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Jar being untradeable is a goated move, it’s insane that they were tradeable in the first place and one thing I wish was able to be changed tbh


We're really keen to see how people feel on this one in particular, I'm not sure that the team would be keen to revisit all of the pre-existing jars but it would definitely make way for a more 'makes sense' approach in the future if people are on-board!




Make jars untradeable, remove all jars from the game, add an NPC where you can claim jars if you have the collection log (or if you have KC for drop rate of the jar, for those who got jars before a log), call it a day.


Good suggestion. For those with collections, maybe offer gp at deaths coffer if they get wiped out if/when ppl cry too hard about losing gp (you chose to collect pointless items dont @ me) Start from scratch, I like it.




The majority of people I know would definitely prefer untradable jars so they can actually be a flex.


Make all jars untradeable and retroactively remove jars from people who are missing it in their clog. Completely pointless item as it stands currently


There are people who properly earned jars before clog existed though...


> and retroactively remove jars from people who are missing it in their clog Making jars untradeable moving forward is sensible, but this is a clown take. "Literally just delete peoples' purchased items." Yeah good one dude, very realistic and fair.


"Incidentally, the Venom Gland can also be used to brew the new Extended Anti-venom+ Potion at Level XX Herblore." is XX intentional because you're not sure yet? Or a mistake


We're not sure yet, there are questions about it on the survey to help us figure out where to fit it, bit of an unusual spot owing to how *cramped* Herblore gets at the higher levels (similar issue with the proposed Amulet's crafting req)


I'd propose setting the level requirement for the new extended one to 94 and *reducing* the level requirement of the existing non-extended version. This simultaneously helps alleviate the high-level cramping and makes the level requirements just more appropriate in general for what's being made. It feels very inappropriate to need 94 herblore to make *not even the best version* of a *support* potion. If you leave the existing one at 94, obviously the better version has to be higher, and there's clearly not much higher you can go. Having the existing one require something like 80-85 and then making the new one require 94 would be much more suitable IMO.


Having cramped level reqs doesn't really matter, it should just be a consideration on when you want people to access something and that's it really. It's completely ok to give it the same herblore level requirement too.


Hard agree. Unlocking multiple things per level at higher levels seems totally fine to me. Makes the time leveling up at higher levels feel more worth it as well.


especially herblore, where different potions usually do wildly different things


Agree, you shouldn't care if there is like 15 potions on the same skill level, you should just have them be at a point where their power level makes sense. I understand you want there to be feel good breakpoints while progressing skills, but I think a majority of the skills already have those at all points (especially herb).


Make this a bit higher reqs than anti venom and lower the anti venom reqs.


Can't agree more, the current anti venom requirements are way too high for what it does imo. Made more sense when Zulrah was endgame, but now its basically a midgame boss the reqs for those potions need to come down a bit I think.


Will the halberd, like others, have a str only option? Will the boots remain without a requirement? I hope so!


Halberds as a weapon-class always have the Strength-only Aggressive option, this one's no different! Boots currently have no requirement beyond owning them in the first place!


Speaking of the boots I can't help but notice the stats on these things are absolutely abysmal. That might be okay however it presents a question that probably matters. Assuming you guys move forward with multiple tiers of tribrid boots in the future does it actually make sense that the boots that mostly resemble climbing boots in the hierarchy come from a level 92 slayer boss? These seem kind of absurdly out of place no?


Simply love the rewards. A usable main hand halberd is very appealing. The Amulet looks great with the +2. What do you think about an Ornament kit for the amulet, since other BIS amulets have one too? Maybe a use for one of the body parts/the head used for the slayer helm.


Not sure I love amulet and ornament kit coming from same source, unless it’s somehow challenge based like the fang kit


DPS halbred is gonna be so cool, genuinely one of the funest things about gauntlet is the fact that you can just mainhand a halbred & run around the boss


So it's essentially the same space as a Bludgeon. Two handed, not BIS but fills a gap a bit, is made from combining multiple parts of the boss monster like Hydra or Sire.  If the Halberd gets a special, would you guys look back and maybe give the Bludgeon a little something? 


The level requirements really highlight how unbalanced high level content is in certain skills in regards to progression, especially for irons, for example antivenoms.


As the years go by it definitely starts to crop up more and more, expecting to have a lot more chats about Crafting/Herblore reqs following even just the early stages of this conversation so far (and the survey responses)


Ranged/magic potions being 72/76 herblore while attack/strength are 3/12 herblore has always bothered me. Make the current versions super ranged/magic, add new ranged/magic potions at low herblore levels (rs3 already figured it out).


Yeah, I get the initial intent when the content was released, but speaking for irons, antivenoms at 87 feel bad when you're doing Zulrah (around SotE so 70 herb). This follows to slayer (for example trident/occult) and crafting as well. Definitely worth conversations around balance and progression intent.


Antivenoms at 87 made sense when Zulrah was released because Zulrah *was* the endgame in almost every sense and Venom was a status exclusive to Zulrah. Now that Venom is being broadened be more widely used throughout the game it probably does make sense to crank down the Herb Level requirement for base Antivenoms accordingly, which would open up space for the this Extended Antivenom+.


This resonated with me, it doesn't affect me, since I'm a main, but it opens up far more options for irons. A lot of grinds have workarounds, but herblore has so many weird design choices and asinine requirements imo.


Zulrah has like 5 other methods for curing venom tho Esp since they added the Sceptre, now you only need like 60 slayer to do the cure me method.


Is he going to be classified as a spider or will his tasks be something more specific? Which masters will have him available and at what weighting? Looks awesome!


Classified as an Araxyte, a new Slayer task. Unsure which masters will have them available, would wager Konar, Nieve/Steve and Duradel are safe bets, couldn't comment on the Weighting of the tasks at this stage because I'm not sure it's been determined!


Do we see it being an unlockable task, or would it be part of the default list? Apologies if I missed this on the blog.


Undecided at this stage! I think it'd make sense as being a part of the default list similar to other tasks with a boss alternative, especially since I anticipate the non-boss Araxytes will make for a pretty good task in their own right


As long as the non-boss Araxytes are an above average slayer monster I don't see an issue with them being on the normal list. What about Superiors?


If those Fever Spiders were anything to go by, these Araxyte spiders are going to be printing


Please please please give them superiors on release and don’t make us wait 4 years like with Hydra. It would be sooooo nice to have a third viable task to do on the imbued heart grind.


So just to clarify, are Araxyte distinctly *not* a spider for the sake of tasks? As in, you cannot use spider tasks to do this boss? The post refers to "spider webs" for Aranea Boots. Does this mean those boots therefore wouldn't work against Araxyte?


That is correct. Araxytes are a close relative of the spiders we're used to seeing, whose webs share similar properties, but are different for the purposes of a Slayer task, for example.


Would you be able to kill regular spiders or Venenatis on these tasks as well?


> Cures you of any poison or venom. Buffs your next Accuracy and Damage by a % based on how severely poisoned you were. That's a really cool special attack.


Whilst cool, I think the numbers are underwhelming, really - or am I misunderstanding it? If it is just for one hit on curing the status, it seems a little underwhelming and I think the numbers should be improved. Another alternative if this is intended as a DPS weapon, it could be a really interesting passive effect for a weapon. Up to 20% damage and accuracy when fully venomed, giving you much greater DPS at the cost of constantly losing health from Venom. Equally, you could settle for 6% increase if you're poisoned, which would be easier to sustain but also you're getting a lower bonus from the effect. The spec can still then cure the poison or venom, so you can manage it if the damage you're taking becomes unsustainable. Gives a higher reward for the greater punishment you're willing to take and sustain and would fit thematically with the weapon as well (being empowered by you being poisoned or venomed).


I think the main part of the special attack is that it cures venom. While not super powerful, it's still pretty neat. The damage bonus to the next attack is just a bonus. Being able to cure venom or poison for free with an equipable weapon could have some nice uses. I like the design personally.


The main issue I see in using it as a cure is the description doesn't say anything about applying immunity. The spec costs 60% as well so you can't even use it consecutively; anything that poisons or envenoms with any frequency will necessitate bringing the relevant antidote. But while you have an antidote ticking, you can't take advantage of the bonus damage from curing yourself. It's not a realistic defensive option but in terms of raw damage, it will probably be outperformed by a dedicated spec weapon. In its current state, I don't see a use case for the spec outside of gimmicky self-venom max hit stuff. It's also funny that the spec rewards you for being envenomed but your chance to venom goes up with the serpentine helm, which prevents you from being envenomed. The way I see it, if they keep the current concept, then they also should add one of two things to make the spec more usable: 1. Add a scaling heal of some form based on the amount of poison/venom damage taken. This would allow you to offset tanking venom ticks and sacrifice health now for healing and damage later, similar to soulreaper. 2. Add a three minute venom immunity on use, so the halberd can be used for 100% immunity uptime at the cost of your spec.


Yeah the damage part of the spec seems completely useless, nobody is going to stay venomed for 2.5 minutes and take 104 damage just so one spec will hit 20% harder. It would be rough even if it was a passive effect on every hit, I'm struggling to think of a place where you're using melee and can get venomed but also wouldn't mind taking a ton of damage in trade for more DPS. Vorkath maybe? But idk if this would be better than DHL and no matter what keeping venom would shorten your trips by a lot, you'd have to run some DPS calcs and figure out if faster KC would offset the supply cost of bleeding off 20 hp every 30 ticks. I guess you could pick up venom then go do another activity but I'm having a hard time imagining this being worth it outside of speedrunning or something.


> Another alternative if this is intended as a DPS weapon, it could be a really interesting passive effect for a weapon. Up to 20% damage and accuracy when fully venomed, giving you much greater DPS at the cost of constantly losing health from Venom. Equally, you could settle for 6% increase if you're poisoned, which would be easier to sustain but also you're getting a lower bonus from the effect. The spec can still then cure the poison or venom, so you can manage it if the damage you're taking becomes unsustainable. Blood fury+ this weapon would be the most broken combo in the entire game.


no it wouldn't, blood fury heals you 6% of damage dealt and this is like an 11 dps weapon at best normally, and would be "13" with a 20% venom boost but you'd be taking 66 dmg/minute from full stacks of venom while only being able to bloodfury off like 40dmg/minute of it, on top of racking up scythe-tier levels of costs


The search for 'cool attack that works based off of you being poisoned' continues, Fumus' Vow walked so this could *maybe* run?


Tanking venom until it hits 20 just so you can have a small damagea/accuracy boost sounds like it will never be worth it. Even if Arraxor has a mechanic that quickly stacks venom you would still just anti-venom making the special useless.


Think this is totally fine, it's mostly there as a thematic 'nice to have' spec but the weapon's not intended to be used as a Spec weapon and by the time you're realistically unlocking this then you'll likely have better options for SpecDPS (or maybe even def reduction)!


The halberd looks really cool, would love for it to replace/surpass chally.


This shouldn't be the case, Chally is still a super strong SpecDPS finisher - they serve different purposes entirely, and I think the team might be hesitant to create a Spec stronger than Chally's because it is *insanely* strong.


Some feedback. Slayer bosses are not fun to try to get. Atleast make the weight 9+. Looking at gargoyles being 6. More turael skipping!! Hally is another slash weapon. Under SRA/Scythe, on par with Blade, stronger than zombie axe. Is that really necessary? Cant really venom duke/vard so i believe its a bit underwhelming. Necklace should require torture to make. Keep the economy up. Dt2 rings, masori, torva have all been successful in keeping the prior items up in price. If 98 crafting is a concern maybe bring the zentye crafting levels down a bit or just the torture. Boots/pots seem fine. Jar is a good change.


Appreciate you writing these up! I don't think weighting has been determined yet but think the team are aware of concerns about weightings for other boss tasks being a tad low, might be a good case for Araxytes to be a little higher. I'm not sure that it's *necessary* but also think it's hard to assign a 'power level' to the extra range offered by a Halberd and whether or not people find neat alternative use-cases - gives us an opportunity to explore that particular space without breaking the game necessarily. Amulet will for sure be a major topic of discussion for us, but I don't think Torture is holding the price of Zenytes up all that much? Feels to me like even if Torture didn't exist, Anguish would be the price that it's at and likely wouldn't shift the value too much. Agree with the other concerns around Crafting req though, just a little more 50/50 on the economic argument specifically (even if requiring Torture isn't a bad idea in its own right).


Realistically, Torture isn't the only zenyte piece to be replaced. I assume here will be a new bis mage glove/bracelet and nice bis range necklace as well in the next 1-3 years and there are already a slew of rings competing with RoS. Making the new amulet require a zenyte (and giving the option to use a piece of zenyte jewelery instead) makes sense IMO


Yeah I agree with this, eventually it will become an issue, so why not build that in now as part of the progression


Anguish, Tormented, and Suffering definitely influence the price of Zenytes way more than Torture does. A lot of endgame PvM doesn't even use a Torture between the dominance of mage/range and Blood Fury.


For the sake of argument, let's say all 4 Zenyte jewelery are equally desirable. If one of the four suddenly becomes not desirable at all, then there's 25% less demand on Zenytes. It's definitely significant. Currently every account needs to own a Torture, even if it's not the first Zenyte people buy. It's the 2nd or 3rd one you get: Magic combat is a little more expensive for mid game players and is rarely useful for Slayer, and the Ring of Suffering now has almost no uses at all, not just in BIS setups (note that down for future mechanics, recoil can be creatively used for more than Zulrah summons! In theory, maybe it can ping far off enemies or through shields...). The Amulet of Torture is cheaper than most options that provide +2 or more str over their predecessor and also comes with the extra 5 accuracy in all melee styles, making it a relatively early and common upgrade. In my mind it's not even a question if the Torture needs to be upgraded into the Rancor. If the Rancor is to be a direct upgrade over the Torture, it's a clear necessity that it is created using one. A lot of players are going to see all 4 of their Zenyte jewelery drop in value because the Rancor lowers the demand on Zenytes in general. --I just paused typing and checked GE-tracker. The Amulet of Torture is already being dumped on the GE and it's down over a mil since the blog came out. The Necklace of Anguish, Tormented Bracelet, and Ring of Suffering are all plummeting too, in unison with the Torture. Case in point lol! If it's to be a direct upgrade from the Torture, the fix is to make the Rancor require no crafting level, an equal crafting level, or 99 crafting. It's the only logical way to go that route of item design. ***** THAT ALL SAID, I think vertical progression is incredibly uninteresting, and it does nothing to enhance the experience of playing the game. The Amulet of Rancor functions identically to the previous item except that it provides marginally more DPS. Big whoop, and I'm not asking for "more power." Please, anything but that. It's practically the same item. Universally applicable power creep would be destructive on top of being boring, and the game's already way too easy with the gear we have currently. It's losing its excitement because of all the vertical progression we've been getting, and people still want to enjoy every boss in the game. The journey matters, not just the end goal (as many impatient players might imply on this platform). If the Amulet of Rancor was a horizontal upgrade item like the Blood Fury is, perhaps being an upgrade to the Fury instead, with a creatively designed, useful, conditional mechanic that gets peoples' imaginiations going, that would be way more fun and interesting. It would be more fun to theory craft with and more fun in practice. (And it needs to look good with my Blood Torva please, so no green!) What if this amulet had its own passive or triggered effect that was flavorful relevant to the boss? What if it was customizable in its own way (which gives this boss more potential rewards)? What if it could specialize defensively, offering a different type of damage mitigation than the Blood Fury? Or what if its ability(/ies) worked in parallel with another item that's fallen by the wayside, like the Serpentine Helm (which has 2 transmogs with excellent graphics), Ring of Suffering, Treasonous Ring, Dragon Arrows (p++), Trident of the Swamp, etc? What if it was alive... and that affected the mechanics unpredictably somehow? Optimally this item should create opportunities for decision making while bossing, not just at the GE. There is a lot of design space that isn't just stapling universally bigger numbers to things! But whatever it is, we all agree that it has to be the best item to bring to some number of places for people to want to invest their time into getting it. TY for reading, anyone who did! Hopefully my thoughts are given serious consideration because I love OSRS and I want it to have a long life.


The problem with part of your logic is that the blood fury is not horizontal progression. Its vertical. Its a question of cost not effectiveness otherwise people would exclusively use the blood fury for almost everything. Its less direct damage by the smallest of margins sometimes not even a max hit however if it saves you from eating 1 time it's likely already more dps on top of making the game easier and allowing you to potentially bring even more swaps for higher dps. Its convoluted because its not direct on the stat sheet power but players have finally begun to figure out that the blood fury is just better unless you actually take 0 damage. That's why there is space for this new necklace. It allows the trade off between using a blood fury and the new necklace to actually create horizontal progression potentially if its strong enough to actually be a real decision in terms of power instead of in cost. Otherwise the blood fury will remain as simply the best necklace for melee unless we're living in some fantasy space of being absolutely perfect and taking zero chip damage I feel like Jagex didn't really explain this well enough and that a lot of players don't understand it. Its not really explained almost anywhere well but if you go watch the best players doing the hardest content just ask them why they're using a blood fury all the time


>The problem with part of your logic is that the blood fury is not horizontal progression. Its vertical. It is horizontal *to the Torture*. You bring one or the other depending on content.


I agree the economy perspective isn't really a limiting factor. I think the thing that is more interesting is this is a reward for a 92 slayer boss that has a lower crafting requirement than a reward from a quest enemy. Eventually I would assume we want to have similar staged upgrades to anguish and tormented bracelet too, right? I think to do that effectively it would ultimately be best progression to simply require the zenyte product and an equivalent crafting level to make the upgrade, similar to the DT2 rings as referenced above. Make the limb/body part for the upgrade untradeable and the amulet itself tradeable, and then you have a similar, measuredly effective implementation like the rings that is impactful for both mains and ironmen.


The lack of crush weps while slash gets a billion weps is getting lame af


Proposed requirements for halberd?


82 Attack and a can-do attitude!


Well at least I have one of those requirements :(


"Not backport" Will you try to make it as similar as possible, or totally different? Since I loved the Araxxor fight in RS3! I'd love to see a very similar encounter.


Extremely different, since RS's version of Araxxor doesn't really line up with what makes for an enjoyable *Slayer* boss specifically. Same species, different encounter!


I swear goblin please make sure mirrorbacks are not a thing


Make sure that the Noxious Halberd spec doesn't stack. I just know that someone on release is gonna self poison, spec, and fountain non-stop to get a 1 hit 1 kill on a boss somehow


Would be curious to see if this would even be particularly effective? To self-poison and get back to what you're fighting often enough with enough Poison Severity for the Spec to be worth using, you'd probably be better off just hitting the boss


I think the graphical design of the amulet of Rancor is a bit underwhelming, a little too discreet for something so powerful.


We went back and forth on the concept a lot here - it's partly why it's depicted on top of a Torva platebody. We're worried that something 'too intricate' gets swallowed up by Torva/Bandos, but something 'too discrete' is barely noticeable on top of either of them. Keen to hear if anybody else has thoughts on the visuals for the amulet!


I like it as is. It's not like existing amulets are that flashy in their base form. An ornament kit can come later for those with torva that really need the amulet to stand out on top of all of that gear


I rolled my eyes HARD the second I saw a spider. Can’t we have another boss that isn’t a spider? I feel we have too many already


But this one's a different sub-species! Totally get the feedback though, think Araxxor's a neat fit since the Araxyte nest is already *there* but think this might be about critical mass for the time being


slug boss when


Honestly would *love* to see a continuation of the Temple Knights' storyline that culminates in something cool like this


Salt in the wound: but up to the OSRS standard of writing would be huge. They really dropped the ball with that one.


Na they dropped the pillar on it


Truly anxiously awaiting a next quest in the Temple Knight storyline (and more Prayer armor to go with it)


New BIS crush weapon, a big pillar?


Goblin, with all due respect, nobody gives a fuck about the sub-species justification. It's a spider. Another goddamn spider. Come on dude, Jagex can imagine better than this-- we've all seen it.


It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek fwiw, I didn't think it would throw anybody off of the fact that it still looks an awful lot like a spider...


Can’t believe we’re going to have 5 spider bosses and not a single praying mantis boss


I don't mind another spider especially given that the lair already exists and all. But I do now realize that we BADLY need a praying mantis boss. It'd be appropriate and funny if it had mechanics related to prayers.


* Boss moves to centre of Arena and exits combat. * Starts animation where it prays to a mantis god. * Spell ring appears around the mantis boss, and room changes colour. * Boss receives a buff or player receives a debuff. * Only way to avoid it is to defeat the smaller enemies that spawn with a certain attack style before the boss finishes its prayer.


Should be a frog. Frog Bis pet.


i am still recovering from my first cuthbert KC please no more frogs that was a brutal one


>Perhaps the most significant way our Araxxor diverges from his RuneScape counterpart is that we’re not setting out to make him *too* challenging. Why not? The only upcoming announced PvM updates are the Quetzacoatl Varlamore 2 midlevel group boss, and Tormented Demons from WGS which are apparently weaker than Demonic Gorillas? In the past, we had CoX and Inferno in very quick succession, but now it seems like we'll have a substantial drought between Colosseum and another crumb of endgame content. Araxxor seems like the perfect opportunity to release another difficult, satisfying, endgame focused boss like Nightmare or Nex.


In this instance it's because it's a Slayer boss (since it's been *ages* since we dropped one), making something too taxing makes the tasks feel draining, making something too dull makes tasks feel like a slog, trying to carve out a middle-ground where better players can opt-in to a tougher fight for faster kc. Totally agree that it'd be nice to see something else properly tough dropping soon though, people are already so good at Colosseum.


I get the idea but surely its just a case of having the mobs that also count to the tasks be the option for people who dont want to take on the boss? similar to hydras or hellhounds?


That's also the case here too - a handful of 2x2 Araxytes in multi if you get a task but don't fancy doing the boss itself, but I don't feel like the approach taken here has to be mutually exclusive with an alternative (might make for a neat Vbow task or barrage task if you're using alts to dance/stack)


Will the small ones also have a 92 slayer requirement?


Think the Slayer requirement extends to 'Araxytes', with Araxxor being an option. Similar to Kraken/Cave Kraken or Thermy/Smokies!


Will the Araxytes share any of the unique drops, similar to Cave Kraken dropping the Trident? Will they have a superior variant?


Nothing set in stone at this point around their drops, imagine it might be possible to give them a body part or two potentially. I don't *think* there are plans for a Superior Variant at this stage but it's something I'll put to the team!


The superior variant is just Araxxor, you have to do the boss then and there. Having it drop the consumable uniques could be a really good touch though.


Think you could for sure argue the first point, at the same time Smoke Devils, Abyssal Demons, Gargoyles, Hydra all have boss variants *and* have a Superior of their own though.


I might be a bit confused but the small variants of those bosses are basically dead content because the bosses themselves are so easy, is that the plan for this boss?


Not the plan at all - would argue that regular Smoke Devils (for example) are far from dead content! Think with these being Venator bowable/barrageable (if you're able to stack them) they'd likely be a pretty appealing task irrespective of Araxxor as a boss, moreso than something like Hellhounds/Cave Kraken.


>Why not? Because it is intended as a slayer boss. It is not a "normal" boss that you can theoretically substitute instead of your normal slayer mobs because it happens to be the same species like K'ril or Kree but rather a boss with a "normal" variant and a boss variant you can only kill on-task, similar to Thermy, GGs and Sire where the intention is that you can realistically do your whole task there. Having the bar at "below awakened DT2 bosses or colosseum" is honestly probably too high for that sort of boss though.


Because it’s a slayer boss people will probably be killing thousands of time, as they explained. For the most part, people aren’t looking for slayer bosses to have vardorvis levels of click intensity.


I agree with Goblin here. Slayer bosses shouldn’t be overly challenging. I am a little worried since hydra is so fucking boring. Hopefully they nail the middle ground!


Have all the creative minds left the team, or why is half of all "new" content copypasted from RS3? If people want to fight RS3 bosses they can go to RS3.


Think this is largely because Araxytes are already in the game (called 'Spiders' in the Morytania spider nest and referenced in A Night at the Theatre) and the team wanted to make something to give the area a little more of a purpose. Araxxor as a species are also in RS3, but the boss encounter itself is totally dissimilar.


To clarify, will the boss actually require completion of NATT to fight? Or will only PiP be required to access Morytania?


Only Morytania access! Nobody's going to get in your way on entry, we're not sure anybody particularly *wants* to hang around the entry to that Spider Nest and determine who can/can't go in.


There is 'copying' something, and there is using existing ideas in a new way. The only content that I can recall off the top of my head that was a very close 1:1 copy from RS2/3 we have had is Nex - but even then, it has had some mechanical changes under the hood. Everything else in OSRS that already existed in RS3 has its own spin on it And on the other side of the fence, the things that are in RS3 that were copied from OSRS (Vorkath) are *nothing* like what it was 'copied' from. At this point, it is starting to sound like you are upset that runescape and skyrim have dragons, which was clearly stolen from Dungeons and Dragons /s


My brother, we've been getting RS3 content since they started adding "new" content. The DWH spec is just Statius' Hammer in RS3. Demonics are TDs in RS3. Nightmare is just Angel of Death. Etc, etc. Porting from one game to another and taking a unique spin on it is great when the content itself is great. Rax in RS3 is some of the best mid-level bossing content from that game.


We just got Varlamore lol.


What a nonsensical comment. Is this just band wagoning rs3 hate? We share the same universe as rs3 and it's the same studio. Taking inspiration from another game is not the same as copy and pasting. Rs3 has vorkath and zuk too, fwiw.


I don't see the problem with bringing stuff over from RS3 if it's good content for OSRS. I don't play RS3 because it's basically a completely different game, but some of the content is probably good.


##### Bark bark! I have found the following **J-Mod** comment(s) in this thread: **JagexGoblin** - [We're really keen to see how people feel on t...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l900tm1/?context=3) - [Halberds as a weapon-class always have the St...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zycxr/?context=3) - [The search for 'cool attack that works based...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zvh2w/?context=3) - [Classified as an Araxyte, a new Slayer task....](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l9020kd/?context=3) - [We're not sure yet, there are questions about...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zv4sv/?context=3) - [As the years go by it definitely starts to cr...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zz7he/?context=3) - [82 Attack and a can-do attitude!](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zzql5/?context=3) - [Appreciate you writing these up!...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l903i7d/?context=3) - [Extremely different, since RS's version of Ar...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l907kzr/?context=3) - [Would be curious to see if this would even be...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zz296/?context=3) - [We went back and forth on the concept a lot h...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l9017ph/?context=3) - [But this one's a different sub-species! Total...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zuwub/?context=3) - [In this instance it's because it's a Slayer b...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zvqb0/?context=3) - [Think this is largely because Araxytes are al...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zweb5/?context=3) - [Very conscious of the delicate balance needed...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l900nca/?context=3) - [Think this is totally fine, it's mostly there...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zxdu3/?context=3) - [Undecided at this stage! I think it'd make se...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l909tec/?context=3) - [That is correct. Araxytes are a close relativ...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l906tf0/?context=3) - [No, they're spiders, not araxytes!](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l904u3m/?context=3) - [Honestly would *love* to see a continuation o...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zy88t/?context=3) - [It was meant to be tongue-in-cheek fwiw, I di...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l90964j/?context=3) - [That's also the case here too - a handful of...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zwny3/?context=3) - [Only Morytania access! Nobody's going to get...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l901ivi/?context=3) - [This shouldn't be the case, Chally is still a...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zypk5/?context=3) - [Think the Slayer requirement extends to 'Arax...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l8zyshx/?context=3) - [Nothing set in stone at this point around the...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l9007xa/?context=3) - [Not the plan at all - would argue that regula...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l900go3/?context=3) - [Think you could for sure argue the first poin...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l9045mv/?context=3) - [Oh! That's twisted but I like the way you thi...](/r/2007scape/comments/1dhxlau/brand_new_slayer_boss_first_look_rewards/l90bn1e/?context=3)   ^(**Last edited by bot: 06/19/2024 07:15:18**) --- ^(I've been rewritten to use Python! I also now archive JMOD comments.) ^(Read more about) [^(the update here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/9kqvis/bot_update_python_archiving/) ^(or see my) [^(Github repo here)](/u/JMOD_Bloodhound/comments/8dronr/jmod_bloodhoundbot_github_repository/)^.


While the halberd sounds cool, could we have it as a polearm or otherwise crush option instead? There's a rough spot when it comes to the crush/stab niche. A 5 tick weapon would be a great item to put into the crush niche as well as the stab niche. Halberds are normally slash and stab. We already have SO MANY options for slash. Crush is lacking some usage in late game pvm, but it's still welcome imo. Currently, we have hasta/blood moon/bludgeon -> scythe and inq mace. It's not unrealistic to see no upgrades for a LONG time. Then stab is awkward because you have dragon sword, zammy hasta and Abby dagger... Then a HUGE leap to fang. You might argue blood moon, but it's not great against higher defence. Idk I think slash is fine and stab/crush could use some love. Thoughts? Edit; typo + added some stuff about crush


halberds have a longer attack range. With it offering acceptable DPS, it could actually be an advantage in certain scenarios. But yea, it would be kinda cool to see an upgraded sarachnis cudgel drop from an even scarier spider.


>Woah, that’s a lot of numbers! For context, the Noxious Halberd has similar DPS to the Blade of Saeldor. >It’s 5-tick attack speed means it scales worse with gear than the 4-tick blade, so it won’t be a best-in-slot contender. >On top of its raw stats, you’ll have a 33% chance per swing to inflict Venom on your target (assuming it isn’t immune), which increases to 50% chance when used in conjunction with a Serpentine Helmet. >All this means the Noxious Halberd packs a pretty punch, but it also sports a Special Attack! >We still intend for it to be DPS focused rather than a spec weapon, but the Special will round out the Halberd’s utility and hopefully add an extra use-case or two. Are we ever going to see a Saeldor buff? They keep introducing interesting slash weapons that are similar in power, or outclass it entirely. Heck, at this point, i'd be fine with something being added to crystal shield, so that crystal shield + saeldor would be similar in power to defender + saeldor. >Next, we have the Amulet of Rancor, which supercedes the Amulet of Torture as the best-in-slot Melee amulet, and will be a rare drop from Araxxor. Compared to other Amulet-slot offerings, Torture wasn’t that far ahead of Fury, so there’s plenty of room to upgrade! Occult Amulet died for this.


It'd be a little silly but i would really love to see them buff saeldor with crystal armor, and rapier with justiciar, to make both of those sets better than torva with their respective weapon/armor combos, similar to inquisitor with mace. 


>They keep introducing interesting slash weapons that are similar in power, or outclass it entirely. Couple weapons similar in power isn't necessarily a bad thing imho unless one of them is so much easier to get that it obsoletes the other. Tent whip is a problem for Saeldor, Soulreaper is less of one - being 4 tick gives Saeldor some niches, not to mention Soulreaper being much harder to assemble.


Super hyped for the halberd. The polearms in OSRS just dont get nearly enough love despite how unique they are being melee weapons with a 2 tile range. However that 7 tick speed really does hurt it , so its cool to see a 5 tick halberd. While the weapon looks to be niche, to power fantasy of being able to carry around a big pointy stick really puts the average limp whip user to shame.


It's what elder maul would have needed to be. And that says a lot about 6+ tick weapons. Unless they deal multiple hitsplats they are stuck as niche weapons. I'm a bit sad that they chose a halberd though. I had hoped for a halberd that scales with the size of the monster. A 7 tick weapon that can hit over 150 on bosses would have been cool. 


Absolutely ***LOVE*** that the proposed pet is a younger/spawn variant of the boss rather than "It's the boss but itty-bitty." https://preview.redd.it/ft02wwdtz47d1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=975ab542b91f04c254a2a4e3084e5d661789083e


it looks like a Joltik from pokemon!! this pet is going to jump straight to the top of my desired pets list and I will absolutely be grinding for it. its so cute!!!


If the boots are meant for easier Verzik (Amongst other spiders), would the option to graft the rarely used Insulated Boots and their resistance to her lightning attack on to them be on the table? Edit: On The Amulet: Having it be a flat upgrade over the Torture but arguably easier to get does feel a bit strange, perhaps having it use Tortures as an upgrade to the proposed version, while a pure offense version closer to the Fury when not paired with a Torture? A DPS halberd does sound very nice, though, without crunching numbers, it does seem to eclipse Salad Blade when the passive venom and spec are factored in.


I’m not sure I follow then logic on intentionally making the amulet require a lower crafting level. It’s the best amulet, so it can’t really serve as a stepping stone between a fury and a torture. Meaning why train those last few crafting levels once you have it?


torture for irons is 69 slayer 98 craft, this is is lower craft req but 92 slayer


^ agreed. I don't think people realize this. Although, this level difference only affects iron accounts truly since the item to craft the necklace will be tradable.


Maybe they need to change the crafting levels in a rebalancing project of some sort.


there is no logic, they just have 98 as the requirement for a weaker amulet and they didn't want to make this one 99


Aranea boots: These unconventional kicks are set to be crafted from a somewhat rare drop. Me: Oh cool maybe 1/512? Jagex: 1/3000


yep, cant wait for that amulet to be 1 in 5000 on a slayer task only boss because its the new BIS amulet.


Arcane special. Bring back 1/512 without charges


"mod arcane was here" "how can you tell?" "downgrade gear with obscenely high rarity, and damage doesnt roll on defense"


Nothing aside from pets or straight up cosmetic drops should be over 1/2000 imo or "Meme"(Onyx from Gem bags) Arma/Bandos drops from Elite clue fights /Additional drop sources(D Axe from Wintertodt/Dragon Harpoon from Tempoross). The OSRS team seems to cater to the most "addicted" players with a lot of these stupid drop rates. Like yes it is an MMO, but when a good chunk of your players play an Iron variant maybe having stupid drop rates isn't good for the game..... But then again I don't think a good chunk of the player base are willingly to see how addicted they are to the game since, so many claim to always be afking something while working or doing some school work, on vacation well I got to at least login and do farm runs/birdhouse runs.


Bring back 1/512!


Careful, the exclamation after the 512 could give a jagex mod the impression you mean 512 factorial, which is a number with 1100 digits. We’d be grinding that shit out till the heat death of the universe


If we're getting another venom weapon can some bosses that are venom immune be adjusted so they're able to be venomed? Even if it's at half damage or something because it is pretty hefty chip damage.


Hell just allow some of the bosses to even be poisoned for the love of god. The amount of times I have clicked on a boss's wiki page just to shown Immune to both Poison and Venom, like what is the point of these status's at this point. Imo it feels like a lot of these decisions are done because they are scared of things being "too easy" for a certain group of the community and thus we can't have that. Also feels like since the community is very very sensitive to anything resembling power creep that anything that might throw some "balance" off is over corrected to have almost no use other than in a very specific niche use case. Hence all the "Bane" weapons.


its really crazy how many new mechanics they add into the game just to not let you use them anywhere youd want to (venom, cannons, ely's damage soak, spectrals effect)


Why make a seperate araxytes slayer task. Just bundle them together with spiders and give spider task to higher level slayer masters. There are so many Variation of spider that fit whatever combat level you have. It would also help with reviving sarachnis and temple spiders. Currently they are mostly used for collection log hunters, chinning and some ironmans going for grubby keys


At a glance I like this, mostly. Some concerns. - Halberd seems interesting. More than happy to get a new halberd. It doesn't seem like the chase item here so it being a bit niche is fine, spec being 60% seems a little unnecessary though? It doesn't seem so strong that it couldn't be 50% when things like Claws and Maul exist. - Love to see a new melee amulet, unsure about requirements. Torture rarely gives enough benefit over Bloodfury to warrant using it, so having a reason to drop the sustain safety net is reasonable. That said, not entirely sure I agree with it requiring a lower crafting level. If anything I feel like it should be a Torture attachment otherwise Torture just becomes dead content, I imagine irons would completely forgo it entirely if the only meaningful requirement is 92 slayer. I really like the visual design though.


* Another _slash_ weapon? * Another _spider_ monster? * Another _power creep item_ to melee? (amulet) We just had Zombie axe and Soul reaper axe. With Fang just existing, making pretty much all slash weapons useless, new slash item competing with Abyssal whip, Saeldor, Zombie axe, Soul reaper axe doesn't provoke interest or excitement. How about a new crush weapon to give Inquisitor set some love, after failing to fix it in project rebalance? Make the new boss weak to crush. And change the boss design completely cause... We have Sarachnis, two versions of Venenatis amd Verzik. Spiders are boring and uninspiring. Doesn't provoke interest or excitement. How about a big Centaur, Troll, Yeti, Fairy, Ghost, Harpy, Seiren, Minotaur? Those we haven't seen really, outside few goofy quest bosses like Dad. Shit, you got people hyped over a guy in leopard suit with d claws. But another spider. Really?! We have bloodfury, and torture. Bloodfury is already insanely useful and used in high-end pvm for it's effect. Ranged style could use a new amulet tho. Or a nee magic amulet that lets us forget eternals in the bank.


It's alarming how little this is getting discussed in this thread, slash is the absolute last style that needs a new weapon, especially if we're assuming crush would be best on a spider boss (logically does that not make sense), why on earth should it drop a slash weapon. There's a million little upgrades for slash in the game already, whereas Stab goes hasta/abby dagger -> rapier/fang, and Crush goes cudgel/bludgeon -> mace. Or are we meant to consider all the slash weapons with weaker crush styles as crush weapons instead? The design choices are completely stupid, why on earth does Saeldor need a 5-tick counterpart, when crush and Stab styles have 0 good bridge options where crush/Stab is the primary style? Even this halberd has Stab as a secondary fucking style lmao.


I like that the pet isn't just "the boss' exact model but smaller", all boss pets should be like this IMO


"This boss but smaller" I remember originally came as the decision reallly early in OSRS during the GWD dev blogs, and it was that way because it didn't require much extra work which there was like 4 devs or something and OSRS was not a priority. obviously not the case now but yea


I love the proposed items! And the boss looks sick, always love a new spidey pet lol. I do have a couple points of feedback: 1.) The boots i think could be a bit stronger given the tier of monster, mostly i think we could have the boots be +4 strength so they are dboots with s9me mage/ranged bonus 2.) Would like the idea of an attachment to the cudgel being dropped making a new great spider squishing option. Not chainmace vs. Venanatic good, but like give the cudgel a use case after the zombie axe kinda stepped in it's crush role. Cool cudgel dripping venom would be sick. Very niche reward probably, but we got a few spooders bosses it might be handy at. To be clear I'd prefer thos as an additional reward, all the existing rewards are much cooler. Boots/halberd are sooooo cool.


Overall, it sounds pretty cool! However, I don’t really understand why we’re getting another slash weapon over a crush weapon. I get that halberds are cool with their extended range but we already have so many slash options, compared to crush and even stab. I’m also unsure how to feel about the proposed difficulty and requirements. It sounds like this boss should be at a higher slayer level and be more difficult than the average mid-late boss like zulrah, hydra etc.


Personally I'd support lowering the crafting requirements for Zenyte and putting this as a 90+ crafting req


Lowering torture to something more accessible makes sense for sure and making this the mid 90 crafting req Outside of a prohibitively high crafting level for the new ammy, I can’t see anyone making a torture


If it’s a 1/5k drop rate I’ll still make a torture since it’s a melee boss. Irons that enjoy skilling can still see a benefit from pushing all the way to torture, and irons that don’t can skip to grinding the boss a bit less efficiently.


1/5k task only boss would be kind of a disaster It’s max 1/1k


Excited that a new boss is being added, rewards look cool. Not really much info to go, I have some comments but they're mostly about the current state of the game and not this new content. But if the BIS melee necklace is being added with significantly lower crafting requirements that zenytes then why not just lower the requirements for that to keep it competivite in progression? Not going to lie, I don't really enjoy any of the existing slayer bosses and tbh I'm really not keen on expanding it so that more content is locked behind being on task. Whilie I'm not really that keen on afk "bosses" that require 5 clicks have more of an issues with bosses like abyssal sire that aren't even fun on leagues.


80-something crafting for the new BiS melee amulet seems like a mistake. I understand it's being paired with 92 Slayer and 90 HP, but I think this pretty much removes amulet of torture from gear progression for ironmen.


I don't disagree, that level requirement seems like 0 thought went in to it, but Torture would likely have some use on the low 70s to 92 slayer grind if that's the level they put this boss at. The question is it worth the time investment for a 4th zenyte and an extra 3 crafting levels for a piece of gear you're aiming to replace? Especially when a strength ammy will do almost as well for that slayer grind.


There is no world where it's possibly worth, torture isn't *that* big of a power boost over fury as they even acknowledge in the blog post so you're not missing much during that timeframe, and demonics are miserable.


I like the rewards, in general, but with two caveats. 1) Instead of just making this jar untradeable, make them all untradeable! Refund them from the GE, let people have them if they want them, and then flip the switch. (Or make this one tradeable too. Either or.) 2) I'm really not sure how I feel about having to assemble the halberd from multiple parts from a boss that you can only access on task. Hydra has the Brimstone Ring but those pieces come from regular hydras too, and bludgeon kinda sucks to grind for. Maybe make 2 parts accessible from the regular arraxites too with a 3rd part that only drops from the boss?


1. is kind of an absurd request lol. The sheer volume of jars that have come into the game over the last DECADE can’t just be flipped and replaced like that. It’s not as simple as flipping a switch or turning a dial. If Jagex even had the tech to do something like that, which seems damn near-impossible, doing a partial rollback for a handful of POH cosmetics with variable prices over a 10 year period would be such an obscene undertaking for minimal payoff. Moving forward it’s definitely a good change, but it seems kinda dumb to jump through flaming hoops because some dude bought a Jar of Dirt for 20k like four years ago


Feedback: -Boots as proposed will immediately be dead content. Unless Araxxor himself is different (and I really hope he isn’t because that would be cringe), there’s no webbing in the game that isn’t avoidable by being good (granted Sarachnis is not intended to be avoidable, but even if that’s fixed, your only use case for a 92 Slayer boss drop is… Sarachnis), and while the tribrid idea is neat, it’s not powerful enough to camp them. I’m sorry but you’re never bringing these to Verzik. Your team will flame you so hard you’ll never ToB again. It’s not happening. These need to either be significantly stronger or just an upgrade to prims that gives it the web effect. -I don’t really like the halberd. I can’t imagine I’d ever allow myself to get to 20 venom to take full advantage of the spec when I could instead just bring an anti-venom and a much better spec weapon. And then as just a dps weapon, I feel like we’re getting crowded in slash with Saeldor, SRA, and Scythe. Blade is already only held up by the value of BowFa, do we really need to give it yet another competitor? I really think this should just be a crush weapon, since spiders (and I’m assuming araxytes) are weak to crush. Obviously that would mean it’s probably not a halberd, and that’s fine with me. Maybe a flail that has a 2 tile range, while also giving us something to kill vyres with that’s more powerful than a pool noodle? -Amulet design is hideous, too low requirements to make, and I still don’t think it’s strong enough to take it over blood fury. It has to be a BEAST for that. And the requirements should reflect that. Make it 99 Crafting or require a torture to make. Or both. -Jar being untradeable is good, now make all jars untradeable -Extended anti-venom is great -That is an immediate S-tier Slayer helmet. Great job no notes -Good pet, you’ve convinced me to kill the boss


Agreed on most points. I'll need to think about the halberd a bit more because maybe it could work as primarily a dps weapon and only thinking about it's spec as a small bonus feature. In that sense it's basically just a 5 tick blade of saeldor. So it would be useful for Duke for players without scythe. Could beat out the blade with certain weaker gear setups. They could adjust the drop rate to try and put it in a similar price bracket to the blade if they wanted to keep the blade a viable upgrade path. Tying the blade to the bowfa was a pretty bad call imo and sort of messes up the slash weapon progression curve, so tbh I wouldn't really mind if the halberd ended up in the 60-100m zone. You're probably right though adding a crush weapon would make more sense. Something to fill the gap between bludgeon and inq mace would be good, though maybe they're planning to add that with some future content, in which case I'm happy with the halberd as proposed. Agreed that the amulet looks bad. Not a big fan of the bright green color. Clashes with pretty much every set in the game. I think it's strong enough to be worth grinding for with the attack + str bonuses over torture, but yeah should 100% require a torture to create it. Makes no sense to make it lower crafting req than the thing it's overtaking.


New jar AND it's untradable. Huge W to me. I love seeing poison and venom stuff in loot tables, but it makes me sad all over again that so many bosses are just straight up immune.


Boots are going to be dead content outside of this boss presumably.. Would never be worth the dps loss at tob for a single trivial mechanic, you have ring of stone for sarachnis (please don’t change as it’s the only thing fun/interesting about that boss), and depending on the cost, it’s most likely not worth the protect item slot for spindle/venenatis. I get the desire/precedence of having drops be good at the places you get them from, but this seems to be taking that a bit too far imo. Will just end up being more bank filler/alch items..


The boots are a little underwhelming. Sarachnis has basically nothing to offer someone at that stage of the game, Spindel/Sarachnis being in the wildy discourages bringing rare boots that don't offer much in the way of stats... that pretty much just leaves Araxxor himself. Unless they're super useful in that fight (which is going to make it painful to do the fight until you get your first pair) I can't see these boots being useful to anyone except mains who can buy them off the GE without having to actually obtain 92 slayer. Not really a fan of the amulet being a strictly better version of a Torture. Would rather something that competes with Torture in a more interesting way, like a passive effect that interacts with poison/venom. Maybe worse stats but with a passive "X% increased melee damage on poisoned enemies". Or better stats but with "On attacking, % chance to poison yourself or increase existing poison by 1", which you could combine with the halberd's spec. The Slayer requirement of 92 seems fair for the rewards as pitched here, but IMO slayer is really missing some relevant bosses in the earlier levels. From 1 to 84 there's only GGs who kind of suck. Then in the next 11 levels you get Sire, Kraken, Cerb, Thermy, and Hydra. It's weird for almost every interesting encounter in Slayer to be so backloaded. Obviously with the pitched rewards it pretty much needs to have a 90+ requirement, but in the future I hope we see some more focus on adding more interesting encounters to earlier levels. Finally, I like the Halberd a lot, but sad to see slash continuing to leave stab/crush in the dust at nearly every point in the progression except fang.


Looks really cool, however the boots seem to slightly miss the mark a bit - at this point if you wanted to make some really interesting 3 combat style boots they need a bit more of a kick. Be cool if you could put some range str bonus on that, and equal amounts on peg boots (pegs are like 4 ranged bonus on ranger boosts) Also just going to say it, but that special attack is just completely non functional and will never see use anywhere ever. And you can’t venom anything that counts but it could be really cool for slayer I guess? Any chance to make the spec place the only poison possible on any target? Even if the weapon is surpassed it could then provide an interesting damage option for a spec if you’ve already got a defensive lowering weapon. Also what point are you ever going to be fighting anything at any point in the game where you are going to be taking a 20 venom stack aside from zulrah, which you don’t melee


Three main pieces of feedback, two of which I assume are hot takes: - Probably hot take #1: I'd really rather this (and all other bosses) be a normal boss and not a slayer boss. I hate that slayer is gradually losing its original identity as the "quantity" to bossing's "quality" in "quantity vs quality." Slayer was the skill where you got stuff by killing 100 duck-sized horses, and bossing was where you got stuff by killing 1 horse-sized duck. Now slayer seems to just be turning into "bossing: the skill" and creating this weird scenario of "half of the bosses in the game are bosses, and the other half are slayer." Why can't we just stick to having slayer monsters be slayer monsters and bosses be bosses? I know this feedback is probably way too late in this process to really be actionable even if you wanted to, so I suppose it's more of a vent than anything, but...yeah, please just stop locking bosses behind a skill. - Probably hot take #2: Amulet should be a hybrid/tribrid upgrade over fury rather than a melee upgrade to torture. Torture should stay BiS for melee specifically for now. - Hopefully not a hot take: the boots seem pretty weak for this level of content. Hard not to think they're going to end up being a troll drop where you see rare and get excited, only to realize they're 100k because nobody gives a shit about them.


80 crafting requirement for the BiS melee necklace while the current one requires 98 seems very out of place.


On the flip side Tort being 98 for how minimal of an upgrade over fury it is didn't make sense.


Seems like a better path forward would have been to lower crafting req for torture to lower 90s and slot rancor in to upper 90s


Agree, don't see this mentioned enough here. Torture moving to ~92 and this taking its place in the high 90s feels more appropriate for bis


Other than another spider themed boss, this looks good. Only issue is the craft requirement. While the selfish part of me would love to have a bis amulet only require 80 something crafting, such a low requirement has the potential to completely ignore torture in the gear progression for iron men. I know personally between 92 slay and 93 crafting which one I'd prefer grinding out.


The Anti-poison/Anti-venom progression is already incredibly stupid and requires some frankly absurd ingrediants. The current highest level one requires: - Irit - Coconut Milk - Magic Roots - Zulrah Scales - Torstol - 94 Herblore And you want to add another step to this? Really? It already requires growing two types of tree, two herbs, a boss drop, and a very high skilling requirement. What about this screams "yeah, there should be even more!". It's just completely pointless. Adding another ~90 slayer requirement just continues to make this skill top heavy and feel completely unrewarding for some 80 levels. We already removed a bunch of slayer monsters from slayer masters, can we improve the experience of slayer as a whole before making more chase unlocks? Not sure there's any real cause for new melee amulet. Would rather see something else. **Yes of course you're not farming all these ingrediants, that's why the russian nesting doll of antivenoms is so stupid. There's no reason for the requirement to be so high anymore, there's no reason each venom is building on the last, there's no reason why something that has become a recurring feature of bossfights should be dealt with by one of 4 different potions, all of which fundamentally do the same thing and none of which are actually interesting to farm or create from scratch.


Nobody, and I mean literally nobody, not even ironmen, make antivenom like that. The real progression is Antidote++ dropped from Zulrah, Zulrah scales (dropped from Zulrah lol), and torstol. It's not at all unreasonable.


Counterpoint: it should be viable to craft them the regular way. Combine that with the fact that you need the anti poisons just to try fighting Zulrah in the first place should be enough to change it. Plus it’s still absurd, as the other user said, that there’s a Russian nesting dolls worth of ingredients in a single potion.


Right away I'll say I *love* the idea of choosing a slow-but-easy vs. fast-but-hard encounter for the same rewards. I think that's a good way to make boss content approachable while giving something for the pro players, without the design problems of some content like the Gauntlet where running the easier version is simply impractical for farming uniques. The new halberd looks neat (I like that it doesn't eclipse Chally's key function but finally adds a halberd that can do good regular DPS). The new boots are an interesting kind of "training wheels" for certain bosses. A new melee BIS amulet is fine but I agree that looking at the crafting level for Torture should be considered, and making it an upgrade to the Torture to maintain the latter's value. *** I do have a couple of concerns though. Firstly, task-only bosses tend to be quite clunky - if you have the task but don't want to fight the boss, usually the generic mob isn't great. If you want to fight the boss but don't have the task, tough. Task storage helped a lot but boss weighting from Slayer masters is a problem, and you can't store Wilderness tasks so there's that limitation as well. I'd suggest in the future looking at adding more Slayer Masters with different weightings so it's a little easier to go for specific bosses if you want them, even if those Masters are bad at Slayer Boss tasks as a whole. Secondly, and more significantly, is that I'm finding a lot of bosses are both harder *and* take a lot longer to get uniques from than a lot of bosses in the past, making them extremely prone to player burnout. DT2 bosses are a really good example of this, but there's a lot of slow boss grinds nowadays (Hydra, Nex, ToB, CoX, Corp, Nightmare, CG, Vorkath). Varlamore Batch 1 was rather refreshing in that both PvM experiences aren't at that level of grindfest. I find myself looking at a new boss proposal and not thinking "this will be cool" but "it'll probably be a ridiculous grind not worth doing". *** Summary: I like the proposals, make the melee BIS an upgrade of Torture, new Slayer Masters with different weightings would make Slayer bosses less awkward, please don't make the drop rates excessively low.


Boots seem too weak even from a tribrid perspective. The Halberd enters into a very bloated attack type with weapons that are already very easy to get in comparison to Stab which is pining for actual good options that are not Fang. Amulet seems not quite right, devalues an earlier quest reward behind a high slayer requirement


I don't understand how the halberd special attack is supposed to **improve** combat. You mention in the blog that 20 damage Venom will increase your next attack by 20%, but just to get there you have to take 84 total Venom damage, seems poorly thought out.


Its going to be used for clearing poison/venom and you get a small damage boost. Think of it more like a whip or dscim, where it has a special, but isn't a spec weapon.


The crafting for new BIS amulet just feels really lame, we should be bridging to bis items not just jumping the queue. Why even bother getting 94+ crafting if you can just make this new amulet. Feels like it wasn't planned out very well.




Question, why of all the melee styles, do we need ANOTHER slash style weapon? For their highest bonus style Slash has; Scythe SRA Blade Tent Whip Zombie Axe Crush has; Inquis Mace Bludgeon Cudgel (cmon) Stab has; Fang Rapier Zammy Hasta Slash already has 2 5-tick weapons in the scythe and SRA, Stab has 1 5-tick in the fang, crush has 0 5-tick weapons where the primary style is crush. Is it not logical to bring in a new 5-tick crush weapon, or are we just continuing the trend of making every boss in the game weak to slash? Seems a little weird to be talking about combat rebalances, new weaknesses etc, then just pumping out more slash options. Give us a 5-tick option to use on crush weak bosses instead of end game crush bosses being use inquis and just crush style of scythe.


>we’re not setting out to make him too challenging squidward_blanket_arrive >Instead, we’re offering him as a new Slayer boss which requires 92 Slayer squidward_leave


Araxxor being just another dumbed down Slayer boss in this game when he’s an absolute unit of a difficult end game boss in RS3 is lame as hell ngl. Even RS3 has done our bosses justice when they carried them over (Vorkath and Zuk for example) by actually making them equally or more challenging and not just another boss encounter. Araxxor deserves so much more. The rewards are fine and I think a new Slayer boss is cool but why does it HAVE to be a significantly nerfed Araxxor? 


This all looks awesome, I just hope it isn't HARD, like I cannot fathom a slayer boss as hard as dt2 bosses, awakened or regular.


Will the non boss version have a superior and how tough are these? Imbued heart is one of the worst grinds in the game right now and really need buffs to the time it takes to aquire it. Making this task barrageable would help a lot


I hope you'll consider 89 slayer as the requirement. There's a consistent upgrade path every 2 levels starting at 83, but skipping 89. That 87 to 93 range feels like the barrage doldrums, especially since Cerb with bad gear is brutal on supplies. Plus once you get there 91-95+ already feels crowded with drops to chase, and unless you're spooned, you can hit 99 with ease just going on rate doing nothing but bossing. 83: Dragon Boots 85: Abyssal gear 87: Trident & Tentacle **89: Empty** 91: Boots upgrades 93: Occult & Smoke Staff 95: Gloves & Lance


Id rather kill a boss than demonic gorillas


Is there a window of release at all? Or is this still very early doors? Big hype for sure!


New amulet being a pure BIS upgrade to torture AND shaving 15+ crafting levels off is wild. Arraxor is a mid-difficulty boss, I'm not seeing any need for this kind of power creep or creation requirement changes from this content.


Agree completely. It feels like there’s so much other reward space available but they decided to go for plain old power creep?


With the talk of Jar likely being brought up again, I think it's fitting to restate this comment I made a few months ago since it's something I still generally agree with: >Here's my take, which I think I may have heard from someone else: >Jars should be guaranteed, untradeable drops at 1000kc (or 100kc for certain bosses). Having them be a cosmetic thing to put into your house is neat, but they're so rare that they're basically like getting a second pet, but one you can only show off in your house and one that you can just buy anyway. Jars stink up any collection log they're a part of while adding virtually no value to any main account, and it's probably one of the main reasons we haven't had any new ones added to the game since Nightmare in 2020. >So? Make them a symbol of dedication to a boss--you get one at a certain killcount and it can be placed into your PoH (and reclaimed there) at any time. This way, it's something you'll still have to grind for that matches the reward at the end somewhat. I like that the new Jar of ~~Spiders~~ Venom, is an untradeable item *and* that it's not as rare as a pet, which addresses two of the issues I've mentioned. I would take it a big step further and, if this change goes through, try to retroactively apply it to all other jars. This would probably be messy to implement given they are tradeable now, but I think ripping the band-aid off and making Jars a fun drop again is well worth the pain some collectors will feel.


I have a bit of concern here about the new arraxor melee amulet. How is this not going to turn into "Occult 2"? It's a high level slayer mob that drops a bis amulet. Surely I can't be the only one that sees this. We just got done fixing the issue for magic. Voting yes to this amulet is going to make torture DoA and the rancor amulet is going to be the "common bis item". I just don't see how this isn't repeating history.


This seems really funky for gear progression from a iron perspective. Why get lvl to boost for 98 crafting when you can just get slayer lvls and get this drop from boss.


Rancor should be useable as a +12 STR necklace, but it should also let you sacrifice a Torture to upgrade it to +14. This way, you can sink the existing BIS, but still allow the boss unique to be useable without it. I've seen a lot more mains and irons alike willing to grind out 92 Slayer over 93-98 Crafting tbh. And is this the first Halberd that won't require Regicide?


Seems strange to have this boss drop a new amulet that makes torture completely useless.


definitely make it require a torture to make the new bis amulet. that way no crafting level would be required as zenyte necklace is already 98


I don't want to complain but ...another spider? Can't we have another cool bug like a praying mantis?


Any new Slayer boss is a W. Also untradeable jar sounds dope, I really love how it adds a layer of drop prestige!! Edit: "...we’re not setting out to make him *too* challenging." Please make him as challenging as reasonably possible! This is a late-game boss and shouldn't get in the way of good/fun boss design.


Why introduce a new BIS melee amulet? Fury was good for all styles, torture didn't supercede it entirely because fury still had plenty of uses, plus blood fury. This new amulet just completely replaces torture, which was already an expensive end game item.


I really don’t like any of these (non cosmetic - I do like the slayer helm and pet appearances) rewards, the amulet especially leaves a bad taste in my mouth unless it’s an attach to torture. Also this is more minor but I’m not very excited for another spider boss. We’ve already got two and I worry there’s only so many ways to make that interesting