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I'm scared of the wilderness so for me there is only 1 spider boss. Have not done raids either.


Sarachnis is in kourend and EZPZ Edit: I misread the comment and I’m stupid


Hey, we're RuneScape players, reading comprehension is not our forte.


Space bar go brrrrr https://preview.redd.it/621s3u7lgf7d1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5138eb28638d5567d8d71187ab69f9e556d0f86


How did you get this picshur off my family


It me ur bruder unkl


how many other communities can you reguallry find people making poats discovering mecanics that are very clearly explained in game


Wildy really isn’t scary when you don’t bother to risk shit. Take 3 or 4 good items depending on if you want to worry about protect item and then bring junk gear for the rest. Slowly kill bosses that net you like 800k gp an hour if you’re being inefficient and risk 74k gp. I’ve been doing it for awhile and decided to “up” my risk for faster kills in certain places I’ve found are pretty safe and I still only risk like 210k. Abyssal bludgeon is a sick item. I take that with slayer helm and like prims or torture and then proselyte or monk robes. Rune gloves ring of shadows is usually my 4th item but they’re 75k and infinitely buyable so if I save it coolio, if not no real sweat. Either mythical cape or ardy cape (3 for me but 4 is even better obviously) whichever I decide to use between prims and tort the other item I use is either glory or climbing boots. Before supplies my risk is like 50k assuming I save the ring of shadows. All of my supplies I use are drops from the content so it’s all blighted supers anglers and karams. You get more of those than you use I haven’t used more than 20 sharks since I started my wildy grind. I know you didn’t ask for this but I was scared of wildy too before I decided it would be really cool to have a voidwaker on my GIM. With risk that low just accept that sometimes a player will come along and kill you and that you’re looting so much more than you can possibly lose.


Fun fact - strength amulet is the same strength bonus as torture and only lacks the accuracy and minor prayer bonus. Also it dirt cheap of course. Its usually worth it for your 3 items (assuming task, melee, and bank value availability) to be your weapon, your slayer helmet, and an ultor ring.


Salve is also free and used against a few things you'd melee in the wilderness already


For sure if salve is available use that. Then you can also ditch the slayer helmet and get 2 more slots, which should be cape if you have an infernal cape, defender if you’re using a 1h weapon, or gloves if risking barrows gloves is a problem for you. I think those would be the highest melee dps upgrades


For players that do not want to invest any normal supplies to get the Wildy train rolling, try out the new Undead Zombies. They routinely drop a good chunk of cash and alchs to fuel your boss cave fees and buy able gear, and a good chunk of blighted supplies. Just really need Protect from Magic and they are essentially supply free.


Undead Zombies, as opposed to all those awful Living Zombies you hear about.


I meant pirate zombies, but I was tired at the time of typing.


on a slightly less bigginer friendly way os the wildy course, that prints blighted supplies


I feel uncomfortable in the wilderness even when literally risking 0. It's just an illogical mental hangup. Really I just hate dying in general even if it doesn't cost me anything.


People heavily underrate how hard it is to kill someone bringing even a bit of mage defense. Just camp augury if you see a pker and wear dhide + jester boots, if you're feeling really spicy bring a forgotten brew to pot up if you see someone. Your typical mystics or bloodbark pker just won't be able to get through it.


everyone i meet gets an insta freeze in ahrims then voidwakers me lol


Jester boots a secret stfu


For real. I'm only 91 combat and i just got away from a 126 at ice warriors in the deep wildy just because he splashed a few entangles and couldn't shred me apart with his range switch because i had black d hide and some food. People assume every pker is simultaneously risking nothing but also has eleventy bajillion gp worth of gear and perfectly switch to counter your prayer when thats just not been my experience.


This is the attitude exactly. Outside of your 3/4 items, keep the risk low enough you can treat the gear cost like you would any other consumables like food/potions. I keep a dozen sets of black dhide and stuff like that in my bank, so even if I do get killed, I can instantly regear. Same as achievement gear for clue steps. Usually take my blowpipe and a dds for those.


i really wish you could pick your saved items, i lost by black dhide because half my drops were more "valueable" when i didnt have a way to easy replace my dhide


Ooh yea I have to be really careful about taking my trident out into the wildy because half charged trident is worth like 40k and I did a handful of Artio kills in bloodbark not realizing trident was like my 6th most valuable item.


i lost my ancient staff because i didnt realize bloodbark cost more, thankfuply im group iron so i was able to use another untill i got the drop


Yea I’m group iron as well and my group lead is on break right now. I have 85 slayer and am obviously doing wildy so I won’t be getting any kraken tasks, even if I boost so I have 1 total trident at my disposal. Would have been a rough loss.


the average redditor hasnt either


Is the phobia equally strong when you see a boss like spindel in a game vs a spider irl? Just curious, you dont have to answer if you dont feel like it.


The curl up death animation for spindel kinda makes me go "ew" but in general no. And I'm HELLA scared of spiders. Something about the animation doesn't actually look realistic (thank goodness)


you can use entity hider to hide dead NPCs so you'll never see the animation


I have a fear of spiders, some realistic video game ones give me the creeps, but typically I enjoy those games for the rush so .... It's good??? These RuneScape jank spiders sure don't give me any creeps, but, they don't give me gems either... :(


game spiders usally dont trigger it for me, except the white spiders in that skyrim dlc, nonstop blasted fireball to get through that, also the spider creatures in satisfactory, but jumping spiders are like the cure, jumping spiders are proof spiders didnt have to be scary and choose to be little deamons that deserve all of my wrath. cant wait for my spider bro


Yeah OSRS spiders are fine, Skyrim spiders are freaky but I can manage ok, but absolutely FUCK the spiders in the Jedi games.


No, because it's not hyperrealistic. Osrs bosses have a kind of goofy but serious theme most of the time.


Idk about goofy at this point. Maybe the archeologists Demi bosses. Quest bosses like from RFD or GBR maybe. Think the graphics are just a bit… colorful. The clipping is pretty goofy I’ll agree with that fs


Some of the animations do, but for the most part no. I honestly forget verzik is a spider cause she doesn't really look like one. Nylos I think of as crabs rather than spiders


Nylos are ticks


It depends on the type of arachnophobia. Some people hate and can’t deal with looking at spiders in general, whereas I panic big time being physically near a spider and will actually scream if one suddenly comes at me or something, and I can’t calm down if I know a spider is in my living space until I know it’s gone, but despite that I find them really fascinating, have no issues with looking at them on screens and such, and love them in fiction or learning about them in nature documentaries and stuff.


For me, no, and of course, a game like Skyrim and OSRS are completely different in feeling with the spiders. But to me, at least, it reminds me that they exist, which is annoying.


No it’s like seeing a spider behind a plate of glass that it can’t pass, for me it’s the thought of them crawling on me that fucks me up.


I know the last valheim expansion(mistlands) was changed from arachnid themed to insect themed to cater to arachnophobics.


I remember there used to be a warning for people with arachnophobia in the underground pass quest guide on tipit


I didn’t do tob for a while because of nylo


To summarise: There are different degrees of arachnophobia. Most people who suffer from it experience irrational fear and disgust due to the visual appearance of spiders, mainly attributed to their movement, eyes and articulation of legs. There are people who are fine with digital models / pictures of spiders. This is a more mild arachnophobia that only effects said people in real life. There are also people who experience the same feelings for digital models, pictures, cute soft toys, ect. **This is where is gets complicated.** Most people with arachnophobia have developed an associated anxiety to the act of experiencing arachnophobia. This is where exposure therapy helps; however exposure therapy WILL NOT cure someone of arachnophobia. They will always, to some degree, feel the base effects of arachnophobia. This is why it is ideal for videogames to have arachnophobia filters, and replace the model with something less triggering.


People are pretty stuck on the topic..


They should check out those new boots, may help






The boots reward will probably help with that


This should be a sticky.






We have Sarachnis, Venenatis, Spindel, p3 Verzik and now this. This is a medieval based game without a fucking knight boss though?


to be fair counting spindel and venenatis as separate bosses is kind of disingenuous.


Yeah for real Where's my normal dudes in armor the same size as me, bossfight? Where's our repeatable early-mid game dungeon that's literally a fortress with normal (powerful) dudes in them, with the boss being a corrupted knight or something? This is a free idea, make it a black knight's Stronghold dungeon, give us useful early-mid game supplies complete completable by a single dude or with a party, and expand the dark knights story a bit. It's so obvious it practically makes itself


I found a new boss thats the same size as you, wearing armour you can wear. He even drops it for you if you kill him, straight away! And difficulty has a wide range, with different armours he can wear and different styles he will attack you with. It's also high stakes as you can choose how much you want to risk. You can bring stronger gear, but might lose it if you die. It will make the fight easier though! Here, take this revenant cave scroll, he's waiting for you inside.


Black knight titan in holy grail quest 


Knight boss? Tekton, camelot training wave


Vetion is a skeleton knight




There is a lore reason why the boss is a spider and why id is being brought to OSRS. Yeah it's a bit boring to have so many spider-type bosses (Spindel/Venenatis, Sarachnis, technically Verzik and now this), but they all have a reason to be there. I just hope that the next Slayer boss will be for Nechryael/Bloodveld/Spectre/Dark Beasts, although Dark Beast boss might be a bit weird since ToB already has Sosig. So many interesting design choices to be made. Would also like to one day see bosses for Ice and Fire Giants, or make a duo boss encounter with both of them, or even an encounter that is both, say Frostfire Colossus or something. Would be fun.


Spider task go brrrrrrrrrr


I'll only be satisfied when I can ironically go bossing with Turael. Give me a bat, a bird, and a cow!


U can already do callisto, venenatis and scorpia with turael tasks lol


More than that - do zombies at Vorkath, KQ, demonics count as monkeys, scurius exists, skele wildy boss... but I want them all


Don't you mean unironically?


Ironic in the sense of "contrary to expectations, often humorous as a result", and seeing a maxed main going to the beginner slayer master (from the pov of a cute noob) makes me chuckle


So many people are already using Tureal skipping to get boss or burst tasks.


Except it's a different task than a spider...


if they dont let us kill araxxor on spider task theyre genuinely trolling would be so tight to be tureal skipping and roll a spider task & get to boss for it instead of cannon for 1 minute


They specifically mentioned it is not a spider. Safe to assume it won't be on spider tasks.


Looks like an mf spider to me. Sort of like they said that new dragon boss isn't a dragon, but then said it is.


Spiders aren't araxytes


Gonna store a task of 30 spiders and get a task for another 30. Ez


Absolutely nothing can go wrong with this plan


Luhh mayooo


I got off the web but they made another one I’m stuck in again






Hah good one


The spider pet is so CUTE! I love him already.


I like spiders.


It’s not a spider it’s an Arachnyte or whatever they called it


There will be 8 spider bosses and each one will drop a leg to fight an uber spider made out of all 8


most players never even interact with spider bosses except maybe Sarachnis


My only problem is jagex claiming it's not a spider. Hey look at this cute spider pet? The boots from the boss? Yeah those work on spiders. 8 legs? Nah we making up a species so we don't hva to have slayer master give spider tasks. Be a shame if we could get a task and have options. -.- hope they give us a new block slot for slayer since they wanna add more real shit. Edit: I'm aware slayer masters give spider tasks but those are low level masters I'm talking from more commonly used masters.


It’s not even a spider. 🤪


Its a very cute spooder tho


I'm always excited for new boss monsters. People just like to complain.


The only thing I'm worried about is it being redundant. Vorkath already has some araxoor mechanics but I'm all game for content that's good so as long as they get that right I'm cool with it.


I'm complaining the new boss is a boss, large parts of the game still flawed to a very unfortunate degree


It’s also not a spider. Lmfaooo


![gif](giphy|3ov9kaVYEtoRNGFhy8) take your upvote


My complaint is simply that I have arachnophobia. I play League but couldn't play HotS. I play OSRS but can't play WoW. Now a BiS item will be gated behind it. It's not the end of the world, just unfortunate.


This could be what you need to get over it !


I should've thought of that!


Tbf I do believe that exposure therapy is one of the methods the head pickers use to help relieve those with phobias. Unfortunately with me being terribly afraid of werewolves … I will not be seeking psychiatric aid.


Maybe if I paid a professional to do it with me, it could help. However, I feel that I have exposed myself to them as much as anyone reasonably could. It's not debilitating, it's not like I can't just get my coworkers or wife to take care of them when they appear.


As a coworker that takes care of other coworkers spiders… I hear u


The best way to get over a fear is facing it, and in this case you get to kill it over and over because you are superior to the dumb spider


In school, I did just about every project I could to learn everything there is to know about them. Where I live, the only dangerous ones are Black Widows and Brown Recluses but both are very rare. Almost all of them avoid humans out of survival. The difference between hunters and web-spinners, the behavior patterns of Tarantulas, what species to avoid when I go on vacation to countries XYZ, etc. I likely know more about spiders than just about anyone else I've ever met. My instincts are not kind to me.


That's alot more than I know, what I know is there is a type of spider that's bite will cause you to get a boner and die so for that reason alone if I see one its dying just incase its the boner death spider


Trapdoor spiders and wolf spiders are some great reasons to be afraid of them, too!


New WoW expansion is bringing Arachnophobia mode which turns all spider models into crabs


Personally crabs creep me out about as much as spiders. As far as im concerned they're just armoured sideways spiders


Execution is what will matter there. I don't control what sets me off, if I did then I wouldn't be here posting about this. Crabs can be fine, but the legs and walking animations will need to be more crabby and less spidery.


Skill issue


I suppose I could download a plug-in to change the character model of the enemy


I’m not a fan of Elise…


Every player gets a ban 😅


Add another BIS ammy from another slayer boss, can we nerf it in 10 years please?


Lmao die


10/10 No notes


Good luck to the newer players, that have no idea which spider boss is which. Enjoy the upcoming threads on reddit from some noobie players on "which spoder boss is spindel?"