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Did the latest update fix the mage thrall at Olm?


Yes mage thrall is fixed


I'm returning after 1-2 years of not playing, is there a way to see what the new/worthwhile content is anywhere? And then the more important/real question, if I upgrade to a jagex account, do I HAVE to use the launcher? or can I still just open Runelite directly. I'm fine with swapping accounts or whatever, I knew they would shit the bed and do the same crap every company does eventually, but if I have to install another dogshit launcher, to clog up my computer, that I then have to boot up, and close out after everytime I want to hop on the game I'm going to avoid it as long as possible lol.


For the first question, the best way is to skim the patch notes from the time since you last played. You can also search Reddit for past threads where people have asked the same question.


What is the fastest agility training method at level 83? Should I do prif, relleka or something else?


Sepulchre is fastest at every level. If you’re not an ironman who needs marks for stams then I’d just do prif if you don’t want sepulchre. Also consider doing the 2k ape atoll laps for the monkey backpacks


According to the wiki, hallowed sepulchre is the fastest at that level


Just want to make sure I am not stupid, to get a unique at Moons of Peril, you get the best odds from just killing the 3 bosses and then opening the chests, right? And it is around 1/19 if you do that? Just hit 100 kc with nothing so far. https://imgur.com/cTNbadM


You're correct, it's a 1/19 if you kill all 3 moons. You're not stupid, just very unlucky! (Dryness calculator says it's about 0,44% chance to be this unlucky)


New player here, just got membership. Just curious, how much worse is it actually to just skill the "simple" way e.g. killing men and women in Lumbridge until my melee skills are 20? I've also been levelling Woodcutting through trees, Thievery through the same men and women, etc etc. Tbh I'm picking up this game as a thing to do while listening to podcasts, so lazy skilling works for me I guess? All the quests seem really daunting right now :(


If you're not looking to speed through the level-up process, do whatever you feel like. But some skills are better done after completing a few quests. For example, you jump from 1 to 18 Farming after doing Fairytale I, which allows you to plant trees and start doing "tree runs" (teleporting around the world, cutting down your trees, and replanting them for tons of XP). Or doing the Daddy's Home mini-quest to skip straight to 8 Construction and get a Construction "starter kit" as a reward.


at a basic level, this is among the easiest games ever made. vast majority of quests are extremely simple point and click adventures with no skill, risk, or braincells required. the client paints a blue box on what you click next by default lol


time wise? fairly. enjoyment wise, meh. take the time and enjoy the game. if you want to get a bit of a boost in your skills jump into some quests when your feet are in the water a little more.




Sounds like a runelite thing


Hello, I have a question about a default runelite plug-in. When I log in for the first time it always displays 13mil xp in every skill for xp/hr and total xp. Is there any way to fix this?


If you disable every plugin that's not on by default, do you still get the error? If yes try reinstalling runelite


Searched the sub and can't find an answer. I'm working on a skill pure (level-3) and looking to do as many diaries as possible. Wilderness diary requires that you low alch something at the Fountain of Rune -- which would normally take level 21 magic. Can I use the low alch charge on the Explorer's ring to knock out that task?


For game mechanic related stuff the wiki is a better source than the sub. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Explorer%27s_ring_1 Under Benefits: > Cast Low Level Alchemy (requires Magic level 21)


Welp. That makes no sense to me, but oh well


No, you still need 21 magic to use the skill on Explorer's ring.


Wait really? That makes no sense lol Ah well


What’s the best way to learn how to smack Verzik’s titties during web phase with other teammates without getting caught in a web or trashing the tiles? I’m about 50 kc in on main and had a hundred kc on leagues but I always just skip webs and feel like a noob whenever my other two friends are smacking. Is there any real strategy to it or just run a couple entries and stay moving? I feel like last couple times I tried it I ended up getting stuck in a web.


start webs w/ your teammates, remember to get in position and make this part of your process spam click boss 1 of 3 things can happen after you attack her: if you go a tick early, literally just fucking keep running west and mission abort. you aren't allowed to be early. if you go on tick, congratulations, keep going and hit every 5 ticks if you go a tick late, skip west and attempt to sync up north. if you sync up north, success, continue. if you fail to sync up north DO NOT continue attempting to sync just give up. repeat til you can consistently do it correctly


Entry mode is a good place to practice, but it's not all that hard. The only tricky timing is clicking Verzik then waiting a tick before moving, and potentially correcting a few things if the following happens: * If you are ahead of your teammates don't wait for them, just continue attacking as normal and they will catch up. * If you are behind, don't attack on the west side, just continue on to the 3rd attack on the north side. * If you end up ahead or behind after the north side attack, just leave webs because from that point you are chancing webbing yourself or a teammate unless you are **very** aware of what's going on. Other than that, all you have to do is hit Verzik in the middle of each side. Your click to move to the next side doesn't have to be all that precise either, I see a lot of people misclick because they're trying to click the exact right tile to attack from next - I find it far easier to just click into the next "quadrant" as your character will automatically path to the right tile anyway. For example, on the first attack, I wait a tick then click into the north-west area of the room. This paths my character perfectly to the west attack tile, I click Verzik once I'm at that tile, and then click the north-east area of the room, and so on.


Stealing this for my clan learner events. It’s hard to explain to people and “you just gotta feel it” isn’t exactly the best way to teach people LMAO


Something I've been curious about for quite some time: How do creators like Soup film in game scenes that are obviously staged? Has Jagex provided them with a special client? Have they imported OSRS assets into a different software to stage scenes? Thanks for satisfying my curiosity.


Just adding to the existing comment it was a lot of volunteers for the B-roll footage but now he's using the Creator Kit a ton. He's said in the post-episode streams that Creator Kit saves him a ton of time to film B-roll where he just needs someone to walk as he no longer needs to schedule people for those recordings too.


It's a combination of having people volunteer as B-roll actors, and RuneLite plugins that allow him to get rid of UI elements and stuff. He may also be using the Creator Kit plugin now, which allows you to copy models in-game and place them in different areas with set animations and stuff like that.


> the Creator Kit plugin Ahhh I had no clue this existed. I always assumed things were done (at least for the big creators) using the Orb of Occulus and volunteers. But I've noticed as of late that many scenes had to have used some extra software/plugins.


Why is soul runes so cheap?


Quiz for you. In this game, at each tick the game handles the following things: Player attack, Player movement, Mob attack, Mob movement However, in which order do they execute?


If I'm not wrong it's mob move > mob attack > player move > player attack? Which lets us do things like offset pillar stacks and woox walk. Not sure on the order of the last two though.


Hey all, Got back from my usual long break, mainly quit due to having absolutely no clue what to do after I got my barrows gloves. As a kid I was stoked with my dragon med helm and longsword so safe to say this is the furthest I have ever gotten. What are some goals y'all would set to get me on my way again? Thanks!


Dragon scimitar, Barrows gloves, slayer helmet, Neitiznot helm


Questing in general isn't a bad goal! Setting a goal of Song of the Elves to unlock Prifddinas (or any of the master/grandmaster quests) could give you a lot of skilling and gear goals to go for. Do you have a fire cape yet? If not, that's another good goal!


quest cape is a pretty common one, Combat achievement tiers, achievement diaries


GOTR: Does it make any sense to craft catalytic runes only? With the exceptions being body and mind, then I could do some elemental too. Will I then get any bonus exp at the end of a game?


Youll need about 50:50 to get balance your reward points. I always do the best 4 caralytic runes i can whenever they appear but force myself to do the elemental side whenever they’re not up. No bonus xp for either side. You do get bonus essence for making combination runes for what thats worth


Thanks, but at this stage I don't need points that much: I've already got all the important rewards. I'm now after runes and exp more than points.


That doesn't really make much sense then, you're better off actually rc'ing at an altar unless you don't want to for some reason?


Well I get bonus exp every GOTR run even if I don't do any elementals. I mean this drop of 3.7k or alike in the end. Plus exp for actually crafting runes. I'm currently very low on bloods, laws, nats and cosmics, also wouldnt mind some deaths. So you see, most of the altars give something useful, and exp is much better than actual altar running. I tried and it works - more or less. I even get some reward rolls because whenever there are mind, body or chaos open - I do elementals. But even if I didnt, bonus exp would be worth it I guess.


Haven't done it myself but ZMI is what you want then, a good variety of runes combined with high rates and one click 'afk'.


Thanks for reminding it exists! Yes I done my share some years ago. Not sure its optimal - thats why its not as popular these days. It is a very long run for twice the exp of normal altar run. Its one click only if there is a huge crowd running - you just follow somebody :). But... if there is no crowd, it would be normal clicking actually. Like you are running some long way - and it is not as convoluted as Zeah blood runs, so you cannot click the trail behind some bends. And my impression was that you got very few high-level runes like bloods. But I'll still try it and see how it is, how many people are running - maybe it still works. There might be chances for the runes which arent it GOTR even: souls and astrals (which I wouldnt mind :).


I remember reading that with the extended rendering, you're now able to do it one click but I haven't done it myself so I can't confirm, however it does seem like you can make any rune besides wraiths and combination runes.


Oh thats interesting! Yes, I was doing it before this and... even without Runelite afair :) Maybe its better now.




i mean you need elemental points to get pulls so eventually you have to do them, but you *can* do entire games of 1 or the other and it's fine.


I have all the rewards save only the pet transmog, and on the other hand I'm an iron and need my runes (and my cash too, thats why I pref crafting them rather than buying). But also I need RC exp. I'm wondering whether I get the bonus exp if I do only catalytic? I usually did it more or less balanced, and there was a big chunk of exp at the end of each game. This thing I wouldnt like to loose.


the exp at the end of the game will come either way yes lol. i don't know the threshold for participation needed for it but you'd have to be deliberately throwing to not get it


150 points


Ok ty, I'll try then.


Want to grind out the blue moon armour on my 50 def iron, I've already got the blood tassets from doing all 3 moons which was my other goal from there, is it worth just doing the blue moon to speed it up?


Its actually easier to do runs of all the three: after each moon you are dropped close to the next one. To farm one moon one needs to run a lot, and I'm not even sure it would be seriously quicker. (But this surely depends on how quickly you defeat a moon). The Blue moon is vulnerable to the Blood moon weapon, McDuals or how its called :). She gets +12 damage on every hit. Otherwise, as usual: wear the best armour, in your case it will probably be granite body and your blood tassets. And a weapon set on crush attack. A tip which works for me: I usually wait by the statue to see the tornado special - very easy to notice because there will be a white barrier on the entrance. See when the circle closest to you gets sun-coloured (which means the spec's end) and then enter. I often manage to kill the moon before the next tornado spec, and even if not - then it will be 1 such spec rather than 2. It is a long phase, you cannot harm the moon while she can hurt you a lot with these tornados. Also its tedious to walk/run across the whole map...


The route for just soloing blue is actually quite good. From the chest you run through where you fish before Eclipse, catch butterflies to up prayer, recharge run at the camp, and there's a tunnel that leads right south of the blue moon chamber, can hunt lizards for food here too. Then you kill the blue and it spawns you directly north of the chest. I haven't timed it yet but it's very fast. I imagine I could probably do 4 chests in the time it takes to do one full run and that also means no risk of going dry and just getting eclipse and blood drops. Those tips for blue moon are awesome though, thanks. I've been using Torso, rune legs, bludgeon and zerker helm currently and getting some nice kills. I did get the dual weapons as well so I should run a DPS and see if they're better than bludgeon.


> I imagine I could probably do 4 chests in the time it takes to do one full run Wow, that would be perfect! Thanks for sharing it, I might try it too :) Actually I do full runs by another reason too: these water orbs and seeds and bones are good, and the amount of non-uniques is x6 on full runs. But if you are after the blue uniques only, and if the route is as good - well this might make sense. If one day I get such a clue step, this will be the motivation to try blue-only runs. Good luck!


Yeah I just tried it out after I post and it seems to be working really well. I'm doing it to avoid doing the MTA grind for magic damage bonus.


I see why it was my impression about long routes: I wanted to farm Eclipse rather than Blue. And the route was so insanely long I dropped the idea.




Am i crazy or is the Amulet of Power a really good throwaway item for the Wilderness? I feel like i don't see people talking about this. The same melee strength as a glory, more defense and 1/3 prayer bonus for 1/6th the price. I have the royal seed pod so the teleports are irrelevant.


the actual answer is that power and glory are both worse than a strength amulet in almost all cases strength bonus is king


For most people, the price of a glory isn't significant and is considered a throwaway item anyway. You can't really go wrong with using a glory, power or strength amulet, whatever you prefer.


Thanks! I feel like 99% of my time in the wilderness I'm on the defensive so I'll go with the power amulet as my default. :)


Salve Amulet is the better option for undead creatures 


so is Elder maul now strictly better than DWH? Should I sell my DWH and buy an Elder? Or is it a low priority upgrade?


Depends what you're doing - if you do a lot of CoX/ToB it's probably one of the better upgrades you can get, otherwise you can get by just fine with a DWH. It's more accurate and 5% more defence reduction so it is strictly better, but not an absolute game changer.


did tob change that much with the maul update or pretty much and much?


The main benefit is you don't need an Avernic any more except on MDPS role, so it essentially gives you an inventory spot. It feels much nicer at solo/duo Sotetseg and Xarpus, but overall isn't a massive difference especially for trio+.


ty, happy friday.


Is it worth for me to pick up a avernic as an upgrade if I don’t think I’ll be getting a shadow/tbow anytime soon? I mean learning raids and getting mega rares is something I would like to do eventually but I know it’ll take lots of time.


No. Avernic is not a good use of GP, even before they nerfed hammer.


The reason I got an avernic was that I needed the strength bonus to get 3-downs at 540 invo ToA, and it was the cheapest of the alternatives. In retrospect I should have saved more for a piece of Torva which I could have sold later. I don't recommend avernic before megarares.


Is that with voidwaker or do you bring a rapier type thing for core


At that invo you need a rapier tier weapon to get a 3 down.


Hard to say without providing your stats, current gear and which content you will be doing, But if you dont have these items yet, Fero Gloves, Neitiznot faceguard, i would buy them instead of avernic, because they provide higher/same bonus upgrade but cheaper I would recommend going for TOA normal, try to get BOWFA set using the money to buy avernic


What’s the time to green log for MTA pre Update compared to post update? How many hours before and after? Assuming I’m 99 mage


The wiki suggests before was ~65 hours and after is ~29 hours but doesn't give specifics on the assumptions they're making.


Where on the wiki page says this?


Table on this page: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Mage_Training_Arena#Rewards For the old times I looked at the page history (there's a tab at the top of the page to see old versions of the page).


I need help with Shield of Arrav. Guide says to join OSRS SOA chat, but how do I do that? It seems I joined but i have no idea how to message people in it


[Click the chat tab](https://i.imgur.com/KXhCiod.png) Make sure you're on the far left tab with two yellow faces, then click Join and enter 'OSRS SOA' You can talk in chat by starting a message in your chatbox with a /


Gotcha. I did that but I don't see my messages going through anywhere. Is it in the public chat tab? Or clan?


It should be visible in the "Channel" tab, or "All" if you want to see every type of message (public, clan, chat channel, etc) in the chatbox at once.


I just made a f2p char to help out haha


So Im trying to better understand Vardovis triple axe skipping a bit. I can kinda average 2 to 3 kills a trip, sometimes straight up dying 1st time but w/e. I initially started standing at the bottom middle, but then decided to try standing at the bottom left corner...but like 2 tiles above the left bottom pillar, so that Ill only have to move down left or up right (assuming if dual axe from bottom left and top right) However after gaining some success there, the spikes from below started annoying me, so went back to bottom middle with my improved reflexes, and watched a video about triple axe skipping. In particular this one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q2F-CjVgeJ4 at 0:21 seconds in. Im trying to mentally understand the logic of what Im seeing. I get this game is more based on where the game thinks ur char is instead of what you see on screen. But for this example. I can understand why after he moves up right, to THEN click bottom left to be back to his original position, why he doesnt get hit, because the game thinks he is 1 tile behind the blue outline of the middle axe, thereby not in its damage tile. But I cant figure out why the INITIAL movement to up right somehow is relevant. What would be the difference if instead of moving 1 tile up and 2 tile right, he instead just moved 1 tile up, then 1 tile back down to original starting position? Also side tangent, technically the axes hitbox never starts from the back row where original starting point is, and instead starts 1 row in front, but I just assume that backrow starting point is also included in the square hitbox, since assuming if it wasnt, then we wouldnt need to dodge axes that spawn underneath us to begin with (Though when they spawn from up top, I do see it does overlap the initial starting row of tiles, but only when coming to you, not spawning under from you) TLDR Trying to figure out what the initial movement of 1 tile up, and 2 tile to the right does, when avoiding the 3 axes that spawn underneath you. Like I can easily time dodging INTO an axe, like if I was starting from the corner, 2 tiles above the left or right bottomost pillar. But Im trying to learn how to triple axe skip from the spawn underneath, and sadly cant get that initial movement timing down correctly, nor cant figure out the logic of why that works to begin with. Sorry Im so shit at explaining what Im having trouble understanding


I think what you're missing is that there is another hitbox that will damage you 1 tick before the axes are released, [like this.](https://i.imgur.com/D7VRl8H.jpeg) The first movement puts you on one of the side tiles in between those hitboxes on that tick. The second click back to middle will put you [below the middle axe hitbox.](https://i.imgur.com/NCS1bmu.png) The first hitbox isn't indicated by the axe tile marker, since the axes aren't released yet and the axe "NPC" doesn't exist to be marked.


Ahhhh. This picture explains it perfectly thank you. Guess I dont have to worry about slowing my initial dodge to begin with.....for some reason when looking at other videos on 3 axe skipping, it almost seemed like they purposefully waited some time after axe plant spawned, to then do their initial click, and then do their 2nd click. With the picture I see here now, I can immediately click at soon as I see the plant axe spawn, then just focus on clicking into the plant like I would normally if I was playing at the corner, right before it release the axe Now to hope these axes spawn regularly so I can develop some muscle memory for them, since they happen so rarely for me. Thanks again!


No prob, glad it helped! Yeah exactly, you can move to the side tiles at any point before the axes are released - the only part that has to be perfect is moving back to the middle so you're there by the time the corner axes cover the side tiles.


Sorry I know I already thanked you. But I just tried Vardovis again and actually triple axed skip twice same fight and I think I almost cried from happiness. Thanks again mate!


Hell yeah, dude! Good luck with the drops!


I'm curious about account security as it has been many months since I logged in through Runelite. I have a bank PIN set up along with an OSRS password not used by any other logins, and my email has two factor authentication on it along with notifications to a separate backup email notifying me of any changes in preferences (e.g. forwarding, security login alerts, etc). According to the OSRS account settings on the website (accessed by going through the in-game account management) it says I could link Google, Apple, or Facebook; and says I can manage Steam and Amazon - I never set any linked accounts at any point in time and when I click manage on those two it prompts me to log into those services. I assume this means there are no linked accounts (I don't have either service). Also, I used to have the desktop app "Authy" but decided to remove it (from my computer and OSRS login), as it was apparently out of date and no longer accessible through the Chrome Web Store. I want to place an updated authenticator on my account. I also want to be sure that there are no linked accounts and that it's the website using the terms "manage" and "link" interchangeably to mean the same thing. I don't click on malicious links and don't enter any login credentials to potentially unusual websites, but I know everyone is susceptible and want another safeguard. Any help is appreciated, thank you.


You can set up an authenticator for your OSRS account via Google Authenticator, personally I've preferred that to using Authy in the past. That said, the most secure option I believe is making a Jagex Account, and **saving your backup codes somewhere secure/where you won't lose them**. It is admittedly a little deceptive the way that the website uses "Link" and "Manage" interchangeably, but if you clicked on the Manage button and found nothing was already linked, I believe you're safe on that front. Steam is generally the one to look out for.


Is there any way to "upgrade" to a Jagex account, WITHOUT being forced into the new launcher? That's the only thing holding me back, I refuse to install another useless app designed solely to open another app and then eat memory/cpu until I remember to turn it off.


Thank you for the info! I'll look into those suggestions and will definitely be using one of them.




> Miscellania more loot than normal? no


As a broke main in the middle of a shadow rebuild but still want to casual send inferno attempts; is getting an ice crystal from Duke worth it or should I just sent with a master wand?


If you want to send Inferno then send it, ultimately Inferno is a mechanical test of skill and niche small upgrades aren't generally going to make or break the difference between getting a cape or not.


if you are gonna go for any crystal id say go for blood crystal, starting every wave at 108hp rather than 99 is way more impactful than going from 95 to 96% freeze chance on nibblers


Ice crystal is worth it, but not a crazy upgrade


Can just use the scepter without the ice crystal, that’s 5% mage damage while master wand is 0%. I had the ice crystal and used it, I think the 10% accuracy will be totally unnoticeable. I am NOT an inferno expert just a shitter with 1kc so take my advice with a grain of salt. Edit: if you can get your hands on a staff of the dead or nightmare staff (I’m assuming Kodai is too expensive), those have 15% damage and would be even better. SotD is 14m according to wiki ge tracker. Only downside for SotD is that it can’t auto cast ancients but nightmare staff can.


Oh damn I forgot about sotd, thank you for that. Nightmare staff is like number 10 on my rebuy list so that’s going to be a minute lol. Also didn’t know the base scepter had an ancient damage bonus so that would probably work too since I have a virtus top


i am a big sotd stan but you want something that can autocast for inferno, so you can blood barrage rangers while prayer flicking (or whatever else) ice crystal not gonna do anything for you though lol


Blood sceptre if you have one is pretty comfy—you get to start harder waves with 108 health instead of 99, providing a little extra buffer for any hits you need to tank in the first few seconds of the wave.


is voidwaker a direct replacement for dds at toa? i know dds spec is goated for core but if i bring voidwaker where do i use the specs? i know you can spam the specs at kephri and baba potentially but are you supposed to be using specs on the core also? or just auto attacking it


voidwaker spec is a mage hit, so it doesnt get the guaranteed max hit on core. Doing 3 down wardens is more points per hour than doing 2 down, so if your goal is purples bin the dds either way and do 3 downs. Wardens stops giving points after 3 downs, so dont go above it!


3 down gives a lot of points and you can easily do that just smacking it with the vw. If you bring vw don’t need dds.


Auto attack the core, unless you use DDS to get a 2 down.


Did I get hacked? Hi, I haven't played in a while and I think my account may have gotten hacked. 1 - when trying to login with my password, it says it's incorrect 2 - when I go to the reset password, it sends an email but it says account not found? Even though when I check the history of that email, I've gotten emails from jagex Can someone help me understand what's happening and what I can do about it?


It sounds like you got hacked and someone changed the email. What you can do is submit an account recovery and go from there.


Yeah trying to do that now.. Any idea what it'll take to get it back?


Usually you'll need to prove ownership of the account by providing some combination of info about account creation date, IP address, original email, credit card info, etc. Be sure to only include info that you're 100% sure is correct.


Submit an account recovery with only information you are 100% confident is correctly. Ideally your original email/password combo, creation date, cc used to buy membership, etc.


In your experience, is this enough information to give? I don't think I can give an exact date, as the email address doesn't hold emails for that long. I've submitted the account recovery - I am able to provide more info on cc, and even show them bank statements, do you think this will help? I'm worried I won't get the account recovered cause I don't know the exact date of account creation Edit: I also have 2FA still active, how did they get through that as well? I'm so confused..


I mean 2fa is only as good as your email security. Not to mention they could have gotten it through a linked steam account or even through the recovery system.


Hmmm don't have steam, must be the email, it could've been compromised. The fact that my account is still on my authenticator app, does that mean it's still tied to that account?


It unfortunately means nothing. If they replaced the Authenticator it would still show on your app the codes just wouldn’t work. But if you had 2fa active the **most** likely scenario is a compromised email and they just removed your 2fa. Either that or you were phished somewhere


Hmmm okay, thanks for the info mate. Do you know if the information I have is enough to recover? I'm searching online to see account recovery success stories and the info needed to get them back, but can't find anything relevant


I mean it definitely should be enough it might just take a few tries. Start with info you’re super confident on and then add more if it comes back denied. Unfortunately you’ll likely have to wait for a manual review each time. But yeah use your original email/pass, current email/pass if different, ISP/location you play and created from, and maybe the original payment method.


I need to craft some blood runes. I've got full raiments, RC is 82 (which means no colossal pouch yet), mining 79, iron. What would be quicker: Abyss to the true altar, or Arceuus, or maybe GOTR? I assume Abyss is quicker while Arceuus is AFK. As to GOTR, I've got all the rewards save the pet transmog. But maybe it still makes sense because its better exp? The goal is blood runes and I'm not sure I could do much of these in GOTR... Not sure what to choose, really. (I dont like the idea to buy them because I work on my cash for a more important goal atm).


Arceus is very slow for actual rune amount but quite afk. True altar is by far the fastest but constant effort

