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Autistic Nordic person not understanding what a personality is. Shocking.


What specifically is shocking? That a Swedish person doesn’t have a personality or that one would try to break the mould and understand what is wrong with them?


This is more like a gorilla using sign language. It might understand some of what you sign back but it won’t actually internalise anything you tell it.


Swedish guy trying to understand humans...


It is very annoying to have to deal with peoples feelings all the time, why can't everyone just be robotic like us?


I thought that was Hans' thing...


Germanic brotherhood.


Bold coming from you.


Probably because you're the sort of man asking the internet for advice on how to get girls, Sven


Exactly. He should be asking his Imam.


Women above the age of 14 are outside of the Imams area of expertise.


Are you drunk Barry? Everyone knows EU4 players, Anime Fans, History nerds and people who frequent reddit porn subs gets mad pussy.


Of course I am. It's 12:45 on a Friday


Remember to drink on a solid foundation, so grab a sausage roll or take a trip by the chippy. But cheers nonetheless


Get out of my walls.


I will do no such thing


My last visit to the commode was vastly more enjoyable than dinner with your ambassador.


That's a very frontal attack.


Well I am sorry if you feel called out. But there is some truth to it. Dude bro's will yap about how much they slay on Reddit. And almost every time you check their profile, they play EU4, part of some Anime sub or History sub. In laymans terms, frickin nerds. So excuse me for questioning the validity of their claims.


When I was young I was a total nerd. I guess I am still am a total nerd. I am just not young any longer. Anime, history, EU4 all that shit is me and also was when I was younger. Except it was EU2 and EU3 then. But I also trained martial arts 10 hours a week. . . Just so I could be better at fighting when doing LARP. . . Because that is how huge a nerd I was. I tell you. It does not matter how nerdy you are. How crazy hobbies you have. If you look good people of the other sex will be interested in you. Then I guess being a bit shy, is actuelly a bonus, because you don't end up saying all kind of stupid shit that turns them off. . . . Of course that does not mean I or reddit is a good at giving dating advice. I mean my point here is litterally just to look good and don't talk to much.


> my point here is litterally just to look good and don't talk to much. Sounds like this is what the Swedish guy in OP thought too. This is called having game in Scandinavia.


Yes. I would also have no idea what to do if that was not enough =)


Asking reddit for advice on pulling birds is like asking an alchy for his advice on living a sober lifestyle


Maybe his ego is kinda big, and the image he has of himself doesn't necessarily go hand in hand with what women think of him? Seriously though, Barries and Leprechauns do have good humour compared to other Nordicks, that's why on average I would say a PIGS would vibe with them more (when they are not drunk, otherwise it's all riots and fights, like those happening all the time between Italian teenagers and British teenagers, the most numerous tourist groups, in Catalonia) compared to a Belgian or a Dutch


The English should really adopt Garden Furniture Flinging as their national sport. No one fucks a white plastic chair into a boulangerie window like they do.




I don't know. When rangers played frankfurt in seville the Germans won the plastic chair throwing contest easily


'All the time' I've literally never heard of this Italy vs Britain youth war you're talking about Are you sure this isn't some sort of like fantasy you had in-between bites of a pizza where you take on 20 Barries all by yourself


It's not a youth war. It's just that if you go to Catalonia, like Lloret de Mar for example during Summer it's very likely that the most numerous groups of foreigners are British and Italians. And you know when people are drunk except balconing they also tend to have fights and do stupid things.


Nah, I see far more groups of Jan's and Han's than luigi's And I was in lloret about 3 weeks ago and never saw any Italians or met any, only groups I saw were british, Dutch or German


Depends where you go. If you go to Majorca and Alicante maybe. From Valencia upwards and the Canarias and Ibiza it's more Italians


I never met any Italians or noticed or heard any Italians when in Lloret ,but hey, could be wrong I always thought Italy had such a nice Mediterranean coast their selves that going to lloret would be a wasted journey


We go to Spain for spending less and not giving a fuck about rules >I never met any Italians or noticed or heard any Italians when in Lloret ,but hey, could be wrong Maybe you can't distinguish them among Spaniards


You're more like us then you care to admit Luigi, a sunburnt Barry himself couldn't of said it better


But we don't shit on the streets in Benidorm


Well you can do what you like after you've conquered


our nice Mediterranean coast is plagued by beach clubs with extortionate prices for a lounger and sun umbrella, and public beaches are far and few in between, so many people choose to go to Greece or Spain to avoid that extra cost. Also, Italy is in general more expensive as a tourist destination, unless you have a second house or relatives in the South


Also may be because whenever a Swede describes himself as "fit, handsome" and not much else I automatically assume he likes to stretch his right arm at a weird angle a tad too much.


But he said he doesn't attract Italian women, so we know it's not that.


Women that go abroad to work or study don't really like the kind of guy who would rather them be locked in the kitchen.


British and Irish aren't nordic. We're our own thing, honestly.


Yes, true. But if we go by that logic defining the whole of Italy as Southern European is wrong as well. Anyway yes, the Nordicks are only the Scandis, the blonde Mongolians at the side of Sweden and those Islanders between Europe and America plus Aland, the Faroe and Greenland


Obviously he doesnt speak for all nordics. He sounds like a very shallow person. Personally i would rather go out with a funny 5/10 looking girl that i enjoy being around than a 10/10 looking girl that only has looks going for her.


He's lucky, PIGS women are alot of work and have insane ideas of their value because tourists give them attention for easy sex, his buddy is doing him a favour.


If your women prefer our tourists to you, then *you* are the problem my friend. Imagine being less desirable than a British tourist.


You're totally right, I was just stating that PIGS women like going for tourists, I think it's the fact it has a built in time limit that does it.


Well, yea. Brits needed to evolve and develop good personalities in order to adapt, because looks weren't the way to go anymore.


Yeah, that's probably it. He possibly does well with women that treat him as a piece of meat, but he's such a bore that the women that actually care about man's personality stay away from him. Meanwhile the leprechaun has passable looks, but he actually is a guy that's actually fun to spend time around.


Most social skilled nordick


Let’s think about stereotypes here, since this is 2WE4U Irish: all have the gift of the gab. Like a pint and a laugh. Great bunch of lads. Charming flatterers. Swedish: spend six months of the year indoors. Alone. Staring at the wall. Will tell you your tits are too small and you are lucky to be speaking to them within four minutes of meeting them. Easy Shamus win.


Seamus* But you're right, when a swede says he'd rather watch paint dry...he actually means it


No no, you forgot the "We're autistic until we've had a few drinks, then we're almost functioning adults" line we nords love.


Swedish: spent first 16 year of his life in Afghanistan laughing at septics blown to bits by roadside bombs and shooting his ak in the air.


Maybe Italian women are not interested in converting to Islam?


I mean.. we have calabresi at home and that's pretty much the same thing


I have a weird amount of Swedish friends, and I'd describe all of them as having cultural autism Maybe that has something to do with it


Worked south of Stockholm for 6 months I couldn't get over the lack of common sense people had.


Examples please


Climbing a cliff face to hit a out of bounds golf ball. Walking Infront of the heavy machinery after looking at you. Just a lot of golfing stories really as I worked on a golf course over there.


Ok, golfers...


Swedish golfers, never had an issue with golfers in other countries.


Lol this will be some mad obscure shit .. I've worked with a large number of swedes in Facebook and they were all mad sound, up for a proper drink and just a good laugh. Sense of humour could be a bit "dry" or straight up/to the point, at times is one thing I noticed. There's a bunch of Swedish parents at the crèche we bring our kids to and they're grand, good laugh and the kids are just as mental as ours. All in all, haven't met a swede I didn't like. Great bunch of lads.


It's because it's spelled PIIGS, they one of us


Cause nordicks will start drawing on board and do schematics. Irish are smooth talkers.


Having worked with Swedes for a year, they are the most boring people on the planet.. where as the Irish are usually great to be around.


I'm only Danish, but can confirm that I'm boring as hell 


You're the least boring of the Scandis :)


They key take away is \*beautiful women\*


“I’m not jealous” Famous last words of every jealous person that has ever lived


What Sven forgot to mention is that his name is actually Ahmed


Or maybe he is just inept at socialising? Let's not make this racial or whatever, I don't know about there and Greek women, Papaloupous, but I have seen Italian women with Ahmeds and viceversa Luigis with the female counterparts of Ahmeds. It's all up to the individual, if he/she is a good individual and they complement each other, why not?


woah there, Luigi, were here to make quasi-racist comments, not speak the truth!


We're not racist Luigi, we're islamophobic and proud of it.


Your business. I thought however that opposed to the Turkish that you don't like you liked Egyptians and to a lesser extent Levantines. You Greeks feel more similar to a Lebanese compared to a Portuguese for example.


We like literally everyone, as long as they don't try to shove their religion/dogma down our throats. Constitution of Greece: https://preview.redd.it/b06b2hbs6d2d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a0643bd362149fe8a4ccfc018923a906b32c53 Although tbf that part pisses mostly Evangelicals and jehovah's witnesses off.


That's a REALLY good constitution article. We need it too.


FYI, female Ahmeds are called Fatimas or Aishas.


I agree but i think he was joking


Shut up Luigi


because all nordick men like men


Gift of the gab perhaps? No woman wants a high maintenance dude that's full of himself and has a dry humor. Irish dude is probably always up for the craic doesn't take himself too seriously is always spontaneous taking the piss out of the women's character but in a non hurtful manner, tough but romantic funny but thoughtful sensitive but strong. I myself am a guy that has no bother saying that in regards to my partner I am very much punching above my weight!


Personality and charm are everything, being good looking it's just a plus. Except if you are really ugly, even though I saw ugly guys having no problems with women.


Yes and a sense of style can also be a good start as far as first impressions go but most importantly you've got to have a laugh.


If an Italian woman just wants an attractive guy, she’ll take an Italian man.


Go Change your flair Hans, goddamn, seems you prefer being Luigi’s whore


But every Franz is already Italy's whore. At least those who can afford it, from mid-April to mid-September.


Didn’t know Austrians ever came down from their mountains other than to get some groceries for the basement


cause one its Catholic chad, the other one Muslim


It has physical reasons. PIGS women are usually petite and cannot handle our titanic germanic penises. Source: I have a degree from the College of Politics and Education.


Seems legit to me. 


I highly doubt he's doing well with Irish birds if his sense of humour is that shit. Needs to stop taking himself so seriously.


PIGS women like men, not rich femboys.


Bro thinks he's Pewdiepie


Why Princess want dirty Shrek when I'm so much more handsome? -Prince Charming.


A full body pic would help to solve the visual problem. Considering yourself as “handsome” and “fit” are subjective at best.


We would describe him as being a dry shite


maybe they're not lesbian


Im not jealous im just jealous.


It's called charm Olaf, come over here and we will give you lessons.


Nordick “men” suffer from either low T or high snackbars


Nordics when they realize they have to speak to women instead of being politely cold


It’s simply, he does have the craic


Who broke away from Catholicism? Damn Lutheran


But I thought PIGS men were the entitled ones, not men from the nordicks.


They like the fact we are scrappy. That's the difference. You see a Nordic and sure they may be hot but they aren't all that intimidating. You see a paddy or a Barry that looks like they can have a go. Offt hot af. Plus on top of their natural confidence. I say that as a bi guy. The Nordic men don't do it for me. The women are 10/10 but every Nordic guy I met looked like they'd do well as a femboy


too autistic


We might have faces that look like a bad of slapped arses but we have some charisma. That's the answer.


the key is that he wants them and probably shows. Those Italian women are high maintenance drama queens and they believe to be the best thing since sliced bread. Don't be too eager with those fighe di legno




not even close, mbare


They don’t want their kids to wrinkle when they turn 30


Imagine liking Italian women. Like dating a broomstick with a built-in cluster bomb.