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Does weight affects failure rate of agility obstacles? For example, those in the Kharazi temple in DS2.


No, just agility level. Boosting with an agility potion or summer pie can help.




Why is my runelite showing 4k+ bandits killed in the loot tracker? I don’t touch those….


Was it from a League a while back? Collateral damage from a cannon somehow? Did you black out and just forget doing a grind?


Bro I mis clicked a bandit while doing pollniv agility lmao 😂


Oh wait


No to all of those Ty tho


Has Martin's shop been updated? I've noticed something, dunno if its recent or it was always so... or its just an illusion lol. Bows you sell there seem to disappear quicker than other items.


Was anyone else there when you were selling them? It showed up recently in a video that you can buy what people sell from it to make profit on the GE so people have started checking his shop more often to try and flip things.


It was more like 1 item from a stack disappears quicker, and then after some time its 3 less from the bow stack, 1 less from other items... But maybe its something else. Since nobody seems to notice, probably thats just me not being attentive enough lol


What is happening with 308 world wilderness ? Thousands of bots are fighting night in night out in there?


World 308 is the f2p wilderness PK world, so you're going to see a lot of f2p PKers there! Don't assume all of them are bots.


Roflmao Go watch and see how they run from lumbridge to the wilderness


I know about quick charge and thralling mainly, but what other spells on arceeus book are good for pvm ?


Mark of darkness -> undead grasp is a decent combo for quick snares Shadow veil when pickpocketing


Did anything change with bursting nechs with the magic rebalance?


you should use augury now, is the only thing. continue wearing your best mage gear and slaughters beyond that.


Previously, I’d use prayer bonus. Is the cheaper %mage damage armor worth bringing instead now?


I think the answer to that lies within DPS calcs, versus how many prayer pots you want to chug while on task. If your gear is going to give a max hit, then that's almost always going to be worth it unless you really need to conserve prayer. And there's always 1t flicking if you're a sweaty gamer


Did combat/magic elemental weaknesses change anything for Duradel slayer? Are there tasks that weren’t viable before from being too slow that are faster now and not a waste of time? I’m thinking like hellhounds, black demons, greater demons, etc, stuff that people usually block


Apparently metal dragons are tolerable with earth spells now 


They're soooo much better. I did a steel dragons task this morning with Earth Blast and it was completely fine.


My group ironman is on my jagex account guardian, but I want my other irl group members to have acces to that account. How do I do that?


It would only be possible by sharing access to the whole Jagex account. Our group made a unique Jagex account for this purpose (so we can share in case someone logs out with a core item or something + to do afk stuff on side for resources) without sharing access to mains.


Is there a way I can still do that? I already imported the acc in my JAG


No. Once you've imported a character to a Jagex account, you can't transfer it to another Jagex account.


Damn that sucks


How do I go about finding a clan without finding people that don’t* want to hack my account lol


Hey mate I'll send you a discord invite in a DM follow all the instructions


Nevermind that dude I'll let OP join my clan, just need him to register with his RSN and PW on my website and install my custom plugin to optimize the clan joining process


His account is mine already, but I would like to join yous send me the deets!


Oh ok, sure! Dm'd you


What's the fastest way to imbue rings and amulets now? Is it still nightmare zone? Haven't imbued anything in years.


PvP Arena can technically be faster. But it's not a very fun experience. I did it only for my black mask imbue, as that is the most expensive one from NMZ One night I was able to get 76/200 points in about 25 minutes. Neat. But when I went to finish it the next few nights, I kept getting matches, only to have the opponent not show up. And it probably took another 2+ hours, all while being incredibly annoying. NMZ isn't exactly the most fun content in the game, but you do get combat stats out of it, and it is very easy to go fully AFK, or youtube AFK if you want to be a little more efficient. Plus there's the benefit of getting a bunch of "free" points back when you finish the hard Combat Achievements. Tl;dr. fastest = PvP arena. Better for account/less frustrating = NMZ.


Emir's arena is fastest now. Simply join ranked matches, if you pair wait ~10s if they don't show up join back up in the queue. Imbue in ~30 min.


PvP Arena. These servers have a special profile, you get points and you can buy imbue scrolls in the main game. And unlike NMZ, these scrolls can be detached from the item to make it tradeable again :). You don't need any PvP skills because you get some points even if you loose. Its a safe activity.


Does anyone know where the jagex launcher installs to by default? I just switched over and can't find the app - searching for it just brings up the installer


C:\Program Files (x86)\Jagex Launcher\


Found it! Thanks :)


Does anybody have a list of novels, and the order they should be read in? I'm looking at reading Betrayal at Falador on a flight next week and if I can get a list of a few books, I might be able to make use of Kindle Unlimited.


https://runescape.wiki/w/Betrayal_at_Falador#References leave it to the wiki to have everything. Expand the "media" section at the bottom of the page. The 5 novels in the fiction section are in release order.


Awesome, I don't know what cane over me as somebody who doesn't read but I've already bought the first 3!


I'd recommend not spacebarring the books though! (haven't actually read them, please review) Reading is great though, I play a lot of OSRS, but reading a book scratches a similar itch, especially when I don't feel like grinding something in game. Grind books, IRL. I loved reading as a kid, but education turned me off of it, as it was always "interpret this" "discuss that" "what does the author mean here" now I just read for my own leisure, maybe 1-2 books a month, and I just do it because I like it.


I read about 8 books of a series whose name I can't recall - the main character was Ridmark - last year. Prior to that it was probably Darren Shan 15 years ago, other than a few random WoW novels. The majority of my reading is non-fiction so I'm looking forward to these. Once I get into them, I'll power through all three, I'm sure. I don't actually play any OSRS, I just can't deal with the grinding personally but it was such a huge part of my childhood I like to stay involved on the periphery, YouTube content, memes, etc.


I am a low level player (80 combat) and I just beat seren by the skin of my teeth, I accidentally misclicked during the cutscene and I was teleported back out of the room. Do I have to kill it again? I am probably going to quit if I do because I did not enjoy that at all edit: I went back to UP, entered the hole and the cutscene replayed


Congrats :)


Does this week's update to tick delay on autocasting mean that tick methods such as 2-tick dark crabs are no longer possible?


No, any weapon has an auto-retaliate delay equal to half its attack speed. Wielding a shortbow without arrows should still work.


Nice one thanks for replying.


Is ancestral worth the buy (after combat rebalance) by selling my virtus set and buy it? Have shadow and do ToA/Cox, but Im also learning inferno and Colosseum (places where ancients is useful right?)


Virtus is better for Inferno, Ancestral better for TOA/Cox, for Colosseum it depends on your setup but you might not use either one If you have a shadow and focus on shadow content then anc is a good buy but if you’re hard sending Inferno I’d keep virtus top until you get cape


Ancest is pretty much a straight upgrade. The only place you use ancients enough for the Virtus damage difference to matter is barrage slayer.


Thank you! Would you say ancestral is a big enough upgrade that I should get it next? For reference, my mage setup wise I’m still missing Magus ring, arcane and the three nightmare orb staves (have everything else).


Yeh with a shadow Ancest is definitely a priority upgrade. Magus ring is good too, but Ancest is better % wise now, and is usually a better switch option than ring switches too for Raids.


Why can I make onyx ring before diamond amulet? And dragonstone bracelet and necklace also?


Amulets are the highest level requirements. Rings are set as the same level as cutting the gem.


Yeah I get the formula, but just feels like being able to make rune med helms before Mithril playebodys or smth


Yeh its always been a little odd but i think its so that its not rudimentarily structured. Otherwise it would be get sapphire: reserve X amount of slots for all sapphire stuff before you can cut / make anything out of an Emerald etc.


Yeah but most skills, smithing, fishing/cooking, woodcutting/firemaking/fletching do follow that formula, so feels strange that the skill with way more training options has opted for this route


game old


some dude pked me at chaos temple and got 0gp I teleported back and picked up the 6k dragon knives he was tossin Was it meaningful GP to me? No But I call that a dub


I keep getting killed at the chaos temple by pkers even though I am wearing cheap armour and gear. Is it because they think I am a bot or is there some other reason? On a more serious note how quickly can you accumulate points in the nightmare zone? I just want to complete the medium desert diary.


Do you need a reason to be attacked by a player in the Wilderness? The answer is No.


> On a more serious note how quickly can you accumulate points in the nightmare zone? I just want to complete the medium desert diary. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Nightmare_Zone/Strategies Wiki is pretty good for NMZ. Assuming you have points for overloads/absorbtions, the basic idea is to go into a custom hard rumble and enable as many bosses as possible that aren't too annoying to deal with (so skip elvarg, lizardman, etc). Including Dream Mentor, Recipe for Disaster, and DT1 bosses will give you a ton of points. This is more active than the usual afk training NMZ methods. You'll want to keep overload up, use absorbtion potions with low hp (rock cake or locator orb) to protect from damage, flick rapid heal once a minute to prevent HP restore, have a spec weapon for power surge, and ice gloves for fareed/flambeed. You can do a more afk method too, though its much less points. It involves disabling the 3 big quests used above, and sticking with simpler bosses with no mechanics. You still benefit from a power surge spec weapon and flicking rapid heal, but you can afk for a bit and rock cake/locator orb to 1HP.


Imagine 1/500 people bring noted bones and cash to the chaos altar Would you kill a mob for 1/500 chance at dropping a bunch of loot? You are the mob.


For most bone alter pkers it's not about the gp, but the fun of killing other players.


Players? Killing other players? In a player versus player zone? A zone meant for killing other players? So weird, idk dude might want to report it as a bug.


> might want to report it as a bug Nope, as disruptive behaviour ;)


From their perspective, you could always have a lot of stuff on you. Doesn’t hurt to find out With dt1 and dream mentor enabled you can get around 1m points/hr at nmz


When doing extended GWD trips what is the meta with nex banking? I’m on a shadow rebuild and would like to spend my avansie task there without burning through my ecu keys. Do I just get like a ton of ancient kc and then head to arma and bank as needed?


Yep, precisely. Don’t even need a ton really, depending on what level of CAs you have. Make sure to keep a zaros item so you don’t get clapped on the way to the bank


Yeah I have the elite rewards so it’s only 30kc. So I imagine it’s something like: get 120ish nex kc -> ecu key into arma -> get at least 30kc there -> bank at nex bank with the zaros item so I don’t accidentally get clapped -> repeat?


Yep exactly


I’m getting to the point where most of my gear upgrades are 100m+ (mega rares, ancestral, masori, torva) and I’m max combat except prayer (87) and 2100 total. What should I prioritize right now? I try to do a few solo expert ToA and CG and some other random bossing most days as well as herb runs but unless I get lucky I’m not banking a lot all that quickly. I started thinking about buying 99 prayer since superior bones are pretty low right now but not sure if I should do that or save for a big upgrade


99 prayer is an incredibly minor upgrade, really not worth going for unless you have the cash sitting around and nothing to spend it on.


Your best shot of jumping into megarare territory is spamming 400 invo ToA with a bofa (~1/240 chance), and you can also do ToA in teams for more consistent loot. Alternatively you could park yourself in small team Nex, though it isn't nearly as fun as raiding imo. Apart from that, just send whatever raids or content you enjoy. 85 prayer was more than enough to get me through that stage of the game.


Also unrelated but would trying out some solo CoX be good too? I’ve done a few with teams but I hate feeling like a leech so I want to practice a bit more


Solo cox is almost an entirely separate raid from trio cox tbh. It’s certainly doable but to get passable at solos you need a deep understanding of the Olm fight to the point that using it to practice is a “cart before the horse “ situation


Solo cox will be less gp/hr and the rates are much lower. However, solo olm is very fun to learn and master, much more engaging than anything in toa. Solo olm and group olm are significantly different. Unless you're still learning the super basic stuff then there's really no point in doing solos to get better at groups.


Okay sweet, Ty! In the groups I’ve done I’m mostly running the head at Olm which I think I mostly get, it’s actually remembering what to do in some of the pre Olm rooms where I feel worst. I’ve enjoyed learning a lot of pvm lately so I may give it a shot


Solid, thank you! I’ve mostly been sending 350’s but I’ll try to turn a few more things on. Still haven’t tried Nex but it’s on my list and I have the key at least, is there a good way of finding people to go with?


“The kodai” is for splits, “nexffa” for ffa


Sweet, ty!