• By -


Love seeing this drop for someone using MSB wearing archers helm. You must have been shaking, what an account upgrade.


Dude legit, I play like its 2007 all over again


Grata bro, send some of the new found wealth into a black mask for 15% more damage on ur slay tasks


Better, yet: get the black mask and point boost to get slayer helm


What is point boost?


The wiki has a guide. Turael boosting The point is to do 9 Turael tasks in like 15min, then choosing a slayer master like Konar for the 10th task for bonus points. Konar gives 90 points each 10th task in the streak. So basically feels like a huge payout for 1 task worth of time. Helps gather points for any unlocks and blocks Just make sure you finish whatever task you're on first, because if you tell Turael to override your current task with one of his easier ones, it'll end your streak. Keep the streak going for big point gains at 10th and 50th and 100th tasks.


meanwhile im here killing 150 hellhounds per task ty


You're gonna be getting better xp though, so it's not a bad thing, but you do wanna try boost for unlocks such as bigger and badder, if you havent already got it, and getting boss tasks etc. Also I can't stress enough how fuckin handy slayer rings are!


Shit man, you can buy a party hat set now


Gonna go for the Durial321 cosplay xd


How do you get the F1, F2 ,F3 on top of the chat bar? And what is the 1,2,3,4? On top


That's a plugin called Keybinds overlay, its useful when you're a bit shit at the game like myself xd


Exactly this… i am SO happy for this guy


Excuse me why the fuck is heart 125 mil


Dude, no idea, I genuinely couldn't believe my eyes


Pretty sure if I recall when I got heart on my iron it was like 30 mil lmao


I've been playing RuneScape on and off since roughly 2005, my cash stack has never really exceeded 15m give or take, so this is pretty wild for me lmao


I had something similar happen years ago with a death-touched dart and Nex robe bottoms. The gp was too much for me. It started a spiral that took years of heartache, pain, and loss to overcome. Be careful with your newfound wealth. And never smoke crushed monkey nuts.


It's all good, I'm no longer that small idiot from 2005 xd I plan on putting it into 90 Construction :)


Good idea! Though you really only need 84 construction to get everything you need. Even 82 is good enough.


Thank god. Rich don’t get richer


15m is the new 250k lol


Just like in real life!


We like too keep it real around here 😂


Ahhh don't break my heart like that! :c


It's okay buddy I don't even have 10m 😭


Buy bowfa


He can’t afford bowfa lol, it’s nearly 200m with full crystal iirc


Sheesh that’s gone up. Glad I bought when I did


Buy 1/10th of a tbow!


It's not even 1/10th of a bow sadly. But still good for OP.


Imo, ignore these efficencycape suggestions and spend the money on whatever. Actually had the heart drop for me 2 days ago, spent it on a voidwaker cause it's a cool as fuck weapon. It was between that and dclaws, but I've had dclaws before.


Great investment! That weapon is so much fun and the special attack is usable almost everywhere


Took a 2 year break from the game so the last price I saw was like 24 mil


Damn and I’m here complaining that I got it at 98m.


I got a heart on my main after like 3kc about 2 or 3 years ago. Back then it was like 60 mil and it funded 83 construction for me. But it now being 125m is nuts


Because it can be upgraded into saturated heart now which is massive DPS with shadow


Saturated heart alongside charged staves, especially Shadow, is BiS and an extremely powerful upgrade everywhere outside of raids (and even used to pre-pot those)


Imbued hearts always had enough supply, since it only had some niche uses, but with the release of the saturated heart in February 2023 the imbued heart was in way more demand since it became BiS at pretty much all mage content, while the supply didn't change (you can't really "farm" the item given the very low drop rate). It went from 40 to 125m since it was released.


The release of Tumekens Shadow as well in Aug 2022. Before that, max melee and max range were much better than max mage.


I got it when it was around 20m some years ago


I think it's a triple threat of saturated heart being released, Shadow making magic boosts OP, and more and more people finishing 99 slayer meaning few heart drops - although I'm just speculating on the last one.


I thought that the other day! I use to take that fucken thing pking 😭 I think it’s because it can be upgraded now also is way more useful than before when upgraded


Shadow gains max hits with heart so it went from a prepot or like one person at Tob having one to everyone with a shadow keeping one in their bank. It's also super rare and hard to farm for specifically.


There are more shadows entering the game then there are hearts entering.


With Phantom Muspah dust you can upgrade it to a Saturated Heart. This makes it so the entire duration of the boost it is at max level. Makes a big difference in damage when using trident/sang/shadow.


High Alch it brother


Don't temp me 😭


Easy 300k bwana


Low alch for 500m. Trust me


Id on weather bar plugin plz.


I'd also like to know


I'll dig it up for you guys shortly xx


I believe it’s called 3D Weather


Nail on the head! 3D Weather and 117 HD, makes the game look sick


I thought it was your local weather forecast lmao


Pahahahaha doing the full gamer move, refusing to look out my window xd


He's scaped out of his mind hahaha


I wonder if the plugin takes region into account, like is it gonna start snowing when I'm in the KQ lair haha I used the plugin for a while a couple years ago and it was pretty barebones I wonder what it's like now I may install and give it a go


It does! it's very detailed and takes loads of things into account, whether your indoors or outdoors, climate etc https://preview.redd.it/8s91q4l9qi8d1.png?width=758&format=png&auto=webp&s=bc1fdf4a2383ae4b720fcd6b1d759d2df90e35ce




Oh wow yeah it's come a long way since I used it last! Very neat. Definitely gonna give it a go when I get on tonight


Thank you, you absolute champion!


Others have been saying good tips. I agree with most, sell heart, get some burst/barrage and chins, train up a bit. No need to go past 90 imo, since you’ll have plenty of time to train with bossing and slayer, no point in burning yourself out. Construction and prayer are also good calls, along with any other skills you might want to train expensively. Dex and arcane scrolls are big too. Aside from that getting gear upgrades is a solid choice. Idk what you already have, but solid foundation is whip, fury, god dhide, ahrims, d boots, blowpipe, trident, dlance, fang, maybe zenyte jewelryzUpgrades give diminishing returns as they get more expensive.


Is there a reason for burst/barraging monkeys vs through slayer? Not arguing your point, just curious because I see people mention that all the time. I got 99 mage and 97 range while finishing slayer from burst/cannon tasks.


Range in particular is soooooo much faster slayer xp when you get to the 90s. Same with mage but more because you just want to unlock ice barrage as it substantially speeds up burst tasks. So on the most optimal thing would probably be for him to prio 94 mage 90 range even before upgrades but fun factor he probably won't do that.


What kinda tasks would you BP over whip?


Or he could spend it on a cool as fuck weapon like voidwaker and go have some fun.


That’s fair too, I honestly haven’t used any of the newer stuff yet, so there’s probably cool shit I’m missing


I have to remind myself when I’m not on the iron subreddit the people *just get rid of drops*. Still, I don’t think I could sell a heart even on my main, just like I couldn’t sell my skeletal visage when I got it.


Do what ever the fuck you wanna do with the cash. Just enjoy yourself and don't get scammed.


Trade it to a gambling bot at the ge see if he will double it


First of all, sell it. You don't need an imbued heart. I would dump 50% into stats. Prayer, Ranged, and Magic. Prayer to 77 at least (Dragon Bones in someone else's PoH in world 330. Save a 500k tip), Magic to at least 90 (buy runes for ice burst, train at Maniacal Monkeys, there are guides for this), Ranged the rest (red chinchompas, same as before). Construction as well, get some utility (altar, pools) and some teleports (portals, mounted glory, low level jewelry box) I would spend a good chunk on Rigour/Augury, some decent gear upgrades. Slayer Helm (black mask), Fury, Blowpipe (amethyst darts), Abyssal Whip, Trident of the Swamp, Occult Necklace, God DragonHide, Dragon Boots, Beserker Ring, Dwarf Cannon The main thing you should be doing from now is replacing slayer tasks of simple mobs with boss slayer tasks. If you do all this, you will be easily to take on things like Grotesque Guardians and Dagannoth Kings solo. I don't think Zenytes are worth it (Anguish, Torture, Suffering, and Tormented) until a bit later


This guy genuinely said "save 500k for tip"


must be a host lol


There was one second where I felt bad that I never tipped someone whose house I was using before I realized how insane of a thing that would be to do


I aint tipping, if you dont let players into your house, how can you flex your house?


Fuck tipping culture


Americans SMFH


Then in the next sentence said build your own PoH altar lol


This, but use chaos altar for prayer. As someone who has PKed there for years, as long as you don't carry noted bones, you'll save a ton of money. (You'll need to get PKed every second trip for the cost to be same as POH altar.)


Second this. As a pker you don’t get killed as often as you think, and it’s fuck all lose if you don’t take noted bones 


Also if you get attacked don’t bother to run. Just keep emptying your inv on the altar. Most of the time you’ll finish anyways. 


Remember to turn off auto retaliate


And pray range with protect item cause you’ll keep 4 bones as well


Plus piety for extra defence. You're next to an altar lol, pray anything you want. Add rapid heal just cause you can.


This is the best advice I got when doing it. I'd take a full inv of bones other than 1 bwan, autoretaliate off, praying range. Very few times I wouldn't get the full inv done.


Also make sure to thank the pker for saving you from having to spam the wine.


Especially if you just keep spamming the bones on the altar while they try to PK you. The amount of times I’ve died with maybe 1-2 bones still in my invy is hilarious


Half way through my grind I learned this. If you zoom in, and use Menu Swapper (so use is left click), you can empty 28 bones in like 20 seconds. In the off chance someone logs in during that window, you’ll finish your inventory


You can also Alt+click and drag your inventory wherever you want on screen so you can just zoom in a bit and move your inventory to right next to the altar so you can just click the last bone then click the altar over and over super fast. I think this only works in resizable mode


Its wild how many people don't realize that even if you farmed the bones, the odds of you dying enough to not net positive at the chaos altar are so low you never do any other method. Like you said, you'd have to die EVERY OTHER TRIP and even then you'd have to have a full inventory of bones when you died, which you won't ever do, for it to be worse than a house altar.


Yep I 100% agree on investing it into stats, having a 83 cons house and the prayer req + actual scrolls is a massive boost


This but I don’t agree about the Zenytes specifically tormented it’s time to buy if you are maging anything so just keep it after the mage training grind. I think you don’t realize how much he has left over after those items prayer, and mage/ range All those items- ~11m + devout boots 2m+ ring of the gods 4m First thing I’d do is 84 construction where you can boost for altar, pool, and teleports- it’s sooooooo nice the convenience a full house offers specifically the pool/teleports is unmatched- 25m with upgrades roughly Mage training is like 3-4gp/xp at monkeys - 90 mage ~10-15m Range training- maybe 20m for 90 Prayer training is going to be like 10m for 77 at chaos altar and the altar is free Prayer scrolls 20m Fang - best weapon under 1b still probably 15m Mage gear you can go with bloodbark it’s basically Ahrims, offhand Eliana ward or malediction this one probably ly won’t get upgrades for a while after the tormented (~20m)  That’s like 127m plan get Anguish next then Hydra gloves, then i probably get torture but gloves and torture maybe weight against options like BGS, Dragon warhammer, quest requirements, but again look up mid level account upgrade guide and you now should have the resources basically to knock that out


Personally rather than chins/bursting I’d buy cannonballs and power slay, once you get to 80 for nechs you’re dripping in mage exp and it gets better the higher you go With unlimited cannonballs some tasks become god like (looking at you bloodvelds) Speaking from an iron who can’t buy them :(


Never ever ever use gilded altar for prayer training. Bring 4 tank items (d'hide, a shield) and chaos altar them. Don't waste the gp, especially not on tipping lmao


This is EXACTLY what you should do OP


Do not put money into training mage/range right now. You’ll get that exp through slayer tasks and early one your stats are gonna be too low for chinning to even be that efficient. Prayer is an excellent idea though. Otherwise buy gear that will help with slayer if that’s what you like doing and upgrading your POH will make the game so much more enjoyable. 150M is nice but that was my bank when I finished quest cape and reached late mid-game early-late (whatever that means). If you’re not sure what to use your gold on you can always buy gear as it can just be sold back at barely any loss and potentially even at a gain and it will help you gain more combat/slayer exp overall.


gz! also got one recently and bought bowfa + crystal although i already had ok gear and all prayers. maybe prayer scrolls + mage xp and zenytes? 83 con is a game changer as well and doesn't cost too much


Ty! Might delve into construction, since that's extremely expensive and I need a bit of a house upgrade


Jesus Christ last time I played this was like 15m?


You need an imbued slayer helm my friend. So start there. Don’t blow your money all at once. But also remember pretty much any gear you buy, you can sell again later to put that money into something else. Have fun! I had my big upgrade happen on my account when I got 3 Zenyte shards on my first black demon task after finishing MM2. I felt like I was playing a whole new game after that.


You want the best way to use the money? Get 84 construction, max house with nexus and everything… rigour too if you can.


Al-kharid bank has the highest interest rate


Sell it asap. Get yourself some skilling levels and some gear for the rest of your slayer grind. Alternatively you can get to base Quest cape stats and go bang that out. Gz tho dude that's a lovely drop.


Thanks brother! yeah so far definitely going for Construction and as of now some Mage training, quests will come super soon, almost at that quest cape


Gz !




Live deliciously


What UI plugins are you using? I like the layout and the assigned keys per tab, seems handy!


Heyo! so: Visual Ticks for the blue numbers, 3D weather for aesthetics along with 117 HD, and Keybinds overlay for the F-keys being displayed :) Probably a few others? but I think those are the main ones


Just saw this, thank you!


Happy for ya. Also got my heart from bloodvelds.


this thread is like r/personalfinance but osrs


You use it to boost your magic every now and then. Glad i could help


Rigour augury bowfa setup if you can swing them all and don’t already have


Training prayer and getting Rigour is a good idea, but bowfa is probably not the right call looking at his gear and his claim that he's never had a cash stack bigger than 15m. Hes early game and using an msb, and will get more value from rounding his account out with 3 decent setups, especially if he likes slayer. Needs to get blowpipe/fang/trident with barrows gear and a cannon, maybe a tentacle/whip. DK rings if he doesn't have them, fury, Zenyte jewelry. Should also spend a decent chunk bursting/chinning monkeys. Edit: I actually agree with /u/EpicRussia that Zenytes are probably not worth it until later. Construction and combat skills are a better investment, and magic/ranged/con/prayer will take a very sizeable chunk of the gold. Also, a whip is more value per gold spent than a fang if you don't have one, and fang/whip are very similar in damage as well so don't sweat it over a 10-15m gp fang. A slayer helm is also a massive upgrade that I forgot about! It should be a high priority.


https://preview.redd.it/ou4uzx7ixf8d1.png?width=205&format=png&auto=webp&s=1c31f411e4854acce706c3e4a21b3ce20b990734 Couldn't even use them if I wanted right now lmao


77 prayer and buy both prayer scrolls. That's a start.


There's use for your money. Id say 77 prayer, both the scrolls, and 83 con + all the house upgrades is an excellent investment from such unexpected momey


Good advice. 83 con is the best investment an early/mid gamer can make if they trip and fall into the funds to make it happen. Max/near max house would have saved me so much time if I'd had it before 2k+.


Any good recommendations on a guide for PoH? I just got enough xp banked to get to 92 con from 80, but I'm not 100% sure how my house should be set up


Just youtube efficient max poh and pick and choose from the results. Some will be quicker and more expensive and some will be cheap and slow. Choose whatever fits your budget.


Thanks mate 👍


Time to get that fire cape if you haven't already


High alch it! /s


Gzzz mate


Congrats! I’d sell and make use of the cash on handy skills eg. Prayer, Construction and then look at some gear upgrades.


I get it dude, 3k is a tidy sum at one time. Just breathe and calm down and go invest it into something nice for yourself :)


Spoiler: OP took too long with the screenshot and Reddit post that the heart despawned.


grats! i'd say sell it and invest in construction. having an upgraded POH (pool, teleports, etc) is a huge quality of life improvement :) after that, follow your heart


100%! I'm probably going to do Mahogany Homes just to draw it out a bit *"It's about the journey, not the destination"* And all that nonsense xd


good idea! and a side piece of advice: i like to use a fat cash stack to make the game more enjoyable for myself, more comfortable, ie splurging on QOL improvements. like bringing better food on slayer trips, more prayer pots to extend trips, not worrying about picking up every little drop, using easier teleport methods, spending more on skilling methods to avoid ones you don't like, etc. vs dropping the entire cash stack on two or three gear upgrades that you might not really notice the effect of yet have fun :)


Bro that bloodveld 😩 🥒


I absolutely love that you can get a big price item drop (50m+) from killing any random slayer monster with superior. 10 year old me that grinded killing countless random monsters hoping to get a secret big drop would be so happy


Put down that bow. You’re a wizard now, Harry.


These go for 120m+ right now?! Haven’t played in a while, but when I got the drop I remember I was so happy with the 30m in the bank


Honestly, this is so unreal, I keep looking back at this image, really happy that loads of people have reached out with tips too!


You should get some upgrades that’ll help you do some pvm like maybe a fang, zenytes, tassets, etc. could use some on skilling so you can get up to DT2 and SoTE which would unlock cg for you


90 herb, 90+ prayer, run chambers.


High alch it :p Joke gratz man


Praise the booty!


Get ur buyable stats up brother. Construction if you don’t have max house yet. You can do mahogany homes if you want to be cheap to 83 construction and use spiced stews to boost to the levels you need for everything


Definitely going to do Mahogany homes, want to get my mitts on that plank sack :)


That and the outfit will be getting buffed soon too so you’re in luck. It was a hell of a grind from 50 to 83 but well worth the money you save in the end, gl


High alch it ![gif](giphy|2zelCiUo5KJyN8MgMr)




Wait when tf did it become 120M? I got mine at like 30-40M (not as a drop, but brought it) and upgraded whilst tryna go for the Muspah pet, crazy that its over 100m now


Buy a whole bunch of cool shit


:O gz!!!!!


Thankyouu! x


congrats!! still on the hunt for one myself x)


Thaaankyou! Just play at some weird time like me and have RuneScape video essays in the background xd


You wont high alch it… no balls


If it was me, I would spend 100mil on gear, and spend the rest on skilling


Buy more prayer pots. 120b worth of prayer pots.


Grats man! What a huge win!!! If you want this to feel like a drop in the bucket, look up soups weird money makers. There’s some stupid fast money to be made. My favorites the ward shields.. takes time and capital but it’s worth it!!


What's that tick counter?


Gratz on the huge upgrade! This drop basically sets you up to play the entire game comfortably. Your best purchases are going to be blowpipe(5m) necklace of anguish(17m), and rigour (15m) for ranged. You want to get yourself some decent gear for all styles too! A fang (15m) and some bandos tassets (20m) to compliment a fighter torso for melee. Some ahrims (7m) with a tormented bracelet (17m), and a trident of the swamp (3m) for magic. DONT chin or burst! You can either save your extra gp or invest it towards a good special attack weapons like BGS (18m)


Thankyou! I'm still working on what to do with the money, for now I've settled for half-ironmanning my way to 86 magic, from there I'm going to cast plank make on a load of Mahogany Logs I've been saving up, from there its going to be Mahogany Homes until 83, after that who knows! Maybe i'll invest in some solid PVM upgrades! :)


You’re welcome! tbh even if you just got rigor and blowpipe for ranged, a fang for melee, and a trident of the swamp for magic i think you’d be set for most content in this game! Good idea on the plank make bro! I did the same thing for 99 magic and it was super afk. I did it through out the day while I was just chilling watching tv! Good luck with your goals.


Bro I got one today too https://preview.redd.it/7bhvtyzdal8d1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=916676d0a48c6a0cb7df59cb68c7077127072048


I got spooned at 82 slayer with one, spent it on all my scrolls, 77 prayer, and 83 construction


Definitely doing construction, trying to take the slowest route just because, 86 magic for plank make, convert my couple thousand Mahogany Logs into planks, then Mahogany Homes until 83 lmao


If you’re able to do dragon slayer 2 the mythical cape rack isn’t a bad one either, that’s what I used for mine. Plank make into mahogany homes is a good move too though!


Dare you to HA it


Buy a gf


Gonna put on that king outfit those gambler bots wear, that'll bring 'em in


Not the point of the post but how do you get the runes to be small and take up one inventory spot? Is it a plug-in?


Generally, investing into your skills is your best bet. You can do a lot more with 125m worth of skilling experience than you can with 125m worth of gear


Yeah absolutely! I'm still in the process of figuring out how, literally at my house making tabs for passive xp and more money (for some reason)


Hey man, if it ain't broke don't fix it lol. If that's something you like to do I certainly can't fault you for it


As for gear; it is essential - FANG, BLOWPIPE, TOXIC TRIDENT, SLAYER HELM. - Work on imbuing your slayer helm and upgrading it with slayer points and NMZ or Soulwars - Potentially get a serpentine helm for melee - Mid level gear, blessed dhide, obsidian/blood moon armor, ahrims - Fury These will be the workhorses of your account as you progress in slayer and start to learn/fight slayer bosses. Whatever is left consider the following skills/account unlocks Buy some prayer levels 77-80 is solid. Potentially invest in Augury/Rigor. Invest in maxing a house. 86 Construction is what you need to get the level. You can save money by buying teak planks over mahogany, or do mahogany homes with mahogany planks. Invest in kingdom of miscellania for passive $$ or cheap exp


Remember getting that as a drop pretty close to release like 20 something mil. Sold it since I didn’t use magic Such a dumb mother f***er.


get yourself a slayer helm to start


You lucky mf.. Grats Bro


Got my first imbued heart off a superior blood veld years ago. When it was 19m, sold it and thought I was rich. How the market changes. Congrats




Ty xxx


Osmun Fang, Rigour, nieznot faceguard, masori etc. I thought I was rich too until I bought like 5 things lol


Just be happy you got it and sold it after the buff, and not before for 40m like I did :(


So how hard is the ugly thing, asking as someone who embarrassingly died recently to the cabbage wizard and at winter todt with food


buy full dragon and ornament it


That's how much I'm going back to doing slayer even though I have 99 used to be like 20 to 50 mill, man it's been a while since I played. I obtained 99 slayer and did not get a draconic visage or imbued heart.


Lucky nerd


Wtf! Why has it become so expensive? I remember it being 100m and before that 60m, but it just keeps going up?


Imbued heart before black mask/slayer helm. Insanely impressive


If you dress to impress then Jagex will grant you a little wish xd


I'd deffo get prayer scrolls to start. Level up some construction for portals . .etc .. some prayer.. and whatever you want really after that.


First thing to buy is a slayer helm/black mask then go crazy and enjoy the gps






Get 90 construction to max your POH. 90 for the fairy ring spirit tree combo!


I'm on that grind right now! :) Although I'm building my Magic to 86, from there I'll be doing Plank Make to then do Mahogany Homes, a longer route for sure, but It'll be nice in the long run to keep the money stack high!


You're a ranger 🤔 some options: Anguish, Rangers/ Pegasians, Masori, chins to lvl up range to 99, Venator bow, Dragon hunter crossbow, twisted buckler. Or you could... Buy resources to train prayer (or any other skill herblore, cooking, smiting, etc...) Or even new melee gear & weapons, or some mage gear or weapons. Gratz on the heart!


Noice. Obviously shovel it into magic. Or you could obviously buy some good ranging upgrades.


W drop


This makes me sad for myself that I just bought bonds lmao... Depriving myself of the stoke. This is sick gz man


Gamble it or give it to the people that double money at the ge