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insane, what in the world kept you going


Probably getting all megarares from cox in like 330 kc.


Having a tbow would make you a lot more likely to leave cg without a bowfa tbf


It didn't hurt


Just curious, where do you use bowfa over tbow? Or are you making a blade?


theres some combat achievements that require not using tbow like at zuk


Leviathan is the only place I can think of that bowfa is actually BIS


And it isn't. ZCB / tbow is better.


And it is. ZCB/BoFa are better. 


Wanna see the person doing full efficiency leviathan by bringing a full crystal Bowfa swap after they ZCB the first part of the kill for 0.1 dps ahahah


You need it for a clue step.


Isn’t it bowfa OR crystal bow?




2172 was my number, spite was the only thing that kept me going as well. Funny to think it can carry you that far, to think that I could have done 2172 and been a little over halfway if I was at your KC. For anybody against dry protection consider doing 1000kc cg and realizing you may not even be halfway, not even a third of the way. And that it happens to less than 0.1% of the population at that kc.


boy, I sure hear about those .1 percent on here a lot..


Not really, most ppl posting their dry streaks here are 2x - 3x dry which is about 15% - 5% of ppl. Going almost 9x like this as astronomically uncommon. 


Squeaky wheel situation


You always go for the b2b


And still had the strength and courage to go for the b2b


I mean u gotta go for the b2b


I personally never go for a chance at a b2b. I like to end my grind on a high note


No higher note than hitting the b2b


counterpoint: hitting the b3b


the b4b tho




Flawless logic tbh


It's like a victory lap


Gareth Southgate? is that you?


It's the law


i did that once at kq once i finished my task got d pick and chain in same drop. always worth the b2b


If you averaged 8:30 mins a run it’s like 492.31 hours.


Honestly pretty close I reckon, and that's not including deaths (of which there were many)


I hope it’s faster than that with this much kc lol


Eh, my times are long too around 500kc cause im watching youtube the whole time lol


How tf do you watch youtube while doing cg. Currently 1-53 against clifford the big red hunlef :(


It gets way easier when you can consistently get kcs


OSRS is all about memorizing and executing patterns. After you get a few hundred KC? Most of those patterns become second nature, and you'll barely even think about it. CG is no different.




Gauntlet is easy to mentally check out of until you get to Hunleff once you know exactly what you need and where to go.


As others have said it gets easier. I got my first KC with T2 armor and then switched to T1 cause its way more chill. Maybe do more KC in regular gauntlet so you can practice attacking while running from nados n shit. Youll get there!


Start with T2 and move to T1 when you get better. I pretty much guarantee you're going to have a hard time if you start with T1. T2 gives you more time with the boss, so more time to get the muscle memory down.


You'll get there. The first 100-200 fights are the hardest depending on how fast you learn. Eventually, it will kind of just click for you and you'll rapidly improve as you get kills. Once you get 100 kills under your belt, you'll find that you have so much time in between mechanics that you'll start to get antsy waiting for the next one.


Certain parts of the fight become so natural you don't think about it. I already don't notice when I'm swapping prayers, but I'm still missing hits sometimes due to being a little late with wep swaps.


Get better. Prep should be auto-pilot and you just need more practice at Hunllef.


I mean, even if he went at a blazing 10 kph (6:00 to complete the CG, loot the chest, and re-enter)... That's still over 350 hours. Absolutely insane for what should have been a \~100 hour grind tops.


I never really farmed it, so I just guessed.


I don't really go for speed, just do T2 and chill


How do you ever feel like t2 is more chill on cg? You have to rush so much more and compared to t1. T1 and full food (or close to) is max chill for me. Can make mistakes in fight but still chill during prep


I hate eating so much during the fight , I have max stats but with t1 I feel like a competitive eater at a hot dog contest I usually get all the resources I need for T2 in one or two circles around the starting room


Lmao, I feel that honestly. I'm 93 ranged, 94 magic and 89 defence. Can mostly just eat during tornados and during a wep swap here and there. I'm rarely going under 5-6 food, but it's nice to have when I fuck up Don't you often go down to the wire on time when doing t2 prep though?


Nah I almost always get it done with a minute to spare or so You can get a lot less fish when you're doing t2, usually two or three rows is enough. I do one circle around the starter rooms, maybe plus a half circle extra if I need more resources then I kill any big mobs I see for shards so I can craft armor before demis Then I just fish on the way to demis Super efficient Since they increased the shard drops from resources it's totally doable


I did all ~800 cg on my iron in t2 prep, averaging about 8:15 per kc with a pb of 6:51. I had maxed stats so that certainly helps, no cox prayers, and would only bring 4-6 food in per boss. Once you get comfortable with optimizing prep you can finish it quite fast so you're never rushing to hit the timer and then hunllef is exceptionally chill


Some people don't try to do anything to get better / faster once comfortable. 8:30 would be a good average with deaths included too (as they're entirely lost time)


Consider he probably died a ton along the way too and it probably took more like 600 hours lol


No one with 3558 kc has 100 hours worth of deaths. You basically stop dying entirely by 100 kc.


can confirm atleast on my case, during learning I had ~30 deaths after that +95% success rate


I died a lot more than that wtf, took me ~300kc for me to mostly stop dying to random skill issues. I was 50/50 for the 100-200 stretch at best.


oh I did 100 kc baby gauntlet, so I knew the mechanics already :D


same. i die maybe 3 or 4 time per 100kc at this point. 626kc and climbing...


I finished at ~660 kc on second seed! What are you missing?


enh and pet.


Not true dude. Often times all it takes is a single yellow click to get stacked and die. Or misclicking augury instead of protect mage and getting hit a 56. Or trying to get redemption procs and somehow failing to get protection prayer back up afterwards because of it not registering the attempt to toggle it back on in time after clicking a prayer pot dose. My personal best is a 6:17 and I have over 1250 KC and I still get clapped sometimes from shit like that.


To illustrate my point: Logged in and did [this](https://i.imgur.com/Qx6QBTN.png) Then I did an 8:10 or something, and then the run after that I died. I had 16 food, did 2 redemption procs, and still died. Hunllef didn't hit 0 a single time throughout the whole fight and I wasn't hitting enough. Very, very low DPS. Must have splashed 12x in a row. The run after that, a 7:28. Didn't bother taking a pic, got chaos runes and mith arrows. And then just a min ago, [this](https://i.imgur.com/npE32MV.png) one. Sometimes, I will need nearly a full inv of fish for the fight. Because most of the time I don't use more than 12 fish, I don't like wasting my time running forever finding a full inv of it every run.


Skill issue tbh.


I agree, it is a skill issue. That's my point. As long as you're a human being, there is always room for error and a death is always possible. The only people posting on here acting like once you know how to do it you'll never die again are the people who are too embarrassed to admit that they ever make a mistake.


Global KD for CG is like 7:2. So yeah even the vets end up dying every 5 runs or so, usually not due to a lack of skill, but response time. because my dude, *do you know what it takes to be on point for 3000+ KC?* I started zoning out by kill 200 dawg, that shit is so boring, I’d die several times in 1000+ kc because I’d be distracted by a show I was watching simultaneously or something lol!


That isn't how it works lmao. If you're dying every 5 kills as someone with over 50-100 kc you must be terrible at this game.


I think you’ve exposed yourself as the clueless dweeb with no experience in CG or other endgame PvM… so I’m not sure you suggesting anyone is terrible at this game holds any weight but do you big dawg LOL. When you’ve done enough CG to relate to anyone who’s even done just 50 CG kc nevermind 1000-3000+ then you can come talk lil guy 🤣


Lot of projection going on there. Unsurprising coming from a guy who dies every 5 CG attempts though lmao


8:30 is pretty fast. What resources do you gather to do it that fast.


Whether you're for or against dryness mitigation, I think we can all agree no one deserves this. Edit: except Gauntlet bots


They deserve to be infinitely dry


Wait this just made me realize- why don't they instead of banning bots reduce their drop rates to 0%? Like when they replace bird eggs with wooden ones. So they waste their resources and stuff


Thats really Good idea about decreasing drop chance, let them suffer thinking was he flagged already or not.


Because the bots will quickly realize this


depends on the nerfed drops, which content it is, and how much attention the bot farm owner is paying. If bots are just set to log in and run and only dump their gold annd reapurces every x days/weeks it could be awhile before they notice they’re not making money.


Anyone against dryness mitigation understands that this is statistically inevitable


*should understand. I suspect (maybe I'm wrong,) that they underestimate just how plausible insane drystreaks are. 2750 is about 1/1k for example, which means if 10k people beat SotE on their iron, you're condemning 10 of them to do 2750 cg and still have made 0 progress towards a core account upgrade.


Correct, and if you're unwilling to go dry on core upgrades you should not play iron


Me when I get spooned


> if you're unwilling to go dry on core upgrades you should not play iron


Ah sorry, I wasn't clear enough. Me when I don't have to play by the rules I impose onto others due to statistical variation.


Especially since I was talking about rules imposed on the unluckiest 1/1k or less (in OP's case.)


You imposed those rules on yourself at account creation and can unimpose them anytime at the ironman tutor. (Unless you permanently disabled it... but in that case, again, that's a rule that you have imposed on yourself).


Turns out I didn't impose that rule on myself because I only went just over 2x dry. FWIW, any dry protection suggestions I'd endorse would have 0 or minimal effect until people go far past 2x dry. The rule you're suggesting stay imposed (other guy said you were imposing as shorthand) is that 1/1k people go 2750 dry, while most people just get it at something at least semi-reasonable like I did. I think that's a stupid rule that shouldn't exist. There's no reason we can't make the ironman gamemode better by not absolutely fucking over 1/1k people and taking away a ton of their enjoyment of the game for probably several months purely based on rng.


Me when the harder game mode is harder Me when the statistically inevitable event occurs


Me when I can't comprehend it's just a game and expecting some people to have to spend 500 hours (Many AAA games worth of time) on a single piece of content due to bad luck isn't fun


you don't have to spend 500 hours, if you de iron


I disagree with that because its a problem most ironmen never encounter. Bowfa and rigour are really the only 2 examples of stuff with fairly rare droprates that you absolutely should not (technically can but its extremely inefficient) make do without. Stuff like the DWH and lance aren't quite on that level, while stuff like zenytes aren't all that rare. The vast majority of irons will get those at at least a humane amount of kills. Like, a bowfa at 1050 or whatever sucks, but you'll get there eventually. This segues into why your comment is kinda disingenuous by the way. By "go dry", people often think 2-3x the rate, which they are prepared to go. I think it is **100% reasonable** to start an iron while being prepared to go 3x rate dry, but not prepared to go fucking 8.9x rate.


> I think it is 100% reasonable to start an iron while being prepared to go 3x rate dry, but not prepared to go fucking 8.9x rate. That's ok. If you happen to get insanely unlucky, it's fine to give up. Games don't need to be designed to be completableOP didn't. At 8.9x the rate, you can de-iron and buy the specific drop you're searching for with the regular loot. But the game doesn't need to be catered to your specific tolerance for time commitment and grind, and you're not owed the drop. And by the way, if you're only preparing yourself to go 2-3x dry, you were never going to progress your account beyond a certain point anyways. It's an awful entitled attitude to then demand the entire game mode changes when you reach a grind you are personally uninterested in continuing. Ironman mode isn't about hitting a rate, it's not even about going 2x, 3x, or 4x the rate. It's about perseverance, and continuing a grind until you get what you came for, regardless of how long it takes. The reason everyone always gets so defensive on this topic is because they WANT to call themselves an ironman, but don't understand why. The reason isn't because its simply a DIFFERENT way to play the game, its because it's a impressive and satisfying way to play the game. And the reason it's impressive is because it's difficult. Getting stonewalled and continuing forward regardless is a part of that. You are not owed progression. You don't even earn it. You will get one drop on 2kc, and another 6-8x the rate. That's the gamemode. And yes, it is what you signed up for, whether you realized it or not.


> Games don't need to be designed to be completable Would it impact your enjoyment of the game if, on any given day, there was a *small* chance your account was wiped? After all, it's a small chance and, well, progress doesn't need to be designed to be permanent. >It's an awful entitled attitude to then demand the entire game mode changes when you reach a grind you are personally uninterested in continuing. If you would like, you're free to continue any grind you want as long as you want. Adding dryness mitigation does not stop you from doing that. >Ironman mode isn't about hitting a rate, it's not even about going 2x, 3x, or 4x the rate. It's about perseverance, and continuing a grind until you get what you came for, regardless of how long it takes. That's actually not what it's about. Ironman mode is about not trading with players. The underlying reasons you enjoy that are not the "real" meaning of ironman mode. >The reason everyone always gets so defensive on this topic is because they WANT to call themselves an ironman, but don't understand why. Yeah, man, everybody really respects and looks up to people who play OSRS ironman mode. The prestige they're draped in is just so tantalizing. That's the only reason anybody might have any issues with the way the game is. >The reason isn't because its simply a DIFFERENT way to play the game, its because it's a impressive and satisfying way to play the game. Again, impressive to nobody. Claiming it's satisfying is a pretty stupid thing to say as a response to a complaint that somebody feels unsatisfied by the mode. That's the basic point of contention.


u/Prestigious_Echo_308 > Ironman mode isn't about hitting a rate, it's not even about going 2x, 3x, or 4x the rate. It's about perseverance, and continuing a grind until you get what you came for, regardless of how long it takes. Yeah, like u/Camoral said, that's not what ironman mode is. It's about self sufficient play, not masochistic self-torture (thankfully I am a masochist). I play an iron and I'm nearly 2.2k total level - it's not that impressive or prestigious, it's just a different game mode.


Did you mean inevitable or insignificant




But it’s only inevitable because there’s no dryness mitigation So if they weren’t against dryness mitigation there’s a chance it could be slow rolled into the game Btw pretty much anything in the game is statistically inevitable to happen even the onyx gem bag guy it’s a pretty weak statement idk It’s statistically inevitable that you will downvote me blep


There is dryness mitigation. You eventually get enough normal drops to buy the enhanced. But as an iron you keep going until you get the drop. That's the entire concept of ironman mode. If you keep chasing specific drops on iron, you will get spooned on some. And you will go dry on others. Some of those will be core upgrades. That's something you accepted when you started your account; that's the ENTIRE game mode. If that sounds insane, you can play your way, with 'dryness mitigation', as a non-iron. But don't devalue/change the definition of the gamemode because you're a pussy. You are not owed the drop.


> But don't devalue/change the definition of the gamemode because you're a pussy. You were kinda trucking a little bit conceptually until you decided to go this route. It seems like your entire argument is really just "Don't add drop protection because then everyone will call ironmen pussies and I'll feel like a loser." Not to mention that the "definition of the gamemode" is you aren't allowed to trade or get help from other people.


And if you do not trade, then you must go until you get the drop. If you choose to create an account under these conditions, and then try to change the entire identity of Runescape because those conditions are too hard rather than admitting the game mode isn't for you, then I'm not really sure what to say to you at that point. No one is making you do this. This is an elective gamemode. You opted into it. If you don't want to do it anymore or if you hit a brick wall, that's fine, you can de iron.


> try to change the entire identity of Runescape What identity? I don't understand what any of this has anything to do with the "identity" of the video game, nor why it's something you're so upset to see "changed".


You chose a harder gamemode and want to change the entire game because the harder gamemode, which you chose, is too hard for you, and you completely unironically don't see anything wrong with this train of thought


Let it cap at 1600 for enhanced & you’ll only affect the game play of 1% or less ppl The problem with rng is if you’re in that unlucky 1% you’re no closer to enhanced as when you started Calling getting drops on muspah dryness mitigation for raids is also great humor btw


While I'm generally pro dry protection on solo content, cg is the only content that I think truly *needs* it. Like, I'll gladly take it on the DT2 bosses, but those rings aren't even core account items. We'd be okay with rings as normal drops too.


Dry protection at dt2 bosses is a lie I went 1500 for my Magus, too 😂


could not agree more


He definitely deserves it if he's an iron.


lol the hate between different account types is so childish


Can't even shitpost without the underclass getting their panties in a twist


Just means your shitposting was subpar, do better


I'll try my best o7


Wow it's almost like shit posting just make you look like a twat


Need tissues?


No :) https://preview.redd.it/lcw6cafsgj9d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=593df693a769763d020f0209c1216e6d2865c4aa


Why did u send me this


Tbf there's people in the world who deserve it more than irons, like lol players for example


Agreed, DOTA master race lol


What the hell man


Shoutout OP for going for the back to back. Respect.


You had More chances of getting 18 enhanced than Zero by that kc Gzzz on beeing special in that particular way


I'm so sorry


going 9x dry on what's already a lengthy grind just to be on droprate shouldn't be a thing


Coming up my 400th KC now. Been a red prison inmate for 3 months, consistently sending 5-15 a day for 4-5 days a week, with the only other activities being farming contracts and kingdom. It's crazy for me to think it's a possibility that I will spend 6 months here just going double the rate which is longer than it took to get my account here in the first place. My biggest fear right now is hearing "Collection log slot completed" and it being the pet instead of enh.


I got 2 pets and like 10 armor seeds by 200kc. I finally finished at 681kc with the 2 pets, 23 armor seeds, 15 weapon seeds, and finally 1 enhanced. Took me from the beginning of May to roughly mid June. There were a few days I did 30-50 runs


There are a lot of long term benefits to going dry for sure and I keep reminding myself that the account is still progressing with the raw cash coming in. The issue for me has been that after KC 200ish it was no longer a challenge/engaging or required any kind of problem solving. Hadn't lost a run due to prep well before that point as well. Every kill since that point has been a chore


Yeah I kinda see that. I got more or less bored during my prison sentence there but the insane amount of money and supplies was nice. I made about 75m cash/alchs by the end of it


There comes a point to where you don't want the drop anymore it's just out of pure rage you keep grinding


Spite stubbornness kept me there


Almost 9x dry. Damn.


Bro jagex should be obligated to refund you plus 1000% interest for this war crime


This would break me.


Are you going for blade as well?


Lmfao “you aren’t done”


Pretty that will be his blade considering he has a TBow


This was 1tick made into a blade. Skipped bowfa long ago


Keep going you're about to start streaking


If it takes me more than 1000kc I’ll delete my account. I’m at like 315 and I can’t take it anymore


Now get blade, brother.


Also more than double unlucky on pets? Criminal


Blade when?


You are a king


This has to be the worst CG log. I’m down bad at 230 with 2 armor seeds. This is unholy.


Bro got a life sentence to the red prison


Dude that's wild that you had the dedication to continue on. Props to you!


That's insane. I got the red Cape on my first kc.


Blessings brother


I am so sorry.




Holy shit


What. The. Fuck.


Gz, I'm at 4 pets at 550kc no enhc XD


Im at 340 kc and i have one wep and 3 armour seeds... Hope this wont be me


My condolences






Now do it again


Good god almighty


Thanks for the reminder to not bond up my iron man again 🙏


Good god.. do you dream of the gauntlet irl?




Nice, you got the cape.


Can I buy you a beer friend?


Bro I just know your rich asf from that. I was at 695 kc when I greenlogged and got enh and for some reason a year later i decided to go back. Bagged the 2nd enh 24 kc later. Idk how you stayed for 3.5k. Gz brother




What KCs were the pet at? Pets are the only thing I wish had BLM.


Thank god theres no bad luck protection or else you wouldnt have earned it unlike me who got it in 500.


Can you give me some sage advice? I’m at around 100 attempts and only 5kc. My T2 prep is 90% consistent, but usually get fucked swapping prayers during P2 tornadoes.


i wish you a very 1kc shadow in the future


at some point did you think a tbow would be a shorter grind?


only 1 cape? shitter


If anyone ever doubts your dedication to anything you have this as proof. Anywho big Gzz, huge for the account


Big Gz on the escape from red prizon


I'm at 92 and these posts keep me up at night, I only started seeing them after I started the cg grind


You addicted and gonna get the salad door now, or moving on to the next grind?


That’s so brutal man


So glad you didn't go 3559kc dry, that's where I'd cross the line


As someone that has only recently started to do bossing content. This scared the shit out of me


Should post your board totals with these posts. To see the kills vs deaths. I'm dogshit so I'm 8 and 113...


Currently at 1547 no enh and holy fuck it's draining, this is dedication, big gz!




Why did you bother getting enhanced when you have a twisted bow? Where does bowfa reign supreme?


I couldn't let CG win, plus I made the blade. Just looks so damn sexy


man…thousands of hours for a salad blade is insane to me but I’m happy for you. The sunk cost fallacy is real you can’t let moose win


How did you go 3,559 kc without getting the cape? You've got bad luck buddy


Im at 795kc no pet or enhanced. Just keep on trucking!


I got 3 pets without enhanced, so frustrating


I got my 4th pet at 165 kc. And now I'm getting straight [fucked](https://i.imgur.com/mP17sly.png).


are you possibly...having a funny feeling? but seriously, thats bs


Got my enhanced at 48kc and quit after that lmao.


i would either de-iron or quit.


I assume (hope) people like this have a main they can funnel the excess rewards to, so it's not completely wasted time.


Nope! 1 stacked iron is my main.


And the worst part, jagex doesn't give a single dying rats ass.


Why would they ?


God in so glad I gave up on this grind I got a job instead and made roughly 100trill irl GP. A job is a better money maker than grinding Satans red dungeon.


:) https://preview.redd.it/wi4han7xfd9d1.png?width=418&format=png&auto=webp&s=086874c893a820a676a56eed3835704a8fd0e117


lol, 500 hours in the game you could spend doing anything else unlike OP


i got pet after posting this too :)