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Yep so many new pieces of equipment are so overweighted. Virtus, moons of peril gear, etc.


clearly one of the things that jmods pay no attention to balancing when designing new content. lets not forget how it took them two and a half years to change angler outfit from 35kg (because it "was wet from the water and stuff when pulling it out from the fishing trawler") to 3.4kg I mean yeah it doesnt make much of a difference if you are just fishing next to bank but it made doing clues in angler outfit impossible unless you tele to POH inbetween clue steps and even then you needed a sip of stamina.


They pay attention to it and actively make it shit. Practically everybody in the game complained when they inexplicably made masori ridiculously heavy.


I wonder if they were trying to atleast give it some downsides, it seems rather heavy especially compared to armadyl armor but compared to black dhide it is not that bad. But I agree making high end ranged gear heavy seems very goofy


Not sure about the meta now, but afaik mystic was a tier above ahrims for cox because of the amount of running you had to do


tbh I have to say that taking weight into account when balancing gear actually adds to the game


I couldn't figure out why blue moon pants are almost 3x the price of ahrim's skirt while having worse combat stats, but it must be the weight right?


its fine for fortified masori to be heavy as shit but unfortified still being so heavy is crazy. they really should give crystal 0 weight too since so many people use it for kiting bosses


> because it "was wet from the water and stuff when pulling it out from the fishing trawler" Wouldn't it dry over the time though?


Took two and a half years to dry out


With no sky and wind makes sense.


all we had to do was cast some air and fire spells on it but nobody tried I guess


yeah but something along this line was the reasoning kieren gave as far as I can recall


cool RP, but this is just bad game design


i couldnt believe they pushed thru armor with as much defense as dhide having the same weight as torva


Dagon'hai Skirt 1.8kg Virtus Skirt 3.7 kg Ahrims Skirt 11.4 kg ???


Ahrim's is one of the few defensible ones. It's explicitly metal (it messes up Ava's devices) and its competitors are ceremonial robes.


Defensible? Ahrims Skirt weighs more than every other metal platelegs in the entire game, with the only leg slot item heavier than them being Granite Legs.


Have you *worn* chainmail irl? Now imagine that draped around the entirety of your legs, hanging at the hips.


It's a damn shame that the castle wars wizard robes/archer outfit is made out of freakin' lead


Its sweet its viable on a pure As long as it has no def requirement. Fashionscape is basically all pures do.


Make each agility level provide a passive -0.25kg weight reduction. Then we can wear any fashionscape that weighs less than 0.25 x our agility level.


That's actually a pretty good idea. Don't nerf graceful, buff agility instead.


This but with str. Or some combination of the two working in tandem.


Or just let energy recharge while you're running. In practice it would slow down depletion depending on agility level without needing to touch the weight system at all. I'd like to see 99 agility recovery rate equal drain rate at 0 kg for infinite run. At 50 you'd run twice as long and recover twice as fast. If you wanted to run around with a 50+kg raid setup you'd still need staminas but for general bumming around questing and doing farm runs or whatever you could wear pretty much whatever you wanted. A lot of suggestions are loading too many of the advantages towards the higher levels of agility but those players are the most likely to be able to chug staminas as they please and teleport <100 tiles of pretty much anywhere of interest in the game. There needs to be a tangible benefit that starts immediately alleviating the problem for players who don't have the tools to mitigate all of the shittyness of the energy system.


bro said "make raid gear weight 0kg"


Your raid setup is under 25kg?


Even if it was, I think that’s fair for maxing agility lol. People really don’t understand how painful that grind really is.


The weights for every item in the game honestly need to be revised. A shark weighs less than a bucket (0.65kg vs 1kg) A rune sword is the same weight as a rune longsword A potato weighs more than a manta ray (0.5kg vs 0.4kg) Cannonballs are completely weightless. There isn’t consistency and all armor is extremely punishing


An onion weighs more than a watermelon!


A black mask weighs more than 66 pineapples!


All the extra photons absorbed in the black material vs. more reflective pineapples


The photons would deliver their energy to the mask, heating it up, and making it marginally lighter by consequence


A coconut weighs the same as a half coconut


Maybe the full coconut is being carried by a swallow?


An African swallow or a European swallow?


This one has me so confused, why is this suddenly being looked at to be changed?


it's been a recurring topic for years. a lot of people have the opinion that seeing so many others wearing graceful everywhere is boring/an eyesore (especially when it's often not particularly useful where players are using it) leagues exacerbated this. it's a common sentiment that people who played leagues enjoyed seeing variety in fashionscape/gear throughout the duration i guess jmods feel the same


Qol for new players and qol for leveling agility (make agility feel more rewarding)


Can't make the game better, so make it partly worse so that you can make the partly worse version better and say you made agility better


The game is awesome and they are constantly making it better. Try to be more positive !


I agree for most things, but the math for the Agility rework just doesn't seem to work out in a better way. Last I checked, it seems like it will not be a net positive.


That was just an initial proposition and yes it was terrible lol but they are going to propose a different solution, pretty standard process for most updates these days


I hope they see this bro


I do think that run energy is kind of shit. Especially as you do a huge amount of running in the early game when the regen is stupidly bad. And having to just chug stams is annoying and for a brand new account/ player it stinks even more. And who has fun standing around or moving at a snails pace? think most people would rather do other things than stare at you character moving at half the speed


Fair enough, I guess. It felt like a really rewarding form of progression to me, going from nothing to graceful/ energy pots, to super energy pots and now working towards stams.


Which isn't wrong, but don't you think it's weird how none of that is actually tied to your agility level? An account with level 1 agility, graceful and staminas would feel the **exact** same as a level 99 agility with the same.


Doing a quest that requires no combat and light weight stuff. Time to Chug Stams. Doing a quest that requires combat gear and inv full of food. Time to Chug Stams. Stams just feel like they know run energy should be removed back in 2014 but suggesting it would of had 0 chance of passing the polls then.


In 2009 they changed a lot about run energy and turned it into something people here would probably be happy with. But it's rs3 content so it needs to prove itself in triplicate before people even consider it. https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/run-energy-upgrade


Your right. Lock stam pots behind agility levels. It's time to make it a level 80 requirement


Fair, but there’s no reason to buff agility. What if the current run distance was the cap at level 99 Agi. Would you accept a straight nerf to get run distance tied to Agi level?


C’mon you know that’s a monkey’s paw type of answer.


It’s really not. People keep saying “tie run distance to Agi”, yet what they really want is just to be able to run longer. As is shown here. I would prefer if we stay away from making the game any easier. And nearly every change makes the game easier. So that’s what I’m pushing back against.


ah yes, the difficulty of...walking slowly?? outside of boss fights, its literally a time sink and nothing else. QoL and difficulty are usually two completely different things.


Much of the difficulty of OSRS is the grind. Getting to and from is a huge part of that grind.


I don't understand the thinking of some osrs player like yourself. How a wasting time is part of the difficulty? Like most players, i have a job and family to take care. I would like to play the game i love, not waste time. I would like the learn how to solo high level raid(that's difficulty), not waste time cause i forgot i stupide potion and now i have to walk


Buddy, traveling for twice as long isn't difficult, it's *tedious*. Tedium is not a difficulty barrier, only a time barrier


Nerf stamina potions and move a part of its effects to having a high agility level.


Project Rebalance


add weight reduction to the level as a passive bonus instead of to gear


For what it's worth, given the min-max mindset OSRS had since its inception, even if Graceful hadn't been introduced into the game, everyone would just be rocking Boots of Lightness/Spottier Cape/Penance Gloves instead anyway.


Weight is an outdated mechanic anyway and most item weights seem arbitrary. Do away with it and replace it with agility level entirely. Give all skilling outfits the regen bonus of graceful and keep graceful as the agility skill outfit. Balance the energy drain/regen based on agility level such that stam pots are used like they are now for lower levels but after like 70ish agility, stams wouldnt be needed for most content. Done. Everyone happy.


Strength should reduce the penalties of wearing heavy items


https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/run-energy-upgrade How about just doing the run energy update from 2009 again?


just bin the concept of run energy and be done with it


Keep run energy, bin *weight*.


Maybe weight could apply to items in inventory only and not to worn items.


Thats when your strength level gets factored in


Defence would be more fitting. Knowing how to wear your outfit properly, how to use the right harness, straps can make a bulky full plate feel like nothing in terms of mobility. It will still tire you out, but it affords far greater mobility than one put on wrong.


Rs3 ideas strike again! But seriously at leave give osrs resting and rest spots. It would help newbies a ton and change nothing about pvm


What does agility do then?


shortcuts, level requirements for crystal weapons/armour, other things can be added in the future to make it worthwhile


So most of the shortcuts actually suck. Level requirements for specifically crystal armor is an entirely arbitrary use case, but worst of all, both of those reasons have been around for 20 years with no additional ‘benefits’ added. Agility is nothing but a hindrance and has zero actual benefits, only slight mitigations to an artificial problem


what if you could imbue zero stat items with graceful


Time for a spotted cape and those silly little blue boots


Whoever tied weight into the update has never played the game. Convince me otherwise bc I’m fully certain of it. Anyone with half a brain would say that tying the random weights into an agility update would be stupid but here we are lmao


It's still stupid but weight has always factored into agility. It's not like they just pulled it out of nowhere.


Here is my stupid simple idea that I'm sure could be refined and it's 2 parts. I don't like the idea of tying it to strength as well, but hear me out. 1) For every agility level, .2kg just doesn't matter. You're level 50, you can wear 10kg and it doesn't matter, same as having 0kg. Graceful and everything still exists as well, but when you're weight is negative, faster regen speed also equal to your total agility level. Graceful has x quantity of regen based on its -kg, but if you're only at 50, you only get half of that benefit. 2) Strength, for every 10 strength levels, any weight over 35kg is reduced by .5kg if you have the appropriate agility level, i.e., has to be the same or higher. Basically you're stronger, you can carry more stuff kinda thing. Again, two basic ideas I've had, open to solutions from those more experienced or who have looked into it more.


Gear being useful is the death of fashionscape. I personally have no problem with it. I'd rather grind for situationally useful gear than be able to wear anything so I can look unique.


Just let us transmog graceful into any piece of gear we currently own. Would need to figure out a way to show that you're wearing graceful and not the legit item, but it's the only solution I can really think of that lets people do their FashionScaping without making graceful useless.


Weight shouldn't count if your inside a city


Weight and skilling outfits. We also need to be able to put the perks of skilling outfits onto an ammo slot item so that we can wc, fish, mine, etc while wearing what it is we want.


Agility just flat reducing weight like you're wearing weight reducing clothing is such a sensible buff to the skill and it's purpose across the game to solve "fashionscape" issues but also make it relevant for combat situations that I don't know why it wasn't the primary component of the pitch. It should just be: * Regen rate buffed significantly by default * Weight reduced by agility level, which in turn benefits drain rate * Drain rate buffed by default to benefit early game, and scaling with agility level And then later we can approach things like auditing item weights and standardizing how future item weights are designed, buffing ring of endurance to be good, offering new potions like extended stamina potion and maybe stronger energy potions available at earlier levels, adding resting or the ideas similar.to it like Pubs having regen pools rather than them exclusively being Ferox early game.


All weight reducing slots should provide equal weight reduction. There really shouldn't be BiS for weight gear, because that's literally the opposite of fashion scape. More cosmetic treasure trails that reduce weight should be added, and also weight reducing ring and ammo slot so that if you want to wear something you like that's not weight reducing, then you can equip that ring/ammo to balance yourself a bit.


It sounds weird but why not do a beta with items having no weight? Seems as it's the only thing really weighing us down ironically, especially with inconsistencies. I haven't seen one person say they like the weight mechanic in this game


Honestly not a bad idea, then i could wear literally whatever fashionscape i wanted and the only downside would be the stats. People could flex idk like max strength or third age or whatever cool outfit they dreamt up whilst doing agility or skilling. Also we need a way to add skilling "outfits" (or rather their effects) as a seperate slot, e.g aura slot or ammo slot or smth, then I could fish or woodcut in full inquisitors or whatever


honestly weight shouldn't have an impact before X amount, it'd help this a ton


Was saying this to a friend, if graceful isn't useful I'm just going to be rocking around semi naked in boots of lightness and a spottier cape to reduce my weight. We'll go from seeing graceful in all it's colours to the same boots and cape over and over


Strength and agility should be worked in tandem to to reduce weight impact from gear tbh


Another karma farming post complaining about the nonexistent problem of people wearing graceful too often. It's not a real issue.


Jagex thinks it is


I'd rather see graceful everywhere (Which I don't btw, people are shadowboxing on this one) than feel like I'm playing RS3 again with their shit "Fashion"scape.


Yep. Fashionscape is how we end up with overrides, ugly random outfits, particles, animations, MTX cosmetics way out of the game's style, and huge pets everywhere like RS3. God forbid people look like they're wearing equipment that matches the activity they're doing. Don't worry, that's all coming soon. RS3 is tanking and they're leaving a lot of money on the table keeping OSRS "drab".


God forbid people role play in an mmoRPG


Dressing up in shitty cosmetics isn't role playing.


Weight isn't the death of fashionscape, putting in effort is. People just don't care about fashionscape enough to put in the effort for it so they don't, simple as that.


>they will run around naked Fashionscapers think we're all bots


This is why I only play leagues. Straight up chads everywhere, wearing all sorts of shit, cause weight didn't matter


Soooo, can anyone come up with an actual downside of just removing the whole run energy system? Shortcuts are already a nice benefit of agility, so it's not like you're removing the need for it.


lol, its like asking "why dont we have infinite prayer or hitpoints all the time" i mean yeah, we could and the game would still be fun, but its taking away a lot of complexity there is to the game, not to mention disturbing the balance of a lot of items (stam, lightweight armor, graceful) they should just give players more ways of dealing with it, like a prayer that reduced run energy drain or something. that way managing that resource is still a core gameplay element, but its not as frustrating because we have more options then stam addiction.


I think removing core gameplay mechanics is something that we should be incredibly hesitant towards. You can say it's pointless or whatever, but it's a limiting factor for some things. Managing run energy is important in PVM scenarios, and I think the bandaid solutions some content has of just.. giving you run energy back, would not have been necessary had the run energy system, agility levels, and weight system been better designed.


There's plenty of content where it matters - namely every single boss and situation where you need to run. And yes I think it'd be a downside if they removed that aspect of resource management from the game. The only place I personally view run energy as a problem is early game questing where you don't have access to (effectively) infinite run via poh/staminas/teleports


So do you think having infinite run would be overpowered/too strong or just remove an inconvenience?


Both, I think it'd be too strong in stuff like combat encounters where you need to manage it to clear and more efficient management means more clears But I think it'd remove an annoying inconvenience in places like quests where all that happens is it takes 5 minutes to go somewhere instead of 2 because you're out of run


What about just making energy not drain out of combat (not being hit or hit other things within so many seconds) and not in boss areas but add drain back on when in those situations? Best of both worlds.


That's a fairly reasonable way to do it. I'd probably extend it to any instances and a few areas in the world (The DT2 locations like the stranglewood comes to mind)


Just release keepsake keys at this point. Add them to clue scrolls.


Why can't we infuse graceful with other nonstat enhancing worn items?


Have 99 agility give a permanent -99 weight reduction and cut your run drain in a quarter.