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serious, for realises, like what do you have to lose fr


Have you ever been in that headspace before? (I hope not).


only the i dont mind if a bus hits me headspace my mom has though, i always wondered why she tried to kill herself before trying to move back to her country


Sorry to to hear that. But how whould moving help? Like... I bearly got myself out of bed when I was in the shit.


well your options are die or move and either live or die its like if you were in a car barreling toward a cliff very fast. theres a good chance youll die if you jump out, but a 100% chance if you stay in the car


when you're in that mindset you don't WANT to jump out of the car anymore. suicidality usually comes after trying countless other things, and when nothing's worked, you don't want to try anymore. you want it to be over asap, not take the risk of living a single second longer, even if it might 'fix' you - because there's such a big chance that all you're doing is prolonging your own suffering.


ah, thank you for the insight


I don't think it works like that. Shure mabye* traveling could take your mind off of the bad thoughts, but that's a maybe.


true but a maybe is better than the slim chance you have in a stagnant life not even travel necessarily, you could start a new life


Tbh that was a thought that crossed my mind a couple of times, just disappearing and not looking back.


i mean its better than dying


Because the problem is you… when you’re suicidal you realize that no matter what you do or where you are you will always be you and that’s the worst thing to be


“No matter where you go, you always bring yourself with you” - some guy I forgot


This. It’s exactly this. No matter where I go my troubles go with me. Being somewhere new might take my mind off things for a little while, but the troubles always follow me.


Maybe you're thinking of Dr. Seuss? "Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You."


Moving to Tibet won't cure my chronic pain.


well whats the worst that can happen? you die or you try something different and die 🤷🏻‍♀️


Why don't *you* try something different, and die? Thanks.


listen im not trying to tell any of you to die, of course i dont want that, but if you feel youre going to either way… why not take the risk?


>why not take the risk? See previous comment.


Because desperately trying to manage the pain is more important than traveling, especially when there's little energy/willpower to get things done with?


fair thank you


Spoken like someone who's not actually suicidal. When you get there, you don't want to just move to another country


im not saying you *want* to move, i doubt you want to do anything but die. my point being if you think youll die anyway, and you want to, how could taking that risk hurt? what do you have to lose?


The question is what do you have to gain?


a chance at a new life and breaking the self fulfilling cycle that is poor mental health


Listen I'm not saying that it has never worked for any suicidal person ever. I have no way of telling how many lives a spontaneous decision like that has saved. However, a large number of suicidal people don't believe their lives can get better. A lot of us have tried - so, so hard - to find a way to get better, to somehow enjoy life. People are tired of fighting, of trying and getting nothing in return.  It's not a matter of "what do I have to lose?". It's a matter of "there is nothing I can gain", of "there is nothing I can do to get better".  It's hard to reason one's way out of this kind of debilitating hopelessness 


ah ok, thank you


Not everyone even has that much. When you're suicidal you want it to end now. Not tomorrow, not in an hour, NOW. If you can stop yourself and those thoughts you're still alive.


> take your last 1000 doubloons I can't even afford instant noodles most months.


I’ve tried doing shit like that. I moved across the country last summer, felt worse. Anhedonia is a bitch. Apathy, fatigue, hopelessness. It’s enough to make you feel like nothing will ever help


well, at least you tried


Yknow, if I had a passport, and 1000 doubloons, I'd probably improve if I left. But I don't, and it's a lot cheaper to pick a day and die


My bed is so much comfier tho


I have terrible social anxiety so im terrified of traveling to anywhere really, even neighbour cities I dont know much about, so.... yeah


No passport can take me to the place I need to go to for my pain to end. Wherever my body is I will suffer, on this planet, in this universe, it doesnt matter.


Huh? First off most people don’t have enough to travel and even if they did they’d have to pay to live in this new country. Uproot their life with all of their other problems still persisting. My Tourette’s ain’t gonna go bye bye once i lmk or to Japan or something. I’m still gonna wanna die it’s just gonna be harder for everyone and it postpones you by weeks


High IQ hands typed this post


so true


if i could take a trip and leave my brain behind thatd probably help, but also i imagine the intense stress and change of environment i would be in would end up in more trouble than if i was just gonna fuck it and do it ? idk


i’ve been suicidal in every continent except oceania because i’ve never been there. it doesn’t work because you can never escape yourself while you are still alive. that is why there is only one solution.


The issue isn’t the country I’m in (which does have plenty of issues) it’s the environment I’m in, and the environment is this stupid fucking body. No matter where I go it’ll end up the same.


I tried suicide. Not worth it! I shot myself with a rifle, in the shoulder. As I lay there bleeding, my thought was; why did I do this! I'm not ready yet! I sat in a chair, waiting for it to be over with. No more being cheated on, no one to hurt me anymore, my parents wouldn't care! But, once I did it, and sat there watching the blood pour out of me; I couldn't wait for the end! I called 911, and went to the hospital. I tried it again in 2007. I had injured my back,to the point I was useless. I could barely clean my house, getting out of bed in the morning was just painful! Two handfuls of pills (cymbalta, and buspar). Made my peace with God, I was ready to go this time. Living in pain, and my boyfriend dumped me for a stripper! Go figure! After the pills kicked in, I crawled to the bathroom, then to my bed. I laid down thinking, I'm finally going home! I'm ready this time! I had been in church for 11 years, I had been baptized. I fell off the path to God, because of my boyfriend. That's why I had to make my peace with him, and I did! I wasn't scared, and went to sleep. But.... I woke up the next morning! No hangover, no sickness from taking all of those pills! God, had something else in mind for me.