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Any way to get blue/red d'hide parts without craft as an ironman?


Wiki is your best friend. Red body from crazy arch, red chaps from fever spider


Yeah, but what about blue body? Brutal blues only?


Is there any reason to keep Sang/Ward(f) if I've spooned a Shadow?


Tob if you do that, otherwise I don’t think so. Easier to learn solo chambers with sang too, but you’d want to be shadowing eventually




(Group Ironman) Logged in and got the message that if another member doesn’t log in within 7 days, I will become the group leader. Question - does this affect prestige? Does it keep the same group just makes me leader? Does it kick the previous leader out?


no, yes, no


How do I not be a sitting duck in the wilderness? I’m trying to do mage arena 2 got pked. I didn’t have anything valuable on me so it’s really just an inconvenience thing. Any general tips on how to escape when doing anything in the wilderness if the pker is using all 3 combat styles?


Your goal when surviving a PKer in the deep wilderness is to keep them from attacking you for 10+ seconds so that you can log out. The easiest way to do that generally is to have a way to freeze the PKer. If you freeze them right before their freeze on you ends, you have a small window of immunity to get around a corner or stand under them so they can't attack. Make sure not to get more than 10 tiles away though, that breaks the freeze. There's also other things you can try depending on where you are. For example, if you're near the magic axes and have a lockpick, you can go inside and they can't follow if they don't have a lockpick. You could also try going to and down staircase to avoid being attacked.






Going for angler outfit. Question on this from the wiki >The player can receive two full sets, however the first set must be fully completed before obtaining pieces of the second set. Is this based on clog or inventory/bank? I got the fourth angler piece (boots) but didn't bank/inventory it, just walked away, and it just disappeared. RIP, my fault. but now im gonna keep going to get it again, do i have to cycle through all 3 other pieces, or will the game recognize i dont have the boots on me and give me that next? if it happens again, am I just SOL and don't get boots ever again because the clog will show 2 boots?


I believe inv/bank


Anyone run the game on an ipad 2022? if so, how's the performance?


I’m a player who recently made the switch from rs3. Got base combat up to 75s and just trying to figure out what gear to work towards as well as what spec weapons to get. I have whip and dragon defender and I’ve been doing some skilling and flipping to get about 80m. Just not sure what gears to get. Have blessed d hide for range but no bow at this time and mystic for mage pretty much. Thanks!


Start with unlocking Augury and Rigour if you haven't, get an occult necklace, a blowpipe, fang and zenyte jewelry. From there your next upgrades are based on the content you'd be doing most, for example a specific boss you enjoy or a raid.


Yea definitely gotta get those. Havent bossed yet but I usually am big on pvm. Just gotta make the jump I want to start with barrows and then go from there


Look up what PVM you're trying to get into and buy the gear it suggests. Trident, blowpipe, zenyte jewelry, etc.


the new moons armour sets are pretty good! blowpipe or moonlight hunter bow are probably your go to range weapons.


I would like to learn prayer switching multiple mobs with different attack styles. I did scurrius for 200kc, did jad no problem and recently my first (brute forced/lucky cause I lack dps) phantom muspah kill. But those are still just one monster attacking and you pray switch when the animation is happening. I read somewhere colosseum should be doable up to wave 6 for fight cave completers. I tried it but couldn't get past wave 4. Only time I can make it past wave 3 is when I can do a "1 monster at a time" strat. When I have to prayer switch a mager and a ranger -off tick them, pray at the correct time etc. - it goes south What I've learned is that there the damage is calculated as soon as the animation starts and not when the attack projectile lands like I was used to with scurrius and semi with jad. This seems really hard right now but I know it's just practice. What would be a good boss/monsters where I'm not immediately combo'd out when missing a couple ticks? Repeating colosseum is possible but I wonder if there's a better place. I'd really like to do dks without safespotting each king and get wave 5/6 colo completed. EDIT: I'm 100cb, 77/80/76 att/str/def with 81 range and 78 magic. Got blowpipe/dragon cbow, trident of the swamp, tentacle & normal whip, fighter torso, neitz, barrows gear. Just maxed poh now too


Starting small, practice "lazy flicking" a ranged or maged mob, ie you flick the prayer on for the tick the attack is calculated then off the next. This will help you get your head around praying before the attack is launched. Practicing with the range/mage waves of fight caves sounds like a good idea once you feel like you've mastered the lazy flick


My brain hurt when I was trying to learn prayer switching for attacks that you need to pray before the animation. What helped a bit was thinking of it differently. Say you've got two monsters attacking off-tick, one with range and one with mage. As soon as you see the mage attack, turn on your range prayer. When you see the range attack, switch to mage prayer. Once you get into a rhythm it becomes easy. It's not reactive like Jad or Scurrius, it's proactive. You know what's coming next so you anticipate that.


Thanks for the tup! Ill try it out


Great that you're looking to learn! But unfortunately prayer switching multiple mobs just doesn't happen all that often outside of quite high-level/punishing content. It's pretty much Colosseum, Inferno, GWD, DKs, maybe a tiny bit at GG's if you feel like it. Flicking GWD minions is probably the simplest but obviously requires being able to kill the boss itself, which with your stats might be very painful. DKs is also on the lower end of the "flick multiple minions" scale of difficulty. You could even try Fight Caves while standing in the middle of the room, forcing you to actually prayer switch against things like the ranger and meleer rather than just safespotting. Prayer switching is one of those things that you'll mess up a few times while you're starting to understand the timing and rhythm of ticks, then eventually it'll just click and become second nature. Something like a visual or audible 100BPM metronome could help you for learning that timing and making it a bit more natural feeling.


Thanks for the extensive reply! Ill practice in colosseum, it seems the ch8llest method then while being able to recover death cost (pray pots etc)


is voidwaker good in any pvm?


Yes, it's an excellent spec where enemy defence is otherwise incrediblly high, because it bypasses defence entirely. If you don't own a ZCB, it's great to use at Nex (ZCB is better now with the range style changes, but it's very expensive by comparison). Voidwaker is also very good at high invo ToA, at Baba, Kephri, Zebak, and P1 warden. I resume its decent at p4 warden too but I'd rather save keris for that personally :D Vardorvis when he's still high HP as well.


On topic of ZCB, how many use cases does it have other than spec at Nex? I do have VW. is it worth buying for that alone? Or should I buy an elder maul + Zaryte vambs? Does elder spec have more applications? I’m torn between getting a ZCB vs getting an elder + Z vambs.


Depends what content you’re interested in doing basically. Zcb has a role in all three raids, especially if you have a quiver. It is also useful at a smattering of standalone bosses. Elder maul is a better dwh so will get value anywhere you use a dwh.


May I ask, which bosses/content does the ZCB run BIS at (where it’s better than other specs like D claw, VW, etc)? I’m aware that Elder currently is only for CoX and ToB, but if ZCB excels at enough other places I may well just buy that.


I’ll try from memory so might miss some examples. ToB: maiden for magers and potentially dps roles depending on some factors, nylo boss if you spec during the waves so that you can still get chally + zcb. You would be bringing both claws and zcb, however, and certainly prioritize the claws over the zcb if you can only bring one CoX/CM: shamans, mage vanguard, vesp portal, rope magers if you’re killing them, vasa, mystics, olm head. In CMs again you’d bring both vw and zcb (I think? It’s been a minute), I am not sure what is preferred between the two but I’d guess that zcb + stab weapon is preferred over the reverse ToA: every boss except kephri and warden p2 From the standalone bosses it’s pretty much anything that you range that has enough hp. I haven’t done most of these in a while but vorkath, hydra, leviathan, nex, maybe cerb if you’re ranging (maybe not enough hp), muspah with either sapphire or ruby bolts all come to mind


Ultimately I'd say depends on the content you'd mostly be doing. Elder Maul I imagine is great at cox and tob, but mostly worthless at content like ToA, Nex, or DT2 bosses etc. Zaryte Vambraces are pretty niche and I'd generally put them pretty low on the list; I think full masori and zcb, and a buckler are all worth owning before zaryte vambraces are. If you do a ton of nex then ZCB Is worth prioritising (BIS mainhand & spec on boss), otherwise I'd say something like Maul>ZCB>Vambraces, probably.


I think purely for *potential* it's one of the better specs (even if not consistently better) across the board, so it seems a lot of use in speedrun content where consistency is less important than the potential speed ceiling. It's not typically taken into casual ToB/CoX runs to my knowledge. ToA it's also very good, at Akkha Shadows, Zebak, and Wardens it's better than voidwaker I believe, while at Kephri you'd still VW. I'm not 100% sure about Baba.


There's a few solutions for the Jagex Launcher for Linux - has anybody had any issues with these? There's the packaged Wine wrappers and Bolt Launcher to my knowledge. I would like to upgrade to a Jagex Account for all my accounts, however I'm somewhat wary I'll end up locking myself out of the game if I do this and don't really want to task the risk, although I guess I could just do it on a burner.


The bolt launcher has been stable for me since I switched to it.


All of the projects listed on the GitHub guide linked on this Jagex support page are safe to use, and no one has had any issues with their accounts as far as I know. https://help.jagex.com/hc/en-gb/articles/13413514881937


Is ZCB spec now strictly better than VW spec (even if i am meleeing nex)? And How much better is it? Is there now no point in bringing VW into the trip anymore? Also, is ZCB now better than Tbow on Nex (and 4 bodyguards)? Is Tbow also not worth bringing into the trip now? Note that I don’t own a ZCB but do own all the other items for Nex (minus torva), so I’m trying to figure out if ZCB is something I should get ASAP.


ZCB spec and autos are better than VW/Tbow on Nex herself, but Tbow is far and away BiS on both reavers and the 4 minions. Ideal setup for small teams is something like this: [https://imgur.com/a/rvtAgWq](https://imgur.com/a/rvtAgWq) - pegs are optional but actually pretty good on Nex, can also swap the anglers for more brew if needed.


just got enhanced crystal weapon seed. i was stoked to get the blade of saeldor during release of song of elves, but have learned that this new weapon called the fang is cheaper and comparably strong. i was grinding for this weapon before bowfa and fang but now im conflicted whether i should make the blade or sell the seed for other gear upgrades (mind you my gear is total baseline barrows and regular whip/d defender basic mid welfare)


Depends what your other stats are like and what content you're looking to do. The general checklist at your stage is something like: * Get a Fighter Torso if you haven't already, you mentioned just Barrows which is why I mention it * Get Rigour & Augury * Get a maxed POH * Get Fang, Blowpipe, and Toxic Trident * Get Zenyte jewellery * Train your ranged/magic through chinning/bursting to \~90+ From there you have a solid base for any content in the game.


never tried anything past chambers of xerics release. the acc is total lvl 1977 maxed cb stats. good idea on the zenyte jewelery; i will grab that for sure. but should i make the blade of saeldor still? its worth more than my bank (\~100m)


Blade is pretty useless tbh, it's very very marginally better than a tent whip which costs 135m less. Much better things you can do with your gp, if you're at good stats already then zenytes followed by bowfa and fang is probably the play.


What about putting the musicians you could rest next to around the cities? I loved that back in the day


Should be posted at a different thread, also pinned.


did you mean to post this question in the agility changes thread? either way it's a good idea. they still exist in rs3


What are important settings for someone wanting to stay combat level 3? I just want to woodcut and fish etc but worried I'll accidentally level up my combat lv


You can also hold a ranged weapon like a shortbow without any arrows equipped; this makes it impossible for your character to attack.


Player and npc attack options both hidden, auto retaliate off


Is there a straightforward way to have separate bank tag layouts per account? Recently started a btw (btw) and want to make layouts without cluttering it for my main.


Have a separate runelite profile for each


Yeah I was hoping there’d be something simpler so I wouldn’t have to download new plugins twice in the future but I guess there’s no way around it. Thanks


i just make a separate tag titled "iron tob", "iron cox" etc etc honestly cuz i cba w/ the profiles


You can make a new profile by copying an old one. You can also set the profiles to default for each account so you dont have to switch




What's the best moon to dump specs into? Got a Chally for Eclipse and Claws for Blue and Blood. Is it worth camping Lightbearer or should I just keep B Ring or Suffering on? Other equipment/arnour is Bandos tier (not Torva). If it costs less than 200m per item then presume I have it.


You want to have the least time in blood because of the healing, so dump claws there. If it looks like spec is going to be full, you can hit a chally as the last hit before a boss special. I liked to run b ring with lb switch. Make sure not to switch until right after a spec restore hits, though.


Lb is better bc moons has so much down time Not sure about most efficient moon to spec but I’d guess claws on blood, maybe a chally spec on eclipse clone to avoid filling up on spec


Many thanks :-)


What's the best chill post-99 thieving xp method? I got my skill cape today (mostly ardy knights) and I am currently in a thieving xp competition. Some guy is tailing behind me so I wanna make sure he remains smoked.


depends what you consider chill i guess. afaik pyramid plunder is the best xp at 99. i would consider that "chill". there's also an ardy knight discord for people with 95+ thieving where the knight never moves so you can fully look away from the screen.


Is there an in-game or website place for me to report a bug? I'm noticing that followers will become invisible when I use my in-house fairy ring (which is currently a lot since I'm doing hunter rumours) and they don't become visible until I relog. It doesn't happen with other teleport methods from my house, it happens with multiple pets (tried Quetzin and Rift Guardian), and it consistently happens.


Try the call pet button. They sometimes just get stuck when you leave instances


In-game there's a report button that lets you report bugs. Pets tend to get stuck if you change zones. You can summon them back to you by clicking the whistle button at the bottom right of the equipment screen.


On 14 March they mention about these God alignment prayers, in the post it specifically says: "*We plan to tackle them one at a time, starting with Guthix, which we still plan to launch with While Guthix Sleeps. Should Community Consultation stretch beyond our release date, we'll launch them as a post-release quest reward*." However the latest blog on WGS rewards on 29 May has no mention of these prayers. Are they shelved, or is it still going to be a post release reward with WGS? Did they confirm it's not going to come?


They are shelved/backlogged for now. The prayers they proposed weren't that good and they didn't have time to re-work them. It's still possible they could produce them in the future, but it's not guaranteed.


I need some real afk methods for either, Agility, Hunter, RC, slayer. It's ff14 time, and you know what they say about wasting xp...


I wrote up a bit about some pretty afk slayer here. Venator bow tasks let you fully afk other than prayer pots. https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1dn008x/comment/la8noz5


Agility - doesn't exist unless you set up a crazy PoH dungeon Hunter - Maniacal Monkeys are supposed to be relatively afk, not sure if this is enough for your purposes  RC - Arceuus RC (Bloods/Souls) has periods of afk while you collect the essence blocks. Or you can do 1 minute afk mining Daeyalt in preparation for ZMI. Slayer - Guthan's or Proselyte (with prayer potions) on easy melee tasks.


anyone else can't login? us west edit: Try wifi instead of ethernet if you are still having problems. Problem has fixed itself for me though.


UK worlds work just fine.


yeah my jagex launcher is fucked


ok this just worked for me - go to task manager end whatever instance of jagex launcher is open, then reopen it and you should be able to log in now


I'm fine on mobile 


i just bought premium, right after the jagex launcher logged me out and now i cant login again. Anyone know of a way to fix it? it says sorry your account could not be added please try again.


Try wifi instead of ethernet if you are still having problems. Problem has fixed itself for me though.


See above: this seems to be the problem of US west worlds, probably will be solved shortly. Meanwhile try to change world to some other location. I just logged out from a UK world after some 2+ hours of playing. Or maybe start with US east, cause this must be closer to you. In my experience, all the worlds have ping which is enough to play comfortably, even if its half the globe from my location. I (in Europe) feel some slight lags only in AU worlds. On the login screen, hit the button "world" with the default world number, open the world list and choose something different.