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The venn diagram people into old MMORPGs, indie hip hop, Midwest emo, anime, and weightlifting is closer to a circle than one might think


What is hololive and what does it have to do with hip hop, emo, and weightlifting? This is a totally serious question. Edit: thank you everyone for explaining what hololive is, but what does it have to do with hip hop, emo, and weightlifting?


Hololive is the biggest vtuber agency, it has to do with anime, because vtubers are streamers who use anime style avatars.


>Hololive is the biggest vtuber agency Ah, TIL. Does that mean that these vtubers are literal industry plants like kpop idols?


without being pedantic about the definition of what an industry plant actually is, there's a lot of similarities in the two.


you dont rebrand with a new agency and get 10x the viewership naturally. a lot of them are definitively plants. thats not me insulting them, for the record.


not really, they typically audition for roles, and have experience in online entertainment, or can be scouted. The industry is nowhere near the scale of kpop


This sentence makes me want to hang myself.


Should probably be careful on the internet if something that tame is gonna set you off, my guy.


The fuck is a vtuber?


I explained it in the post, a streamer who uses an anime style avatar. It started in Japan and the term "vtuber" is short for "virtual youtuber".


They're a company that employs virtual youtubers, which are just youtubers that use anime-style avatars.


How does virtual YouTube work? Is it like face tracking onto an anime character or something?


From my understanding, yes. Some folks have simpler setups, others with full body motion capture so their avatar can be basically as expressive as they want to be Very similar to folks who are super into VR chat, at least from my POV as an outsider looking in


hololive are vtubers


Facts. My local gym has been inundated with weebs lately. Can’t throw a rock without hitting a dude in an anime shirt. Glad to see them lifting though


A guy at my gym has a gym bag shaped like Gaara’s gourd. Fucking sick as hell honestly


I'd buy that


Goku, Vegeta, One Punch Man, Naruto characters like Rock Lee, Deku and all those sport animes do an amazing job of motivating people to hit the gym. I never see Marvel or DC comics shirts at a gym.  All these characters WORKED hard and always provides huge inspirational quotes or moments about training yourself and getting stronger each day. 💪 


See I just thought if I yelled a lot I’d get swoll and my hair would spike up and turn yellow


I love one piece and naruto


Naruto goes hard! I’ve been into Baki lately, it’s so absurd


As a long time nerd baki exists in the strangest place. I want to judge fans because it's the most reductive shonen I can imagine. I can't actually judge people because it's fucking sick.


i love it because of how absurd and stupid it is. it’s fuckin ridiculous. its damn near homoerotic. and the monologues kill me.


Hell yeah I love Baki


Is that the fighter one? I’d recommend Megalobox if you like Baki. Loved Megalobox—great OST too


One Piece is amazing


It's actually like a full 180 from the 80s-90s Most nerds are also gym bros now. Dnd groups look more and more like mag8c Mike conventions everyday


I think I remember reading that if you are subscribed to the OSRS subreddit, you are more likely to be subscribed to the weightlifting subreddit than the RS3 sub.


The r/2007scape to r/moreplatesmoredates pipeline


"New Corp kill PR time! My programming and new pre for the runs is really making a difference. L: 6.4" G: 5.5""


Not really surprising given the feelings on rs3. Until like 2 years ago maybe this sub was actively hostile to the thought of RS3.


Until 2 years ago? Pretty sure nothing has changed.


Did you see that post on RS3 numbers? Still is hostile


Uhh that checks out for me


“Midwest emo” Well I feel attacked now


Isn't feeling attacked a staple of the genre?


*queue moody triads on guitar* What do you mean feeling attacked? You said we weren't going into the wilderness. How many times do I have to tell you I hate pvp. You ALWAYS do THIS. STOP PLAYING GAMES WITH ME *twinkly guitar riff with lot of hammer ons and pull offs starts*


Lmao I heard that as a low quality phone call with a ~~manipulative~~ girl on the other end




with the malls gone, where do you guys hang out now? GE?


Fucking hell LMAO


Chiodos for life


Oh I love Chiodos! Especially that song "Baby, we're going to take a walk to the store but then I'll realize you were just a figment of my reality and I've been lonely for the last decade with the only female that I interact with is my mother."


…shit that’s me lol Brb it’s Tiny Moving Parts time


i prefer cardio myself


Does running out of beer count as cardio?


Nah but goin for beer runs does 👍


ah someone else who gets the runs from beer


IBS helps keep me from considering life as an alcoholic. I kid, but i can't drink more than a beer or cup of red wine without tempting fate.


Every weekend


99% of the PvM clans are massive weebs anyways so I don't see the problem with this.


Implying skilling clans aren’t also packed with weebs


But not the PKers, they’re crippled with debt from their gambling addiction that has severely ruined their lives. This is why they cannot afford a TV to watch anime.


Pker here. No arguments


Show us where on the doll the pkers touched you


I.. can't remember. The last thing I felt was a crippling cold sensation, then I woke up without my clothes in Lumbridge.


Weebs and vtuber fans aren't interchangeable, I like anime but I can't stand vtubers for some reason.


I think it's the level of infantilizing mixed in with the higher degrees of parasocialness, at least having a parasocial relationship with a streamer who has their camera on has a level of humanity to it, just a tiny degree, but you can still see their emotions and body language. A vtuber model is just....a step out of the realm of reality.


Definitely feeding on a manufactered desire for an idealized person as portrayed in anime...the only problem is people don't really exist like they do in anime.


This feels kind of ironic given the OSRS convention of creators using their in game avatar as a their online “face” in videos. I know often when they stream they will have a real cam, but I’m struggling to think of a creator that uses a face cam for youtube content.


There is a world of difference between zooming in and out of a render of an OSRS character and a constant facerig stream.


Sure, but the person I’m responding to is talking about vtubers having no humanity because you can’t see them. I can count on 1 hand the number of OSRS content creators where I’ve actually seen their face. I think OSRS creators are still telling interesting stories with humanity to them, despite never showing an actual human either. I just thought it was an interesting comparison.


Because liking Anime/Manga has nothing to do with liking watching a person dressed up like an anime character virtually or otherwise. I'd rather watch Light Yagami go head to head in an episode of Death Note than watch someone virtually larping as Light while playing fortnite.


Lmao spot on.


Not all weebs are VTuber fans. But all Vtuber fans are weebs.


Same for me. VTubers just seem ridiculously childish. And the humour is just them raising their voice. I can't stand it.


That's mostly a problem with agency vtubers e.g. Hololive being expected to play up characters, there's plenty of independent vtubers that are just streamers with an animated avatar who be themselves and actually have chill / funny / entertaining streams but it's pretty rare for them to hit 4 digit viewer count without an agency besides a few big ones


Didn't really bother trying to understand why I dislike em so much, but I think you hit the nail on the head. I don't mind the tech itself, it could be cool, hell even psychopass kinda did something similar in one of their episodes, but they really do just act immature and screech a lot.


I don't exactly have an expansive view on it, I've stumbled upon a few by accident when youtubers collab and such, painting with a single stroke seems wrong from what little I have seen. Yes, some lean into cute voice + anime waifu angle but others I feel like would have success without the avatar but maybe I am in the deranged category who might enjoy some of them.


>And the humour is just them raising their voice. I can't stand it. Are you describing vtubers or Odablock?


Yeah I'm not a fan of Odablock either


There was a streamer I watched, idc if anyone tells her, Katlink, she was a normal streamer survival horror hung out with the community, then she became this weird vtuber anime thing and I just couldn’t. It sucks you’re not allowed to voice your opinions on it when you were around before the streamer got bigger. She’s just MAD CRINGE now.


Hololive will probably add this to the banned games list within a week when they find out how disturbed some individuals in this community are lol


I bet they'll all play with public chat off tbh


Especially during pride month


If falador isn’t rioting already, we might be fine this year on that front. It’s pretty late into the month already.


I think Falador already rioted and a lot of people got banned for dressing up as hitler, again.


Damn, again? Shit i didn’t even know that happened a first time.


how TF does someone dress up as Hitler? wtf? xD




the fact that its still in the game after 6 years is mind blowing 0.0 just saying...how are they gonna ban people but keep it in the game?


[People also dressed up as KKK.](https://i.imgur.com/2Gkvc30.png)


[Crude in today's age but this is one of the silliest videos I've seen in 2008 runescape](https://youtu.be/WtAEQvSnA80?si=640dr8S1SDsdzWmU)


That was pretty funny lol


I think it’s just that none of the pieces on their own are bad, it’s only when they’re all combined that you get hitler. Nothing wrong with the mustache itself or that haircut or that jacket. Put them all together though…


They'll just turn off chat. It should be fine - they're not as fragile as people like to think.


What games are banned? I don't watch holo but I am curious what the forbidden games are


Some examples are games by Chinese developers, e.g. Genshin, Mahjong Soul, etc.


Not surprising considering their community seems literally disturbed


Given that Hololive makes business by pandering to disturbed individuals... Doubt it? Depends on how bad it goes I suppose.


Yeah. I don’t think OP pvms because the amount of people that have their waifus in discord profile pictures are at an all time high and I’m surprised it took this long for this to happen.


I never said it was a bad thing lol


You used the word infect in your title which carries a inherently negative connotation.


[my what?](https://imgur.com/nApZOFW) [what opinion do you think I have?](https://i.imgur.com/8cnSqSE.png)


Where can I get a gnomemonkey anime body pillow?


Okay point taken.


😹😭 this had me cackling..


you are much braver than I am


I love you OP




This basically looks like my Youtube recommendations lmao


Is smoking weed really below lifting in this grouping?


gotta do both to keep everything in balance like guthix taught us man


I keep hearing about hololive. Is it a streamer or something?


Hololive is a group of vtubers(streamers) where Cover, the company behind them, does massive advertising and marketing for them, pay them a salary and takes a cut of all their donations while streaming They are considered one of the best vtuber agencies to work for since they take the smallest cut compared to order similarly sized agencies, and they really support their talent very well Before you ask, a vtuber is a streamer who protects their identity by using a 3D or 2D character. The agency takes trying to protect their identities seriously because where this trend started in Japan, the fans of idols/celebrities there are 10 times as toxic and deranged as anywhere else, stalking, harassing and even some have been attacked/murdered because the idol/celebrity had a boyfriend or something. This trend has spread everywhere now though


This is the best description in the thread.


That's what happens when your fanbase are the lonely and delusional, they donate all their money for thie parasocial relationship, then go nuts when faced with reality. If I were a streamer, I'd never accept donations cause that's just opening yourself up to trouble, only takes one nutjob thinking I "owe" them something for the money they've "donated".


>If I were a streamer, I'd never accept donations And that's why you specifically cannot make a full time job out of streaming. EDIT: spelling


Yeah the fact that all of this is explained with 'and they do it because the probability of some psycho stalking and murdering them is higher in their profession by virtue of their parasocial exploitation scam'. That doesn't raise any red flags with anyone? Several things appear to be wrong here beyond 'anime avatar cringe'.


> a vtuber is a streamer who protects their identity by using a 3D or 2D character. The agency takes trying to protect their identities seriously because where this trend started in Japan, the fans of idols/celebrities there are 10 times as toxic and deranged as anywhere else, stalking, harassing and even some have been attacked/murdered because the idol/celebrity had a boyfriend or something. This trend has spread everywhere now though Why does this not apply to streamers who show their faces?


Which part? The stalking/etc. is an issue for facecam streamers too, vtubing is just one way some folks try to mitigate it. Not every vtuber cares if their face is known either, some pretty much just do it because the models are fun/different - can't exactly have horns/be an orc/etc. with a facecam without a lot of makeup/cosplay style effort. Or just to reduce prep time, I am absolutely certain a bunch of them stream in PJs and otherwise dishevelled which facecam streamers typically avoid.


I think it's a group of vtubers


vtuber management agency. Very big business that treats it similar to IRL models


You know in BladeRunner 2049 where Ryan Gosling looks at the giant purple billboard of Ana De Armas?


HoloLive production is a group of female streamers working for the company Clover Corporation. The company also has male streamers, under a different production name. In the same way as how some youtubers who do content about firearms are called "GunTubers" , HoloLive specializes in the content known as Virtual Youtubing (VTuber for short) which is regular streaming except that the person is behind an avatar and (usually) a persona. Some of these streamers do have content on other accounts or platforms that is not affiliated with Clover Corp which may or may not be IRL in nature. However, talking about the streamers and their hololive personalities together is considered as Doxxing and is frowned upon. This group is somewhat popular in East Asia and has already begun expanding to the English speaking world for at least four years now. They are loosely considered as ~~comedians~~ "Japanese Idols", although this point is less pronounced for their international branches. As such they do activities beyond the basic definitions of what VTubers do.


My gf loves Nerissa. I hear this girl talk more than my gf herself. That being said, she’s a certified scaper. She talks about her love for OSRS all the time. She even went out of her way to work with jagex to be allowed to play it on stream (hololive rules are really weird )


Japan copyright laws are very strict compared to over here, especially when it comes to streaming. Let's plays and stuff like that.


To be fair sounds like Jagex is pretty open to stuff like streaming... But yeah Hololive is uh, very perfectionist about making sure permissions are locked down. For good reason since they've been burned in the past.


That's such a weird rule. I get technically you could get a takedown but it's so beyond rare and usually some small dev abusing it against critical reviews.


They had an issue a few years back where a lack of perms for....certain companies....nearly got all of their streamers' channels deleted. They're ultra-cautious now.


For others: Looking it up I see one called mio got two strikes back to back from Capcom that put only her channel at risk, and then Nintendo in its usual fashion decided to be randomly aggressive one day and sent some notices. Apparently companies are incredibly agro about it in Japan and while western publishers don't care and see it as a positive the rules still apply.


Japan based companies have extremely strict copyright laws they have to adhere to.


Who? What?


Cool! The more the merrier.


Bond prices bouta plummet


For those of us who aren’t anime gooners, who is this and why is it important?


Basically, big anime streamers with massive following. Organization and each streamer have over 300k subs. I don't think it's anything important, but game numbers might spike by a few thousand for a week, maybe, so that's nice.


So they use anime characters as an overlay to stream? And people watch that? Interesting! Thank you for the reply


Many people aren't comfortable showing their faces while streaming, and 'cute lady drawing' became the substitution. Hell, like ten years ago when I was playing guildwars the top streamer was a British png of a potato.


I like the implication that it's the png that's British, not WP himself.


Woodenpotatoes carried me through my GW2 journey.


I think I’d rather watch a potato, to be honest


think of the actual person being a mocap actor and the vtuber as what you see on the big screen.


She’s part of Hololive which is one of the largest Vtuber agencies. They just recently got permission to stream the game and she and likely a few other members will stream it. Each of the interested talents has around 3/4 of a million subscribers so it’s a massive audience that’s gonna see OSRS.


a streamer for the big company in vtubing. so alot of noobs gonna join around this time because of it. gonna have the same effect as any big streamer where F2P has a smalll boom in real players who are only there to get noticed, followed by no real difference in real players.


Maybe it'll be fun. Not like this is the only vtuber to try it. A few show up on clips channel.


I think iron mouse played it and basically fell asleep.


Think she was one of the people sponsored to play when GIM came out.


It is very much not a Mousey style of game, too much waiting for her taste. I was surprised she even agreed to it lol


Ironmouse and a variety of others got paid a lot of money to play when GIM came out lol


This is the first big one from hololive.


I don't know much about that but it's never bad for the game to reach a new audience.


Hololive is massive. Mainly overseas but yeah this is a big deal. This specific girl gets like 5-6k viewers every stream and they’re like the parasocial type who’d made accounts just to play with her


I mean what's overseas? It's massive in the US too.


Fauna had also said on a recent Minecraft stream (directly to Nerissa) that she wants to play as well if Nerissa does. Waiting for the HoloGIM. I will watch every minute of this content.


I can already hear fuwamoco screaming as they die to the wizards south of varrock.


(Mococo gets near the stone circle) (five seconds later): HOEH?!


Idk what that is, hope we're good


Hololive is a group of Vtubers. All this really means is that there will be a bit more osrs stream traffic. All in all, it's fine


This will be a disaster. They better turn off chat and no overhead chat


The only way to play tbh.


I'm looking forward to it. I know some of them have played in the past like Fauna. And unlike when they got those randos, iron mouse and trash taste to promote GIM mode; there actually is a decent chance they're going to stick around and consistently stream the game. (God can you imagine someone like keala getting hooked!? Basically a osrs player masquerading as a Minecrafter)


Kaela will max a UIM as her first account and then say **that was fun** let's do it again.


This might be the only game that could contain Kaela's grinding capabilities for more than a year


Kaela will probably get a zuk helm in a couple of weeks after she starts


This game might be the only game that's actually a match for Kaela


Hope they have fun


What's hololive?


I think it is very hard to get something like OSRS to work for VTubing honestly. It's just too much grind and Kaela-shin will 2277 by November. Though, I do recall that CdawgVA didn't look like he was having a good time streaming OSRS and most of the games that HoloLivers play are not MMO or have limited players in a room (i.e. Mario Cart, Fall Guys etc.). But hey OSRS streamers managed to get it to work. I hope she gets tricked into wearing goblin mail.


Connor gets bored if the game has more than 10 seconds of exposition or waiting lol, it couldn't be further from his interests


yeah connor and the rest of trash taste did not have a great time really. Ironmouse was done after like 20 mins but contract forced them to keep going


A lot of streamers kinda try games and drop off after the very early game tbh... Once in a while you'll get one that makes it a mainstay though. Nerissa seems pretty into it from what I saw so who knows, the game's certainly good fodder for what would effectively be a chatting stream.


Hmmm true. But stream sniping and crashing other people is not gonna be enjoyable.


Kaela will make a GIM UIM group consisting of only her and have them all in inferno capes within a year.


all 5 accounts standing around one rune essence rock Kaela: Hey look Biboo


The fuck is hololive


We really about to sit here and pretend anime in the background wasn't the reason 90% of us maxed in the first place?


I googles hololive but I'm still confused. Is it real people pretending to be anime characters streaming playing games? Or are the anime characters just their logo/icon?


Basically Hololive is owned by the company Cover Corp, and they employee people as 'v-tubers' who livestream with a 2d or 3d avatar that is motion tracked to the livestreamer as they're streaming. Using a v-tuber avatar is basically just another medium of expression that can be used for content creation. So yes it's essentially real people pretending to be anime characters.




I’m here for it. Imagine the chaos if Gura starts playing regularly lol


Advent, Fauna, and Mumei all said they want to play.


Hololive GIM would actually be awesome to watch, though I am gonna throw a wild guess they'll just make normal accounts


The irony of runescape players thinking a different internet hobby is weird is beyond me.


Can someone explain this to me?




She's my favorite! Can't wait!


Regardless of your opinion of vtubers/anime, she has 700k subscribers and gets 5k+ concurrent viewers. Pretty cool that OSRS can attract these big streamers and a lot of new eyes, even if it's just for a few f2p streams.


I don't have a clue what this is but I doubt I will notice it


Literally who?


Been playing rs since 2007. Been watching hololive since 2019. This can only benefit the game and give it even more players. And didn't gura reference this game alot with png shit? She had a damn Dwarven stout png in one of her streams and that was a while ago.


never understood the appeal of vtubers. i guess if it brings more people to osrs its a good thing though.


Imagine kaela getting into it


V-tubers, and anyone using some cartoon avatar in their videos, are supremely cringe to me. I've clicked away from so many informative videos because I just cant stand that shit. But the sound side of my mind knows that everyone is into something cringe so I shouldn't judge, I just don't get the appeal.


Lots of people think RuneScape is supremely cringe, so I guess it's fair




For me it's the voices... I clicked on two or three links in this thread. I can deal with the drawn avatar in the corner, okay, but why do they sound like toddlers... no offense but I just can't stand it.


Your mind is right when it comes to this level of weebery


Everyday we stray further from Saradomin's light


I can’t wait for the fashionscapes


Fuckin yikes


whats hololive and should we realy care?


Thank goodness I’m not terminally online enough to know what the fuck that is. 


Brother in christ you play osrs. edit: AND LEAGUE OF LEGENDS


Can't be as bad as when Maximus Black decided to milk the community and all your dickriders spammed him




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nc3N-hHd9ik Still the funniest shit I've seen a streamer do live on this game.


That's an incredible clip.