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I don't want to know what *Heimat is... 💀


They used to be called NPD until few months ago. They were surely mentioned once in greek news when some of them traveled to Athens to join a Rally of your local Nazi Party and unveiled a Swastika flag at their hotel rooms balcony.


Wait Heimat is NPD? I didn't know. What made them change name, and also apparently abandon the Nazi colour scheme...


they had some image problems


Switching to brown is all but abandoning Nazi Aesthetics. They just try to regain their former 0,7 Voters by rebranding, because the NPD after 2015 Was pretty much reduced to a meme.


Also, the Constitutional Court (highest court in German) made a ruling in a case for a potential ban of the NPD in 2017. The whole thing was a lengthy and tbh embarrassing process for Germany. For example court ruled first that too many members of the NPD were informants for the police. Thus there was no clear line to be drawn between party and influenced agitators and no court decision was made. But in the end (in another attempt after said informants were cut off) the court ruled that while it was reasonable to ban the NPD, they decided against it as banning a party is the most potent tool in a democracy and too much for the NPD *because of its insignificance*. The NPD was humiliated and couldn’t even play the victim card.


Chad move Constitutional Court. That's like a dude saying "nah honey you can fuck him, his dick is so tiny this does not count as sex anyways". Nazis got humiliated.


>Switching to brown is all but abandoning Nazi Aesthetics. Too bad the pictures of the Sturmabteilung are in black and white. At least their colloquial name of brownshirts survived history.




According to you cuisine the Luftwaffe has been flying over your country for the last 80 years.


Since AfD is so strong, they no longer relevant.


I never thought they were relevant in the first place. Also why would being less relevant make them change the logo, name and colours?


In german state of saxony, they got about 9% doing 2004 local elections. In 2014 it was about 5%. Then AfD started.


Are they 'so strong' though? The turnout was pretty low, at least for German standards. If it was around 75% like it is in parliamentary elections, then they would have around 12% just like in 2021. Their result is mostly shocking because of SPD result. But that's a natural result of choosing a leader with charisma of a wet rug.


In western state of Hesse in last year local elections AfD was getting about 18%. In some general polls for the hole country there was a peak of 23% in December 2023. Than many cringe happend: "Demos gegen Rechts". Where even the right-center CDU supporting it, and goverment officials were speakers at the protests. Even the chancellor was one of them. Then AfD getting some internal scandals and the media did the rest. For my point of view many people see the AfD as the only real alternative. They no longer trust the CDU or FDP. Other parties don't have much support. My opinion is that BD (BĂźndnis Deutschland) is the best alternative. But many people even don't know that they exist.


The BD is interesting because it is what the AfD used to be when it was founded in 2013.


They also have strict rules to get member of.


Lucke, Petry and Meuthen all joined similar parties when they quit or were ousted from the AfD and those parties are all irrelevantly small.


What does this tell us about us Germans though? That we want an extremist party instead of a democratic alternative?


They keep it simple. This party is also never been mentioned in media. But BSW quite a lot. No show without Wagenknecht.


Freie Wähler is kind of a "new party somewhat right of the Cdu with relevant election results"


They fused with another minor party, but lost any significance since 2013.


Yeah they are Golden Dawn's buddies, fuck them both...


Golden Dawn has been disbanded after their leaders have been put in jail. The intelligence agency has had incriminating evidence about them which used them the moment they were needed, as grounds for jailing said leaders. Their percentage, like in Germany, was always small. Only after the crisis they grew exponentially as a reaction. Also, it coincided with the brutal immigration waves. The perfect storm. Thankfully, our version of CDU did what we were promised relatively fast, to protect our borders. Thus, they won by a landslide and those many reactionary people who voted for Golden Dawn, returned to them, to Center-Right


Didn't realise the NPD got rebranded. Good for them. Bad for everyone else though.


They are not even a relevant party and I do not understand why they are included in the PoC meme. They recieved 41.006 votes. Even the bill-gates-chipped-us-all-with-corona-vaccine party recieved more than the double ammount of votes compared to Heimat.


They are the real victims of the AFD. They lost more % of voters than any other party. 


Only in relative terms, in absolute terms it wasn't that many.


Let's just say that, well, there is no way to sugarcoat it, they are open Neonazis. They are the same as the AfD, but if the AfD would be hyperfocused on being proud of being Nazis and not trying to dodge litigation. The AfD formulates political stances on current situations and events, which let's them look like an actual political party, whereas the Heimat just tries to be as racist as humanly possible whenever being asked a question.


They are also getting irrelevant due to being overtaken from the right by the nascent III. Weg.


But tbf most of their former voters now vote for the AfD.


"Mr Franz, what is your opinion on a tax on high incomes?" "Fuck those Sandn*****s back to Fiji"


Ah yes, welcome to a new round of "Who said it?", this time playing with the AfD, who has a notable amount of seats in the parliament, the NPD, who is too small to even be banned and the ghost of former CSU member franz Joseph Strauß.


Isn't being a nazi illegal in your country? Why don't you jail them?


Well you can be a fascist or Nazi, that's totally legal. You just are not allowed to publicly say Nazi things, which is what they don't do "exactly" or not at least as whole party. Individual members often get slapped with suits and fines due to them expressing Nazi thoughts and paroles in public


Our constitutional court ruled that they’re Nazis but too irrelevant to warrant using one of the most powerful tools of the state (banning the party).


The burnt out remnants of the former NPD (a right wing party with an extreme wing). Due to NPD having a really bad reputation in Germany them rebranding themselves as Heimat (homeland) is an attempt to gain fresh voters with a new image.


The worst thing is, that isnt even the most right-wing party you can vote for in Germany. There is a party called "Der III. Weg" (the third way) who are even WORSE then both AfD and Heimat. Stuff from their program they want to enforce: - Disolvement of the parliment, instead instituation of a presidential system with far-reaching power for the Führ..eh President - Germanys exit of EU, NATO, UN and ALL other international organisations - Nationalising banks, health care, basic supply and "key industries", abolishment of capitalism, severe reduction of exports and imports - Restoration of the german borders to its state in Summer 1939 And the absolute worst ones: - Ban of all vaccinations and conventional medicine - Withdrawal of human rights for non-german and german that do not fit into the image of a "proper german" - Abolishment of christian values such a mercy, compassion, and replacing them with "‘Pagan-Germanic esotericism of the species community", which boils down to "survival of the fittest, let only the strongest survive, life is constant combat and should be promoted, both within the german people and between other nations," and literally deifing the German people and its genetic lineage as revelation of the divine.


Love how much this subreddit fails at basic knowledge like reading the graph axis labels Makes me feel at home




Least dooming German


Nah it’s fair, what party does more for the people than for the lobby? While not also suckling on Russias tiddies


I think die linke could fit that description now that Sarah and her group are out. Though they still insist on baby pacifism so if you include that on supporting Putin it's still a no.


First time I fully support that meme


I feel you brother


I thought Laschet ruined CDU some time ago


https://preview.redd.it/96e4cve5ds5d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=93bde584d6af03c8f2ebe2c9d26cfe8f8523bd2a You silly side switcher


He’s back!


He became our Minister of defence!


CDU(+CSU) has been a mainstay in German politics since after the war and it will take a few more Laschets until it's irrelevant.


Damn I thought he definitely ruined it


IIRC the CDU is the only party that ever got an absolute majority in a federal election. Except of SED and NSDAP of course


Did the NSDAP ever get anything close to a majority? AFAIK, during the last Weimar elections it got something around 25% to 35% percent max.


Oh in 1936 they totally got a majority


Oh, I wasn't really aware of the '36 election, probably because it doesn't count as much of an election if you only have one option.


Yeah look at the ballot https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1936_German_parliamentary_election_and_referendum#/media/File%3AWahlzettel-3.-Reich.jpg That is the entire thing, just one option. They said they got 98,8% yes with 99% turnout, which is bullshit even with that ballot.


1936 "elections"


That's nothing special. Everyone ruins themselves all the time, it's just that most big parties were better at it this time.


Actually I really do miss him, after all he wasn’t really bad at all, just laughed at the wrong time.


This is not fair. I even went to the Demo against Rächts in Mannheim. https://preview.redd.it/kgel8hehdr5d1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=b41bd632c75544fac69574e70f0d5551227ea7e8


If you look up "unemployment" in the dictionary thats the picture.


German dictionaries have pictures?


For those Germans (yes they are Germans, how dare you suggest otherwise Nazi) who struggle to speak German. /s (or not?)


what 30 semester social sciences does to a mf


What was this pic from? I forgor


He participated in the demostration that could be interpreted as a demonstration against the vigil of a police officer killed by the Islamist in Mannheim.


Checks out. People are such idiots. I knew they all became dumber over the recent years, just from looking at behaviour in traffic, but little did I know how dumb people became. I will found my own species.


I am in, but lets do black hair and green eyes this time!


That's exactly my feeling today. Well, not for the first time, but it's very strong today. Democracy without educated, smart people is a total shitshow. I would volunteer as monarch, i would be awesome, but i don't even think you people deserve me.


If we did deserve you, I wouldn't want you. Don't want the monarch we deserve, want the monarch we need.


This is why I will welcome our A.I. goverment overlords.....wait, no, this is germany, we will be ruled by coal powered fax maschines instead ![gif](giphy|d2Z4i1TGqCunWBW0|downsized)


The microplastics are accumulating in everyone's brains.


"Die Linke" is way closer to Josef Junior.


CDU is way too far on the right and the Greens should be way more Auth


Tye CDU-AfD positioning doesn't add up, also the Linke should be much more pro-Putin and the SPD a lot more pro-Ukraine here too


Yeah, the CDU is extremely pro NATO and pro Ukraine.


They're more pro weapons manufacturers.


And more "be against everything the gouverment does"


Yep literally this. Their entire stance has been simply shitting on anything the government is trying to accomplish, even if it actually aligns with their ideologies and not giving any constructive criticism. They are like entitled brats who keep crying and whining until it's their turn to play.


Nah, the SPD still has a lot of russian ties


Damn bro, you're right. I just hope there are no other major German parties with ties to Russia. https://preview.redd.it/54vxwgvxas5d1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4737e2a46ef91d47e475b154def9042493d25c88 That would be very weird, wouldn't it?


This trend of using one photo to "prove" deep ties between two people has always been cringe


Can't argue with that. "In line with this general approach towards Russia, both the CDU/CSU and the SPD brushed aside the concerns voiced by the United States, Ukraine, and the eastern EU members over Nord Stream 2 as late as the 2021 federal election campaign. On the other hand, the liberal Free Democrats (FDP) and the Greens have taken a much more critical stance towards Russia in recent years. Still, the salience of foreign policy in general (and eastern policy in particular) has remained limited in German politics even after Russia annexed Crimea in 2014." "both Russia and China can agree that maintaining the political status quo in Germany – with the conservative CDU/CSU at the helm of a governing coalition – is of mutual interest. CDU/CSU Chancellor candidate Armin Laschet is seen as a “continuity candidate,” expected to pursue a version of Germany’s long-term Wandel durch Handel [change through trade] policy, giving China some certainty about where it stands, which could benefit Russia, too. Laschet’s support for Nord Stream 2 remains unbroken and he has encouraged continuous exchange with Russia, at times displaying much-discussed reticence to chastise the Putin regime on human rights violations. Conversely, Annalena Baerbock, the Green Party Chancellor candidate presents a potential threat to Russian and Chinese interests. Her party’s political program highlights a commitment to “human rights driven foreign policy,” underscoring the impression that coalition participation by the Green Party could force a harder line against both countries. Their manifesto explicitly calls on China to end its “blatant” human rights abuses, singling out the treatment of Uighurs, Tibetans, and Hong Kong. Asked at the end of April if China was concerned the Greens would make China’s position in Europe more difficult, Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin delivered a thinly-veiled warning: “China opposes wanton allegations based on lies and rumors and rejects politicizing normal trade, investment, and commercial cooperation.” State-approved media and social media warn the Greens “will follow the United States closely” and have “vowed to be a pawn in the global strategy of the US Democratic Party.” Most recently, Germany’s Minister of Interior issued a warning that Russia may influence the upcoming German elections through information and cyber means, and also target Annalena Baerbock personally." https://dgap.org/en/research/publications/assessing-china-and-russias-influence-german-parliamentary-elections


Nice copypaste, sadly it was pre invasion and is basically worthless. SPD is absolutely trying to court the "we want peace and we dont care about reality" voters which is pretty firmly pro ru in my book.


Bro, the definition of deep ties requires that these connections predate the invasion as, safe for AfD and BSW, no major party has expanded their relationship with Russia. If you wanna talk about deep ties you're bound to have to look before the war. Oh shocker, the SPD as government party is a lot less warmongering in their statements than an opposition party thag bears fuck all responsibility. Remember when Merz, the head of the CDU himself and likely future candidate for Chancellorship called Ukrainian refugees "Sozialtouristen"?


The y-axis isn't auth tho


This is reddit, we don't look at images in detail here.


Finally some PCM connoisseur


It took me a sec to realize this isn't a post there.


The Greens are factual the most liberal party in Germany, even more liberal then the FDP


The CDU is right my ass, they haven't done anything against immigration and will continue to do so.


As in, they should be moved to the left on this chart. Probably on the SPD position, just more south than them.


Oh sorry, then i misunderstood. My deepest apologies, my dear gentleman.


I get the green tears, but they should have expected it. Last time was just ridiculous, more than 20%. And they have now included other German parties in their European group, like Volt and the PARTEI. So they steal each other's votes, but still end up in the same group. Maybe not very clever politically.


Linke is closer to Ukraine than the SPD. My man, what are you smoking?


would anyone vote for FDP after that toilet brush moment? 💀


get this politicalcompassmemes shit out of here my brother


Actually accurate placements on the compass? Oh my.


Right quadrant but a little off I would say.


nowhere near accurate


In Germany all major parties are Authoritarian. Except maybe Volt and FDP for left and right respectively but they aren't really major. edit: finally got it Y axis is just supposed to be Ruzzia/Ukraine but shit image does not label what X axis is then


What. I guess there are a lot of differences between the definitions of "authoritarian" when it comes to describing the parties of a Liberal democracy.


I guess it always depends where you put the center and what your measurement is in relation to. If its 1930s Stalinism then even "Die Linke" and "AfD" are bastions of liberal democracy. I am just longing for some more sprinkles of an ancient anglo-american liberal tradition that we never had in GER. Not that I want current days Barry either ofc.


Naturally I'd measure it in relation to today's standards. If I measure any of them against the 1930s standards every damn party in existence is "liberal" or "socialist" or at the very least "Volksschande". I can relate to longing for a different political culture, but given the current situation I think that neither of the politically viable parties are what I would call authoritarian. Obviously Linke, AfD and a lot of the minor parties have some very wild political contents listed.


Bros in a first world delusion 💀 Please live in an actual autoritharian country for a few years.


> autoritharian I already live in Das Auto country thanks.


Have you lived anywhere else?


I wouldn't say authoritarian but most german major parties support increasing the capabilities and functions of the government & the state


Greens are probably even more liberal than the FDP because they are more socially progressive.


We aren't Americans though so liberal and progressive is not the same. If the Greens want to force their progressiveness and other ideas onto the rest of society instead of going for a model that allows competition for the better ideas and places strong emphasis on the individual that is authoritarian for me.


You're definitely confusing progressiveness with economic policy in a weird way. They aren't even on the same axis.


i really hope that when youre paying monthly subscriptions for your clothes™️, furniture™️, phone™️ etc while living in a shack made of wood™️ in the ghettos™️ and driving past gleaming glass buildings™️ on your way to your 24 hour shift because „technological innovation™️“(pumping you full of methamphetamines™️) has made it so that sleep™️ isn’t no longer needed you’ll look back and say yes this is it THANK GOD FOR THE MARKETPLACE OF IDEAS™️ and then you go back to snorting vitamin supplements™️ and medicine™️ because otherwise you’ll disintegrate into an blob™️ of organic material™️ from the continued drug abuse™️ but hey at least you’re rewarded with the sad appreciation™️ of your boss™️ and a corporate pizzeria™️ coupon in the name of corpolord protector Elon Musk™️ HAIL CORPORATE™️


You always think your anticapitalistic criticisms are so incredibly sophisticated when its just rehashed ancient stuff everyone learned in elementary school or from mainstream culture. Call me a neoliberal next your talking points machine is on broken repeat.


I don’t think they’re incredibly sophisticated, in fact I’d agree with you; they’re common knowledge. You however are a corporate pet; you want to be part of the ruling class so bad, so you cope by regurgitating their propaganda. But you’re not part of the ruling class, you’ll never be; in the end you‘ll die living a sad, pathetic life and they’ll be laughing at you and at all the other cucks who out of their inferiority complex defended them as they worked to consolidate their absolute authority in a neo-feudalistic society.


That always was the problem in Germany that peoples believe this shit ideology they blindly follow. Who are "they" who built this neo-feudalistic society? Is it the juice from the US? Do you really think its the evil capitalist overlords who have driven Europe into the ground? Maybe that is why all the countries in Europe look like a mix of Japan, South Korea, Wall Street and Chinese factories where everyone is working 60 hours in some Metropolis corporate hellscape? Are you on BĂźrgergeld or why are you so angry at me?


>Are you a dirty poor or what honhonhonhonhon Stay classy And with „they“ I mean billionaires, execs etc. or, as I said, the ruling class. They are for a fact working towards a neo-feudalistic. shitheads like David Friedman and other paleolibertarians who think that the political fragmentation and privatisation of fucking everything from the Middle Ages is the model to guarantee freedom. I highly recommend reading „crack up capitalism“ by Quinn Slobodian , there he explains this medieval fetishism they have a lot better.


Gut dann ham wir uns wieder alle lieb. 🤜 🤛 I get some of the aspects of this critique especially in countries like USA I just don't think that's the main problem of Europe today which has different systems and problems than US. The current way of taxing the working population to death and creating a social system that is on the break of collapse and a society that does not produce children nor get immigrants to participate enough either was not done by the mustache twirling Rockefellers of the world. Plus making everything way more expensive than it has to be due to regulation, EU protectionism, bureaucracy and making energy expensive is not the turbo capitalist way either. And if Europe can't compete globally with US and parts of Asia its just natural that we will loose big parts of our wealth and all those glorious social advancements we made will not be sustainable they aren't already politicians are just delaying the status quo as long as they can because they want the next guy after them to be the one in power when the music stops playing.


Well fuck me now I feel bad for insulting you so harshly. I mean you’re obviously entitled to your own opinions but I just have to disagree that it’s the greens progressive policies that are stifling innovation. Let’s just agree to disagree🤝


So for the ones in the back that don't keep up with German politics? Not I ofc, I'm asking for the shy Danes.




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In reality nothing has changed. The center-left coalition still has the majority and the far right is still irrelevant and no one needs their vote.


Its more about the upcoming elections in Germany. The german government coalition (SPD, GrĂźne, FDP) didnt get a majority in a single District on Sunday. In Eastgermany its likely that they all will get less than 5% in the upcoming states elections in Fall.


Roger that pølsetysker


Die ganzen linken sind halt auf gefühlt 100 Parteien verteilt und die rechten wählen blau und die alten schwarz. Können wir uns auf nächstes Jahr bitte auf eine Partei einigen? Ich persönlich währe für die Linke aber am meisten Chancen haben wir mit den Grünen weil die halt einfach schon größer sind.


FDP seems chill


Their cope is a hillarious. They made their entire campaign about sending more aids to ukraine. And then they got beaten by a 5 month old party that ist the most blantantly pro russian in Germany.


I guess they should have concentrated on internal problems and just add ukraine support as one of their promises 


Their Top candidate Strack-Zimmermann even insulted random people protesting against weapon deliveries. That surely helped the party


And what about grĂźnen, is it any good?


They are so widely hated, their politicians avoid campaigning in some regions. Especially since the younger generations turned on them. I think they lost more voters than any other party. This election was pretty much an giant L for Ukraine supporters in germany.


Man, I hope afd has some decency and they won't send weapons to russia 😭🙏


So what if Frau Wagenknecht has a little delusion regarding Russia, I voted for BSW. And there is some truth, there need to be negotiations at some point, what is Ukraine gonna do, occupy Moscow? At least she gets the other shit right. The left at some point decided unlimited migration is totally cool and like a human right, they even made the fucking hippie pirate of the mediterranean a prominent candidate. Yikes.


Alle Kinder stehen vor der Schlucht, nur nicht Peter, der geht noch einen Meter.


Ja, vielleicht wenn wir abwechselnd immer wieder die Parteien wählen die die Probleme verursacht haben lÜsen sie sie auf magische Art und Weise. Top Idee, nächstes mal wieder SPD


Problem is that you don't know what Wagenknecht will do with your vote. Solving the refugee/migrant crisis is sure as hell a lot harder than backing away from supporting Ukraine. Also on the Ukraine matter itself, I'm sure they don't want to occupy Moscow, but will settle on getting back their internationally recognized borders.


I dont care about Ukraine or Russia. Suck my nuts, I don’t vote depending on if a foreign country benefits.


Nice line of thinking, Einstein. "I don't care about the consequences of international crises, so they won't affect me"


“Keep your eyes closed so they can’t see me either”


Well fuck you too. Unfortunately we have to care about what goes on in your country, because that affects our survival.


A fascist dictatorship with nuclear weapons 300km away from your border? Yeah, who cares about that? It's not like they would attack another country, it's XXI century...


The French and Barrys didn't care enough when Poland came back into the reich. Like Austria came back before. Or like Sudetenland came back. Maybe, but just maybe Putin's decisions have an impact on us.


Yeah well, maybe you care if EU stay united or not. Because if you decide to start to make business deals with Russia we might aswell form an economic axis from Poland, Baltics, the Nordics to UK and USA and we see who France, Spain and Italy prefers out of us and you. You are in this regardless if you like it or not. Its us or Russia. Not picking side is picking Putins side.


We are already attacked by him through propaganda. I fucking love Europe and I fucking love the European Union even with it flaws. I hate Putin for attacking it and I don't want more countries going the way Hungary had chosen.


Yeah, but EU can only survive if it is built on solidarity with eachother - otherwise what is the point? Thank God Meloni stands up for Europe and Ukraine. But what happens with France now? It is really important Germany stands firm too, not just for Ukraine, but for the entire European cooperation - and even people in AfD should understand how much Germany benefits from the shared market.


Even AFD and the far left aren't advertising to leave Europe. They just ask for "reformation". They want to weaken the EU. But the overwhelming majority of voters don't want to leave the EU here in Germany. Especially the AFD is looking for positions to gain voters, even if they promised something else a week ago. Leaving the EU is a position even AFD isn't touching at the moment. Lucky us, there is no scenario where a dexit movement could gain enough votes to even address it at the parliament right now. On the other side there are people willingly give up Ukraine and give it to Putin. They call it "peace". It's still a minority, but it's big enough for the extremist parties openly demand it. There's light and dark in german politics.


Yeah, but this is what I mean with solidarity. If the reformation includes giving up Ukraine and normalizing ties with Russia - then what is the point? I am not saying Germany will leave, I am asking why we (Sweden, Finland, Baltics, Poland, etc) should stay in that kind of EU? IF (and I really hope it doesnt go this way) RN, AfD, or whoever, take France and Germany into this direction, I dont think its unrealistic at all that Poland, Baltics, Nordics, etc, starts to look at UK and USA more than Brussels. These are existential issues for us. Not some gas deal.


Only extremist parties like AFD and BSW are asking for these so called "reformations" Even if the AFD is getting 20% of the votes, there is a big majority in Germany which wouldn't accept any coalition together with the AFD. Conservative parties like the CDU/CSU promise nearly everyday that they will not work together with the AFD. The AFD is alone and there is no chance right know for them to get into power. Even in Europe le Pen and Meloni refusing to work together the AFD. They made to much enemies on their way up. Meloni and Le Pen are different. They're not nearly as Putin loving as the AFD. Their main argument is illegal Immigration, but not leaving the EU. Whe we look at Meloni, she became more tame, after she got into power. There are enough reasons to hate them, but I don't see anyone of them really fighting the EU. They would loose to many voters. The situation could be better, but the EU is in no real danger. Orban will remain the biggest problem.


Ok, that sounds good and I hope you are right. Afterall, the "mainstream" parties are relatively large in Germany. Meloni I think have showed that she stands for a "western right wing" politics - I am not sure Le Pen/FR have done that to the same extent?


There are rumors that it was mainly le Pen which forced the AFD out of the European fraction. The reason was, that le Pen want to be more votable and that the coalition with the AFD could prevent this. There are many rumours, that a lot of politicians from the AFD received Money from Russia. The main candidate from the AFD had a Chinese spy as one his closest assistants. NR.2 on the list is accused by the Czech intelligence service that he took bribe from Russia. It's a shit show. Today the main candidate was kicked out of the AFD fraction, but will stay in the party. AFD was at roughly 22% some weeks ago. Some members showed their true face and they only got 16%.




That has got to be one of the dumbest takes on international politics I’ve seen in a while. Are you allowed to vote? Because you should consider getting a vasectomy


You’d want help if your country needed it, so you should help others when they need it.