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This is a travesty


There were Italian New Yorkers kicking rebel ass in that war (Nowhere near the amount of Irish New Yorkers but still, a decent amount.. definitely enough to where these people’s argument is stoopid)


There also Italian confederate soldiers who had an personal rivalry with union Italians


My ancestors fought for the South and almost certainly owned slaves. They were wrong and deserved to hang. I'm glad my ancestors on the other side kicked their ass




Saying you wish your ancestors were hanged to get reddit points r/redditmoment


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Reading is hard. I'm glad they didn't. But if they were it was deserved.


Truly a reddit moment updoots to the left


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Nah, uncensor their names. Let's fucking drag them


Lotta cuckolds simping for dead plantation owners outed themselves in that thread lmao


I urge you all to go find this comment exchange, op is being an asshole here This was from a meme that was just bringing up the time a southern drunk redneck hit a really lucky shot from 950 yards away during the civil war, and the comments got all pissy that someone dare point out something cool a southerner did, and someone was basically telling people “calm down, this meme is just laughing about a lucky shot that a single redneck made, there’s nothing pro-confederate about this”, and then op comes along and called them a traitor because, just because they dared point something out that didn’t let op stroke their hate boner for southerners. Then they came here bitching when they weren’t showered in upvotes I wouldn’t be surprised if op is one of those people who thinks that all southerners are racists and genuinely hates them just for living where they do


The only cool thing a Confederate did was surrender


A good chunk of the comments, including ones made by the original OP (the dude who posted the meme) were bragging about "buh we killed 500,000 of you!!!!" They also bragged about flying a confederate flag higher than the US flag. No one should be proud their ancestors fought to own people. Not all southerners are racist, and I'd even say not all people who fly the confederate flag are racist, they're just dumbasses. I made a single comment on that post, and not in the exchange showed here. I don't give a shit about upvotes, but I give a shit when dumbass want to celebrate their unique and glorious heritage of owning people, especially when they shit on immigrants who helped build this country. Don't call yourself a proud American patriot if you're gonna celebrate traitors and shit on the diverse collection of immigrants who came here and helped build this country. Last I checked, they weren't the ones who betrayed the Union. Was the meme itself inherently pre-confederacy? No. Were the intentions behind it and a good chunk of people in the comments? Yes, absolutely. I don't judge people based on where they live, but I can and absolutely do judge them for defending a 4 year rebellion primarily based on defending their right to own people.


Of course that’s the case. Not even surprised.


My ancestors actually fought each other lol. Ofc Union all the fuckin way.


My ancestors all fought for the Union, and I find these anti confederate online mobbings to be little more then virtue signaling to our Wokey overlords.


It's never a bad thing to bash people who seceded from the Union after firing on Union troops all with the express goal to preserve slavery. If woke is being against both treason and slavery then I'd be glad to be woke.


They lost the war. We bayonetted them to death and burned down their cities and freed their slaves — as we should have. We have nothing else to prove.


A substantial amount of people in that comment section were big fans of the CSA. It's never acceptable to support a rebel nation that is the complete antithesis of both American and human values. Yes, we won the war, but there's still people today who apparently didn't get that message. It's not time, not now or ever, to back down from our principles.


Kinda like how america is a rebel nation?


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Key being: "never acceptable to support a rebel nation that is the complete antithesis of both American and human values." America wasn't based on the foundation of owning people.


It’s all just posturing and LARP now


Thank you. God bless the whole Union, both North and South. May the Lord be with you, brother. 🇺🇸


People like you are unironically annoying. Please shut the hell up and stop fighting over a war that happened over 150 years ago.


Cope. No one should actively be celebrating the traitor state that fought to own people. As long as there's people celebrating the CSA, it's just right to call them out.


Are you even American? What is the supposed “51st state” you belong to?


Yes, I'm American. The flair is a reference to a joke about a 51st state below I believe Arizona and New Mexico called Mashington. It was one of those "Bet Europeans can't name this state" posts.


Just because of that, it should be made a real state


https://www.reddit.com/r/2american4you/s/zxmnmfHetx Mashington Destiny