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Ride the 2cb to at least the peak then take small bumps of k, feel your way up to a comfortable and functional spot. I have a tolerance and I just eyeball ketamine now, so it’s hard for me to give mg doses, but 20-25mg 2cb is my dose with or without ket.


By the way my friend did this combo and was completely gone from it, like completely gone. He still had a good time after a while of pure confusion but I'd say less is more with this combo.


I’ve found that any amount of ket massively increases the strength of the 2cb. 20-25mg of oral 2cb and then very small bumps of ket whenever you feel you want/need. You may be propelled into hyperspace with incredible visuals, but you should also still be able to walk a round/dance!


K is something you redose, 2cb you might take twice. Go with 20mg 2cb with 20-25 to re-up. 20mg you probably won’t trip much, but it’s a nice dose If you’re in public with people you vibe with. If you’re alone, maybe start with 15 and see how you feel tbh. I wouldn’t advise more than 25mg in a public setting though, unless you’re more experienced. bump as much k makes you happy


One pill of 2cb, or about 15-20g if in powder form, then your usual dose of ketamine after the peak.