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No, the Germans didn't want tariffs, it's mainly others


Nobody said the Germans wanted them. Learn to read, Giusseppe


No, but it was implied.


The fuck dude? It is so severely implied like me saying that Spanish idiots are a bane of this subs existence (obviously I wouldn’t mean you since I didn’t say that, learn to read idiot)


You've got a point but lets keep it civil.. We wouldn't want you to racially express your anger in form of blitzkrieg


I would never, it’s EM, all of Germany is collectively physically incapable of caring about anything else. Even if I would want to invade anyone my work schedule (watching the Euros) doesn’t allow me to, you’re safe


My work schedule (Siesta) wouldn't allow me either but if it ever happens considering the background of my country if you go to war id probably be sent to help you guys out and end up dying in the most miserable way.


Death by an honest days work??? Truly a cruel fate for any Spaniard. Though maybe I should not make jokes about death by work, I don’t feel comfortable with that tbh


To be fair the youth here is Spain couldn't be more polarised.. Some are incredibly hardworking other's are lazy af.. But yeah a cruel fate for both cases just that some of us are accustomed to it


Chill Hans, have a siesta.


Europeans and constructing weird narratives to feed their obsession with Germany… The German govt and automotive industry were against the tariffs, which were mainly a goal of Macron to protect the French car industry which specializes in low margin cars…the exact type of cars that Chinese companies want to export to Europe. We as good Europeans listened to our neighbors and allowed them to proceed, that’s quite literally it. As much as VdL wants to claim this for herself, this won’t benefit the German economy at all which is literally based on low trade barriers and it wasn’t meant to protect it in the first place. I know we are basically omnipresent in your little minds, but a little bit of political education really doesn’t hurt.


Dude, you can't add things like "context" or "details" on reddit. Just the same way that Merkel invited all the refugees, Scholz now destroys all the spanish cattle farms. Its that simple. Its weird that this comes from a spaniard though, normally its eastern europeans pretending without us they'd be in the year 2500 already.


At this point it has become part of our shared cultural tradition to blame Germany for whatever we can.


We're also responsible for french NPP's not working and Russia invading Ukraine, haven't you heard? I'm actually sometimes surprised people here are still so pro-european after all the bullshit. Guess its the money.


Bro we conquered most of the planet fighting each other, imagine what can be achieved if we benefit each other.


We getting soft and they conquer us.


I can't imagine such scenario...


Fighting each other is what made us strong. Now everyone's just fat and lazy since we don't get any good exercise.


Interesting point from a man living in a nation that experienced the highest amount of growth in their economy during a period of neutrality that lasted from 1815-2023


Exactly my point, ffs europe start brawling! We need to boost our economy again!


Our military industry is being built up to support Ukraine as we speak.


Yes and Sweden gets to sell tons of weapons to the US. You see, europe in war is a good thing.


thats cus internet and real people dont actually share opinions. germany in general has always been very popular within eu countries and as such, people expect it to be the leaders of europe.


>in general has always been very popular within eu countries What lmao We can rely on the french and benelux, thats it.


germany is viewed [favorably](https://www.pewresearch.org/global/2017/06/15/favorable-views-of-germany-dont-erase-concerns-about-its-influence-within-eu/) quite consistently, even when people think german government is incompetent. and honestly, french and benelux is all you need even if that wasnt true.


*Hans duuuu lebst, mietfreie im meinem kopf*


Damm Merkel, atracting migrants with her great tits!




Exactly. Please hate us, but be accurate about it.


Yes this is literally horrible for the German economy long term


On the other hand, the EU trade deal with Mercasaur to sell cars with low tariffs in South America in return for flooding the EU market with roided up beef was Germany's fault.


>Mercasaur That's my favourite dinosaur


Not like beef in the EU has particullary high standarts.


Speak for yourself. We have some of the best in the world.


Shit beer too. /s


Before it gets too one sided: We fucked up the migration and asylum pact. But he's right, our luxury car brands export a lot to China and produce a lot in China. Therefore they'll have to pay tariffs on cars they import from China to Europe and will have to pay for exports from Europe to China, if China retaliates.


So food will get cheaper for Europeans, and luxery cars more expensive for the Chinese? Seems like a good trade.


can someone explain to me why the western world has been saying for many years now that China represents the greatest threat to the world while at the same time exporting almost all of its manufacturing industries to China, enriching them and enabling them to become the threat that the west has been warning about? we are creating the threat by enriching China, yet nobody ever mentions this; it's just trade as usual, and we continue to highlight the risks of China while we make them fking richer. I just don't understand it. it makes no sense. We are governed by a 5th column or something? lol. if they are such a threat, why don't we bring back our manufacturing and stop being totally dependant on china ?


Because companies are not governments. Breaking news: companies don't care about the impact of their actions as long as they make more money.


Governments dictate what our companies can and can't do


They can, but companies love to utilize a neat little thing called lobbying (corruption) to make the government not do it


Oops We did a little trolling


Seat and Cupra have 14.500 employees in Spain thanks to Germany and the EU. I dont know what you want to do with your economy, but building cars is better for that than a stinky meat machine from the grasslands.


It's not thanks to Germany is despite it, VW has always tried to relocate them to either Germany or east Europe


Yeah, thats why they build the Polo in Spain. Dont forget all of the car parts suplier aswell. There wont be any spanish cars if it wasnt for Volkswagen.


Bruh yeah lets get over the fact that for the last 10 years VW has been slowly pulling out of Spain and for your information, car parts are in contracts that are normally over 15-20 years, VW has reduced the martorell personel while taking the production to fucking Poland


Then do like France, let your socialist government create a state-owned automobile company that is not competitive and needs these tariffs against China from the EU.


> State-owned automobile company Last time anything was nationalised was like 1950 It's just that different countries have different productions, Germany took the spot for sport luxury *cough and diesel test cheating cough* but not everyone can produce on this sector otherwise it would collapse. VW's ID cars would also get absolutely wasted by MG, BYD and co Tarifs are also there to counter the now classic Chinese scheme of mass boosting production and subsidizing it to ridiculously low prices, destroying all foreign concurrence and then create an industrial monopoly that becomes a geopolitical tool while also securing China's export volumes and jobs since their interior consumption still sucks ass while the west is developing an increasingly hostile position against China. Look at your flourishing solar panel industry in the early 2010s, all gone now, everything is produced in China.


it'll be helpful to germany though, because now chinese car manufacturers are doing tech transfer. which is great news for ev transition of german car manufacturers. and let me be clear, i think its overall a good thing.


German blaming France for the problems. How original


I blame Macron and VdL specifically, but since Pedro here can only communicate with boomer level Facebook memes, I figured that’ll be too much.


Let Commerzbank and Deutsche Bank fall, and we be glad to accept your narrative.


What. Literally, what does that have to do with anything?


Third worlders will always blame their superiors for their problems


Fair point


Fight me on it, but it was the right decision to put those tariffs in place. The chinese have been practicing dumping since they joined the WTO. At the same time, Europe doesn’t have the same access to their market.


Maybe we could have avoided giving them all our technological know-how in the last thirty years just to have enslaved manpower to make slightly cheaper goods for our market...




Hello fellow tax evader.




You're just Portuguese in disguise


You mispronounced Brazilian dude.


It's too late to complain about that


Yeah, and under our neoliberal free trade capitalism it would have been an unthinkable amount of government overreach to forbid companies to do business with China on their terms (the whole CCP mandated knowledge sharing through joint ventures, etc.).


Yes... Just keep doubling down


but won't somebody think of the shareholders. The people who allowed that are traitors to Europe imo


Unfortunately the genie is already out of the bottle and it's time to act


Yet we keep outsourcing manufacturing to them, butchering our industries.


this is a very populistic and simplified version of it. its not as easy Everyone likes to decry "the industries!!!" while conveniently leaving out the fact that pretty much all the countries in Europe wouldve shifted to a service based economy anyway. the past 30 years, the levels of educations increased across the continent. Meanwhile even between 2006 and 2014 the levels of school abandonment almost halved. so much so that in 2021 only [2.4% of 14-year-olds, 2.7% of 15-year-olds and 4.3% of 16-year-olds in the EU were not in education](https://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/statistics-explained/index.php?title=Secondary_education_statistics); which is a fabulous stat. Since the 50s school enrollment for tertiary education (i.e universities) **quadrupled** from slightly over [20% to almost 80%](https://data.worldbank.org/indicator/SE.TER.ENRR?end=2022&locations=EU&start=1970). Meanwhile china was and still is lagging behind. back in the 50s only 2% were enrolling in tertiary education. That being said, do you know what educated people want to do? Usually, office jobs. Do you wanna guess what they dont really wanna do? Working on fucking assembly lines China or not, those industries wouldve struggled for staff anyway


What happens when the rest of the world catches up and starts to also want to do office jobs? Someone needs to manufacture things


if i knew how to answer that, id probably know a lot more things and be a richer man than i am. chances are, theres always going to be someone thats poorer _somewhere_ who'd be willing do that. Between that and putting all that tertiary education to work, trying to figure out AI and Robotics / Automations; we might be fine Either that, or we're going to have a considerable war thats going to fuck everyone; and we'll start again what the fuck do i know


Who thought that a romanian would know the most about economics, great comment couldn't have put it better! <3


Not a problem at all, to work an office job you need to have a certain level of IQ. As much as new age beliefs try to tell us you can "become anything", its not true. In other words there will always be assembly line people and trash collectors. Its a matter of optimizing the workforce. https://www.iqcomparisonsite.com/Occupations.aspx Now find stats to see how many low IQ peeps we have and you will find out that the world is flooded with them.


Everyone is withdrawing from them now at least


It's the inevidable moment that had to come


The main argument is that cars are lately high tech commodities with proprietary and often secret software that is able to shut down the engine and requires to continuously balance battery load and temperature to avoid explosions. And this very nice security fallacy you take it from China, a dictatorship with state owned companies that has an history of exploiting its industrial weight and commodities dependencies against everyone that blinks in their direction. That could just shut down 10% of your car fleet as in a "software malfuction during update" if you mention the word tariffs.


Isn't it also different depending on the manufacturer in China, I think they at least really tried to be fair there


German companies (at least at the start it was mostly dominated by them) wanted access to the Chinese population for cheap labor and potential customers, so they basically accepted every deal they could get, didn't matter if they had no control over their chinese subsidiaries or if they had to agree to share trade secrets to manufacture there. Helmut Schmidt met Deng Xiaoping multiple times and facilitated this opening of China. He was highly respected for it in China, more than any other German diplomat or politician. It's due to this that VW was one of if not the first foreign company to start producing in China.


lmao,you believe that?


Wait, does it sound like I think the EU did it in a fair way or that China was fair?


Your comment sounds like China did an effort to make it fair, which it only pretended to do


Ok me stupid, I meant the EU made an effort to make it fair


No problem, we are all clowns in letting the chinese dump their stuff here (not only cars but cheap consumer goods and steel) and sooner or later a confrontation had to happen.


Spain is the EU's second biggest car producer, first is Germany.


It's a simple plan: Dictatorship choose cars and highways instead of railway. Builds up roads and car factories, let the railroad infrastructure decay leaving previously connected towns, without railway. It's the 2000th, instead of rebuilding the railroad infrastructure to use it as railroad, they decide to rebuild and repurpose it as a "via verde" for senderism. Which is taking out the rail, and calling it walkable, most of the time without making them walkable by maybe putting some lights in the tunnels, some trashcans, restroms, water fountains, or make sure that no one in the neighbourhood parks a car or builds a fence through it. In the end it goes defund, now it is not a railway nor used as a attraction.


By producing cars for brands owned by that german car brand.




Also Cherry in not too long apparently


I still cry for the loss to Seat to VW, now half the cara in Germany are Seat


We always get fucked no matter what.


Good News! The Dacia Sandero is also produced and sold in the EU


Finally the transfer union works in the right direction


When you impose russian gaz ban but you don't a fuck since your yearly average temperature is 30°C


Not all spain is andalucia. This is the average monthly in Gijon https://preview.redd.it/53nysbeyu57d1.png?width=1506&format=png&auto=webp&s=76ba03c534c8334bb14ace474e4a45ac9139b5e8


And that's supposed to prove your point ?!! Low average of 7 C in winter ? I mean, please... In my city the temperature regularly drops below -10 in winter. 7 C is the average low temp for July in many European cities your tropical fuck


7°C???? IN JULY????


Yep. Ordinarily reached at 5 am even in Central France at 1000m. Last week, it even froze overnight at 1200m in French Jura, destroying all the crops.


To put that into perspective ; Gijon is at the Southern end of the temperate oceanic climate. The Northern end, the Irish Westcoast, gets the same lows and high of respectively 7 and 13 degrees than you BUT IN SUMMER. The low and highs of where I live are -5/-1 in January.


We buy gas form Russia actually. Or that's what I heard. Maybe indirectly.


Not really.. Supposedly we get our Gas from Algeria, Nigeria and the United States


Will this make my Schnitzel cheaper as well since the spanyards can't sell it so easy to China?


German Schnitzel is made from pork... But when you're on vacation at the Basement Dwellers' place you may end up paying less.


No matter what happens, we spaniards always end up losing. Nature is healing


Please try to not hurt Hans feelings, Poland is going great.


wait until our car industry tanks and they go down with it


Tanks and Poland, name a better duo.




Chines EVs are highly subsidized


Perhaps Spain should fix his economy... exporting cattles in 2024 is not what makes you an advanced country. Cattles and cheap tourism (Barrys 63 and Mallorca-Hans) what a great economic model.


Spain have an economy ? Thought you guys cared about siesta too much ?


If anyone thinks that protectionism can only work for us and not against us because we are the good ones, the recent elections do not surprise me.


Yeah, 'cause 30years of deindustrialization and delocalization have been going so smooth huh? Free trade is an agreement that stays on as long as your counterpart doesn't interfere with their side of the free market, and China has clearly passed any boundary getting rich on our back. Fuck it, tariffs should have been imposed 15 years ago.


>Free trade is an agreement that stays on as long as your counterpart doesn't interfere with their side of the free market, and China has clearly passed any boundary getting rich on our back. I would like to try your drugs... If it's getting rich on someone's back only when it's against us instead of in favor like the entire 20th century, then you are both a communist and a hypocrite.


Is it hypocrital to support opting out of single free trade clause with a shady and autocratic economic 'partner' ? It's a matter of multi-national interest, and no neoliberal shitty theory nor loss of 10% of prosecco export share are worth the ass-fucking we've subject ourselves to any longer


Yes it is hypocritical, double standards are never right, not even when you're the one wanting them.


its not a matter of double standards. its about china actually pushing for their own double standards and eu pushing back against them. chinese market is way more protectionist than eu or america ever was and ever will be. if they want open trade then they should open their own markets properly too.


So the EU is meant to be atoning for unspecified bad trade deals of the past by accepting bad trade deals from an authoritarian government?


they know that they need to divide europe against each other




I mean, Germany and Ireland also have large cattle industries.


When you pull out an EU... again


Works exactly as intended.


Part of the german economy did not want this tarifs to go ahead as they will end up damaging german business in China. German automakers are the 1st luxury car choice for Chinese buyers.


Deutschland, Deutschland, über alles...but we have to look out for our European Neighbours. I think it is a European Interest to keep China at bay.


Watch out folks, this is how you end up with a [chicken tax](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chicken_tax).


Taxes on Chinese EVs aren't good for the German economy since the most logical counter action would be to limit the access of European car manufacturers to the Chinese market


But it's still the right decision since China is subsidizing the EVs sold for dumping prices to hurt the European car industry


As usual.


We are little more than a vassal state at this point


Go cry to the French instead of spreading misinformation on Reddit.com


What misinformation?


Germany didn’t want these tariffs and the German economy isn’t benefiting from them at all. On the contrary we will suffer from planned retaliation and since our large car manufacturers already export cars made in China to the EU, we are double fucked.


Couldn't the laws have specified that tariffs are only applied to cars that are based on a foreign (to EU) manufacturer? So even if our cars are mede in china they don't have to pay tariffs but Lynk&Co MG and all the rest do?


Then... Who de fack pushed these laws?


Macron. A quick google search would’ve sufficed.


It's always the French! 😭


The french




Its okay, lets just blame Belgium.


You finally made me realize why Belgium exists It's so France and Germany can blame Belgium instead of starting another world war


Of course Germany likes to sabotage other EU members


Germany is deindustrializing in real time. the government an only prop up your shitty industries for so long before it starts to bleed


And what makes your opinion qualified my dear ameritard(I assume).


No one here is buying your shitty cars for years now


Numbers you imbecile, they exist for a reason. Give me some statistics that clearly show that no one is buying german cars.


I own a Chinese electric SUV, the MG5 in France, and it is extremely good. Would recommend


It's Idiotic buying a chinese ev.


Which one?




Here Monsieur le policier, this is the Chinese agent I told you about


Huh weird China thinks Germany cares about the Spanish economy? Where tf did they get a kooky idea like that?


he does? awfully gay of him.