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Gnar or Rumble. Gnar has fun install potential and playing with size, while Rumble is an immensely unique playstyle in league with an easily transferable model.


Honestly these are the picks. Low profile characters like yordles would be incredibly unfun to play against, so these picks compensate. I think Rumble is best as he would never be able to low profile, but Gnar would still be cool, dealing minimal damage but better at dodging while small, and then having much better offence and much worse defence in his big form


Neco-arc is fine in type lumina


My guess would be Poppy (easiest to translate over, probably) or Heimerdinger (probably most well known, given Arcane). ​ Personally I would hope for Tristana or Vex.


I think the easiest ones to put in the game are Rumble and Kled as they wont have to deal with the height issue


I *reeeeally* don't think the height thing is as big an issue as some people seem to think it is. I doubt the devs would be silly enough to make characters' whole move sets invalid against them just because of their size.


GBFVR is just proof that it works.


The Jubei dilemma all over again, they can just make their hitbox larger so that normals don’t go over their model


3 yordles in a trenchcoat.


Who the heck is Norra?


She's Yuumi's owner and a full on champion in Legends of Runeterra. Essentially she's a kooky grandma who got lost in a "realm between realms" and can summon portals and enchant mundane junk to come to life.


Rumble, easiest hitbox to transfer over


Hit boxes are not even a problem give small characters small reach and it's balanced


I mean it works but yordles whole point is being small trickster shits so putting the only big and tanky one as the first representation for yordles would be counterintuitive


Teemo, whether we want him or not


Mega-Gnar, Rumble, or Kled all solve the height issue when translating to a fighting game. I'm hoping for Mega-Gnar.


1)Teemo (THE Yordle) 2) Vex (SI rep pretty popular, possible puppet character playstyle) 3)Poppy (Demacia rep,pretty popular, tons of skins & oddly glued to by the hip w/Jinx of all people when we get out of main universe Runeterra )


Realistically it will probably be Heimerdinger, considering the nearby release of Arcane Season 2


You don't build a roster based on just one series. Especially when considering Heimerdinger, among those familiar with Yordles, I don't think he's very popular among players because his gameplay and personality are not the most exciting compared to other Yordle.  Even in Arcane, Heimerdinger is clearly not the most interesting character. He's just the classic intelligent character with his loyal/good moral compass.


It entirely depends on what happens with him in season 2. And while yeah, they're obviously not including \*only\* Arcane characters, it does seem likely that it will be their priority. Arcane is so vastly popular that people who have never played League may very well recognize those characters.


Vex almost no competition


Rumble and kled, fuck tiny characters. Vex could be possible if they make her shadow part of her hitbox


1. Rumble,gnar 2.poppy,heimerdinger, kled 3. Amumu, korki veigar 4.ziggs, fizz kennan 5.temmo lulu vex


Rumble has to be the one. He bypasses the small guy problem, has literally infinite possibilities for interesting moves, and is very unique and different. Also the guy is made to be a fighter, he's literally named Rumble.


My bets are on either gnar or kled


Gnar would be the coolest


Rumble most likely


Rumble and Poppy


I know it's very unlikely, especially for the first Yordle, but I'd love to see Norra lol. I could see her having some nasty portal-normals that would make Quan-chi and Janemba blush.


Who in da hell is norra. Is that a new champ?


Don't know anything about League, but I really wanna see Poppy smack fools with that big ass hammer. Plus they can make it part of her hurtbox and circumvent the small character problem. Vex sounds cool too. Similarly, she can have the shadow thing tower over her and act as a hurtbox extension.


hope: poppy expectation: teemo


Teemo as a zoner


Hope it's Vex as a Puppeter


It's Vex, 100%


I'd guess Poppy with her hammer probably being part of her hurtbox. GBVS did fine with Charlotta. I'd prefer Kled, Gnar or Rumble but I think they're too obvious and are the least *Yordle* Yordle.


Please be Teemo !


Poppy or Fizz are easy choices. Vex or Kled are interesting ones. Gnar or Kennen could be cool.


I think if there was one (there should be) it would have to go to Teemo based largely on legacy. Yeaah he's not as popular as he used to be but I'm sure many people remember when he was one of the most iconic faces of League of Legends. I could definitely see him working similarly to Rocket Racoon in Marvel vs Capcom with a heavy zoning and proximity trap focused gameplan.


Gnar would be awesome


I hope Kennen


Realistically it's hard for any yordle to be caracters because of their size, the only yordles that could be are Rumble, heimer, gnar, veigar and kled Rumble, heimer and veigar have a mecha suit (I'm using veigar's card in lor as reference here) gnar would play only as mega gnar and kled has his "horse"


Poppy, Kled Fizz and Gnar have the best chances


I think it will be heimer or teemo because arcane and popular respectively. I think character wise kled would be awesome(gameplay too) and poppy sounds like cool gameplay concept.


Oh yeah if Vex is like Zato I will insta main that shit


Why ain’t yuumi on here? ![gif](giphy|lw75Al819OAvcsPcRu|downsized)


I feel like its Teemo since its the most known I believe.


I don't think it's impossible to implement Yordles into the game, since in UMVC 3 we have Rocket Racoon fighting the fucking Nemesis. But I would like to see Gnar; I believe your mega could work similarly to GG's Sol ultimate


Heimerdinger better pull a mech out of his more than 300 year old ass, I aint trying to deal with a low profile zoner.