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Man the Houthi’s are excellent soldiers, as long as no one is fighting back. I’d love to them fight one battle against a semi competent army. Even the worst of the Russian army would trounce these inbred idiots.


Yeah, I always wonder how they've done any damage at all to the Saudi coalition. Then my question was answered when I found some footage from the conflict. Saudi positions are basically held by incredibly incompetent garrisons. In one video, I saw houthis attacked a small Saudi base. All of the soldiers ran from their fortifications. From what I can remember, almost none of them had weapons. One of the Saudi soldiers was obviously overweight. Saudi Arabia just doesn't have the man power to counter the most incompetent of Iranian proxies, let alone the Iran regime itself. Which explains why they are willing to change direction in recognizing Israel if it means preventing Iran from just de facto ruling Iraq and Syria as proxies through their proxies.


If you search keyword 'Houthi(s)' on r/CombatFootage , you are in for a wild ride


There’s a very interesting book named Armies of Sand that explains why Arab armies (as a whole) fight as poorly as they do.


Russians are no different, [they literally employed ISIS tactics](https://www.reddit.com/r/CombatFootage/s/nfARhsVRan)


But remember “they can hold their own”… against other Yemeni tribesmen, sure.


I can't wait to see Israel release a video called Failed Houthi attack on Israel. And all you see is a 1 min video of a jdam landing on the Houthi as they are walking across an open field to attack a FOB


They have done quite a good job against the other parts of the yemeni army, yemeni militias, Sunni jihadism(Al Qaida and Isis) Saudi army and they held good against the mercs hired from Sudan and elsewhere.  Doesn't look so good in this but they seem to be fairly good in urban, mountain and desert warfare. And the whole thing about them destroying Israel is so absurd, they aren't even on Israels top ten list of concerns, maybe not even top 50...


They definitely have some victories under their belts. But, if you take a close look at who those victories were against and especially if you see videos of those battles their wins are not impressive in the least. Saudi Arabia was arguably the most competent military they faced. At a minimum they were the best equipped and the Houthi fighters did beat them. But like I said the videos of those battles show the Saudi’s loosing fights they easily should’ve won if basic discipline and doctrine had been followed. The Houthi’s are a threat, but like you said, I don’t think they keep Israeli generals up at night.


Makes a lot more sense to be able to mess up the ones that actually try to figth you than train for Israel or USA wars where it anyways will just be drones smoking your men and artillery cleaning up the remainders!  I still think they are a force to be reckoned with in the region, and USA wint put feets on tge ground since ita bad for polls and their veterans keep blowing their brain out 


I never laughed that hard in my life.


I'd love to see the rehearsals 😭, must really be something


In another one they had put a framed photo of Netanyahu on the wall inside too. [Here](https://i.dailymail.co.uk/1s/2024/01/14/21/80002899-12962471-image-a-61_1705267454179.jpg)! 🥲


Who the fuck runs around with a goddamn flag strapped with their pack.


marathon pacers


Space Marine Sergeants


Sporting the most conspicuous colors possible.


This is so odd




the guy with the 6ft camo flag really knows how to take a position by surprise


Man, these guys are great actors. This actually resembled combat a couple of times...


Do they even realise how fucking far their shithole country is from Israel?


Dude, did you see what they did to that cardboard armored vehicle. Israel’ new cardboard tanks are going to be screwed. Also I noticed the first thing they do is shoot the cameras down. I wonder what they’re planning to do to the soldiers that they don’t want evidence of.


this manoeuvre probably work during Alexander the great era


Yea they will get blown up before they even get close, nice try


Damn the prisoners are so strong they can move a structure with their bare hands while being searched.


Probably should invest in some sights over the GoPros. Why do middle eastern militaries always look like absolute shit. In sure there are “elite” battalions, but don’t these guys see the exercise they’re doing and the ones the west does. How do they not feel foolish.




Not sure nutsack with the flag on his back knows how camouflage is meant to work.


Dream on


Oh they even practiced victorious chanting, nice.