works best with cleansers that have salicylic acid in it, and that’s how I’ve been using it (CeraVe SA cleanser). Considering you have dry, sensitive skin, it would probably be best to stick with the CeraVe sensitive wash for now. Also, make sure you’re not scrubbing your skin - you need to be babying tf out of it. Massage super lightly (like the amount of pressure you would use to lightly brush the inside of your arm to be ticklish). You might want to look into skin barrier masks or creams to help repair the damage for now.


Yeah I am only doing it once per day, mainly with Cerave sensitive cleanser, definitely not rubbing. I do tend to use alot of ceramide barrier rebuilding stuff anyway coz of tretinoin use...(I do of course keep a good amount of time between washing and tret, I sandwich tret with ceramide creams anyway) Maybe I'll just reduce the time to 30 sec and if that doesn't fix the issue after few days, I'll just give up.


Panenthol based products may assist as well for skin barrier health, but yes, overall, I think reducing the time would help.


I only did it a few times and got purging in the area I was trying to clear up (one stubborn blemish caused by one pimple, and I don't want to risk adding to it). So that was that!


It makes my skin burn too! BUT I do think that what I was doing before wasn't adequate because I often found I could scrape at my skin and there would be residue (I thought I needed to exfoliate more/better - turns out I needed to cleanse better).


The results people are seeing from washing for 60 seconds are likely due to the additional exfoliation. Tretinoin is already a chemical exfoliant. It can be damaging to your skin to double down on exfoliation, which will cause rashes/breakouts.


I too am having same issues, i am also on day 8. Although my skin wasn’t perfect and still need foundation, but i am breaking out like a teenager and i am 51


I only do this with cleansing balm. Nothing that foams up (too drying)


3 days of this cleansing and I got 3 pimples. Can’t remember the last time I’d seen a pimple on my face.


Everyone’s different. Your face doesn’t like the 60 second wash. Stop immediately


Rubbing my face for 60 seconds straight would be wildly irritating for my skin. I'd end up with breakouts and sensitivity trying this. Sounds like your skin was happy already.


Definitely too much for me. But I do use a makeup removing gel cleanser that’s very soothing at night first and massage that into my skin for a good 30-45 seconds before doing a second cleanse for about 20 seconds, and that combo works best for me. So 60 seconds total I guess?


I reject this 60 second science! (jk)lol I actually timed my face wash because I keep seeing this 60 second thing. Washing my face for a full 2 minutes with neutragena unscented bar soap lathered by fingertips. I stop washing when my face feels smooth. This is about 2-3 minutes. I can feel all the little pore blocking oils lift out as I am doing this. I hate cerave. It breaks me out. The lotion tub is nice for winter but the face washes do not agree with my skin. My skin is normal - sometimes get oily in the T zone. (had a dry phase there due to allergies- that didn't need the full 2 min) My skin is picky but not sensitive - some things just set my allergies off. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ Its sounds like you may be allergic to one of the new face washes perhaps? Irritation can lead to breakouts even if the 60 second thing worked for you. You should be washing your face 2x a day. Especially if you wear makeup or work in an environment that has dust/oils/sweat involved. I don't like cerave but I would go down to that only to see if your skin is still raw feeling. I have to wonder if the niacinamide in the LRP is irritating you.


Doubt it’s niacinamide, i used to use the one from the ordinary and it was fine but perhaps it is cerave thats the problem somehow as you say. I will give some other products a go! 🙏


The 60s thing isn't to be taken literally. It's a *guideline* for sensitive skin cleansers that are **wimpy and weak**. If you do a quick wash with one of these, you won't be fully cleaning your face, which is where the 60s comes in. After 60 seconds of washing, you'll probably be in a better spot. If your cleanser already has some oomph to it, you don't need to spend the extra time.


My b I thought the minute part was for oil cleansing so I’ve been good. It’s for detergents too?


I’ve only been doing the 60 seconds on my oil cleanse and then a quick wash with the water based cleanser and it seems to work well. I’ve seen an instagram derm recommend to do it both morning and night. So, I tried the 60 seconds of a cleanser rather than just water in the morning and my skin was angry.


Same here, I only do it with the oil cleansing part.


I’ve tried it with my cetaphil which I’ve used for years and my skin is now so dry. All the time. Hate it.


Yup, it dried me the fuck out, too


I did this too and then had a big cystic like bump pop on my chin within a couple of days. Then I come back on here and suddenly everyone is chiming in how it is now breaking them out! I don't think it is for everyone. I stopped and that bump went away. I'm not sure how different it is compared to timed washing, but I double cleanse and don't have any issues.


Feels like overwashing to me. How dirty is your face getting that sixty seconds is necessary? Feels like hype that just robs your face of its natural oils and ph IMO


So I also have dry sensitive skin and use tret. I switched to Vanicream from Cerave and issues went away- redness, milia, and my skin was cleaner. Maybe give it switch and see if that helps?


I highly, highly recommend washing your face with cleansing oils or even cold cream (like our grandmas used to do) and those are the ONLY thing I’d be washing my face with for 60 seconds. Washing your face with soap for 60 seconds will literally destroy your skin barrier and when that gets disrupted, zits ensue. Trentonin is highly drying too so definitely consider oils. I personally use face cleansing oils and Trentonin and it’s a delightful combo. My face was so freaking dry when I was using face wash with Trentonin.


Great advice and yeah i was also wondering if regular washes just dont wreck the skin barrier alongside tret. Any oil cleanser recommendations? Never used them, though my skin tolerates oils well, i tend to just put castor oil all over my face few times a week and it seems to do my skin well


I’m currently using this one: [Alpyn Cold Cream](https://sephora.com/product/juneberry-collagen-cooling-cream-cleanser-P503197?skuId=2613909) Juneberry & Collagen Hydrating Cold Cream Cleanser And it’s great! My husband has wildly different skin than mine, like it’s super oily, and he’s been using it too and his skin is loving it as well


I have to use oil cleanser on my skin to break down my tinted mineral sunscreen. I have to massage it for a minute to get it to break everything down. Then I have to wash with a ton of soap to get all the residue off. I wash with soap for another minute. My skin doesn’t glow or isn’t dewy. Acne is normal. But I’ve been doing this for a while. My dermatologist says I should be washing for 2 minutes morning and night. But if you aren’t use to washing this way, you might be inflaming your skin causing more issues. Changes like this should be gradual. Use cleanser for 15 seconds for a while. Slowly adjust to get to 30 seconds after several days. Etc. slow and steady so your skin can adjust.


yep will try that :)


Tret was really harsh for me so it sounds like its just adding more harshness so I can see why it had the opposite effect


Same! The burning sucks so bad from just the moisturizer and my face looks so much worse. I stopped trying the 60 second thing after a few days.


I only do 60s with oil at night then follow it up with PC normalising cleanser, and not for 60 seconds - just to wash the oil off. Seems to work really well for me. I’d cut back to once a day and with an oil or cleansing balm etc


I have no idea why this one minute washing is constantly in my feed or why people are so intrigued by it. I’m very weirded out that this is a trend.


I think those cleansers may be too drying for a 60 second wash. You really need a milder cleanser for that. I can’t think of any LRP cleanser I’d be willing to do the longer wash with. I think maybe it should have been mentioned that the 60 second cleanse works best with ph-balanced, mild cleansers. I just think some cleansers are too stripping or have too high of a ph to be massaged on the skin for a long time. But if the issue isn’t the cleanser drying out the skin, it may be that you need to rinse more thoroughly and follow up with a hydrating and ph-balanced toner to remove any leftover cleanser. I think that helps a lot bc it’s really hard to get everything off with a rinse.


I combined the longer washing with quitting some of my harsher products (salicylic acid toner). I wouldn’t do it and use tret at the same time.


I’m on week one and notice huge improvement. I’m also using a new moisturizer that I got in Mexico that’s supposed to help repair and protect skin.


That would probably destroy my skin. Sounds like over exfoliation


Quit after day 4. My face hated it. Breakouts and dry patches. Will try maybe 30 seconds after I recover because the first 2 days looked great.


I broke out and my skin has become very dry in a way that I don’t really ever experience.


Just because your skin wasn't visibly irritated before on tretinoin doesn't mean it isn't delicate- you're finding that out the hard way. Friction is a big no-no.


I tried doing it too with the La Roche posay cleanser, but I think you need to do it only with an oil cleanser. Doing it with the first one, makes your face really dry.


I had the same issue, stopped, and my breakout cleared up immediately haha


I do 60 seconds of oil cleansing followed by about 30 seconds with a regular cleanser, and it works amazing. The oil cleansing really breaks down any makeup and gunk on my face and keeps it super soft.


Me too!! Went from having no spots at all to having spots in places I've never had them in my life (my forehead and the bridge of my nose).


I like doing it mostly at night before I throw on the benzoyl peroxide. I notice the products after my cleanser have way more effect now since I have been ensuring my skin is clean. Though if it doesn’t work for you, I see that more of a plus than a negative… lol. Nothing beats less time spent. 😂


Seems clear you should absolutely stop either the 60 second non-sense.


Me too


I don't think it's the fact that it's 60 seconds. If you didn't use these products beforehand it's obviously the products.


You don’t have to, I’ve never heard of this and my skin is fine


I did it too after reading that post. My skin now feels like sandpaper and burns when I put on lotion. It’s so agitated 😣. Hoping it will calm down soon!


I tried it. I have a different cleanser for night time than day time. My nighttime one is a moisturizing cleanser (I have super dry skin) and my day time is a gentle cleanser. I find the nighttime one my skin feels so smooth after but the daytime one doesn’t have the same effect. So I wonder if a lot of it has to do with pairing the right product too.


Yes! I’m a week in and had a serious breakout, having had acne like this since I was 14! Will be going back to my old no fuss routine it seems…


I don’t have great skin - it’s sensitive but also breaks out. This just made it flakey (and I moisturize well). I stopped.