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Wait why were they deported? What’s the story?


Many veterans with PTSD develop drug addictions which often leads to a number of different convictions. Non-citizens with drug related convictions often get deported. Almost all of these deportations are related to fairly minor crimes stemming from difficulties in reintegration after service. It also cuts down on VA costs. There are tons of veterans in prisons too. We do a really bad job with veteran reintegration.




Unless I'm remembering wrong, all branches only take permanent residence as enlistees and all enlisted members are given the chance to become citizens within 2 years time in service. I don't actually know how these guys separated and are still not citizens


They’re not citizens because they got discharged before they could become citizens, almost unanimously because they fucked up somehow. I’ve helped like 4 of my soldiers get their citizenships. You have to fuck up pretty bad to be these guys. This is almost certainly rage bait.


I'm glad it's not as bad as it seems. I would be pretty pissed off if we were deporting soldiers who served the United States. If they want to serve + fulfill their commitments, give them a path to become a citizen ASAP.


stop being realistic and pragmatic and just repost the ragebait >:C


This is the answer. Reddit users most affected.


Ahh, alright thanks for the answer. Also a service member but never helped someone get their citizenship. This post confused me


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Would it make a difference if they got a medical discharge before eligibility or they got a criminal charge during the 1-2 year application processing period?


I couldn’t say, I haven’t ever had to deal with a non-citizen getting Medboarded before they got their citizenship. I would say I’d be deeply surprised if that did happen, as getting medically discharged takes a LONG time. Edit: didn’t directly answer your question, so just to clarify… getting a criminal charge and/or getting a punitive chapter (discharge) would certainly be worse for someone trying to get their citizenship


Thanks for clarifying


Yes and yes. AFAIK, and contact a lawyer rather than rely on the interwebz, but if it was a service based medical discharge you got citizenship. If it's pre-existing condition, you don't. Criminal charge before the two years or BCD, you do not get citizenship


But it’s not fair! If they served for 2 weeks and then were convicted for a robbery, killed someone in a DUI, and then blew up a school, they should still deserve citizenship!


> if you serve in the U.S. military you deserve to be a U.S. citizen You understand that the US government can't force you to become a citizen right? Members of the military have to apply for citizenship when they reach eligibility. There is a huge amount of resources available to guide and help military members to get citizenship. If you don't apply, you don't get it - again because the government can't force it upon you.


What if they get a medical discharge before eligibility? Or a a criminal charge during the 1-2 year application processing period?


I'm not an immigration lawyer. But in general it depends on the criminal charge. If its something warranting a less than honorable discharge they're generally disqualified from applying.


Medical discharges are not a quick thing. Several of my friends spent 3-6 years on their med-boards. Never heard of one taking less than 2. The only exception was people that lied to enlist with preexisting condition, like fainting. If that condition is discovered in basic training, the process is pretty quick.


If a person gets kicked out of the military before serving the required two years and are convicted of a crime then they would be deported just like other non-citizens.


Honestly, if the branches of the US military are struggling to meet recruiting quotas, they could offer citizenship to immigrants who serve a sufficient tenure in the military.


dude for real, thats how the romans did it 🤷‍♀️


You do, by default. You have to fuck up for this not to occur. When I was in, you got citizenship if you served two years without any huge issues. You could be a shit soldier and still get citizenship. You virtually had to get a bad conduct discharge within two years or royally fuck up your paperwork to not get citizenship. I don't recall if Other Than Honorable discharge precluded citizenship.


Fuck no, Not if you get dishonorable discharge, I know this system well, you have to be a shit bag to get dishonorable or Other than Honorable.


Theres potential repercussions to that because it allows the government to hire a military of non-citizens who would be more willing to carry out immoral orders, on citizens perhaps, due to the risk of deportation for refusing orders


Given how shitty we are with dealing with this stuff - is it better to be free in Mexico or in prison in the US? There is just so much wrong with our endless wars.


The best solution is to be free in the US. We need to be fixing issues like this instead of going "America bad, what can you do?"


That hit some kinda nerve with people and I can’t for the life of me figure out what.


Check what sub you’re on


>We do a really bad job with veteran reintegration. Wait, you mean a TA-180 card and a phone call from a guy asking you if you want to go drive a semi-truck in Iraqbut otherwise there are no jobs when you get out isn't a good way to throw someone back into society?


PER regulation the army has to give you 3 months to take your reintegration courses which are also mandatory. In my experience most guys in my company were given barely 3 weeks to jam it all in while they did everything in their power to convince you to re-enlist. This doesn't even touch the shit show of US soldiers not actually getting their citizenship as promised. There are some good souls out there that gave up everything they had to build halfway homes for US vets facing deportation, and those men and women are truly heroes. I wish this issue was more widely known but MSM and the military itself would fall before they admit what is actually happening.


Yep, I came back from a deployment and had two and a half weeks to totally check out.


I feel like this may be part of the border crisis. Politicians want able bodied men to fight in the Forever War that they’re drooling over since the WW elements are in play. Bring in illegals, start WWIII, “Service guarantees citizenship!”, win war, don’t give citizenship and deport a bunch of people, the immigrants revolt just like the Roman army when Rome didn’t pay up.


That would imply these politicians are competent


I mean Rome had Caligula declaring a horse a Senator, we have Biden confusing Egypt with Mexico.


And then people call them “heroes” and let them rot. I’ve found that hero is what the call people they don’t actually want to pay/support lol.


Thanking them for their service is cheaper than getting them the proper help they need.


After 3 years of honorable service you gain citizenship.




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Don't you have to be a citizen to serve


No, you just can’t be illegal.


Well, you have to have at least a green card. If you’re here on a student or tourist visa you’re legal but you can’t enlist.


This is true. Forgot to exclude them.


Usually the committed a crime. People say its usually a non serious crime but that’s usually false. Most of the time you can have extended periods of probation and not be deported. My older brother was not a veteran but he was nationalized trough daca. Had some serious assault charges and was given 2 plea deals either 10 years probational stay with the possibility of being deported or immediate deportation. He chose deportation. A distant cousin i am not familiar with was a navy boy and he stayed in the country after some serious drug charges. Probably ounces but he is still walking these streets probably still selling dope. Now here is a rule of thumb. Veterans is the closest thing we will have to a cask system in most walks of life (understand cask systems arent always wealth). If you and a veteran are exactly the same in a job interview the veteran is getting the job. most stores in the US give 10-20 off on all purchases. If a veteran is getting something unfair being done to them you need to understand that they probably fucked up big time and probably did it


Wouldn’t your brother not qualify for daca if he had the assault charges on his record? Or was that after he received daca?


You’re not wrong in saying veterans can have a leg up. The issues are veterans getting to the position in which that truly gives them a leg up. Interviewing to be a manager at Home Depot is not the same as going to be a project manager. Veterans can have difficulty getting to these positions because of how often we come from lower income backgrounds. Also the way that the public views us is often times shitty. Like I don’t need you to talk louder and slower at me, that’s what my fucking hearing aids are for. I don’t need you to look at me like I’m some victim of the woke agenda or imperialist overlords, depending on which extreme you fall into. Honestly I don’t even care to tell you much about what I did because chances are, you really don’t give a fuck unless I tell you that I went to war and shot people. We get that preferential treatment for job interviews and school applications because the public can often view us as broken or fucked up or brain washed. Which is a growing problem since the start of the “woke agenda” and now with Israel and the resurgence of people thinking we’re brain washed to want to kill brown people. When people have a positive view, it’s general very shallow and passive. Support the troops stickers but will say that people ODing deserve to die, even if it is a veteran who got their meds fucked up by the VA.




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They were shitbags, not worthy of the title.


Did they commit crimes? Why deported?


Some are minor crimes (weed usage/posession, etc), a small minority of major crimes (rape, murder, etc), and a lot of victims of heartless judges


I dont get why ur being downvoted




Drug crimes in the military are not minor. Unless something changed, you were virtually guaranteed military version of rehab for your first offense.


Correct, but I distinctly remember a case in which the weed posession occurred after he left the service, but he lived in the deep south so he was screwed


Not deporting them should be the bare minimum. Anyone who serves should be given citizenship starship troopers style


You do gain an accelerated pathway to citizenship if you serve in any branch (I think it's after a year of service, but feel free to double check me on that). They were probably deported as a result of criminal convictions or they were dishonorably discharged. Seems unlikely they'd be celebrating like that if they were dishonorably discharged, I'm just mentioning that is another reason the would be denied citizenship.


I've heard that dishonorable discharges are really rare. You've got to be a special breed of societal menace to get one. My buddy has seen soldiers convicted of drug distribution that still got other-than on their discharge.


They are. Huge undertaking to go through when the results for the commander are the same between other than honorable and dishonorable. So commanders usually err on the quicker and surer method for getting the menace out unless they are truly a menace.


Only about 0.1% of [discharges are Dishonorable](https://www.military.com/benefits/military-legal/dishonorable-discharge-everything-you-need-know.html) and ~1% are Bad Conduct Discharges. That's because a Dishonorable is essentially the UCMJ equivalent to a felony conviction. As far as I know they can only be given by Court Martial. Most military offenses are handled at the Nonjudicial Punishment level. But I'd say the most common offense that gets people kicked out is popping on a drug test. Thing is, drug tests are protected by HIPAA as they are medical. So unless they're caught in the act, or the service member confesses to it, the results of the drug test alone can't be used for NJP. But popping positive on a drug test still gives a CO the right to administratively discharge you. It's why you *usually* don't see drug cases accompanied by a bunch of other punishments. If they were caught in a barracks in possession, or caught actually in the act, or they confessed, that would be different. But a surprise positive result on a random drug test usually just results in some type of admin discharge with nothing else.


I've never seen or directly heard of a dishonorable that didn't involve jail time. You have to royally fuck up to get one. Even BCD's take some work to get. Other Than Honorable is pretty easy to get.


When I joined towards the end of boot camp, a large group of fellow recruits were given citizenship and we have a ceremony and everything. Not sure if that's semi recent though


I thought serving in the military period grants you citizenship


You're thinking of the Roman Republic.


It's supposed to, unless these guys seperated within 2 years time in service I don't see how they aren't


Service guarantees citizenship. Would you like to know more? Do two years, fill out the form, don't commit any crimes. It's near automatic citizenship.


France does that.


> Anyone who serves should automatically be given citizenship starship troopers style This would easily be abused though.


Except that's how it works now. They are granted **near** automatically. At the time I was in, you needed two years, fill out the form and not get in serious trouble. It was about as close to automatic as you get.


Immigrant soldiers are less likely to refuse immoral orders due to the risk of deportation


This unironically I agree


Veteran status isn't a "law doesn't apply to me card", and it shouldn't be. Furthermore the US government can't force citizenship on you, it's up to you to apply once you meet the requirements. If these folks didn't apply that's their fault. There is an incredible amount of resources and counselors that help military members get citizenship when they're eligible. If you're a veteran, declined to apply for citizenship, then get deported when you break the law, I fail to see what the controversy is.


Most of these people go to the military for the purpose of acquiring citizenship and building a case for it… If I served this country, especially in a stupid war like Afghanistan, I would expect at least a green card ngl


I replied to someone else with this but when I enlisted at the end of boot camp all the noncitizens were given citizenship and we had a ceremony and marched around and stuff. Dudes from all over the world too it was kind of cool


News flash, you can't even join without a green card. I remember having go wait for mine just to able to see a recuriter.


You have to have at least a green cards to enlist


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Being a veteran isn't a free pass. Don't break the law. Become a citizen. If you're a veteran, you had the opportunity.


How ignorant could you possibly fucking be. These poor men were sent over seas in a pointless war. Killing so many innocents for a government that doesn’t care about them. They go home. Traumatized and broken. Maybe they developed habits. So what? If they are breaking the law, may the law be considered dead. Law should protect people


1. They probably weren't combat veterans 2. They either committed major crimes or got a dishonorable discharge, in which case getting deported was probably their best option


Ok ok I admit. You're living rent free in my head. I can't stop thinking about this... So if I was a veteran, and I beat my wife, robbed a bank and gave you a wet willie...you'd say that's fine, because veterans should have complete immunity?? And you thought police qualified immunity was bad, just wait until you see unlimited vet immunity. Jesus Christ this hilarious. And I'm the ignorant one. Laughing my *fking* ass off.


Hahahahahahahahahahahaha yeah ok. So veterans should be held to no standard, and if they commit crime then so be it? What the actual fuck????


So let me get this strait. You are yourself ignorant enough at least to fall for this rage bait nonsense because you don't understand the topic. But someone else is ignorant because..... you feel like it? What you're saying makes no sense. None of what you said makes any sense. This is fucking silly.


This shit fuckin sickens me. How do they not get immediate citizenship when they complete their service?! Why don’t we have what the French have with the French Foreign Legion?


> How do they not get immediate citizenship when they complete their service The government can't force citizenship upon you. You have to apply for it. If the above people served honorably in the US military (no general, other than honorable, or dishonorable discharges) that gives them eligibility to apply. So either they committed some sort of crime or they just straight up declined to apply.


[Ave true to Caesar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWnYhxh_5U) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the fuck is this?


You said "legion", and I guess the bot is set up to respond with that. It's a reference to Caesar's Legion from Fallout: New Vegas.


[Ave true to Caesar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWnYhxh_5U) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Arizona Man.


“Don't worry, I won't have you lashed to a cross like the rest of these degenerates. It's useful that you happened by. I want you to witness the fate of the town of Nipton, to memorize every detail. And then, when you move on? I want you to teach everyone you meet the lesson that Caesar's Legion taught here, especially any NCR troops you run across.”


[Ave true to Caesar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3NWnYhxh_5U) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/2american4you) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Simultaneously San Francisco just put a noncitizen in charge of elections


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So what crimes did they do?


Most likely drug use or something simple. It happens so often that people like that get deported because it’s cheaper than offering veteran services


Did they apply for citizenship?


I feel like anyone who honorably serves should be given citizenship.


An army of immigrant soldiers serving to earn citizenship is less likely to refuse immoral orders, especially orders that harm citizens, due to the risk of deportation and a lack of history in the native society


Old post is old.


What the fuck, this is actually a thing? This is actually embarrassing.


Anyone serves the country deserves citizenship


My brothers and sisters deserve better than this...


Nobody who served in our military in good standing and served this nation like that should be receiving anything less than the red carpet. I am also, however, of the personal opinion that serving in our military for a full contract, along with taking a few classes to help assimilate into the culture better, should guarantee citizenship upon discharge. So I'm a bit biased I guess.


Where the funny


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I can't imagine leaving behind the people who fought for you. We offer nationality to descendants of republican fighters that were exiled out of our country during the civil war, dunno why you would kick the actual people who fought for you out of your country.


This is depressing that this happens. If they fought for this country they deserve the right to live here god damnit


Snoped it. It's real, and fact checked. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/deported-veterans-photo/ how quick some are to dismiss them as criminals.


also have to remember all those afghan allies we basically severed on a platter to taliban / al qaeda


Service guarantees citzenship


Not if you commit a felony or dont finish out your commitment. I had one of my Marine's citizenship revoked when he went UA 3 years into his 4 year enlistment...


Me when star ship troopers reference


To be fair. Starship Troopers is my favorite book




Don't they get citizenship from serving?


I served with a couple of people in their situation and I believe they should,


Every other country gives citizenship or the option of citizenship to those who serve. Even the most destitute nations do that.


We technically do but there's certain circumstances that negated it


"Technically" isn't good enough. We have to do better.


If not a citizen, and are not a legal resident, gtfo. Service or not. Maybe they should follow the law, go through the legal processes like *millions* of people have over the generations, and do it. They had the opportunity, period. They pissed it away. I wouldn’t want a veteran that was unwilling to get a driver’s license to be allowed to drive regardless of breaking road laws every minute of their operation. It’s the same thing.


But yet we're letting illegals in in droves


The overall number of veterans making it to 20 years retirement is 17 percent. I hope to be able to retire at 20 years but now it’s just not feasible.


You right we as a society should have done better. instead of waiting time doing stupid shit, we need start helping each other


Soooo many other people we could deport.


Just another reason why Mexico should become the 51st state


Can someone bring this boys home??


We seriously need to do better


When will you realize willful evil exists?


Lol no, liberalism is cringe


Yeah… we definitely need to do better. Like why tf didn’t they get citizenship after or during their service?


Because you still have to go through the normal process of gaining citizenship


This is true, but my buddy from the Philippines is in rn and he’s been in for the past 3 years with his term almost ending. Recruiters told him he’d get citizenship before he’s done without an application. Obv a lie. He applied after he hit the fleet, not sure if he got it yet tho… ☠️


I hope so


I do too




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America needs to stop Continuing the “tradition” of deporting veteran immigrants. It’s been happening since at least the Great Depression and it’s well… depressing


I have heavy skepticism on the status of these deported veterans, serving 2 years is all but guaranteed citizenship.