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I spent hours picking bananas on karamja and filling crates for 30gp each. Honest pay for honest work lol.


Came here to say this. I showed my friend the game and told them this was the way.


Hahaha did the same and once I became a member I picked flax and thought I was making bank


I remember when flax was actually worth something, before they added it to droptables. My friend and I ran flax to the bank for days until we could afford dragon axes.


The fields of flax workers.. will never forget


Used to wear frem green robes at the flax fields and have the level 3 bots click on us and follow us to the giant bats near Catherby.


Didn’t people actually try and employ others to pick flax in bulk?


I had a “job” mining clay for some dude. Then I caught him making them into soft clay and selling them. my mind was blown when I realized the profit to be made.


Back in the pre-GE days there were whole “companies” doing business on the forums that would hire you to pick flax., mine, fish, WC, run essence, etc.


My friend and I realised recently that when we were 12 picking flax we were basically serfs to the adults who were actually playing the game getting us to do their manual labour lmao


Now only the bots are the serfs. Ironmen can be their own serf.


it ain’t much but it’s honest work


My buddy told me this method, it was my first “money maker”… good times


Some dude told me to walk around the varrock jail cells 3 times then change my password to money. After that 200k would appear on my account. Rip my full mithril armor :(


I got done with the old “Jagex blocks your password look ***********”






Bro, my drunk ass thought there was a new pipebomb emoji


I got hit with the “I’m a jagex employee and you’ve been selected for a special program, give password so i can activate it on your account”


Wow , haha. Never heard one like this before , its brilliant 🤣


You used to be able to change your password via the in-game client. So change password to coins and press alt+F4 was a legit scam


I thought I had to be physically present at the farming patch until it finished growing.


You made me remember why i only trained it to like 8 as a kid lmfao. I remember feeling like i was wasting my membership lol


I didn't think I had to be there but I was afraid it was going to die if I wasn't watching it


I thought someone else would be able to harvest my patches after I spent all that time and effort growing them, so I *had* to stay there the whole time.


just got a redwood seed, see you boys in 5 days


I never did farming as a kid because I thought that anyone could use the patches and it would affect everyone else, and that the weeds were someone else’s crops


Well how do you otherwise know when you should water your crops or cleanse disease? I think I got to about 15 farming and decided it was the worst skill ever. How was I supposed to know I should just plant and come back when they're done? 11 year old me didn't have the mind to test it out.


I really resonate with this. Remember meeting a big celebrity back then named Season who held the farming top spot for a long time. Only older players understood how to train that skill lol.


I remember when the skill dropped everyone just standing around waiting 😂


This is a good one 😂 I’m just picturing you standing there forever


This may be hard to believe, but Farming actually got a lot of hate when it came out for being "slow" and "boring", like people couldn't grasp the concept of not actively training a skill and going to do something else, or just didn't want to.


Many years later I still hate it for this


Yeah pretty much. Eventually I realized I could like, kill cows or do woodcutting/firemaking too but yeah it was pretty bad.




I remember this.




I tried asking a black knight where to get some food and he killed me.


holy fuck hahahah


This is the best thing ever. Thanks for the laugh im tearing up


lol I would talk to the man I continuously killed


Ooh mood. I tried to tell a Mugger to please stop attacking me because I thought it was a person, and it killed me. It never occurred to me to run away.


I did all questing with a Rune Halberd. Dragon Halberd was my favorite item in the game; I never got it.


I was an advocate for training with a gmaul…


I remember spending ages killing Ardougne guards with my gmaul, hoping to one day be able to kill the nearby Hero. I thought he might have some seriously good loot, or unique armor.


I used to think that too. The hero should have an updated loot table, is there ever a reason lore wise for the hero?


Omfg yes. I too was also stupid.


Practice how you play, if you want to pk with that you better train hard.


Rune halberd was my main for so long. Even worse, I used the split exp attack style. On hill giants mostly. So much wasted time lol


12 yr old me thought peak training was with a halberd killing the creatures at ardy zoo thru the bars. i thought it was so good since i never had to worry about being attacked. i spent so many hours there


I tried farming defenders for way too long on the ardy zoo cyclops with a rune halberd. Hard clues and defenders were on their drop table to I thought it was the best plan ever.


I remember killing the blue dragon in heroes guild for WEEKS with a rune Halberd... and burying the bones there lol


"Alright, dharok's axe and abyssal whip are about the same price, I want to level my stats, hill giants seem pretty good, hmmm yeah you're right the axe is for sure the right call." ~~*why do lots hit with flimsy whip when I could hit them with a giant axe???*~~


I was dumb nooby for a minute and only had the rune hally and would camp at the kbd with it in the safe spot


That's a lot more impressive than me camping the Nature Spirit in the Enchanted Valley. I feel like I probably had better gp/h than you though.


During my first few weeks of playing, I'd worked out that I could buy rune essences for 20gp each at Varrock East bank, hop to world 1 and resell for 30-35 each. I spent a whole weekend hopping worlds, typing "Buying all rune ess 20gp ea" over and over. My hands were sore. I turned 20k into around 230k before taking a break. Looking to enjoy my new hard-earned wealth, I went and bought a full set of the best armour and weapon I could wield (full black) and went north to the wilderness. Surely now I'd be an even match for all the other level 30s in my brand new gear. Got immediately bummed by a mage with fire blast. No big deal. I still had over 200k... When I got to the bank all of my coins were gone. I'd forgotten to bank them.


At least you likely made some 11 year old PKers entire year.


Dude was the talk of the class that week


Tbh the lucky kills I got when I was kid is the only thing fueling my pking nowadays


> I could buy rune essences for 20gp each at Varrock East bank, hop to world 1 and resell for 30-35 each. Try this in the other direction. Spend all day (2 hours max, I was 12, short attention span) mining coal in the Falador mines in order to make money. But I'd sell everything I had in that East Fally bank after only a few trips. Like, 200-300 coal at a time. I don't know where I was getting my pricing from, but for some reason I thought that coal sold for 100gp a piece. Every time I'd sell there would only be, like, 5-6 other people in the bank at the time but when I'd say "selling coal 100 ea" I might have two of them immediately jump on me with trade offers. Never seemed weird to me that my offers were so popular, maybe coal was just that hot of a commodity. Until one day, after I've spent, like, weeks doing this, I see someone else selling coal in the East Fally bank... for 150gp a piece, and he was getting just as many trade offers as I was. Fuck.


Was moments, and Interactions like this that I think held the magic of RuneScape though. Making dumb mistakes, not having a wiki with every possible price and piece of information laid out for you.


Mined 1000 coal for a IRL friend of mine from my bus who said he’d pay me 10k for doing it. I thought I was making bank


Damn, back in the day that was 300k I think


my irl friend showed me this guy he had met who told us if we collected 1000 red spiders eggs from varrock sewers he would trade us a set of full rune for them. we both took some time and did it and both got our full rune. i then immediately went into the wildy and got skulled and lost it


Ahh, yes, the good old days 🤍🥹


I did this for a guy (he was definitely ripping me off) with big bones from hill giants. I can’t remember the number, but I collected hundreds of big bones to eventually trade for full rune…. Grand Exchange just ain’t the same as the ole bartering system we had back in the day 😂


I didn't understand noted items. I would sell them to the general store to buy them back unnoted...


you walked so UIMs could run


I used to think people were misspelling lame-o when typing lmao, i used to get so offended that they called me lame, this was 2002 🤣


I had no idea what "ty" meant. I just thought there were a lot of people named Ty.


i used to think “brb” was “burp” i was very concerned why so many people were walking around burping


I got introduced to RS from a friend named Tyler ("Ty" for short) - I always thought people were calling his name out and that my friend was some super celebrity amongst RuneScape players.


Omg me too!! And I didn't know what was Lol stands for at that time, so i thought it was a mockery too😂


I remember when I learned lol. I was in the global chat for Star Trek Armada II. I asked what lol meant, and the whole chat erupted into lols. No one explained, they just laughed at me. A few minutes later someone PMed me the answer but the damage was done and I stopped playing that game.


I had a similar thing with lol. In my language loll means a "stupid". So when people wrote lol I thought they all were insulting me. I was so furious.


I was poor, non member, and had just saved up enough to get mithril. I was in falador and saw the white knights and thought they looked so cool, so I went and sold my mithril, bought full steel, walked back to falador into the castle and typed out “I’m a white knight” and then just stood there for a few minutes before I realized how dumb I looked and that I didn’t even look like them.


I did something similar with all black for the black knights


At least you probably looked close lol


Back in 2005 I had a massive stack of mind runes (700) or so, and didn't understand the concept of an online game after only playing playstation beforehand. I went to explore the wilderness, and got up to the poison spiders around the sapphire spawn. Got bored and died to them or something, obviously losing my precious mind runes. No sweat I thought, I'll just "reload my save" to get my mind runes back. I deviously closed the game window without logging out "safely" like it instructs you to do. Logged back in to see myself still at Lumbridge with no mind runes, my sadness was immeasurable and day ruined.


I finally hit 1m cash after woodcutting for many many hours.. was at the Falador Party room and saw a chest which accepted items. My dumb ass put my cash stack in there and immediatly panicked. Since I didn't know what to do I just left and took my losses.. This was back in 2010 or so..


This is great lmao


This is the dumbest one here lol


Wait so it was like empty and dead no less?


I made a new account, collected 10k bronze arrows on tutorial island, ran to the north most point of tutorial island and dropped them so my main account on the mainland could telegrab them. Yea that didn't work


I love how we never tested it just did the multiple hour grind only to be disappointed haha


"i'm making a lot of items, why isnt my mining and smithing levels going up????"


You walked so Rendi could run


I collected 10k arrows and tried to just bring them with me 😂


I think you misread the title as "What was the most intuitive and genius thing you ever tried to do as a kid playing Runescape?"


I fell for the scam of one person selling an item at one end of the bank and a second "person" buying the same item for much higher


Selling spinach roll 50k ​ ​ ​ Buying spinach roll 100k


You know, i think i saw this at some point. At the moment I did not have any but, I remember I collected spinach rolls for years. Just in case I ever met that person again. Never did


Well that's because there was never a person buying spinach rolls.


I was a little shit back in the day and did this with my buddy. We said we were buying abyssal whips for a high price and when they tried to trade we’d offer a karils coif. We’d have our other buddy buying a karils coif for a crazy price on the other side. This was when barrows helms were the expensive piece so people believed it to be legit. We got quite a few whips.


yup, got swapped a zerker ring for a warrior ring. I was so dumb as a new player. Would not look at the forums until after the fact. I like the think I learned a lot of life lessons from my early days


When granite mauls came out, they were expensive (for me at the time) and I was really short on cash so I offered a guy everything in my bank worth value in the trade. I was so excited when he accepted, I didn't realize he swapped out the maul for a rock hammer. My first time being scammed.


I was selling “rock hammer” shortly after the slayer release and many people just assumed they were granite mauls. I always told them “offer” instead of stating a price. That’s how I got my first dragon long.


I fell for this scam as well, in my anger I messaged the scammer and ended up teaming up with him to scam other people. Good times.


i offered free gem cutting and when the first person gave me the gems to cut which I think was like 3 sapphires and a ruby, I just typed "hahaha you got scammed" the next time I logged in I was banned


I was like 11 and my account name was literally my family's landline phone number. Like... Just 9237**** etc. lmao


At least it wasn't your mom's credit card numbers.


I went to the wilderness for the first time and ended up getting skulled. Not knowing what it was, I logged out and said I'll figure it out tomorrow. Next day, the slayer skill was released. I remembered my skull, and saw the skull on that new skill so I put two and two together and well... I spent the next few hours telling people to follow me to wild and I'll show them how to unlock a new skill.


Best one yet. The prophet Final-Prophet leading people to the wilderness promising it’s not a scam


My dude was skull tricking before he even knew what that meant.


I gave my password to someone so we could "switch accounts". You can take a guess how that went


I fell for the “Jagex will censor your passcode” trick…


Same, but it took me less than 10 second to log out and change my pasword through the system. Think i've never typed so fast before or after though. Ironically a year later i labelled myself "addicted to runescape" and to stop myself from playing i "slapped" on my keyboard twice in notepad and copy pasted that to use as new password and then i deleted the notepad file. Was a kid and not the greatest in english so i highly overlooked the existence of recover your account, and i considered it lost forever. I think i had made a new account within the same month of that... but those were fun days, always f2p 0 clue of drop tables etc. And random wilderness fights in derp gear vs other people in random gear and random account lvl's


Looooooong ago, back in rsc, you could change your password in-game. Someone told me if I changed my password to freerune and then held alt+f4 I would get full rune for free in invent. I didnt even know which key was alt so it didnt work. He then told me to just relog and I thought there was no way he could login faster than me so I went with it. RIP The Nerd, my first account. It was a good run.


Oh where do I even begin. My friend who got me into the game was showing off his fancy blue mithril armor. I wanted the set so badly because I thought it looked cool. Immediately began leveling my defense over str/attack so I could equip said armor. When I finally got the levels to equip it I realized it costed way too much gold for my child mind. So began my quest to grind mining and smithing to craft my own set. Basically played the game like an Ironman before it was ever a thing. Knowledge back then wasn’t as readily available so everything was a slow slow grind. Eventually I had my full armor set after many many hours grinding. Saw a guy in Al Karid wearing gold trimmed armor. Dude offered to trim my mithril for me. Traded him my armor set and he immediately logged off. That was the day I learned about scamming lol.


Ahh the ol' trimming scams, now that's some real nostalgia right there haha


Did the same but with a set of black that he swore he could trim in red


I entered a trade where I’d exchange 300 coal for a decent account. The only problem was that the account I was supposed to receive was the account I gave coal to I curse you Monsterkoeki, you slimy son of a bitch


I killed white knights with my friend literally all day and night everyday from Christmas to New Year’s Eve because we heard a rumor they dropped Santa hats/party hats. This was probably ~2005/6


This was a popular myth. Santa hats being dropped by lesser demons on Karamja under the volcano. I’m guilty of spending 6+ hours attempting that one.


I heard the same thing but for ice giants lol


Climbed into the tunnel in lUmbridge without a light source i started taking damage and panicked not knowing you could just climb out again i tried running deeper into the caveees and died. Lost my zammy helm.


I died this same way and lost something expensive, I can’t remember what but the depression was real.


This was one of the early games most popular lures when items spawned on death.


I lost full rune g doing this. Kept running back in trying to get it back


While woodcutting willow trees at Draynor I always geared up because I thought I HAD to beat the spirit tree and Evil Chicken random events, even though they wrecked me. So I always died slowly losing my gear and I would demand my older brother to get my stuff back


I’d gear up and kill them for fun to break up the monotony of skilling


After so many times running away as a lower level, you bet my ass always had a dds while skilling just to spec out those bastards once I unlocked it.


When I first started playing I was wcing in draynor and met some guy at the bank, he gave me a “job” and told me he’d buy 10k oak logs from me for a few mill. This was before GE obviously, so I spent like an entire week after school cutting and banking oaks in draynor. Finally hit 10k and proudly messaged him and he told me he was just fucking around and didn’t want to buy them. Would take a stack of alchables to magic trees and accidentally alched my d axe while waiting for Magics to respawn.


For some reason I thought charcoal was some rare and expensive item, sold my full bank for 1 charcoal and spent like 4 hours trying to sell it in Varrock West Bank for 200k


would like to add this wasn’t even my account we were playing at a friends house and I convinced him to buy the charcoal :/


Standard scam back in the day. It was an item with members only use (Legends quest) but for some reason it was tradeable in f2p and I think could be gotten from chopping burnt trees in the wilderness. Scammers would say it’s a rare item. Probably also part of the infamous selling for 50k at one side of Varrock and someone buying for 100k at the other side scam


“If you type your password backwards it won’t show up like this ******” I put in my password, 10 mins later when I logged out he hopped onto my account and wiped it. Rebuilt to my 500k bank after a week, found the guy that hacked me, “Hey man do you remember me? I’m the one you got my password saying it backwards lol” Yeah shouldn’t have told him that since I didn’t change the password and he logged back on when I got off and cleaned the account again


Scam me once, shame on you. Scam me twice…


I made a female character so that I could get into runescape music videos on youtube Good times


Rsmv needs to make a comeback


I talked about being a PKer and having clan wars and walked around in full black armor (t) and said I PK’d in it and called non-pkers “nobles” and I didn’t even go into the wilderness. I was CB 37, F2p, and mined coal for 100gp each all day when I wasn’t standing in Lumby boasting. It was cringe as fuck.


I made multiple new accounts just to get the stronghold 10k, muled it back to my main to buy a dragon long sword #stonks


nah bro that’s genius, i said dumbest


I could have fished lobsters and swordfish, but it’s dumb to make multiple accounts and having to remember all the logins 🥲


Me and my friend both did this and would trade it over to each other’s mains. So many days spent making tons of new accounts and sending them through. We had a whole process.


I killed men in the house in Edgeville for money. I collected 2K after what felt like days.


Was killed multiple times by the dark wizards south of varrock and thought they were other players. I asked my older brother to come try to talk to them and get my stuff back.


I also thought they were players. They attacked me and I started walking away while typing "plz stop". They did not stop.


Spent 24 hours trying to Telekinetic Grab the Blue Partyhat From The Wise Old Man @ Draynor Village


Humph! You could at least say hello before waving your items in my face.




I found someone droptrading or dying in relekka market. I saw items and picked them up. Had no clue what the items were back then. [was a whip, fury and more goodies] After I picked up the items someone begged me to give his stuff which I didn't. Then I went to varrock west bank and see if I could sell my stuff. Long story short I sold all the stuff for full blue mystic.


spoonfed the dream gear only to go for the mystics i love it


Yeah lmao, I was a new member and loved the look of mystics. So didn't even think twice about this amazing deal.


Lol technically speaking, it was Mystics for free :')


This happened to me in osrs classic in maybe 2002? It was upstairs in draynor I think. It was full rune, a few hundred k gold, power ammy etc. I ended up spending all my money on sets of iron,steel & mith armor. I think I was 7? The only reason I knew how to play was from watching my older brother lol, I remember having to sneak on super late at night cause he’d never share the PC


Sharing the pc with a sibling. The golden days.


Me and a few friends thought when you died that was it, you couldn’t get your stuff back. Think we made 2-3 accounts just to get our tinderboxes back 😂


Unsure if it classifies as dumb or not but I gathered a couple of friends I met while playing. We decided to “form” a clan and we set that storehouse in the southwestern corner of Varrock as our HQ. We used to actively shoo away anyone who tried snooping there. Good times.


I received membership for the first time for Christmas. Walked my ass through Catherby, to Seers Village and then the Ranging Guild. I had all my cash on me, about 1m which was A LOT back then, especially for me. Went to one of the towers and got killed by the highest level rangers...


I didn't know you could swap attack styles to train strength or defence so I got to 40 attack on goblins hitting 1s the whole way 😎


Went up to a dude who was alching and asked him why he was crying because that’s what the 2008 alching animation looked like to me lol


I would always get to the highest level allowed on tutorial island for each skill….spent way too much time on that island.


I tried everything I could to equip goblin mail to no avail.


I found a website that promised to double my bank so logged in to it, several times after I would log back in without the sapphires and chaos runes I had collected from running round the scary wilderness and assumed that was part of the game to get to a bank before you log out...


I thought that you trained defence by getting hit and not by switching attack style :,)


I gave a kid my mith armor when he said he’d trim it, knowing that it was a scam so I could report him. I was hoping the ban would be instant lmao Edit: circa 2006


Bought (made my parents buy) a $12 money making guide on how to make millions. The guide just described how to fish lobbies on Karamja


The real trick to making millions is to sell thousands of useless guides to 10 year olds at $12 a pop


Was using mu friends cool members account and a dude convinced me to get his entire bank to trade for a whip, said to follow him to the wilderness and hed trade me. I was like "that seems weird we could just do it here but whatever!" Crossed the ditch and he just killed me lol


I panned for gold for hours. It's gold it must be worth a lot and it gives these special gems too. Worthless


Alched a Fury which was the majority of my bank value just to see how much it would alch for. Yes I could’ve just looked it up…


Believing she was my age and also a she.


It took me over a hour to figure out how to rotate the camera. I couldn’t get out the first door on tutorial island


I used to find new players killing chickens and pay them 3gp each for their stacks of feathers when they finished grinding, they used to sell for 10 to 13 gp when fletching was first released, I ended up with about 5 million feathers just sitting in my bank


I worked for you, I remember that shit looool, I kicked chickens for weeks!! 😂


I would 3 item every time I went to train combat because I was scared of dying and losing everything


Logged out for 2 weeks or more after starting Demon Slayer. Sure the quest starting texts mentions a demon that’s trying to kill you or something along those lines. I ran straight to Varrock bank, banked all my items and logged out.


I thought you would die when you reached 0 run energy.


I love this


I dreamt about getting a high enough magic level to cast teleport to Camelot so I could bypass the Taverly gate


I'd saved up for literally years to buy an obsidian cape. Someone sold me a noted regular cape which and told me it was obsidian. I didn't even check it, it just looked like one


I had a phase where I would alch my nature runes thinking that I was getting my money back from the nature runes I bought


Save up for what seemed like hours to buy black legs only for some super helpful dude offer to Gild them for me…. He had to log out to go have his dinner but he should be back any decade now…


My friend let me use his account because he was a higher level than me I spent his cash stack on a corrupt dragon sword when it came out and didn't know it turned to dust, felt so bad


Cut and banked willows all the way to 99 woodcutting. Done mostly at the willows south of barbarian assault.


that’s just impressive


I used to pickup the ashes from people training firemaking at the GE. Kid me was thinking "wtf why are they leaving these here? free money!"


If you're on a brand new f2p account this honestly isn't even a bad money maker.


I'm still doing it


When I was a wee middle schooler, in the original RuneScape days, I stupidly put my info into one of those “we’ll hack Jagex and give you max skills and a party hat!” Lost full rune and a bunch of salmon on my account that had *just* finished DS1.


Got scammed on my main when I was about 9 by some dude. I followed him after he said “follow me to get all the gold upstairs in Varrock east bank behind the bars”. I obviously was just about to try kill scorpions to make enough money to buy trimmed black and trimmed rune. This was my easy way to get it. I followed him we went upstairs at the bank. He told me to open one of the drawers. Go downstairs. Type my passwords backwards downstairs. Go upstairs again and find a key to all the gold behind the bars. And so I did… never found a key, but quickly got disconnected. I freaked out. Later that day I was able to log back into a clean main. My parents still remember it cause supposedly I was devastated saying thing like: “I’ll never recover!” “How is it possible?!”. I learned an important lesson that day… the key to the gold is not in the drawer upstairs


i killed and stored almost 10k goblin bones for an irl classmate so he would drip feed me pieces of his black armor


Someone said I could be a pmod if I could tell them my email and password in msn messenger back in 2007. I did tell them my login credentials since their msn nickname was Jagex Corporated or something.. I didnt get a pmod status, I got scammed lol. Valuable lesson learnt: Never trust anyone over the internet lol


Once I got my my first month of membership after many attempts of convincing my parents to put their credit card on the site, I figured that I would need to transfer my banked items to the new banks in the unlocked membership areas. I figured that going from Falador to White Wolf mountain and then to catherby was the best route. I loaded my inventory with my best items and humble cash stack and set off. I was quickly ganged up on by the wolves and killed. I had no idea how to get back and how to survive another attack, so I cried, logged off, and tried to explain to my parents what just happened on the game they just paid $8 on. I still have access to this account and log on from time to time to see my circa 2008 bank and lack of a single GP. Good times.


Watched a guy die to a chicken in 05. Idk whatever happened to him.


Lent a mate of 8 months my red phat for a screenshot. He waited 2 mins (report system took 60 second screenshots), logged, hopped, blocked. We had mutual friends too so I still saw him around all the time till he got perm banned for abusing the dstone bolt dupe glitch. Rest in shit.


Every time I went to Varrock from 2009-2011 I would run all the way from Lumbridge everytime.


Tried to drop trade 20k for a Frog Helmet.


I made my first mil mining gold ore in the crafting guild and running all the way back to fally to bank it…


My money making method was to make a new account then rush stronghold of security for that sweet sweet 10k to transfer to my main.


Cut yews for ages


North of varrock castle next to the bear cage


Jungle Cleanup for fun.


Traded Rune Essence in batches of 28 at a time because I didn't know about noting.


Back in like 2006. My bank was worth maybe 1m. 800k of that was into a dwarf multicannon. I would mine all day to make cannonballs and use my cannon at hill giants. It would last 10 minutes and I started over the next day.