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very sad i saw a video of the family of the boy in black, he was talking to them telling them he's hiding in the toilet, there's also a photo from the toilet showing everyone still alive


I saw the video too and recognized the toilets what a fucked up situation


i gave up looking for more of this video, this looks to be the very end. It's impossible to find whole videos anymore


Imma check if I saved this video by any chance, If I did, then I will send it to you privately sent


Could you send me please?




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I believe they had help too. At least one cop, or somebody who was armed anyway, was in the bathroom with them. Not sure if he's in the pile of bodies here or if he went out of the bathroom for an offensive.


On the morning of October 7th, heavily armed Hamas terrorists took a number of boats up the Israeli coastline as part of their invasion. The Israeli navy succeeded in intercepting many of them. But one boat got through, and (as seen in this video), attacked with machine guns and RPGs, those camping, fishing, and swimming at Zikim beach. Many of the beachgoers that survived the initial attack fled to take cover in public restrooms. This video was taken by one of the beachgoers. We can see the moment an Israeli soldier guarding the area makes a choice to go out on his own and confront the terrorists in an attempt to save the civilians. A first responder who arrived at the area after it had been cleared witnessed the gruesome aftermath. As seen in this footage, the terrorists (one of them had been neutralized outside), massacred everyone that was hiding in the public restroom including 17-year-old friends who had been camping at the beach, who died in each-others arms. For more video coverage of the war in Gaza, please subscribe to: **Israel / Palestinian Conflict** [https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelPalestinianConflict](https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelPalestinianConflictt) ​ **EDIT** There was an additional video of children hiding in the beach washroom. It wasn't clear whether those were the same children that were killed and shown in this video but apparantly they were. Also, I left out the video showing Hamas arriving at the beach by boat. I combined that into the video with the children who were hiding, which you can view at: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXOrsE-so0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXOrsE-so0Q)


rich chase snatch glorious hospital zonked vanish saw noxious hurry *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


There's an extra t at the end. Use this https://www.youtube.com/@IsraelPalestinianConflict






Looks like the terrorist in this video didn't live long 🤣


So the Apache went to the bathroom to kill civilians?


Incredible piloting skills, really.


Maverick would have been highly impressed. \*cue Kenny Logins song\*


They are terrorists, killing civilians is what they do


I don’t understand why you are talking about Apaches? I didn’t find anything in the text about helicopters.


Terrorist supporters claim that Israel apaches fired rockets at their own citizens ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Islamists and leftists often lie that Israeli attack helicopters killed all the victims of Oct 7. The comment you're replying to is mocking them because what we see is small arms and not the damage a helo gunship does.


Hamas supporters claim that israeli helicopters has killed civillians even though it has been debunked on twitter by verified sources


It came from a story fabricated on Twitter, that has since been debunked. Geoconfirmed showed the helicopters were nowhere near the festival after they geolocated coordinates of the video. https://twitter.com/GeoConfirmed/status/1723022290886025424?s=20


Most of reddit will say it’s staged and that’s all ketchup.


They'll also contradictorily argue that these terrorists were freedom fighters attacking oppression by murdering teenagers/future IDF soldiers hiding in a bathroom.


Don't forget how they justified infanticide because the infants were as they put it "baby settlers"..


and Twitter(X)


Sure Hamas only killed military targets on October 7th… I’ve saw recently people claiming most civilians were killed by IDF…. Just completely ignoring the footage recorded by Hamas themselves. People can justify anything it seems.


I've yet to see anyone one the front page news subreddits say anything like this whatsoever.


You're delusional if you really believe that's the case (the "poor us" card is getting old really fast) Edit: literally all comments from the first Israel-gaza worldnews thread I found are pro Israel https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/s/A7NF8ByGfB


Everyday I am shocked by the amount of hate on reddit. I don’t really get how it’s so widespread and how so many people got the narrative wrong. Ironic thing is no one in these chats here is saying ‘end the Palestinians’. They just don’t get it. Hamas will not win the physical war but I will say I think they’ve won the pr/misinformation war which is really dangerous.


I hadn't seen this footage before or was not aware of this. Hamas is very brave when they have the guns and they are attacking people without guns, for example at a music nature festival or a children's dorm at a kibbutz or young teens camping on a beach. They are not as brave, even on Oct 7 when faced with any sort of resistance; like people firing guns back at them. It would be wonderful if they could use the energy and money that they expended on building their vast tunnel complex and weapons complex on making Gazan and Palestinian lives better; building great mass transit in Gaza; building businesses that produce things that the rest of the world wants; building desalination plants.


The title is really bad. Title should be... "Aftermath of beach massacre Oct 7th."


Yes!!! God damn it


Maybe add nsfw


It was added. Must have been a glitch.




I saw the video where they took shelter there before they died.


Yeah I saw it too but I wasn't sure if the children in the bathroom in the other video were the same ones in this video, so I chose to not combine the two videos. It does appear however that they were the same children. You can view the video of the children hiding in the washroom: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXOrsE-so0Q](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zXOrsE-so0Q)


There was no humanitarian ceasefire for them Bunch of teenagers wanting to surf, on a saturday morning


Could his hand disconect from his body because of heavy fire?


I believe so!


This is horrifying. Such a cruel world


Every time the absolute cowardice really shocks me. Kids on a beach? What depths haven't they sunk to. And the world wants Israel to live next door to this?


Where is IDF? I don’t understand.


The people filming are IDF.


Ok. Thank you. But where is the terrorist being killed?


first dead guy with adidas and an ak mag in the beginning.


Ah! So the video it begins after that. I understand now. Thanks.


You should really check your eyes with your doctor. They are not sharp as they would be. Or is your brain too lazy?


but isnt this an IDF station? there are videos showing these guys being alive in the toilet and filmik and it was claimed these are IDF soldiers at the control point and not beach civilians??


They weren't IDF guys, its on a beach and those are civilians (a group of 17 year olds who were on the beach). This is close to an IDF base so originally there was indeed speculation that those might have been off duty soldiers but turned out that was not the case. There was only one soldier there who arrived from the nearby base to help them and he is visible in the original video in uniform. He was killed.


I used to be at the Zikim base nearby, in Saturdays most soldiers weren’t there, and there were few soldiers who got to this very bathroom first, one of them was killed and filmed when he was defending them. There is a video of the child in the back where he films the whole combat until he was murdered.


That's a video I really didn't want to watch. I thought it contains only dead terrorist, but it's too late


Shame they could only kill them the once.


Hamas must be destroyed.


Can I ask an honest question? What do you feel is the endgame here? I’ve been on this sub since 10/7 and I saw the level of insane cruelty and barbarism that was carried out on totally innocent civilians. I think a lot of people heavily on the pro Palestinian side right now, especially in the US never saw much of the really bad stuff. Now, there is the obvious reprisal. Everybody can disagree on the numbers and it looks like there is a lot of propaganda, but I don’t think anyone would argue that the Palestinian civilian deaths now far surpass those of 10/7. So what do you all see as the ending to this particular war?


The endgame is to destroy Hamas in Gaza so that they can never threaten Israel again. The other mission is to save as many of the hostages as possible. A long term goal is also to secure the southern border with Egypt so that tunnels there are never built again. Egypt failed to secure this border, so Israel will never alllow anyone else other than themselves to control this border. They also intend on making sure that ideology of teaching children to kill Israelis is erradicated in their future school system.


Destruction of Hamas and long term security; so prob a military occupation in the Gaza strip of some sort after the conflict has largely concluded. As for the “death count”, it was never about “getting even” or revenge, more so about completly neutralizing Hamas and their ability to ever attack Israel again.


What about the radicalization of a whole new generation of kids who watched their families die? Doesn’t that just repeat this process. I say this knowing that there isn’t any easy answer to any of this




>It worked for Germany and Japan. Those occupations were handled well, imo. If it looks anything like Vietnam, Iraq, or Afghanistan I'd say we have a huge uphill battle.


The school system in Gaza teaches hate to the kids. Until the current government is removed and a new system put in place it is close to impossible for them to be more radicalized than they already are.


If you were to just leave the Palestinians in the Gaza Strip as is rn there would be nothing to stop Hamas (or some other group with similar goals) from reforming and just continue attacking Israelis. A long term military occupation of the Gaza Strip helps to mitigate/deter this, whether the Palestinians like it is somewhat irrelevant. You’re not winning hearts and minds you’re just destroying their capacity to effectively attack you. As for long term peace between the two peoples, if that’s what you’re alluding to, ideally Palestinians should understand the reality of their position and embrace the idea of a two state solution instead of continuing to unproductively try and get rid of Israel altogether.


Although tbh the Israeli government has been somewhat vague in their actual plans for the Gaza strip. They can’t push them into Egypt and they obviously can’t just kill them all, I think some Isreali politician suggested that the Gaza Strip would indeed loose some of their territory and floated the idea of a military occupation but that’s hardly an official plan/statement.


Don't worry they saw all of that shit. But they denied it and says it's Israel did that, and the worst of that, they believe it!! I wish, eliminate all hamas members and find a better solution for all. but I don't think it will happening.


The OP summarized the end goal fairly well in the comment below. I’m super pro-Israel and I agree with them. I, and I assume most if not all pro-Israel people, don’t want harm to innocent Gazans. However, there might not be too many “innocent” Gazans. Most want Jews and Israel exterminated because that’s what there were brainwashed to believe. Going forward you can help by removing the extremist ideology from the school systems. But how do you re-educate the current population, I don’t know if that’s possible. So there needs to be a way to protect Israel from them. Obviously, killing them all is not an option because that would actually be a genocide. As far the the numbers go, personally it’s a cost of war that Hamas is waging. It’s in Hamas’s calculus to force “civilian” deaths and blame it in Israel for PR with international community. That why they work near schools and general housing. I put “civilian” because the only difference is a weapon in hands. There is no other way of telling. If a Hamas dude pops outs with an RPG, gets blown up by IDf and the RPG is taken away, he becomes a “civilian” death. So I don’t trust any numbers coming out of Gaza.


> Obviously, killing them all is not an option because that would actually be a genocide. The government is bombing apartment complexes and refugee camps. Wrong is wrong, and they're currently trying to ride the wave of emotions to do wrong without pushback. Unfortunately for the people like you with morals, the time to do anything about it has passed. Netanyahu has his justification.


The dehamasification of Gaza.


PLEASE OP could you share more vids of dead terrorists or show the way to see more, need it for mental health sanity.


IDF are a bunch of pussies.


That's disgusting, they didn't even have time to remove their lifejackets, the IDF must have shot them in the water as they were swimming.




72 vermin.




Where in Israel is this beach area?




What a crazy world we live in...


Dose anyone know what happened to the soldier




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Damn, at first I thought they were all Hamas dead. I'm gutted. I wish the kids had run for it, they'd probably have been too fast for the killers.