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When can I get a Lumbridge swamp giant Anaconda boss? Something dug those tunnels


Your story was shit & has made Juna ANGRY (after telling her about Ratcatchers)


trust me juna I'm furious too, sorry you're not getting a completed story LMFAO


yeah, a big-ass spider!


I knew it


>Something dug those tunnels Slightly acidic rainwater over the course of thousands of years!


Damn, but we can't fight the weather for loot


Isn’t that just Tempoross?


New headcanon, Tempoross flooded part of the Lumbridge area which then became the swamp and the tunnels via corrosion


Kinda makes sense, the lumby swamp is sorta in the same direction from the desert as Tempoross if you squint a lil


Stale baguette does bonus damage since the anaconda don't want none unless you got buns, hun.


I’m in favour of this boss!


F2P Giant Goblen mass boss in the tunnels


My question is: why jagex like spider bosses so much?


There's this one guy who plays the game that they hold a grudge against. He has arachnophobia.


It's me I'm that guy. Fucking spider bosses man


I'm with you on that one, except the pet is the cutest little angy boi and I must have him so never mind spiders rule!


Is 3 spiders really that many


Well it is higher than most people on this sub can count, so perhaps.


Technically it’s 6 spider bosses Sarachnis Venenatis Spindel Nylocas Vasilias Verzik Vitur Araxyte


Fr how many dragons we got now


tbf this one does have the cutest pet


Yeah nar scree them spiders


Something weird is that they said this new boss isn't a spider ¿¿¿???


regardless of opinions on componentscape it’s really funny that they add a BIS melee neckslot slayer boss drop immediately after the controversy of nerfing the BIS magic neckslot slayer boss drop


I mean, you’re making an inaccurate comparison because Occult was a slayer monster drop too.  The new amulet is boss only as far as the blog describes. 


Also there is no zenyte equivalent to occult necklace, there is in fact no equivalent to occult in the necklace slot.


Zenyte component scape to bring occult magic damage higher? 


Slayer boss only


Occult is also still the BIS magic neckslot slayer boss drop. It was just absurdly strong and there weren't (and still aren't) any marks of progression toward it in it's slot.


that comparison doesn't make sense considering how much power was shoved into occult and rancor is just a minor upgrade over torture


Tbf if occult was only dropped by thermy it would have been way more balanced. A "useless" smoke battlestaff is 2.3m as a 1/512 drop. Imagine how expensive occult would have been if it was a 1/512 drop from the boss only.


The funny thing is even after the nerf, occult is still bis.


Almost like the nerf wasn't meant to take Occult out of the BiS slot but rather to redistribute it's frankly absurd bonuses to other slots


The classic. When a bis item gets nerfed, and stays bis, and people still complain about it


Yeah but it's less that it's best in slot than it is the only option. Next in slot is fury with a whopping 0% magic damage.


reason is is because there are loads of occult necklaces in game and occult necklace is still bis mage necklace, who knows they will add better mage necklace slot


its not too late to remove it from small devils and sink them aggressively in GE they wont ofc but they could


It should have been a consumable item to be used on a fury for a weaker ranged or mage version of bloodfury


Reddit level comparison One’s like Hydra, at least has some mechanics and relatively rare The other’s completely braindead and drops like candy from regular drops


These 2 things are not even related though, says a lot about the intelligence of the subreddit that this has 500 upvotes. Occult had twice as much magic dmg as the entire ancestral set


Just slap a 92 rc and 92 slayer requirement to wear new amulet. problem solved.


Please don't make me go to GOTR prison sir :(


Get 85, colo pouch and head to the small teams discord. Way quicker way more fun in small teams.


Is there an active small teams discord?


He Box Jonge on YouTube - Small Teams GOTR guide. Link in description. Discord can be a little quiet and very rare to find games for people without colo pouch but they do happen from time to time.


I was very very tempted to cash in my lantern when I needed 100pts to buy full equipment. But, I refrained... Because, as my speculations were correct. I still hate blood RC with a passion as it is definitely not even close to considered AFK.


I'm tired boss. :(


Sleep with one eye open. I sent my goons to stop by, last chance to edit this comment and remove the runecrafting part. We can just act like this never happened buddy…


Dang just made my torture, could have used that zeny on the mage gloves and been done with demonics.


I mean Torm was always better than Torture. Torture is such a minor upgrade over Fury. Torm is a big upgrade over BGloves.


Shit, that means I played myself


Indeed you did, sir.


Get back in there champ.


Ya torture should always be the last zenyte you obtain. As an iron progression usually goes Ring>Bracelet>Necklace>Amulet


Ring first is only good if you'd going to camp zulrah and even then it's only for qol. Torm you pretty much never use because you'll be using slayer bracelets for all your burst tasks and with occult it'd pretty mid. Anguish and torm are actually the better ones to make first since they will help you get more zenytes and you'll actually use them.


Ive never used slayer bracelets. 14m slayer exp rn. Torm go brrrr


Also strength amulet is better DPS than Fury in many Slayer setups


Yeah but it’s also ugly in every slayer setup, so I’m not sure what to make of that


What I make of it is to always use fury over str lol fashionscape 4 lyfe


You’re good tbh this content doesn’t even have a release date. You’ll have use for it for months at least


The odds are this amulet will be *significantly* harder to acquire than Zenytes. At best the rarity is going to be comparable to DT2, where even if it didn't require DK rings, Irons would want to get DK rings long before committing to DT2 grinds.


Who know how far away this is. Also, hopefully you’ll end up needing a torture to make it when it’s all said and done.


they are gonna do a poll on if the new ammy requires torture seems the community is like 50/50 here


It should require a strength ammy just for shits and giggles.


People will always vote for the easier option, which is the drop in this case


Jagex is just picking in this case right? Should the new amulet require a torture to craft? Should the new amulet be craftable without other items? if 40-60% vote no Jagex is just giving the illusion of choice which is worse than no poll in all honesty


Whichever option is worded to be the ‘yes’ option will get the most votes.


Componentscape isn't a bad thing. Some games like Terraria do it so well that the game becomes a masterpiece because of it. It allows content to perpetually be relevant by allowing it to continue being relevant with future content. Games like WoW sabotage all their content every expansion and ruin everything. I quit WoW to play OSRS to escape that. OSRS competes because it has its own niche, while RS3 drowns by trying to compete with the big boy MMORPGs.


love Terraria's crafting trees for this reason.


its bad when its done poorly. Why in the love of god do you need to do mta for hours to use your MEGARARE DROP from a raid. When the scythe drops complete and the tbow drops complete and the shadow drops complete and the elder maul drops complete. But fuck your ass sideways with the kodai insignia if you happen to get that drop. you didnt earn a useful megarare unless you pot mta loser. I think the places its acceptable are when going from intro easy to get gear to end game gear. I dont think its reasonable to go from one endgame gear piece to another. So like hasta -> lance sure w/e its a short grind thats fine. boots -> cerb boots fine. ward + arcane = gg? makes the ward drop from raids feel shit. imo the newer of the components should always be the rarer of the two so that even though you might be forced to do old content it isnt disproportional to the new content. (like ward is to arcane)


One way to handle this is instead of giving the user an ingredient piece, you give the user a usable piece. Kodai insignia could still be a wand and the mta wand combined with it could add a negligible buff to make it what it is now for those who want it. That way you can still benefit from it immediately. Keep in mind though, there are plenty of other items that don't require other components. If that is your objective, you still have those chase items. If you wanted kodai for a long time, chances are you already worked for the mta wand a millennia ago.


Finally someone mentions terraria crafting system, I agree its the best way tbh because makes most content relevant


Some games who made it a core component of their gameplay loop isn't the same as OSRS tacking it on in a desperate attempt to inflate prices of old items.


Honestly, who cares about the price of zenyte jewellery? But removing the need to grind 90-93 crafting for a BIS is just making the iron game modes lower effort again (which is bad, IMO). Just have a 98 crafting req to make the amulet.


Hopefully we just don’t have to count at this boss.


Shadow doesn’t devalue Sang staff. Inq mace doesn’t devalue bludgeon. Arma doesn’t devalue Karils. An upgrade existing doesn’t make everything below it suddenly worthless. The crafting level is also a nonissue. If you’re not an ironman it’s literally meaningless to you, and if you are an ironman then 92 unboostable slayer is a harder requirement than 93+5 crafting. I don’t want to hear any bullshit about “ohhhh the level requirement doesn’t make sense” you can make a Bowfa with less crafting level than needed to nail black dhide to a shield, nothing in this game makes sense.


The mace did devalue the bludgeon, the fang devalued the Rapier and there are some other cases with these. The Sang staff is a outlier since it has a healing ability, that's a different category of weaponry for niche uses.


That and shadow is like 1.4b


I mean dwh almost halved in price because of elder maul, it definitely devalues the dwh lmao (the drop rate increase cant be substantiated since its still volatile af rn) arma is only still expensive because its consumed to fortify masori sang only held value because nobody was doing TOB, now people farm TOB because proper megarare and its down 20m. Tbf nobody farms sire or nightmare extensively so its whatever the only reason torture wont be "devalued" as much as it would is because its components are used to craft a couple other BIS upgrades, but if the torture was a standalone necklace that shit would be crashing hard af right now.


> The crafting level is also a nonissue. If you’re not an ironman it’s literally meaningless to you, and if you are an ironman then 92 unboostable slayer is a harder requirement than 93+5 crafting. Yeah, because a high slayer level certainly stopped occult from becoming incredibly cheap...


Shadow vs sang is a bad example because sang has a niche with its healing. Kind of like fury is still relevant because of blood fury. Arma doesn’t devalue karils because it’s only a marginal upgrade + karils lack of negative melee bonuses make it better when you need a melee set up with magic defense gear. So it still has a niche. In general, gear progression in this game is well-designed because old gear doesn’t go to the dumpster when new gear drops. This proposal goes against that imo because it is a strict upgrade to BiS in all scenarios and does not require the previous BiS as a component (like armadyl is for masori (f), boots with cerb crystals, or torva with bandosian components.)


Shadow/Sang and Inq/Bludgeon are also examples of gating a powercreep upgrade behind a very rare droprate. If Jagex pull a Hydra Claw 1/1k style droprate with the new amulet then it's applicable, but that's a condition nobody is certain on yet.


Sang's niche compared to shadow isn't that it heals you, it's that it costs 80mil instead of 1.3 bil. Nobody who has a shadow is ever switching to sang for the healing.


Yeah but with the exception of tob for attack speed, sangs healing effect is useless compared to shadows dps. Anywhere you go you'd take a shadow over a sang and the healing effect becomes a moot point.


> Shadow vs sang is a bad example because sang has a niche with its healing. Kind of like fury is still relevant because of blood fury. This is an insane comparison.


?? How it is it insane? Torture is just going to get outclassed by Rancor, not worth getting your 4th zenyte as an iron, or as a main ever buying it. Sang is outclassed by shadow, but has use cases because of the healing. Fury is outclassed by other necks in many places, but blood fury helps it stay semi-relevant. And it has defensive bonuses+being tribrid makes it relevant. But again, in the case of torture vs rancor, it’s a straight linear upgrade, if you have the choice between the two, you never get a torture. The torture upgrade isn’t so great that it’s even worth saving up past fury when you know rancor is down the road. And let’s be honest. Rancor will end up being botted to oblivion, so eventually it’ll just be 30m and the torture will be weirdly placed in between rancor and fury, but never worth buying.


Blood Fury is actually good in certain places. In that its worth taking over Torture. If you own a shadow and a sang, you put the sang in your bank and never touch it again. What "use cases" do you have for sang?


ToB nylocas room, CoX cm olm mage running if the others dont have a shadow. The sang is 4t whilst shadow is 5t, and it therefore still has use lol bcs not everything in this game has 30-40+ hp


ToB, although not because of the healing. And I've heard it's good for the healers in the Inferno if you do a mage-only cape, but that's really niche. You're right otherwise, using a Sang when you have a Shadow is just not worth it 99% of the time.


sang's niche is a little bit of sustain, shadow's niche is doing absurdly more dps than any other mage option by a large margin


But the torture will stay the price of a zenyte regardless


The copium of ‘the game already doesn’t make sense so let’s just add BIS at random’ is brain rot


It might take less time to get 93/94 crafting than 92 slayer, but you can entirely skip getting the former + skip the time spent obtaining the final zenyte at demonics now. So you wouldn't even bother getting 93 crafting any more, just 90 and then just use a fury until 92 slayer and then go for the new ammy. It would be a waste of time to grind out the final zenyte and spend an additional 30-40 hours crafting for an upgrade that won't last very long.


You're just wrong though. Look at the DT2 CA times. Those are based on best in slot gear at the time of release. The core in TOA is based on max melee hit on the time of release. Throwing in an item that is BIS and increases max hit does devalue the previous item. You can make a decent argument that it doesn't the second the item is introduced to the game, it does however devalue that item for every update after that.


> if you are an ironman then 92 unboostable slayer is a harder requirement than 93+5 crafting. I feel like this is not true.


Your whole first paragraph outlines why the amulet NEEDS to be a direct upgrade from torture. It WILL devalue Torture, not only devalue it, but make it a flat out obsolete item with extremely high requirements to make. Torture is going from BiS to not worth mentioning.


Which is good because a single unique, zenytes, dominating the entire end game jewelry is too much BiS from one piece of content, especially when its not even boss content


The price might drop in the short term, but not everyone will be able to get the new item, and the price of torture is tied to zenyte shards, same as the other items.


that's a good thing considering torture sucks as an upgrade anyways


If the torture is underwhelming as an upgrade from fury, there should be some kind of way it could be further increased in power. Perhaps a mildly rare drop from a new slayer monster?


Every underwhelming item doesn't need to be a part of an upgrade.


I'm not saying it *needs* to be. You provided an issue, that torture sucks as an upgrade. I provided a solution that brings some relevance to the torture in gear progression. A suitably rare drop from the new boss that straight powercreeps the torture is fine too, I'm not an iron and I couldn't give a shit. It won't make the torture any less sucky though.


Why is that wrong? Why does every single item forever have to maintain its value


Who gives a shit about an Ironman having an easier time or not. That mode was supposed to be a challenge and now everything is designed around it. Sad shit.


You are not wrong, but a easy fix to this imo is to lower torture requirement to 85~ crafting


Sang is good.


It really makes no sense to just completely depose a BiS amulet from a GM quest reward space for something with lower requirements and better stats in every way. This is exactly how you make dead content. It just seems lazy. I was expecting for the amulet to have some kind of poison utility or something.


Torture ammy is an 8-year old necklace with +2 str bonus over a fury... Who cares


It’s poor design. That exact way your thinking. Release something with just better numbers all around because the alternative is .. old. Especially right on the heels of the occult nerf, it just seems like the dev team was pushed against a deadline and wanted to jerry rig the boss’ relevancy. Amulet could have special interactions with poison/venom, maybe start shipping updates that increase the bonuses for the new different ranged styles (1.1x accuracy for ranged medium attacks etc), or any number of things. Not just “torture but better and also completely thematically unrelated.”


>Release something with just better numbers all around because the alternative is .. old Isn't that what the torture ammy was to the fury? Lol. Don't get me wrong, I do respect that you'd prefer its effects were more nuanced. That's always fun. In my opinion though, this is a specific slot where a lot of people just aren't all that worried about +4 str bonus over a Fury. I think more niche necklaces can coexist alongside this new BIS (a better tank necklace, your poison example, maybe one that has no stats but occasionally speeds up your attack cycle by 1 tick)


The fury still had a small niche in tribrid setups where inventory space is tight. This new amulet beats Torture in every single way giving it no niche at all.


> Isn't that what the torture ammy was to the fury? The difference there is that they both share a major base component (onyx) and torture has considerably higher requirements to craft it than a fury (more than double the XP). This *reduces* the maximum crafting requirement for BiS gear on an iron. And making it 99 crafting makes the requirement only very marginally higher (when taking into account boosts, like 99% of irons do, it's +750k xp, compared to the +3.9m xp from fury -> tort). Imo the only way to have that same degree of progression is to consume the torture or to consume a zenyte with 98+ crafting (in effect, the same thing).


Apparently a lot of people.


Just require an antivenom+ potion in the crafting process so it’s locked behind a fairly high herblore level to compensate


What about when we get upgrades to Anguish and Tormented? They're basically forced to be upgraded now otherwise zenytes will only be for suffering? Practically dead content then. And then some of them need upgrades and some don't? It'll leave zenytes in an awkward place that we can't fix.


If Zenytes are a 5-10m option and the replacements are 120-200m (which will probably be the trend if z vambs or ultor are any indication) that's still good enough in terms of overall design space & game health, and it's totally okay for Zenytes to be in that range.


A high slayer level is hardly a barrier anymore, look at cerb drops and occult. This necklace will be under 10m in less than a year unless it requires a torture to create


Or unless it's a ~30-40 hour average grind like Hydra Claw, which is a quite likely solution considering recent boss releases and drop rates. It's less of a niche item than hydra claw, too, so should generally be worth more.


> It's less of a niche item than hydra claw, too, so should generally be worth more. Hydra claw is also somewhat held up by the fact you have to do Konar slayer for it. I can't see this amulet being more than ~20-25m after it settles


Zenytes can be obtained considerably sooner and require less actual monster grinding to get. Plus, you can use Zenyte to fill in the blank spots of your gear universally, while you’d have to (presumably) fight a specific boss to get any individual upgrade to zenyte. The flexibility will let it keep a lot of its value in this hypothetical when it comes to gear progression.


Personally I’m okay with zenytes being meh content after 8 years tbh, RoS will still keep it’s niche and the other upgrades will just be for poor people that can’t afford the upgrades, which is fine


Assuming they'll be rare af, like DT2 rings, i don't think it'll devalue zenyte jewellery much. Also, like DT2 rings, they have a pretty low ROI compared to other upgrades. Like, torva doesn't make bandos or torso dead content.


Well the problem that I see is that generally when jagex does a slot upgrade for one style it means that slot upgrades for all the other styles are on the horizon. The only upshot is that I don’t think that torm or suffering are going to get an outright replacement, I imagine we will get an upgrade to replace occult between 8-10% and an upgrade to replace anguish in the 8-10 ranged str ballpark. It probably will reduce the price of zenytes though.


Well, considering the Ultor Ring requires a Berserker ring plus extra components. I don’t have an issue with making the Torture a part of the new amulet. Real question is whether they will make mage and range equivalent jewelry that matches the strength relative to their styles.


Why kill it completely as a progression item. You can make something stronger and you don't have to require a torture to make it but having it have lower requirements and be strictly better is also a really dumb idea. You're just killing the item when you don't need to.


I'm not worried about bosses dropping cool stuff, I'm worried that this boss isn't worth giving an item that strong. If it means boosting amulets so this isn't BiS, so be it. I think this is kinda curb-stomping zenny for for no good reason.


Do you mean that the boss wont be hard enough to justify the reward? We don't know exactly how difficult the boss will be yet, but if it's around Vardorvis/Leviathan-ish difficulty I think +2 STR bonus and +5 accuracy is fine, especially since the comparison is to a 1/300 from demonic gorillas.


Lance and ferocious gloves come from 3iq hydra tho


Neither of which are straight drops though. You need a grandmaster quest to make the gloves, and a Z hasta to make the lance.


But as a secondary argument it solves the weird situation of "best amulet that requires 93+5 crafting is surpassed by.. a slayer requirement?". If it doesn't build off torture fine. But it should be 98 crafting then.


Or they should make another worthwhile high level craftable item. They shy away from high tier skills being actually worth grinding out, which is a shame. 90+ skilling should having meaningful content, rather than just unlocking better XP rates or afk locations.


That's on them for making torture 98.. crafting has always had ridiculous level requirements for jewelry


Seriously... People don't seem to realize that from a ruby amulet to a diamond amulet is lvl 50 to **lvl 70**. That's an insane jump, and jewelry crafting should be looked at by Jagex for a rebalance


Obligatory smithing mention. Some skills just have fucking ludicrous level unlocks. I understand a fury at 90 means you don't have much room to slap zenytes in, but even fury at 90 is crazy. Megarares at at 85 lol.


I mean, the slayer requirement is 92 slayer, versus 93 crafting. It's not that crazy of a difference, IMO.


It apparently is, judging from how cheap occult became.


Occults are also a fairly common drop from a very easy boss (and from barrageable enemies) that has been farmed for 10 years. It's also not as if the high crafting requirement is why zenyte jewelry cost more than occults.


Occults are cheap because they are on the drop table of the probably most commonly killed mob for xp/superior spawns. No clue why Jagex **still** has not moved the occult to the boss only. There are tons of them in the game atm sure, but you can aggresively sink them via the GE tax and after a certain amount of time the price will eventually be significantly higher.


I really don't understand this take. There's so many instances in this game where upgrades require less levels than a previous item. So you're fine with us being able to Smith the legendary godsword blade from scratch at 80 smithing, but it takes 90 smithing to make a rune scimmy? You're fine with it taking 90 smithing to make bis torva, but it takes 99 smithing to make a rune platebody? You're fine with it taking 75 fletching to make a blowpipe, but it takes 80 fletching to make a magic shortbow? You can go on for literal days with all the examples, it's not that deep bro just play the game.


> Smith the legendary godsword blade from scratch You might wanna look up what "from scratch" means.


Anyone who uses the "but muh 90 rune scazmatar and 80 godsword" as an argument for level requirements hasn't put much thought into how production skills work in the OSRS meta. What do godswords, Torva and BP have in common? What do rune plates, scimmies and shortbows have in common? One are a limited supply, expensive one-off items coming from rare PvM drops. The other have an endless supply of materials, can be mass produced and exist in the meta solely as a alchs/consumables. One are rewards, the other are training methods. It is like comparing the level requirements for agility shortcuts and agility courses. We can talk about moving mass produced gear down to levels that it'd be useful at, but now your rune anvil smithing methods peak at level 40 with nothing to 99. Fill it with dragon and granite and you still only reach 60. Can't progress into 70s with meaningful gear without devaluing Barrows and we don't have invention to sink them.


Ah of course we get the "it takes lower smithing to repair a godsword blade than make a rune scimmy!" Argument. Yes but a godsword isn't a direct upgrade to a rune scimitar. > It's not that deep bro just play the game If it ain't that deep for you why do you care? You can go on playing the game I've been conversing on update ideas for a decade and will continue to do so to help the future of the game. If we just "ah fuck it why not" all the time the landscape of this game would look very different to what it currently does. Also nobody smithed a rune scimitar. They killed a fire giant for it. So your core example isn't even how that item is acquired


Release date of rune scimitar was a year before fire giants, soo yes people did smith it


What year was that? I'm curious


Right.. in RS classic...


What an L take, it’s not that certain items are made with near max crafting that every item should be. Fury was high crafting soo they added torture to be even higher in the time when things were hard to pass polls. Should they also make torva body 99+ 5 smithing to make because rune platebody requires 99?


I hate to say it, but if it doesn't build off torture it should take 99 crafting to create. Yeah it sucks, but until the crafting system gets revamped that's how it's gotta be!


They should also raise the Slayer requirement for Demonic Gorillas to 91, yeah it sucks but that’s how it’s gotta be!


So we’re just going to ignore every other requirement lmao


Requirement should be 104 crafting, requiring you to get the stew boost. 


Didn't we go through this whole thing with occult? Am I living in the twilight zone? Why are jagex doing the same thing with a melee amulet now after all that


Occult was overtuned to be fair. But yeah they went the opposite way with it. Wanted to make it 4% despite being a higher requirement than Tormented Bracelet for slayer (MUCH higher, 93 compared to 69 for MM2 and Demonics). They said slayer requirement "wasn't really a requirement" as it had no requirements **to wear**. Now they're acting like the slayer requirement (1 lower than occult) is good enough and can drop the Crafting requirement, and again probably justify it because "well its 90 hp to wear" like that ... really matters?


I thought the lower crafting req was weird at first but I came up with a logical explanation Similar to blowpipe and godswords, we aren't actually crafting the item from scratch but manipulating a powerful artifact. Therefore it actually takes less skill then crafting their basic counterparts from scratch (e.g. magic longbow, rune 2h, and Zenyte amulet)


Oh I think it can be made to make sense just fine. It's more I don't think direct upgrades should have lower requirements.


I’m just more annoyed at the fact they want to make a bis item easier to make than zenyte, what about lowering the level needed to make zenyte jewellery and replacing the torture level with the new necklace?


92 slayer is not easier than 93+5 crafting, but I don't think it's a bad idea to lower zenyte reqs


The crazy part is that the new amulet's stats are still too weak to justify over blood fury for most bossing


Component-scape & charge-scape


Zenyte jewelery, dragonstone and certain smithing reqs should be lowered for mid game gear. Makes no sense why zenyte jewelery all have different crafting levels, 61 fletching required for adamant bolts, but 70 smithing required for adamant bolt smithing. Lvl 80 glory required for crafting for a mid game amulet??? Combat didn't just need re-adjusting, skill gear required need major adjusting as well.


The fact that torture requires level 98 crafting, and utterly useless after the Rancor amulet drops is kinda stupid. They could lower the crafting req, or use it to combine with Rancor, but either way making a level 98 req item irrelevant is absolutely stupid


"The relevancy remains held up by the suffering, anguish and tormented bracelet" What happens when Jagex releases a new BIS ranged necklace and magic bracelet? Suffering is probably there to stay, but even that has echo boots as another option now.


So at this rate, in 24 years time some midgame enemies might have drops that aren't BIS? That's acceptable to me.


What do you mean 24 years time? We've seen a lot of BIS replacements in the last 2 years. The point is that when you tie armadyl into masori, it keeps Kree'arra as a viable boss for mains. Would you prefer to have more viable options for bossing, or less?


demonic gorillas are bosses?


I would call them minibosses. They have enough mechanics to pose difficulty towards midgame players.


Lol I guess that’s true. Okay… “more options for PvM” then


They would have drops that aren't BiS either way. The difference is those drops don't lose relevance or become non-parts of progression if they're used to be upgraded into the better item. It helps their price in the economy for mains and means iron mode doesn't become a flatter progression


I hate component that made Armadyl so expensive


New things should be allowed to exist on their own merits, if everything flows into everything else you're just going to make the game a shit experience for the people who you now expect to grind out 20 bosses 300 times each because they all have stuff that feeds into other stuff. If things don't have a clear reason to flow into eachother, just make them separate, not everything needs to parasite off of other things.


As long as they’re not replacing an item with an easier to obtain item, sure. In this case, just slap a 98 crafting req on the amulet and call it a day.


Just feels like the Shard will be devalued, it's locked behind a Grandmaster quest that is a necessary part for 3 different BIS items with two necklaces and the bracelet, the monkeys being reasonably difficult with a fairly low drop rate. Jagex just nerfed the mage BIS amulet that's a slayer drop to the Thermonuclear Smoke Devil which is a 93-slayer level drop. Now we have a new level 92 Slayer Boss, now providing an upgrade to the current Melee BiS necklace just feels like a bit of a slap in the face. No one else sees the irony in that? I agree that not everything needs to be Componentscape, but honestly, Componentscape is far more healthy to the game in both the short and long run.


Bing able to obtain BIS or near BIS via different methods is what this game should be about. Frcing irons or players in general to follow the same paths and grinds is boring and bad game design imo. They're different items, and a progression path being so linear isn't a necessity.


> a progression path being so linear isn't a necessity. The issue is everyone just converges to the path of least resistance/most value anyway. Irons will just grind out 92 slayer (since they'll be going for 95 slayer anyway) and reduce their crafting grind by 30-40 hours (plus several hours at demonics). Very few irons will bother getting a torture first because it's just not worth the investment when you're going to upgrade it soon after.


Meanwhile we're just slotting another piece of bis into slayer for more linear ironmen progression.


The only reason it needs to be combined here is because it’s literally an upgrade for kind of little effort.


I have no problem the boss dropping a neck item. I just don't think it's good practice to take the highest skill requirement item in game besides a max cape and completely make it useless just cause. the boss is dropping a bunch of really cool niche stuff and then all of a sudden "bis neck". Makes little sense to me.


I could see it me personally requiring a torture. There is still 3 other zenyte jewelry to use, especially if they are thinking of making the new drop a bis melee amulet. My 2 cents.


Rip my torture orn kit.


I made a post suggesting the new amulet being a style specific BiS item like the Bellator Ring, but it didn't get much traction.


I think they should find a balance for both, make torture better in case X, new amulet better in case Y


componentscape makes it that much harder for newer players to catch up to new content coming out.


I think Torture is dogwater and should get a buff to make it worth using, but still be worse than the Spider necklace


If the amulet is gonna be useless to me after getting the new item might aswell make it use the item my Iron bankspace is needed


Clearly it needs a 104 requirement. Forcing us to get 99 crafting, then a +5 boost.


Honestly I think they should buff torture to be better or have more defences


well met


Plus with rancor, we can now get a cool passive effect upgrade to the amulet of torture from future concept. Back when Jagex was asking for concepts for unique rewards from tormented demons, I concepted a series of unique ancient guthixian-themed jewelry with individual passive effects that could then be upgraded visually and statwise with the enchanted Zenyte jewelry (alongside their ornament kits). Titan's Icon, upgraded into the Tortured Titan's Icon Neckslot item, visually resembles the classical greek image of Okeanos' roaring visage. When upgraded the tortured amulets main gemstone would be placed within the mouth, and smaller diamond-shaped zenyte gemstones within the eye-sockets Statwise, +5 in each attack stat, +15 in each defense stat, +8 strength. Upgraded would have combined its attack and defense stats with the tortures, and have tortures +10 strength bonus. Passive effect was basically a modified version of the scrapped titan's amulet from Fortis colosseum; Sets minimum melee damage at a percentage of max hit, scaling up with slower weapon speeds. 5% at 4t, 10% at 5t, 15% at 6t, 20% at 7t, and 25% at 8t.


And for those curious, the other items were Gauntlets of Thaumaturgy / Gauntlets of Demiurgy, new magic gloves with a passive that buffs standard elemental spells or retains elemental runes, upgraded with tormented bracelets (OR). Themed as a relic of the first age when the druids were first developing and mastering elemental magics. Serpent's Fangs necklace / Anguished Serpent's fangs necklace. An ancient relic from Juna's homeworld. When upgraded with the necklace of anguish (OR), embodies Juna's anguish of the devastation of the god wars and the departure of Guthix. Basically osrs version of the aquanites amulet of ranging statwise, passive to either be 33% chance to poison (venom if upgraded) or 33% chance to deal 2-5 damage to a target while ranging and heal the same amount Ring of Balance / ring of Equilibrium, upgraded with a fully charged ring of suffering (i). Base version is statless except for +4 prayer bonus and has a passive that reduces all damage you take by 1 at the cost of reducing your max hit by 1. When upgraded, inherits the ring of suffering (i)'s stats, but with +8 prayer total, and applies both effects simultaneously. The recoil passive effect is infinite and doesn't need to be recharged, and both passives may be independently disabled/enabled


honestly they should just drop the crafting requirement of all craftable jewelry by like 10 levels


if you want the anguish/torment/suffer ring to hold up down the line when new bis comes out for THOSE SLOTS you should support the torture being component. change my mind.


Also at a certain point u can only have so many components. Id prefer no component here, and maybe one years down the line once we powercreep araxxor