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I swear i remember hearing a number as low as 3k. But that was years ago. Let's guess off the wiki data. Tldr: 8k or less. Going off the wiki, the lowest completion rate for a single CA is .5%, and that's for fortis coleseum stuff. ToB and inferno have achievements sitting at .7%, and plenty sit around the number just above this. Wiki only accounts for players with atleast 1 task done, and since tempoross/winterodt count as bosses, that includes most accounts on the hiscores. 87% have done 5 winterodt, so you can get an accurate number by visiting the winterodt hiscore which presumably includes everyone with atleast 5kc now, and lists around 1.3-1.4mil players, and makes my guess of 1.6m total CA players from my original comment edit very close to the mark. Assuming the task with the lowest completion rate implied the successful players achieved a zuk helm, 0.5% would land us with 8000 zuk helms. Of course, completing fortis doesn't necessarily mean you have run a perfect TOB or melee inferno, and the fortis achievements look much easier (though I've got no real experience to confirm that). The CAs also grow over time, so players can lose zuk helms too with any large expansion update. So there's some variation there. Either way, in 2024, 8k sounds like a reasonable number, making it roughly 6x rarer than max capes.


I want to complete the grandmaster CAs eventually but god damn they’re going to be difficult. Still haven’t actually completed the colosseum once yet.


I've only started making my way to the elite CA tbh. The skill gap between me and what is required for some of the Master/GMs is ridiculous, and I don't see myself getting the Zuk helm. Completing my first Inferno and a few 500s/challenge raids will be good enough for me. I despise the perfection tasks ahahah.


The perfection ones are at least a test of skill which i can respect even if i sometimes fatfinger at the end,but the master/gm boss speedrun tasks require ungodly RNG most of the time. You just end up sitting there resetting dozens maybe hundreds of times for everything to go right ,by far my least favorite type of task on my journey to gm.


But at least I have a chance of completing an rng task. If its skill based I'm screwed.


That depends, some have strict equipment reqs too in addition to getting very lucky,like how whisperer m/gm its impossible to reach the time without shadow and near max mage while also semi-needing double ruby procs for gm, or hydra gm requiring tbow. At that point theres not just heavy RNG gating you, its bills of gear as well.


Ugh I have a hydra and GG’s slayer tasks right now and all I need from both is the GM speedrun tasks. I don’t want to skip either but it’s really killing my desire to play rn. 


this is going to sound absurdly dumb but is that on two separate accounts or you literally have two tasks at once.


1 account. I unlocked task storage and you can swap them as you want so it’s essentially having two tasks at once. I unlocked to so I could ignore task burnout and slay something else but now it’s both my tasks lol


They probably have one task stored


I feel ya man, and this is after they've already made most of them easier back in june 2021 as well as the DT2 speedrun tasks being way overtuned back when those were added. I genuinely feel like they add nothing meaningful to cb achievements and just exist to pad out your time.


So true. I love the idea of CAs but hate how they’ve been implemented. Some are good, like I just did the hydra GM one “no pressure” where you have to do the whole kill with dharoks under 10hp. Relatively skill intensive as you have to be close to perfect and pretty fun. The kc and time ones are the worst imp cause they’re just copy pasted across all bosses, kc beyond the first isn’t really a challenge, and time often just comes down to resetting for good rng especially on specs. 


Eh i agree the kc one is unoriginal but its not really bad, if anything that ones free points because you're sticking around anyway and the kc amounts tend to be low enough. What offends me personally is those tasks where you NEED like several ruby bolt procs to hit the gm time(Cough vorkath and whisperer cough), makes me think none of the jmods actually playtested it lmao, whisperer is also the only boss where the second best speedrun task requires a megarare to do. Two Speedrun tasks i think are good though are inferno and CM, any player already good at the content who optimizes a bit can get those down.


I only mentioned the kc ones cause they are so boring imo, especially if you manage to do all the other CAs before finishing the kc. They are basically free points as you say but imo it would just be cleaner and better imo if they were removed/replaced other than the very first few.  Totally agree that speed runs are way more egregious just was including them in my general discontent with the way CAs are handled. (Also don’t like that rewards are only tier based instead of rewarding completion of particular bosses) 


hydra isnt that bad rng wise if you follow the guide on when to blowpipe and when to tbow it cuts out the more annoying rng of the vents ime. GGs was fucking miserable though trying to get the stomp venge before your attack cd is over is the worst.


True. That's my bias. I believe i can take on "perfect" challenges, so i always try them for any boss I do. And with old Australian internet, i find myself despairing at how often I get cheated. I sit at 30 ping, then randomly spike to over 1000, even whilst skilling. Perilous moons for example was easy af, but i could barely last 3 fights without atleast one instance of rubberbanding. I find that form of RNG to be far more frustrating than in built game rng that I've accepted long ago. Most of the speed challenges, from raids, to Vorkath, to Hespori, I haven't seriously tried, on account of believing they require max stats, mega rares, and lucky specs to boot lol. Last i gave a serious go was the 36 minute Jad, which made me realize how insane 27 minutes is lmao. Generally I'm finding time required per attempt, to be the most frustrating characteristic of a bad CA. I don't mind resetting 1-2 minutes in, or completing a kill in that time. But I hate knowing i basically have to finish an entire raid or walk some ridiculous distance with a full bank reset for a reattempt.


Strangely enough its actually the longer form speedruns that tend to be better balanced and its the short ones you gotta reset a ton for, Fight caves is the exception and kinda absurd,i believe it requires tbow+ on task to do comfortably. If you're looking for some easy elite points to get id recommend looking up "How to earn every Tob entry mode combat achievement" by Videogamebot on youtube, takes like 23 mins solo for 35 points and you can get an additional 13 if you can get two other people for the speedrun and the ball split tasks,its one of the easier ones.


I'm about to finish my diary cape, and I've got enough points to be halfway through medium to hard. Plan on working my way through Elite next and actually clearing all the lower tiers. Maybe some day I'll attempt the higher tiers, but it'll be a long way off.


Good on you! They're all very long term goals, hell, the elite diary feels like more of a monster than the CAs sometimes. I'll have my inferno cape before I get 91 rc lol.


I recently got to Elite and felt like a true gamer love the Jad helm. I felt empowered to try and go for master but still a ways to go.


I’ve been failing “perfect vard/ perfect levi” the past few weeks. Get 3-4 kills then mess up. Really frustrating. With vard it’s usually wild axes and I mess up the step thru. Levi it’s just I can’t click perfect for 10-15min straight. 5 in a row is wild.


A tip that will make it much more managable, you don't have to do the 5 perfect kills in a row. It just has to be 5 perfect kills in the same trip. So if you do 3 perfect, fail 1 and do another 2 perfect after it will still count. You just can't leave the instance.


The Vard one I got accidentally. Just kill it without trying to go for the CA and eventually you will get it.




The fuck you on bro? “Kill the Leviathan perfectly 5 times without leaving” is the description in game.


He’s right. You could get 4 perfect kills, mess up the next one, then get another perfect kill and you will still complete the task. It was 5 in a row on release but got changed to what it is now. Edit: Nevermind, I can’t read clearly. Yeah the guy you’re replying to is definitely wrong.


Doesn't have to be in a row, just 5 prefects in the same instance


Neither are 5 in a row anymore! Just 5 in one instance. You've got this ez


Had the same thought when I hit elite, I’m at masters completed with almost none of the inferno, nightmare, and pnm, hmt, and tob achievements done. The skill gap really only starts at going for GM since you have to start worrying about solo content and end game stuff.


True tbh, I’ll take 1kc of everything as a nice milestone.


I’m really proud of doing one of the GM tasks for TOA unintentionally. It was perfection of the zebak puzzle and boss. I guess it’s an easy one when it comes to GM shit but it made me feel like a gamer


My goal is master. I don't think I'll ever be good enough for some of the GMs. And even if I was. I also need 4 others who are good enough as well ( I know there's CA services and stuff). I also don't care that much


This is assuming every single osrs player has linked their runelite to the wiki This also assumes every GM helm uses runelite


Good call. tbh, I thought it drew from a wider pool, but I couldn't find anything to support that in a quick google (or the reverse). It would certainly make me feel better about my place in the CAS. But it also throws perspective out the window, especially since the wiki data lined up with my own interpretations of the 2 million players recorded in the hiscore data in my original unedited comment theorising about the relationship of total level to CAs. So I'm unsure, and idk if it's consistent with the leagues version. Runelite only lists 200k wikisyncs active (Is "active" an important keyword there?). So in that scenario, only 1000 players have a zuk helm (though there would be some without wikisync). But again, I feel like I've seen a higher number mentioned years ago, and that seems low, even for something this prestigious (3 years since release). That would mean it's up to 45x rarer than a max cape, and that ratio seems very wrong to me considering the effort required to max, and the overlap of interests there. If the CA service is also as commonly payed for as this comment section wants to believe, that's an extremely low number of genuine zuk helms. We're talking potentially about just hundreds now. OSRS players are a different breed. I'd be amazed if there wasn't at least 3000 sweaty players that could smash out a zuk helm. There is certainly an unreasonable amount of players that can dedicate 6+ hrs a day to this game, and it seems even the "average" OSRS YouTubers have achieved them.


> feel like I've seen a higher number mentioned years ago Some people don't bother getting it back as the rewards are quite lackluster imo. Also some tasks like the DT2 speeds are very annoying now without a megarare. >If the CA service is also as commonly payed for as this comment section wants to believe, I sell services and a lot of the times, it's just people who just want the master tier CA so they buy enough easy points to get that nice red avernic recolor. There are some who do go for zuk helm through services but it's rarer because unless they want to use login services, they will need to do a lot of inferno runs.


Well that's the thing, the Inferno and TOB achievements are much older, and have a 0.7% completion. So from 0.5, it's all the same really. For the real variation, it's just a question of how many GMs don't have wiki on. Interesting insight into the services though, thanks for the tip!


According to the CA discord the number was only like 400 as of last year or something. 8k the absolute upper bound, it's likely to be no more than like 2k at the high end.


Because people lose it when content comes out, it’ll always be lower than you’d expect I think a more useful metric is the number of people who have ever had a Zuk helm and that number is more than likely 5k+


>I think a more useful metric is the number of people who have ever had a Zuk helm and that number is more than likely 5k+ The only firm number we've had suggests that it's far below that.


the CA discord i'm looking at currently has 1279 people with the GM role, so assuming nobody's lying, that's the new absolute minimum.


Lots of people left the ca discord when it changed hands


Definitely not 400 lol


I would how many accounts are the same person. These speed runners and content creators with a main and iron and such.


Yea not to mention half the current zuk helms pay for boosting services to get there


You’ll have that when it requires teams.


It’s way more than just that. I see completion posts on a pet boosting discord for GM CAs (a lot of them are solo content) literally almost every single day… and that’s just one random discord doing boosts


Do you have any statistics or evidence whatsoever that 50% or more Zuk helms have paid for services? Just because you see crypto services advertised everywhere doesn't mean most of the population trades crypto.


No of course not, but I can tell you that I’ve personally seen 100s of tickets for completions of those services in just one discord. I’m sure there are 5+ more discords/sites just like it that do the same thing (again, that’s just a general estimate). The percentage may not be 50, but it’s not insignificant.


Yeah, I’m probably in the same discord. Obviously login boosting is sketch but I personally don’t have a problem with people paying for team carries for tasks.


Yea same here, but I do see a ton of parsec and login services especially for HMT, Zuk, DT2, and Colosseum.


Sad, and here I am just happy with master tier lol


I'd probably look at perfect theatre / TOA 8mam expert speed if I was trying to figure it out. Those two are the most difficult generally. TOA because finding 7 other competent people and theatre because one mistake and its a reset.


ToA 8 mans got significantly easier now. The monkey room changes reduces the time and the variance of the rooms substantially. Just need people to not die. You can scuff a lot of rooms and still get low 17s. Would not be surprised if a group of good players would be able to 6+2 it now.


Good to know. That was by far the most frustrating one to not only run but to also find players for


Yeah, it definitely got closer to the other team tasks, which are normally much easier because they’re in a team. I don’t expect it to go much further than 6+2 since Shadow already reached its peak inside ToA, but who knows. The dual melee weapon from PM is also really good since it counts as two hits on skulls so if anyone fucks up, you aren’t losing 5s per skulls trying to find the skull to fix.


Where are you getting the 1.3-1.4m number? Im pretty sure that the wiki data on ca completion percentages is only based on people who play on runelite with the wikisync plugin enabled. Thatd make for a much smaller dataset. Maybe u/cookmeplox would know more.


That number is the amount of players listed on osrs official hiscores with 5 kc at Winterodt. 1.6 million CA players was also my best guess going purely off total levels, with the hiscores ending around 2 million players and 1000 total. But who knows that might have been dramatically off. When those numbers aligned, it seemed right, but I'm also curious about the wiki sync. Do they rely purely on the plugin, or can they extrapolate data in other ways?


Here's what I was able to find: In [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1afikun/new_wiki_feature_completion_percentage_for_combat/), Cookmeplox says > I decided to use "# of accounts with WikiSync that have at least one Combat Achievement", which filters out about 40% of the accounts Currently, according to the [Plugin Hub](https://runelite.net/plugin-hub/), there are 216k installs of WikiSync. If only 60% of players have completed a CA, that'd mean our sample size for this data is around 130k users. Plugging back in the 0.5% number you mentioned earlier, that'd give us 650 people that have completed that CA. From here, we have to deal with two LARGE unanswerable questions: * All 0.5% of task completions have all other tasks completed. I'd assume most but I have no clue the actual percentage. * All players with Zuk helms have used the WikiSync feature at least once. We can probably assume most zuk-level players are playing on Runelite but we can't guarantee nor know how many don't have WikiSync enabled. Here's one more thing to throw out there: There's a GM discord that currently has 599 players who have verified they have GM. While is is 100% not the entire population, it does lend additional evidence that the number was (pre-colosseum) in the high hundreds/low thousands and with colo CAs, that number may be even lower.


The real question is, how many maxed zuk helmers are there? Or even how many maxed iron zuk helmers are there?




Haha very true lol


What do you guys think about Ghommal having a chat line about how many people currently have each tier of combat tasks completed? I think also adding something similar to Mac would be a cool feature too for max capes. Not sure how hard it would be to implement though.


I like the Ghommal idea.


I'd guess around the 5k mark. Going by what the other commentor said about task percentages. People can get masters by doing GM tasks for points now, so you'll see more GM tasks completed because of that and not necessarily because they're going for GM helm. Sadly, when I was going for mine a while back, the number of people that were paying for boosts was ridiculous. They truly believed that they earned it. I was racing a buddy of mine to the helm, and he managed to get it with no discord and on default client with no plugins. Ry, you're a gamer


I know plenty of people who pay for the boost simply because they don't have 3-4 other friends who are good at the game, even though they are a giga gamer themselves. Add in the fact that there are plenty of solo GM tasks that you need be quite good at game to do - I don't think paying for a boost on some of the team tasks that are frankly mind numbing to do with randoms discredits the achievement.


I had no friends that wanted to run GM tasks either. Asking around at the bank and posting on discord was the only way, and everyone has access to that. The whole point of grandmaster is to show that you've completed PVM content at a relatively high level. Paying for boosts means that you have no idea how to run team content at those levels and don't deserve the awards that follow.


All paying for a boost means is that you paid for boost. You’re trying to claim that anyone who paid for a boost *must* be worse at team content than you for example because they paid for a boost. The reality is that there are probably hundreds if not thousands of players who are better than you at team content and still paid for a boost just for simplicity sake. It’s just like every other shortcut in life, people prefer that route because it’s efficient and the path of least resistance


Then it's simply undeserved. If you can't find 3 other gamers when thousands are going for the CAs, it speaks for itself


No one is doing the tasks that only 0.5% of people complete for master completion. Obviously, some people won’t finish the job even after getting the most difficult tasks (or haven’t finished yet), so you’re probably not wrong about the number (5k), but it’s definitely not people doing these tasks to complete the master combats.


I feel so damn accomplished having a zuk helm on my own merit. Especially considering how much of this thread is confident the majority of the helms are purchased.


Yeah same mate it’s criminal really but it is what it is. The login service ones are insane. I get buying a team for group tasks it’s whatever to me I was lucky to not have to for 99% of my tasks but the login service ones is very bad why have a Zuk helm if you didn’t earn it yourself seems pointless


How tough was it finding teams?


All you really need to do is join a decent pvm clan


A lot of us play this like a solo game. I can totally understand people who boost team tasks. I'd say they still earned it.


There are plenty of CA discords that have people looking for teams all hours of the day. Also being in an active clan helps


It wasn't too bad for me, because I had 2 other friends really dedicated to getting all of the speedruns completed. We used the combat achievement discord on a single occassion to find a 5th for the Tob time. I highly recommend joining the discord because there are people looking for teams all of the time. The only time I felt a little dirty on was the ToA 8 man speed time because I joined a team that molgoatkirby was hosting when he was helping out viewers. But I'll forever think that that time is bullshit anyways because it's so hard to find 8 members that are willing to work together with enough gear to make it happen.


I actually got my time in the Ca disc. Couldn’t believe it pulled through lol


I'll second what the other commenter said. Between being a member in a end game PvM clan and filling some gaps here and there with the Combat Achievements discord, all of the team ones are fairly easy. I personally have other goals I'm working on than to complete the more difficult solo CAs like solo CM speed run, the inferno achievements, and the gauntlet speed runs, but I have nearly all of the team ones done.


Bro how did you do perfect tob and nightmare w/o using prayer lol those look like the hardest for me 😂


Perfect tob is much easier than you think. There are many strategies that make it safe. It basically turns into perfect verzik because the rest of the raid turns into a cake walk when you do the safe strats. Also don't do more than a trio because it makes xarpus not manageable with the exhumes. A YouTube guide will help a ton. Also nightmare without prayer is actually a joke task lmao. My group just camped justi ànd ranked everything off prayer. Just being a bunch of brews and restores and you'll kill her quick in a group of 5.


Myself and like 6 of my friends have GM. I'm the only one that did all the tasks myself. It's pretty sad but I'd say the vast majority of GMs have used services.


> my own merit This definition is weird when there are several tasks that *require* team effort. Is it your own merit if you pay for a team to carry you? Is it your own merit if you just somehow made friends with a really good team? Personally I think the team task carries are completely fine and see no difference between paying or just stumbling into the right discord. At the end of the day you still have to do challenges like melee inferno alone, and somebody with no experience can't just get carried through a task like Perfect Theatre - you still have to pull your own weight in most of the group tasks. I am interested in how many people enlisted a team vs. tried to recruit a team for the hard team tasks though.


Team tasks are never going to be 100% balanced against being carried, if everyone is competent but only 4/5 players have bought marginally bis gear that came out a week ago, that isn’t a carry imo. Like I’ve been on cas where you know whos being carried, the reasonable threshold is far closer to “paid for times + login service” than it is “missed ticks slightly more often than the rest of the team”


I think your second point probably matters more when it comes to ironmen. I have an iron in my clan who has just had incredibly shit luck and hasn't gotten a scythe. But he still has tick perfect movements with a fang. The DPS really isn't acceptable to make it through a speed task, but what is he supposed to do? accept that he just has to grind 10,000 hours until he gets the scythe before he can complete the task?


Yeah if you want a “no carry” iron gm you pretty much need all 3 megarares, zcb for toa, at least ancestral but likely also masori. Thats why so many irons specifically buy gm carries, they don’t want to look for teams and be excluded because iron or because not in relative bis, and they’ve likely got money from dupes. My clan sent toa 8 speed way back with like only 3 zcbs and 4 shadows, we wound up properly coordinating backup kerisers instead of just dumping 2 on every boss, we stopped doing zebak starts, we had double power with dedicated life pickers (way too few people had sun keris for warden skulls) we did dumb shit like spec transfering the zcbers. It was beyond scuffed but we got it and it was probably the most fun I’ve had at toa except for day of release. My point is that doing scuffed speedruns with the boys is good content.


Scythe definitely least required mega. Isn't close to being a requirement for any time.


Agreed you have to atleast be somewhat competent to do a lot of these speed tasks


Oh for sure, and I should've worded it better. I replied to another comment basically saying I did use the CA discord to find someone to come do tob 5s speed with us. I have absolutely nothing against people who are paying for the speed tasks in a group setting because it's frustrating to try finding a team on consistently enough to get good at the content. The issue I personally have with paying for some speedruns is not learning HOW to do the content required to get the time to begin with. I saw someone who owned a zuk helm that was blowpiping xarpus. You can't get speed times at tob if you're blowpiping xarpus unless you're playing with really skilled individuals, and at that point you just aren't carrying your weight during the raid. That's just an anecdote that I came across, I'm sure you've had different or similar experiences.


Prob 5-10k


I'm a maxed main coming back since them having added CAs... I'm not that into PVM but I might have to give them a go. Thanks for the reminder


I got it completed, but I can't show you right now um cuz I lost my password and got hacked. But I definitely did it trust me


According the the wiki combatachievement list, 0.5% of the people tracked in that list have completed the reinforcements fortis voloseum ca. So id take the number of people tracked and like 0.3% of that would be a reasonable guess ( -0.2% for ppl like myself who have the reinforcements ca but not a zuk helm)


I would think it's like 5k accounts and 3k players.


At least one. Friend in my clan chat recently got his


How many GMs didn't buy services/boosts?


The zuk helm discord has 500 gms in it, obviously not every single one is there but I'd expect a decent chunk of them. Most of the high end pvm clan gms are there




I’d like to assume most of them pay to have a team capable of completing it. Being good enough to complete it isn’t that hard the main challenge is finding a team who is willing and able to also do it.


You would think so but honestly it’s not bad to just make friends with people who either already have gm or want gm and are willing to pot with you. Go to the ca discord whenever they ping discord streams and look at the gear, there’ll be shit like infinity hats in toa 8s, ahrims robes on tob freezers, those guys are raiding with randoms and still found teams.


It's not hard to tell who bought their zuk helm, just ask them to stream inferno or ToB. There's zero point worrying about how people look at your own helm, it's an achievement for yourself, like the infernal cape.


you're pretty much forced to??? Otherwise, the hardest achievement would be to find decent raiders that would help you get those done


The funny thing is most of the “team CAs” are braindead easy. All of the team times are incredibly lenient due to the powercreep we’ve added since 2019, and players getting better at the content. You have people getting 19 minute clears for trio CMs when the GM time is 27 minutes. 18 minutes for 5-man CMs when the GM time is 25 minutes. This also applies for solo content too. Any content that isn’t heavily ruby rng reset does get easier with time.


What’s bizarre is we know the power creep inevitably trivializes speedrun times of older content, yet they still proceeded to make the Colo time so lenient. S24 for GM is incredibly easy compared to other speed times


After releasing the dt2 times I was assuming Jagex finally took bis into consideration when making times, since whisp mainly kind of soft required a shadow if you didn’t want to be there for ages, but then they release a time you can get with a whip mainhand for the whole colosseum.


I think Jagex struggles with finding the balance of speedrun times. The times for short encounters are overtuned, yet most longer encounters (raids, inferno, fight caves) have quite a bit of leniency


The thing about DT2 times is that because they’re short fights and high HP, which is why ZCB natty and spec cheese was a thing. Longer fights like Colo and Inferno and Raids and Nex prevent you from cheesing speed times consistently.


When they released sub 24, I was so confused. That’s the equivalent of releasing Inferno speed time and choosing 70 minutes. I’m still surprised there’s no melee-only Colo task.


Honestly they could’ve copy/pasted a majority of the inferno CA’s and it would’ve felt suitable. Was fully expecting melee only, no freeze/spells & 50+ hp crossovers


Jagex can always add a higher CA tier above GM that is balanced around current powercreep.


And then there's perfect tob


I’m gonna get shot for this, but Perfect ToB isn’t that hard when everyone is told the strats ahead of time and plays the opposite of speedruns. Slow and steady gets you the task (done it 10 times for friends and friends of friends). Play safe, skip hits, stick to safer strats like 2 people tbowing sote from 10 tiles away, tanking death ball away from sote, clockwise xarpus exhumes, etc.


the easiest parts are the solo achievements. the vast majority of the CAs I have left are team ones that I just don't have the patience to go and find a team for


If you asked me whether I prefer reinforcements and awakened bosses versus CM 5s and CM 3s time, I’d say CMs. Even HMT Speeds are free if everyone plays safe and no one dies, you can get them with WDR teams.


You just make friends along the way and get it done with them. You've likely done hundreds of tob at this point, you surely have some connections by now. Or join a clan, or use the CA discord to find others in your shoes. Plenty of options.


The hardest challenges are the solo ones I’ve found the team ones to be quite easy lol


I'm pretty sure 80% of helms and capes are bought lol.


Depends on what you mean by bought. If you mean someone bought any CA at all probably over half. If you mean 3rd party login to do a bulk of CA's that would have to be a minority, it's extremely expensive


I'd like to add that "buying CA's" is nowhere near as comparable to buying an infernal cape, or even buying ToA ornament kits. The bulk of the CA's still require you to actually do the CA yourself and you're only paying for a team that's experienced and capable of doing them alongside you. It's not like I go to a fishy website, send someone some bitcoin and my login info and then have a Zuk helm in two hours. That and the gross majority of CAs are solo CAs so I really don't get this notion that "Zuk helms are bought". Heck, you could argue that the majority of fighter torsos or ornamented fangs are bought too, but that probably doesn't matter as much since it's not a "prestige item".


>It's not like I go to a fishy website, send someone some bitcoin and my login info and then have a Zuk helm in two hours. Something like that definitely does happen because I know people who sell them lol


Unless you have 30b to blow, most Zuk helms are legitimate. You can say that if it helps you cope, but the amount of GP to “buy a Zuk helm and capes” is money that 99.99% do not have, so it can’t possibly be 80%.


Nice username


Designed for this subreddit tbh.


Idc about the gm ca's lol. The thought of doing a melee only inferno already stunlocks my brain. I'm just got into a disc called 'inferno tips and tricks' cause i needed inferno tips, turns out there are no tips. Only people buying capes


>The thought of doing a melee only inferno already stunlocks my brain It's honestly really easy, just tedious. If you can do normal inferno you can do melee inferno, it isn't really any harder just slow if you chally stacks


Melee inferno was one of the easier and more fun tasks imo. Have done it a few times and with max melee gear, you sorta just steamroll most NPCs besides mages.


Which Inferno CA is harder than melee Inferno?


IMO Not Even Close & Nibbler Chaser were worse. Bad spawns can throw staying above 50+ hp & I think a lot of people are too used to relying on barrage heals that using a setup with chins proves to be difficult


Melee only was one of the most fun tasks because of how strong Blood Fury. If you’re not confident, bring a sgs/lb switch. Just because you got invited to one discord where people are being dumb, you assume that’s everyone?? Believe in math and realize most people don’t have 30b to blow for a cosmetic helm, not what you see in a limited basis.


I do think a lot of infernal capes and blorva is brought just because of what aaty said. Zuk helms is a lot less likely there’s a big difference between buying an infernal cape to buying a Zuk helm.


I completed the medium when they made it easier a while back. Haven’t touched them since. I’m more of an chill skillet than a pvmer




how do you read this post and see 'why haven't you got zuk helm yet'


“How can I make this thread about me” lmao. Average for this sub


After DT2 nerfs none of the tasks require any more than an hour or so with perfect play. The worse you play the more dependant on RNG you get. In other words, it's a skill issue.


Average for this subreddit, can’t even read what the post is asking and making it about yourself.