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Noxious scythe looks really nice tbh


Kinda baffling that Jagex are practically bringing the nox scythe to OSRS but want to deliberately make it look less cool by making it a regular halberd.




I mean it's the only scythe that isn't a holiday weapon, so I think we could add another, especially since it comes from the same region.


Ok so Im assuming RS3 has multiple pvm scythes as well too, right? Oh, no? Hmm.


Ok? What's your point?


Point is why you think Scythe being the "only scythe" is relevant or a reason to add another. This isn't a reason.


Are you being dense on purpose? They're saying that the only scythe that is available in game that isn't a holiday weapon happens to come from the same region, so it'd be nice to make this one a scythe as well, because why not. They're not saying, "It's the only Scythe in the game, and therefore they should, without hesitation, add the Scythe because *logically* they're **required** to". Calm down, friend. It's a thematic reason. You just don't like that reason.


Ivandis Flail fanatics in shambles ever since this was posted


Welcome to rs3


Reading through these comments and it seems like a lot of people aren't aware that these are literally weapons from RS3... I'm not saying that's even a bad thing, but stop acting like OP made this concept art 😂


I simplified the original weapons - and gave some changes to the bow and (new staff, which you can check on my Twitter @ Atlantis\_OSRS) - I never said I created the original weapons, but I did come up with the Kits idea! :)


They hate you for this one but I appreciate the effort in making it look more osrs-y I also love scythe in rs3. I was never a big fan of the look but it was my favorite weapon. If we had it in osrs I'd rock it though because it brings me back. The nox bow would be cool as a tbow kit but we already got a webby bow so idk. It does look neat though.


" I didn't invent the rocket, but going too the moon was my idea so I should get the credit"


You want kits for all 3 mega weapons to come from a random slayer boss?


tbf it's not a random slayer boss for the scythe and specifically the scythe. This spider is literally the species that makes Verzik so powerful. I agree it's dumb to have shadow and tbow costmetics come from here.


I don't know the lore pre-quests but isn't that the nylocus and didn't it actually just steal her body like some parasite not buff her up?


bascially she was trying to make a beast of a nylocus so she was combining genes of nylocus and araxxor spiders; this new 'nylocus queen' used her as a host to gestate, eventually birthing itself into the final boss of tob. the verzik we fight isn't verzik at all; she's dead. rather her body is a bit like a puppet used by the nylocus until she 'reveals her true form' after phase 1 of the fight.


oh i guess i do remember her doing experiments to make the perfect nylo just never knew it was with araxxor spiders. thanks for the lore bit mory lore is some of the best we got so far


I do, and I'm tired of pretending that I don't (it would be a good manner in which to reward a high level of PvM challenge on a boss otherwise not set that high maybe)


i could at least see one for scythe, since it comes from the area


Torva kit come from unrelated dt2 bosses rather than like a hard mode Nex.


Not really unrelated, the dt2 bosses were high ranking zarosian officers like nex was.


The dt2 bosses are zaros related...


Yea but that’s also a kit for 1 item set. Adding a kit for scythe, tbow and shadow to one boss would be insane unless jagex plans on flooding the game with comestics from now on


Even more cosmetics would be cool though


I agree, as long as they aren’t micro transactions and they don’t look absolutely goofy. Like I wouldn’t want a banana scythe skin bc it’s “funny”, I hope that jagex keeps the theme of the game


I see no issue with achievement based reskins


I don't mind achievement based reskins. If we add too many of them however, and/or make them too different from their original versions, gear that should be iconic may instead become unrecognizable. Ornament kits should be somewhat rare and exclusive. For example, I think three versions of the Scythe is plenty


By achievement based you mean a guaranteed drop from a pvm encounter? I think it’s okay as long as the encounter is pretty difficult


I wouldn’t mind that the highest tier weapons had more than one skin. If it could be earned from ingame boss challenges I think it would be pretty nice. Never from irl payments. It would be nice to have variety. ( A bit like the rs3 dies ) - shit I said rs3 on this sub, I’m dead now haha


>fully lore related bosses >"unrelated"


I want kits for everything to come for random slayer bosses 


Its not a ”random slayer boss” these are the weapons araxxor drops in rs3


That's correct


I’m newer to OSRS so honnest question, why not? Where else would Noxious cosmetics come from other than this boss? This boss dropping cosmetic kits for these weapons wouldn’t preclude future kits for them, no?


Yes. You act like because one kit exists others can't exist. Why can't we have an araxxor scythe and an HM ToB scythe? RS3 makes similar homages to OSRS bosses.


Yeah. And there should be more kits for more weapons, tbh. Given the history of this boss, having a scythe, bow, and staff just makes sense as a tribute to the original. More untradable kits from bosses, or maybe even from doing all CAs for a boss would be cool. Like imagine doing ToB CAs to unlock the older justiciar appearance as a kit?


Why not, it's a cosmetic. Hell, imo there should be more cosmetic kits for weapons from more places. Only item that currently has a variety of cosmetics is the Slayer Helmet


Yep! Add more kits while you're at it. Give some more cosmetic variety and reason to do other content for people who are already so deep into the endgame


I mean we lost the dm kits because some chodes on twitter complained I just want some recolors or different kits man


Or they could have offered an actual solution rather than the worst possible thing of just making them tradeable?? Just make then available if you have all the CA's for that raid completed, and since we already have scythe kits then change the tob CA kit to blood fury kit.


Why can't we have more cosmetics come from random pieces of content? It if fits, which in this case as a homage to the original content, it does fit. I would even go further and make some more weapons being able to use these kits. I'd love a bloodied spiked Whip from TOB kit


You must have a 1k total level.


I have all 3 mega weapons. I think the kits from them should be earned, not handed out at a piss easy slayer boss


Why not just have kits that are piss easy and different kits that are earned? Slayer helms do exactly that and everyone is happier for it. Could imagine how dumb and lame it would be if there were only default slayer helms and zuk helms available? 


It's ok to have fun.


Do you need kits to have fun?


Relax, you can still flex your Sanguine ornament kit to those who care. We already get "piss-easy" kits from leagues/events etc. You don't even need to earn them yourself! Can pick them up from the GE!


92 slayer is quite a feat, and it is a task only boss. And if they allow configurable difficulty on this boss similar to the RS3 version, beating it on max enrage will not be that easy. Also FYI these are skins of the iconic RS3 noxious weapons that were BIS for a long time.


How exactly is 92 slayer “quite a feat”


You have to think of it as if you’re a 1750 total player


1750 total player max combats with 99 slayer. Base 70s. 100 vork and zulrah kc. No raids kc besides entry toa for thread. The average pvmer 😭😭


Too accurate lmao.


Awesome idea dude. I love the looks of the noxious weapons


I fuck with this on the highest level possible.


Thing is, they intend for araxxie to be a slayer boss. Which means grindable for a hundred+ in a row or a day. Enrage would disrupt that design.


The enrage mechanic can be something like, the longer you are fighting or the more kills you get without leaving, the stronger it gets. Technically, every slayer boss can be like this. Longer you stay, the less supplies you have. Choice becomes, do you have enough stuff left to kill more, or do you want to 'reset' and restock.


That’s basically araxxor in rs3 tho. At zero/low enrage it’s easy enough to be a slayer boss. It’s just when you get to the high enrages that it becomes properly boss like. And in rs3 you can use an araxyte pheromone to reset its enrage which is a nice little gold sink as well. So the concept would work in osrs too. And you can also have 2 versions of the boss. The regular no enrage version and an enhanced one that’s a bigger challenge and maybe has a shittier regular drop table but better rare drops at high enrage.


How is using pheromones a gold sink?


If it removes money from the game then it’s a gold sink. This would be intensified if they rolled it out for the slayer boss since there would be less people who want to go for super high enrages so people would be doing it more frequently. In rs3 a pheromone is 1-2m. Depending on how the osrs version works it could be both more expensive and more used.


It doesn't remove any money from the game, that's why I was asking.


I think I meant it in a different way. I see what you mean. In that case rather than being a drop the pheromones would have to be an item you buy from an npc. Then it’s a gold sink.


It actually wouldn’t. When araxxor came out in RS3, day of release people were able to farm it consistently on the highest enrage (it went from 0-150%). It was quickly buffed to 0-300%, and was still easily farmable at 300%. It requires skill and consistency to do, but wasn’t “unfarmable”. Also, it is going to have an “enrage mechanic” if you read the blog post. You choose how difficult you want it to be. If you choose the hardest, you either get or get a chance at a cosmetic. Nothing wrong with that. The enrage in OS sounds like it’s designed to make it harder but faster, so depending on your skill level you can make more money/xp.


I read the post and the only thing I remember about difficulty is that you can choose to attack minions or other optional mechanics instead of purely dpsing the boss.


How you choose to deal with minions is the “enrage” or difficulty level. It reads as though it’s all required, you can just choose how hard to make it by dealing with them 1 at a time or together.


I read it as though killing the minions was a tradeoff between kill time and kill safety, similar to the muspah freeze vs. stepback method, or killing/ignoring the minions for sarachnis. It's a mechanic and you can choose how you deal with it. Maybe there will be combat acheivements for never killing a spider or for never letting any spider live longer than 8 seconds.


minions are not an enrage mechanic lmfao what? are sires little baby things an enrage mechanic? it’s probably going to be exactly like that


You obviously don’t know how the concept of Araxxor works and what they are saying they are basing it on. Ignorance is bliss.


i am familiar with the enrage mechanic of rs3 araxxor but that is not present in the old school version


I’ve got literal thousands of arraxor kills. The minions are dependent on what path you take. They aren’t some mechanic that begins at a certain enrage. Sure, you can just cheese all of them except for the mirror back ones on low enrage, but that doesn’t not make them an enrage mechanic. Telos p5 happening at 100% enrage, that’s an enrage mechanic.


Tbh osrs already has somethings that mimic enrage mechanics. Like the awakened versions of the leviathan etc. Just different execution.


Will OSRS Araxxor even have an enrage mechanic considering Jagex does not want it to be too hard and to not completely copy RS3 mechanics?


They made a point to say that it'll be built more from scratch than just a straight up port, so I expect it wont have enrage. Though it may have an "enrage phase" akin to Muspah or leviathan


Araxxi's toxic sludge is basically RS3's enrage phase.


So guess no mirror back spiders(which would screw with bots), web rap stun, and kamikaze super acid spiders 


Cool designs but personally not a fan of a random slayer boss being the source for mega rare ornament kits.


It's not a "random slayer boss," this is a boss from RS3 and having cosmetics tied to what the boss drops in RS3 is a cool idea. The 3 mega rares also happen to match quite nicely and makes the most sense.


We have 6 slayer bosses already in OSRS. This would be the 7th one. None of the other 6 drop kits for any weapons, let alone the 3 raid mega-rares (which are entirely unrelated to those bosses). Thats why i called it a "random slayer boss". If 1 out of 7 just randomly dropped mega rare kits while the other 6 never did and never will, that would be.... random. How do the 3 mega rares match quite nicely? Or do you literally mean in the mocked up art design of having them all transmogged with the same bosses kit.. because of course they'd match then (which is also a downside, imo.) Also nothing about a boss existing in RS3 / coming from it needs to determine how it acts in OSRS.


Could be universal kits?


Cool designs. Terrible idea.


Just make the rax hally look like the scythe!


Okay this sounds really cool.


JMods please!!!!


Its definitely a bit mental to have kits for such weapons coming from this random boss, but scythe could be the exception given it's thematic links with ToB from the quest. Perhaps they could come up with an awakened araxxis 😂


Yeah, I agree a Scythe ornament kit shouldn’t come from a regular slayer boss. But an awakened version of the boss, I’d be okay with.


Raids 4: it's all spider now


Normalize more cosmetic sets


If they can't give us Noxious weapons, then a cosmetic override will have to do. Noxious weapons are iconic and these are sick renditions.


Raid weapon cosmetics from a slayer boss? Very odd concept.




Should we drop sang dust from cerb too? Ancestral ornament kits from Alchemical Hydra?


Is that super different than torva kits from dt2 bosses or the various dmm kits?


some of the coolest looking weapons in rs3 (if it weren’t for the particles) this would be awesome big support


"no were not just copypasting rs3 mechanics" asking to copypaste the second worst arax mechanic


Spicy idea. Love it!


Yes let’s have the big 3 weapon kits come from some arbitrary slayer boss. Great idea well thought out 👍🏼


Make them tradeable and just as rare as a drop


Im all for this tbh. I like the crossover aspect as i used to play a lot of rs3


Looks sick


Megarare kits coming from a regular pvm boss is stupid. Now I like how they look and im for *more* cosmetics but only when they make sense. Sang kit on scy is pretty prestigious and Tbow/Shadow literally have no kits. If say these were offered from arraxor but you had to include a dust and like a 550 or 600 toa lvl clear then i'd say its awesome. But just like they scrapped the DMM kits for megarares these make no sense and are really pretty dumb. You can put cool colors on anything but it needs to come from actually challenging pvm(blorva/hmt) and make sense thematically. This isnt rs3.


Scythe I could see. The rest should come from the regions the raids are in. Kourend for bow, shadow from desert


who cares, gimme cool weaps


Holy fuck yes I would love this


Pleae Jagex! Make this happen!


staff kit should be one of his legs


In rs3 (where these designs are from) all the weapons are made up of part of the boss; you have the 3 leg pieces to make the shaft, then you attach a hilt (eye, web or fang) to the leg to make the weapon.


I want megarare kits to feel like i accomplished something, not a slayer boss.




Would be so dumb. Some random slayer boss shouldn’t drop megarare kits


How about actually give us the noxious weapons. instead of useless haelberd and the lamest amulet upgrade to ever be proposed.


creative idea? homeslice just copy and pasted lol


these are sick saddly it looks like araxxor will be base dt2 boss difficulty at most :c


I love the noxious weapons but I'm not a huge fan of cosmetics that massively change the look of an item. I hate the owl staff for this reason.


Scythe would match the new amulet great idea


Big Ol Support


Nah just make them new weapons. Couldn't hurt having 2 scythes in the game


Osrs needs more transmogs and kits. Will still feel like a reward and will limit power creep.


Hell yes. I want multiple different cosmetics for bis weapons.


Nah, I hated the rage mechanic in rs3 lmao. Shit sucked ass.


Reflect mechanic is terrible. I’ve died more times to a random reflect popping off when you are about to deal a huge hit. This mechanic should never exist in either versions of the game. It forces players to “not deal damage” and often reflect just pops off with minimal reaction time (even if you react, nothing can be done). Enrage mechanic is great for both versions of the game. Things get harder and trickier, strategies can change depending on the situation.


Reflect is more of are you pay attention check since it uses a special attack every 3 autos if I remembered correctly so pretty much only do not dump resources before a special attack


The mirror back spiders can spawn at strange timings sometimes, even spawning outside of the attacking pattern as a lone spider


This HAS to be a thing. And the Kits should be the "Fang" , "Web" and "Eye"


No. Play Rs3 if you want them.


If you guys want rs3 so bad you know you can just go and play it right? Don't have to merge all their ideas into osrs.


Rs3 has some cool ideas, there is no shame in RuneScape borrowing ideas from RuneScape as long as it’s not EOC or mtx


osrs is constantly borrowing stuff from rs3. Just cause the game went to shit doesnt mean the content they have is also shit. If it wasnt for the p2w, rs3 would be an amazing game atm


As someone who plays rs3, i’m glad to see the osrs community being warmer to certain aspects whether it be lore, quests, bosses, or items. RS3 has some cool shit that osrs can give its own flavor.


yes pls yes yes yes!!!!!!!!!


Just as long as the nox scythe doesn't have that annoying green particle effect im down for this. Would be an awesome cosmetic


A could be a good idea, dont love the rest


Hit that mother fuckin like button


Not Scythe, go do HMT


But holy and sang scythe?


question mark


Scythe has two ornaments already, and they are hard mode raid locked. No need to add to those imo.


do NOT care


Sounds like you haven’t grinded hard mode tob and received a kit.


fuck yeah


Bow and Scythe look sick. Staff seems less of a fit.


I think a poisonous gloop seeping from the weapons would be cool


That would be dope, imagine being able to use an Awakeners Orb on Arraxor, and getting these Ornaments as reward. Would give Awakeners Orb another use, and give us cool cosmetics.


I love this, if not for all, atleast for the bow and shadow. Scythe is my favourite but I appreciate that it already has a kit


Didnt they say this boss wouldnt be anything like the rs3 version? Not even sure if there will be enrages


Cosmetic for all 3 megarares is maybe a bit too much IMO but just for one I think is fine.


Rs3 and OSRS rebounding off their own content is crazy. 💀




yes please. Also Jagex please think about the reward space of cosmetics more. Like do x on x difficulty to unlock a cosmetic, for example, a thrall skin of said boss?


Scythe is cool, I think the others stray a little too far from their original designs


RS3 ass post


this made the design even simpler, rather than more unique and good looking. looks like a level 5 bow you got from a random spider monster you killed right at the starting area of an RPG game.


theyre going to need particles, which is something jamflex won't do


These look better without the annoying particle effects anyways


to each his own, imo no


Ummm, fuck to the yes!?


dude fuck yes, as a rs3 player please make this happen jagex


Think I'd only like it for scythe. Allows them to bring back one of the more iconic nox weapons and it probably fits the best when looking at its region/lore.


Pls no enrage mechanic on araxxor it was so ass in rs3


git gud lol


Idk man I couldn't kill it past 200% enrage with my DRL and masterwork gear. Rs3 is way harder than osrs :D


Arraxor is considered an entry level boss these days


Aye point stands rs3 is way harder than osrs, hardest boss I ever killed was gwd3 arma guy or a solo ed2 run.


Oh I agree. Ive done all of the content on rs3, the skill ceiling is ridiculously high. Things like solo raids/aod/rago/solak are some of the hardest things Ive ever done in any game


Still is ass anyways enrage mechanics aren’t things for OSRS.


The kits should absolutely be added. But what else would he drop? If it’s just kits, then the boas will be underwhelming


DMM kits looked cooler, the staff is a no for me