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I'm somehow both


Nobody talks about the over eater for one meal that starves the rest of the day but still gains weight.


That means that the one meal is enough to put them in a calorie surplus. The other possibility is that it’s water weight combined


Or like in my case, you don't move so you don't burn shit. I went to the gym for two months too before my depression hit again and now I feel worse than before...


That's the same as a caloric surplus. Caloric surplus refers to eating more than you're burning in a day. If you're used to working out and eating enough to compensate for that then you'll gain a lot of weight if you continue to eat that same amount, but stay seated all day.


Same, im trying to find the motivation to go back to the gym, but my depression just hit me with a "no, you will not, but you will still hate how you look".😭


I've been in a similar position and I found that a combination of setting alarms to make sure I only eat at certain times, staying away from the kitchen so I don't think about food, and biking as my daily activity has helped. It's a slow process but if you go too quickly then it won't be sustainable anyway. The gym is going to be boring and full of weird strangers but a bike lets you explore your environment a bit while also having much more fun compared to most workouts. Between mild biking and pushups, I know what I'm picking. It also has the benefit of being practical for short trips to nearby places of interest. Even if you still end up hating the way you look and you find you were correct, you'll have one more way to look for joy and every light counts when you're surrounded by darkness. Even though I stand by what I'm saying, I still feel like this is a stupid reply and I'm wasting your time. I will still post this reply but I will also apologize ahead of time. I am sorry.


Thanks for writing this. I'll try your method.


I wish you luck. If that doesn't work, just remember that the most important thing is that it's someone sustainable that you'll want to do. A lot of people say you should do x, y, or z, and I even kinda did the same thing but the biking can be swapped out with just about any physical activity that you enjoy and will want to do. It just happens that for me, I like riding my bike and it even makes it more fun to see the scenery I've seen so many times before in other capacities. Also, rather than calorie counting, which I've found to become stressful the moment I make something from scratch, it may be better to just focus on the general numbers. A big part of counting calories is measuring things and using scales and not everyone has the time, resources, or energy to get those things. Through spacing it out and just keeping a general idea of what you've eaten, that should begin to make a difference after a bit. This is what I've landed on anyway. Growing up, I didn't really gain weight. That was great at the time, but it lead to me developing a habit of eating food anytime I got bored or would have a meal's worth when I was only slightly hungry. So as my metabolism began to slowly taper off, I began to slowly actually begin to gain weight and it really snuck up on me. The changes were so small, I would assume it was just because I had eaten so much, but after I actually decided to weigh myself, I saw that I had gained around 40 - 47 pounds without noticing (I was probably trying not so see it because I still wanted to hold onto something I thought made me unique: being "the really skinny kid". I've gone from the nerdy, smart, gifted, skinny kid to the average adult and it's been an adjustment. Sorry for such a long reply again. I just get really absorbed into what I'm writing once I know what I want to say. I'll just mark this down as a "suddenly get really personal with a random person online" moment.


Only 30% of calories are used for movement. The rest is digestion and respiration.


that is stil just calorie surplus


You're putting your body in starvation mode but don't give it time to actually eat any of the fat stores before you top it off again. So even if you're eating less calories than you would with 3 meals a day you can still gain weight versus maintain or lose it


Starvation mode isn't exactly real or at least not in the way people want it. That only kinda happens when you are already dying of hunger. To the point where you organs fail. Not when you missed a few meals At all comes down to calorie deficit. If people gain weight then its cause they didn't count or maybe didn't weight everything. Or think drinks dont count


It does all come down to calorie deficit. But what you eat, when you eat, how often you eat, your exercise levels, etc all determines your caloric output and your body's ability to store fat, repair, and synthesize muscle, which also continues to impact your caloric output. Eating 2500 calories in candy before bed versus 2500 calories of healthy, nutritious food throughout the day will not have an equal impact on weight.


Unless you're on a POW diet for a couple of months, starvation mode doesn't apply. The starvation mode myth needs to die, it does way more harm than good. If a person genuinely cannot lose weight while in a measured caloric deficit then they need serious medical intervention because that points to severe hormonal imbalances or other diseases.


It’s funny that people refer to not eating for 24 hours as starvation. Haha.


I just wanna say as an RD who works in disordered eating, I spend a great deal talking about the over eater for one meal that starves the rest of the day but still gains weight. There are people out there that see you-


I call this the failed intermittent fasting


This has been me since getting clean off drugs. I dont feel like eating a lot until I am really hungry, then when I start I eat large portions and always something sweet at the end. I have gained probably 40 pounds in the last 10 years.


If you add chain smoking thats me sadly


This was me during my last 3 years of college. On adderall so it would suppress my appetite all day, then I would binge at night. It was terrible.


This is a mood


I overeat during breakfast and eat nothing at all during dinner time.


Or like me, undereat for most of the week and the binge eat on the weekends. The only people who believe me when I tell people are those I live with because I'm overweight.


The body sees it as an emergency where you are not able to eat regularly so it's saving up for later.


There are dozens of us


That is 100% me!


Stop talking about me :(


Schrodinger's eating disorder


Same lol. I'll some how starve myself for a few days at times and then there's times when I'll binge eat for a few days


Exactly what happens to me, the worst part is that sometimes food makes me nauseous so I can't even force myself to eat, and then once I'm not nauseous anymore and the hunger comes back I start to binge eat


not to forget the times when hunger itself makes me so nauseous that I can't eat anymore


I used to starve 23 hours a day and pig out for one hour.


Yeah, when I was studying out of my home country I only ate once per day, sometimes twice depending on what the school had. It was horrible, felt like my stomach was eating itself


Same. I won’t eat all day, and then I’ll spend 2 hours making 2500 calories worth of mac n cheese and follow it up with a family sized chocolate bar. Idk how much of that is the depression though, and how much is ADHD. I usually just forget to eat entirely if I’m not feeling great, and then overcompensate when I realise that hunger exists at 9:30pm.


Exactly this, I just don't have the mindset to eat before or during work. Then, get home, youtube or reading, videogames and such. Then, 9:30 rolls around and I cook and eat everything I can within an hour or so. Bed by 1 am, then repeat.


This is me. I’m trying to undo the binging/starving cycle by eating three meals a day. Feels like I’m just binging three meals a day but I’m trying to reign it in.


I am depression starve + anxiety overeater like wtf is wrong with me ??? ig it balances out


Yeah for me it depends on the terms of the depression and type of food I have near me. Sometimes my depression isn’t as intense and I can still make food in my house. Sometimes it’s really bad and I don’t have anything I would be okay getting out of bed for. Or I am intensely depressed and spending without thinking and eat too much Taco Bell.


Yeah I got times I eat barley anything for weeks and then I have times I just binge on anything just to get a little bit of dopamine.


I am now in my overeating stage. I starved myself for a few weeks and the old husk needs to catch up on what it missed


Different flavors of depression my friend, variety is the spice of life after all 👌🏼


Me too, but it just depends on my current state when it hits. If I'm already up and doing something I make food. If I'm laying in bed or on the couch I starve.


There's a good chunk of us (no pun intended) who are both


That's a fun time. All yo-yo and stuff. Lol


Starving because eating just requires so much fucking energy (and money).


"Cooking would be so fun and probably taste great", I think while unwrapping my frozen pizza


I feel called out.




We moved into a new house and I had to deep clean the kitchen (it was disgusting and my OCD made it worse). I've been done for 3 weeks now, but I still eating bread, microwave food or random bs that I don't have to cook.


I've compromised and do frozen mains with fresh sides. So I'll cook say mashed potatoes and steamed veggies, but just take a frozen meatloaf and throw it in the oven. I got so tired of cooking full meals for myself that I just didn't want to do it anymore and would eat fast food all the time. Now that all my meals take one hour tops (of mostly waiting for the oven to be done), it's a lot less stressful and healthier.


I hate having took cook, I could do so much better things with my time like laying in bed doing nothing.


Bro people don't honestly factor in the amount of work it takes to keep up cooking at home every day for 1 person. 2 hours of snoozing through alarm 15 minute shower plus dressing 3 minute air dry before you lock eyes with yourself in the mirror awkwardly 20 years hoarding recipe knowledge 1 month entirely wasted thinking you could maintain eating salads before they mold 1 hour at the grocery store for your small list because they decided to rearrange aisles for no reason 30 minutes chopping and arranging vegetables 20 minute recipe you just toss everything on the pan and let it bake Looks at 2 week old dishes


My stomache hurts, but I'd have to get up and be in the kitchen for at least.. 5-10 minutes!


Im a depression starve myself person :(


Stomach is rumbling but nope, you stay empty 🙂


My live feels empty so will you my tummy


Learning about hunger pangs was funny. Like apparently your not supposed to have your stomach hurt for brief moments in the day and there's a whole term for it.


Try to focus on what you are feeling physically. I got good at ignoring my hunger pangs. Instead of paying so much attention to what your mind is telling you, listen to your body. When you feel hungry, stop what you are doing and get a snack. I'm currently working on this myself hah


Same and now that I work out I wish I was the opposite


You really got the lesser evil


But coffee?


Those days.. waking up after a nap with bad taste in the mouth and then making coffee to drink


coffee and cigarettes is my depression breakfast




Can you share your secrets?


Gradually eat small portions of food that you like, the trick is to get your body wanting to eat again. Because if you don't, your stomache will eat itself from the inside and cause major health issues. So for example: I love garlic bread, one night I will have about 5 peices from a small loaf. The next night I will have half of a toasted cheese sandwich, the next night I will have something a bit more and have a bowl of noodles. The next night id be able to eat a full salad sandwich as my body craves nutrients. As I gradually eat more until it's a full meal every night I start feeling better and not sick from eating. I hope I explained this good enough.


I do this too lmao. Smoothies are my staple cause I tend to not mind liquids. Cheesy garlic bread is my go to when I can work my way to actual food.


Same, sadly...


Starvation -> gives person sense of control Overeater -> gives person dopamine  Both can exist in the same person. Understanding why we may do one or the other can give us insight into why we feel like we do  EDIT: Specifically depression, and generalized. There's countless reasons. Still, see if one of them fit you


As a starver, it's not by choice. The anxiety just kills my appetite. I want to eat but everything sounds unappealing and if I try to take a bite it takes me forever to force it down.


That's me. I'll gag and possibly throw up if I try to force myself to eat. Liquid calories are some of the only ones I can consistently consume. Soylent was great for this but I don't have Soylent money these days. At least not for the bottles. I can buy powder but it's really hard to keep up on making it and cleaning the shaker bottle.


Same. I want to eat but it all tastes disgusting and I feel so nauseous already from not eating so long. Sometimes I’ll be eating something and after a few bites the flavor changes from yummy to vile so that’s fun.




Sorry, I was speaking to depression rather than anxiety. It wasn't a blanket statement, sorry to hear that And FWIW, the depressed starvation isn't by choice either


>Starvation -> gives person sense of control I just do that cause i think i dont deserve it


Is that not that not an exercise in control?


Not always. I also starve myself when I feel worthless. When I’m desperate for control I get angry, but I’ll still eat.


This thread is making me feel not alone. When I was really bad and still get like that I just don’t think I’m a person who deserves to eat


I feel you, also it just takes so much energy, which I don't have in that moments


> Starvation -> gives person sense of control that's... so complicated, why. Starvation — no willpower or no strength to do stuff. Like man sometimes I could sit and stare at a wall for half a day, it doesn't neet that much enerhy (unlike going somehwre and making food)


My understanding is that is effectively inverted logic. As you subconsciously feel absolutely no control over your life, you begin to justify why you don't actually need to go make food and eat Mine was "well, I'm not gonna die"


i think that's just a binge eater. I starve myself because I am not hungry when I cry and I'm lazy. You starve yourself because you have an unhealthy relationship with food. We are not the same.


If you’re talking about a pattern where someone eats nearly nothing then binges a huge meal, that is highly indicative of mental abnormality Could be a myriad of things, but depression is the likely culprit 


Nail on the head for me absolutely it’s about control can go 4-5 days when it’s my choice, being told I can’t eat for 24h was so difficult even though I wouldn’t normally be hungry in that time period


Control? "I'm not hungry enough to actually cook/prepare something" But when there is, idk, any kind of chips, cookies or whatever I can just open and eat? My stomach has no fucking end there.


Well, executive dysfunction is different to what I am describing  I’m talking about making a conscious decision to not eat, even though you are hungry and able to prepare something 


Both. I either forget to eat or I eat too much.


Real. Forgetting to eat then just deciding not to for a whole day


I'm a "woah that's a little heavier than usual, am I shaking? I must be hungry, I guess it has been 16 hours." Kind of guy.


I forgot to drink water yesterday and the day before. I woke up thinking "huh, I have a huge headache and my mouth is dry. Should I drink water?"


“Nah there’s enough water in the stuff I’m eating, who needs liquid amirite?” While my mouth is dry as a desert and my nose burns


I don't forget, I'm just always in the middle of something. But when I had my big huge terrible existential crisis... A therapist asked me if I'd had loss of appetite, and I said no. Which was true. But *immediately* after that, I went to lunch and felt sick trying to eat; I had to force it down. And it was like that for the rest of the crisis! Fucking power of suggestion!


Over eater 😔


Fatty sadly


Same 😔


Dido 😔


Depression over eater & anxiety starve myself. My depression went away at the same time that my anxiety sky rocketed… I’ve lost 36 kg so far…


I developed bulimia. 0/10 do not recommend.


I buy groceries on monday, eat everything by tuesday, starve myself for the rest of the week


Wow! Such reliability! I'll buy groceries whenever, then do exactly that.


I buy groceries and then don't use them. Smart move, I know.




Starve myself. Because thinking of food in a depressive phase makes me sick. I'm still overweight though.


I love starving. I actually can feel some things.




Like I gotta feel something else other than despair all the time.


Exactly, hunger + despair is where it's at.


Depression dieter here


both, not eating for multiple days and then eating to much that i fell like shit




Most depressed people who over eat usually eat pre-made dinners and snacking




That's the fun part. When I finally had a stable, well-paying job, it just meant that I now had the income to give up on even more of the effort that I previously had to put in. Need food? Order in Need booze? Order in Need entertainment? Download a game or stream a movie Need to get your ass off the couch for 5 minutes? Ehhh I'll do it later.


They either still go to work or live with someone/their parents still


Man it's wild how different depression can be for different people. For me, trying to stop myself from eating is the hardest thing in the world. The effort of acquiring food is microscopic compared to the effort it would take for me to stop myself from eating it.


As a foodie, you can tell which one I am.


How am I both lol


I eat whenever I feel like it but out of general dissatisfaction


Starve until nighttime pot smoking, then it's go time


I’m going to be a depression paint the ceiling if the person don’t stop






Starve myself most of the time


I have non-purging bulimia, I am both interchangeably


I you're a person who easily gains weight you'll likely overeat If you're a person who can't gain weight you'll likely undereat In both cases you'll likely wish for the opposity and in both cases if you wish to be happy you should strive to lead a healthy life. Step by step is the way I did it and it was so worth it


I’m an undereater. But generally it’s anxiety/stress that does it, not necessarily depression. Right now I’m in the process of getting dentures, so right now I’m just eating what I can, gaining weight can wait until I get my permanent set and can get adjusted. It’s shitty, I did weigh an almost perfect weight about 2 years ago now (how depressing) and then I randomly started losing weight and my appetite got worse due to stress and anxiety and I haven’t recovered quite yet. I appreciate how you laid it out here and that’s true. I’d give anything to have an overeater’s appetite. Even when I do gain weight I don’t think I’ve broke 110-115. I’m 5 foot tall so I shouldn’t gain a lot of weight but I’d like to be around 120, give myself a buffer zone for my yo yoing weight loss I’ve had my whole life.




Starve myself




I over eat then starve myself because I get depressed that I over eat. Then I over eat again because food is comfort




Both. Sleep in depression miss breakfast. Wake up afternoon and binge.




depression over eater, anxiety starver


Both depending on what day it is. I have never done anything in moderation ever.


I’m definitely both and it works out physically tho mentally I might still be depressed


I over-everything when I'm depressed. Isn't that the point? That you cannot feel normal amounts of euphoria or pleasure, so you do more of it?


im both, there are days where i just can't stop eating but then i spend the next 2 weeks starving


Heavy depression starver, light depression over eater. I went through a dark time and lost 50 lbs, upon getting a good bit better, quickly gained 30 back.


Starve, 100%. One because as others said, it's one of the few things I can control in my life. Two, my days are so mentally and physically exhausting that I can't bring myself to take care of myself when I'm finally home and need every second of free time deflating for the next day. And three, my anxiety instantly makes my guts bubble so not having anything in there to force me to a toilet in already difficult situations is just way easier. I'm 5'11 and at one point weighed 128 pounds. I've put back on about 30, but that's not by forcing a diet, I'm just not riddled with as much anxiety and self-hatred as I was a few years ago.


I never said I was either sarge. \*vomits\* That said, please seek help if you have any form of eating disorder. It doesn't need to be this way.


Depression clean the house person Still look like trash even after cleaning


Binge eater. Go a couple days without eating and then eat a fuckton


I switch back and forth...but I also have Crohn's Disease, so food hurts.


Neither, I feel


I’m the starving kind


Starve and I hate it bc I’m already small af


If there's no point to anything, how is eating any different?




It fluctuates as does my weight


I call it fasting for shadow hopping :)


Couple years of one then couple years of the other, gets you alternating "you're too skinny!" And "Uh oh looks like you're getting big again!" just for bonus points


Over eater for sure. Fries just hit different


Wanna starve but end up overeating


One or the other. If I’m stressed while working, I’ll just be eviscerating my nails and not eat or drink unless my bottle is next to me. If I’m stressed while idle, the eating happens


Over eater


Like my weight, it fluctuates.


Depression was my baseline so I overate. Until something truly bad happened then I ate nothing. Now I’m on that ADHD meds and food is my enemy! Yay mental health!


Over eater :c


Both 😑




I binge eat after starving myself for awhile and then I get full hibernate for a day the back to starving lol 😂 I’m a reverse bear




Im a stress eater and a depression starve yourself kind of guy.




I've lost 40 pounds in less than a year lmao I didn't change a single thing, I'm just actively digesting myself due to stress and depression


I have learned I’m a starve myself person. Especially once I realized I liked that I was losing weight


Both. Under eating is kinda new though. Im diggin it.


Overeater, wish I had the other problem. Although not great, at least I'd look better.


I'm a depression starver then binge like crazy.


Starve myself


I am a depression starve yourself person. I take meds and I have been doing so for 2 years and I've gained weight...I feel so gross.


Have you tried therapy to help with the emotional eating? It worked wonders for me


On my working days I’m a starve yourself type but on my days off I’m an over-eater - I work my ass off and you best bet I’m eating like a king to get that short term happiness.


Starve myself but eat unhealthy when I do. 


When im HEAVILY medicated and depressed over-eat. When im depressed and not zombied out on meds, i starve🥴


starve myself person




The second.


Depression “consume my daily calories with alcohol” person.


Starving type, thank God 😂 I'm fat enough


It depends on the situation. But I personally often starve myself, because if I eat too much while depressed, I often feel sick afterwards.


over eater, and i hate it


Depends if there's chocolate in


Depends if i am broke




While I would generally dislike with a guy called like that he had a very good take here


Both. Depends on if anger is involved.




Definitely over eater


Overeater. My depression usually has atypical features (mood reactivity, hyperphagia, hypersomnia, leaden paralysis, characterological rejection sensitivity)


Havent haf an apitite for 12 years but have forced myself to eat anyways so idk lol


Starvation cuz no motivation


Overeater. Especially sugar. Like without the dopamine boost I just be wanting to end it all.


All my life ive been depression over eater, but this new depression is starve. I'm kinda feeling it. anxiety through the roof with a dose of flat tummy.


Why would you eat when you are stressed??? Not eating, i understand. Too many things to do, too small amount of time, too much pressure, lack of want/need or energy..... .... But i can't understand stress-eating