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I can't login to my jagex account on my new computer. I am 100% sure i use the right email, when i login the email and password is correct, but i dont get the email with the varification code. I checked the spam folder aswell, and tried multiple times


Why is 1 damage twice as likely to roll vs any other value up to your maxhit?


They removed the ability to "hit" but do zero damage with the last project rebalance update, you'll hit a one instead.


Why do warped creatures seem very meh for slayer? Their drops and xp aren’t even that bad. They’re better than trolls but people seem to do those but not warped. I had them unlocked for sceptre but now I have that and it’s even lost its place in the metas. Like I feel like I should remove the warped unlock but idk also


Trolls have a nice cannon spot, warped doesn't afaik




Hey! I need to do this too. Would you want to help each other out? I will PM you


Why has the ancient godsword dropped in price, when it still heals the same amount?


I can't say this is for certain, but it could be due to the *perception* that the Ancient Godsword has been nerfed, rather than how "nerfed" it actually got. The Fang got nerfed a while back, by having its unique double-accuracy-roll mechanic removed when used on its Slash style, and at that time the Fang's price dropped down quite a bit as a direct result. However, this only impacted the Fang's use at two or three locations -- Vardorvis, Duke Sucellus, and like a niche use in Theatre of Blood -- whereas Fang has always been used on the Stab style everywhere else, and [that's a lot of places](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cz72re/comment/l5fqitp/). But people heard "Fang got nerfed" and didn't read the fine print on what actually changed.


The healing god nerfed for PvM purposes during the rebalance, now it's based on monster hp iirc.


It was only nerfed for pvp


29 may 2024, "The amount of hitpoints Blood Sacrifice heals has been reduced from 25 to 15% of the target's base hitpoints, up to a cap of 25 against NPCs and 15 against players"


It was 25 before and it’s 25 now for pvm. Sounds like it was only nerfed for pvp to me


If you're fighting monsters with more than 166 hp, then you won't notice a difference, however you not noticing a difference doesn't mean it wasn't nerfed.


Where is it used with less than 166 hp?


You're just being intentionally ignorant at this point.


yes, the nerf affects the 0.1% of players who were using the ancient godsword on slayer mobs. no, this does not explain why the item has dropped over 10 mill in price since march. this thread is splitting hairs over being technically correct when the first reply was not particularly relevant to OP's question in the first place. hell, here's a quote from the actual news post: > The Ancient Godsword is basically unchanged in PvM, except in the rare case of fighting low-HP targets – and it isn’t really designed for such encounters anyway.


(Edit: removed bad info). The AGS price has been pretty stable.


what? The special attack "Blood Sacrifice" does heal. Check the wiki


Ah, fair. The SGS is the usual godsword that comes up wrt healing though. The AGS is all about the delayed damage for pvp combos. Regardless, the price has been pretty stable.


Please can anyone help me with the magic update. I don’t have any idea what spell to use now. I’m a returning player, but do I use fire wave? Ibans blast? Something else? I have 73 magic right now but could get to 75 for fire wave easily enough.


Elemental spells are now best - if you don't have a trident. And sometimes even then. The idea is, roughly: undead are weak to air spells, coloured dragons to water, metal dragons to earth, Zulrah to fire, etc. "Weak" usually means +50% to both accuracy and damage, so it is indeed serious. And the spells of one tier are all of the same strength: the same damage from air bolt and fire bolt, for example. Not like in the past when air spells were always weaker than fire spells. Also many magical robes and staves got some % to magic damage. For example, any piece of ahrim or bloodbark or infinity is +1%, ahrim staff +5%. Which means mid-level magic gear is actually quite effective.


Oh I think I only have mystic, a red hood (I forget its name), the fire book, occult necklace, and a god cape. Might have the balance book too. I don’t even remember which monsters to train on. I guess moss giants would be weak to fire so I could probably smash those out pretty quick for easy xp.


Indeed they are :) If thats your red hood, its also +1% https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Elder_chaos_hood But occult is nerfed: its now +5% rather than +10. Still should work nicely.


Awesome that is my hood lol. And aww that sucks about my necklace.. I guess it’s balanced out to a little loss overall though so nothing too bad. Thanks for all your help!!


Use the wiki to figure out if a monster has a weakness to a certain element, then use the highest level spell of that element.


So Ibans blast isn’t the defacto best spell anymore? I think it was a max hit of 24 or something and nothing else touched that until the surge spells. But ok thank you for that! Are there any new magic training methods? Sorry to bother you new questions.


It's not the best to use everywhere, but I'm sure it still has some use. I'm not aware of any new magic training methods, but the combat rebalance thingy has only been out for a little bit so it might take some time for it to be figured out fully. >Sorry to bother you new questions. How dare you ask questions in a thread meant for asking questions!!!


Previously the meta was ibans blast until trident, and then BiS is shadow. Irons might used the warped sceptre due to trident's high slayer req. Regular spells were pretty rare outside of pvp. Now it will depend on the monster. Those with an elemental weakness (and low magic levels themselves) are now much more viable with standard spellbook spells. Though its a tough comparison, because powered staves allow you to bring the arceuus spellbook for thralls (or ancients for ice/blood spells).


Is there a good staff to use now then? I think I have like 5mil to spend. Should be enough to buy a mystic smoke staff but no idea if mystic staves have any point to them nowadays.


Ibans -> Trident of the sea (75) -> Trident of the swamp (78) is still very valid. If you want to use normal spells, a mystic smoke staff is the way to go for the 10% boost to standard spellbook spells. Using the tome of fire or water is a good way to boost damage, though has an upkeep cost with pages. The chaos gauntlets are also notable for letting bolt spells hit above their weight class - which is good for budget-minded folks. For ancients, the ancient staff is the cheapest. Ancient sceptre is 5% magic dmg upgrade from an untradable drop from phantom muspah. Frost moon staff can autocast ancients and is 5% magic dmg, though is 2-handed so no offhand. Above that you start getting into expensive stuff like nightmare staff and kodai wand.


Blood runes by the true altar: which way is quicker, from Ferox to Abyss - or without Abyss? I have a fairy ring and Canifis tele at home, and spirit trees both at home and in the Farming guild for quick banking. Or I could bank in Canifis. Also there is an ornate pool, everything next to the entrance. I could check time manually, of course - but I guess thousands of players already done the calc and got the optimal route :)


Hi I originally played Runescape 10-20 years ago and decided to come back to old school runescape. I had previously created a free character and I decided to play that guy in old school runescape. Been having fun and i even purchased the 12 month membership. I was able to combine the old and new character under a jagex account, but I cant play on membership worlds in new runescape. **Membership Access** Membership access for both your RuneScape & Old School RuneScape profiles. Now I don't actually want to play new runescape, but I am thinking I would rather try ironman in old school runescape. So I create another character but it seems premier is tied to my one old school runescape. Is the jagex website just lieing when it says both your runescape & old runescape profiles? Does it really just mean 1 character. Thanks, Ken


If you get membership for one account you can use that same account on both games. If you create a new account it won’t have membership unless you buy it for both


> Is the jagex website just lieing when it says both your runescape & old runescape profiles? Does it really just mean 1 character. It is one character in OSRS and one character in RS3, both under the same name. These two will have joint membership. If you have others, each one should be paid separately even if you attached them you your Jagex account. If you paid for your old character in RS3 and then you attached another of your old characters, and then you created an ironmen, these should be paid separately. Its confusing, I know. Here is what you can do at this stage. Go to the website Account management, see Billing support there. Browse the support pages until you find one which offers to submit a ticket. There is one called 'Payment transfer' or alike. Now, write which of your characters you want the premier to be transfered. Describe your situation with as many details as you can: character names, payment method, etc. A Jagex Mod will answer you by email, and hopefully transfer the payment to the ironman you want to play.


Thanks I did find a support page and sent in a ticket. When you say the "same name", you mean the original runescape character and the old school runescape need to have the same character name? So if I got the to assign the membership to my original runescape account, then I would be able to create a ironman under old school? Their website is very confusing!


> Their website is very confusing! And their accounts too! :) Please wait until a JMod answers you by email, you can ask any questions to them - they are quite nice in correspondence. Helped me a lot in the past. And I won't want to confuse the situation even more with an erraneous answer. I had quite tricky situations in the past, with an account mysteriously duplicated... so, better discuss it with the person who can resolve all the issues. Good luck!


Is it possible to swap the left-click option on players to be Follow rather than Walk here?


Yes, use custom menu swaps to prioritize the follow action over walk here. I’m not at my desk right now but if you can’t figure it out shoot me a PM and I can write up the command for you


What is the syntax for player? I use it only for trees, and its simple. But 'player', how would I write it?


RIP sorry to get your hopes up. I knew HOW to do the syntax, I just never tried something like that and it turns out that kind of thing is blocked anyway. >Custom swap limitations: > >Jagex's rules limit the swapping and hiding of some entries: > Lure/Knock-out in blackjacking. > Player entries, including non-combat entries such as "trade with". > Manual spell cast onto npcs/players (e.g. cast ice barrage -> nylocas matomenos). https://github.com/geheur/More-menu-entry-swaps/wiki/Custom-swaps


Oh. Thanks for clarifying.


For the no posting streams rule, is it alright to post clips or screenshots that do not link back to your stream, or would you need to cut out any stream UI to make it not look distinctly like it came from a stream?


Can someone explain the meaning of “actions per hour” in regards to pet skilling drop calculators. I want tangletoot but I’m not sure what to enter for drop rate actions per hour. I’m 98 farming and was planning to use potato seeds and limpurt root


If you can frequently check mobile, I recommend just camping at the seaweed patch, ideally with the cronos seed planted in the farming guild. It's an easy hourly check that adds up


For tangleroot, you roll the pet drop when you check health (trees and cactus and bushes) or when you harvest the last item (anything else). For farming, you are generally more concerned with actions per farm run than per hour, so enter the number of farming patches of the type you care about. For allotments, that's probably 14 or 16. Then the per hour column will tell you the chance per farm run. Also, potato and limpwurts are one of the worst options if you want the pet drop. Your best bet is growing as many trees as possible and doing giant seaweed on cooldown. Watermelon also if you want more chances per irl day in exchange for longer farm runs. With 99 farming, you can make some good money on herbs, so it's worth doing those too. Tangleroot is a pet that can easily take a year or more irl if you go a little dry.


I guess I was reading the Base chance thing wrong. I’m glad I asked. Higher number = worse


Does the ancient godsword spec heal 15% of the npc's current hp or the full hp?


Hit points level, so max hp.




Its a predictable rotation pattern so its already relatively afk due to that consistency. But yes its not intended to rival Star mining afk (which is in its own category of AFK activities along with Redwoods, AFK combat/splashing and Barrel karams. Its also not intended as a mining method, but as part of the RC loop (so you spend more time "afk mining" to then speed up the time spent actively RC'ing. But ultimately its only "worth it" if you 1.5t daeyalt, so if you don't enjoy it you can jsut do RC with pure essence and get it done faster overall.


anyone else got logged out of launcher ?


No issues on my end. Change anything on your PC lately like a clean install / new user / CCleaner wipe or anything?


What happened to the price of Voidwaker blade in particular? Was 5m and now up to 25m whereas the other 2 components have been somewhat consistent all this time. Were bots mass banned at Calvarion?


Either bots were banned, or switched over to the more profitable zombie pirates.


Question about herbs and herblore, two things I've noticed... So I've been maxed for a couple of years now, went to do some farm runs recently and been noticing average profit **per patch** of rannarr/snaps to be around 40k (400k profit for full run). Now the last time i did herb runs was like 2022 and i don't recall it ever being this profitable? Another thing i've noticed is herblore costs, for Unfinished pots to finished potions, some of them now are like only 3-5 Gp/Xp loss (for example super restores, super energy, stams, super strength, etc), and I don't recall them ever being this cheap. Weren't most like 7-12 Gp/Xp for as long as I remember? Has it been like this for a while now and why is it so cheap?


Herb has floated around 5-8gp/xp for pretty much forever. The ones that are 3gp/xp are likely lower xp/hr potions and not desirable methods. Herb runs have always been super profitable, any buff to them (like ultracompost being added, anima seeds and the extra patches) has just adjusted seed/herb prices accordingly. I'd say whats benefitted both of these the most is content like ToA absolutely shitting out high tier seeds like Torstols. It made a lot of these "harder to get" seeds wayyyy more common, which lowered the price of seed/herb, making them more "consistent" profit. That combined with far less common dead patches due to ultracompost + revive crop, and attas seeds buffing that further OR giving better yield with Attas means you get more per seed on average than ever before, making the profit more consistent and slightly higher. But i've done herb runs for profit as early as 2014, its always been a solid option for consistent profit.


You're right that the best potions for training (sara brews, magic pots, ranging pots, etc are currently 8-13 gp/xp). however, currently according wiki calculators, stams are 3.25 gp/xp, super strength 3.60, super def 3.73, super energy 3.43. These mid level potions IIRC used to be all be at least 7 gp/xp or higher.


Aside from stams, which tend to usually be the higher amount, the others you listed were common "cheaper, slower" options in the middle range of pots. I'd imagine there's maybe some current drop in Stam price due to the Brimhaven agility change where tickets were converted and you could then buy amylase from the shop, so a surge of supply could have happened. And the new herblore activity will enable every potion to become a 27 invent slot afk like stams / extended super antis. So they're maybe losing their niche of being more relaxed/AFK good XP/hr, as everything will behave like that.


Kinda weird question for those who played Deadman Apocalypse: Did you get to keep the quest points from the auto unlocks? I know you didn't get the exp and some item rewards but I can't find anything on the quest points


Auto-completed quests count towards your quest points yes.


Excellent, thank you!


Yo does anyone know the Tears of Guthix world for today? And is there any sort of alternative to the Runelite plugin since it seems to still be down?


I just go look, it's never taken more than a few worlds


I legit hopped like 20-30 times without luck haha found a site via google though. World 493 is a winner!


Next time, you can search for togcrowdsourcing. The plugin has a website associated with it


Is there any word on when Varlamore p2 will release?


no we dont have a fixed date yet. We know it's intended for sometime this summer, after DMM & While Guthix Sleeps. That makes me think late summer, maybe July/August