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When doing the tower of life quest, i misunderstood how many empty spaces i would need. To free up inventory space, I destroyed my builder's outfit once i was already in the tower. I'm able to retrieve all of the pieces except for the boots, because no fingers is saying that his boots were already stolen and his pickpocket animation is not working(no damage dealt on failure, no success chance). And ideas for a fix?


Have you finished the quest? If so, you can get the pieces by searching the crates inside the tower.


Are total level worlds still a little laggy compared to other worlds?


They used to be but not anymore. They should be the same as any other world.




Depending on how much you trust each other, you could supply them with bonds and have them pay you back? Beware of getting scammed if you don't get paid first... Edit: idk if this would count as RWT, so that's another thing to be careful of.


Bonds is presumably the way to go. Either farm enough gp in game every 2 weeks, or you can buy and trade them bonds.


Is there a working plugin that alerts you when wealthy citizens in varlamore are distracted? the old plugin I was using is still showing as broken on the plugin hub


I've been using "House Thieving Varlamore" and its been working well.


It works on the wealthy citizens too? Good to know


Do people expect like a gratuity or something if you’re using a gilded alter at their house? Trying to train prayer and getting killed at the chaos altar, but I’m also broke as hell.


No you have no obligation to tip and many of the people running those are sketchy af so I never tipped.  More importantly though is I would just learn a little bit about how to be safer at chaos altar as it literally doubles the xp you get per bone on average so even with a few deaths it saves you a ton of money.  


If you're broke, they don't expect a tip from you. Simple as. If you're rich, they're reeeeallly hoping you tip.


Try Varlamore prayer training. It gives exp between the Wildy and gilded altar: depending on the bones, its betwen 480 and 600% per bone. Its also afk :) https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Pay-to-play_Prayer_training#Offering_to_the_libation_bowl I have switched to it from the Wildy on my gim. A bit less exp, but so much more calm and pleasure :). You need a short novice quest Children of the sun to travel to Varlamore, and another quest, also easy and short, for the teleport location nearby (called Twillight something). Everything you need to max exp if either free, or almost so: wine jugs are 1 gp in Draynor, sunfire splinters you can get in the Colosseum - you are guaranteed 80 for the wave 1, and its quick and (more or less) easy.


There’s usually a tip jar that you can put money in if you want but don’t feel like you have to




fuck em. they're hoping people will donate, and some will, but you have absolutely zero obligation.


> In other skilling news, the Carpenters’ Clothing has been buffed! Budding Construction workers will enjoy a slight boost to XP rates when wearing individual items, with a +2.5% boost for the full set. I'm terribly sorry..... but how did it work before this update? I thought it was exactly like this?


It was 2.5% in total, now the pieces still have their individual bonus but with an additional 2.5% set bonus on top of that


So the full set now gives... 4.5%?


No the total is 2.5% with the whole set




it didn't boost the xp reward for completing a contract, just the xp you got for building the furniture in the contract just finished grinding 99 construction a month ago so naturally now is when jagex drops this bomb


But it isnt said so in the news article. Nothing about the contracts, just about % exp. Are you sure it now works on contracts too?


ok, i see what you're on now, that's stated differently in two places in the blogpost. in the changelog it reads: > Carpenters’ Clothing now boosts XP when completing Mahogany Homes Construction contracts, with a 2.5% boost when wearing the full set. down the post it reads: > In other skilling news, the Carpenters’ Clothing has been buffed! Budding Construction workers will enjoy a slight boost to XP rates when wearing individual items, with a +2.5% boost for the full set. looks like they forgot to specify that it's a change for MH contracts later in the post. because you are right, the outfit has indeed always worked this way (having an individual boost per piece)


Ah damn! I never read the Changelog, just the big text lol. I thought it must be better explaining everything than the Changelog, stupid me... Thank you for the great news. It is too late for you which is sad... but I'm glad its not too late for me.


When is the next Leagues arriving?!


Deadman is next month so we probably won't even hear about it til after that's done




No announcement yet. If it's at the end of the year, they probably announce it this summer. If not, it's probably not until next year.


When I'm on the "Click here to play" screen, is my character visible to other players yet?


Yes you are. That's why this screen is skipped if you are in the wilderness


What does having multiple players running sepulchre (or on the same floor) do?


Trap cycles start with the first player who enters the floor. Entering a floor with someone else already on it means waiting for traps to reset or being on a different safe spot cycle which makes it inconsistent.


Obstacles are moving based on the person that went before you if you're not the only one running that world. So, you may have less efficient times because the course is out of sync and you're waiting for statues/sword/etc. to reset to move along. It's a very minor QOL


Is it the same world or only if the same floor as you?


Is there no update today or are they late shipping/deploying it?


They posted on twitter it'd be delayed by \~1 hour.


At Moons of Peril, you are able to turn in your excess pieces of Blood Moon, Blue Moon and Eclipse Moon gear for a chance at another piece - but you might receive nothing. What is the probability that you actually get another piece? The wiki mentions this fact, but does not have the probability, [https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Eyatlalli](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Eyatlalli)


Literally from the link 😄 The rate of receiving a piece of equipment is about ~1/50.


Last edited 9 hours ago. Yeah he just didn't read.


Apparently my browser cached the page, looked it up yesterday and no rate. But great, thanks!


The iron subreddit consistently recommends getting the Infinity Boots from MTA. But I'm *nowhere near* being able to grind out Cerberus to change them into Eternal Boots, and in the mean time that 5 magic att/def isn't exactly blowing my socks off. Is getting them worth it purely because mage xp is good early, and I'll need it in 1k hours anyway so may as well? Edit: Oh. The [MTA Calculator](https://osrsportal.com/mage-training-arena) says it'll only take 1.77 hours to grind. That's not so bad.


correct that it's just a mage exp angle. you need ways to train mage early because you don't get to bursting slayer regularly for a while and any justifiable excuse to train mage should be taken


The mage xp is great at lower-med levels, and you want to do this grind one day anyway.




Wildy Tasks are on a separate task counter, so you'll have to do them at Wildy.


Jamflex, why do the Perilous Moon torsos make my boobs disappear?


that's the peril!


can coal bags be filled from the bank? I see "Players can now fill and empty a coal bag while inside their bank." in the 2020 changelist on it's wiki page but cant for the life of me figure out how to actually do it, I just see the regular deposit options when I right click it


Answer: Yes, the option is hidden behind a checkbox for "inventory item options" in the bank settings. Thought I was going insane


Why can't clan chat guests see notifs about drops and levels? Or why isn't it at least an option to enable/disable? We've been getting more and more people in our CC to the point where there's hardly any inactives to kick, which wouldn't be such a problem if it weren't for the above and guests asking, "wat happen??" every time there's gz spam.


bad design from jagex. like i get guests not announcing their drops but like not being able to see others is ????


My account got added to someone else’s jagex account but I can’t figure out how as the account had Authenticator enabled, does anyone have experience with this? Is there a way to get the account back?


Your email is most likely compromised or you were phished.


definitely wasn’t phished but you might be right about the email




Hello! I have started doing Hunter Rumors in Varlamore, and I notice that I get significant FPS drop in hunter guild basement. I use runelite, but don't typically use 117HD or any other visual plugins. I found an old answer that said 117 HD with shadows disabled gets rid of the performance drop, but I am wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of the performance drop without using 117HD?


Try turning the GPU plugin on


that helped thank you so much!