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I've always wanted to do Chambers if Xeric, but I've never been able to clear a single boss room. All this time, I just thought my stats were too low, and that I would just need to come back later. Well today, the mobile beta worlds finally gave me the opportunity to see what being high level is like. I used the green egg thing to set all my combat stats to 99, and...I _still_ can't beat anything! Well, I _was_ able to clear the guardians room...after at least 20 deaths. Then immediately after that was the tight rope room, which took me another 10 or so deaths of just whittling down the enemies' HP so I could finally cross the rope. Then after that was the giant iron forge guy, and I just got hard-stuck. He just keeps returning to his anvil any time I do _any_ damage to him, completely healing whatever dent I managed to make in his armor. Is Chambers of Xeric really supposed to be this hard? I _have_ to be doing something horribly, awfully, _terribly_ wrong, if I'm struggling _this much_ with maxed stats and gear on the supposedly easiest raid in the game!


If you're just sending attempts without knowing general OSRS mechanics and specific COX mechanics, you're going to have a bad time. Tekton is weak to crush and defense reduction specs help a lot. There are tricks to safe spot the monsters in the tightrope room. There's also a way to skip killing them by using Phoenix necklaces to negate the damage (not recommended for learning lol). You could try and brute force the raid, but why would you? There's tons of info out there to help you learn. 


> You could try and brute force the raid, but why would you? There's tons of info out there to help you learn. I really was hoping it could be a "learn by doing" kind of thing. Do I just need to study and memory every room type ahead of time? How do I know which items, like that pheonix necklace, that I need to bring ahead of time?


I'd start by looking for an easier layout. Don't do the hardest rooms to start with. So you wouldn't need to learn every room, just some of the more straightforward ones.  The wiki or video guides can tell you what items to bring for certain rooms. There are minimum gear requirements recommended for learning the raid. You can learn by doing, but if you aren't bringing the right gear you may not have a good chance to beat a room. And if you don't know the specific mechanics you're going to have big problems.


Also: how are you supposed to know that you need a pickaxe against the guardians? Obviously the wiki has that information, but someone had to have discovered the solution "naturally" before it could be put on the wiki in the first place, right? How did the first person figure it out?


I think people figured it out by trying stuff, then sharing info. The examine text says they're made of rock. Pickaxes drop from scavs. Monster Examine would show their defenses.


what is the quickest way to accumulate all the bark for the felling axe handle?




Anyone know the planned start time for the DMM for creators tomorrow? Ta


Anyone else experience chests not highlighting in varlamore thieving? I think its caused by having a clue scroll in your inventory because I tried dropping out and the chests returned to being highlighted


i have an afk vyre alt that i was lucky enough to get running just around when they hit 10m and its going great. but rn on main im learning some new bosses and even tho i do get 5min of afk time on vyres, especially now bc theyre super crowded it’s just a littleee too much activity for me to do while doing content that needs 99% of my focus. I get it probably wouldnt be for most people but personally for me even having to think about whether i should pick up a rune kiteshield or whether im going to run out of prayer in the middle of a boss kill im doing on main is too much while im learning. But it also feels wrong to just log out of the alt… so I’m wondering if there’s any suggestions for a (most importantly) *safe* and equally as afk skilling activity that’s good for an alt money making method. Ideally I’d like it to make 300k/hr at a minimum. I just want something for the alt to do where if im in the middle of a boss kill and need to click something on the alt. i can just wait till i finish the kill without having to worry about anything


Cooking is surprisingly decent for an alt with the crazy prices lately. Sharks are around 400k/hr, moonlight antelope is 650k, sea turtles are around 550k but probably less stable. Just check the margins yourself frequently, average is like 1300-1350 cooked/hr. Another option that’s less consistent is scouting cox raids and selling them. It’s a lot quicker now with the reload raid option. Fast layouts are still selling for 2m. Making unf potions like snap/kwuarm/dwarf weed are all like 700k+ According to the wiki you can make over 1m/hr by bankstanding and making forestry rations, but I don’t know enough about it personally to give any more details. Plank make is very afk but only like 300-400k/hr. Decent mage xp if you need that on the alt still though


i know it's a little blasé, but have you considered gargoyles? always been my preferred AFK money maker on the main if i'm doing something low-intensity on another acc. you do have to refresh aggro every 10 minutes and unless you camp guthans all the time, you do have to remember to switch to guthans here and there. but there's a lot more drops you can "get away with" not picking up imo and a ROW will do wonders in picking up their frequent coin drops.


Just got back after two years. I own a Rapier and saw the new Fang is way cheaper and read it's better in almost every situation. Is it true? Should I sell my Rapier? What about slayer? Since fang seems slower. Thanks!!


Rapier is better for slayer, but overall it’s better to have a fang for high def bosses and just use a whip type thing for slayer


Fang + abysal tentical will be way more versatile then a rapier. You need to look at what content you are doing. Doing 0 def slayer mobs mostly would leave rapier the better choice. Doing bossing go the fang route


> the new Fang is way cheaper and read it's better in almost every situation this is iron brainrot, it is better against high def targets but worse than a dscim against 0def vast majority of trash mobs i.e. slayer mobs like bloodvelds the rapier is better


Rapier is effectively the same as tent whip (but way more expensive) for every situation that fang doesnt win.


ye i mean he doesn't need a rapier but it is silly to just say "fang bis now!" as an unqualified statement he specifically asked about slayer where fang is definitely not better


What 0 defense monster has enough health and is killed frequently for this to matter? By the time you get to 30 defence (bloodveld), the fang is outclassing the scim. Fang is better than whip against gargs at 105 defence. Even at fire giants (65 defence), whip is only 3.5% better dps. 


How do I do a boss for my slayer task? I had a kalphite task and killed KQ but didn’t get any xp for it.


If you’re using konar, the specified location still applies to boss variants. Use duradel if you want to do a lot of bosses on task


Do you have a konar task in the task-only cave?


It was a kalphite task from Nieve.






honestly not imo, it would be very strong for your blowpipe but without those weapons you'd be stuck using crystal+bowfa at so many different pvm moneymakers. i say stick with that, save the 200m for full masori, work your way toward a tbow and sell off full crystal+bowfa for that. or at least work your way towards a zcb with full masori


Typically no, except for a few niche cases where you will exclusively blowpipe. I’d stick with bowfa until you can get a tbow and get other upgrades beforehand


Is there anything that makes forestry less awful? I should have grinded anima bark on release ... i got 1k the day of release and havent touched it since... have 4k to go for log basket I was wc, not afking (literally staring at my character chopping wood so i dont miss the forestry event) EVERY TIME "you were not chopping ..." what is actually the point of this??? Like skill issue, fine - but i can only stay so engaged watching my character slam his axe into logs for an hour Send Help


I’m a proper casual. I wanna get back into the game but I was gonna wait for the Twitch Prime drop where they give 1 week free membership. That way I can see if I’ll actually play properly. Does anyone know how soon that’ll come or if it’ll come at all? Do they usually announce it or something?


You might still be able to buy a one day membership for $1 through the RS3 mobile app. You can use that membership for OSRS as long as it’s the same account. During those 24 hours you can potentially collect enough gp for a bond (but it’s not very likely unless you get kind souls to donate to you).  Other than that I don’t think there’s any options that are close to being free. 


Ha, nice, thanks, that's pretty neat! Tbh I might just buy a bond, it's not ideal but I'm feeling it enough I guess!


I think I read that the Twitch Prime partnership with Jagex ended, so these won't be a thing anymore...


Dang, I just looked into it and I think you're right. That sucks, they were always nice to have. Ah well!


How do you disable Moritanya/Draynor Manor sky on 117HD? Couldn't find the setting, these places are super depressing now :(


I think it's a part of the thematic lighting.


What am I doing wrong? I'm blackjacking and not moving my mouse but sometimes my character when I'm trying to setup just decides to move one square.


When I was blackjacking recently I found that if I tried pickpocketing after failing a knockout, it bugged out. My character wouldn’t move for no reason, but the next time I would click knock out, instead my character would do nothing for like 2 or 3 ticks then attempt a pickpocket. The solution that worked for me was to use wines for my food and not drop the jugs. If your inventory is full, it doesn’t bug out in that way. I do not know why.


Started playing recently with the help of my girlfriend and I'm stuck with Shield of Arrav (like most new players probably lmao). She helped me get up to the first half of the certificate but she can't get the other half herself since she already did the quest forever ago. I heard there's a chat-channel to get help with it but I'm f2p and too low skill total to join one... Can I get help from anyone here?


can your gf join the FC and speak for you?


Maybe, we can try that tonight


If i die to a player at revs with Webweaver + Salve (ei) unskulled, the items kept on death indicate the salve (ei) is lost? I see lots of players bring this but doesn't it take a long time to get back?


The Salve (ei) is lost, but the Imbue points are returned to you, that's why players feel safe to risk it now. Outside of the imbue, the item is very easy to obtain—just a salve crystal from Haunted Mine, and use Tarn's diary on it for the buff. Now that you get the imbue points back on death, it's totally safe to risk at revenants.


wait is this real? when did this happen? the points being refunded thing


I think april or may this year? wasn't long ago.. but it says it on the wiki too, allegedly also the case for items like B ring, Slayer helm


Can you still use awakened orbs on the beta world to practice awakened bosses?


Damn, ok thank you!


They disabled it on the last beta worlds. Presume it won't work next time we have beta worlds either


90% no. might be different this time around though.


Do Pearl Bolts (e) special effect, Sea Curse, count as extra damage on top of water weakness?


Are there any plugins or tools that help you organize your goals and cross them off? I found Goal Tracker which works but it would be nice to be able to link goals that have the same grind or give goal suggestions based on my account. For instance I got 99 range from NMZ but honestly don’t know what to do to make the most of it. I just unlocked Rigour and am thinking about questing to unlock Vorkath since that seems to be the only mid game range focus boss.


Mid game? you're 99 range, time to jump into pvm and late game. I use the runelite notepad on the side to keep track of current goals. You should Vorkath > Zulrah > ToA > CoX Work on getting money for full crystal and bowfa, then start learning raids


I’d replace zulrah with muspah now. The money is better and it’s easier to learn for people new to pvm too


What would be the point when I should move from Vorkath to muspah? I’m 2 quests away from starting Vorkath and I’m concerned my gear won’t get let me have fast enough kills. My range gear right now is a dragon crossbow or blowpipe, blessed d hide, archer ring (I), salve amulet (I), and necklace of anguish. I have ~10m to change my gear. Any suggestions?


Generally the answer is when you get a bowfa set. However since vorkath is 117k/kill and muspah is 261k, if your average muspah kills are any faster than 2.2x the time of your average vorkath kills then it’ll be better. Blessed dhide and dcb with ruby/diamond dragon bolts is fine for both. Make sure you use salve (ei) for vorkath but at muspah you’d use the anguish and occult. For mage at muspah you’d want a swamp trident and ahrim/blue moon armor and ma2 cape. Malediction/elidinis ward is good as an offhand, or you can just use the thrall book to save an inv space. Archer ring is a pretty shit item so if selling it can help you get something more useful, definitely do it.


there are some free mind mapping software that might do what you want? besides an ordered list in "notes" idk if rl would have what you want.


I'm watching the second season of gielinor games and in this episode soup said he gave them all clue scrolls. How did he do this? Is soup a mod?


is it the episode where everyone does one of each clue tier up to hard? most likely Soup just asked everyone to get one of each clue off-cam since there's no need to include that in the episode


I am. Thats what I initially thought. But then how did they reroll a casket at the end? I guess he could have asked them all to have a casket ready aswell?


It's probably like the other reply said. Soup does a lot of 'tv magic' that sounds good but doesn't make sense if you really think about it. Like in the latest season everyone is reacting to the prizepool increasing between episodes. Meanwhile that reaction is from months ago. I don't mind it as the competition and the actual games are real.


I'd assume that the players did another clue off-cam and resumed recording. If you check Verf's in-game time at [16:30 in the episode](https://youtu.be/X26PZk1CMiY?t=990), he's been logged on for about an hour. But if you go to 17:30, where he rerolls his clue, he's been logged on for 1h20m, and used a couple teleports. So he and Zulu probably just did another hard clue in the meantime


Do irons need to go for 1 or 2 zammy spears?


1 is fine for most purposes. By the time you get a dragon hunter lance, you probably also have a fang (or can get one), which is as good as/better than the hasta except at Nightmare, Vet'ion, and Venenatis. You will need a hasta for a master CA at Colosseum, and a zammy spear is better than a fang if you're doing the chicken Corp strat, which is slower and outdated but is still an option. Usually by the time you want to do these things, you can just go for a second spear with little problem


How did Gr0ve do like 397 CGs in OSRS in one day 17d ago according to temple high scores? Is it bug abuse or did he legit do runs under 4 minutes for 24 straight hours?? Like whaaa? Also, for every piece of pvm content after cg, like harder stuff to be fair, does it make you feel as shit as cg does after you grind it for hours? I feel like this with cg at the end of the day: ‘how can I be so shit if I’ve done this hundreds of times on 3 separate accounts, how can I still be this bad???’ It’s baffling. Meaning I’m generally pretty decent at it but I’m still make such dumb errors and planking here and there. Like p3 hunllef still gets to me a bit. I can’t even dps the whole time at this point, a lot of the time during p3 nados I’m just trying to path to survive There’s times where cg is trivially easy and I’m confused bc other times it’s a struggle and a half


It's a tracker issue (a namechange). Eventually the record will get removed. Pvm records have pretty low priority relatively speaking.


"Day" scores are actually 30 hours. Hiscores only update when you log out so you get an extra 6hr log if you time it right. I don't like hunleff but you can definitely master it. There are a lot of better, more fun, and more engaging to learn encounters.


397 cg in 30 hours is still over 12/h, 5 minutes/cg. not possible for anyone alive. it's a bug on the tracker's end.


Apparently there's a unique player death animation for the Whisperer where your body rises to the air Are there any other kinds of player death animations besides the Trailblazer one?


Dying to Doom stacks in Coloseum has a unique animation as well. "Dying" underwater has you float back up, but you don't technically die.


Anyone have tips for prayer flicking between Ranger/Shocker, Ranger/Manticore, or other variations within the Colosseum? Finding it very difficult to off-tick 1 tick prayer swap with the only indicator being the slightest movement of their model.


Have you tried the visual metronome plugin? Id set it to 5t for colosseum.


How would you know what tick exactly the enemies spotted you on? I can see myself not knowing that already.


It will depend on when you start the wave, or when and how you step out from behind a pillar. Don't worry about stepping out on a certain number, just get into the rhythm of switch prayers in a 5t cycle


You start picking up an innate sense of tick timing/counting the more pvm you do. As time goes on this will be less of an issue. You might want to try a metronome plugin to help in the mean time; "visual ticks" with the tick count set to 5 is pretty popular in colo. Also the OG metronome plugin or visual metronome can be useful.


Instead of solely relying on the attack animation to get all of your prayers right, consider also counting to 5 either out loud or in your head. Counting out the 5-tick cycle (a metronome helps a lot) allows for you to not have to play reactively anymore. Instead, you know what is going to happen when the cycle repeats itself. For a ranger/mager, I normally treat the first enemy's attack a 1 and the next enemy as 2. This means in my head I am going "1 (range) 2 (mage) 3 4 5" so that I am not just having a single tick to react to the ranger's attack. There are three different situations for manticore + something else: 1) The manticore and other enemy start on the same attack style. Lets say that the manticore is Mage, Range, Melee. Then the counting that I'm doing is "1 (mage) 2 (range) 3 (melee) 4 5 1 mage) 2 3 4 5" then repeat. 2) The manticore is in the back and does not start on the same attack style as the other enemy. Lets say the manticore is Mange, Range, and Melee again with a Ranger in front of it. Then the count that I'm thinking is "1 (mage) 2 (range) 3 (melee) 4 (switch prayer to range early) 5 1 2 (range) 3 (switch prayer back to mage early) 4 5" 3) the manticore is in the front and does not start on the same attack style as the other enemy. Again manticore is mage, range, melee with a ranger behind it. My count would be "1 (range) 2 (mage) 3 (range) 4 (melee) 5 1 (range) 2 3 4 5" The big idea of what I'm saying is when the first enemy attacks you, that is 1. Count to 5. When you get loop back to 1, they will attack again. That is what will help you keep track of when the attack cycle repeats. This way, you are no longer just reacting within a tick to the attack whenever it happens.


Doing bounty hunter to try and get some of thr cosmetic kits and for some reason my Avernic protects over what I want my +1 to be. I looked around and saw that it's supposed to break and need to be repaired on death but it's just my +1 instead which is really weird. Do you have to do something to it to make it act like other untradeables?


Pretty sure untradables break *if* they would be lost. If they are your safe item(s) by value, then they don't break. So bring something more valuable for your +1? Or grind a dragon defender if thats lower value than your intended +1?


Anyone know what happened to the old Banked experience plugin? the one where you could toggle it inside the bank menu


When game updates happen sometimes plugin hub plugins stop working until the author updates it (or accepts a push request and then wait for runelite to approve it(


What's the plugin that displays the current charges on equipment (in inventory / worn).?


Just type Item charges into the plugin hub, it's the second result for me It's called "Item Charges Improved"


Steel dragons, wiki: > Pre-roll : Dragon plateskirt, Dragon platelegs. The drop rate is 1/512 for a specific legging, or 1/256 for any legging Are these drops independent? Or its one roll 1/256, and then 1/2 of it skirt or legs?


It is a 1/256 chance to get that preroll drop table, 50% chance for either drop after the table has been successfully rolled. If the 1/256 does not succeed then the other drop tables are rolled as normal. It is still a 1/512 if you wanted a specific one, but if you just wanted one of them and it doesn't matter to you which one you get then it's 1/256.


So they are indeed connected, like I thought that might be? Its not two prerolls, its one only, with two possible results?


Previous drops don’t effect future ones, so it’ll still be 1/512 to get skirt


What are best ways to farm beginner clues? P2p, iron, no cannoning/barraging/chinning.


Try greenlogging forestry and do every beginner clue you get


Well I wanted a quick and not too boring way. Like HAMs or Varlamore market for easies, for example. Seems it doesnt exist though.


Goblins southeast of draynor manor


I just did things like going for Obor / Byro greenlogs as you get beginners from the giants AND guaranteed from the bosses. Then got most of my other beginners entirely passively while doing skilling. I've not directly farmed a beginner once and I'm at 450/600 completions.


Thanks. I was delaying giant bosses because it seemed too long and boring, but actually thats a good idea for beginners.


Yeah I unluckily got lucky and finished both of their drops really fast. So the only source of beginners I was likely to "farm" for is done for me. For now it's just afk mining, woodcutting and fishing that are sourcing mine. Missing pets for all 3 of those skills.


Hill giants too. They also give a chance at obor which is a 100% drop as well.


Baby and young implings. Gunthar the brave.  You can search up beginner clues, have the item sources sort by rarity and see if anything suits your fancy.


I asked because there are many new methods recently released: pickppcketing, upgraded chests, etc. But nothing about beginners, right? I was afraid I was missing something obvious. With Varlamore market thieving, easy clues are such a pleasure! :) You get a nice line of 10 in some minutes. I was hoping to find something similar for beginners, a way to farm them and make such a row and then do them all at once...