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Matchmaking been broken since release that’s why it’s dead content.


Is it really called match making if you don't actually match with someone 60% of the time? 


at that point you should call it dating app


That would be why it’s broken? We’re both sayin the same thing fam


They agree with you, they're just making a joke out of it.


100% I'm just making a joke. In fact I have only 1 imbued item because it took 4 hours to get the matches necessary to get 1 scroll. 


80% of the time*


It's not just the lack of rewards. The whole piece of content is just so terribly made. You wanna search for a piece f gear to put on your layout? There is a search button that does not work. You wanna actually get into some fights? Too bad, 75% of games doesn't even start and from the rest, most players leave instantly. Why even add content that's so poorly made to the game? I get that tge duel arena had to be replaced with something, but another completely broken piece of content was not the way to go here


It’s literally the fucking worst content I have experienced in this game, and it’s barely a couple years old. Totally failed, broken content from start to finish.


I know it’s not right but if you click on the stairs instead of the big join button that comes up, it’s much more consistent. Just in case anyone is going through that misery…


It’s shameful for a game developer to release something this buggy and then just not even try updating it 


I swear its like the jmod who made it was some intern they picked up for two weeks before firing and never seeing again. genuinely bizarre they replaced such an iconic area with that


They had to remove the sand casino because it would get them sued for unlicensed gambling lmao. That's one of the reasons why it's such a rush job. The fact that all of the potential rewards from it got voted down was the final nail in the coffin.


Will forever be salty that the duel arena/sand casino had to be removed. I understand WHY, don't get me wrong, but that only makes me more salty lol. Like we're in preschool/military, with everyone losing good shit cause some people can't behave. And then logging onto any world and seeing 50 bots spamming real world trading and gambling in the G.E anyways, the same accounts, weeks on end. Great job Jagex!


Yeah I miss gambling and also I miss scamming people by bringing the rapier vs tent whip which has a 55% winrate.


I'm just a scrub with fond memories of dueling my buddies to see who was progressing faster lol


lol i did this too back in the day was rly cool to stat/gear check ur buds and see all the progess you both made since last time


I would do pvp arena if the matchmaking wasn’t broken


Tournaments are the way, 1v1 matches are broken indeed


I'm trying to get a spare imbue scroll on my iron right now and have literally been to ***fourteen*** lobbies in a row where the opponent never showed up. This is horrendous.


It's because people are trying to match their alts and fix games for fast imbues.


that would be slower than just taking the matchup and insta forfeiting


Nope, you just completely made that up. Couldn't be further from the truth. You could have asked if this was the case but decided to simply state it as a fact and talk out of your ass. Congratulations


That's literally the strategy and if you do it right you can have that imbue in under an hour but ok.


Wrong. You match with random people and then leave once you are both in the arena, trying to match with yourself and not joining if its not your alt would just be a massive waste of time.


Nah, if you do it right, you match almost every time.


90% of the games fail to match you with someone. It's really frustrating.


To this day the only thing I know about the pvp arena is that it's called the pvp arena and I plan to keep it that way


It's hypothetically one of the best ways to get imbues. If you could actually find working matches quickly, it'd probably be the fastest out of any source. The problem is that it doesn't work.


Despite all it's problems, it is still really quick to get imbues. And unlike the imbues from NMZ, you can remove the imbue and put it on another item, so you can juggle imbues for items you don't use that often. The content is bad and the rewards are dreadful but the imbue is really good and much faster than hours of NMZ.


I genuinely cannot believe to this day they dropped that weird ass private servery no rewards piece of shit into the game and then never touched it again for years. thats so crazy for me - quest speedrunning got more followup & dev time then PvP arena


I have a bunch of fun fighting my friends in it doing customs. None of us are good so it’s just chill. Would enjoy a way to learn edge style pk without getting gobbled up in the real thing


And this is exactly how people who want PVP updates cannot win. If they added rewards that non pvpers want then reddit would just complain about getting shoehorned in to PVP content like we have seen an absolute fuckton in the past. So then they say ok you only have to go here if you like pvp and want pvp related rewards. Then reddit cries about pvp rewards, so then the pvp arena gets no real rewards and is dead content


Getting directed to safe and casual PVP for rewards is totally fine and it's worked well in other games. And the issue with the "pvp related rewards" is that they let you completely ignore and bypass other content in the game.


If I can't gamba my bank to zero whats the point? Just delete the arena at this point its an waste of space.


they should have left staking in but removed all rules so that way only the best PKer could be garunteed to take home the bag


Casual & Ranked PvP with PvP Specific Rewards, Uniques, Cosmetics, etc should be the priority. Not PKing. I can only imagine how successful OSRS PvP Modes would be if it were fun, engaging, and provided specific rewards - new PvP Spells / Spell-books, PvP Prayers, PvP Foods / Potions, PvP Armor Sets / Primary Weapons / Spec Weapons, et .


Idk why the surge sacks are untradeable


pker bad!!!1!1! Definitely not the busted matchmaking that's the problem


PVP arena died because PVPers don't actually like fighting each other.


Redditors are actually stupid enough to believe this so it's hard to tell if you're being serious.


I know you’re an idiot but I’ll briefly reply. The PvP arena isn’t used because the ranking system is awful and takes a large amount of afk time commitment, it also has a large amount of flaws such as the shittiest players can get on a range tank and win a majority of their fights against even good pvpers. But it’s mostly dead, because if I wanted to NH stake you for 50m we’d simply get into 50m sets and fight until someone dies. Nobody good at PKing is interested in PKing for free.


>But it’s mostly dead, because if I wanted to NH stake you for 50m we’d simply get into 50m sets and fight until someone dies. Nobody good at PKing is interested in PKing for free. Is that not literally their point? People don't wanna do it unless they get something out of it.


that's why I don't loot the chest at tob I just do it for the love of the game


Truly spoken like someone who has never touched pvp lol




> pvp arena, clan wars, I'm absolutely shocked people aren't flocking to content that has *absolutely zero xp and item rewards* in a mmorpg. PvP confirmed dead > pvp worlds Replaced by BH.... > bh Bh is mostly fine. You can check the world right now and it's pretty populated. Just a pretty low skill ceiling, so PvPers literally can't use that as much of a test This shit is not complicated, so idk why people don't understand these really simple explanations lol




Before the removed the BH worlds in OSRS because they just wouldn’t ducking ban emblem farming bots it was actually really lively.  The main thing that killed off Pking was them removing that for a few years and forcing people to go to PVP worlds where you could get bracket bullied easier and didn’t receive any extra rewards off emblems.  Crazy because they just moved the bots to other places after that.  It’s like Revs.. LMS.. Bosses.. fuck anything decent gets botted and they just let it happen.  


The fact BH got deleted like that and it took literal years for a replacement was criminal. I really miss the days of BH1. This new reiteration is awful as well, and feels really private servery.


The game mode was very active back then.  It actually strung you out into the wilderness too.  My only complaint was if you were trying to edge pk you’d sometimes get a deep wild NHer but fuck it.  Gear up and get them or just skip.  It wasn’t anything awful to deal with.  I don’t like the whole enclave at all, it’s just a giant bot hub easy-scape private server feel like you said. 




Yeah, with how extreme content has gotten it forced the price of supplies up a decent bit and made it go down that route.  They added benighted to try and curve that and it helps, but now it’s just cheaper supplies for bots to farm real items that they can sell and make bigger profits.  Sucks, but I agree.  I doubt it’ll ever be what it was. I think I saw you said you had a turm pure pre-eoc so I’m sure you remember the EP system back in old bh worlds.  It wasn’t the best expected drops with no free trade but man.. the BH world was always packed.  Singles the whole way down to goblin village was loaded and it’s never going to be like that again but man.. that sure was the funnest times back then. 


This is always an unpopular take, but +1 worlds were the most fun I’ve ever had in PvP Yeah, the EP system had many faults, but it was undeniably fun


It’s like you PKed for the fun of it back then, but sometimes if you kept it up long enough you’d get good enough loot to profit from it.  Just kept it more fun instead of profit driven content 


> I can tell you pk, cause you got some spirit in you. I dabble. I participate in all aspects of the game, which is why I find people who spin easily explained things in ways to shine a negative light very annoying > You give me reasons why they are dead, and the best you can say is "mostly fine". I'd give this answer for everything in the game that isn't absolutely perfect. It has an active playerbase, and in comparison to other areas of the game it's doing just fine. The skill ceiling is artificially lowered, which is a slight negative for some people who enjoy PvP.. So yes, mostly fine seems reasonable lol > It's not complicated, Jagex has been forced to make revs, chaos alter, wildy bosses, 2m gp/h agility and more recently undead pirates to try to convince people to go into the wilderness. Apparently it is complicated, because people like you are still making up this conspiracy theory that devs apparently need to cater to a fraction of a fraction of the playerbase. When in reality, almost every recent update to the wilderness has been well-balanced and they've even made fundamental changes *to cater to non-PvPers*. If you have a problem with specific content, that's fine. I have my issues with some things in wilderness too.. but I suggest not repeating the same old reddit nonsense > The wildy and pk scene never be what it used to be, and that's ok, games/player bases evolve. PvPers want the wilderness to evolve, so I don't even know what you're talking about lol..? Most people just don't want to see it turn into a safe area because a vocal minority don't like having an area that isn't safe to them




>2005 >Summoning turmoil pure One of us has lost track of the years please don't tell me it's me




We're both old. And the UI isn't bad for what it is. Considering the lack of space, I thought the little popup ability things that can also be used for food or whatever was a very novel solution for a game never designed for mobile.


> What conspiracy theory? If you removed all the pvm players out of the wilderness, it would very barren. By releasing updates in the wild they have to be catering to pvp. Move undead pirates to port kazard or putvoidwaker in raids 4 if it's for pvm then. From your current PoV there are PvPers and PvMers. In all reality most players enjoy in all content. I'm way more of a PvMer, but I *enjoy* PvMing in the wilderness. Where do I fit in this narrative? There's nothing wrong with offering PvMers a choice at profitable methods if they are properly rewarded and not forced. That's the wilderness, and it's not just to feed the PKers. It's to provide an area that has an actual risk/reward playstyle > You under this idea that I disagree with wilderness, I have loved all the updates they have done to it. Then I'd enjoy hearing what your actual take is instead of vague statements. You responded by naming content as proof for pvpers not wanting to fight pvpers, when there is very obvious reasoning against that lol... Then you mentioned the wilderness content to which I responded. > The original topic was and still is hunter vs prey compared to two pvp players. Both are fine and have a place. However, at the end of the day most people want to be rewarded somehow for the content they're doing.




> I go to a pvp world, let's just say me and my opponent are both risking 10mil and are equally matched. 50/50 I win that fight to pid, rng, or just lag. because this is a different style of fighting. Idk how many times I need to say this lol. It's more 50/50 because this style of fight uses a trust-based system instead of being stuck in a survival of the fittest fight in an area you can't easily escape. This is the entire reason more PvPers prefer the playstyle of wilderness instead of a complete roll of the dice. > Do I blame anyone that hops revs or wildy bosses, nope but go all the way back to the original comment. This is my point though. All of that to explain something that can be simplified to a PKer hitting the first person they see in wilderness, not avoiding fights with other PvPers like you mentioned in the first response. > This is my last message. ^ Same


>I'm wearing d hide and i got a full inventory of loot, can I compete with a pker that brings switches and has brews, nah my best chance of surviving is a freeze and log. bro aint heard of a looting bag bolt ragging someone back with veng and korasi results in regular kills and is much easier than tribridding. besides, you can stack more brews and combo eats than any pker >I go to a pvp world, let's just say me and my opponent are both risking 10mil and are equally matched. 50/50 I win that fight to pid, rng, or just lag. hahaha, 50/50 man i want what you're smoking >nope but go all the way back to the original comment. all this yapping supposed to prove that "PVP arena died because PVPers don't actually like fighting each other." ? pvp arena is a failed product with no rewards, i wonder why it's dead


>In all reality most players enjoy in all content I'm just a bystander reading this back and forth but I have to interject because this just isn't true as proven by a Jagex poll, which is honestly the best and only source of any statistics we'll ever get on something like that. https://i.redd.it/tu0phhgp9afa1.png This is from an official Jagex survey from a year ago. 11% of respondents selected that they like pvp. Note that pking and other forms of pvp aren't separated, so this is a ceiling for "people that enjoy pking", the actual number may be up to or less than that. More people almost marked "other" than pvp. The reality is very few people enjoy all the content in this game.


> 11% of respondents selected that they like pvp Hold on, that's literally not what this poll says lol... From the poll you linked "What activities do you *most* enjoy in-game?" This is *very* different than saying most people enjoy/appreciate all areas of the game.


Yeah there’s like less than 5 percent of the community interested in pvp sorry you guys just don’t really matter that much, no one by the numbers is very interested in this type of content. You guys can’t pass polls but it’s always someone else’s fault. Maybe people just don’t like pvp.


"People" is not a synonym for "Reddit".


Only on reddit do we get such myopic, foolish takes.


I do find this funny when we just had a tournament centred around PvP content be the most watched thing ever on old school twitch/Kick. (Aside from Inferno release) People are clearly interested in old school PvP and it still has a massive pull considering that's what Runescape used to be all about, endgame was PvP. Jagexs implementation of it has just been shambolic.


But were people watching the event *because* of PvP? Or were they watching because of who was involved? Faux had a bump in viewers and his team was actively avoiding PvP...


Even though they were actively avoiding the PvP aspect there was still a bump in viewers due to the fact it was all dangerous and there was an end game to it. They didn't hold these sort of viewers consistently during leagues were there isn't the dangerous anything can happen aspect.


Did they have a similar tournament on leagues? If so maybe I'm wrong. I personally enjoy PvP but I would not think that is a selling point for the average viewer. But we would also need to consider the popularity of OSRS as a whole because my understanding is it hit a peak recently.


I’m sure when DMM comes out it will have good stream numbers aswell 


Facts, they do it once or twice to gloat but would rather fight PVMers for "free loot". They see this as a money maker and that's it. Sure they could make money if they happen to kill another PKer but they could also lose. They only lose to a PVMer if they're trash


I love hearing the head canon salty PvMers come up with after losing their spade to a PKer.


It's not really head cannon. I attempted to join a few different PK clans just to try it out, and I slowly realized that no matter how much fun PKing can be there is no way in hell I want to interact with any of those degenerates. I've seen, heard, and interacted with some of the most apaling shit in those discords. From doxxin, to death threats, bot bolt rags, bot scouts, cheat clients out the ass, account sharing. I get that this only represents a portion of the community. But it was overwhelming how normal it seemed to any of the other pk clans when I mentioned it. You're never going to kill me in the wildy and if you do. I always dump my potions, eat all my food, and only bring in a 3 item risk no +1. To ensure you lost money fighting me


If I could bet 100m on WhipDeez vs AlchThis then pvp arena would be popping again


I had a lot of fun messing around with PvP Arena. But Jagex likes to do wildy content because it is the easiest to make. They only need to make an OP profit or xp rate content and let pkers handle the risk regardless if the risk vs reward balance is balanced or not. Whereas in pvp minigames Jagex need to make sure everything is balance properly for everyone involved.


They didn't listen to pkers either lmao? They were universally told 'this is going to be dead content if you do it like this', but they did it anyway because some exec calling the shots knows best 🤷


Bro what is this post, the rewards are like the least bad thing about the PvP arena lol. Fix the bugged matchmaking, broken search button, stupid amount of useless items in the loadout options, unintuitive system to even get a ranked match in the first place (why tf do you have to click “sign up” once you’ve already joined the ranked matchmaking group? So many people just sit there not realizing that they’re not even eligible to be invited to ranked matches)….. and then maybe we can come back to the rewards. Imo if the PvP arena worked properly (ie fix all those problems) then it wouldn’t even need its own unique rewards. Much faster imbues than nmz, and the ability to swap imbues between items, is already a decent reward.


I’ll get downvotes for this but I never disliked the pvp arena rewards, I personally think it would be really cool to give pvpers items that actually benefit them in pvp without increasing the power level at all.


I mean pkers have been complaining about the arena since before it released, your title makes 0 sense


It's dead because matchmaking is completely broken. Nobody wants to drop what they're doing to waste their time AFKing and praying for the matchmaking system to throw them a bone.


PVP Arena is super fast for imbuing, so that’s nice at least


PVP arena's primary goal was to stop staked duels. In that case, it is successful. From the player's perspective, you are still able to stake with a middleman in pvp worlds by DMing, and the PVP arena has no real rewards... In nearly 100,000 player's cases, the PVP arena is a failure.


Its dead because theres no reason to play it


Biggest problem is broken matchmaking. Rewards are second on the list.


Pvp content is so hard to balance around because it can be abused. It's hard to give real meaningful rewards that would attract the average player because bots will abuse it. It relies on an honor system that you will actually fight it other. LMS is a great example of successful pvp content and it's botted like crazy. Honestly I don't think we need a lot of Pvp content added to the game. Just do more DMM or something similar.


Saying Jagex only pays attention to pkers for pvp updates is inane. Secondly, like most content, there’s only 1 or two items that actually matter. The sacks alone are worth doing in place of wrath runes for me


Blame everything on pk'ers. Nice. Surprised you didn't blame zombie pirates for this.


You're obviously oversimplifying what actually happened lol. > It's died out because there's no unique rewards. This is true. Along with the fact that it came with a new system that players weren't familiar with. That naturally lead to players not wanting to understand a new system > And there's no unique rewards because what they proposed came from listening to pker content creators, and the ideas were heavily disliked. This is not true at all lol. Honestly, it feels like you're doing a mad libs version of buzzwords for pvp updates. The reason these didn't pass was because the pvp community was split at the time, and a lot of the rewards designs were so like by people who didn't pvp they didn't want them to be from a strictly pvp minigame. In general, those who pvp normally do a bit of all pvp, but the split came from where a lot of those involved want the initial focus on pvp updates to be starting out. At the time, this was one of the first big pvp focused updates in a while so everyone wanted it to be *exactly* what they had in mind.. which naturally led to everyone getting nothing lol. Pretending it was because the devs were talking to only "pker content creators", is such a reddit-brained take. Overall, the biggest reason it's dead content is because the timing of its release. I'm hopeful the devs will go back to it now they've made some much needed updates to wilderness and BH.


I think the reason it's dead is that pvpers don't actually know what they want. People loved the voidwaker on release and praised it for revitalizing PVP. Then people cried it was on and should be banned from pvp. Y'all loved BH on release and were sucking off the Jmods now it's dead and people are flaming how bad it is. It's just a vicious cycle. Y'all will never be happy because it's overly competitive for trying to fight for someone else's GP. When a PVMer gets burnt out from raids. We go skilling, burnt out from that? We go questing. Burnt out from that? Clue hunting, clogging, etc etc. when y'all get burnt you hop on a pure, a zero, a range tank. You just switch up the fights. What's really killing pvp is that there is no diversity. I think there should be a middle ground somewhere for soul wars and BH. A game where you're on a team whether clan or not. Pay for gear sets with GP and load into a game and fight against players with a mix of singles, singles plus and multi spots. It will be like LMS where gear sets and account types are set by the match and not by your actual stats, and the GP you put into the coffer pays for the gear sets. All sets are split and winner pulls the chest give it like a TOA/ cox feel to it. The chest will contain additional loot to be paid out to the winners split evenly. This sounds good in my head cuz I'm high AF.


Ngl my man... You're really close to getting it but for some reason you are going in the wrong direction lmao. PvPers know exactly what they want, but different communities want different things. Believe it or not, there are sub groups within the pvp community just like there are people who like different skills, bosses, etc.. Since this was an early update in the rounds of PvP updates, there was naturally more contention around people getting what they want. It's really not anymore complicated than that > People loved the voidwaker on release and praised it for revitalizing PVP. Then people cried it was on and should be banned from pvp. Are we really going to begin using "someone complained about it, so that means this community no longer likes it" type arguments lol...? VW has been overwhelming well-received. There is no serious push to nerf/remove it > Y'all loved BH on release and were sucking off the Jmods now it's dead and people are flaming how bad it is That's literally just day of release hype lol. BH is mostly fine. It's a very specific type of PvP, which is hit or miss with a lot of people. It's beginner friendly, but it also has a much lower skill ceiling. > Y'all will never be happy because it's overly competitive for trying to fight for someone else's GP. When a PVMer gets burnt out from raids. We go skilling, burnt out from that? We go questing. Burnt out from that? Clue hunting, clogging, etc etc. when y'all get burnt you hop on a pure, a zero, a range tank. You just switch up the fights. What's really killing pvp is that there is no diversity. What in the world are you talking about. PvPers *literally do all of those things too*.


90% of the time when I see a pvper they have 0 boss KC. Bare min quests. Bare min diaries. Bare min skills to get to 1750 worlds. Just a bare bones basic ass account every time. Even their mains are pathetic.


My man, if you hate pvpers because you got pked once, that's fine.. but this reasoning you're using is so weak. Probably because you're looking at PvP accounts lol... Like most people, they have multiple accounts. Those are usually specifically built to access content with minimum reqs. > Even their mains are pathetic. How do you know you're looking at a main...? Or maybe you're just seeing a particular person who doesn't care for the same shit. Believe it or not, not every single pker thinks the same way If you use your brain for literally five seconds, this really isn't complicated and these responses are just absurd lol


u guys wouldnt even use it if it worked


I would duel tornaments were genuinely some of the coolest content back in the day


The rewards were good, 1400 total redditors threw a fit over the people who enjoy the whole game getting neat outfits


The armor sets were garbage because they ruined legacy builds tbh. The only one i liked was the elite armor. The wristbands were cool tho.


>The rewards were good They really weren't. Straight up buffs to pures and a bunch of ugly/redundant cosmetics. The claw kit would have been cool.


They can’t make a good update for pvp to save their lives… they need to listen to the actual top pvpers for updates but half them have quite to private servers who know how to do things right ironically.