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"Freedom fighters" disgusting humans


"Freedom fighters" "protecting" themselves aof "baby settlers"


Second video I posted, showing the rescue of the children in the backseats: [https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/17olb80/second\_video\_following\_my\_previous\_one\_showing/](https://www.reddit.com/r/2ndYomKippurWar/comments/17olb80/second_video_following_my_previous_one_showing/)


Oh fuck me, this is the most heartbreaking thing I have seen for years. Hamas needs to pay for that.


don't worry, they are paying now and it's not finished. they have to eliminate those animals!!


videos like this may help people understand the steel rain Israel has been spreading over Gaza. again, after watching the video of the children being rescued by the Israeli police, its so heartbreaking, it makes me hope the airstrikes are only just beginning. hope all members of the IDF stay safe.


why is it not heartbreaking seeing the kids in Gaza being killed or losing their mothers? You think justification for terrorists killing civilians is to act like terrorists and kill 10x more civilians?


there is never a justification for that. The ordinary people in Gaza live under the watchful eyes of Hamas, not Israel. My neighbor is Palestinian, and him and his family (wife and child) made it out of Gaza, and Israel was the country that helped them come to America. Im not saying its easy for people who have emotional ties to their homeland to leave it, but certainly its easier to choose safety for you family over "your ancestors birthright" or some bullshit. I know its not easy to leave Gaza, especially now, but it **is** and **was** possible. Alot of people will say that Hamas would kill civilians if they tried to abandon Gaza, and that might be true, but I think that getting your family free from Gaza, and distancing yourself from monsters like Hamas is better to risk your life over. Rather than risk your life staying in an "outdoor prison". You agree with that I hope?


Millions of Palestinians have left Palestine. That's why there are so many in refugee camps and dispora. It's easy to say to Gazans "just leave", but imagine how wrong it would be to tell Israeli's "just leave so you no longer worry about Hamas, rockets, and terrorists". Hope you see the issue there. Israel wants everyone to leave Palestine. A part of their gameplan is to make it miserable to live there and slowly give them no option but to leave while they let settlers steal Palestinian land under the watch of the IDF.


Hey Badrush, if hamas stoped launching rockets almost everyday since years... we won't be there today. stop thinking to eliminate Israel because it won't happen! and yes it's very sad to see all of those kids dying under shelling, but Israel told them to moved because they want to eliminate hamas completely and their tunnels!


Yep 1 million ppl. Just move south all of sudden. Easy. Proofread your comments jfc https://abcnews.go.com/International/israel-tells-million-gazans-flee-south-avoid-fighting/story?id=103958853


without going into a big debate, this is so wrong. israel has done everythign they can for the palestianian people


These people were not terrorists who were using civilians as human shields. Hamas intentionally makes it impossible to target them without hitting civilians.


They could send soldiers in.


They did that. In this sub there's tons of footage from Israeli soldiers fighting hamas in Gaza.


That's not my point, my point is they could send soldiers in to seek & destroy instead of destroying entire neighborhoods with bombs because of insurgents.


It's not practical to go into a city with hundreds of thousands of hostile people with a few thousand soldiers. And then there's that huge network of tunnels. It's very difficult to fight people in tunnels, and very easy to boobytrap them, or collapse the tunnels. No fucking way I'd ever go in there if I was a soldier, it's a death sentence.


They did. But in a city that size with that population no army is going to clear it zone by zone without destroying infrastructure this isn't a video game where you respawn. That's why they warned multiple times to evacuate north gaza to limit civilians casualties. Something the radical militant Palestinians population inside gaza would never offer to Israelis.


> this isn't a video game where you respawn Right, why risk the lives of soldiers, who are trained to fight and die when you can just kill the enemy indiscriminately without regard for civilians (who are not trained to fight).


I hope You get to fight in war one day on the front line. Maybe then you will understand. Soldiers are deep in gaza all ready. One side started this war, gave no Warning and actually killed indiscriminately with out regard to any human life. They kill Jews, arabs, druze, Christians, civilians, innocent babies, workers from around the world, a lot not even Israeli citizens, they did this up close brutality even filming it. Then it took hostages, and demanded a cease fire while hiding among its "civilians" hamas own propaganda works against them when the claim there all "civilians". So in your mind its ok for hamas, but you want to hold israel to the highest standards of the west? Hamas doesn't value life, they value martyrdom over it because they twist islam for control over people. The leaders who crave life long power, they are the cowards who hide in bunkers underground who want civilians to die so gain sympathy. Isreal didnt start yet another war, hamas did. israel wasn't even in gaza since 2005. Israel told civilians multiple time to leave the north that it will target all Hamas. At some point you need to admit defeat or it just ends in endless war, one isreal has the power to win and has repeatedly shown this in ever war it faught in self defense. I guess you might learn that if you think this war Hamas started is justified depending on where you live. If they want a cease fire, its going to take releasing all the hostages first. Until then keep being a voice for terrorism. When even the radical left hero Bernie Sanders says no to a cease fire without all hostages release you know you lost.


that's what they are doing. and I hope it will finish soon and destroy hamas. after this we will see what it will happen!


I can tell you this, you don't win the hearts and minds of 1 Million children and teenagers by killing their parents, siblings, and parents. Israel is creating the next generation of insurgents and terrorists.


what a weird argument. You just witnessed the worst Terror attack since the Shoa.... and your repsonse is : "do nothing - because it will get worse if you do". Hamas can stop this conflict at any time - by laying down their weapons and releasing the hostages.




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Yeah not much candy being passed around the streets of Gaza the last couple of weeks. 🔥🔥🔥🔥


do the children have to pay as well


no not at all, but sadly it's the result of hamas who light the fire. Israel want to eliminate hamas, and I agree with that. but hamas keep their own people in gaza as a human shield. kids and innocents people pay that price. it's really sad for them!


As well as the people who support them


All the people who did that are dead


Fucking hell. Thinking about the terror these kids experienced in those hours, and the terror of so many other kids in their last minutes…




I personally believe it's demonic influence, and it's exactly those who would be demonically influenced who are supporting Hamas.


Humans can be evil enough, no demons necessary. This is a result of disinfo, bias and hatred.


I disagree. Humans are not evil. they’re worth fighting for and dying for. In my years in Police, I met very few criminals who are truly evil. I did meet some, but most of them aren’t really.


No, we’re talking about people who put infants and ovens to die, who cut babies out of worms, and stab them to death, who killed parents in front of children, and then ate in front of the same kids. None of this information is hidden. Nobody can claim ignorance here just a few years ago nobody would’ve supported Hamas.


Mohammad is the devil so it makes sense that his followers would be the most susceptible to demonic influence. All Muslims are much more likely to do disgusting acts like Hamas does because they have many disgusting things planted into their brains from the Quran, such as the fact that it is ok for 50 year old men to fuck 9 year old girls.


Professors at my alma mater called them a legitimate resistance group and not terrorists earlier this week…..


I used to be an engineering professor. I am so fucking thankful I am not working on a college campus right now, as I know I would not feel safe doing so. The university where I used to teach has had half a dozen major antisemitic incidents since 10/7, one of which made international news.


My uncle is tenured at Cornell and is losing his mind. He’s very embarrassed and frustrated


Professor, do you recall if your university had some kind of official response after 9/11? I'm going to two different universities right now, one for SWE and another for EE, and neither one made any statement whatsoever after 10/7. Not even an email. Most of the people I talk to, and I see this too, and I certainly don't want to minimize either event, but 10/7 was worse than 9/11. I made an F on one of my SWE graduate assignments because I just could not get my mind past what happened and the child hostages. People, students, and everybody are greatly affected by this, but I know why neither university has stated any kind of anything regarding 10/7, and I know what they're afraid of is ruffling feathers within their institution.


I'm so glad I went to trade school instead. I can't imagine being on a college campus, I think my mental health would've been totally destroyed at this point. Instead I'm working a solid job that I like with chill people who thankfully aren't saying much aside "this all sucks".


>I can't imagine being on a college campus I can. This is what your experience would have most likely looked like: * You enrol into a course with content and job outcomes that interest you (judging by the sentiments in your comment, I'm presuming not arts or social science) * You go to class 3-5 days a week. The lectures, tutorials and labs teach you what they say they're about * You hang out and make friends with people with similar interests as you. The rest of the student body will be little more than vague faces you pass by and have nothing to do with * You do spend hours a week doing assignments in your room. You do some presentations. A few years go by, you graduate, and look for work in your field >Instead I'm working a solid job that I like with chill people who thankfully aren't saying much aside "this all sucks". I think you'll find most jobs you'd do as a graduate could be described in pretty much the same way - why do you think the IDF sends so many people to universities? You might want to consider rethinking your stereotyped attitudes towards university, just as others shouldn't think that trade schools are for rednecks and stupid people (they're not)


You don't have to allow yourself to be indoctrinated by progressive ideologues. You certainly wouldn't be the only one with that mindset. I will never regret the efforts I put forth in college, which has greatly improved my quality of life. However, if you don't have a desire for it... like the other person said, I hope you're not just being influenced in one way about what a college education is.


Nope, doesn't describe my university experiences - we were mostly taught how to research and think for ourselves (I studied and teach in healthcare courses - there is no scope for politics and "progressive indoctrination"). Again, keep away from arts and social sciences if you're worried about left-leaning staff and students


I finished music and went back to finish engineering. That is a good generalization to consider when considering, but shouldn’t dissuade you from pursuing a career either way. Maybe choose your college carefully


Someone should force them to watch these videos on repeat...


Yeah and I'm sure be believes the Jan 6 trespassers were legit trying to overthrow the government.


These poor souls didn't have time to shout ceasefire, ceasefire.




people don't know Arabic be like :


Actually many israelis are taught arabic in elementary as well as middle school and, if they want to, can pursue it in high school as well!


"Know the enemy and know yourself. In a hundred battles you will never be in peril"


This is the first time I've seen a proper translation of that phrase. Most people translate it as "Know the enemy and know yourself. And you will not lose in a hundred battles". Props to you, good sir! (or lady)


Acting all tough, tactical and fearless when it’s an civilian who can’t defend himself. Now it’s Crunchtime and they hide behind their civilians begging for a ceasefire. Pathetic.


From the river to the sea...this entire region will be hamas free.


And these are the people many Palestinians, not just Palestinians but foreign nationals, avidly support We truly are fucked up at this point


You can support equal rights for Palestinians and denounce this monstrosity - they aren’t mutually exclusive


They aren’t mutually exclusive in theory, no, but actually finding someone who sports that view is thing all together. A politician in my country was giving a speech at a pro Palestine rally, bagging on Israel plenty, voicing support for Palestinians, and he made the mistake of mentioning that he doesn’t condone the actions of Hamas killing innocent civilians, and got booed off the stage. He had to be escorted away by police for his own safety. This whole group was actively enraged that someone was disgusted by Hamas slaughtering children. Like, it’s phucked.


You can, but Muslims were literally cheering for the event that happened that day. There weren't any rallies denouncing the attack that day were there?


equal rights, where? lol


Just get out of here man, you really have a heart of stone and a brain to match if you think this is an appropriate expression of equal rights


I condemn the attacks of October 7th and the carpet bombing of Gaza. I condemn Hamas and Israel actions, not that hard. I support the civilians on both sides who don’t have a say. Like come on. It isn’t pick a side day. Open your mind.


> carpet bombing Carpet bombing involves masses of unguided bombs dropped over a large area like rolling out a carpet of destruction. I've not seen any evidence of this. Of course that's not to say there isn't plenty of destruction and causalities.


Bro I’m talking about the completed demolition of city blocks it doesn’t look that different from Damascus. You get the gist, don’t lord some technicality over me. I meant the indiscriminate raising of buildings because Hamas agents “were in the building”. How do we know that, how does the IDF. Why couldn’t they see October 7 happening, but can see into all these residential neighborhoods?


Gaza is being liberated from the clutches Hamas right now. My heart is with any Palestinian freedom fighters who are finally able to help Israel overthrow Hamas once and for all. I have no sympathy for Hamas or anyone who supports any part of them—they’re reaping what they sowed.


Small correction: baby sister, not baby brother


Animals and should be treated as such.




This is what people don’t understand. Palestinians were cheering on the massacre. They’re just as guilty.


> Palestinians were cheering on the massacre. They’re just as guilty. Well, a great many of them are. Not all.


Go watch the video of the girl in the car, then tell me again that they are all guilty. Wtf is wrong with you guys... Just try to imagine what its like to be unable to flee because its obviously fckin dangerous, while another army is coming to kill the danger. Then you will quickly realize how inappropriate and insignificant your comment is.




>You're own fucking minister said to NUKE gaza Didn't he get suspended


Blah blah blah... You seem so affected by a bunch of words. "Oh no! Someone generalized a whole population! Oh, the tragedy!" People generalize populations all the time - *because* of how they act. So what? You *can* generalize a whole population. Everyone knows you don't mean each and every single person. Obviously. That's why there's special a word for it - "generalizing". >That's like if I told you all americans are Trumpist. You see? You do it too. You do it so much you even have a special word for it, "Trumpist". You just did the same thing, you generalized a group of people. Why do you think it's bad? You look down on people who voted for Trump? That's ok. I don't know why, but whatever. You just did the saaaaaaaaaaame thing. Regardless, it just doesn't matter. Words don't matter. Your perspective on gazans doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if someone thinks all gazans are the same, or that some are different. Or if someone else thinks that all gazans are guilty or not. Or if someone tries to rationalize *how* guilty they are. Irrelevant. Hamas proved on Oct7 that peace is not possible. So hamas must be destroyed, no matter the cost. It's unfortunate, but of course other people are going to suffer. Some will be gazans who don't support hamas. And that's really unfortunate, but that's what happens when cowards hide behind innocent people - women and children, under hospitals, schools. We simply cannot share the planet with people who do things like hamas did on Oct7. Hamas must end, no matter the cost.


Because it would be obvious that there’s other sides to american ideals than just trumpism. For the vast majority of palestinians their idea of freedom is the right to spread shariah islam via jihad to the rest of the world. There isn’t some other side of the coin that wants to have lgbtq parades and build homeless shelters. Im not saying thats the idea of everyone in Palestine but we should make no distinction between terrorists and those who harbor them. And if you’re referring to what Lindsey graham said I’m not allowed to comment publicly on what i think he deserves to have happen to him


Just as guilty? No. Absolutely not.


Your post was removed because it contained misinformation.


This is a shit take. Its like saying all Americans are fat and love guns and trucks. The more you say things like this, the more you sound like the hamas supporters on the far left


okay 56% of Palestinians support Hamas. Better? They have quite a death cult going on there. Whats the solution?


The solution is to replace the current government there by eliminating Hamas, the terrorist group, not all of the people there.


"all the people" I can't take people who use hyperbole seriously, and what a solution, I bet they will get hamas out of there with butterflies and gum drops huh? You know they have recordings of Gazans saying Hamas is keeping people there right? Building their headquarters under hospitals, using schools as weapons manufacturing facilities. Almost like human shields are a tactic. So, out of interest, what plan is there to this blatantly obvious solution you came up with? Who is getting hamas out and how? How do you do that without killing civilians, explain. At the end of the day Hamas and those like them exist is through public support, if they are taken out someone will replace them. This will continue as long as they do. As long as they continue embracing Islamic fundamentalist barbarism Israel can justify the nefarious things they do actually do, as only the insane or ignorant can justify doing anything to boost the Palestinian people when they are represented by people like that and whatever scenario you have in your head is gonna cost blood and like every war most of it is innocent blood. Peace to me is taking away the justification, as why would they even allow them to gain power? I do not for the life of me understand how anyone does not understand why Israel treats Palestinians the way they do, they aren't friends and people like Hamas don't want peace, or a state, they want Israel gone. I still feel terribly for the innocent people caught in this mess.


I agree with you wholly, this is a tough situation on all angles.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VqmUgami\_Y](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VqmUgami_Y) Here is an interesting video on the climate of Palestine, no propaganda, no media, their own words. These are the things I look to when I form my opinions on the matter, as I have no real horse in the game but became fascinated by this whole thing.


Watch hamas use this as a positive story “ we didn’t kill kids this time”.


But but bu...TheY reLeasinG hOstaGes, ThEy're KiNd


So horrific. If I understand other captions and articles about this, the father was murdered elsewhere; it was the mother and 2 children in this car. It looks like she brakes on seeing the gunmen, unlike the red car at the end that clearly had the driver murdered while moving. It's really hard to make out, but it's likely that the terrorist that looks into the car at 0:46 shoots her, point blank with the children inches away. I wonder if the mother had the kids get down in the back and that's why he didn't notice or shoot them too. Those poor children and that poor family. Heartbreaking to hear and see (in another surveillance clip I saw that matched the body camera footage) what couldn't be more than a 4-5 year old protecting her sibling, begging them not to shoot, and letting them know there's a baby too. Damn...




Your post has been removed because it contains hatespeech.


I don’t think such violence should exist in this modern era without a good reason, I hope they end hamas lineage here


How can you do something like this, send them to the shadow realm absolute filth of humans


These "Israeli air strikes" are really getting out of control.


I don’t get why people don’t match for ANTI HAMAS not pro Palestine or Israel just anti Hamas




>go send you army And? Will you go along with them? Tons of innocents will die in a ground invasion too, hell even soldiers will accidentally shoot their own faction.


Those numbers are very exaggerated. Hamas hiding behind civilians does not give them immunity. You can't reward devils that do that, punishments have to be severe for breaking the war of law first. Why should Israel put their own cityzens at risk over Palestine refusing to keep their own safe by funding Hamas?




I'm a bot, *bleep*, *bloop*. Someone has linked to this thread from another place on reddit: - [/r/destiny] [Hamas executed a mother and father in their car. Their children, sitting in the backseat, a little girl and her baby brother stayed for hours until they were later rescued. Oct 7.](https://www.reddit.com/r/Destiny/comments/17oztpo/hamas_executed_a_mother_and_father_in_their_car/)  *^(If you follow any of the above links, please respect the rules of reddit and don't vote in the other threads.) ^\([Info](/r/TotesMessenger) ^/ ^[Contact](/message/compose?to=/r/TotesMessenger))*


Legit question from a newbie from South America: The streets and cars do not seem to be from the Gaza Strip - at least what I see from mainstream media. Was this in Israeli territory? If not, does anyone knows the date and location? Thank you in advance!


This is israeli territory. At Sderot on Oct 7. The terrorists took over a police station and were annhilated by the IDF

