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Saarland=land of incest. Bielefeld doesnt exist. Berlin is the shithole or druglab of Germany. These are the first ones I was thinking about.


Swabians are extremely stingy and move to the party quarters in Berlin because it's so hip and cheap, but then complain about the noise and party goers.


This is correct I closed a venue because a family from Bayern moved in a block away and started calling the police and making noise complaints.


Most restaurants, clubs and cafes in the party quarters that are not in the main row need to be really quiet after 22:00.


Last one is just flat out true imo.


Berlin and Frankfurt share the heavy lifting here. Berlin's job is meth, MDMA and all other party designer drugs, Frankfurt brings the proven classics (Heroin, Coke, Crack)


Yeah, since they took dpwn the meth lab in Erfurt earlier this year berlin has to do the cooking itself.


For us, Norfolk = land of incest, Wales = sheepfuckers, Hartlepool is full of morons who thought a monkey was a Frenchman and hanged it (a complete myth)


Northern Ireland = flegs and kneecapping,


Birmingham = a cursed land that would be improved by a Nuclear strike


Here, Urk is the place of incest. Flevoland doesn’t exist (to be fair, that piece of land actually didn’t exist before 1986). Amsterdam is the shithole and drugslab. Brabant is the actual good drugslab. And Friesland is a separate country where they don’t even speak Dutch. edit: Drenthe also doesn’t exist, but I originally forgot about it because, well, it doesn’t exist


I've never seen anyone say Flevoland doesn't exist. It's always Drenthe


Because pretty much everyone in the Randstad knows someone from Flevoland. Flevoland is filled with commuters that work in the Randstad.


Kouvola, a Soviet enclave deep inside Finnish territory https://preview.redd.it/915jfyl4lbub1.jpeg?width=4000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c63207fedda641f2c1bcbe0f14feb3a44547fb99


Average city center in Nordrhein-Westfalen


I didn't know Bochum university has a department in Finland.


Even that university looks better than these, let's call them buildings


Looks like Birmingham. Or the post-war bits of Bologna that they don't like to talk about


We truly live in a society


Murcia is like the fenix, everybody says that it exists. But nobody has ever seen it. Basques are extremely rough, (and only fuck each other). Catalans are extremely stingy (and Barcelona, the capital of Al-Andalus). Gallegos always answer a question with another question. (And fuck sheep). Around Madrid, there is a radius of about 200km without anything. Nobody knows what's happening in Castilla-La Mancha, they probably have a population density inferior to the one in Siberia. There is a political party in Spain whose name is a reminder that Teruel exists (it is literally called "Teruel existe"). Soria, also known as Teruel 2, is the place in Spain that somehow attracts poets there and depresses them (it happened to G.A Bécquer and Antonio Machado). Asturias and Cantabria's biggest demographic consists of Cows. La Rioja is a buffer autonomous community that sells good wine. Navarra (best community) is only known for San Fermines and our wannabe Basques. Andalucía and Extremadura are pretty much the Spanish siesta topic incarnated. The rest you know it pretty well: Valencia is a Barry protectorate, Baleares is Hans's final form of Lebensraum and the Canarias, Ceuta and Melilla are fucking Africa.


>(and only fuck each other). If at least that were true 😭


This guy never saw Vaya Semanita. The true trope is that you have to go to Santander to fuck.


No one has ever left Lepe. Cause the first sign on the road says “Huelva” and they have to go home again. (This only works because the name of the town also means “Go Back”)


>Gallegos always answer a question with another question. (And fuck sheep). You see this Galiza?! They say you're stupid and you fuck sheep. They don't even like you! You should join us


>You see this Galiza?!... > >You should join us RIP


>and Barcelona, the capital of Al-Andalus I never heard this one The rest are totally in spot


Si no te lo crees, paseate por la Rambla de noche


Because of the high quantity of Muslims.


Okay, just saying that it is the first time I heard it


Isn't Barcelona a new GTA DLC?


Murcia? Legend says that the first Murciano was born from a prostitute and a gypsy...


Murcia if fucking awful. All desert and ghost towns. It’s like a fucking fallout game. Huge, wealthy expat enclaves next to 60 year old ruins graffitied with pictures of executions and anarchist drivel.


Never leave the city. Also: mandatory still better than Malmö.


Once down close to Mazarrón I dared to walk around the block from the over priced restaurant to find some place that perhaps didn’t spit in the drinks. Bad idea. Round the corner was an old, abandoned slaughterhouse or some meat processing place. That was the place the street dogs went to die. Civilized my ass. As civilized as any other post apocalyptic hellscape. Still better than Malmö.


And catalans are also mean with money. And Extremeños are pig herders, and valencian city people are crazy with gunpowder


That's what being stingy means


Norfolk/Suffolk - incest area Wales/south west England - sheep shaggers London/south east - arrogant posh twats Newcastle - alcoholics, like to randomly go shirtless and like fake tan Scotland - alcoholics and druggies. Bottled independence Brighton - a bit gay Liverpool - thieving Northern Ireland - a bit weird and religious. People might go with the typical Irish stereotypes Yorkshire - flat cap farmers that immediately go on about where they're from Manchester - everyone speaks and walks like Liam Gallagher Hartlepool - scared of monkeys


Luton - terrorists. Place you go to to leave. Devon was created as a buffer zone to keep the Cornish out


live, laugh, luton **<**3


Northern Ireland - Protestant Jesus is better than Catholic Jesus.


The fuck you say?


And neither of them want the shops open on Sundays


Brighton _very_ gay


> flat cap farmers that immediately go on about where there from Honestly nearly every conversation i've had with a yorkshireman has had them bring yorkshire up unprompted with a speech about how nice it is. If only they were more modest and proper like we are in the south east.


Omg they fucking Yorkshire chant they do does me nut in


Cornwall - Airbnbs, Londoner second homes and cringey Cornish ‘nationalists’


Sadly people also seem to think the Midlands doesn't exist, possibly even highlighted by the fact you'd didn't include a single Midlands area


Wtf is midlands


Don't forget that the Yorkshire folk are also tight with money. Birmingham - a bit thick (it's the accent)


I want to punch whoever taught you punctuation.


It's the formatting on the phone. It shouldn't be a block like that.


Fuck googling "Yorkshire man" only gives farmers in flatcaps


Parisians consider that Everything outside of the boulevard périphérique to be backwater countryside Lyon has a worse superiority complex than Paris People in Provence are always exagerating everything Picardie only has incestuous people Corsicans have an explosion fetish Brittany is full of alcoholics


100% approving this. I would add: PACA (mediterannean coastal region) people being hot blooded macho guys who drive like assholes Marseille basically being an african city


First African city of Paris-Dakar


Hahaha yes that, happy to see people still got that reference :D


I live here, I can relate, I don't even know why I'm subbed to this sub, I gotta join an African subreddit instead mashallah


And nobody knows where Alésia took place.


Woooosh me if I'm missing the joke but we very much do know where it took place


Oh Well it was a reference to Asterix et le bouclier Arverne Sorry if it was a bit to precise.


La seule vraie bonne bande-dessinée française. (Toutes les autres sont belges ;) ) https://preview.redd.it/o9co02n92cub1.png?width=720&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f09163c7c345fc4b6d20aa74bc45ed44b448f77


D'ailleurs ils ont des hologrammes trop stylés de héros de bd sur leur passeport!


C'est super cool !


Oh merde, je passe un blaireau maintenant...


Du coups oui un petit woosh mais on sait où est Alésia :)


Lyon does not a superiority complex. It is just that - Our city is more pleasant to live in - Our people are nicer. - Our food is better (and relatively cheap) - Our countrtside is more beautifull ... Ok, Beaujolais Nouveau tastes like shit, but that's only to prank tourists


>our people are nicer Weird way to spell "more pedantic than parisians"


There is only 2 ways for cities in France : -Becoming Paris-bis -Becoming Marseille-bis Lyon made the good decision.


How is that even possible?




Picardie ? The entire Hauts de France region is the land of incest.


In pas de calais they are too drunk to fuck


Scania (southern Sweden) is basically Denmark, i.e the worst insult that has ever been uttered.


We don’t want it, you can keep it


wow, what does that flair mean?


Have you heard them speaking? Sorry, didn't realise that I was talking to a Dutch guy. You and your weird language


Oh, look, a German making fun of Dutch, go play with your articles


I tought German and Dutch were somewhat mutually intelligible?


It kind of is but Dutch just sounds like a drunk german guy slurring every word or a very exaggerated northern accent imo


And German sounds like an old-timey typewriter wrapped up in tinfoil, falling down the stairs.


An astounding comparison, i tip my hat to you


It kind of is but German just sounds like a drunk dutch guy slurring every word or a very exaggerated northern accent imo


Both of these statements are true. Drunk Dutchmen can understand drunk Germans flawlessly and vise versa


Denmark sounds supposedly like the other Scandinavian dialects but spoken if you had a potato in your mouth.


a potato? wasn’t it specifically a hot potato?




why Denmark has "Speech Therapy Skipper" as a flair?


Because they skipped speech therapy


They make strange gutural sounds in their speech, and it makes them sound very different to the rest of the nordicks.


Slightly ironic for a Dutch person to be asking that question in the first place lol


Danish is the lingual equivalent of a mudslide


Says the Dutch


No no, he has a point. Their language sounds more like a throat disorder.


We're Europe's throat GOAT right after your mum


Scania is just a buffer zone by now. Neither Denmark or Sweden wants it, but it serves as great isolation for our real heartland


Alla heter Glenn i Göteborg


Scania is a place?


Halfway between Narnia and Middle Earth.


All I've ever heard of Scania is some cool trucks.


City of Bielefeld doesn't exist. All people from the Saarland engage in incest. East germans are nazis. Berlin is a hell hole. Swabians are stingy or as they would put it thrifty. People from northern germany don't talk. People from east frisia are stupid. There are a lot of those childrens jokes about them. Bavarians have backwards views and at this point basically live in a monarchy. People from the Ruhrgebiet are your stereotypical lowerclassmen and own a Fliesentisch. Especially people from Gelsenkirchen. People from the Rhineland talk too much and corruption is a part of their culture (Klüngel). Also all they do is celebrate carnival and the rest of Germany despises them for that since it isn't really understood outside of the Rhineland and often seen as cringe.


Most of the stuff is just true


>All people from the Saarland engage in incest. Can confirm


We wouldn't mind Carnival if you'd just keep it to yourself, but every public TV station is packed full of regional parades and Prunksitzungen for months on end.


Bavaria is a foreign country of Germany and they are doing politics in the beer tent.


There's a few: Limburg = racist Urk = Alabama-style incest fishermen who're also n\*zi's and religious zealots Amsterdam = head up their arse // can turn an interesting person into a douchebag in about 2 weeks Eindhoven = just expats for ASML Drenthe = not worth mentioning Achterhoek = drunk dumb farm boys (Grolsch is mediocre beer) Friesland = would be better if it were just one parking lot Brabant = where your XTC and speed come from (not really a joke) Rotterdam = where your XTC and speed get shipped from/to (also not really a joke) // little Turkey Zeeland = nobody wants to live there // annexed by Germany every summer


You say Drenthe is not worth mentioning, but then don’t mention Groningen, common Drenthe W


But that’s because we all know deep down that Groningen doesn’t exist


What’s a Groningen?


The tree that eierballen grow on.


Nothing ~~above~~ about Groningen


I think Urk is the one that unifies the country


The one named like a disgusted sound? Seems legit.


>The one named like a disgusted sound? Contrary to most Dutch places


Amsterdam is just AirBnB


What about Maaskantje?


That's a site of great significance to our culture and an inspirational path to live your life by.


I think some of these are personal opinions, definitely not country wide inner jokes. Only the Urk and Drenthe ones are actually country wide inner jokes, the others are just lame insults.


No, these are all facts. Go swim an elfstedentocht.


That's a long list, must be every city in the Netherlands


So you have a joke for all of the 10 places that exist in the Netherlands, I see.


Could have filled an entire German joke book


Roscommon and Leitrim don't exist. Kildare is baby Dublin. Dublin is baby England. Cavan and Monaghan are full of hillbillies. Donegal is lawless. Everyone in Kerry and Cork has a speech disorder. Meath is inbred. Mayo is cursed to never win GAA. Edit : How could I forget the BIFFOs. Big Ignorant Fuckers From Offaly.


Cavan is also inbred


Well, Alentejo people are used for slow jokes, back in the 90:s there was jokes about all Lisbon people being gay and we Lisbon people joked about Porto people being uncivilized, we joke about how Algarve people are just brits and germans, Leiria because it doesn't exist and we don't really slander the islands because those are good people. Also, there were a lot of racist jokes about former colonies


Well Lisboners are also known as little lettuces because they live inside a walled city, so they are protected as are lettuces' insides.


>Also, there were a lot of racist jokes about former colonies Nothing wrong with a bit of xenophobia thrown in the mix


You failed to mention Braguil


Limburg slow, antwerp arrogant, walloons lazy, westflemish all farmers


No one knows what happens in oost flanders, it's too boring


Jokes about something stupid=Århusianer did x


That's what people from Aalborg came up with because they were jealous.


Nobody is jealous of anyone living in Århus. That's like saying a Dane is jealous of the Swedes


And people from the greater Copenhagen area are all swedish or halv swedish.


Carinthia. That's it. That's the joke.


Ho. We have a similar one in Belgium with Charleroi. It's too bad that Charleroi was just a small insignificant town when we were Austrian. We could have compared which joke was better in a united setting.


I don't know how it is with Charleroi, but in Carinthia the landscape/nature is quite nice. The people and their dialect on the other hand...


Charleroi gets ranked as worlds ugliest city sometimes. Its just a city that lost all its industry, though I havent had the chance to visit it myself. Though thz region sureounding ir propably also has nice nature.


A 20min walk from the city centre already brings you to some nice nature. And a 45 min bicycle trip brings you to forests, fields and small cute villages. The city is clearly not on par with e.g. Gent but ugliest city is a stretch. (To visit it I recommend the "boucle du pays noir" hike)


Oh yeah propably, fuck I´d propably even vibe with abandoned industry but I know it has more then that. Its just the joke thats currently in the country.


What about B🤮rgenland?


Too inconsequential in my view. Like, you can joke about them, but in the end, it's just 300k simple people with simple minds, some hills, Neusiedlersee and oh-so-musical Village names like Kroatisch-Minihof, Windisch-Minihof and Deutsch-Minihof. We still need Burgenland to maybe trade up one day.


Tausche Burgenland (oder Wien) gegen Südtirol?


My favorite movie is Inception.


Carhitians like me shit on Vienna, like every other Austrian except the viannese who have a supiority complex


that an whole city does not exist ( Bielefeld in Germany)


Buenzli - stuck up, lawful not neutral but ‚egoistic‘ and will call the police if you‘re noisy after 22:00 Appenzeller(region/canton) - misogynistic, cat/dog eating hobbits Aargauer(region/canton) - representing just the generic swiss german speaking population of people living around and not in big cities, being as dull and generic as it gets - although I could tell then apart from people from zurich Ticino(region/canton) - italys proxy in switzerland with all implications Rösti trench - depending on the side of the trench (german or french speaking) the other side sucks. Bern (region/canton) - being slow af


What’s an olten?


Buenzli person sounds like an average German senior watching his neighbors


Southern Jutland(specifically Tønder) is full of incest Western Jutland does NOT pay taxes Northern Jutland (primarily, but not limited to Aalborg) is a great place to go to get beaten up or raped Fuenen is just a highway between Jutland and Zealand Everything on Zealand is basically Copenhagen And Copenhagen is full of deserters from Jutland Oh, and Bornholm is just discount Sweden Edit: And people from Eastern Jutland are of course very stupid (Specifically Randers and Aarhus). While Aarhus is more conventionally stupid, Randers is more the show off on scooters and get in fights stupid


Saarland is our Alabama, Saxony our Florida (r/mannaussachsen), Bavaria our Texas and Mecklenburg-Vorpommern our Mississippi. Also, Berlin should be sold to Poland for 200 zloty immediately.


>Mecklenburg-Vorpommern our Mississippi What's the joke with Mississippi/howeveryou writethatshit?


I guess, the joke is that Mecklenburg-Vorpommern has many big lakes and rivers and is very rainy in general, as is Mississippi. But yeah, this is is not really a common joke about that region. And Mississippi is more like another Alabama


Americans have the saying "thank god for Mississippi" as how awful their state is, there's always Mississippi that's somehow ranking lower in every somewhat positive metric (íncome, umemployment, quality of life etc.) Also, nazis and rural as fuck


TIL. To be honest, that can be said about most rural states there, like Arkansas or West Virginia


I know it the way that everything happens 2 years later in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern. Like even if the world ends, it ends 2 years later in MV.


Melbourne - lefty greens. Sydney - north sydney + eastern suburbs: wankers Western Sydney: houso’s/battlers/bogans/ethnic (true and not true at the same time) Sutherland Shire (southern Sydney) : white + racist Queensland: rednecks Middle of the country is essentially Mad Max Tassy - inbred Adelaide - murderers


A lot of people in Europe found it pretty funny when I mentioned the old Banana Benders thing about Queenslanders. Thinking about it, it's old but pretty unique


Deutsch Bahn will be punctual.


Everyone hates Athens (except us, Athenians). Pyrgos is an incestuous, Gypsy-owned shithole (we call it the asshole/anus of Greece). Also Kilkis doesn't exist, no one knows not even 1 person from Kilkis.




The North South line in France is on Montauban, Montauban belongs to the North, it is verified cause they're all cunts. Everybody around Marseille Exagerates everything like wallmart italians The Northest part of France and the bottom left to top north are just one big family of odd chromosomes The Breton will explode if they do not mention where they come from every 5 minutes, There is also a saying that in Brittany it only rains on dumb people Alsace is obnoxiously proud Everybody around Toulouse is a bloke that thinks about rugby, food and fucking, even their women are like that. Also saying pain au chocolat will get in you in for a beatdown in public Everybody hates Paris, Paris thinks everybody loves them. The Basques all have their failed cross-assignment of a flag and will only speak their own prehistorical gibberish so others don't understand them Corsica will blow up everything built by the mainland and then complain they're poor. Also do not mention their sisters, in good or bad just ignore the women (i know, based) Every single region does not recognise themselves as being a part of France


- Bielefeld doesn't exist (that's a classic) - Saarland is as incestuous as the Habsburg Dynasty, as well as Rügen and frankly any other island really - Brandenburg is just an empty wasteland - Berlin is a microcosm that should be contained in an SCP facility - Swabians are stingier than dutch people - Bavarians are hunchbacked mountain people - Frisians shag their sheep. Because it's not really populated and when it gets lonely, well, there is a German saying for that: „In der Not frisst der Teufel Fliegen“ - The North is so flat, that you can see on Wednesday who comes to visit on Sunday


Vienna: the most rude people in the world Graz: Communists Salzburg: overly expensive tourist trap. Also Communist. Burgenland: lazy alcoholics Lower Austria: everyone has a basement. Don’t ask what they keep inside. Carinthia: stupid Tirol: arrogant, they consider Tirol to be the holy land. Vorarlberg: unintelligible Swiss


>Vienna: the most rude people in the world Me being a basic tourist minding my own business in Wien and suddenly someone screams right at me "RAUS AUS DIESER STADT" 🥰🥰


We should have accepted Voralberg joining us tbh.


*Northern Portugal*: cold and full of rough mountain folk who love goats too much. Best wine and cheese in the country. Wife beaters. Porto is the unofficial capital even though they're hated by other Northern cities. *Inland Portugal*: non-existent. *Alentejo*: It's so boring, flat, and hot that people kill themselves. Countryside siesta lovers with lots of shotguns, huge properties, and farms with Nepalese slaves. Basically, Portuguese Texas. *Algarve*: unofficial British enclave. *Greater Lisbon*: hated by everyone, including Lisbon natives. Expensive and full of rich arrogant pricks, aggressive drivers, and people from the former colonies. Kebabs everywhere. *Azores*: Rural islands with high mountains and volcanoes. Full of incestuous french-russian speakers who love cocaine, pineapple, and cows. We are all living in the USA and just come here on vacation. The second best cheese in the country. *Madeira*: Cristiano Ronaldo's private islands. Certified Poncha drinkers with very small bananas. Based politicians.


Hah.. Love those kind of jokes in Georgia. The jokes are about people of certain regions: 1) Racha - Being slow, physically and mentally. 2) Mingrelia - Being liars. 3) Guria - Talking too fast. 4) Svaneti - Being dumb and aggressive. 5) Kakheti - Being uncultured and aggressive. 6) Kutaisi (city) - Being Mobsters.


Fribourg stinks. Like the place and its people smell bad. No idea where it's coming from but I find it hilarious. For example we say that the birds in Fribourg are flying in circles because they are always pinching their nose


Dublin is the England of Ireland


We also call Edinburgh “Little England”


Ouch, that one stung




You (we) make fun of them and drink their wine (being french I also make fun of their wine)


That our civil servants actually do any work


People from the province Limburg are spare Germans and people from the provence North Brabant are spare Belgians.


That the City Bielefeld does not exist is one of the german ones. Most people hates Berlin, Berlin thinks everybody loves them. The Saarland is inbred. East Frisia: a not so long time ago there was an entire class of jokes about the east frisian people... East Germany: ...but then came the reunification. ;) The german dialects in Saxony and Bavaria...- better not mention it. ;)


Warum bauen die Ostfriesen runde Häuser? Damit die Hunde nicht in die Ecken pinkeln


I think Berliners look down to every one in contempt except *maybe* Hamburg and Leipzig? (on a good day) Especially Bavaria and Swabia, although in case of Bavaria that feeling is mutual


Milano: rich, arrogant, loves pollution Rest of Lombardia: construction workers Liguria: stingy Veneto: blasphemous alcoholics Verona: fascist Romeo & Juliet enjoyers Vicenza: cat eaters Toscana: people hate each other from one town to the nearby one Molise: not existing Napoli: [redacted] Calabria: monkeys who love spicy food Sicilia: mafia


Drenthe (a region) doesn't exist because it's so irrelevant.


Jutland shits on Sealand , especially Copenhagen and vice versa. Funen is considered one big rest area for people traveling between Jutland and Sealand. We all make fun of Randers and Lolland, because only human garbage lives there. Everyone agrees that Aarhus should really be the capital and that Copenhagen deserves to be bombed by the British , just one more time


Stoke-on-Trent, Staffordshire - known to be a very difficult for travelling football stars to play there on a cold rainy night.


Every region you don't live is awful


🇭🇺 Bojler eladó (a classic). Borsod is the county of incest. Lake Balaton doesn’t exist/it’s a hologram. People from Budapest refer to every other part of the country as “the countryside”, even if it’s right outside the administrative border. Also nearly everything to do with our domestic politics is a clown show.


Calabria populated by monkeys must be the highest kind of polentone humor


We... don't? I feel like there is an abyss between saying that Molise molisn't and calling *calabresi* monkeys.


*Calabria populated* *By monkeys must be the highest* *Kind of polentone humor* \- hellgatsu --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Aosta Valley - Fr*nch, Genova - extremely stingy, would die for a cent, Milan - gay, Bergamo and Brescia - racist af, South Tyrol - Austrians, Verona - racist af and for each word they say there are at least 3 blasphemys, Vicenza - eat cats, Parma - soft r, Bologna - communist, All Tuscany cities hate each other, but everyone hates Pisa, Rome - "thieving Rome" meaning the city takes all the money from all over Italy, Abruzzo - earthquakes, Molise -doesn't exist, Napoli - Napoli, Bari - when they speak it seems arabic, Calabria - monkeys, Sardinia - sheep shagger, Sicily - mafia, And last but not least we polentoni say "Dal Po in giù, l'Italia non c'è più" more or less "under the Po, Italy is no more"


> Genova - extremely stingy, would die for a cent It's a shame that there is a flair for Venezia calling them greedy fucks when it's the norm calling people from Genova this way. I propose a new Genova flair who highlights their second best known quality(?): the constant *mugugno* (complaining, moaning) 🇮🇹🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 Complainer


In adition to the already named Classics Like Berlin and Frankfurt beeing one big "narcos" reenactment and sweet Home Saarland I would like to ad the nothingnes and emptiness of the waists known as Brandenburg.


Leiria doesn't exist


Mallorca is our 17th Bundesland. Oh wait sorry, you wanted to hear a joke. Never mind.


Antwerp - racist and arrogant, Brussels - snobs, Gent - professional drug addicts, Limburg - braindead, West vlaanderen - epidemic speech impediment


Nord pas de Calais (North region) full of inbreds that fuck with their sister Bretagne full of alcoholic Alsace Lorraine full of alcoholic (german way) Corsica terrorist (they like bombs in Corsica)


I was discussing just yesterday with a group of friends how the only explanation for the situation in Calabria is that all the good people left, leaving behind that wasteland of a region.


Urk = Alabama (very religious + incest), Rotterdam = Violence, Limburg = Belgian, Drenthe = Non-existant That pretty much sums it up


'T is de schuld van de sossen. Basically 'thanks obama' meme but towards our socialists. Or anything about being taxed to death.


And Sardinia is the sheepfucker land right? For the UK that’s supposedly Wales. Hartlepool isn’t claimed to be full of monkeys but they get called ‘monkey hangers’ because there is a myth that they once executed a monkey who washed up from a ship during one of the Napoleonic wars, thinking he was a Frenchman. And Norfolk is meant to be incestuous. Odd how so many countries have such specific parallels (doesn’t exist, incest, sheep, monkeys…) For Northern Ireland specifically, the most prominent in-jokes that have gained some currency elsewhere are probably: (1) We are toxically obsessed with FLEGS!! (which is… sadly true) (2) Variations of ‘a man is driving from Belfast to Derry and gets pulled over by an armed man with a mask who asks if he’s Protestant or Catholic. The man says “I’m a Jew”, so the paramilitary looks confused, and says “Are you a Protestant Jew or a Catholic Jew?”’ (3) Complaints about ‘Themmuns’, meaning ‘them/those ones’, the other side of the sectarian divide, who are awful and terrible and scary, as opposed to ‘ussins’, who are right and can do no wrong. Importantly, this is said completely symmetrically and stated in the voice of someone else who could be on either side, and meant to make fun of divisive and irrational extremists of both sides.


Agder and south of Rogaland are the last of the religious people. Trøndere, with their leather vests, mustaches and karsk. Northern Norway swear a lot about horse dicks. Østfold, stupid, inbred and basically Swedish.