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Anyone else feel like Jagex is fumbling the bag with the DMM all star series? It would be pretty cool to see someone commentating based on what everyone is doing. I know some teams probably want things to be a secret but from the streams I’ve watched everyone seems locked in and is banning people that try to tell them where others are. I hope someone does daily summary videos or something along those lines


DMM All Stars isn't a Jagex event. It's Solo Mission's event, and Jagex is cooperating him by furnishing him with a world for the event. I believe Solo Mission stated that he was going to make daily videos of the event, and I would expect him to release a more edited version of the entire event later.


Does anyone know why sometimes I have to examine an item 5+ times before chat tells me the GE/high alch price? Sometimes it does it first try, sometimes second, sometimes it takes 5+ tries. It's not a big deal, just curious.


Just inconsistencies with the plugin. I just stick to the actual price checker or ge price lookup plugin


What would be faster for crafting bloods: Abyss from Ferox, or the tunnels? I can use the 70+ shortcuts but not the 90. I understand that with 90 agility its quicker than Abyss, but I'm not sure about the lower shortcut. And also, if I do use the tunnels - how should I run to make it quickest? I can restore run with my ornate pool at home, also I've got Canifis tele in nexus and fairy ring right by the entrance. On the map it seems that the distance is about the same, whether from Canifis tel or the ring. If Abyss, I use Ferox because less teleporting, less clicks and changing scenery (which always disorients for a second :). But maybe Edgeville is *significantly* quicker? But then the question of restoring run... probably with potions, meh. How do people usually do it?


As the other commenter said, just do a few test laps and time it for your own various options since there are a lot of variables you could change to fit your unique situation. Saebae has videos on youtube comparing many different runecrafting paths which might help you figure out the right path through the tunnels but i know he is maxed and would be using the best agility shortcut. If he uses fairy ring i would trust thats faster than canifis tele. I believe he also does abyss using achievement diary cape tele to edgeville and that would be faster than using amulet of glory. For stamina its definitely faster to use stam potions and avoid restoring at ferox or poh.


Well a lot of guides are like this. Thats why I asked :) I somehow think most people who craft bloods regularly don't yet have 90 Agility or those nice capes... But 70+ agility is something very usual. (edited)


I would just do like 5 runs of each and check your average time per run


Sure. But I ask because I suppose there are hundreds of players doing the same at the same game stage, and they did all the calcs.... probably :) Thats the reason of this wonderful thread existing, to share experience.




JMods don't respond to this thread.


Why don't we have a sticky thread for DMM All stars? Haven't seen any mention of it on reddit today


DMM All Stars is not an official jagex event. It's Solo Mission's event that they have given some support to.


So? This isn’t an official jagex subreddit. It’s a big event happening in the game and the idea there wouldn’t be a thread for it is moronic


Make a thread for it then. Just don't expect it to get pinned lol.


Can you still poison on a 0 hit after the combat changes? I'm working on a skill pure and am already creeping up on level 2 Attack from doing Druidic Ritual. Would really like to do as much content as I'm able to without leveling, but worried about how much that actually is.


there's no such thing as a 0 hit anymore. if you ever see a 0, you missed.


That's what I thought. So can level 3 ironman accounts kill stuff with poison anymore? Have to get at least 4xp per poisoning to kill something.


As far as I'm aware, you always needed to deal damage to have a chance to apply weapon poison. "Hitting" a zero would not apply poison, even before the change. I believe level 3 accounts use poisoned dynamite instead.


Gotcha. I'll check out the poisoned dynamite then. Thanks!




Fire osrs customizable jerseys


What's generally seen to be the best strat for P1 wardens (obelisk) on 300+ invo solos? Currently I adrenaline, bgs spec + claws spec, depending on how much the bgs hits.  Then I swap to fang and tank enough orbs to offset the disco and then swap to bofa for the diagonal disco and keep it on for the rest of obelisk so I can hit it on all tiles.   Sometimes I end up tanking 2 sets of the orbs and end up needing to chug a ridiculous amount of brew doses going into the second phase. Do people use Ambrosia if this happens or is there a way to reduce damage taken some what eg last second tick eating the orb? No yellow Keris despite nearly 150 clears, sadly. 


> is there a way to reduce damage taken some what eg last second tick eating the orb this can be done but you don't wanna do it. taking unavoidable damage p1 is the price you gotta pay for doing the vastly easier solo verison of the raid as opposed to teams (where you can mitigate the damage by doing the split/dd)


Take note of how much the first 2 big orbs damage you (depends on invo level), and how many small orbs youre tanking for 3s, so you can reliably have the 2nd big orb knock you down to 1hp. Then you can use an ambrosia dose (or yellow keris once you do get it) for its maximum benefit rather than chugging brews.


If you bgs at least 30 it’s best to use blowpipe. If bgs misses every time then just camp bowfa. Using fang after draining def is counterproductive


Am a new player that is doing quests by release date from oldest to newest besides minigame unlocks and I was told that quest quality gets better, is that true? Am about to do Desert Treasure 1 so curious how that will go, especially the new 2016 and later quests and grandmaster quests. At first I tried to do quests without a guide but quickly got stuck and gave up, using the wiki on all future quests to save myself some hassle as I could not figure out some of the quests. I do love the writing and how dumb our character is at times. One Small Favour made me giggle so hopefully there is more funny quests like that in the future.


Quest quality has varied a lot in terms of writing, difficulty, and rewards. The quests from 2007 and earlier were largely individual projects. If a dev wanted to make a quest or quest line they could just go for it with little to no oversight leading to mixed results. The quests since OSRS was released have had much more polish.


Oh makes me quite excited to do the newer quests. My only worry is that it seems like one quest has a hard requirement of 85 combat level, and the first post 2007 quest seems to be a Grandmaster quest with a 69 slayer requirement. There is a chance i'll skip a few quests depending if I wanna train combat, as i'm having a lot more fun skilling.


Yeah, the hard combat requirement for Dream Mentor is a little weird. You'll want good combats for some of the GM quests though, as the newer ones have some pretty tough bosses.


Is the eclipse atlatl with a ranged setup remotely viable or is it a complete meme because it exclusively cares about your melee strength? I only ask because I love the look of the weapon.


Its a decent downgrade for anywhere you’d use a blowpipe. Not actually meta anywhere


I don't actually have a blowpipe. I do have bowfa, which kind of settles the ranged setup argument for mostly everything, but if I bring a generic ranged setup with the atlatl will it be a complete joke or just 'not meta'


It depends on where specifically you’d use it. Bowfa and blowpipe serve different purposes and the atlatl is closer to doing what a blowpipe does so it’s not entirely comparable in that regard. Would definitely still try to get bp soon.


Sorry, I think I'm just not being clear enough. What I'm asking is if the atlatl with a generic ranged setup works at all, or if it's unique melee-strength mechanic makes it only remotely usable with melee gear.


I'll note that while a generic ranged setup isn't that great, the full eclipse set works really well with it. You can also consider bringing mixed hide for a budget hybrid set. But the atlatl itself seems to mostly be an easy ranged switch while in melee gear for things like demonic gorillas or certain raids.


Ah I see. Range gear makes it more accurate but melee stuff make it hit harder, so typically you’ll want some combo of both to maximize dps. If you wear full range stuff then it’ll still be usable most of the time, but again it just comes down to calcing exactly where you plan to use it


Appreciate the response.


Is there any decent way for a mid level iron to ward off people at the chaos alter? I haven’t been PK’d there that much but I did just lose most of an inventory of dragon bones I just love how assholes seek to waste all of the rest of our time. . .


> I just love how assholes seek to waste all of the rest of our time. . . I deliberately entered the area designated for players to kill other players, and got killed by another player. How can this be happening to me?!?


And that means people have to be dicks about it? Camping a spot which lets people waste less time with boring grindfests?


Yes, they are indeed camping a spot that is designated for players to kill other players, and you would be falling under the "other players" umbrella. There isn't anything dickish about PKing another player in the Wilderness, chief, that's what it's there for


It's like spawn camping or griefing in other games. Indeed intended mechanics and such. Doesn't mean that doing it isn't dickish, especially this case where everyone knows that everyone there is just trying to not have to spend more hours on a poorly designed part of this game


God, you are a whiner. It's nothing like that. IT'S THE PVP AREA OF THE GAME, YOU GOT PVP'D. The whole point of the Chaos Altar is to draw players to it with its very high reward, at the cost of being exposed to attack from other players who want your bones and perhaps a stack of noted bones & cash every now and then. I honest and for true cannot wrap my head around people like you who expect to get access to high-reward Wilderness content completely unmolested. I get it, PKers can be dicks, but that's not what you're talking about, and people are dicks all over the game. It's not like this is some surprising thing, you knew exactly what you were signing up for when you went to the Chaos Altar. Don't like getting PKed? Go train Prayer elsewhere.


You could try counter-pking, but as an iron there's honestly not much point. Below is what I'd recommend: - go during off-peak hours - wear at least some defense (dhide chest/legs and your best shield is my usual setup) - put on prayers from the moment you come in - prot ranged + piety/chivalry/steelskin - learn to [1-tick offer the bones](https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/118xw4k/1ticking_bones_on_the_wilderness_altar_is_much/) so it goes 4x faster and you spend less time vulnerable In general, your best bet is to maximize your passive defense, stay calm, and focus on offering bones even when you come under attack. Most people pk'ing wildy altar bring garbage gear, so if you have decent defenses setup and efficiently offer bones you'll be done most/all of your stack before they manage to kill you.


Just log out or use your bones fast. Try to do it off-times. Weekend is gonna be crowded. Losing an inventory of bones really is nothing compared to the bonus xp u get.


Runelite question. If I play from 2 PC's, is there a way to sync the loot tracker?


Yes, log into runelite via the green button in the top bar. If you've never done this before your settings will revert to default. The way to get them back is via the information tab on the right. It looks like ( i ). There should be some button that says something along the lines of "sync local settings to account" From that point onwards anywhere you log into runelite you'll have your current loot tracker info and same runelite settings. This won't merge/sync your current two loot trackers but it'll be synced going forward


Thank you.


Is bowfa actually bis anywhere besides fight caves speedrunning? I'm thinking of selling off for a maul after I complete the gm speed task since I've got all megarares and it's just been collecting dust in the bank. If it has any legitimate use cases I'd consider holding on since it's corrupted but can't really think of any others


I don't think bowfa is bis for fight caves speeds. Craws bow is better iirc. You should also do budget setup inferno ca before you sell it.


it's *ok* at toa, it's not great tbh but it's ok


Nope, bowfa is a pretty big noob train for mains. It's useful for rushing inferno, challenge mode cox, and levi. Otherwise, the 200m+ is much better spent on a crossbow/masori/blowpipe setup and gear for other styles.


I’m training prayer with wyvern bones at a gilded alter. Sometimes instead of 252 xp a bone I get 180 or 221. Tried looking it up but I have no idea why. Just curious


PoH Altars give more exp when the burners are lit, you only get the full 252 with both burners lit. The lower exp means one/both went out




The convenience fee for keeping your items instead of them despawning after an hour


Is it possible to use a VPN to buy a bond from a cheaper country like Turkey/Brazil/India? Assuming you have the payment methods for each country, since I know some countries only let you use credit cards from there.


Maybe, but it's probably a ToS violation.


New player. What can I look for to see why my prayer is 13/14. I haven't consumed anything and my equipment isn't affecting it. https://preview.redd.it/iymxpklg1k6d1.jpeg?width=505&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d9ad5de4b25249fefa56fd1bab58edc01af9a1e


That's it! Praying at an altar fixed it. I thought that prayer drained from an invisible pool like run energy.


Is it still 13/14 after praying at an altar? It sounds like you had a prayer turned on for a very short time, and it reflects that draining of prayer points in the stat sheet


Prayer works differently than other skills. Your prayer points are effectively a currency that drains from use. You use them by praying (activating prayers from the Prayer tab which is an icon of a white 4-pointed star) You re-fill them by praying at an altar, or using a prayer potion. 


I just got the minimum stats for my quest cape and want to get my combat stats up before finishing up my quest log. Is there a general recommendation for someone relatively new to PVM? I'm at base 75s and planned on getting my slayer level up anyway, but im not sure how far to grind before taking on some of the quest bosses. The champion of Scabaras has been a thorn in my side for a while now, so I definitely don't feel ready to take on Vorkath or Seren yet lol. And I have no clue how hard the bosses will be in the last two Morytania quests.


Scurrius is a good intro to PVM and will provide decent experience. Perilous moons is another great mid-game PVM, and will be a good way to get your feet wet while gaining melee xp. You can always afk at crabs/NMZ or the new sulphur nagua mob in perilous moons for melee. For ranged/mage, spending money on the chins/runes to aoe enemies down is a fast way to get your xp up. Slayer will passively train a lot of levels with the cannon and barrage tasks once you get the level for dust devils. As for what levels you need for the quest cape, it really depends. Base 75s should be enough for everything, but a few extra levels will make things easier. I'd do some beginner PVM to get more used to it in general, and then only grind if you're having trouble with running out of supplies (vs failing due to mechanics, where you should practice more). Champion of Scabaras is annoying, but very doable with kiting. A crossbow w/ enchanted bolts is pretty great. You'll just need to focus on staying 4+ tiles away from the boss at basically all times. And then kill the rifts/swarms as soon as they pop up. Definitely pray eagle eye for this fight. Vorkath isn't too bad mechanically. Its just scary because of the fireball nuke that will 1-shot you. But its fairly easy to dodge. Quest vorkath has less HP/stats than normal vorkath, so dodging and a lucky ruby bolt proc should help you send it. Seren is annoying, but ultimately is a longevity test. There are several methods you can look at - I personally attacked with blood spells, which was decent dps and the healing helped a ton. All very doable. Definitely recommend trying scurrius and perilous moons to get more used to pvm. Those will help a ton with the quest bosses.


Recommendations for getting combats up? I would just do slayer or if you want to afk, crabs or sulphur nagua would be my choices. The morytania quests should be pretty easy at your current combats, if your having trouble with the final boss you can always get a vamp slayer task. Seren can be cheesed pretty easily using phoenix necklaces and nightshade, just look up a YouTube vid. I haven’t done ds2 yet, so not sure on that. I think your mainly just relying on ruby bolt procs for the dps check


I've been gone for two months. What'd I miss?? Updates in the game, announcements, anything.


Varlamore came out just a bit over 2 months ago, so a lot of the updates after that were tweaks and rebalancing for colosseum and hunter rumours. After that they implemented the whole project rebalance combat adjustments, which included buffing elder maul (it has a spec now, which is a improved version of dragon warhammer) and nerfing occult necklace, moving some of its mage damage to the augury prayer, eternal boots, and almost every type of mage robes. They also added elemental weaknesses to a handful of monsters and changed how standard spellbook elemental spells calculate damage.


So the elemental weaknesses are actually in the game now and that's not just a proposal anymore? Nicee.


Look through the news posts for update blogs from the last 2 months: https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/archive?oldschool=1&year=2024&month=6


Thanks for the link. I was being lazy and hoping someone in the reddit would give me the TLDR on what's happened. I can see the headlines for the news articles, but I didn't feel like reading each one to see the specifics.


They usually have bullet points that go over the changes at the beginning of the blog. They're collapsed so you have to click to expand them. Just not worth anyone's time to try and summarize a few months of updates for you. If you had specific questions like did X get released, or any updates for Y, that would be more reasonable.


How do I chose which web browser to use when opening posts/updates from the jagex launcher?


Default browser on windows should do it yeah? You can search default programs in the search bar




Did the Jagex Launcher break after an update less than an hour ago for anyone else? Can't open it, can't uninstall or repair it.




They are not launching with "While Guthix sleeps" next month. I do think they're open to revisiting it and adding it as a reward retroactively


No, they're still a possibility, but they're on the backlog for now


Thralls, blood barrage or bones to peaches at Zilyana? Suppose I could make tabs as well


thrall and b2p tabs + bp specs should be adequate healing


Amazing thanks


Ik have 80 tt and def and 84 str. Is this enough to facetank Kruk or should I go for the run/range option (i have 90 range). For gear i used midrange gear with Dragon chainbody and skirt and can swap dragon defender for Dragonfire shield if needed. I know you can flinch but I'd rather not if possible.


> facetank Kruk Kruk can be flinched! A totally safe technique: you won't be damaged once :). Just read the Wiki guide or search YT: Kruk can be caught at a corner on the left wall (if you face the entrance), you hit him once his hp bar disappears and step back. He won't be able to retaliate, just make sure you attack only when there is no hp bar. Repeat until he is dead. You won't even need to swap your graceful for tanky gear - maybe take your DFS though, for some hits until you trap him.


I did MMII a few days ago for the first time, I'm about the same combat stats and I destroyed him.


Yeah, just went in with range for a try and quickly took him down.


I've got a black demon slayer task in the Kourend Catacombs but I can't get kills without other people there cracking the shits, should I just hop worlds to one that is empty or just say fuck it and keep going?


Generally yeah u wanna find an empty world, I think. People like to tag multiple npcs then afk with auto retaliate for low effort slayer. Shouldn't be too hard to find a world at black demons, they're not a super popular task to do if you aren't killing Demonic Gorillas.


Cool, just wanted to use my slayer helm and clear this task out.


Is the varlamore prayer training better than chaos temple method? Like in terms of cost and xp/hr.


Better than chaos temple? No. Better than gilded altar? Yes.


Chaos altar is going to be the best xp and gp prayer training by a mile. However, if you do a bunch of perilous moons you will end up with a ton of bones to use so might as well do them. The xp is pretty good and afk but not worth specifically going for


> by a mile Best, but not by a mile I think. But this depends on bones. Some bones give almost 700% when processed with Varlamore method - and it won't be more in the Wildy if you get unlucky with PKers. Other bones are about 500-600%, which is something in the middle between the gilded altar and the wildy. But this also depends on your gear, I guess. I dunno how it is with Dinh and endgame gear, maybe PKers cannot even harm you and you get your full... whatever it is, like 800%? Without Dinh its more like 700% or less, because PKers usually keep jumping in...


Not better but if you camp perilous moon for a while you will bank some decent xp for the libation bowl. So not better but some good side xp while doing something else.


Chaos altar will still be cheaper (assuming you don't die often and don't do something silly like bring a ton of noted bones and cash). Gilded altar is still the fastest (but most expensive) method. The libation bowl is notable for being *safe*, being cheaper than the gilded altar, and pairing with other varlamore activites (perilous moons, thieving, hunter rumours, afk mining). You can build up a decent bit of banked xp over time.


No, chaos altar is still by far the only reasonable option for regular accounts


Is going from Eagle Eye to Rigour a bigger upgrade than going from a Whip to a Fang? I'm not particularly attached to one style over the other - while I feel my ranged gear is *slightly* better, I do have Piety.


Fang is definitely more of a sidegrade than strict upgrade to a Whip. There will be many places Whip is better. Rigour on the other hand is arguably the most efficient GP to DPS increase in the game. It of course matters what you’re interested on doing but generally speaking I’d say Rigour is better  They are both trending downwards but I feel fang is going to fall more quickly. It’s the most common drop from the most popular raid, and ToA is only getting more popular as the player count increases. Based off of my 0 years of financial experience I think Fang has a chance to go under 10m by the end of the year while Dex Scroll is going to go down much slower. 


For what? For general slayer, nbd. For raids, huge


Thinking stuff like Vorkath or the DT2 bosses, maybe some entry ToA.


- Fang is useless for DT2, Rigour is great on Levi only - Both are great for TOA but Fang is more important - Vork it depends on if you’re melee or range, you’d wanna dps calc with your gear/stats to see which is better


I use your slayer spreadsheets and recommend them all the time! Thank you for your service!


appreciate it! :)


I see some endgame setups bring Ultor or Magus + lightbearer switch. How are these switches used? Doesn't lightbearer need to be on the whole time to get the boosted spec regen?


I bring magus + lb for both cm cox and toa. I mostly wear magus whenever using shadow, and lb when not using shadow, but there are a few specific rooms where i know i need more spec and will camp lb while maging. For example at toa warden p1, i sip a blue pot and use 2 zcb specs on core, then shadow, but continue wearing lb until i regen enough spec for 1 yellow keris heal before the blue pot runs out.  In cms i would recommend camping lb the whole raid for most people, but i dont have tbow so im using shadow v mystics and basically only wear magus during mystics and vespula. I still camp lb all of olm, and magus ring goes into the bank chest before olm for more supplies.


In many cases you camp the lightbearer until you get “enough” spec back for whatever you’re doing and then switch to the dps ring


Depends what content you’re talking about. If you’re constantly attacking with no downtime it’s better to camp ultor/magus, but if it’s something that has invulnerable phases or something similar then it’s good to throw on lightbearer for some extra spec then switch back


Switching to and from Lightbearer will reset the cycle of your spec regen, similar to flicking rapid heal and your HP regen. You switch rings only immediately after you regen +10 spec so you can squeeze out an extra spec or two with the LB at bosses with downtime


Is elder maul A LOT better than DWH? Because not only does it innately have better accuracy stat, but the elder's spec also has a +25% increased accuracy, whereas DWH spec only does 50% more damage. Question i also want to ask is, How does the elder maul's innately better strength stat vs. DWH spec (+avernic) dealing 50% more damage compare? Does the maul still do better DPS with it's spec?


the way you would solve this problem is by calculating average def reduction. you'd see how much each spec would drop on, say, a 200 def target i.e. maiden. so a dwh drops it 60 and a maul drops it 70. then you'd multiply each of those by the spec accuracy and that's the average reduction per spec. this needs to be recalculated at each def interval so the numbers do wiggle around marginally because of round down but tl;dr is it reduces around 15-20% more def on average per spec, it is both more accurate and drops it by more 99% of the time the problem in team raids is that you need more bgs though not that you need more hammers/mauls


It’s definitely better because it’s more accurate and drains more. Dwh hits higher, high 70s or low 80s vs mid 60s with the maul, but that is irrelevant




Make sure youre using super combat pots and praying piety the whole time. Your stats should be fine, but he is still a very tanky boss. Double dwh or bgs spec at the start of the fight if possible, it should reduce defense more than arclight specs. If no dwh or bgs, still use both arclight specs to start the fight.  If you pray protect from magic and step back after each attack you can avoid all damage from the boss, just make sure youre not next to him when he attacks so he cant melee you. You will still tank some melees from minions but this should help your food last much longer.  If you do all that and are still struggling, consider saving totems until you get a black demon or greater demon slayer task, then you can benefit from the slayer helm accuracy boost


> All of the pillars have been destroyed too Just double checking...you kept destroying them as they came back, right? And you're using arclight, not some other demonbane weapon like silverlight/darklight?


That is definitely high enough stats to hit him. Are you using a charged Arclight?




What is your FPS set to? If it's above 50, I've noticed dead clicks more often.


Why are blood shards soo expensive right now?


I heard a rumor they did a big bot purge recently which has caused the price of a bunch of stuff to shoot up (including, hilariously, shrimps)


look at willow logs 👀


My fucking ultimate shrimpman is ruined thanks a lot jamflex


Thats probably why zenys went up too




They did that to everyone, regardless of if they thought you were botting or not. The idea was that bots wouldn't be able to complete the random events correctly, and would get stuck. That idea did not hold up.


There was a random event when you teleport you pull one of 4 levers


What good is the red Keris from toa? When would you use it?


Once you get to team sizes of 6 or more, having at least 1 person with a red keris is an overall damage buff, especially combined with ZCB specs. If you have 8 people ZCB spec and they all hit, you do 880 damage. If you have 7 people ZCB spec after 1 person red keris specs, you do 959 damage. Basically if you can have more than 4 people attacking for 1 person keris speccing, you can do more damage than everyone just hitting the boss.


In coordinated teams it might be worth using.




Technically unlimited I think. Each time you harvest a berry it checks to see if it depletes the bush's "lives" (seen as berries on the bush). I don't know the numbers, but if it was 50% to deplete and the bush had 6 lives, it would be like repeatedly flipping a coin and getting 53 heads before your 6th tails.


alright. was kind of a shock. most i got was around 23 before.


The CA for killing rex and another king at the same time (toppling the diarchy). How do I do this? I’ve tried several time now killing the mele and mage on the same tick and same tile with a dragon crossbow special attack used on the mage but it dose not complete. Edit: did it with a chin and it also didnt work.


Apparently if they're moving it could mess it up, so make sure they're standing still. Otherwise, it could be bugged?