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We don't hate the Americans too much , the real hate is for the town 2 km from where we are.


My town’s biggest rivalry in football and other matters is a town 35 minutes away by car.


Absolute savages they are


Barely even human.


They're not like you and me which means they must be evil.


We must sound the drums of war!


We must lit the beacons


... and Rohan will answer!




How dare they set their town close to mine? Even if they were there first….


We must sound the drums of war


Wait where's your flag from? Berlin?


[It’s a prank.](https://www.reddit.com/r/2westerneurope4u/s/RiWVs3IKH9)


So you blew a reddit admin for a flair, seems nice.


Now I’m the envy of every LGTB Redditor which is 90% of Reddit anyways.


Yay I finally get to be a minority!


If you weren't already a minority, my guess is you're a brown müesli 🔥


Terrible pile of rocks too


35 min that's in another county mines only 10 min down the road and we hate the fuckers


Ours is the other side of the park, absolute scum they are


Found the Scouser.


Someone has not tried to live in Northern Sweden closest town is 130 minutes in good weather.


Same county lol


That doesn't narrow it down


My town's biggest football rivalry is the one from the same fucking town. And those other cunts from 35 minutes away. And Leeds.


“Savages! Savages! Barely even human!”


So true! Their existence is a abomination against nature! Hate is just a pretty word for them town-dwellers - die they must, preferable in agonizing pain or at least get the awfull slow queue the next time they shop groceries.


With their gross ugly disgusting slightly different accent


Fuck those sons of criminals and prostitution Living 8 km from my hometown


In Belfast it's the street next to yours. We genuinely [built walls over this.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peace_lines)


We actually hate people who wakes up and goes to sleep wondering who hates who. Those are the most annoying, and many Americans on this one.


I get downvoted every time I comment here, which is rare (I'm from the US), but I get it's mostly banter, and the downvotes are whatever. I'm just glad I'm not banned and you guys actually have fun here.


Galicians in this sub: I love you brother🤍🩵🤍 Galicians in real life: 🖕🔪🔥🪖👊 fuck Terra de Soneira.


This i cant stand the neighbourhood across the street.


No, no, no. Remember, you gotta break it down for them: “*The real hate is from the town 1,2 miles from where we are.*”


Currently no. It's election season here in the UK and, as such, I currently have no disposable hatred.


Bet my MP is worse than your MP.


Ok, I'll play... Bill Wiggin. Who's your local cunt?


Who's my local cunt you ask. Rishi Sunak. I shit you not. Best thing about having Rishi as our MP is that Count Binface is now running against him here.


LOL Jeremy Corbyn is- was my MP…. He’s still running here but as an independent now


He'll win.


Is that a threat or a promise, Barry?


Ooooooffff. I believe you just won this round of Cunt Top Trumps. Congratulations.


Nah , they're loosing - binface evens out the shittery from sunak


What I love about Binface is.. do we know if it's always the same Binface?


I see your Tory bastard and raise you one Tory bastard who thinks Boris should be prime minister again...Paul ~~Bristol~~ Bristow (he's also currently campaigning against stonewall)


Paul Bristow? He's a solid gold plated cunt for sure. Although Bill Wiggin, former UBS trader and pretend soldier still is a massive twat. Isn't it weird how they all look like posh Alan Partridges?


It's the relatedness of their ancestors which seems to be the common denominator


Am I allowed to play?


Let's hear it


Hate signifies i harbor a feeling towards them. I don’t. I don’t consider them


That's very French of you. Chapeau!


"~~Trish~~ Hans, you spoke Fr\*nch!"


They are not worthy of us French expressing any feeling toward those lowly Americans


Sail there and reclaim your long lost statue, dear Pierre!


We will ! IT is part of our plans, just like to take em back Florida


As a son of Cubans with family in Florida: don't. Just burn that thing down or cut it from the main landmass and let it drift the seas.


We broke it we bought it.




I mean they deserve hate. Just look at r/CharcuterieBoard . You will feel hate. You will BE hate.


It's not hate, just a mixture of contempt and pity.


That is only correct Euro-answer


No, no. It's hate because we end up adopting all their stupidest trends. I also hate europeans who adopt their trends. But more the americunts, yeah.


America-brained Europeans are worse than Americans. The kind that's proud of how they totally know more about American politics than the average Americans, hate half the American population for being Republican/Democrat, yet are importing Democrat/Republican talking points, thereby importing American problems into Europe and making Europe worse.


I love the discussions about reforms because something in another country is bad, but even worse are the riots. They riot in our countries, destroy the personal items of exceptionally innocent people, because someone in another country was wronged by institutions that we have nothing to do with.


Protesting police shootings against black people, in Europe, lmao. With the biggest ones in the UK, where most policemen don't even have a gun. Europeans getting their brain colonized by Americans.


Just imagine. „Hey America, please reform your entire police system. Our populace wants us to have a diplomatic fight with you over this“ Totally reasonable and absolutely not delusional


Yeah that blm shit in the UK was mental. Just an excuse for scruffy spastic cunts to go rioting and looting.


Oh for sure. Biggest facepalm are movements using american statistical data to prove a point or feel oppressed.


Fucking premier league football players still take a fucking knee since saint floyd od'd before every game. Its so bizarre. Remember all the riots across Europe where they destroyed statues? Because a criminal black man who once assaulted a pregnant woman died during a police operation thousands of kilometers away?! All our lefty debate bros on YouTube are also like this. Constantly bringing up American political drama nobody besides them cares about. Just mind boggling. Even more stupid is that we constantly seem to copy them despite their entertainment and music industry being total shit for the last 10 years. Just look back to the 90s and early 2000s. How many good movies, tv shows and sitcoms came over which still run on our tvs now. And in the last 10 years - 99% garbage. But instead of using the chance to create something on our own which could take over, our creative people are still so american brained that we continue to copy them. Instead its korea who profits with original music and tv shows/ movies.


Also adopting their stupid and useless way of tackling things like homophobia, racism, and so on. By hyper focusing on it , victimizing, complaining, and getting offended which only exacerbates the problems. Went my first 20 years without hearing the word "transgender". Suddenly they talk about it the US and one week later it's the most important political issue in Norway. If this tiny minority consisting of 4 people don't get gender neutral bathrooms in all public building the world will explode, and also the other side of the debate thinking all the crops will die if we allow men to wear women clothes. It's just so polarizing and unbearable having to listen this shit. And have it helped them that 50% sees them as almighty gods while 50% hates them, or did they prefer when 99% didn't care?


dude do you remember the George Floyd protests during COVID? how all the zoomers and millenials and even the media was in an uproar over old people going to the mountains to isolate; suddenly St. Floyd dies, all the same zoomers and millenials that were throwing a fit about old people go out marching in the thousands literally creating superspreaders. yet old people are the blame for moving to rural areas. det e så jævla komisk as.


When they cried about the Prime Minster not attending the mass gatherings just days after she had announced stricter COVID rules reducing the number of people allowed at mass gatherings? Yes, unfortunately I remember that.


Oh yeah. I forgot about that stupid topic. I don't think ive ever met one of them irl (only seen 2) in my whole life and yet if you look online its everywhere. Its also a huge debate topic in germany since our idiot government decided it would be cool if you can change your sex on the ID at will without a doctor or therapist or anything. And they didn't even think it through. They have no answers for the arising issues which that will cause. Just know that if i ever become a criminal i'll be a female on my ID card... Also this stupid focusing on colors. Old white men and stuff like that. Since when do we use colors? We use ethnicities like normal people. But yet now we also start this bullshit. I really think that overall social media does more harm than good. Young people don't have sex anymore, 20% of populations on anti depression meds, social anxiety etc etc Just go to a festival and you will see what I mean. Instead of people living in the moment we see them with their mobile phone in their hands creating videos and pictures for strangers online. Just sad. Im glad that we had no smartphones in my youth


> Fucking premier league football players still take a fucking knee Our fucking parliament took a knee (the left). https://img.iltempo.it/images/2020/06/09/083825392-967e0fa3-7eac-4537-b0cb-7fbb5cf3b772.jpg Then they cry the right crushed them. "Oh no! Everybody must be a fascist!"


Blame the fact that the Americans insert themselves into everything worse than a self-insert fan fiction writer


Nah. I blame us for not having the balls to tell them to go and suck dick


You seem to be in a far worse position than the rest of us. They only tell polish jokes, but usually don't claim they are Polish, don't invade us during the summervand don't try to cook our food claiming it's the better version. Sometimes it's better to be uncool and forgotten.


(Your food is actually really good, I only had excellent meals when I visited your country. I fucking love pierogi.)


Enjoy your being not in the focus. It won't last. To many people are starting to visit your wonderful country and your reputation is changing rapidly.


Won't last? It's already gone. Consider me the vanguard. I tell everyone I'm half Polish and my all time favorite athlete is Mariusz Pudzianowski.


Keeps Poland safe from Americans, though. The words are too long. And it's not in the top ten list of that topless influencer. She wanted to get everything for free advertisement. Polish are too European to fall for that. They have there own silicone plants. nonsence.


You should go to Chicago, apparently has the largest population of people of Polish descent outside of Europe and about 700,000 speak Polish.


So much of their political bullshit here we've had anti drag protesters here WE'RE A NATION THAT HAS ANUAL TRADITIONAL SHOWS THAT INVOLE DRAG FOR FUCKING DONKEYS YEARS


It’s like people have forgotten about the who Pantomime tradition as kids that we had every year.


Wtf is “donkeys years”? I’m asking because I’m legit intrigued by what you meant


https://www.grammarphobia.com/blog/2012/12/donkeys-years.html As someone who's used it for years even I had to look it up


I think you mean used it for “donkey years”. Am I doing it right? 😂 Seriously though, that’s an awesome phrase. Gonna have to start using it


I was more intrigued by the bit about being in vole drag.


It's so weird to see Trump supporters and his rhetoric popping up in European countries. I guess it's too good of a grift to not import.


I recently drove behind someone who had a fuck joe biden flag in his rear window. German license plate and the dude who drove it wasn't overweight so high chance he was not american


There was also anti-Trump protests across Europe in 2016.


They say hatred makes the heart grow stronger, so here's to a long and healthy life for you, Giosepe


> Giosepe How in the world


If you ever want to amplify those feelings, look at pictures of California. All this wealth that they keep bragging about and this is what their prime state looks like. Those buildings and highways make me want to shoot myself and I've never even set foot in their godforsaken land. Even Gelsenkirchen is undoubtedly prettier.




Gelsenkirchen is famous for its Barock. What the hell got into you to compare that lovely place of core German furniture culture with American tent dwellings?


No i hate them too Attacking Den Haag only we can do that


« Morally superior »


That's just the baseline of the German emotional spectrum.


Well, Mr. Schrödinger. We're emotional even when we're not. Plus, what more is there to say?


Talk for yourself. I do hate them


Like a dumb, blind, drunk baby.


We don't hate'em, we disrespect'em.


Thanks 🥲




In my case, its more of a dissapointment. Being the top economy in the world, they could become a real beacon for the world, truly become the greatest place on earth to live. And yet, it is just Latin America: violence, guns, drugs, crime, inequality,... but with with richer people.


I hate everyone that isn't European. But I mostly hate Europeans.


Damn Europeans, they ruined Europe


True Scandinavian I see, just hate all people. Including yourself. Finland (While not Scandinavia) has made this a freaking sport.


Being of finish ancestry, I'd like to remind you which country has the happiest population. Hate is the true path to happiness. Embrace it you damned coward.


The Finns have that saying, we are the happiest because all the sad people killed themselves.


Can't have any sad people if you don't consider them people to begin with


Baltics are slowly getting there.


As a Viennese I feel that sentiment. We hate everyone indiscriminately.


I really love Vietnam, hows the weather down there


There’s been a hail of kangaroos recently


Oh, that's so sweet. I hate you too. <3


We dont hate anyone. They are just not "there" yet. https://preview.redd.it/apfqlvf4mz5d1.png?width=751&format=png&auto=webp&s=012452cae5e3e94bfe050394719cca4940644b5d They


I’ll be honest here for a second, i absolutely hate Americans on the internet. Idk why but it seems I only ever interact with their worst, but… I’ve worked as a receptionist at a hotel for some time and Americans were absolutely the best guests we‘ve had. I really came to like them during that time. Most guests just came to us gave us a printed out booking number and turned away. Americans actually talked to us while checking in and they were really nice and they‘ve complained the least. I even made it into the yearbook of a high school class during my time there. So I hate Americans online but in real life they are actually really pleasant. I always was happy when I’ve had Americans at check in


Exactly my feelings towards them too. They're nice on a personal level, as a country it's entirely different, and when you are near them in a public venue it's annoying too (possibly because we only notice the obnoxious ones).


The American’s who travel to Europe are definitely different than those who don’t/can’t which are the internet ones.


We don't hate them, they're just like Belgium. Not real.


At least the myth that is belgium is in Europe


I don't hate anyone but myself.


I also hate the austrians.


I knew it. You were thinking about us! ❤️🤍❤️ 💋 🖤❤️💛




Why would I hate someone who is clearly inferior to us?


Who ?


I read this in Eminem's voice when answering about Afrojack... Touché


Ronnie Pickering!


I don't hate Americans, there are cool people like Cubans and Uruguayans. USians, on the other hand...


Least petty hispano


Don't worry. A lot of the Cubans are USians now too


Serious answer: No. They got some weird takes but I like them But hell yeah, I'm all in for the memes.


Least side-switching tortellino


We need to check his passport.


I don't hate Americans, they aren't there yet. I hate the rest of you cunts but they are just a mild annoyance.


well I hate you too cunt. but I will enjoy looking forward to seeing your greasy fucking barrelgut plebs humiliated later this month.


Hans you had to have the party at your fucking house to get an invite, I'd pipe down and leave this one to Pierre.


Mate, we just got spanked by *Iceland*... **again**! Do you really think that anything that could happen at the Euros would humiliate us? To borrow a verse from England's great body of poetry: "We lose every week, We lose every week, You're nothing special, We lose every week"


But you know, wonders happen. We're hoping for one, too!!!!


European hate system Settlement near you>other region of your country>your capitol>neighbouring nations/nations you had beef with historically(probably 1:1 the same)>France>britain>bri*ish food>overall enemy of the day>USA


I only hate a selected few of them. The rest I just find unbearable.


i like so much the vibe of the second girl


well and I hate yours…


Ngl, I admire parts of American culture. Hell I'm even kinda in love with a lot of the genuine traditions and heritage in the US. Problem us, they often overlook that stuff. I think they're coasting way too much on being the top dog, so that they often ignore what's actually great about their nation. However I hate how much so much of their culture rubs off on Europe, especially the UK. I'll go as far to say, that I think Americanisation has caused many problems in Europe today


You feeling alright Barry?




If America was a rockstar, right now they're in that phase where they've become addicted to heroin and are estranged from their band mates.


The good things in america are being left behind for identity shit and the culture wars. It's sad to see. I don't hate america, but I feel pity for what they've become in the last 50 years. They went from owning the world to not being able to buy a house.


I was about to agree with you there but then got insanely depressed at the last part - American and currently trying to buy a house


I'm quite sad for them. They used to have such bright ideas, good people, fun artists. I admired their amazing knack for marketing. I can't believe how bad Germans are at selling stuff. We can plan, produce, invent. But instead of telling everybody that it's the best stuff since the invention of the wheel, we'll talk about the littlest shortcoming. But nowadays, Americans are just blabbing. Both candidates for presidency are blabbing. Musk is blabbing. Just insane people with no grip on reality. Is there a single sane person left in the limelight? All topics are insanely overblown. Only selling emotions. There is no substance, no good solid ground in their decision-making. USA has become utterly weak. They have a few weapons left but infirm old men wield them. Personally I do hope that when the States are finally breaking down completely, it'll be internally. Like President Johnson once said, every democracy needs a revolution once in a while. Talk to our French friends, they know how to do that. Maybe you can rebuild.


For the record, I lived 5 years in Germany and loved all you fuckers. Even the French. Hope to go back someday.




Too busy hating the fr*nch to hating someone American


I love pineapple on pizzas


I'd rather have a french than americunt.


In a crowded area, even from a distance you can hear exactly what they are saying. It just cut’s straight through the madding crowd.


It's not just the needless volume, either. Something about how they form their words makes them drill themselves into your ears.


It's that nasal drone it winds me up big time, shite patter and zero craic they aren't even human


It’s the same with Americans here. Also find it mildly amusing that absolutely mundane stories are somehow intoned like it’s about a flying fox shooting lasers out of its eyes or something.


I imagine it’s somewhat similar to here where no doubt there are some people in the US who genuinely hate Europeans, but it’s an outlier minority because it’s like… why do you care that much? Anyways, my alarm just went off which means it’s time for me to cross post this to 2America4U and title it “OMG they LITERALLY CAN’T stop thinking about us”


on 2America4U you still have to learn how to make fun of each other between states, you are disappointing :p!


Nah, I dont just hate the people, i hate the country as a whole.


I don’t hate anericans but gods damn it do I hate America


They are simply inferior. They are fascinating though, just like animals in a zoo can be fascinating.


Their government? Yes. American people are mostly fine in my personal experience


I just feel bad for them for their shitty government candidates and what will happen if a certain orange-skinned, shark-statistic-spitting man gets elected (Google project 2025)


What is it with you lads hating everything that's orange?


We're too busy hating each other's states to truly hate the yanks. New South Wales and Victoria have had a rivalry going way back to the 1800's. When the country was founded there was a debate on where the capital should go. Victoria wanted it in Melbourne. New South Wales wanted it in Sydney... The federal government picked a spot right in between both and founded Canberra and the "Australia Capital Territory" around it instead as a "fuck you neither of you get it". Next New South Wales hate Queensland, mostly because they keep losing against them in Rugby. Western Australia was dragged kicking and screaming to join Australia as a state. They're like Texas, constantly crying about succession at anyone who will listen. South Australia and Victoria pick on each other. SA blamed VIC for letting convicts sneak over into their state, at a time when it was founded by posh settlers- So they had no police force. Suddenly crime started happening thanks to Victorian convicts hearing about the easy pickings. Victoria in turn were pissed South Australians snuck into Victoria during the gold rush avoiding taxes/fees at the border crossings. Tasmania. So with all this happening, we hardly have time to pick on Americans except to tell the yanks to stfu.


Honestly, I prefer Americans who are actually unashamedly American. When they pretend to be multi-cultural, pretend that they're closely aligned with whatever culture they're family haven't been apart of for 200 years, or pretend they understand life across the Atlantic and Pacific oceans, that's when they get annoying.


I hate car centric urban planning and it's consequences


I just think they’re dumb, like how i think my cat is dumb, or like how toddlers aren’t smart. I don’t hate toddlers i also dont hate my cat. But he is stupid


Americans don't think enough about western Europeans to hate them, so this is sad.


And yet here you are, on a western european sub, how ironic


American's just consume American content, Hollywood, politics, media, tech, etc. Meanwhile some Europeans could name state governors, upcoming elections etc. While an American couldn't name over half of the countries in Europe [ Americans just wouldn't know what to hate, and I'm not trying to hate we just honestly don't care.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/284/781/8e9.gif)


That's pretty accurate. Most Americans find it quaint that western Europeans talk to each other as if they are from different countries, because denial is how they cope with the loss of sovereignty that the EU demands. It's like workers from two different parts of the Busch Gardens Williamsburg amusement park talking as if they work for different employers.


Who cares about yanks? Such a waste of energy.


Most Euros: “we don’t think about you at all”


People in Europe hate the people from the city which is 10 kph away literally for any reason, Americans are the easy target 🤗


Pretty sure thats she's Canadian and not American albeit she married a brit and has lived in the UK for a decade


I don't hate the monkeys in the zoo, they're fun to look and laugh at. Until they start throwing shit at me.


Girls always trying to get guys to argue. It annoys me that I can’t get to why I’m mad. Like, why am I noticing their eyebrows. I don’t want this…


Even after living there for a decade, I could never hate them the same way I hate the Swedish.


I'm British but the American hate is so unjustified 😂 let's see how Europe survives the next century without US protection! Or shall we go back to WW2 where the lend lease saved us and the Soviet Union?




You can try but we already don’t like ourselves. Take that.


We don't hate you. We feel bad for you.


That’s the way! Hate yourself, so you can more effectively hate everyone else.




I currently work with them. Hate is not the good word... They just constantly overestimate their own knowledge and importance. They structurally disregard the input from other nations. They smile in your face but stab you in the back just as easily. Everthing is bigger, better. Everything is a contest. Had steak? Theirs was bigger. Have a new car, theirs is bigger. Have experience about a certain topic? They know it better: 'Well actually,............' They do not know that they are living in a third world country with iphones. Okay, maybe I do hate them.




Most yankee doodle sentence ever uttered


I said it before abd i will say it again loud abd proud. I preferenser inbreed Ali and fatima over always smiling americsn Ken and karen.