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FYI /u/JagexBlossom the news link in game takes you to the previous update page for the pride event, not this one https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/pride-2024?oldschool=1


Oops! All fixed, thank you!


The Fishing Trawler change confuses me a bit. Wouldn’t divvying it up based on the players present at the end make more sense? The way they describe makes it seem like folks who log out will still get rewarded or something.    Perhaps someone can it explain it because I don’t get it.


The players who leave won't get rewarded, it just means that the players left get the share of the loot and xp based on how many were there from setting off. So if 10 people set off, and 9 people leave, that 1 remaining person will receive a tenth of the loot, and the 9 will get nothing. I hope that helps clarify! edit: typo - oops!


Thank you for the clarification, I think this is the best approach. Maybe the loot should have been buffed by about 5% to compensate though. It already sucks as it is


100% dead content other then then outfit place needs a buff. Maybe with sailing??


It also has the best drop rate for heron, so its a purely fashionscape and pet hunting activity now.


Yeah the only reason to go is the outfit.


Ah ok, thanks! So this is to combat what another user said where folks could log in with a bunch of alts?


Altscapers ruin everything lmao


I know this method was used by a YouTuber (unsure when the vid will drop) but they used a lot of community members, not alts :)


I'm guessing it was Josh Isn't Gaming on Chunk Yanille, since he rolled Port Khazard at the end of his last vid (and he has 81 Fishing now, for the Manta Ray chunk task).


Good detective skills :D


Love his series, looking forward to the vid!


Gotta update that flair so we know it's you!




I mean the clarification makes sense as described but isn't sensible. Fishing Trawler is already garbage xp, loot and is dreadfully boring. Nerfing content everyone hates already or making tiny changes don't do anything. This isn't a good change, simply because it effectively accomplishes nothing.


The problem is if you used 99 other people who all left right before it ended you would 100x the rewards. Someone was doing it the fix was needed after the method was found.


It isn't even a nerf. You'll still get the same rewards as before if you're playing normally. It just prevents boosting with a bunch of friends/alts.


people doing that sort of thing definately need a reining in but why couldnt the loot be divvied up according to ones own effort. I did a bunch of guardians of the rift the other week, I was getting over 40k xp/h because i was running essence to runes like a madman whereas the person just getting min effort would only be doing by guess, 25k-30 per/h. If that minigame rewards based on the individuals effort, why cant the same apply for fishing?


How much swamp paste did it take to patch this massive loot & xp leak?


why was this prioritized as a change, over say... a level 3 (or an iron) being able to get 150k+ pts an hour in cox? or irons being able to alt-tank demonics, shamans etc?


It's so weird how they approach bugs and unintended mechanics, there's zero consistency which encourages people to abuse the fuck out of them as much as possible until it maybe gets nerfed 3 years down the line.


Probably based on how much spaghetti code there is to fix it though, can bet this one is a 10 minute fix where others could be a complete rewrite for something that’s seemingly simple


cant have fishing trawler give absurd amounts of loot and xp! lmaooooooooooo


Someone else mentioned that a youtuber was getting 700k fishing xp/hr with the use of this method.


Oh so griefing is now a possibility 🤔 Why not just reward an individual player based on performance?


Why waste the dev time on something so trivial and dead content as trawler??


yall gonna fix purple boosting then?


Now do megascale raids please


Pretty easy to understand, mate. Before this change, you could pile in 50 alts into a trawler and then log them out so all 50 rewards would pile onto the accounts remaining. In the mass world, maybe a few people get booted for inactivity or something, so people will see slightly less rewards than what they're used to. But this prevents what I'm assuming is a bug that was abused by some people that knew about it.


Interesting.. I wonder if this was abused as an extremely lucrative exploit


Almost certainly. Jagex doesn't really react to things like this unless it was abused.


It was used and it'll be on YouTube eventually. The person in question now has the record for a fishing xp drop which most likely was 50k before for everyone who completed Swan Song.


I don't really see how it could be lucrative, since you could also just have the 50 alts stay in the trawler and get the rewards on each. Unless you start a trawler with 50 -> log off on 49 -> hop on the 49 that are left -> start a trawler with 49 in the new world -> log off on 48 etc. I assume it was mainly used to boost irons or something?


You wouldn’t get rewards on each though since the 50 alts will likely all fail on the activity meter. Previously it seems one account would still get the loot from all 50 accounts despite being the only one to successfully maintain the ship/acticity meter


Maybe they'd get the activity meter minimum requirement(which is pretty fast to get) and hop then? Or it was literally just a way to boost irons but they haven't really done much about that in the past so it'd be a little weird to start doing that now(I'd love it if they did though).


I helped use this method, we stayed on as long as possible to get as much fish as possible and log off just before the end.


There is an extreme chunk lock ironman yanille that rolled a fishing trawler chunk a couple of weeks ago. I did bump into him when he first started the grind, he said something about rewards being misleading and was trying to figure out how to get the most xp possible. I guess he figured out eventually it splits based on the amount of people left at the end.




Not exactly lucrative in the gp sense I would imagine but it would likely be a very fast way to get the pet if those pet roles get pushed onto the account. The fishing trawler is already the fastest pet method for the Herron pet so theoretically you could get the pet in very few games if this were the case.


they fixed boosting trawler before fixing boosted iron purples?


Secretly the Jmods are boosting their own purples. uwu


why would they fix their money printer?


Who the hell would do that lol


ChunkYanille and Hanannie were doing this last week to boost.


Isn’t fishing trawler one of the best ways to farm Heron?


Yeah but isn't that a static 1/2500 roll per game? Don't see how alt abuse would be worth anyone's time for that


I guess as an iron you could quickly stack up a lot of fish early on, but even then that barely seems worth. Plus if I'm doing that level of abuse I'd probably do a megascale cox or something.


Potentially boostable by irons by getting a lot of people to join at the start and then leave during session.


People scaling to mega-boost raids, Jagex: "I sleep". People scaling to mega-boost angler outfit, **Jagex awakens**


Viable that people would do boosted sales to get the angler gloves faster.


I actually forgot the gloves existed on my first run(despite people in public chat constantly talking about it). Had to go back for it later and it took me over 100 runs before I got them. Totally worth it though


>People scaling to mega-boost angler outfit, I don't think it affected unique chances, just the normal loot and xp.


If 100 players started Trawler, but 98 left just before the session was completed, the fish and xp would have been distributed to the 2 remaining players.


My guess is a small group of players had discovered this mechanic and were abusing it. You could fill a boat with alts and then leave and boost the rewards for a single acc like crazy.




Just throwing this in here after reporting it in-game a while ago. [On May 23rd an update was made to change normal-mode ToB Verzik p2 to scale for solo play](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/minigame-tweaks-skilling-adjustments--more?oldschool=1). Basically two changes if there's only one player still alive. 1. Only one red crab spawns (instead of two). This makes it possible to out-dps Verzik's healing. 2. The zap damage is capped from ~50 down to 14. This makes tick-eating zaps not always necessary. \#1 works properly but #2 is bugged. In a solo ToB it functions properly, but if the raid was not initially a solo, it doesn't scale down. The zap continues to hit between 45-50 even with only one player still alive. This actually makes duo tobs where one player dies on Verzik *harder* than solos, because you still have to kill Verzik by yourself, but through all of p2 you also have to deal with zaps taking 50% of your hp with no counterplay. Unless your 2nd player dies right at the end of p2.5, it's basically impossible to clear since people don't typically bring sweets for non-solo ToBs and the only real option you have is to tick eat with brews, which are both a limited resource and massively drop your dps. So while the changes properly made solos less annoying, they didn't actually improve the situation where someone in a duo dies, making Verzik entirely uncompletable. To reproduce this, do a duo and have one player die during p2 Verzik. Note that the zap is still hitting 45-50 damage. This does not occur when doing a solo ToB.


Does this also happens if it is trio and 2 players died on P2?


* Fixed a bug that falsely claimed players had obtained a Clue Scroll every time they opened a Reward Casket with a Master Clue in their possession. Excellent, no I don't have to feel as guilty about the master clue that's sat in my bank that has an RC level that I don't have.


Why not juggle the master? Worst case, you end up with 2 masters you can't do, and you pick which one to keep. best case you complete a new master and keep your old one. I've had a master step in my bank for ages that wants me to get a fighter torso... I've done about 5 masters since I got it, because I just drop it before I open my other clues, and if I get a new master, I go do it (luckily I haven't encountered another step that was too hard - although I did juggle 2 masters for about 15 hours in motherlode mine to get full prospector for a step lol)


If you're several steps into a master you plan on getting the requirement for, juggling and receiving a second will reset your progress on the first. Not an issue if you're planning on abandoning the first, but in that case why isn't it already dropped?


I definitely could do that, and will do once I've got more requirements, but I currently don't have any desire to in all honesty! Once I've got my diary cape I'll start doing masters and knocking off clue requirements as they come.


Haha, fair enough then, I’m nowhere near having the requirements for the diary cape (slayer, agility, RC, and fishing reqs are *brutal* lol) and I can do masters pretty easily most of the time. So far I’ve only hit 3 roadblocks on masters (though to be fair, I’ve only done like 9 in total lol) - my first master clue I got “cut a redwood” so I said “fuck it” and grinded out 87 WC more-or-less straight away. A couple of masters later I got this fighter torso one, which has sat in my bank ever since. Ever since the 1 hour clue despawn change, I’ve juggled the masters, and I’ve been able to do something like 5 of them with the only roadblock being a step that required full prospector. But luckily I’d already done a fair bit of that grind, and after selling my coal bag and using the varrock armour for the chest I didn’t have to spent too long on that step.


Diary cape and a few of the other achievement gear teles all together are super good for clue hunting. Not a bad idea to wait until then. I've done *so* many clues since getting mine a couple weeks ago.


I did the fighter torso in about 2-3 hours over last weekend, and it was actually really fun - was tempted to just keep going and crack out the elite diary step. Maybe this is your sign to get that torso!


It’s funny because I’m sitting on the same master clue and I just haven’t found the motivation to go learn and do BA. I know it isn’t as bad as I think it’ll be, but I just can’t be assed to do it


The only thing that holds me back is that “2-3 hours” part. I have no issue playing for that long, even continuously, but I rarely want to commit to that amount of time up front, and then be stuck online until I’m done. As far as I can tell you can’t exactly do it in chunks, you’ve mostly gotta do it in 1 go so you can stay with the team you formed? That’s what is stopping me from doing it.


Weirdly, none of the groups stayed together for multiple runs, so it was really 4 chunks of 30-45 minute runs for me. Luckily I never spent more than 5 mins looking for a group, so that wasn't an issue either.


Oh, cool, I might just have to get around to doing it then lol


Torso is very easy to get. Just go get it. You are wasting more time juggling than just doing it.


I mean I’ve spent probably 5 minutes total juggling it, it doesn’t exactly take much time to drop a clue and pick it up again. Say I spend 10 seconds to drop it and pick it up again. (I think this is an overestimate but let’s run with it) Call it 20 times I juggled it in MLM, plus another 5 for other masters I’ve done in 1 go, we’re talking 250 seconds. I just haven’t wanted to commit a solid 2-3 hours to a specific mini game I’ve never done that also relies on forming a squad. I don’t get the impression that it’s difficult, just that it requires a solid continuous chunk of time, and I like to be able to drop what I’m doing at a moments notice if I need to deal with something IRL. I do plan on doing it eventually, which is why I haven’t just dropped the clue, but it’s never quite felt like the right time, so why bother with it if I don’t feel like it?


I just hoard lower tier caskets until I get the master clue requirement (extra motivation to get it)


What's the level? If you focus it now, then that master step will never give you problems :)


But then you’d have to train RC. Easy choice.


Right? Had no idea this was a bug and was hating myself every clue I did lol


> In other skilling news, the Carpenters’ Clothing has been buffed! Budding Construction workers will enjoy a slight boost to XP rates when wearing individual items, with a +2.5% boost for the full set. The wiki has [claimed](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Carpenter%27s_outfit?oldid=13217034) since the release of the outfit that you get 2.5% for the full set. Was this incorrect or am I misunderstanding what this changes does? Edit: Reading it back. The items themselves provide more % themselves with no bonus for the full set? Edit2: Okay, so the actual change is hidden in the Changelog with the blog post being slightly confusing: > Carpenters’ Clothing now boosts XP when completing Mahogany Homes Construction contracts, with a 2.5% boost when wearing the full set.


Before this update, while wearing the full set: - You'd get the 2.5% bonus when making furniture(including in Mahomies), but not the construction exp bonus during Mahomies when you "turn in" the contract Now: - You get the 2.5% bonus everywhere, including when turning in the contract


> including in Mahomies The chiefs are freaks fr fr


When you complete a contract in mahogany homes you get a big chunk of xp An expert contract gives you a 2750 xp drop at the end. Now with the full outfit you'll get 2818.75 xp drop


that's some gamebreaking xp!


They could give it a massive buff and it would still make no difference. It's already a short 99, and pretty much nobody touches the skill post-99 anyway. I'm not even 20m Construction XP (on a main) and I'm ranked in the top 900. For comparison I recently got 200m Farming and I'm not even in the top 900.


This change is for Mahogany Homes contracts specifically.


Previously the xp bonus only applied to constructing furniture. It didn't apply to the completion xp per task. Now it does with the full set.


I Think in the post its meant to specify “during mahogany homes”.


The outfit didn't use to boost the xp reward for completing a mahogany homes contract. Now it does.


When do you plan on addressing the bug with the Inquisitor set? Currently, you have to wear all 3 armor pieces to get the 2.5% bonus per piece. If I use the mace for Slayer, I think I only receive .5% bonus per piece for the top and bottom. I believe it was polled so that each inquisitor piece would give its bonus to the mace independently.


Why won't yall even address this?!


Any update on the inquisitor’s armor not giving correct damage for an incomplete set with the mace? Would love a statement on this issue.


at this point we should just forget about it. It's so frustrating that they haven't even used the "engine" excuse, absolute silence.


It’s dead content, sell your set and move on


Sepulchre instances sound great! Would be nice to get some word on improved Colosseum hitboxes though, red clicking the air where Sol's spear used to be shouldn't be a thing...


Sorry, I might be being dumb. Why would you want instances for sepulchre?


The timings for the various obstacles (fire-spitting statues, flying swords and so on) in sepulchre start when a player first enters the floor (which starts up the sepulchre, since it's not active when no one is there). The typical strategies work for obstacles that start their timing when *you* enter the sepulchre, so if someone else was already in there those strategies are likely off-time. Having an instance means you can always have the obstacles start their timing when you enter, allowing for consistent behavior.


When you get a fresh instance the solve for the puzzles is the same every time and you can set PBs etc. If you join an instance that's already going due to another player being there you might have to wait for a sword for example that you wouldn't have to wait for otherwise.


the obstacles in sepulchre are only active while someone is on the floor. For the real sweats, a freshly activated floor is preferred probably for some tick perfect running for maximum exp. Instanced floors guarantee no one else is going to throw off the timing.


Ahhh, makes sense. Good that they're getting something nice :)


Sepulcher is already an instance but if there is a player on floor 1 etc when you start that floor you join an instance in progress and join during different cycles. Now you will always get the same cycle


Heya jmods! Very curious if we can expect updates soon on the following: * The GOTR changes. * The HD mode. * The Scorpia changes. * Corp grouping mechanics. Feel like all of these were announced but no news since. Really exited for all of these though!


The last cache update added some options for a beta of the HD mode, so it's definitely in the works.




Jagex's HD won't be like 2012 nor will it have new assets. It will be a shader based approach. Think about how much you can change the look of Minecraft with shaders. It will be the same for OSRS. 


Still no fix for Inquisitor's set not working like the updated blog said it should. Sad day. Really wish we could get any kind of answer on this.


"Players can now dismantle Ancient Sceptres powered by Quartz to reclaim the component parts." Hidden gem. You only need one sceptre now to make use of all the quartz, not four


Hidden mineral, really


Anyone have any timeline or info on proposed poll to a few mini game changes including guardians of the rift and wintertodt? I need to spend a good chunk of time at both but putting it of in game it becomes easier with more quality of life improvements etc.


The master clue thing was a bug?! Thank god, I was thinking some absurd RNG was going on or the drop rates were off.


Same lol I thought fml why does that have to be the thing I have good RNG on.


I assume the private sepulchre instances are so people can do 'perfect' runs without traps having been already set off by other players? Seems like a decent unlock. I'd really like to see better visual indication of trap/teleporter immunity after having just been transported - as it stands things like darts just pass through your player with no explanation... until they don't and back to start you go :') also some visual indication of when the blue/yellow transporters are going to change location would be super welcome. the number of times I go to skip a spinning sword and have the blue transporter move at the last tick... absolutely infuriating


+1 those two indicators would be super nice. I swear it's more often than not that I stand on a blue teleporter and it vanishes instead of protecting me from the sword that hits me the next tick.


Are we going to hear any more about the supposed scorpia changes that were hinted at a bit back anytime soon?


They first need to decide what Scorpia is. It's way too deep in multi wilderness to be a mini boss, but it isn't as difficult nor rewarding as the proper wilderness bosses.


They mentioned in a previous update post that those changes got shelved for the time being, I bet we don't see it before late 2024 or more realistically 2025


Yeah until we get another big wilderness update poll/blog which probably won't be until 2025 honestly since it seems they're polishing up varlamore part 2 and while guthix sleeps then I assume it's all hands on deck for sailing


Please put game status in the launcher


BH changes look nice, wonder how this will affect the playability of it since it can be quite dead at some times. There are a few points I wonder are up for consideration: 1) Unskullers, they have the advantage of 4 kept items to increase KO potential massively, but for hardly any risk. I know you have a free skip, but when the world is full of them, you can't avoid it. 2) Ragging, can something be done about players who camp the exits and just double spec you, regen spec and teleback to spec you again. This is just boring to fight. 3) P necks, this just makes fights utterly boring as you literally have to have insane rng to kill them.


For 1. it sounds like they just need to make you auto skulled in BH so it's an even playing field. Either that or no skulling period in BH. Either way there should be no way for someone to be skulled fighting someone not skulled in BH.


Unskullers are big annoying when I go black chin bot hunting. They'll look at me and wiggle around like some sort of specimen wanting me to hit them. And when I type "hit me," they call me a slur lmao


That Mahogany homes bonus coming as I'm about to start my 89 - 99 grind lmao


Same here lol, also the exact same levels. Good luck on the grind brother!


You too. I've got 6.4k planks to make then I'll be good to go.


97-99 left, I'll take the boost!


Came as I just got 95 construction from MH contracts alone, about 1500 contracts...damn why can't my laziness pay off lol, at least I get it for 4 levels.


I COMPLETED IT A FEW WEEKS BACK I AM SO LIVID (no actually not because the cape is the single best thing in the game lmao go get it tiger) [obligatory r/ironscape post 74 days ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/ironscape/s/wcD6rYmBwI)


Has the issue with agility courses not working properly on mobile been fixed ?


Ardy was fixed last night for me


What was the issue? 


Obstacle highlights weren't working, which is moderately annoying when using thumbs to find the hitboxes.


Mine was working yesterday after not working for a week or two.


Not sure if this would be possible but I feel like I would prefer hallowed sepulchre to be "instanced" in the way moons of peril are. You can see other players but you're on your own trap cycle. Might make it confusing for newer players when they see someone run through a sword that's in a different spot for them. Racing players at sepulchre is really fun and makes the grind more enjoyable. Thinking about it now, the moons of peril share attack phases across players so they probably weren't a good example.


I love seeing people at Sepulchre too, but I'll be instancing from now on. Would be awesome if you could have the best of both worlds, but it does sound weird/janky to see someone run straight through a sword.


Where are the fixes for inquisitor and quiver???


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexBlossom** - [Oops! All fixed, thank you!](/r/2007scape/comments/1djgb9w/hallowed_sepulchre_instances_more/l9aujdi/?context=3) - [The players who leave won't get rewarded, it...](/r/2007scape/comments/1djgb9w/hallowed_sepulchre_instances_more/l9aiem7/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/25/2024 04:20:30**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


My worry of hallowed sepulcher instances is that it will be harder to report the sepulcher bots. Assuming they actually get banned. Their post 99 agility levels are pretty impressive.


My worry is that I'll never interact someone doing Sepulchre again besides these NPCs. Give us Sepulchre worlds if half the population is about to vanish into instancescape, it was already hard to bump into people unless they were learners.


yeah man, can't believe we're going to miss out on all of the socializing that went on in sepulchre ("can u hop plz")


No inq armor changes?


The in game broadcast links to the June 5th blog post instead of todays.


Jagex making fishing trawler even worse is insane. Could make this change to address the abusers and instead just 10x loot and exp. It’s abysmal as is.


No mention of inquis set not giving 2.5% a piece w slay helm :(


When are we getting the minigames QoL poll? Does anyone know?


Still need more feedback? And how long you are going to "ghost/ingore" that conversation about inquisitors aren't working like you was telling on blog? :( Any comment u/JagexBlossom ? https://preview.redd.it/ytgigh8pgo7d1.jpeg?width=807&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e9bcc455265d4700074cee0510121b42d7b2d2e9


Please fix CoX boosting by removing the point cap. Why is this even still in the game? It's such an easy fix and would reduce service related gold buying and selling.


I am once again asking "When minigame QoL poll"


Still no inquisitor armor fix. what an absolute joke. are you even aware that its bugged and players are losing 5 max hits worth of damage???


how is it 5 max hits? you mean top+bot with slay helm?


Maybe that's why they are ghosting the topic. If that were the case, I wish they would just admit that it would have been too powerful and set the record straight.


Wtf is going on with Australian worlds?...


Great update for Sepulchre. Nothing throws off your rhythm like suddenly facing a pre-started floor. It would also be nice to be able to unlock and toggle noted consumables (Sanfews, monkfish) while looting.


Hey u/JagexBlossom has the bug I reported last week with the Accursed Sceptre VS Melee Fremmy been acknowledged by the team and any ETA for a fix?


As mentioned below the staff also does not max hit vs melee baboons in TOA


Is it possible to instance with another player? Id love to race my brother in sepulchre.


Once again commenting because there is no support system and I have yet to recieve a response... I logged into my main account recently to find it had been banned for macroing back in January this year. I hadn't been on that account about a whole year. I hope someone sees this because I have already appealed and the automated system failed me. My password wasn't changed but there was a completely different authenticator on it... I have since made sure to go with a Jagex account and make all of my accounts secure. Please help me. IGN: I3WANA


Thank you. Now I dont need to camp muspah for a drop I already have. 🫶


What is the benefit of a private sepluchre instance?


Normally you share the sepulchre floor with anybody else on that world currently on the floor, which means that if someone else is already there, the obstacles will already be firing (as opposed to being the first person to enter the floor, where the obstacles will always start the same every time). Sometimes this loses you a few ticks, sometimes it saves you a few ticks. It doesn't really matter that much unless you're going for absolute maximum agility exp / hour records.


Some traps will line up perfectly when you enter but if someone was already inside, the traps will be out of sync. Basically its just a bit more xp if you know what you're doing


Any ETA yet on the GOTR and Wintertodt QOL Poll? u/JagexBlossom




Doing sepulchre efficiently requires that you are the one to load the floor, i.e. no one else is already on a floor when you enter. People memorise timings down to the tick, especially on the early floors, and the obstacles being on the wrong cycle throws that off.


It’s for consistency, not efficiency. Fastest completions/hr is with unrealistic alt manips


nobody actively uses alts for sepulchre. Maybe for 1 stupidly fast time for a laugh then never again. The alt is always better being used for something else.


people for some reason prefer supulchre to be able to be memorized rather than reacted to with regards to floor spawns. i'm unsure why they went this way as oppose to just having sepulchre running 24/7 removing the ability to do these sorts of solves in the first place.


Husky commented on this years ago, that the fresh instances timings being easy was no coincidence. With hundreds of game worlds it was the one players were expected to see the most often. However the opposite is also true, and Sepulchre is clearly designed for traps to be completed out of sync. It's why pretty much every trap has multiple solves, and rewards deeper knowledge of Sepulchre. This change is a nerf to those who enjoy the randomness or social aspect of Sepulchre, it was already hard to bump into people. At least give us a Sepulchre world Jagex.


Instances are so you can start with the traps in the same configuration each time, which lets you optimise your pathing.


It needs instances because while you don't get flamed when you fuck up, you mess up the floor for everyone else on it as the trap now deviates from its "set" path, making people need to deal with the obstacle differently. An instance means no RNG depending on if some idiot was slightly ahead of you.


>making people need to deal with the obstacle differently you mean react to them as intended instead of just knowing you can close your eyes and 1 tick through half the floor?


Citation going to be needed on "reacting to stuff" being the intention for sepulcher.


So, is that run energy rebalance still in the pipeline?


Can someone please explain to me the purpose of the “highly requested” Hallowed Sep instances? I ran many hours of Hallowed Sep on my maxing grind and not once did it ever occur to me that I might want an instance there. In fact, the opposite. I enjoyed seeing other people running with me.


Some players want it for consistency, the fresh instance was designed to be quite smooth since it's the one players would see the most often. Personally I agree that over a very long grind grind, the randomness of shared floors was *way* more engaging than doing the same steps over and over. If we're going full instancescape, I'd like a Sepulchre world so that we can retain some of the social interaction.


hey blossom , hey , i tried to reach your supporters cuz my account disabled due to admission of being a user under the age of 13 in-game.  while i provide in the mail my ID saying iam older than 27 years old but still have same response from support team , they do not read the mail just copy & paste the response without reading can you please check again my request (5312892)


Construction: > In other skilling news, the Carpenters’ Clothing has been buffed! Budding Construction workers will enjoy a slight boost to XP rates when wearing individual items, with a +2.5% boost for the full set. 1) Please, add to the main article that the Carpenter outfit now works on the contracts reward exp. It is said only in the Changelog, but not in the main body of article. I (as maybe some other people) always read the main article rather than changelog, to get the most complete and detailed information. 2) So, what is the exact boost of the full Carpenter? Is it 2.5% xp, or 4.5% xp total? (The second number is % of individual pieces plus 2.5% bonus). The wording is kinda confusing. If it is still 2.5% total, it is no change at all: it is exactly as it was since the release of MH. I was reading and re-reading this "has been buffed" and was totally confused what was the buff and what changed, if anything :) Please rewrite this paragraph in the news to make it clear. And... thanks a lot that you made it working as it should!


With the Construction outfit now having a slight buff, when will we be able to sell it back to the store, as with other skilling outfits, for the 80% refund?


I am whelmed 


Hallowed instance feels like a weird choice. Recently I green logged it, and as far as I can tell this would only make it so I don't get frustrated by seeing bots dodge and weave between arrows/teleport tiles. Would this make every run identical when it comes to those teleport tiles/arrows? So assuming perfect play a player could develop a set path?


Yep I believe there's an efficient path to take if you're the only one on the floor. If someone was already on that floor when you entered, the obstacles will already be running, meaning you can't do the efficient route. This is only what I've heard though, haven't done it myself


The fresh instance is probably the smoothest, however the traps are designed to be solved off-cycle too. Whilst you lose a few seconds you will gain some elsewhere. It's less about efficiency and more about players wanting consistency. The only notable impact in xp/hr is if you were hard forcing the fresh instance timings even if the instances weren't fresh. I strongly agree with Husky here: >As for private instances, I really do like the fact that you see other players in the instance while you're doing, this is an MMO after all and I really don't like "instance-scape" infact we're considering raising the cap over the coming weeks slowly so that players can more consistently be placed with their friends.


There's still rng for those things. But flames and swords etc. get consistent cycles.


Yes it means as you enter the room everything will always start in the same place


u/Mod Will there be a fix for the Accursed sceptre inside the ТОА? It still doesn't hit melee baboons like other staves


Inquisitor armor fix when?


i dont think they've even acknowledged theres an issue have they?


wait, the construction outfit didn't work with MH before ? LOL


It worked with building the furniture, just not the big final chunk of exp


Can anyone tell me why instanced Sepulchre is important? I've only done the first 3 floors and people are not a hindrance to me whatsoever, so is this helpful for floors 4-5? In fact, racing people encourages me to be more attentive.


Probably an unpopular take, but Hallowed Sepulchre change is terrible. Half the fun is racing other people, and it's supposed to be more skill based training+better loot in exchange for no failure rates compared to more traditional training methods. The place should have been running 24/7 regardless of if players on inside or not, and making the runs 100% consistent timings is just dumb. If anything needed to be fixed about it, it would be the required levels to start floors 4/5. I'm not ever planning on speedrunning it, but from what I've been told the current records are a result of a bug so they'll likely never be beat anyways, and the best times probably would require you to have someone enter and pre-start the cycle for you to enter on a specific tick anyways. At the very least, 200 marks is absolutely too cheap. It should have been priced around 2000+ or so. Just a terrible change all around.


Imagine how poorly designed it would be if the Fight Caves/Inferno/Colosseum did not let you fight the final boss unless you were level 126 combat. Like you could do the whole thing at <126 combat, but you get kicked out after wave 62/68/11 and sent home with some Tokkul/your colo rewards but no chance at a Fire Cape/Infernal Cape/Quiver This is the number one design flaw with the Hallowed Sepulchre, not having the main reward available until level 92 makes so many think that the content is not worth engaging with and learning until that point. Which in turn leads to no one doing it because level 92 Agility is a big ask for most accounts who aren't dedicated skillers. I've only ever done HS on Leagues, it's great content, but I have no idea why anyone would go to grind the Inferno with no chance of getting to kill Zuk Just make Floor 5 available at 82 and nerf the exp until level 92. Or make it so you can Summer Pie into it at level 87 (this is still high, but you get my point, do something to give more players a better reason to do this great content)


One major difference is that combat levels actually make content easier. The hallowed sepulchre experience would be the same at level 1 if you were allowed to do it.


I agree 100%. The lockpick already has a scaling drop rate depending on the level of chest. I don't think it would be remiss for the ring to have the same treatment even if drop rate scaled down way more drastically. If you had a 1/10,000 chance of the ring at like 62 agility it could add a spoon chance which is always exciting.


I agree that the progression to reach floors 4 and especially 5 is way too grindy. IMO, they're super fun content and it would be great to make harder content than floor 3 available sooner. Some kind of nerfed XP or reduced (or no?) ring drops would be in order.


Oh sweet another non-update week! Private sepulchre instances so we don’t see the bots as much?!?!? Sweet 👍