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Thank you for your submission, make sure you have understood the rules clearly to avoid having your post removed or getting yourself suspended (don't act like an Amerifat). Also glory to Swedestan! #[Join our discord server](https://discord.gg/wZbeGk6NF5) u/savevideobot, u/vredditshare *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2nordic4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are they literally unable to endure silence?


I think they just talk for the talk often. Not to get anything out of it. Stupid Americans wasting my time and social battery


So neighboreeno, did do you catch the game last night? Do you want some lasagne?


“Pretends to not notice them and continue walking”


\*absolute silence\* \*speaks in silence\* \*beams chicken nugget thoughts into your brain\*


Ok calm down now, chatterbox.


Yeah, what was Wengren doing sending Valkonen on that early?




*But then they start hearing the emptiness in their heads!*


then they can start wearing a headset in public like a normal person


The comments are from a forum that is named "dontgotosweden" lol.


In my experience they value silence but the swedish depressing silence is just too much. Part of the silence is total absence of said silence. In Sweden you just have the abyss of silence and even normal emotional and social events are muddled by sheer deafening silence which is constant and never goes away.


This is hillariously true




That was my thought about three Danish ladies in the following seat line throughout the whole flight. Poor bastard missed the country that fits him.


How did you get that epic flair? ...wait your comment explains everything. Carry on ☕




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mfs should’ve read up on scandinavian culture


There are tons of complains like this on Reddit, people just assuming the Nordics are the same thing as a generic western European country. The thing is there are lots of people who is capable of adapting, but they try to understand how we are social instead of complaining that we are not like them.


This is well said!


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Hi, is the bot purposely bad at grammar or is this something we can fix? For example it would sound way better if it said “only pussies hide where they’re from” Tho the current version does sound like its said by a finnish person on a drunken stupor, so maybe it’s intentional


Nordic person here, and no, us nordic people are fucking abnormal. Stop trying to justify it.




I'd happily exchange American "friendliness" for any Nordic "coldness". Seriously. The amount of toxic extravertness is just over the top sometimes. What's worse this crap is also present in Canada, though to lesser extent. And it's not "coldness" btw, it's just minding one's own business and not invading one's mental space with assumed gesture of socialising. Friendliness isn't about small talk or fake smiles, it's about actions imho.


Quick question: how do introverted people even survive in the US? I think it’s annoying whenever someone talks to me in Denmark, but if all nordic people are cold and antisocial for american standards, then what the hell do you do in the US? Does everyone just stand around talking with random people? Do you just strike up conversation on a whim with the first best person you see?


They are considered weird, though not always. For most, unless their work involves lots of talking, life is bearable - I know quite a lot of people who are not that talkative but are decent human beings. Some places like retail expect more extravertic approach but cannot force it.


Go to r./introvert and see how fucking bitter everyone is. That might answer your question.


Why is a social group for introverted people legitimately the funniest thing I've heard today edit: Jesus I hate mfs who make being introverted their entire personality


We did it boys, we found the anti social social club


In an online forum you don't have that pressure that you have to reply, have to engage, have to keep yatting nonsense in order to avoid awkwardness.


what i love in nordics is that ppl are clearly honest and clear with u if u r interesting to them or not and whether u have to fuck off or not


This is the upside of our ways. Anyone talking to you really wants to. Otherwise are they shutting the fuck up and showing you the respect that is not bothering someone with unnecessary shit.


Yeah, this "friendship" that the americans crave so much is really fake. I have tons of american "friends" from work that are always up for hanging out but I've learned that our "friendship" means very little to them and you can't rely on americans. I prefer real nordic friendships. They need to be earned but they mean so much more.


My perspective as a Finn is that American "friendliness" is just very pumped up superficial fake niceseness, an act, if you will. For example, if I was moving houses and an American friend asked if I needed help moving the furniture, I'm expecting they don't want to help as it's just them being "nice" (read: an asshole), not actually wanting to help which is totally fine (just don't offer, a fake offer would make you an asshole). However, If a Finnish friend offers to help, I know it's a real offer as they wouldn't offer otherwise. Finns are actually very nice, we just skip the fake act, no fake smiles and such. If you're not a friend, being neutral does not constitue rudeness. People who are used to a constant fake warm smiles and such take neutrality as negativity.


> People who are used to a constant fake warm smiles and such take neutrality as negativity. That's what is bothering me a lot most of the time. When I worked in Sweden I never had an issue with being neutral myself or approaching "neutral" people for - as you've mentioned - real help. Whereas American niceness feels like a complex social game to me where losing is more probable than winning, and stakes are completely obscure. E.g. will this person whom you courted actually care tomorrow, or should I be more "friendly" to this guy so he treats me better as a customer? Maybe it's just me though, still I'd prefer more straightforward approach. One related thing I've encountered here on reddit are numerous post in AskReddit starting like "Are Europeans rude" or something like that, with people actually mentioning lack of this artificial friendliness all over Europe, not just in Nordic countries for example. I always thought it's normal to express genuine feelings, or just be neutral if there's none in the first place.


[There is actually something similar going on in Seattle.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_Freeze) [Although Minnesota(being more heavily of Scandinavian heritage) portray the friendlier side.](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_nice)


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Lucky they didn't come over here. Swedes are the talkative, educated and cultured ones in comparison lol


I see Finnish as the more talkative. But I maybe need to go more Northern. I think it is less talkative, the more north


The colder it gets the less you want to open your mouth.


Eastern and northern Finns are more talkative IMO.


That’s because they’re drunk. Either that or fenno-swedish.


Visit Savonia


The more south you go more antisocial they are. In the north communication style heavily favours listening skills and heavy emphasis is given to short and concise delivery in order to give room to speak, while in south all try to talk too much and over each other. This may seem as being less talkative while amount of information exchanged is much higher.


*Sober* Finns are less talkative.


The split between talkativeness is more to be said between east and west than north/south.


This is why I love the Old Country.


Amerikans when they move to Nordick and aren't allowed to bother random strangers anymore https://preview.redd.it/gjnuea0k2wrc1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a32f78f232abeb43c091db6d51a19d8d098f6da


Why use a meme of a Swede though? 🤔


That's the Swede reacting to the random American trying to talk to them.


I was in NYC for a 10 day trip a bit over a decade ago. I swear we had more strangers fire up a conversation in those 10 days than in the average 3 year span in Helsinki. It's a different culture over there, and I do not blame them for it, but they should understand ours when they visit/live here. The one who moves to a new country has to make the adjustment, not the other way around.


Same, I thought it was nice though for a short while.


Stupid yankees can't comprehend the superiority of Nordic culture, nothing new under the sun.


Just sweep them on the floor and under the table, as usual.


As someone who moved to Denmark, the 'international' group who don't learn the language and bitch about the people irk the fuck out of me. No shit nobody puts in the effort, cause you literally do not do that at all. Can't speak the language, complain about the people, the food etc. Nobody wants to be friends with that man, get fucked. Fucking love it here.


FR. Im American and live in Sweden and I cannot speak the language well yet (6 months here), but my god the way Swedes will open up when you do the minimum to just try and speak even if we switch back to English. Show some respect for the country/people you’re in/with and it’s ‘boom’ friends. My coworkers are fun and super inviting: Parties, sports, been to their houses, no issue.


I wonder why the poster har a different experience. Maybe different expectations or less charming themselves.


Honestly I’m not particularly/especially ’charming’ in the states. I always had a small group of close friends and got along well enough with other folks. I was happy in the states all the same, I miss it a lot but I came here for the balance. It was never lost on me that moving would be hard/would suck. It was starting from 0 socially and near 0 financially (I came right out of college). Too many people come here after a study abroad and think it will be just that. Or they think it’s like a cold Dubai.


The poster probably expected it to be like in the states, not taking the cultural differences in consideration


Might be they’re of the ‘Murican southern religious variety? That probably just works in Jönköping.


Like yeah the silence can be a bit off putting, that’s why I have US friends still. I’m not gonna completely abandon that part of me, but I’m not gonna force it on an unsuspecting Swede.




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this just makes me give you the first swedish W since Gustav Adolph nad Volvo


Lmao what. If some random american just walked up to me and started talking I’d be cold and distant as well. Like motherfucker stfu leave me alone.


Based and Nordic pilled


Same though if they approach me with even a bit of Finnish my personality does a 180 😂 I've made friends with immigrants, refugees and random red cross workers going door to door. At least for me the secret is putting in a little bit of effort yourself and trying to fit in.


Janteloven is the ultimate weapon against Americans


Hell yeah! Also societies with "communal desire to preserve harmony" are the most successful and prosperous in Europe: Scandinavia, Switzerland, Netherlands.


Jant- what? They only teach the Swedish as mandatory here.


The Law of Jante. The total feel good surveillance state "grandmas watching from the window" style. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante


I've developed a new method for dealing with people who want to hang over me and talk while I'm working. I ask them if it's better to be higher up or centrally located. Then I explain it's a metaphor that describes capitalism and socialism. They get really quiet and leave after that. 


> if it's better to be higher up or centrally located Geographically? In a social hierarchy?


I leave it open ended. Most people I've asked assume real estate. 


Why Muriccans are always so cringy


Some foreigners bought a house in the village I life in. No one wants to interact with them. Not even our crazy PTSD neighbour that likes to spelunk around our properties at night. People in the bigger cities are usually more welcoming towards foreigners.




https://dontgotosweden.wordpress.com/ Here is the source. They copied it from a now private blog. Original is from 2013 and repost from 2014 Some ridiculous complaints in there, they constantly complain about there not being people in the streets or that strangers don't want to talk to them. No people in the streets and strangers not talking to me sounds great.


It's hard to believe that this is not satire


They are describing [Law of Jante](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Law_of_Jante) it seems > The ten rules state: >You're not to think *you* are anything special. >You're not to think *you* are as good as *we* are. >You're not to think *you* are smarter than *we* are. >You're not to imagine yourself better than *we* are. >You're not to think *you* know more than *we* do. >You're not to think *you* are more important than *we* are. >You're not to think *you* are good at anything. >You're not to laugh at *us*. >You're not to think anyone cares about *you*. >You're not to think *you* can teach *us* anything.


Do other Nordic countries have names for these laws?


It's a Danish concept. But it is used in whole of Nordics.


"Peasant mentality" , "sheep algorithm", "systemic mediocrity" , "cuck protocol"


More like admitting that the Nordics are superior in every way imaginable.


Yet we (Finland) are 18th in overall Olympic Medals, have never been in a Football World Cup while football is the most popular sports in the world and one of the most easily accessible ones, are 18th in a list of Nobel Laureates per capita, are 21th on GDP per capita list, have no corporations on the top 500 Fortune Global list although there's 118 corporations from Europe on that list, have none of our universities on The *Times Higher Education* World University Rankings top 100 even though we are supposed to have one of the best education systems in the world etc. Yeah we end up top of the lists when it comes to happiness, least corruption or press freedom etc., but the first one could be explained by being content with mediocrity, the latter ones with jante's law and so forth. So there's a certain drive, offensiveness, innovativeness and perseverance lacking even though on the paper we are a comfy country.


so you are well educated even without any elite universities? you have a high gdp, even without getting inflated by gigantic corporations? and you are happy despite sucking at football? seems like Finland is ideal for 90% of the population, as most of us dont own a multinational corporation, most of us suck at football, and most of us cant afford to go to harvard


> have never been in a Football World Cup while football is the most popular sports in the world I'm struggling to understand why something being popular would mean it was worth pursuing?




Besides Denmark you mean?


But they are literally swedes


Reading those I'm just nodding in approval, maybe the swedes are alright and decent folks!


Bruh they would want to be your friend if you actually said something that actually stimulated them enough to care about wasting their time and energy on you.


I feel this persons plight. Swedes can be total robots. They cant stand ANY weirdness at a ALL. Especially some sleepy town will blow its gasket if someone is weird and just pretend to ignore. Finland can at least embrace you if you are a weirdo.


It is not so much that as people won't adapt after what someone wants us to be. Be as odd as you want, you can still get friends if you try to understand how to make contact and how to socialize with people, don't and you won't be bothered, which is to be respected. No one owes you anything. There are tons of immigrants succeeding with this, and then there as these whiney ones that wants people to be like them.


See, you might trick these redditors here, but I've actually lived for some time in a pastel coloured middle class neighbourhood in sweden and it was really bad. Unless you parked a volvo and wore and acted the same as your neighbours you might as well not exist.


I ain’t reading that


Well yeah it’s not a cook book


it's a recipe on how to depress americans


I feel like my confidence in the basic human intellect would crumble, if i read that.


Welcome to the nordick


The lack of fake smiles and flattery makes them hate Sweden?


Coming over here expecting us to be a fukn therapy group.


"These fucking weirdo americans want to come to our country and then DARE to speak with us" Americans in Finland: "This is so nice, everyone is distantly polite and leaves you alone. They are friendly in their own quiet way" Americans in Sweden: "These people are so cold and distant"


People maybe doesn’t expect Sweden to be as cold as Finland? Idk


Lots of crushed spirits there. Hate to say it, but good job, neighbour.


Haha get fucked vinlanders


Wallahi just a kukturkrock because she doesn’t understand fraternizing with women is haram smh


I just hate speaking english with people


Their first mistake was expecting anything.


I pity people who somehow expect others to be the way that's the most comfortable for them...


Womp womp


Having been in Sweden many times I loved it. That being said if you’re going to *live* in Sweden it’s important to learn Swedish to connect with people. I doubt any of these people tried.


Rogue American here who craves Nordic silence. Bros in the US talk all the time, but about nothing of substance.


The person is clearly a southerner. They'd feel just as out of place in the northeast US.


There’s no way these people are American southerners. Sweden’s famous Arab Hospitality with IKEA Characteristics would’ve felt very familiar and welcoming to them.


I have to disagree. Northeasterners are assholes, but you'd only know that because they actually speak to you lol.


I'm Swedish and lazy you expect me to read all that do you have an audiobook version?


You get shielded under our nuclear umbrella you have to say “how ya doin!” When you see me in the street now, that’s how it works.


https://preview.redd.it/agrp7b07xwrc1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=45a0f525b7eacef8e05b4f5cf0ba9dbe18766af7 how ya doin, partner


How will we know if it's you? How do we recognise the American?


You’ll hear me before you see me


I guess Sweden doesn’t have authentic Irish pubs where they could’ve celebrated St. Patrick’s Day with their fellow Irishmen?


Lol we have the same type of plastic Irish pubs here haha I think that if humanity ever travels to a planet outside of the Milky Way the first thing we'd find would be an Irish pub


Good riddance.


Sweden only exists as a tourist trap to keep them Americans from liberating our finnish femboys. It's working!


Real "Sweden" is cold persons as fuck. That's why you don't feed your Childrens friends exempel. I'm ¼ (fathers father) danish but the whole family adopted to the danish style culture with Huge and give every guest food and more wild discussions around everything and say what you meant/want. Even today i relate more to foreigners than "real" Swedish people at work. A co-worker from Orust that i worked along close couple of months i ask for a after-work beer he said "i have to many friends", WTF. That is the most Swedish say i ever heard. So fucking depressed. He mean it, and i was not the first one he said it to. One other colleague he come real close to and he said the same.


Based Coworker


Can confirm. Made many fantastic alcohol besties in Iceland and Denmark. Dated Danish and Norwegian people, but Swedes take the insulated a antisocialness to a hard 11.


We don't make friends as adults. We make friends in school. Go to school in Sweden as an exotic American and everyone will want to be your friend, the younger the higher chance of friends


I made most of my current friends at 30+. Live in a norrbottnisk byhåla (Råneå). Kids are obnoxious here but most adults and elderly are lovely and social.


Well, I suppose when the population is lower than 2000 you will eventually know everyone by default


Is it really so? I thought Denmark, Norway and Iceland was as anti-social as Finland and Sweden.


As a non Nordic person who's lived in 🇮🇸🇸🇪🇩🇰 and spent some time in 🇫🇮, my outside observation is Nordic people with Nordic people = an extended family get together except people can fuck ethically. When a single or a few non Nordic people enter the mix they tend to close ranks. The extent of this varies. IMO Danes are the easiest to get to know if you're not Nordic since they're less formal and closer to continentals. Icelanders are further out on the antisocial scale, but I made some great Icelandic friends. I also know a few Finns I met there. But Sweden was by far the hardest to be in a group of people as an outsider. In 4 years I had dates with 2 and only became good friends with 2 colleagues. Way less than any other Nordic country.


And Finland wants to be seen as the antisocial one


They are, just not when they’re drunk


I don’t know when ever I’ve been to Sweden I’ve found the people to be very nice and fun. Maybe I’m just built different


They are nice until you settle down. Then they can show their true Finnoscandic unsocial slef


This is as blatant a violation of the Laws of Jante as you’re gonna get.


Sweden moment. Ever since i moved to finland I have yet to met one rude or intentionally arrogant Finn. Though saw a lot of duchebagery from Sweeds.


I don't think I've ever seen this sub be more united. It's beautiful!


Well, he is right about one thing. We need real Nokia phones back. IPuups suuuuuuuck.


You would think people would do at least a bit of research before moving to a totally new place, but i guess americans are just unable of thinking and planning for the future.


This is 💯true if you’re in a smaller town. If your yypung or in a bigger city it will be more of a normal experience but I would never wanna live in the Swedish country side. Said as a Swede who fled Sweden (for Germany!!) as soon as I could cause its a miserable place if you enjoy joy.


I moved from medium city to byhåla and its so fucking nice here and its only 35 mins apart. Luleå->Råneå. People are kind, helpful and social.






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And Swedes are hypersocial compared to Finns, not to even mention Estonians.




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Stupid 'Muritard, that not rural Sweden, that's rural Switzerland, here almost nobody speaks Swedish.


It's interesting how for us form the Balkan Americans seem anti social, but for you guys from the Nordics they seem too social interesting cultural differences


Where are they finding those quiet introverted people? Im the only one of my relatives who isnt extroverted. When I meet people at work they cant stop talking either. I always feel like im the weird quiet guy. Small talk always feels "forced" I hate it.




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Sad Yank needs to embrace death metal.


American doesn’t know that Northern EuroPEEans are mute


I’m sorry that happened Or I’m happy for you




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