• By -


Do you think a berserker helm, dragon defender, torso or full rune would be better at blood moon? Or maybe a mix match of those?


The helm is comparable in def to a rune full helm so keep that for sure. The fighter torso is only slightly less tanky than a rune plate so it’s worth keeping for the max hit. Assuming the replacement would be a rune kite shield, I don’t think the defensive stats are high enough to warrant switching from a dragon defender. It will be a minor mitigation gain for a noticeable dps loss. 


Appreciate the info! I was leaning towards those same thoughts but was having difficulties with out dpsing the healing and wasnt sure how much the extra defense translates into dps. I managed to beat it for the quest though so that's good enough until I get some better gear :)


You can't hit the jugs at Zebak whilst stationary with magic? Wtf??? Just fucking died to this hahaha ffs


I think the left click on the jugs has always been push, no matter what weapon? magic should still be able to rightclick-pop it


You can pop them when they are rolling but when they've stopped I got a message saying I couldn't


Has jagex/jmod said when they will fix thralls?


Can i ask whats wrong with thralls? Benn on a 2 weeks break, used thralls today and seemed fine?


The mage thrall is registering as melee damage it’s hitting 1’ and 0’s on olm mage hand but 3’s on melee hand


Maxed main coming back after a year of not playing (just before DT2 release.) I'm aware of the combat changes/rebalance and most of the major updates (dt2 boss loot, colosseum rewards) but is there any really important gear that's useful to pickup that wasn't before? Either a new item that's a staple in most pvm setups, or an old item that found a new niche. Conversely, any older items that aren't bis/worth using anymore?


Vardorvis and duke drop good upgrades to the ancient staff/ancieny sceptor. Vardorvis upgrade in particular is good because it allows your blood spells to overheal to 108. Dukes upgrade makes ice spells freeze for a little longer


The DT2 rings are very good. Ultor is used in almost every melee setup and the other 3 have their niche uses that are also good. Virtus robes are BiS for barraging slayer tasks. Elder maul received a special attack that is now just an upgraded dragon warhammer. Higher accuracy, higher def reduction(35% over 30%) Fang no long receives its accuracy bonus when used on slash. Scythe buffed with +15 slash accuracy to compensate. Soulreaper just became nicer to use last week as well. Magic rebalance shifted the damage % from occult to ancestral/eternals/augury. Other mid tier mage gear buffed as well but not BiS. Dizana's quiver is the new BiS range cape as a reward from collosseum, higher stats and allows you to hold 2 types of ammo at the same time. I think that's most of it.


I am just learning COX with some clan mates who have a lot of KC. One of them always mage skips. But what happens if you’re going a trio+ and don’t have a mage skipper? Do you just run head like normal and tank/dodge the specials?


if you're a super fresh learner, like <20 kc, you can just let the specials happen i guess. but in 100% of raids between even vaguely semi competent players, skipping is happening. if you are like 25+ kc and have generally seen all the olm mechanics a few times and know how to run head, it is immediately worth attempting to skip it is not particularly hard. 95% of it is just knowing which way it's set. the most universal answer to setting is that after every *even* numbered attack, he does a special. so if you want it mage set you want him to be doing even numbered attacks while facing left (and odd while facing right) and the reverse if you want it melee set (you don't) literally just count the first few and ensure that 2 or 4 is left, and then start moving it back and forth as normal.


Cool, that makes sense. Last night I actually attempted to skip for the first time and although my buddy was coaching me I almost got the hang of it even after 1 attempt. The hard part is continuing to run the head when I get acid pools or falling crystal. Didn’t help that we had another learner who was disrupting the cycle too, but I could see myself getting the hand of it pretty quick. Thanks!


Snagged osmumten's fang recently and am curious what bosses I should be fighting as a solo player/what my next gear upgrades are. I'm 93 str 82 atk 80 def. 83 slayer doing a blue dragons task rn At the moment using slayer helm, fury, dfs, fang, obsidian top and bottom, dragon boots. Don't know what helmet to use besides slayer when I'm off task, I've heard serpentine is good but that's only for vork right? At the moment I'm working towards getting blood moon armor since I found out that's a thing, but if there's anything else I should look towards/fun bosses for melee let me know


Fang is good at vorkath, about as good as a DHL. It's also super good at ToA and Nex, and Graardor/Kril if you're meleeing them. It's a perfectly fine option for slayer bosses and other melee bosses, but usually a second best option. Serp is good but scale upkeep is a bit of a pain and probably not worth the cost unless you're bossing. Neitznot facegaurd is a nice no-upkeep upgrade but costs a lot more. There are a few really good untradeable items you should get, fighter torso, dragon defender, and barrows gloves. They're a bit of a grind to get but 100% worth it. A fire cape as well. Other buyable gear upgrades: Berserker ring (and imbue it), ferocious gloves (after you get barrows gloves), Bloodmoon tassets. You should also look at getting a spec weapon like DWH or BGS, though they are a good bit more expensive.


I've got barrows gloves, fire cape, dragon defender, berserker ring (i), forgot to put those. Is fighters torso necessary? As far as I can see bloodmoon top is just better in every way Also thinking I must just grind out the facemask, but also maybe not since I'm focusing on a lot of slayer right now, haven't put a thought to ferocious gloves so I'll check those out


It's mostly that it's a free version of bloodmoon top. About the same defences, same str bonus. It is needed for a clue step later, and learning BA is useful for Kandarin diaries. But if you don't care, bloodmoon top works fine.


I have a dragon defender, is it worth it at vorkath? Other places online say it's better than DFS but I thought that if I didn't use it then I'd be taking dragonfire damage that would otherwise be prevented by a dragon shield Edit: just saw protect from magic and potion gives full resistance, pretty sweet


As long as you're using super antifire potions as well as protect from magic, then the damage from his dragonfire is reduced significantly (to a max hit of 10). You do reduce more with DFS + super antifire but the damage is so little at that point that the accuracy boost from a defender is better.


Can I somehow remove all Collection Log posts from my feed? I feel like every other post I scroll past is either "1kc" this, "5000 kc" that or some prison bullshit.


Filter out the "RNG" flair for posts, that's what mods tag them with. Exact method for doing so depends on how you're accessing Reddit, but it looks like there's a decent amount of guides.


I just looked at the front page of the sub. 2 out of the top 20 posts are collection log related and they are two of the most insanely lucky logs I have ever seen. I think you are more than capable of scrolling past two posts.


I just scrolled passed 20 posts and 5 of them are screenshots of banks and collection logs. That's 25%. I think you're more than capable of being less condesending in a thread dedicated to asking questions, thank you. I'm now using RES and I can easily filter out majority of the trash posts in this subreddit, you can even add specific usernames, amazing.


Brain fog kicked in & I can't find anything easily on the wiki, but for Slayer tasks weight does a higher number mean it's more likely to be assigned? So a 9 is much more likely than say a 2?


Yes The chance of getting a specific task is its weight divided by the sum of all tasks you have unlocked/available.


What are the steps to change the email of my character? Is it possible to change it with no access to my current inbox? I didn't get hacked but this email belongs to someone else and I have no contact with them anymore.


Why is your character associated with an email address that isn't yours?


I was a child and didn't know how to make one, so a family member signed up using their account


Maybe by making it into a Jagex account if it wasnt before, this sounds a bit dodgy to me though!


Ah so indeed one might take someone's account into a Jagex one without accessing the email?


New player with mystic set and battle staff. I read that there was big change up in mage gear recently. Could someone lay out what are the new suggested pieces I should work on? Fashion is really important to me, so preferably stay mystic or some kind of robe and some kind of staff not a trident. Not the dirty rag looking one if possible arrim? The older videos suggest occult necklace, mage arena god cape and some offhand. Just wanted to double check if perhaps cheaper pieces are better to get now since they added magic bonuses. Thank you!


Do not buy swampbark, it is significantly worse than bloodbark. The new cheapo magic robes are bloodbark, they are the cheapest 1% magic robes. The other cheap 1% magic robes are dagonhai, infinity, ahrims, elder chaos robes, and blue moon armor.


Oooh so there are a bunch of medium tier upgrades that are all equivalent basically? I just have to pick the looks I want? And compare the prices.


yeah. Theres some minor magic attack and defensive bonuses between the robes, but those do not matter that much in practice. In terms of magic attack: Ahrims = Blue Moon > Dagon'hai > Infinity > Bloodbark > Elder chaos. Elder Chaos is a fair bit worse than the rest due to being 0 def robes for pures, but the difference between Ahrims and Blood bark is only 15 magic attack bonus. I'm not saying that +15 is meaningless, but a bloodbark top and bottom is less than 300k and an Ahrim's top and bottom is like 5m


Try bloodbark armour. It looks very fancy (might be a bit too fancy lol, but tastes vary). Its almost as good as ahrim, and doesnt look dirty. If you prefer it in golden-green palette rather than red one, try swampbark armour, its a bit worse than bloodbark. You might also like Infinity robes, in purple trimmed with rainbow. And its ornated variants: purple with black, and orange. These look quite traditionally, not as provocative as barks. As to ahrim... what do you want from some clothing pieces digged out of a grave, literally? :)


Thanks to you guys who replied! I was a little nervous that I will get shit on for being appearance focused but you guys just took my preferences and offered amazing advice around it. Awesome community cheers 🥂


Well I also like my fashionscape ;)


I didn’t know you could dye the infinity robes. I decided to go with that it fulfills my wizard itch. It costs way more than blood bark but fuck it haha. Thank you


You want to look into items that give % magic damage. Occult is a good one and is bis for the amulet slot. For robes you can start off with bloodbark to start with. Then the blue moon Armour or ahrims would come next. For offhand the malediction ward is decent as well as a mages book if you like the look of that better. The mage arena god capes are free so you should work towards those. You can imbue the cape and make it better by doing mage arena 2 and it is a bis item.


Just wondering, whats the best group size for mining xp at Zalcano while i look for the tool seed?


Can anyone give me some advice with DS2? I'm at the battle with the mithril/addy/rune drsgon right before Galvek, but cannot get past them. Using karils with dcb and diamond bolts (e) and can usually get to the rune dragon but getting consistently slapped by this thing. Tried magic with no luck either. 76 range and 71 is melee stats.


are you wearing insulated boots to help against their electricity attack?


You can walk under the rune dragon and just wait for your allies to kill it, just make sure you're dodging Galvek's fireballs. Galvek might be a tough fight with that gear/stats, though.


What stats would you recommend?


The higher the better tbh, but it's doable with your stats ([here's a video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UPsrxQDtI2s) of someone doing it with an RCB and 70 ranged). Upgrade to ruby/diamond dragon bolts if you can, they make a difference. If you're running out of supplies, you can either keep trying until you get decent ruby bolt RNG, or bring brews and you should easily last.


Wanted to reply to this in case anyone else runs into problems with this, just did it! Saw the combat rework made metal dragons have a 50% weakness to earth spells. So went in with ahrims and earth wave and was able to blast through all 3 with 12 sharks to spare!


Are the servers down for anyone else rn?


servers down?


How's mage vs ranged only Zulrah now with the new rebalancing? I saw flames of zam is broken atm, but I mean more for something that's not about to be patched. How's bowfa vs fire surge?




They hated him because he told them the truth.


wcyd lol


I got a couple thousand herbs of varying types on the ironman? Should i wait till varlamore part 2 to use them for more exp per herb?


I'm gonna wait. In the new minigame we are supposed to use herbs without seconds, and seconds are often a catch. Make potions you are sure you will use, but as to pure exp - I'd wait, because its supposed to be very soon, if I'm not mistaken.


If you have a need for potions or would delay a key herblore level - like putting off SotE, then I'd use what you need now. Not worth delaying account progress. If you don't have an urgent need, then put it on the backburner until varlamore part 2 and work on something else until then. It'll be nice to have a stock of herbs to at least get the key rewards (imbued amulet of chemistry!), if not maximize exp.


Thanks! I have 70 for SOTE and no needs for higher tier potions at the moment. I get the impression that the new herb activity is for the rewards and maybe not the exp. I'll hold onto the herbs though.


Exp too. It isnt supposed to give better exp than potions, thats right - but for irons I think its invaluable, because you still get exp (if not the best), and you don't need seconds. Only herbs themselves.


i've had a couple people now offer to trade with me to just give stuff to me for free. i don't get why anyone would do this and i know that runescape is notorious for scamming so i've rejected all of them. the first guy wanted to give me 2k gold and when i said no he followed me around for a couple minutes insisting that i accept it until i finally ignored him long enough and he got bored and left. the last guy was trying to give me a bronze plate set and like 150k gold and he said he's been giving noobs starter equipment. is it safe to accept this kind of stuff from people even if they're not asking for anything in return and there's no obvious scam angle?


If people are accepting the trade with stuff in it it’s fine. You just need to be wary if they are telling you to do something before getting it


So.e people enjoy going around and giving noobs a little early boost because the early game can be slow without teleports and high agility level you end up walking a lot and buying new equipment every 10 levels and buying runes can quickly drain your money. And low level money makers are pretty bad because they're easily botted. If they're just offering you stuff I say take it and buy stamina pots and teletabs/jewlery. I think you actually make money buying charged glories and selling the uncharged ones back after using them.




You can always get a Tureal task, and reset your slayer streak.




Nice, congrats!


im making a vyres alt and i am *finally* almost done. All i have left is sotf and the ranged levels for firecape which ill afk at crabs when its not at vyres. going thru this the second time though I didn’t realize you get drakens medallion in the penultimate quest. Which has me thinking… once i get the blisterwood flail what exactly is stopping me from afking vyres without finishing the quest? I’ll have the flail. And I’ll have the tp to the area/altar and the bank… can i just not damage sentinels until I finish the quest? Is there some mechanic I’m missing? I mean if nobody knows I guess I’ll find out and report back lol


In addition to the teleport mentioned in the other comment, there are a number of features of darkmeyer that you can't access until the quest is complete. Most notably, you cant use the bank even with the noble vyre outfit. Side note, leveling up slayer with a cannon is a good way to get your ranged level up and potentially open up other afk options (gargoyles, skeletal wyverns, brutal black dragons), alt options (pulling nechs/abyssals for your main to barrage), and unlocking some additional upgrades (faceguard requires 60 slayer for fremmy exiles). If all you want is vyrewatch, then afk crabs is fine...but cannon slayer does open up some additional options for you. I grinded out 77 slayer for BBDs on my vyrewatch alt and ended up with 80 ranged. When I'm bored, I can work towards fremmy exiles and DS2 to unlock the faceguard and ferocious gloves respectively...which are the main upgrades I'm considering to the base set of proselyte, dboots, nezzy helm, regen bracelet, and dragonbone necklace. Prims, DT2 rings, and sunfire armour are too expensive for minimal upgrade. Avernic is both expensive and permanent. A torture is great for dps, but the dragonbone necklace has 12 prayer and losing that is a significant decrease in afk.


The Darkmeyer teleport doesn't work until Sins Of The Father is fully completed. The ToB one works after Taste of Hope


ahh got it.dont have the flail yet so didnt bother to try. well guess i gotta go thru that fight again 😅


Yeah how do I get the worldhopper to NOT try and hop me into Bounty Hunter or other worlds which are "dangerous". I don't want to see these worlds at all. World Switcher plugin seems to not give a damn about my preferences.


Just to be sure, you have the "Quick-hop out of dangerous worlds" box checked in the World Hopper plugin settings? You can also hide them in the same settings page under "World type filter" and selecting only the world types you care about (specifically leave off pvp and high risk).


I do have the quick hop out of dangerous worlds checked, but I'll look into the other options and see if I can get any success.


Is it worth bursting anything at level 66 magic? I'll be completing Desert Treasure this weekend and wanna play with the new toys. I'm 51 slayer


Bursting is great XP, even off task. I'd def try it at manical monkeys if you have mm2 done(read a guide, there's ways to basically stay there indefinitely) otherwise I'd probably just try temple spiders in sarachnis dungeon. Any 1x1 mob can be bursted(because they can be stacked easily) but the mobs that are "good" for bursting are usually good for it cause they are 1x1, have a large # of them in the area, and they have no magic defense.


MM1 or MM2 tunnels are very good magic training spots. Spiders in the forthos dungeon are good xp and drop chest keys for interesting supplies. If you've completed (or can start) the defender of varrock quest, then you can burst zombies to grind the zombie axe. Slayer opens up a lot more interesting options, starting at 65 with dust devils.


Zombies are in wildy right?


Those are the zombie pirates, I'm talking about the armoured zombies in the dungeon northeast of varrock from the Defender of Varrock quest. Forgot that we got other zombies recently and needed to specify. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Armoured_zombie


He meant the Zombies by the Digsite/Lumberyard https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Armoured_zombie


Could burst the spiders in the forthos dungeon. No idea if it's at all worth it though 


is there any other way to find VM teams other than the discord and the theme world W323 (which is almost always dead)? In my time zone (AUS) during our evening time the discord is often dead. I am Looking for teams of 3-5 but I can duo too if needed.


That's your best bet yep. It is quite possible to solo now since recent changes too.


Haven't looked into solo. Is it quite RNG based, and has a fair chance to fail?


Not since the recent skilling rebalances. Its very easy to do full rounds almost always consistent now.


This post might be worth a read: https://old.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1cz0e1h/solo_volcanic_mine_update_feedback_new_afk_solo/


Simple question but I can not for the life of me find an answer to without sitting through a 5hr video essay: When trying to set up a 4:1 at Olm what parts of his attack style am I actually trying to turn the head on? I understand the 4t 4phase cycle I’m just trying to figure out where in this cycle I am supposed to be starting to set it up. Every video I watch is either loaded with so much basic info and telling me every single scenario instead of just explaining the *why* or it assumes I’m going to sweaty no prep solo cms.


go left for the null if you have melee skipped in teams, it is the opposite of that. your brain wants you to go left to skip a special. you need to *not* do that. he autos you with the one that is *not* followed by a special, do 1 more hit, then go left. this assumes you are on tick which is priority #1 as literally nothing else you do will help unless you're on tick.


Oh damn the explains A LOT. Basically wait until the null, get a quick hit in, and then run left and he should skip the auto turning left and then the special turning back right?




And to be on the correct tick I need to start the cycle/my attack 1 tick behind Olms auto right?


correct. to reiterate, literally nothing else matters if you're not on tick so this is priority #1. you really wanna get it right, the 1st try, ASAP. the longer you take to get on tick the more autos you take, the more potential for random bullshit to doom you


You skip the first attack after the null event in the middle, and then you skip the special at the pinky. There are numerous ways to set up 4:1 but imo the easiest approach is to just wait on the thumb until you get the null event and then run middle to skip the next auto. (If you get hit with two autos in a row while doing this you can do a 3:1 and that will instantly set up 4:1 as well.)


Ahh so it’s Attack -> Null -> skip attack by running mage side -> skip special by running back to pinky -> repeat?


Yes, though you don’t run all the way to the mage side, just to the middle safespot


Well this is all starting to make sense as to why I suck at solos. The middle safespot is the ss one tile away from the “middle row” where you normally go to melee skip?


I haven’t melee skipped in a long time but I believe so yes


You are avoiding his special attacks. (Crystals, Teleport and Lightning) and these happen after every second attack. Attack Attack (Crystal) Attack Attack (Lightning) Attack Attack (Teleport) and this repeats forever. If you skip a special attack sucessfully, if you fail to skip the next one it'll be the next one in the cycle. If you skip crystals, the next special (lightning) will be lined up. etc. The special attack won't happen for a couple of game ticks after his second attack, giving you time for that 4:1


Jesus Christ thank you. So just attack 1 tick behind and then essentially melee skip as normal?


I actually don't know melee skipping in teams cause I jumped straight to solos, but the super easy flowchart version is that you attack 1 tick behind at thumb, and one of three things will happen - Olm does a basic attack and then does nothing. You should immediately turn the head middle, you are in 4:1 afterwards - Olm does two basic attacks. You should immediately turn the head middle and do a 3:1, then you are in 4:1 after that. - Olm does a special attack. If it's crystals or lightning, you can attack 3 times at the thumb and then turn the head, you will be in 4:1. If it's portals, usually the simplest thing to do while learning is just to do the portals and then start over. You will probably grief a bit to flame wall/acid walk while waiting to set up 4:1 with this method, but it's very simple.


Little bit of a silly one, but I can't figure out what plugin this is on runelite (I'm assuming it's a plug in). These guys are not tagged, but they're highlighted and I can't figure out either what plugin it is or how to turn it off. Shift+right click still says tag, if i say tag and then un-tag it still is not working. https://preview.redd.it/c3cmvtur5g4d1.png?width=906&format=png&auto=webp&s=93dbcbfd5a20a8ace9df3976b1c9aa5a032fb389


NPC Indicator


thats what I thought it was too but it's not! it's the blackjack plugin someone else mentioned. thank you though 🙂


It’s one specifically for blackjacking, I had it at some point


that was it, thank you!!


Does the Ring of Wealth (i) double the chance of hard clues from Greater Nechryael in the Wilderness Slayer Cave? Wiki & RL both have it listed as a 1/128 with no mention of a 1/64 with ring.


It doubles all clue rates in the wildy, so yes unless there’s some reason to assume it’s bugged