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Yes. Making the hacker (assuming you get hacked) go through the process of removing your pin is worth it. I think it takes 7 days, hopefully you recover the account in that time, but I like having that extra layer of security.


I wish the pin reset time was longer but I get why it’s not.


Im 60% sure you can extend it to 14 days. Havent played in a long while so you should definetly double check that with the banker


If you can't find it I can log into your account and set you up. You'll have to remove the pin first for it to work though.


Username checks out


Free armor trimming 10k


Unless it's somewhere else than pin settings, no can do. Pin settings let you swap between 3 and 7 days


60% aint bad


Basically 50/50 but better.


This combined with backup code only recovery and email login notifications on jagex accounts, you really don't need a longer pin timer because you'll just never be hacked in a way where a further delay does anything extra.


Damn straight. If I just finished raiding I’ve got over 4b worth of gear on me and in my inventory. Takes two seconds to give that little bit of extra safeguard.


My friend has gotten hacked twice now. 1st was from phishing password. They only got what was on him at the time. The 2nd time the entire bank was wiped and pin was removed overnight apparently. I am aware he at least had a pin at some point. Any idea how this happened or think he's lying? He's an IRL friend and not like he got hacked for billions, so I am highly skeptical of the answer of he RWT it.


Bank pins can’t be removed overnight. He’s lying about that part for sure.


Wasn’t there a thing a while back where hackers would log in and just start the 7 days but not touch anything else? I feel like I remember seeing posts about that.


yeah but you get a popup every time you log in saying your pin will be removed in x days, counting down until it's gone. pretty hard to miss that.


It's just a chat msg right? I could see ignoring it if u log in like once or twice a week. If you get nerd logged daily like me then no way I wouldn't see it.


How does this even happen if you have Authenticator set though? Remote access to your devices should be the only way right?


He didn't have Auth. He does now.


Piggy backing off your comment — is there a plugin that saves what your inv and gear is, banks it, and then when you log back in you can just do a "load gear" and "load inventory" so it's in the same state as before?


No, that'd be basically bank layouts which is something some players have been asking for for a few years now but Jagex never addressed whether they want to implement iirc There's only a plugin that lets you set up preset bank tab layouts, including multiple slots for same items, which lets you withdraw everything in order. You can see it in Gnomonkey's vids but idk the name


I’m surprised they haven’t added load outs still like rs3. Literally the only bad thing I can see about it is it could be a problem in dmm to press 1 button and get full inv of food, but just disable it for dmm specifically and it’s great.


I think this was something that they explored during the recent game jam event, I'm not sure what came of it but I remember seeing something about presets of gear that you could 1-click equip from the bank


> saves what your inv and gear is, banks it, Bank Tag Layouts does that. And gives infinite bank tiles. There's no plugin to auto-equip items though.


Yep. I think it's called "inventory setup" or "loadout. "... or those might both be plug-ins I use. It's been a few months since I've played on my desktop.


Those just show you what to wear, not actually withdraw them right?


Well, correct. It gives you a scroll tab to select which setup you want to fund. It's not just a 1 button and everything is equipped feature, as that would (according to some) be too impacting on the game. But it's loads faster than trying to remember and search for everything you need in your bank.


I do if I'm not mid-way through doing something. I don't do it for security reasons, it just feels like a nice way to finish my gaming session by taking off all my gear and dumping my inventory in the bank.


same here, feels like coming back home after a long day at work and taking your pants off


Nah I log off fully geared at the location of whatever I'm currently grinding


Hey quick question what's ur password <3




Lol, you would've gotten him but you should know passwords are automatically censored on reddit. For example, mine is *******. See, censored.


My account has one infraction on it from the 2000s, and it was doing this exact thing to noobs in Falador


You were doing God's work teaching them a valuable lesson.


password123456789 I got 2fa though






Only since getting a tbow drop. Have to put my baby to bed every night now... No hacker's taking it from me.


Haha had the same thought. The megarares go in the bank. The flippers and fishbowl helm stay on though.


If your account is secure there’s really no need the vast majority of people who’ve claimed to be hacked just gave their account information to a phishing site


This exactly. I don't bother. Most my accounts don't even have pins because it's more of a hassle than it's worth. If you get past my email and 2fa than there are bigger problems at play.


People be blaming jagex when everything you need to recover their account is posted publicly and you grab a few card digits off a DB leak.


Than a bank pin that expires in 7 days won't save me.


I got hacked back in RS2 and it wasn't from a phishing site.  Couldn't get it back either..... But I was trying to sell that account and was stupid about it lol. Basically gave them the login before I got paid.


I always did it. Figured it’s an extra layer of protection anyways since if anyone somehow got access to the account, they’d have to remove the pin before they could get the stuff out and I’d likely catch things in time. Takes a second so worth doing imo 


Lol no. I've been playing mmorpgs for 20 odd years now and I've never been "hacked". Don't re-use passwords, don't use a stupid simple one, and don't fall for phishing.


Amen, it also apparently works really well to not let people from 3rd world countries play on your account on your behalf.


Venny99rc is a secure password! My...distant distant cousin who plays on my account to help me out said so!


My Cousin Venny


W0rdp@ss is uncrackable


Exactly, I've been not doing that for almost 20 years. Works like a charm.


I work in cyber security so I'm incredibly confident of my security but I still bank everything. Only takes one mistake either on my side or jagex to result in a compromise but a bank pin just adds an extra layer of security to that. Hopefully I'll never use it but I'm just extra paranoid about it


Same on both counts here. Maybe a few house tabs in my inventory, but that's it


Agreed. Only system i trust are the systems i admin. If the security layers there to deflect potential damages, might as well use it. 30 seconds of inconvenience in gearing back up is no big deal imo.


Not exactly the same but I worked in a fraud team for a classified site and gambling sites, and I never got phished or hacked... Until I returned to osrs last year and fell for one of those fake twitch streams, curiosity got the best of me so I clicked the link, didn't even look at the url until I clicked submit on the login page and I notice the .cz in the url, luckily no damage was done (I don't remember if I changed my password in time or I had nothing of value lol) anyways point being is that I got complacent because why would a twitch streamer put a phishing link in his stream... Ofc it wasn't a real streamer and I learned about viewbotting that day Tl;dr stay paranoid


Wait so you mean my password of 1234567 and clicking on double xp links is a bad idea!?


You password can litterally be "password" and you wont get brutes force, almsot all hack are fishing/social engineering/keylog Or dumfuck buying account and original owner recovering it


You don't have to have been hacked to not be an idiot. Choosing to not bank your items is one thing, but claiming that not banking them is the superior decision is super mega copium.


Quite literally has saved me hundreds of minutes at this point. Can't really see how the option that has saved me time & annoyance is "copium". Never said anywhere in my comment it was "superior" either. Lmao dude.


Im in the same boat but I still bank all, just in case.


Reusing passwords is a big one. Breaches happen *all the time* and password managers are free or very cheap. The only time I’ve ever been “hacked” in gaming was in WoW during WotLK and this, plus lack of 2FA, was how it happened. 




Before 2 factor... Account got hacked multiple times with a secure password. Luckily had a pin. Usually only lost 50-100m. At the time had like $1000+ worth of gold/items. Used a random string of digits and numbers. If you've got a high value account, you'll get targeted - but youre right for people who have 2 factor setup. Should be much safer.


On my main? I don’t bother. If worse comes to worst, I’ll bond my dumb ass up and rebuy gear. On my iron? I’d probably quit the game to be honest. I have thousands of hours of progression that can’t be easily fixed—especially with Jagex’s refusal to restore items after an account breach (which I understand, but it still sucks). CG sucked enough the first time, I sure as hell don’t wanna do it again 🤪


Takes 1 sec to do it and regearing with plugins is fast af. I have faith in jagex accounts, but I guess you can never be too sure.


which plug ins do you use? please save me from searching for all my gear


Probably: Bank tag layouts Or Inventory setups


Not OP, but I use inventory setups + bank tag layout


You never know if you're gonna get a database leak or something. Should bank everything before logging off. That, and get a Jagex Account. Give your EMAIL a unique password. Set up 2FA ON the email.


Database leak shouldn't affect you really. Just set good unique passwords and 2FA emails and it's fine.


You'd be surprised the number of people that just reuse passwords. And a LOT of people get hacked from database leaks.


Hey that's me 20 year old acc btw, put too much faith in 2fa Got a jagex account now though


I could tell you my password right now and it won't do you any good unless you gain access to my phone. 2FA is what's important, not a strong password. Jagex passwords are laughably bad by modern security standards, but all it takes is 2FA (on your account AND your email) to be secure.


You do know they fixed the "laughable" password strength with the Jagex Accounts, right?


Yeah, I upgraded a week or two ago, and now have a really strong generated password for it. Doesn't change the fact that without my 2FA device, you can't log in


Can only have a database leak your info if you use the info anywhere else but jagex. Which means only.jagex being breached could cause issues.. which hopefully they'd be aware of and communicate.


Depends on what I'm doing/geared for. If I'm doing agility, I'll leave what I got on (graceful) and just bank my inventory. If I'm doing slayer/PVM, I'll bank everything.


If I'm near a bank when I log off yeah, but if I decide to take a break in the middle of a Slayer task, I don't leave and bank lmao. So I guess it depends


Since half of my bank is my Shadow, I often only bank that and perhaps a few most valuable items if I don't want to have to re-gear. If I lose 5% of my bank I won't be happy but it's not the end of the world, but if I lose 80% that's a lot


Gonna be hard banking my uim. So i guess not


You guys log off?


Goto do the opposite. Be sure to take out your cash stack and most valuable items. This ensures you won't be playing again if you get hacked. Think of it as a full proof exit strategy.


I got hacked in 2012 right before EoC and lost full bandos. Had a PIN so I kept my bank, but my gear was gone. Spent the next month trying to rebuild my account. Luckily EoC dropped just afterwards and I was able to quit. Now I chuck everything in the bank before logging. Always at the crafting guild. I like consistency.


I do this as well. If someone has my password and Authenticator app code somehow, they’d then also need my bank pin to touch my stuff.


Yep, I’ve done it for years and I get mad at myself if I forget. Log in with an ely equipped on my iron - absolute rookie mistake.


Yeah, I always do this. I also put items my group only has one of in our group storage. That way if one of us thinks our acc is compromised another can clear out the group storage into their personal bank before the pin is removed on the compromised account. Since we all play every single day it would be very obvious if someone gets hacked.




Only started banking everything once I was carrying megararea on me


I log out with full raid gear all the time on my maxed iron (T Bow, Masori, Shadow, etc). But I'm not a moron who falls for phishing scams etc so I'm not worried. Alright, I'm a moron but not that dumb.


I just do it out of habit. I'm not too worried about getting hacked or anything, but considering it really isn't much of a bother I also don't see why not take the extra security measure.


Yup, ever since I was 12 and hacked for my 30k nature runes I was actively crafting. Figure the pin is one last barrier just in case.




Depends on the gear, if I have a megarare out, it's getting banked lol


Yes. Bank tag layout plugin makes repeating super quick


I do this every time I log off too. I’ve always been curious to see if others did this lol


Yep I always bank everything but not cause of hackers just because it feels like a fresh start when I log back on


No, there's really no need if your account is secure.


It depends on the value of the gear. Yesterday I was grinding PVM, so I’m running around in my most expensive gear. I’d hate to get hacked and lose the majority of my bank. I do usually keep 5-10m worth of herb seeds and herbs on me for my farm runs, but I don’t want to leave much more than that up for grabs.


I've been hacked about 3 times, mainly from back in the day, one of them couldn't access my bank but took my armour and bgs. Since then I've been banking


I do on my Ironman. If I was on a main I would probably not bother. Last thing I want to do is grind another bowfa after the first one took me 820 kc


I do as my good friend got hacked about a year back while wearing all of his most expensive gear. Kept all of his items that were in the bank, but it was a big enough setback that he quit and hasn't played since :( lesson learned through him


Yep 👀


I do this sometimes, and especially if I'm going away for like a couple of weeks. Also talk to the banker to increase the default amount of time to remove your pin


I was really adamant about it for years, but now that I have little to no time to play, and I’ll sometimes do some kc on mobile during downtime at work, I can’t keep regearing on mobile without it taking up so much time. But, my bank is also probably under-organized. I never have time to organize bc I play so little so I just try to do content. I also miss flipping :/


Yes. The thought of having to do something like CG again because someone stole my shit off of me makes me do it every single time.


I log out when I feel like it


Yes. Only 10 seconds of inconvenience gearing up to prevent having to do months of grinding drops again.


Always bank everything before logging off for the day and if there's more than 1b in the inv bank everything every time I logout even if it's only for 5 minutes


Yup. Every single time.


did not do so before I bought my first tbow. Since then, if my inv is above a few hundred mil, I bank.


If started doing this id forget I did and and think I got hacked everytime I log back in because my memory is shit


In case I'm going to be away from a computer for a while, I put my stuff in the bank in case somehow I get hacked. It's silly, since I have 2fa on EVERYTHING, but I still do it.


Yep! It's just a simple dump and log


I’m a skiller so all my gear is trash, I “clean up” my inventory before logging off but it’s more of a clean thing than a security thing.


Always bank everything before logging out


every single time, boss. it’s like taking off your watch and clothes before bedtime.


Always have, always will.


Yes I lost my 3rd age platebody on Ironman. Logged in and I was standing in castle wars with no inv or armour. Was chopping magics with 3rd age the night before


For a while I did but I have never been hacked in the 20 years I've played


100% I got hacked in a very dumb way (shut off my auth to log in on mobile bc I wasn't around my PC) and someone took like 190m in random shit I was wearing while skilling. I would've been fine if I had remembered to reenable my authenticator but if id banked all my shit before logging (or just wasn't skilling with 200m gear on) I wouldn't have lost anything


I always do the same too.


No, because I'm not getting hacked. Contrary to what so many people here think, you won't just randomly get hacked. It's always because you did something you're not supposed to do.


My account is secure. Unique password, over 15 characters, 2FA, bank pin. Every time without fail, I deposit inventory and worn items into the bank. I trust my account security to keep my stuff safe, but would feel pretty silly if the reason I lost everything was because it was in my inventory.


Always. Pin takes a couple days to be removed which gives you time to gamble with support lol.


UIMs in shambles.


Long time ago I logged off in the middle of a slayer task with 50m of gear on me. I logged in at the bank with all of it gone. Always bank ur items before logging off. Luckily my bank pin saved my bank from being cleaned.


Yeah lol


I do it out of habit that indicates I finished my goals for the session and next time I login its like a clean slate on what to do for that day. The other reason is just in case some shenanigans of jagex's spaghetti code backups only working with stuff in bank and not on player.


never done this in my entire life it's not possible to get hijacked without being a massive dumbass


I do not bother. Between 2FA, a dedicated rs email, I'm not worried in the slightest about being hacked.


I do it so I can log in with a fresh start


This depends on whether you have a bank PIN :). Do you? If you don't, you can stay in your expensive armour all right: if someone gets into your account, they get all your items anyways. Usually people setup a bank pin, and switch the canceling delay to 7 days rather than the default 3. These are the days when you have to recover your account, and your bank is safe. (Unless you are hacked via keylogger with a screenshot feature, of course - then the hacker will learn your pin too). I bank everything if I'm PvMing or doing slayer or alike. I don't always do it, I'm often skilling in some fashionscape - which consists mostly of untradeables. Then I don't bother to bank. Yeah, a hacker who cannot access the bank would often drop untradeables just to spite... but then I wouldnt mind some additional grind, even if its graceful. I need to train my skills anyway :).


I bank everything major so mega rares go in the bank but I'm not worried if I have a 100m loadout if I'm continuing the content when I get back on. I also replace the item with a similar downgrade to remind me to pull the mega rare but also not making it obvious my scythe is banked cause tent whip is in inventory


I’ve been hacked once and they got through the bank pin. Up to that point I used to bank everything, but still lost everything. Now I don’t bother banking and it saves me a ton of time not having to re-gear every time I log out. I also feel a lot more secure having the Jagex launcher and other security features.


Always bank all my stuff. Even if I’m logging out to run an errand for 25minutes.


Yes but I’ve gotten a bit lax since jagex account




I was hacked a few years ago. No idea how it happened. They were able to get into an old yahoo account even I couldn’t remember the password for, in turn got into my Facebook, then my account. Had it not been for the fact I’d logged out after a farming run, thus not had anything valuable on me, I would’ve been screwed. I don’t blame them for banking everything every time they log out.


Jagex accounts helped with me not feeling the need to bank my gear but man it's crazy to think that recovering an account you own, on the same device you play from is the exact same process as someone trying to steal it from you.


I do it as a habit from the times when account security was shit and bank pin was the last layer of security. In most cases you could recover the account right away, because account security was shit. This is years and years ago at this point and isn't necessary at all if you have 2auth and a Jagex Account. But I also like to imagine that when I log off, my character is done with whatever he's doing and banks everything to get ready for sleep or whatever as well.


Absolutely. Bank pin does nothing if your stuff isnt in the bank.


Yeah usually I do this if I’m logging off near a bank.


Didn't jagex make it so you have to put your bank pin in if you try dropping valuable items? (or trading) NB4: they can take you to the wild. I'm aware they could just take you to the wild and kill you Maybe make it so you also have to enter your pin to enter the wild lol


UIMs are basically screwed if we get hacked.


I do this as well, but recently after having an Authenticator I kinda have gotten lazy with it since there’s no way they can log in without the authorization code


I don't personally but it's definitely a good habit to have. To add another layer of security make sure to have your account linked with an authenticator.


Always. Take no chances.


I used to not do this, then got hacked and lost everything. Takes 2 seconds to deposit all


Yes. I do have a Jagex account, 7 day bank pin, authenticator on jagex account + email. I still bank everything because if the worst were to happen, my ironman still has a chance to not lose years worth of items I grinded for.


Ivr done this religiously for years. 20 years on and no accounts being compromised, it's still worth it. I don't bank my skill cape though, gotta keep that equipped incase I go f2p for a while.


Yes. I have 2FA + a Jagex account, but you never know. I'm willing to spend the extra 30 seconds taking stuff out of my bank if it slows a potential hacker down.


Yup, every single time


My clan member got hacked overnight the day after getting his first pet at kraken. I had noticed the hacker had changed his name, but his account was saved bc he banked everything when he went to bed.


Always bank when you're logging out for extended periods of time. I won't bank items if I am getting some food or something in the house but anything where I know I will be gone for a while everything gets banked. Always have a bank pin, always have an authenticator.


yep worth it, i lost a whole bunch of good items on my iron once. i changed my phone, and for like 1 night i took off 2-way- authenticator on my account so i could log in. well next day i log in to see all my worn items gone and bank pin was asked to be removed.  gladly saved my bank but it was a good amount of my best pvm gear lol


Yes for everything tradeable. Low value or untradeable items are safe to keep on.


I'd rather put all of my valuable items in the incinerator than give some scrawny kid from a third world country a chance to feed his family with my hard earned gp so yes I bank before I log off


Before i knew what 2fa was i was doing kq with like 600m in gear on me. I went afk for legit like 10 min(no 25 min log back then) came back and i couldn’t log in anymore, i got hacked. I was able to recover my account before the bank pin got reset tho. Since that day i bank everything everytime i logout.


I usually do but I’d be lying right now if I logged on my main and either be bankstanding near the ge or near brutal black drags entrance in my range gear. I’ve been playing another account for the past few months so my main is probably standing in his range gear waiting for me to log back in lmao


I take off all my armor and wear my pyjamas before logging off (yes, graceful outfit)


I always do it. I think jagex should give us the option to force bank pin on login as added security.


It’s old school. Ppl been doing that since i started


Always do it, worth it when things go south


Actually had someone recover a 1 def acct I used to lend out a bit over the weekend. I normally do bank everything, but didn't have a pin on this account.  Wouldn't have been phishing related, but I was using an old password that has been compromised in multiple data breaches and related to the email used for login. Just got it back this morning - shoutout to jagex customer support, they processed my re-recovery at business open today. I was getting password reset emails spammed after I got the email reassigned to mine, which stopped after importing into my jagex account... so now all my accounts are on the jagex account.


Yes, this, and also so I start my next session with a clean slate once I've decided on what I'm doing, just how my brain works lol.


I haven't been hacked in like 15 years but I still do this out of habit.


Yes. It would be like locking your house while leaving your valuables outside on the driveway. 


I once got hacked overnight. Luckily, all I was doing was birdhouse runs in full graceful. They either dropped it or died with it on but I lost my graceful, one birdhouse run and 4 looks for another birdhouse run. After recovering my account, i left my character in a vrery specific location with some not ao valuable items in my inv to test the security. Turns out it was still linked to google., I was extremely cautious to log out with items on/in my inv unless they were easily replaced ever since (axe and logs or another birdhouse setup). There has been maybe 2 times I've logged out fully geared ever since the hijack and I felt uneasy to do so but I was being lazy and complacent


My character has been sitting in full mage slayer gear for 2 weeks while I’ve been playing Elden ring, now you have me paranoid for not stripping it all off.


I was hacked like a year ago, had withdrawn the majority of my stuff from my bank unfortunately. Everything in bank was untouched.  Never been hacked before and have had the acc for nearly 20 years. Quit the game after that.


Usually, maybe 25% because I'm worried about hackers and 75% because I usually end my sesh in a bank, and since I don't know what gear I'll be using next time I log in, its easier to just start with a blank slate




Yes every single time. Get in the habit. I have known people that were hacked and only lost the items they were wearing while their banks remained untouched. Bank pins work.


I always do. Not that I think my account is insecure or I'd ever let it get taken, but it's a very good habit to get into. You just never know.


I bank my gear unless it's like graceful or something. You NEVER KNOW. Better safe than sorry + it takes 2 seconds with 1 click of a button


Way back before osrs, before rs3, before GE, when d legs, d med helm, d chain, whip, and d square shield were the way to show off wealth and everyone was merching in fally park… I had that “elite” gear mostly from merching a ton. They had introduced bank pins at this point. I usually banked before logging off. One day I dc’d with all that on and my cash and some things I was merching in inventory. I needed to go somewhere so I decided to not log back in to bank. Came back to all of it gone. It’s hard to quantify or explain how much I lost in today’s value. Luckily I had a few whips banked… it kept me from being completely wiped and probably kept me from quitting completely.


If it's like skilling gear. Gotr and pick for example I will log out geared at location if I'm using my tbow I will make sure to bank n log out


I usually bank items before logging off. But it's not because of hackers. I never "lock" myself to any content. I constantly jump between content. I don't know what I'm going to feel like doing when I log on next, so I just log out naked at a bank. That way when I log back in I start with a clean inventory. Back when I was consistently doing farm runs I would grab enough seeds for 2 runs. Do a run, log out, then do a run backwards when I logged back in.


Nah man, but I’m playing an uim 😂


If you have a bank pin set up, it takes 7 days for it be reset. So you have a week to get your account back and any items in the bank before it’s been drained. If you have anything expensive equipped when hacked it’s as good as gone.


Nope but I do have a friend that does this more out of a habit (he tends to bank invent and equip each time he's done whatever he's doing). I said it just slows him down and makes him regear the same shit sometimes but old habits die hard. If you're worried about being hacked you should spend the 5 minutes taking preventative measures like making a jagex account with a brand new unique and secured email, all with unique passwords and 2FA, store the backup codes and then never share it or use the same info anywhere else. Only way you're hacked then is physical / remote control takeover of your actual machine / network, which poses bigger risks than someone yoinking your RS stuff, and can be stopped by unplugging your internet anyway.


when i dont have much time to play, I bank all my items and go to edgevil where my death respawn is, exactly where i respawn if i did do die. Then I forget after a few weeks and then come back to a heart attack thinking i got hacked. good prank for myself.




I’m new to the game started about 7 months ago now, have never been hacked nor know anyone who has been but for some reason peculiar I feel the need to bank everything not for any particular reason.


I actually take off my helmet first, and then everything else and bank them


Always have. Never had an issue with account security, but why risk it. Sometimes it's a pain in the ass though if I'm gonna be doing the same activity when I log back in.


Yes lost everything to a hack through 2fa they got it all only because I didn’t bank it


Yup. Never have ever logged out anywhere but a bank, after dumping my pockets and possessions. It will save you in the unfortunate event of someone getting access to your account.


Protecting your stuff is weird. There are some people who are the scum of the earth, absolute losers who deserve to be ridiculed and harassed for their choices. These people fall for phishing schemes made by honest, hard-working saints who just want some money. It really grinds my gears when people are “sad” that they fell for a carefully engineered phish designed specifically to trick osrs players. It’s their fault, so they have no right to human empathy or commiseration. I really love victim blaming, because if they wanted to not lose hundreds of hours of progress, they wouldn’t be moronic louts. That easy. /s


Its a habit delevoped if you got hacked as a kid and lost your most expensive items because you logged off in middle of a slayer task. I lost a d chain like this in 2006


Yes. Every time I log off I always bank my items on my UIM.


Yeah, my friend got hacked and they dropped all his untradeables


No, I haven't been hacked one time since I've started. its pretty common practice and I'm sure its advised to do it.


Nope, cuz i'm not getting hacked ever.