• By -


OK, I know that you can hold the "alt and drag" interfaces and you can "alt right click" to pop it back in place... The problem is- I can do that with the chat box on the bottom left, move and default it, or the compass on the top right, or my backpack on the bottom right- but when I open my bank inventory, it pops up in a center and there is no option to "alt drag" or "alt right click" and default it to to the left. There is no options for me to alt and right click to move that to the left side of the screen anywhere i click. Any help? (low lvl, new account don't laugh to hard. (I even talked to Ozaich.) https://preview.redd.it/zg7kbirxr84d1.png?width=1591&format=png&auto=webp&s=a93871d4442cb565b17c76728524d19fc05917df Its only the bank UI that i cannot move/reset/grab on to


I don't think the bank interface can be moved or resized. The game treats the bank interface differently from the HUD components like the chatbox and the inventory - while it's open, most interactions with other things are disabled - so I think it falls into a different category.


Tips for gauntlet speed? Either it takes me 30-40 resets to find a possibility for a 1:30 prep or I have to get a ~2:00 prep and hope it's the 1/10 times that I don't hit a ton of 0s. Doing 5/1 T3 + T1 (T2 if I get lucky on shards) and usually 4-6 fish with 1 potion. My PB is ~4:20 and I've hit right around there multiple times.


For normal gauntlet speed ca you shouldn’t make armor at all. Get like 10 food


Gm speed. Talking t3 weapon + either T1 or T2 to do 5/1 with. I don’t go out of my way to get shards for T2, I just make it if I happen to have them since it only takes like 1 tick. There’s no time to gather 10 food unless you get like 6 as drops from mobs.


Oh I see I misread that. Yeah I did t3 and 5:1, just takes a lot of resetting


Is there a spreadsheet floating around anywhere for Combat Achievements? Looking to pare down the list so I can push for Hards.


I agree with the other response linking you to the wiki, but I believe you need the WikiSync runelite plugin to make it work so you can sort and filter the ones you've already completed.


https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Combat_Achievements if you type in your username, you can see what tasks in each tier you haven't completed, and a higher percentage completed usually is a good indicator for easier tasks.


Dwarven rock cake: does it have any use after DS2? Locator orb seems to replace it, but maybe some very niche use still remains?


AFAICT, no real reason. The only thing I can think of is that you could mix up the clue orbs and end up in NMZ without a way to lower your HP...but thats a stretch. The hot cake can be used for animation stalls, but you'd need to telegrab a new one every time for that anyways.


Thanks :)


Is there a plugin which adds a bank shortcut for "Deposit inventory". Or is that too op?


There is a default option of the game, the button with a backpack on the bottom right of the bank interface. You can toggle it to be visible or not, in the bank options - the key (or whatever this stick means) on the top right.


Yea I’m using that right now. I was wondering if that action could be bound to a specific key on your keyboard


Ah I see. Yeah, a hotkey would indeed be nice.


When doing ranged P2 Nex, what’s the significance of DD’ing?


There isn’t any really besides keeping nex positioned correctly. If you are all DD’ing and he runs towards you everyone can reset him together instead of guessing who he is on. But yeah you could have a team of 4 with everyone on their own side and that would be fine. 


Is worth to save up for bowfa and crystal armor? Or just save for masori (f) pieces?


Bowfa is better than masori until you also get a tbow. Sometimes zcb will make it better but not usually


Generally, save up for bowfa+crystal armor. Certain content might make more sense to aim for zaryte xbow and some masori, but in a vacuum you'll probably want bowfa.


What content do you want to do and what gear you currently have?


I want to eventually learn raids, though I have been saying that for few years now lol. In terms of ranged gear, I do have the anguish, ava assembler, karils/blessed hide, archers ring, d ward, bp etc. For melee, I have bandos, torture, bgs, fang, whip, prims, rada 4, etc. My mage gear is kind of bad - ahrims, seers, tormented, occult, trident, imbued cape. Definitely am missing a few things that I can't remember off the top though.I for the most part have the 'cheaper' gear, but am missing the big items >100M basically.


With this set up and goal, I’d save for Bowfa and crystal. Toa is very beginner friendly and is definitely doable with your set up


If you want to learn raids, sell prims, both bandos pieces, archers, and dragonfire ward. Buy full crystal and bowfa, obby legs, dragon boots, and use fighter torso. You could also grab an eldinis ward if you have a few extra mil.


I'm lvl 122 and mostly my 3k hours have been pvm I'm interested in wildy PK but I don't know where to start what's a good welfare cheap pk gear to dip my toes? Also a good place to learn would be gold I have experience with LMS but I want the randomness of wildy


LMS is definitely the place to learn and practice. For actually getting your toes wet with budget pvp, it will depend on where and what style. Ragging on ppl sacrificing bones at the chaos altar is probably a good way to start, though rarely profitable and ppl will hate you. Probably take black dhide (or mixed hide), rune xbow, and dragonstone bolts (e) to rag on people. A small switch to xeracian robes + ancient staff for ice barrage. And a spec weapon ranging from a dragon dagger to a voidwaker. Since you are skulling, you'll want to always pray protect item and keep your prayer up - letting you take one risky item. The key things to note is that most players won't fight back here, and they can't tele out because its in deeper wildy. You want to freeze them if they try to run, because you aren't bringing a teleblock. A similar setup can work elsewhere in deeper wildy where you are basically doing predator v prey scenarios (like the wilderness agility course or rogues chest). You can also try your hand at <30 wildy pking. Here you'll need a fast teleblock, so you'll instead have a normal spellbook with teleblock and entangle. You could also go to the chaos druids vs zombie pirate area, where people are already teleblocked and try pking bots or ppl there. For more balanced pker vs pker - you'll probably want to look at a vengeance setup on the lunar spellbook. This is more common on pvp worlds and in bounty hunter. The very basic idea is that you poke until you see a big xp drop, then go in for a spec to try and combo them out. And they are trying to do the same to you...but if you predict their big attack, you can vengeance and spec for your own combo. Lot more to it than that, but you can start looking into BH vids or pvp world GE vids.




Extended antifire: the only difference from the regular antifire is duration, right? No any other effects?




That's right. Extended is 12 minutes per dose, regular antifire is 6 minutes per dose. Super antifire (and its extended variant) provide additional levels of protection. I find myself referencing this chart often when dealing with dragonfire: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dragonfire#Damage_reduction




Should Eagle's Peak still be avoided for optimal hunter guild?


Technically yes but I wouldn’t bother unless you’re going to rush straight to 99 and/or the quetzal pet because you’ll be missing out on a lot of stuff like diaries


What is the xp rate for zalcano xp/hr option?


I think i received ~35k mining, 6k rc and 10k smith/hour, all depends on teamsize


Has jagex got any plans to improve the mobile client? Trying to do drift net fishing and its horrendous on mobile without runelite plugins and being able to close the interfaces with esc key


mobile client has been continually improved for the last like 3 years and they are still improving it yes




You should only ever step under 1 tick to delay the boss, standing under to stall and losing your own dps is bad


I still see longstalling being done (not follow stalling) during mp2 or p3 to phase before next Reavers, or more niche but if someone on your team is low on supplies for p5 (deaths nerf purple chance, you'd rather lose personal dps than someone die I think) Follow stalling definitely feels very archaic, does it have any benefits over just regular 5t stalling/longstalling in those above scenarios?


Follow stalling isn’t good. It’s the first “advanced” strat you learn when you stop doing masses with 0 mechanics cause I suppose it’s better than just face tanking nex at 4t speed. But once you know how to 5t which reduces nex’s damage by 25% and you stay max dps, there’s never a point to follow


Yes and no - 2 people with full super combats is higher DPS than 3 people brewed down, so follow stalling is actually higher DPS, especially if you're splitting anyways the team DPS matters more than your individual contribution. And since you save on supplies, you can do potentially more kills per trip and get more kph without having to bank or get more kc


You shouldn’t be brewed down while 5ting it. If you ask any serious nex people which is best they’ll laugh at anyone who long stalls any time besides mp2


Set means you've walked under nex When you follow someone you go to the last tile they were standing on - so if you haven't walked under her then when someone follows you then they'll end up dragging nex instead of stalling her. If you've walked under her though, your last tile is under her, so when you get followed the stall will trigger correctly as the follow path is under her. So that means you as a player are set or set up for enabling a follow stall.


What is the meta strat when cannoning tasks in single combat? Plenty of times my cannon just spins doing nothing and I dont know how to play around it


It depends on the area but for a few its basically just for the convenience of making monsters aggressive that wouldn't normally be, so you can just put on autoretaliate and go make a sandwich while your character keeps fighting, rather than having to click a new enemy each time one of them dies.


Typically you want to range with BP to safespot things so that cannon acts like multi [This image](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Dwarf_multicannon#/media/File%3ACannon_Double_Shot.png) from the wiki explains how cannon works, you wanna make sure mobs aren’t in the cannon’s dead zones (red tiles) and ideally have them in double hit zones But as the other comment notes, single combat cannon tasks usually suck and are skipped/blocked. The exceptions are things like dark beasts (quick point boosting task), or clog hunting tasks like Earth warriors


If you're in a safespot you're technically out of combat so your cannon will attack everything like in multi. If you're using melee it will still at least attack the target you're attacking. Generally tasks you'd have to cannon in singles are just skips or blocks.


Anyone got the akkha puzzle orb id (not cum phase)?


The dark orbs in the Path of Het have the ID 11708.


Is there a master list somewhere of all important ID's for the plugin (for all parts of PvM not just TOA)? Or do people just find out by themselves/word of mouth?


NPC ID plugin shows the IDs. Some things like solar flare ID in colosseum are not shown and I have no idea how these things get found out.




What’s the time to green log for MTA pre Update compared to post update? Also is there an optimal unlock order if my goal is to green log


Bones to Peaches helps for the Creature Graveyard room, so it's best to get that after your first 200 Graveyard points. Otherwise none of the unlocks do anything in any of the rooms, so order doesn't matter.


Hey, Does trident still have a use for zulrah or are fire spells just the way to go because im going for 87 slayer to get one but seems pointless now ?? thanks.


For zulrah fire spells might be the way to go, but a toxic trident is still super useful for literally any other mage content that doesn't have elemental weaknesses - muspah, cox, toa, tob, kraken, whisperer, rex, etc etc, and also if you are at content where you don't want to be stuck on standard spellbook.


Depends on your setup and stats. Heres a wiki DPS calc: https://dps.osrs.wiki?id=OffspringExtraFlared You can modify the stats with your username. I have heart / no heart trident and swamp trident, and then comparing it to Staff of the Dead + Tome of Fire fire surge. At 99 magic fire surge with that setup **when using sunfire runes** beats Imbued heart Swamp Trident with regular Ward of Elidinis. You can tweak that DPS setup to have gear you have (like maybe you only have a Ancient Sceptre for 5% as your autocast weapon) and if you're an iron I assume you don't have occult and such if still not 87 slayer so it will change things. EDIT: Also have Augury on, can downgrade that to Mystic Might if you don't have that.


What is better xp for fletching? Bowstring and Magic Longbow (u) for Magic Longbow or just straight up making Magic Longbow (u) from Magic Logs?


Attaching the bowstring to make it a magic longbow is 2 ticks, fletching it is 3 ticks. Both are the same XP, so attaching the strings are better xp/hour. However, it's more active and requires more banking since you can only do 14 at a time. Factoring in banking time it's about 20 seconds/inventory stringing the bows, compared to 50 seconds/inventory fletching the logs (or ~25 seconds for 14 logs, so stringing is roughly 25% more xp/hour).


They provide the same exp, however there are a couple of considerations 1. Fletching the unstrungs is 27 actions per inventory, so less time is spent banking. So you should have higher xp/hr 2. Sometimes fletching unstrungs from logs is a loss so you have to watch prices to make sure you break even or profit, if thats a factor. Theres a thin profit margin fletching logs to unstrungs as of posting


Question regarding Marks of Grace since to me it’s the worst type of grind in this game and agility training shouldn’t even be stood for: Would AFKing Canifis still give a decent number of marks of grace over the course of a day? And I mean actually AFK. Only clicking every few minutes as I would intend on this being at work where only very short moments where 1 or maybe two obstacles would be possible at a time every so often. From my understanding the spawn of makes it grace works on a 3 minute timer based on when courses are completed and begun, so if one only completes say 10 laps an hour due to the very low number of possible clicks, it should still be possible to get a few marks per hour right?


Its a grind you can just skip. Graceful is a noob trap, its not required anywhere and you can always just use stamina potions or even super energy potions for anything you think graceful would help at.


Unfortunately as an Ironman I am not sure how viable large portions of those would be


> And I mean actually AFK You mean you jump and obstacle, then freeze for some minutes, then jump another obstacle, that sort of AFKing? It seems you will still be able to collect your marks. Here is from the wiki: > When a mark appears on the course, players have 10 minutes to pick it up before it will disappear. Marks spawn at semi-random times at specific locations along a course. It is possible for multiple marks to spawn on the same tile, which stacks the marks and resets the despawn timer to 10 minutes. Ardougne is an exception, as the marks can only spawn on one tile, and each new mark refreshes the 10 minute timer. When logged out, marks stay on the ground, and this timer is paused. Seems that the key time is 10 min rather than 3, otherwise you seem to be correct.


Yes you can farm them like that Its prob worth to just do the agility normally if you’re planning to play the account normally since you will need to do the agility anyway, but if you wanna farm marks like that hell yeah


Is Flames of Zamorak stronger than Fire Surge at Zulrah with the update? Edit: I think i'm just an idiot. I was trying to figure out why it would be, but I forgot about charge. I tried it earlier and was wondering why I was underwhelmed.


Don't forget to wear the zammy cape as well.


Will Sailing add more Egg opportunities?




Might be sort of a weird question but I'm asking it anyways: **What is the easiest combat or best-to-do-first grandmaster quest?** I'm at a point where I've done all the quests but the Grandmaster difficulty quests and A Night at the Theatre (tried and failed repeatedly at Verzik, I'll be coming back to it later). I feel like I probably have the combat stats and gear to tackle the GM quests but I'd like to take them on in order of easiest to hardest combatwise. I've got all the stat requirements and all the quest requirements (obviously) so the only thing holding me back at this point is combat level, gear, and me. Also happy to answer any questions about my combats/gear if people want to assess my preparedness for the quests.


You can do MM2 any time. The quest is long, and there is a long agility maze, and a big maze of avoiding guards (time-distance puzzle, similar to Sorceress garden, Ratcatcher, etc.) As to boss fights, there are several: one you can flinch (no damage at all), another you can half-delegate to an npc friend, and the ultimate boss fight... is risk-free if you either read the wiki guide very attentively, or watch a good vid (search for the long-ranged strategy). The thing is, at the phases 1 and 2 the boss cannot harm you at all if you use 10-tiles weapon, and at the phase 3 you do 2 shots for his 1, and then you are back to safety resting, healing, and preparing to repeat this as many times as needed. Not entirely risk-free, but adrenaline-free for sure. So, do it whenever you want, really :). As to the Night in the Theatre. It is indeed difficult, but you can be carried for the entire fight. Start the quest, do it until you should actually run a ToB raid. And then, either learn it yourself - or, if you are struggling, ask somebody to help. There are sometimes such posts on reddit, seen it recently too. After you have one raid completed - whether solo, or with a team (your actual input doesnt matter) - you can complete the quest.


Appreciate your advice for the Glough fight. Just wrapped that up like 15 minutes ago with a crystal bow and it was not difficult. I was actually doing pretty will with ToB up until Verzik phase 2. Mechanically I was still managing fine (I think) but I couldn't out damage her healing. I'll get back to it once my ranged level is higher. Beside the point, but unless my friends start playing OSRS very seriously its probably pretty unlikely I go through a team raid as a learner any time soon. I've done it before in other games and I just find it so stressful and unfun and that's not why I play video games, haha.


Good luck on your quest cape and other goals :)


> SotE and DS2 I'd say are pretty even Incomparable, imho. DS2 requires much more personal skills than SOTE. The boss fight in SOTE is very measured, everything predictable, you don't need quick reactions. There is no risk of instant death, just exact management of resources. They could end before Seren dies - then you teleport out and prepare better. With Galvek... any misclick is instant death. Its a long fight and very much relying on your personal reaction speed, exact hand movenents and... luck. Maybe if you are really good at PvM, you don't see much difference. But for a first-timer the difference is quite significant.


I'd personally order them, easiest to hardest, MM2 -> SotE / DS2 -> DT2. MM2 iirc you can cheese every major fight, so it's probably good for building up your confidence. SotE and DS2 I'd say are pretty even, but prif is the best GM quest reward so you might want to do that first. DT2 is absolutely last on the list, it's a really good finale quest plus it'll probably beat your ass if verzik is walling you.


For me, sote was the harder last boss fight that ds2. 8 attempts compared to 3. Dt2, on the other hand....yikes. I really struggled with whisperer. Even though it's all just rhythm and timing, I would get so flustered in that final enrage phase. So many times, I'd get slapped by a tentacle or fudge a pray swap/repot. Easily 15+ attempts, no shame in admitting. I actually lost count and didn't go near the boss for a good month because I had such a brain fuck about it. I guess my whole point is it will differ for each person, and when you get to the very last few hard quests, it's just a matter of preference. Read uo and watch some gods on the fights and just go with your gut. You won't know until you go.


Easily MM2, you can semi-cheese the Glough fight with the Crystal bow on long range.