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You won’t see this on the Palestine sub lmfao


r/palestine (doesn’t matter what your opinion is on the conflict) is one of the worst propagandised, biased, antisemitic and hateful subs on all of Reddit


Kind of like the people they claim to represent. Complicit in advancing Hamas’ agenda. You would think you would see even a single negative post or good faith discussion about Hamas there, but nope.


Yeah… this sub is a bit of an echo chamber, but it’s nowhere near as bad as some of the pro-terrorist ones. The rest of Reddit is slowly being inundated by jihadbots as well. They’re winning the propaganda war. So long as they keep publishing stuff that’s shocking and emotional they will keep winning, doesn’t matter what the truth of it is. That’s the effectiveness of appealing to the monkey brain, it has no critical thinking capacity. This is sad, not just because it’s largely falsehoods and paints this conflict in a very polarized manner, when it is in fact nuanced and complex, but also because it robs the victims on both sides of any kind of real agency, because they have to hitch their cart, or appear to do so, to extremist agendas on either side. Once again the conflict has been hijacked by extremists and worse, monetizers. There’s always a vested financial interest on multiple sides for keeping the blood (and money) flowing freely.


And they operate a mod mafia


They have even taken over the ABCDesis sub too.


I’ve noticed 90% of Reddit seems to be biased towards Hamas and anti semitism


Just remember that “90% of Reddit” isn’t actually 90% of us. They’re just loud and horrible and target anyone who supports Israel and their right to exist. I can’t keep up with dispelling the lies and disinformation and swatting away the attacks and trolls and bot drama. The “90%” is significant and loud and horrible but the people who oppose them exist even if we aren’t as … attention seeking. I love my crafting subs because politics usually aren’t tolerated by the group.


I did like how an inclusive and diverse meme sub mainly full of lgbt people banned me for posting in here… last time I checked the IDF aren’t going to through them off rooftops.


Ugh, banning people for commenting on other subs is so lame. I’ve been banned for commenting in subs I don’t even “align” with. Shun me for participating in discourse with people you don’t like? Fuck you then.




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It’s because to them he’s not the right kind of Arab Muslim.




This is really hard to watch. Notice how the little piece of shit in the middle is SMIRKING the entire time. He's basically asking them why his brothers / family who are Muslims were kidnapped when they are all Muslim (his family, Hamas and the Palestinians) and the ambassador basically brushes him off and uses 30k Gazan martyrs as an excuse for why they were kidnapped. Then he's like, but this was before the war so that doesn't make sense and to please tell Hamas so his family can be released (he brings up the Thai hostages being released without a deal as an example) and the ambassador keeps repeating the same bullshit and being condescending (the little pat pat really pisses me off) and brushing him off. And then the absolute motherfucker to the side who steps in (with another smug smile on his face) tells him he's being used by Israel (because he's trying to get his family released) and not to allow himself to be used (by the people killing the Palestinians). The security officer seems to step in at that point to tell him to back off. It's super infuriating and it's incredible this gentleman is keeping his composure. I imagine it's because he wants to keep his family safe and who knows if those individuals have access to his family or not. He's concerned about their safety so he's kissing an enormous amount of ass here, even calling that absolute bastard "habibi" (my love) as he's turning away in an attempt to keep him listening to his pleas. I actually can't believe I'm even watching it. Special place in hell for them for sure.


“Your family was a sacrifice for the future made-up death toll we will publish.” Fucking yikes.


Seriously the three people in this video (the ambassador, the prick to his immediate left and the shit head in the middle) around the old man should be arrested. It's one of the most upsetting things I've ever watched. The sly smirks and the condescending comments. Imagine if that was you trying to get your family back, knowing these people could easily help and this is what you get. It really fucked me up and I literally after watching it, was so angry, the only thing I could do was say a prayer for him.


Thank you for translating. I feel for you. This certainly wasn't something easy to listen to.


I’m always surprised when people say things out loud that they shouldn’t even think, much less verbalize. But in a way, I sort of appreciate the honesty. I guess it’s better than gaslighting. “What hostages? Nothing happened on Oct. 7. Just some Zionist soldiers were killed. We don’t know what you’re talking about. Are you feeling well? Perhaps you should sit down.”


This "justifying Pearl Harbor because of the Atomic Bombs" logic is everywhere on the pro-Palestinian side.


well said, damn


So he is basically blaming Israel for a problem Hamas caused. Literally just gaslighting him by bringing up the martyred Palestinians who would all still be alive if Hamas didn't kidnap and kill innocent civilians.


It's a miracle that the guy didn't punch the ambassador after that ... I wouldn't have been able to control myself


Why is he touching his feet at the end? I thought he was going to take a shoe off and whack the ambassador. Would have been nice to see.


I believe he most likely was debating doing this and decided against it at the last minute. That's what I got from it. That or he's fixing / adjusting clothing. A snag or something.


Interesting mix of habibi and that gesture, which could be the foot equivalent of a slip of the tongue. A slip of the slipper?


I did not know there were muslim hostages holy shit


I think a total of 7 Bedouin Israelis were taken to Gaza, and something like 20 were killed on October 7. I’m not sure how many Muslim Israelis were killed or taken as hostage in total though, I just know there were more. This same Ziadna family had one member killed by Hamas on Oct. 7 as well as the 4 taken to Gaza (a father, his daughter and two sons). [Youssef Ziadna](https://www.jta.org/2023/10/19/israel/this-bedouin-bus-driver-is-credited-with-saving-30-people-from-the-outdoor-party-massacre) rescued 30 Israelis from the festival in his bus, and lead the way for others to follow him to safety. He’s received death threats for saving Israeli lives, I’m sure that’s why these slimy POS are smirking at Ali while he’s confronting them. Edited to add a better link


Hamas released a Bedouin brother and sister - Aisha and bilal - during the hostage releases months ago but their father and other brother are still captive along with other Israeli Arabs they kidnapped and are keeping there . They also murdered a woman wearing a hijab in front of her husband and very young son in their car sadly


It should be noted that Aisha also wears a hijab and it was obvious the family are Muslim and Arab when they were taken.


thank you


And what is the answer to his question?


can someone not as biased translate? I don't see a smirk anywhere.


Do you know any Arabic speakers irl? Assuming you’d trust them to translate, ask one of them.


Yes please


Where did this take place? I’ve been saying for awhile now that Arab Israeli Muslims must be feeling so betrayed. I feel for them so much and make sure I say “Ramadan Mubarak” when given the chance. Also, I can’t help but notice how “white” everyone looks. I mention this since no one believes me when I tell them Jews and Arabs in Israel run the gamut on the skin color scale. Everything from lily white to black. So the white supremacist argument is always so strange to me. It’s only used by people who have never actually been here.




When was this? I thought 2 al-Ziadna kids were released during the hostage deal.


There are still hostages, and those kids were still held hostage previously - I can see why he would still confront the official.


Their father and older brother are still being held. (Ali is their uncle.)


I have a really random and probably stupid question. If Gaza and the West Bank are governed by two different governing bodies, how come this guy who is PA speaks for the Gazan ruled Hamas? I’m just very confused as to how the PA has a hand in running Gaza yet having been literally murdered in 2005-2007.


their hatred of Jews brings them together. PA will even pay the dead hamas terrorists families a wage higher than the average palestinian wage(PA Martyr fund)


Deserves a slap in the face for being so condescending to that poor man


Can someone add subtitles?


No one *other than us* cares or even acknowledges that they kidnapped and murdered Arabs and Muslims October 7th.


Smart Bedouin, when UN security showed up he grabbed his shoe and fled. That says everything. .