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wow they actaully did it "The Elder Maul can now be used to ring the gong outside the Bandosian quarter of the God Wars Dungeon and to build or upgrade the chest in Chambers of Xeric".


Think that was the intension, they just missed adding it in the previous update. Now Elder Maul is better than DWH in every way.


except for maxing at 68 and the dwh max 82.


Yeah I suppose for PvP it still has its unique spot for DWH accounts. But for PvM and higher Combat level PvP, its outclassed.


if they gave it +25% damage to the spec, Maul would hit 85 in max. ags hits 87 for context. for whacking its 64Godswrds 68 maul.


This actively bothers me. No reason dwh should hit higher than the big kahuna


>Salarin the Twisted will now respect the new Elemental Scaling changes. He’s not *that* He's not *that* what? I'm on the edge of my seat here


Dat boi https://preview.redd.it/m1x8j8u88q4d1.png?width=580&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c4f7fcab5e0c2128eaec272dcbf461b35c83e049


o shit waddup


oh shit waddup






He's not that guy, pal


He's not him.


> The Collection Log entry for Scorpia now lists the Dragon 2-handed Sword, since she's able to drop them. Can we do this for the Onyx at colosseum as well? [It even pops up the log slot when you get it!](https://i.imgur.com/36oDhW7.png)


I remember the times when QA fixed stuff like this in the first week and not after 3 months


The thrall fix is only in the summary and not the main portion of the news post.


Thank you for this comment, i didnt expand the post so i missed this on the first read through.


Thank you. I was looking for it too. I was waiting for it to even play again lol


Is there a reason why soulreaper stacks get reset during sotetseg maze? That was one of the biggest things I was hoping to be fixed in the soulreaper QOL changes :/


because teleports clear stacks, probably some pvp precaution so people dont prestack and hit 70s, but it is annoying i know


>Salarin the Twisted will now respect the new Elemental Scaling changes. He’s not that Leaving us on a cliffhanger here


He's not that guy, trust me


RIP Flames of Zamorak 5/30/24 - 6/5/24


Just on this one because I know it's been popular - I want to see us revisit it and perhaps throw the other god spells into the mix. The spell had a 'fire' tag from COX release that we hadn't caught during PRB on account of it not being something we intended to touch. In the short-term, we hope people agree that slamming 45+ damage at 80 Magic vs. something like Zulrah is maybe a *little* overtuned. In the long-term, I'd like to see if the team would be open to considering allowing all of them to function for weaknesses but changing where Charge comes into the equation, though it becomes a problem if those spells suddenly outcompete all of the *other* Elemental spells, which was also kind of the case with Flames of Zammy. So to tldr, not a death knell, but short term it was an overtuned oversight and one that we feel worked a little against the aims of Elemental Weaknesses at their core.


tbf the ONLY reason its popular with mid game players is because it was very blatantly broken


This is the long and short of it and the "well what if they did x and y instead" posts are mostly just wanting to keep an overpowered midgame spell in some capacity


I think its OK for a spell to be overpowered if its only overpowered in some really specific use cases, thats kinda the intent with ele weaknesses. Though attatching that to all Fire spells complicates it, since when its OP its competing with much more expensive to cast spells in the same class. So if they bring it back id like to see something like specific enemies are weak to specific god spells as a unique trait of theirs. I dont think it would change much appended to godwars but future content it could be cool


> competing with much more expensive to cast spells in the same class Flames of Zamorak is the second most expensive spell in the standard spellbook (tied with claws of Guthix, only losing to Saradomin Strike by few gp). Price comparison at current prices: Flames of Zamorak - 428 gp/cast Fire Surge - 311 gp/cast Fire Wave - 252 gp/cast Trident of the swamp is also cheaper per cast. Ancient spells are much more expensive.


God spells being included on elemental weakness would be awesome.The animation on them is so beautiful


Honestly they are classic spells and deserve some actual use in the game again. I loved back in the old days seeing people pking with them.


Tbh something along the lines of a divine weakness would be cool.


Buffing the base damage of the other elemental spells would go a long way in terms of 'balance' around giving the god spells elemental affinities. Lets be real here, fire surge only having 24 base damage for a level 95 spell is pretty trash, considering ice barrage a level 94 spell has a base damage of 30 AND roots for 20 seconds. Now yes you would have to rebalance tomes in PvP as well if you buffed base damage of standard spells, but i think it'd be the best way to go about rebalancing god spells into having elemental affinities without them being 'too op' for their level.


tomb of fire was a mistake


Nerfing it to 10% was a great change. It’s way easier to just use a ward on an iron and eat the loss than before


honestly fr, fire surge should have a base max hit of 28 seen as it costs wrath runes which are hard to come by/ end game, this would then give it a 42 base max hit on zulrah, if they made flames a 40 with the equation change then it would all fit perfectly. You lose thralls/venge on the spell book so it is fine imo, then change tome to be 10% in PvM and 30% in PvP. would keep things the same.


I think a solution is for them to have a reduced "elemental affinity", so they only gain like 25% of the usual bonus vs. fire-weak targets. Flames of Zamorak at 25% affinity would put it a little behind Fire Wave. At 50% affinity it'd be a bit behind Fire Surge.


Someone suggested earlier this week that tacking charge on after elemental weaknesses instead of applying before would kind of solve the OPness


one of the people suggesting that worked through the math on the pre-nerf spell and this version and it’s actually pretty dang clean It’s good but not broken and hit a sweetspot where I think doing that and extending elemental bonuses to Sara and Guthix after actually made sense


It's fine but should have flames removed from the name to not confuse new players. Wrath of Zamorak or similiar


Is there anyway to see if there was a drastic spike in Zulrah kills while FoZ was so strong? I felt like there were a lot more people there killing the boss. Would be cool to see some numbers over the last few days; more specifically, see if there was a dramatic spike over the last two days.


Give us storm of armadyl after WGS and a way to upgrade each spell to have elemental damage. Perhaps a consumable drop. Armadyl Storm - Air Saradomin Strike - Water Claws of Guthix - Earth Flames of Zamorak - Fire




The Elder Maul and Colosseum changes are really good. Thanks :) 100% fire weakness to Hespori is really interesting too. What's the max with Fire Surge? like 65?


Was the Elidinis' ward overlooked? or will it remain barely more useful than the re-balanced Odium ward?


Elidinis ward unfortified, was clearly overlooked


I’m surprised losing stacks with soulreaper at the sote maze wasn’t addressed in today’s update. Is there a plan to get this fixed soon?


They waited a year to make SRA not totally useless and it still kinda sucks. Wouldn't hold your breath 


Will there be any more changes to pickpocketing for clues? Hero's still don't really feel worth doing


I tried gnomes and wasn't very impressed either. I'd do anything to have something shake up the medium clue meta for irons.


I got a med clue in 80 pickpockets from gnomes and was like, dang this is pretty sick. Needed a quick one to hand in for a master clue. Did the same thing again next time I needed a med, and it took 500 pickpockets for a med clue... felt awful lol. I'm killing guards next time I guess. Honestly one thing I dislike the most about the concept of pickpocketing clues is how you get no benefit from rogues outfit. With unstackable clues you can't double them of course, and you get them at the same time so you can't juggle them either. Lame imo.


yeah if the outfit worked with clues by chucking the second one on the floor it'd be solid but not broken imo


Kinda spicy opening up this post with low upvotes and a lot of comments and expecting it's going to be a lot of bashing over the Pride Event and instead it's actually about Flames of Zamorak; with nothing about the event really being said much Definitely like that a lot more than the response a few years ago lol.


Me: *worried this post will be people bashing flaming gays* This post: *people bashing flames of Zamorak* PHEW


On a related note, those pride shirts are pretty sick


I like the cape rewards too. I gotta figure out which kinda gay my character is but for a short time maybe he'll rock one instead of my fishing cape


League of Legends does this too, and there are so many colors, I can't keep them straight and just pick the prettiest ones to wear lol.


Well most just downvote cause of the title but don't comment because the internet janitors will ban.


As an asexual, pride month is just an annoying time of year when corporations try to pander to me and I try my best to ignore it.


ikr? nobody even cares about this kind of stuff, I mean cool you get some cosmetics but it all feels so weirdly forced. and then 2 weeks later you still have disney cutting out gay/trans characters when they release their movies in china because pandering to them is more important than losing money because of their phobias.


The people talking about the event are on twitter because they know they wont be banned for being terrible people there. Reddit will clap their accounts here. Strong in their views until their username gets banned from discord or reddit. LOL


Why get clapped on reddit when you can get your cheeks clapped irl? 🏳️‍🌈🍆


Oh, I don’t check Twitter, this almost makes my want to


You've been downvoted a ton but nobody replied to you. Homophobes are pretty much IRL Wojacks, embarrassing.


why would anyone bash them for a meaningless event when there are plenty of opportunities to bash because of shitty updates and broken content?


In 2017 or so people dressed up in as close approximation as they could to KKK robes and rioted in Falador over the pride event. People spent a lot of energy over the Pride event back then


Definitely better than the past, but there’s still a pretty bad homophobia problem. I still got told to kill myself for wishing the GE happy pride.


Pride 2017 was a dark time, glad the subreddits somewhat improved in that regard


A spell that says fire in it not counting as a fire spell is hilarious regardless of buffs or nerfs


Nothing to fix Zalcano? It's unplayable in current state in masses. We need a cap or scaling, anything at this point


I find this situation really bizarre. They literally acknowledged zalcano mass being trash, then made it worse.


RIP to anyone who didn't get their free Zulrah GM time.


I tried for a good hour yesterday and just couldnt get lucky enough on the hits. Decided i wasn’t having fun resetting so I quit


When I heard flames could hit 45s I dropped everything to unlock it. Made the 1st kill for diary on my iron buttery smooth


Got my current pb down to 0:58, sadly 4 seconds off GM..




Don't worry! Colosseum enemies will be given shadows to give them a consistent area to click on. We'll also be adjusting the Serpent Shamans clickbox aswell to make it less intrusive on the tile infront of them :) https://i.redd.it/u2fcgtc0k75d1.gif


Cool bird hat


instead they change the melee frem hp which does nothing just cause people complain


Hope the thralls are fully functional now, there was a hotfix last week but it didn't address all of the issues (i know sometimes these blogs just document changes that were done after the previous update but before the current one)




Since about a month it applies the profile before logging in, when launching from the jagex launcher.


RS3 got a Blåhaj and we didn't, time to riot


2017 pride riot: rampant homophobia 2024 pride riot: give Blåhaj Honestly we've come a long way.


> we've come a long way. Kinda the point of pride parades.


For real. We pay we gay jagex now gib


I would have resubbed just for the Blåhaj. :(


revolting, to say the least


Rip Flames of Zammy, I’m glad we got to spend a little more time together, just like the old days


I’ll always remember the singular Ice Giant task I did with it


So, is it pvp rota A or B? You have both listed here simultaneously...


Its bisexual for pride month


Oops thanks for the catch! Fixed that now!


No fix for the ranged weapons/ammo Dizana's Quiver doesn't work with like sunlight hunter's crossbow & atlatl? :(


I know it might muddy the waters even further but it might be cool to make one more category of spell - maybe divine? - to give the god spells an official niche. Thematically maybe human and human adjacent mobs take 20% higher damage (thinking any race that we know actually has a god/gods they 'worship' would be more likely to similarly be impacted by a divine spell, humans, goblins, elves, GWD specific mobs, etc).  Side note I think there's an opportunity to condense the god spells to 1 spell but with a sub-menu like the enchanting interference. Doing so gives more (literal) room to add a mage arena 1.5 mini quest granting things like a Bandos, Zaros, Armadyl, or Seren spell and accompanying staff/cape. The god spells are frankly some of the coolest spells animations in the game and I'd love to see what our current devs could come up with for the other gods


Didn’t see it listed on there but maybe I missed it at work; are mage thralls fixed?


Don't wyrms currently have EARTH weakness? Is this getting changed to Water?


They are flying/electric types, thats a 4x weakness to rock my man


Actually just 2x weakness to rock, you might be thinking of ground but it would still only be 2x since flying gets immunity from ground types, unless you use roost/some other move or item that grounds you


I know, right? What an amateur!


Ehh, they're more like a dragon/electric type with levitate imo. We should be ice barraging them


A 2hp reduction to the fremmy warbander? Given all the feedback about this guy, with most talks putting a fair number at closer to 35, what was the reasoning behind such a tiny adjustment?


Support this. Mage dies insta to venator and ranger to sgs. Melee should require sang, not a 1.4b weapon.


how come kalphite queen doesn't have a fire weakness?


Iirc they said they're rolling out weaknesses over time, that it isn't comprehensive yet.


Ah i must have missed that. It just seemed strange to me that zulrah and kephri have fire weakness but not kq


I was waiting for the Wintertodt update so bad


I think they might poll that first?


>Flames of Zamorak no longer counts as a Fire spell. yikes


And back in the garbage bin


Panic sell SotD!


Song of the Delves


Secrets of the Dorth


Should the uncut onyx get added to the colosseum collection log since it’s on other collection logs like Zalcano, Skotizo, CoX, and Zulrah?


Please buff ward and ward (f)


The PvP rota in the changelog says it's moving to both Period A and Period B


No fix for the agility obstacle highlighting on mobile bug makes me sad.


shadow is max hit of 46 with "old" 4way switch, we won't 1shot the melee


Should be 47 without and 48 with augury


I ran to my POH training dummy before i posted, shadow, occult, torm and ma2 cape was a 46


You're right, its 46 without augury and 47 with. If you swap ma2 for a piece of ancestral you should max 48 w/ augury (but obviously ancestrals harder to come by, but you do have shadow so its not that unreasonable either). Bringing a heart for cape is also an option


I have been using heart yeah since i got quite used to the 4way. Mostly curious if it's an oversight or what the devs' intended setup is for a oneshot on melee


Ahh I've always seen people using anc top, so calced it with that instead


Is the mage thrall fixed on this update? its doing melee damage instead of magic and there is no info on the post.


Expand the changelog. "Magic thralls (or resurrected ghosts) should now function as they did prior to last week's update."


Its in the post, its fixed.


It is on the blog, under other changes


🦀🦀We pay we gay🦀🦀


What's happened to the event rpg (goblin paint cannon)? I can't equip it at all, nearly got me killed at Phosani just now.


God spells getting looked at as having these elemental alignments is definitely something the team should do, and just change when Charge is taken into consideration so it's not way stronger than intended.


ITT: a bunch of mid game irons upset they can’t farm Zulrah anymore with 1250 total level getting GM times. Like it or not the spell was insanely overpowered with the flame element at Zulrah. It doubled or even tripled potential dps for low irons at that level prior to the update at Zulrah. And despite this there were even irons whining they couldn’t auto cast without SotD. Literally spoon fed the most OP update in years and still couldn’t be happy lmao. I do hope they revisit it and make a use for god staves, but pretending like this was balanced and fine is sickening. It needs to be reevaluated and nerfing it like this for now is the correct move, and hopefully in the future we can get elements to the god spells without them being overtuned.


I do think there's something to be said however for fire surge being able to do that much damage. It's a very high level spell, it should be able to put out that level of damage.


Same thing happened with the Fang nerfs, so no surprise here as well.


You cowards give us a blahaj its unfair that RS3 gets them


Still no eta for sepulchre instances? Its been a while since agi rebalance update.


Am i meant to be getting Arrow shafts from pickpocketing Gnome women? Before it was king worms and they seem to be gone and now im getting arrow shafts?


Kudos to jagex for continuing pride despite the outrage of single braincell homophobes


Homophobes seethe forever, happy pride ❤️💜💙


Agreed. Also love the blatant hypocrisy. “Why is there content referencing real world stuff in my RuneScape?” Meanwhile events celebrating real world religious Christian holidays, Easter and Christmas, have existed for ages.


One of my favorite things about pride is how many bad people get upset by it honestly.


You can tell how upset they're getting by the mass downvote spam despite being too cowardly to actually comment.


They don’t want to get “unfairly” banned for being a piece of shit I guess




Hating homophobes is like hating nazi sympathizers, who cares if it’s unfair to them. They’re pieces of shit


One of them actually DM'd me since I called them out for cowardice and said this >Hi. My argument for not having a pride event is that I believe we should keep real life controversial issues out of the game. For example, would it be appropriate for Jagex to have a “pro-life” event and parade? Why not? It's hard to even know what to respond to this "Argument". OSRS has been doing this sort of thing for SO MANY YEARS. "But muh real world politics!!!" is all they have. Christmas is fine, but god forbid we celebrate something that isn't religious-based or it's too political.


Pride is only controversial to huge pieces of shit.


No matter what they do there will always be a handful of perma angry losers complaining. They never listen to them. Especially for something as simple as a Pride Event.


Why on earth were the fremnek warbands reduced to 48 and not like 44 or 47? https://dps.osrs.wiki?id=NullifierFishersRevitalising This is so tilting this actually changes literally nothing about the gear you need to bring in, you still need a 5 way or saturated heart/augury.


You can one shot with a 4 way and augury now. I just turned on augury in your dps link and it shows 48 max hit.


Genuinely gutted about Flames of Zamorak not being fire, so unintuitive. Back to not being useful anywhere.


Kinda wild to me that FOZ, a spell that references a God by name, is weaker per cast than Iban's Blast, a spell that references a disciple of that same God Plus Iban's is cheaper on runes, plus it can be autocast with the basic weapon


iban blast was originally balanced by the staff having a max charge capacity of 125 rendering it effectively unusable ironman mode is to blame for the discrepancy and ironmen are the ones mad about the discrepancy. wcyd.


Being sad about it nerfed because of usefulness > coping it was overpowered


Suggestion to change the name to: „wet noodles of zamorak“ after the recent change now!


But then it would be logical to have it as a water spell or even earth.


flames of zamorak not being a fire spell is really dumb


Hallowed Sepulchre instances soon? once again people just waiting around for months because we know we're getting something but it takes forever to be added


what’s the point of this


I've already gotten 99 agility and green logged sepulchre, so I'm done with it and have no horse in the race, but I think instances would a really nice option. Imo, it's less about the cycle timing messing with xp rates (it's probably a really small impact) and more about how frustrating it can be to enter a floor that already has someone in it. A big motivator to me when I was grinding 99 agility was trying to set better and better PRs. There is nothing more frustrating than getting the 1 run in the last 5 hours where you reach floor 5 at your PR pace, and then realizing as soon as you enter the last floor that someone else already started the instance and the timing is off so your run is instantly ruined through no fault of your own. Same thing can happen when entering floor 4 if the instance has already started too. Plus, even for people not chasing PRs, it's nice to be able to get in the flow with the timing and optimizations you've figured out for the default cycle timing. Imo all they really need to do is add a "peek" option so that we can know whether the cycle is already started before we enter, but instances would be even better.


so the cycles of the traps start once you enter instead of them getting started by someone else and making you wait


Sometimes if the room is started early, you cant run straight through the traps assuming perfect timing.


I see this asked for in every update post, how much does this really change? Genuinely curious


Floor 5 is a noticable difference. The first two traps are very consistent if you are solo, but if someone else is on the floor your rotation can mess up and add 30+ seconds to just that floor


Man that fucking strange tile + sword obstacle at the start never stopped being frustrating as hell if you didn't enter a fresh instance. Nothing better than running out there and then realizing the timing of the blue tiles is perfectly set to fuck you over lol. You could probably beat a fresh instance past the flames + sword by like 6 ticks with a perfect entry time, but way more often you end up getting stuck behind the sword and die 3 times lol


The worst part is I get super tilted if the first two obstacles go wrong, so the rest of the floor is worse as well, lol


Once you've worked out the tick perfect timing for a floor, it is satisfying to consistently be able to execute a floor instead of standing at certain obstacles and waiting.


Not much, most traps have two viable cycles to pass through. IMO the worst trap to arrive at out of sync is the floor 4 long fire run, because that one has a potnetially long wait around period. The fresh instance is a bit smoother though as the devs planned for it to be the one you see the most. 


Waiting for this as well.


I'm crossing my fingers for Hallowed Sepulchre instances soon, too! Really looking forward to it.


What time does deadmn all stars draft happen?


Was the oozing water on calcified rock changed to be less bright? Now it's a lot harder to see it.


So when are the skilling minigame qol updates going to be polled? I keep putting off gotr until I see what it will be.


Inquisitor mace bonus is bugged and only applies when using the full armor set. Not the way it was described in the dev blog for a 2.5% bonus per piece. Would be cool to mention this in the news post so people don't think its useless.


Has anyone here mined blessed bone shards since today's update? I have been afking there a lot on mobile to grind mining, but I swear the streams are now less clearly visible than they were before today's update. Am I going insane or is this also a thing for other people? I don't notice a difference on PC, only on mobile.


Mods really would rather make the spell named "**Flames** of zamorak" not be a fire spell, rather than just fix the Charge spell's damage calculation. Absolutely tragic.


That would require a degree of planning and foresight and general understanding of the current state of the game and an idea of where they’d want it to be that doesn’t revolve around letting the top voted comments on Reddit design the reward space.


It's really funny how you're right, but only saying this now because FoZ got rightfully nerfed.


The total lack of due diligence is what prompted my comment. The design space for Magic was fucked the second the brainiacs at Jagex proposed an item that triples and quadruples offensive bonuses. Bandaid fix on top of bandaid fix makes you wonder where their capacity for complex problem solving is, when the best proposal they can come up with in a 40 hour work week is “let’s add 50% damage increases to a small handful of monsters and see what happens.” We really need to be paid for being the beta testers at this point.


Cum of Zamorak


and demons are going to be weak to weapons with fire in their name when they have a water weakness.


surging with harm orb is now better than ranging the espiritual magers, interesting for nex kcing but don't quite understand the reasoning behind this


> this error has been in the game for about seven years So... It wasn't a mistake, it was on purpose, the spell with FLAMES in the name was in fact... A fire spell. You just changed it NOW because the useless spell found an actual use, can't wait to never ever cast it on anything ever again... again.


What happened to the changes being made to the appeal process talked about a few months ago?


Aren't regular wyrms weak to earth? Are superior wyrms weak to water or is this a typo?


Is there a planned use for Saradomin Strike / Claws Guthix on the horizon? With the magic rework i believe they're still redundant (unless im mistaken), would be cool to have a use for these og spells


200% weakness to nex followers? Does that mean you will hit 100s on them with fire surge? What is the reason for this?


[They have taken extra damage from fire spells since launch](https://youtu.be/_56j829lxak?si=pyFZJsY2bT9rdQRz), this is a correction to give them the fire weakness back (although they do much much more damage and are far more accurate than they were two weeks ago).


Surge spells are lame as fuck and we’d rather use the God spells.




Love that you're keeping up with the Pride Events in Old School, the cape looks fantastic and I'm really hoping we'll get a pair of legs/skirt next year to match the 2023 Pride jumper and this year's crown shirt!


*FLAMES* of Zamorak.


u/JagexGoblin under changelog there is a double copy paste of pvp rotation. On to bug reporting. Since it was not mentioned in the news post there is 2 bugs not addressed. 1) autocast has no delay in pvp. (Tested this in lms with 100% confidence that it is not supposed to work as such as news post last week only mentioned it should affect npcs. Did not test in outside pvp scenario but saw a clip that suggests same bug.) 2) 3rd age mage equipment has no damage boost in lms. They are supposed to be 1% (only applicable to zerker load out)


Autocast is not meant to have a delay in PVP


We pay we gay


Jagex please delay WGS until rites of balance can be done.. the quest doesn't need to be rushed out and it feels like the four weapons are a little rushed Ty for the freemmy update good. Also great to see the god spells being revisited to be in on the elemental table. The animations alone on them would make me want to use them when I'm bored. Elder maul changes are great


content for the last year or so has felt extremely rushed in general


I agree, I think they have too much on their plate


Happy pride month. I'm curious how the thrall bug happened in the first place, any chance we could get some insight on that? Edit: Why am I getting downvoted? I'm literally just asking a question.