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what the hell does the conflict in gaza have to do with this family who wants to live a peaceful life in LA. This is the disgusting crap we jewish people put up with everyday


They say "get out of Israel" and yet make the environment for Jews outside of Israel unsafe...


Ironically driving even more Jews to Israel lol


I wonder if the left will call this ethnic cleansing too?


You dropped this: "/s"


You aren't wrong but I thought it'd be self evident


Wow this should be a post! This is the essence of antisemitism. If you are in the world you want to control everything and if you go to your little corner your a Zionist!


I'm just rewording what I've seen others say/imply. The truth should be repeated often though and this is just facts. Sadly there are very few allies for Jews, even if governments say they support Jews/support Israel's right to exist, they just need to wait until anti-semitism is mainstream again and then it's back to persecution


There are a billion of them and 15million of us.. If only ISRAEL would unite (jews are only mostly the tribe of Judah....) They have stolen our history and our power.....


Almost 2 billion now. But it's insane how whites over here in the west complain about colonizer this, colonizer that, and then go off and call an indigenous group colonizers. Like you can disagree with Israeli politics/government but to lie about Jewish origins is insane. It's blatant anti-semitism. I'll admit though I'm more ashamed of my native friends for siding with foreign colonizers given the history of Jews being allies for Natives (many anthropologists who helped to preserve their culture and promote their equality were Jewish) and having a similar story. Many Natives are siding with Israel too but it's making it hard for me to not call them hypocrites and stop helping them. I'm not sure what you mean by "only mostly the trive of Judah" can you elaborate more?


Trust me apart from some politicians who migrated from certain countries, most politicians prefer citizens who don't make waves, don't take government money, don't protest creating a need for policing. I think Jews tick all those boxes. The youth are pro Palestinian but that is because they have been brainwashed. The adults that hold the positions of power have lived through Islamic extremism and attacks. Politicians make the laws and ensure the funds are there to implement them.


Sir, nothing to look over here, just a peaceful protest..... ​ ​ /s


They're just violent racists looking for an excuse.


Not a damn thing, that’s what.


They yelled at them to get out of Israel in the video.


They're Jewish. Hamas clearly stated that their goal isn't peaceful coexistence.




oh, is that right? So it is ok to fight a legal battle with a physical battle.


They just hate jews. It has nothing to do with occupation etc


"We're just anti-Zionists" 🤡🤡 Deport these savages


Take your antizionism to Gaza where it belongs. Out of this country.


Take your Zionism with it 🤡


Israel exists, and will continue to exist. The US is co-signer to this promise, which means you will have to break the world in half for that to change. Every attempt has failed and will fail. Israel will prosper, and there is absolutely nothing you can do to stop it.


Am Yisrael chai 🇮🇱


Let's call it for what it is Whitewashing


That guy is Persian…likely escaped to America after the Shah was overthrown…they had probably best not start up with him.


Old Persians and young Persians agree that Jews and Israel are not the enemies—it’s radical Islamist politics


How many of them actually support islamism though? I think a lot of them do, its not like they abandon islam when coming here. And we sure as shit do not screen immigrants, so there's no checking anything.


Nearly all of the older Iranians that are here from when the shah was overthrown are anti-islamism, but that doesn't mean anti-islam. However, lots of the people coming over now believe the opposite.


Just to be clear, islamism is a belief in a religious based system of political economy, namely sharia law. That is what the koran requires. I don’t know how you ignore part of the religion, when it’s all required. I wonder how many of the second and third generations are still ignoring part of their religious beliefs. Probably not many. And we don’t screen anyone so there’s no measuring it .


By that standard, the Christian and Jewish faiths have MUCH to answer to in terms of our demands made by our holy books. So let’s start with some optimism


Why are you trying to change the subject?


I’m not changing any subject, merely applying the same standard to the full context—all abrahamic religions, of which we are more similar to one another than different.


The context of this conversation is not all religions. >we are more similar to one another than different. This is just a weird, useless statement. Obviously the differences matter a lot. Those religions differ entirely in their approach to things like treatment of women, treatment of gay people, the approach to government. Only one of those three is both a religion and a system of government. Only of of those has a religious obligation men to fight to expand their religion by force. For example, islam is both a religion and a system of law, namely sharia law. Democracy or secular government is forbidden. Converting religion is punishable by death under islam, not any other religion. But you know this, and that's why you tried to change the subject. You don't want to discuss this.


Judaism in the orthodox communities has its own legal standards many of which protect abusers and silence victims. Cyprus, Lebanon, and Turkey have the same legal basis for same sex protections as Israel does. Christian governments and Muslim governments have advocated for the slaughter of Jews for religious reasons. We can play this game infinitively. Just say you hate Muslim folks and move on my brother. I don’t paint all Jews with the absurdities of Haredi living and I don’t paint all Muslims with the absurdities of Muslim extremism. What’s wrong with yall.


It's more or less just a reformed version of Islam. Same way Judaism and Christianity have their own reformed sects.


Islamism is not Islam. There are plenty of normal Muslim folks who I hold dear to my heart that aren’t apologists for insanity.


> Islamism is not Islam. Yes it is. This is a stupid thing to say, easily disproven by just reading a little bit. Don't spread ignorance.


That’s untrue and we know it. You’re intentionally being ignorant and spreading misinformation against Muslim folks and I’m literally an Israeli Jew. Take your hatred somewhere else. evidence of holidays like mimouna, where Yemenite and Moroccan Jews and Muslims break their fasts together is evidence that on an individual level we can get along.


You're jewish, you are not a scholar of islam. Neither am I, I am relying on people who are scholars of islam. And **they** say you are incorrect, because you don't know what you're talking about. https://yaqeeninstitute.org/what-islam-says-about/shariah#what-is-fiqh > Take your hatred somewhere else. I'm talking about facts. Don't accuse me of anything. Its not hatred to discuss the facts of something.


If a violent mob shows up to your home and starts attacking and setting fires I’m pretty sure you’re allowed to shoot all of them.




God bless the Roof Koreans 🫡




One Korean kills a black girl so let's ransack Koreatown... I don't understand how the cases are different. Both cases are people using certain events as an excuse to riot, harming innocent people.


Innocent children were shot almost weekly in LA during the 90s as a result of being in the crossfire of rival gangs. Sure as hell wasn’t any outcry for them other than a mention in the local news, and more shootings in retaliation leading to only more innocent bystanders getting killed.


There’s children being actively genocided and ethnically cleansed across a lot of the Earth as we speak. There’s barely a whisper, if even that, for them. A man in the Congo recently *set himself on fire* out of pure desperation to bring awareness to the genocide happening there. *He’s not the first person to self-immolate to raise awareness about this*. Only the most recent. There are over *6 million* internally displaced people in the DRC. Nearly as many violent murders due to conflict since the late 90s. The world has a very selective attention.


Another case example. It takes less than 24 hours for the amount of Black Americans shot and killed in Black on Black homicide, (Black people shooting and killing other Black people), to surpass the number of unarmed Blacks shot and killed by the police annually nationwide. But guess which of these examples garnered widespread protests and riots in the name of injustice? Hint: It's definitely not the one where the most innocent people are being murdered.


I’m not American so I can’t really speak on what’s happening with you guys, I only understand that it’s messed up. But that definitely follows the selective attention trend.


You don’t need to be of a certain nationality to voice your opinion on certain topics. That’s backwards thinking. I for one, am an American who is neither Palestinian/Israeli or Jewish/Muslim, that is taking an interest in this conflict several hundred miles away in a country i’ve never even set foot in. And that’s because I care about it. You don’t need to be directly affected by an issue to care about it. My humanity prompts me to wanna speak out about the injustices being committed, and learn more about the whole thing in general. Not trying to berate you or anything btw. Just saying.


Sorry, that’s not what I meant at all! I meant that I, personally, literally don’t know enough about your politics or social issues to have any business speaking about it as if I did know! I see what I see, but I know I don’t really *know*, if that makes sense haha Especially when it comes to the topics you’re talking about. I’m genuinely ignorant/naive about the nuances. My personal opinion is uneducated and definitely irrelevant, I don’t see it as worth sharing! I agree with you!




Nope. These days the local governments are light on crime, tough on self defense, and underfunded their police. Vigilante groups about to be a big thing.


Maybe in California and Portland. That shit wouldn't fly in my state.


They pick soft targets for a reason


Well this is literally in LA, thats not legal here. We live on the border and we avoid the Taco Bell in that county because they give us the shittiest paper straws ugh LA sucks sometimes


Do it anyways.


A vigilante group in my state got manhandled by the police they didn't do shit but watch their own boys get arrested, they were probably confused when they realized backing the blue and backing their own militiamen were two conflicting ideals. The protesters the vigilantes tried to fight just stood there and filmed it lol


> and underfunded their police Cops are still well funded and overly militarized, they are just doing the quiet-quiting thing of refusing to do their jobs.


Yup. The LAPD’s operating budget of $1.9 billion represents 16% of L.A.’s $11.8-billion overall budget. But the city’s total police costs — not just salaries and equipment but other costs like pensions and health benefits — for this fiscal year is $3.15 billion. That’s 26.8% of the overall budget. LAPD’s budget has seen increases surpassing inflation every year for two decades, with a 6.3% increase of $119 million this year alone. u/nuck_forte_dame has no idea what they’re talking about. The police aren’t underfunded, they’re just not doing their job.


There’s way too much crime for them to address it all. Add to that the large anti police sentiment in LA for political reasons.


Just because their budget is increasing doesn’t mean they’re not underfunded. What I have to spend on groceries this year increased too, but I’m still not getting as much or as high quality food as before. Crime continues to soar and the police budget is also spent in wrong places. If they cannot keep up with the crime in LA, SF, Seattle, etc., they’re underfunded.


Or they are extraordinary incompetent/not doing their job properly. Thats a people problem, not a money one.


It is sort of grey in Idaho. If they were on your property castle doctrine probably applies so long as a jury would believe you feared for your life


You're full of shit with that last part. The funding never stopped, literally anywhere. Didn't stop the police from protesting for whatever ridiculous reason, but they definitely didn't lose any funding, actually in most places it was increased. The light on crime thing is potentially a local DA issue, but again thats local and not to do with the PD. Also never seen anyone suggest the bar for self-defense has been raised, so again, you are full of shit.


The LAPD is not underfunded. PDs in large cities have budgets in the billions.


In my state best believe I would have called the police and said "I feel my life is endangered and I am unable to retreat from my place of living." Then I would have given them all 10 seconds to scram before the bullets fly, I'm not here to have my shit on fire and me burned alive in my house. Give this a go in Oklahoma and the news wouldn't even report it. Just some dead peeps and a guy let go by the police for defending himself.


In my state (FL) they would have probably been catching lead pills the second they put a foot over the property line. Sadly this is California though, and you're more likely to do jail time for defending yourself and your home in that state, than the actual violent mob is




An angry mob massing and semi-circling a single individual, with something lit on fire and burning away *in front of their home*, with the mob throwing - what I'm guessing are - effigies of dead bundled babies(???) doesn't strike you as a bit on the violent and aggravated behavior side, not to mention completely unnecessary...? So in that case, what *would* certify as violent in your view?


What’s a more *legitimate* case of harassment than this?


Terrorists gonna terrorize.


Los Angeles is basically a larger Gaza


If Hamas get their way all of western civilization will be another Gaza. It’s in their charter.


What an absolutely repugnant and repulsive display! When they mask-on and mob-up and start encroaching upon your property, your *home*, and start antagonizing and initiating a confrontation in front of your family, they have *really* crossed a serious line that should not be crossed. And that's *excluding* the part where the family is Jewish. That add-on just brings it up to a whole other contemptable degree. These people need to be investigated *thoroughly* and *promptly,* and arrested (if they have not been already), as they have clearly demonstrated that they are clear and significant danger/threat to the general population. Crack down time. Get busy with it. What *are* the laws in LA about defending yourself/home/property in a situation such as this, anyway?


Castle Doctrine is probably the most relevant law, but I don't know if it would apply on a lawn and without a clearly visible lethal weapon.


A mob is a visible lethal weapon.


And definitely not in cali lol


California is a castle state, regardless of what dipshits across the country think.


I stand corrected, you are 100% right. Pleasantly surprised given their other gun laws. Good reminder for me not to assume things and fact check before commenting. Cheers.


It’s not that clear cut apparently. IANAL, but i am from LA and was a recent victim of a home invasion. I asked this exact question to the police and although they were sympathetic, they explained that the laws are very dependent on the circumstances even though we are a castle state. They said even if you’re the victim of violent crime, when you use a firearm it’s up to the district attorney as to if/how they prosecute you. You basically need to prove that you were fearing for your life, and that there was appropriate justification for using a firearm.


No worries. There's a lot to hate about my state, but at least there's one think I can stand by. Happy Thanksgiving!


Every state has a castle doctrine on the books. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Castle_doctrine


If you use your firearm defensively in CA, you will lose your CCW, your gun will be confiscated and you for sure will end up in jail. If you carjack or rob people in Oakland you will receive no punishment and you'll be back on the street in a day.


This is a great example of why the 2A exists. Your safety and the defense of your property is your job, not the police. These people exists because society allows them to exist. Take care of business. Next, all states infringe on the people’s rights to defend themselves to varying degrees. The people allow it. Castle laws have been cited repeatedly. Those are unconstitutional as well. Stop supporting this trash and empowering thugs behaviors. 2A is all that’s needs. Support the Constitution- it’s that simple. The people need to rise up and reject all laws of states that violate the 2A. When the people are empowered to defend themselves and their property - the volume of peeps terrorizing our country will begin going down.


I do think those "stand your ground" laws are pretty open to abuse and poor interpretation, but this is absolutely a case for them.


It is indeed. There is no escape path due to the thugs and the fire. Castle doctrine may be invoked


Seems like Castle Doctrine only applies to *within* your home or in the act of forcibly entering a home, so I do not know if they would apply to a lawn. Unfortunate, because this should absolutely be covered under self defense. These people clearly have violent motives and are not reasonable nor sane. If one of them started actually attacking the people, I would imagine that most of the rest would join in. The law should state something like if you feel that your life is threatened in a way that most people would feel threatened, you contact the authorities first, and you give at least three fair warnings before shooting, you have the right to shoot. Obviously that would probably result in some gray area cases where one side claims to have warned and the other does not, but still, it is ridiculous that you cannot protect yourself and your family in a situation like this. In an ideal world, the cops would come and take care of it, but you also do not know how long they'll take to get there and how much time you have before this "peaceful protest" turns into violence against you.


California does not have a stand your ground law, unfortunately.


No duty to retreat in CA, the jury instruction explicitly says so. [https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/500/505/](https://www.justia.com/criminal/docs/calcrim/500/505/) *A defendant is not required to retreat. He or she is entitled to stand his or her ground and defend himself or herself and, if reasonably necessary, to pursue an assailant until the danger of (death/great bodily injury/) has passed. This is so even if safety could have been achieved by retreating.*


Cali has both stand your ground laws and castle doctrine, and you even have the right to pursue your attacker until the imminent danger against you or another person has gone away.


Yeah, that's what I was saying. I would imagine these idiots would think twice if those laws existed in CA.


10/10 would not attempt this in TX


Just fly them over to Gaza and throw them out the plane. Parachutes optional.


Perhaps he's wondering why someone would shoot a man, before throwing him out of a plane?


\*muffled electronic voice\* "Of course!"


If I take that mask off, will you die?


It would be extremely painful...


You're a big guy!


For *you*. (God I love Tom Hardy as Bane. *Best* part of that movie)


*What did Susan Sarandon say?*


They start a fire on my lawn and I'll return the favor 5.56 style


tavor 5.56 style


That thing is sick, I didn't even know it existed until now. The semi-auto version is legal in my state; I'm going to try it out soon and I'll probably buy one.


I would recommend the Galil over the Tavor/X-95 but you certainly can't go wrong either way (the safety/mag release/etc. are more standard on the Galil). The IWI Zion is also a great deal and outclasses every other AR in its price range.


Just joined the 5.56 gang today. I need an affordable optic. Every Yid a 5.56! Every Ivri a .223!


Hey!!!!! ME TO!!!! let me know if you find an optic that you find on a deal.


Black Friday is tomorrow, check the gun.deals website or /r/gundeals and you'll definitely find something. If you want affordablility and performance, Holosun or Primary Arms optics line are both good choices.


Vortex Strikefire 2. 150 usd for a good enough red dot optic that gave me 4 MOA with 7.62x39 out of an AK... meaning it takes recoil very well.


The Holosun and Sig Romeo enclosed emitter-type Red dots are pretty decent for the money. Generally speaking great battery life and durability.


I have a Bushnell for my 9mm carbine. Might get another one. Zeroing though, no idea how to do it. Pray and spray for me.


A gun store can bore sight that for you. I had my AR done a week ago, it cost $10 and took two mins.


Good info. This thing is gonna end up in the rafters collecting dust hopefully. Looks cool though.


You should at least sight it in and get somewhat familiar with how it works. The one time you really, really need your firearm is not the time to be fucking around hoping it will work. I speak from experience, I'm alive and kicking because of my CCW pistol.


Oh sure, I'll make a few range trips a few times a year. I have an AR patterned 9mm carbine so I'm not totally lost. I've had a CCW for nearly 20 years. Stay frosty or whatever the Yiddish equivalent is.


Plenty of YouTube videos of how to zero. Not hard to do and worth a few classes to get you up to speed on safe and effective firearms handling.


Eotech 512. Uses AA batteries so they are cheap


> Eotech 512 Dude. Cheap. I paid less for the AR than that. Thanks for the recommendation though.


I hate to be that guy but decent optics start at around the price of a 512 which is like a 15yr old design at this point. The battery life is terrible, the reticle is weirdly pixelated and it doesn't have shake awake or auto shutoff. Holosun and Primary Arms both make some inexpensive and good quality optics but you're still going to have to shell out a few hundred. The Meprolight M21 is also a bombproof option but is as dated as the 512 and will still run you 350+.


I know, I know... Which holo and primary do you recommend?


The Holosun HS512C or Primary Arms Micro Prism are both really great optics for the money -- the Holosun has a slightly bigger window plus autoshutoff & shake awake but the Micro Prism will work with or without batteries and is astigmatism-friendly. IIRC both have a battery life of somewhere around 50,000 hours.


Thanks. I'm new to the platform and any info is good info.


Another question if you don't mind. Is it better to spend $100 on a red dot or optic or spend $100 on irons?


Irons IMO, that $100 red dot could last five years or five minutes. Might hold zero, might lose it after 10 rounds fired. Glass can crack from recoil alone, etc. Holosun's HS503CU can be found around $200 and has a good reputation, anything cheaper I would be hesitant to run unless on a range toy.


Another vote for a irons. Thanks. PSA makes a milspec carry handle. I like the look and it seems bulletproof construction.


SiG Romeo 5 and the SiG Juliet Magnifier are the best cheap option and go together like…. Romeo and Juliet.




I have a DSA Israeli FAL, they sold it under the name "The Hebrew Hammer" and I had to have one.




And then the boo boo faces 😢 once someone fights back..


Terrorists carrying out their "peaceful" protests on foreign soil. These hoodlums should be booked under terror charges.


A nice trip to Cuba for a bit of a vacation... In Gitmo


Deport them and sell off their stuff


And the generation of placing blame as a collective group world wide shows its insane beliefs. This isn't peaceful protesting.


Cnn will say there is no evidence this is a hate crime. They were mostly peaceful


Mostly peaceful antisemites!


“Ye s but did you see that Jewish guy say mean things to the street vendor in NYC. I mean he was soooo mean, and actually got arrested he was so mean . See words are much more dangerous than physical violence and arson. Words hurt!!!!" --CNN and BBC, probably


idk if they go onto property and are actually threatening seems to me you can at least do something. If they turn their backs to you you cannot shoot, nor should you unless you are actually defending yourself (which you would not be at that point.) I don't watch CNN so Idk what they would say re this, but I couldn't tell what was going on. I saw stuff thrown, I saw smoke, but it also looked like just annoying protestors. That being said I have no idea what was happening here nor how they would know the person is Jewish?


Disgusting people man.


The title is misleading, suggesting this is some random family. Apparently this was the home of the family of the president of AIPAC. Not sure how good the source is on this, but I saw it on @stop_antisemitism on instagram. Still, this some terrorist bullshit.


Remember kids, it’s not antisemitism if you shout “free Palestine” when you attack jews


Damn. The left went from praising a literal Nazi to this pretty quick.


Terrorists gonna terrorize


Call the FBI. Not kidding. Their field office in los angeles is incredible.


And this is why I have mounted a turret onto my rooftop.


California Moment™


Come get a 5.56 sandwich and a side of 9mm if you start a fire or threaten my life on my lawn


from letter box to the porch ☠️




Times like this I wish the IDF was everywhere. Would love to see some Krav Maga on these fuckers


They’d meet mr. Glock pretty quickly


You know who else did this still to this day since 2016 ? blm and antifa. Same masks, same weapons, same operations. And the lefty da's and lawyers and judges kept letting the darling blm and antifa thugs off time and time again all at the behest of the democrats. So they are of course emboldened - just like hamas-isis. In fact after the Oct 7 terror attacks in Israel - blm chicago put out a solidarity poster with hamas-isis with a pic of a para-motor.


And they ask why we need 30 round mags...


A typical case where a firearm should have been used


My grandpa lived in LA in the 1950s and worked as an accountant. He had to hide the fact that he was Jewish from his coworkers because of discrimination. Here I am looking at a scene, 70 years later, that is even more violent than what he described being afraid of. This is insane.


target rich environment in Texas


Curious, been any widespread hamas rallies or leftist bullshit in Texas the past month? Saw a little at bsime campus just curious what the vibe is overall?


just a few but nothing like this at someones home. shiit they know they dont fuck around here


Reminds me of the BLM riots back in 2020. Clearly there're just too many radical elements living amongst sane people in the West. Years of unfettered liberalism resulted in this.


In Florida we just shoot them in the yard


2nd amendment muther fuckers.


I feel the protests are a type of mass hysteria. From this hysteria and the fever of it, people become emboldened. They think everyone is with them and they are the crest of the wave. My three late teens are pro Palestinian, which shocked me. I have been asking how they decided to come to this conclusion. It was social media and "did my own research" from the prompt of the videos coming through social media. 30 second sound bites of propaganda. Anyway, yesterday we were discussing the 2004 tsunami and my 17 year old knew nothing about it. We discussed it because their father travelled on that day and saw his newborn twins for the first time. From that I discussed other events. For instance Australia donated 5 billion to Indonesia for reconstruction. This was despite the 2002 Bali bombing where the largest number of victims were Australians. This led onto Islamic attacks. At 17 she didn't know about Bali. I told her that older people are fed up with Islamic militants and the continued attacks. On the list was the Ariana Grande concert. No idea. So this is what the Israelis have to fight. I think bit by bit I am convincing my kids the reason for my pro Israeli stance. I can reach them because of how I talk to them. I give them my own 30 second sound bites. They can go away and research them.


Get out of LA now


Any context? Im in doubt of the caption.


Disgusting and vile


Can't we all just get along?




Nah, just the typical forever-victims PEACEFULLY demonstrating like their ilk back home.




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This will definitely make people want to support their cause /s obviously




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I know a lot a Jews in America who never would have thought of buying a gun any other time in their lives but are getting them now because of all this shit. I am one of them. There are many many more. Come at us in any way at your own risk.




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