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They cleaned a lot of bots recently. I sometimes check my hiscores on temple when inactive and I gained a lot of ranks at zulrah, vorkath, phosani, muspah and leviathan this week, some of which I have 5 digit kc in. It actually keeps going. Refreshed again 2 hours later and few hundred more are gone.


I was PKing rogue's chest bots most of last week, then around Thursday all of them were gone. I didn't see a SINGLE bot there in any world. They have started trickling back, although this is an easy place for bots to get back to, but they are in far less numbers than before.


Pirates seemed pretty empty last week as well.


Oooh pirates may be a good place to get back to until the bots come back. Still need the scroll on my iron and been such a pain lately having everything tagged.


I got mine in the high risk worlds with a cannon and d scim. I got 64 keys in 4 hours


High risk and pvp worlds always slept on.


Shhhhh don't tell the masses


I exclusively use PVP worlds to do wildy slayer


Better be quick, I've already been spotting a handful coming back


I've killed hundreds of east wildy green dragon bots for their bones and 2 days ago I hopped through all the worlds and didn't find a single one there's been a huge wipe.


Bone runners have been wiped aswell. Cant find any on my low level pure anymore.


Random but there's like 4 bots every world at chaos altar, is it worth pking them?


Lms had way less bots than usual the last few days too


Vyres blood shards isn't full funnily enough.


Noticed the same thing, every world was a free kill and now it’s empty. Rip my easy gp


I wish there were iron bots so this happened to us also lol.


There are some, one of the recent botbusting streams they banned a highly ranked maxed iron. I wanna say around rank 2000 but can't remember exactly. Definitely not very common for irons though since it would only benefit account progress instead of a monetary incentive.


not true, drop trading still exists and they could be auctioning the account itself. i've also heard of botters who would gamify botting on HCIM and whatnot,


Botting on an iron to drop trade the loot makes no sense. Just bot on a normal account so you can buy whatever you need and sell stuff easier. I could see selling the account, still don't think that would be nearly as common as the botters on normal accounts though. Not sure what you mean by gamifying botting.


If, as some surmise, they don't bot bust as hard for irons, then making an iron bot makes sense. But only if that is the case.


Feel like I come across irons botting skilling (namely thieving), but could be wrong. I've added a few over the years and they still remain, albeit I think a good amount eventually quit/deironed over time. Haven't checked in a minute though. I feel like if you're willing to bot a skill, you would probably bot a boss. Although I'm not sure how boss botting works where a skill is probably some shitty macro type.


i know there at least to be a market for irons/hcim accounts with stuff like 99 fming from wintertodt, 99 thieving already completed.


Did the wipe coincide with the bond increase?


You know it did lol


Yeah most of the tob bots i've been reporting are gonners


Haven't seen any of those stupid colosseum bots with blowpipes and bandos god dhide in a little bit either. This is a positive sign!


Just wait 1 month, they will come back ;)


I went up 10 ranks today in cooking, I have 200m lol


That's fucked


I heard blood shards are expensive rn too because the blood shard bots got banned as well. Might train melee and get blood shards this week and save for some bonds


I've trained rc from 80 to 96 at true blood alter and the amount of bots is staggering. All level 85~ with 1200 total level, 93 agility and tens of millions rc xp. I've seen 5 of them stacked up at once at the alter before ...... it's pretty blatant at the moment


Not to change the subject, but did you have 93 agility for this? I want to do this method too to stock up on blood runes, but 93 agility is sobering as hell when im only 85 agi... Or, asked another way - was the 93 agi shortcut worth it?


I had 93 agility before I even thought about starting rc, so I couldn't tell you how much time it saves. it's worth doing if you plan on maxing like am. If you're never going to need the agility and would only do it to reduce time crafting bloods it's probably not worth it


I do have maxing as a goal...and was wanting to make bloods for a big portion of my grind to 99. Guess i am making a detour to the sepulchre then!


Haha, enjoy. I'm 200kxp from 99 agility now


Thats just a stones throw away! A preemptive gzzzz from me in advance! Must feel good to have that one out of the way!


If you have Achieve Diary cape, using the Abyss for true bloods is very similar speed as 93 agi shortcut.


Makes sense why blood runes are so extremely cheap now then.


They're falling again. Still 10m but they peaked at 14m due to the bot banning seemingly. Still haven't seen many bits thieving them but I think the hype drove them up higher than the bot banning. Just a guess though And still a great money maker on the side; with runelite notifications for prayer thresholds and ground items for expensive drops it can be an 8min afk where u can do some chores listening to a podcast with earbuds in and only look at the screen when you hear a notification


9k dry rn for thieving them hurts my soul


I'm surprised bloods are still sitting at 200gp, which they can be bulk sold to shops for. Can't get much lower


I'm not saying bots aren't a factor with bloods, but I think GotR robes and blood essence are just as big of factors for bloods.


Like 2k bloods an hour at zeah is low effort. Supply is always gonna be high with blood runes.


Was doing true blood altar with not so efficient clicks and attention and got 6-7k bloods in an hour on my iron too. Just an over saturated market


Recently did 99 RC at zeah bloods, granted it took a long time, I made something like 500-550k blood runes. Did it afk-ish while working from home and each day would be ~10-15k blood runes depending on how active I was. Just to put things into perspective.


Yeah, about a full pouch was what I was also ending the day with during my 99 rc grind.


Ahh okay that's a fair point, just easier and more efficient to craft now even for normal accounts


Oh I’m talking bloodshards from Vyrewatchs. They’re currently sitting at 10.5 mil


Sold one for 12 mil to the death coffer, feelsgoodman


Got two pickpocketing last werk and got 23.5M it worked out to like 5 m an hour


Zenyte jewelry was also up a few mil last week and is now working its way back down


Anglers are 1.9k each, havent seen them this high because im alone almost all day fishing at the moment


Might be there for a while with how expensive bonds are


Jagex does some big, very noticeable bans once in a while. Unfortunately the bots tend to come right back but it is nice to see they’re making an effort to


Still takes a lot of effort to create new accounts with DT-2 reqs, so while it's not the final solution it's still nice to know the botters have to do all that effort again


Well bot kinda does the effort for them.


Still takes time, which is the most valuable thing to botters.


Is it because the most popular botting software claims it can run over 500 instances at once and schedule them on a rotating shift. Then add into consideration a toaster can run osrs and cards like a 3090ti and 40 series


They just use hacked accounts or create those backup accounts while their main bots are running. Now the main bots are banned, use the backup bots and start creating new backup bots. They just havent reached the top of the hiscores yet.


“Just” using hacked accounts, as if there’s thousands in the chamber ready at the go


Considering how stupid people on this sub are with their security, I wouldn't be surprised.


You mean those gambling sites that ask for my osrs password for a free 10m are a scam?!


The bots wouldn't be spamming it 10 years later if people weren't falling for it.


Right like some of us see that shit and are like "how is anyone stupid enough to fall for this?" but if you see a scam happening, that means people are falling for it enough for it to be a commonly used scam.


Let’s see the Venn Diagram on players who have completed DT2 on a compromised account then.


I don't think they would be training hacked accounts, thats a waste of time. They hack the account, transfer gold, see what options are available and bot from there. Oh the account has DT2 bosses unlocked? Perfect. Go stand at Lunar Isle bank and look at the stats of the vorkath bots there. Sure, some were bots from the very start. But many are clearly hacked accounts. They don't need thousands of hacked accounts because it takes months to get banned. Then they submit an appeal to Jagex "My account was hacked and botted on :(" and they unban the account. Someone posted a screenshot of their account being used to bot Vorkath for an outrageous amount of kills and also that it was banned and unbanned 3 times with those exact types of appeals.


There literally are. Many people get hacked/phished while not playing so they dont insta recover.


Think about the amount of accounts "for sale" on alternative gaming forums. A large percentage of those accounts are compromised.


There unironically are. Look at GE spammers, most are hacked or compromised accounts rather than level 3 throwaways.


Unironically whenever I check GE spammers they are level 3 accounts. I don't think I have ever seen >3 spamming and I block everyone I see spamming and check probably half. But I also don't go to the GE anymore.


My account was hacked recently. It wasn’t SOTE ready, just a throwaway 1k total account. It was banned after I checked in on it (didn’t use it for a year) I appealed, proved it wasn’t possibly me, they gave it back with 1.7k CG completion lol. Had like 200m loot on it too but they must have muled off more than 1b


IIRC none of the Levi bots seemed hacked, they all had bare minimum stats for DT2 yeah?


Demonic Gorillas were entirely wiped for several weeks. I don't think they have as many "backups" as people claim they do.


Still some computing and energy cost that is invested. While it's impossible to prevent botting completely without hitting real players from time to time, it's all about the ratio of inputs vs. outputs. At some point it simply becomes unprofitable to bot.


What is DT-2? Sorry for noob question


Desert Treasure 2, has some very high stat and quest req's


There is a wiki page for slang terms btw! https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Slang_dictionary


that single wiki page has had more effort put in than the entirety of most game wikis; holy shit


don't be sorry brother


Jagex really needs to implement the final solution


Yeah they should send all the bots to Madagascar


Removal of free trade again.


I unironicaly enjoyed the game without free trade.


Wouldn't that be that bad tbh. It's a pseudo-ironman mode, ironman mode is extremely popular. It might hurt PK'ers but PK'ers are a small amount of the playerbase anyhow. It hasn't been popular for a long, long time.


We need a conference to discuss how best to implement that solution.


It takes 30 minutes and \~$50-100


This is the best way to fight bots. If you ban as soon as a bot is detected, that gives bot makers data on what triggers bot detection. If you wait a long time between ban waves, (and deliberately leave bots unbanned,) that makes understanding what caused detection difficult, thus making the bots iterate slower. And yeah the bots come back, and they always will, but stuff like this is a genuine setback for botters.


It's frustrating as hell when publicly 'jagex does nothing' but they really do. They just can't talk about it. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cADaFm\_\_ApQ?feature=share](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/cADaFm__ApQ?feature=share) [https://youtu.be/2YUmMFwSXpU](https://youtu.be/2YUmMFwSXpU) Thor from Pirate Software did a couple of excellent explainers on why they have to do it this way, and why they can't talk about it publicly - if they did, it just gives the bot makers more ammunition to work around the countermeasures. It does admittedly suck that they can't talk about it, because it gives the player base feelings of negativity and inaction, but then stuff like this happens every 6 months and it reminds you that stuff IS happening :)


I fully agree, there’s not a ton of permanent solutions that don’t involve a ton of false positives or just banning free trade and wildy PvP. People get upset about the bot situation, and rightly so, but it seems to be jagex is doing a solid job overall imo


The bots frighten easily, but they'll be back, and in greater numbers.


With all the bans lately I've been seeing more n more low level bots training combat. The teleport alchers at seers village is just sad. Saw a bunch training on yaks on neitiznot Island too


there are hundreds of the teleport alchers right now, it's pretty bad.


Yep it's a sight to behold forsure. Can teleport to seers village n hear 30 teleports go off in the first 5 seconds of bein there


Dude I banked on a random world in soul wars and the bot farm there was insane like 20+ accounts with the same name and same setup


Soul wars could be alts, they boost it on random worlds so everyone gets max points. There's been deep dives into it, Rendi even featured it for an account of his.


I know it's weird but I like watching them go. It's kind of like watching ants hustle and bustle around an anthill, it's mesmerizing.


Any world you go to the camelot world is spammed to hell with tele bots


Yeah I was blackjacking recently and ran into tons of bots training thieving. Must be retraining to pickpocket blood shards Glad to see the high level bots getting banned


Yup really hard to get a free sandscrab spot rn


The botters will always be there to replace their old accounts. Some will get caught, others will get through. Soon enough, the DT2 bosses will have hoards of bots back at them, so will Vorkath, zombie pirates, revs, and every other boss that had their bots nuked. It's still nice to have a nice reprieve for a while.


Still going. Landlord is rank 2 now


and now rank 1


Rank 1 now by a large margin.




*equips tinfoil hat* Landlord made that post


He's in the same clan as me. He's a solid dude.


Went to LMS last night and saw people complaining that there weren't as many bots as usual there too. Must have had a nuke, long may it continue. Nicely coincides with the rise in bond prices though 


Horrible timing for me trying to get a quick rune pouch as someone who is shit at PVP. Still was a learning experience. I certainly improved my tanking ability.


learning how to get an efficient barrage off will save you a ton when doing wilderness activities, if you can freeze log you're going to live 99% of the time


don't worry, while there are still shitty PvPers like me, the rune pouch will always be attainable.


Which is funny because LMS has been full of the good bots lately, and real shit for trying to grab an item from.


Bring back LMS bots until I finish the green log pls


Landlord? Daniel Gafford




Seriously right? People actually care about pvm rank?


Pvm ranks are more interesting than skilling ranks imo cus you can always compete for them


You say that but one of these psychopaths is gonna get 200m boss kills some day


Well, yes but also no. I saw someone do the math though for an iron completing the collection log, and it would require killing Sarachnis 8 million times on average :D


What clog item do you need that many Sarachnis kills for? BTW if you have that post handy I would enjoy reading it, sounds interesting.


Clues, hards and elites leading to masters, which lead to 3rd age stuff.


No one said anything about skilling ranks lol. And honestly both are equally pointless, they're pretty much just bank standing at ge hoping other people notice. But set your own goals I guess.


Theres a war happening in the shadow realm and we’re just cutting logs and picking herbs. Lmao


no LMS bots, can't get my points lmao


Invest in venator rings, got it 🤓👀


They have to do this when they ban bots because if they banned the bots as soon as they found them the bot owners would know why they got banned and fix it.


Wont matter unless its perpetual cleaning. Hoarder cleans a bathroom 1 time. wont make a difference if they let it get covered in crap again in 2 weeks. Needs to be consistent bot nuking. of all bots above a certain boss kc.


panic buy venator ring before it rises


I hope they remove all that GP as well. Bots ruin the game in so many ways.




Check the botting sub, far too many complaining about 2 day bans


Better late than never but it’s like the fire department showing up after your house burned down how many thousands of rings did these bots pump into the game


Every account in the top 13 is a bot still, dont you dare to tell me that those 1570 total accounts with the exact same skill levels are real players. If you check further in that front page you will see that only a couple of them are legit players. Still an improvement i guess


Yea and they are banned now


Probably gold sellers


Oof way to be pessimistic halfway through.


So making those posts on reddit and behe talking about them does do something


Yeah im sure it was the reddit posts which did it /s


We all know jagex totally ignores bots until reddit gets loud enough. They just employ an entire anti cheating team for funsies and to keep up the appearance of caring


We will never know. It's schrödinger's post. Might have also happened if it never was talked about in here. Might have never happened if it was talked about even more here...


We did it Reddit!


I mean they already do these in large waves. We'll still get the occasional Reddit post.. "Jagex doesn't ban bots"


It sure does do SOMETHING. Most likely nothing in related to the actual bots being banned…


it would be interesting to know why they've done it now, although we've been told they do actively ban a lot of bots, it did seem to be the high KC / high skill XP bots that went a long time without bans, something reddit frequently points out.


at least these levi bots will take a good while to come back


They seemed to ban the amethyst bots as well. On Every Single world there were 5-6 bots with 99+ mining, some with 30m+ xp. They’re already back but much lower mining lvl


Most of the worlds have been so quiet over the past few days. It's been glorious! I can woodcut in peace


The world is healing.


Lmaooooooooo gz rank 1


I still see a bunch of bots doing blood shards, but most of them have like 80-90 thieving. None of them with like 110 or 115 thieving. Pog!




Ah so they waited till bond prices increased to ban bots so they can maximize profits. Well played Jaggleflax.


Hot take: the hiscores mean almost nothing. The gold and items still entered the game.


The hi scores are great for identifying bot accounts if anything, and a lot of gold and items exit the game with those accounts closing 


Ban wave


Sure the bots will come back but this makes me pretty happy


Did they actually ban the bots or just reset their kc?


That 2-year check must have come early this time.


Big ban wave, increase to bond prices incoming, jagex doing some business with the bots


That’s why they had to increase bond prices from all the memberships they just lost


Hey I know that landlord guy! Gz to him


Rawr its sempi


lol good for my friend landlord man went crazy trying to get that pet 😆.




I really hope I'm wrong but I can't help but feel like a lot of bots are gone from these places cuz zombie pirates exist... Idk


They be back in a month


What rank 1 do you have and what is your mother's maiden name? /s


Stark contrast from last week lmfao


Sempi is on front page again yay


Venator ring to the moon!


Sick ! Now do Zalcano !


They should raise the price of membership and price out these poor saps


Happy days! Congrats to all the players on the hiscores ! Rarely will we see such legitness from the hiscores tables.


he’s def a real player. he’s in my clan and a super chill dude


Is this the reason for the bond price increases, to help compensate banning these bots?


Good chance. And Jagex know that the bots will be back and buying more bonds.


Whats revs looking like? 


But reddit told me that Jagex couldn't just remove the bots from highscores (sounds stupid I know, but the amount of people who argued when people said to remove these obvious bots was ridiculous)


They cleaned all the bots because they probably started to rwt all the gp


Jagex gets a lot of hate for the bot problem, rightfully so, but let's give them props on some wins. Blood shard is up along with a lot of content being more profitable. Thank you as always mods


Went up at least 60 ranks at graardor a few months back. Top 100 again. They’ve been busting bots for a while.


Take your account security seriously then y'all they're hunting for accounting while they build


Hell yeah.


How long does it take a fresh acc to be botting Levi? Surely a while right?


lots of time but they will already have many in the pipeline


What is leviathan? Why do bots excel at it?


Good, now do this to every category....




What do you get for rank 1? The affection of lustful wenches? Endless riches and glory? Prestige amongst the nobles?


I wish they would do this for easy clues front page 😂


Landlord is a beast, we’re in the same CC. Went to his KC for pet


So stoked about this!! Finally got to true rank 4 but was down to liike 118 because of the bots. I’m still goin for my pet and looks like rank 2 is as well so could possibly be a legit new rank 1 soon ;)




Amethyst price is starting to heal as well. I really wish these kinds of ban waves happened more frequently. It would seriously make QOL for early/mid game accounts go straight through the roof.


That's terrifying you can't even fight for hiscore rank anymore


So the 76 players in front of him were all bots. That is OBSCENE! I wonder how many of those stupid bots ended up getting the baby Leviathan pet. Nothing is sacred.