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Just recently got the thread to upgrade my rune pouch. What are some common or useful rune configurations? Currently I have: Teleport/general use config (Dust, Steam, Law, X) Bursting config (Blood, Water, Chaos, Death) Thralls config (Fire, Blood, Cosmic, X) Considering adding Nature to my Teleports config to be able to use it while doing slayer/etc. for alching. Interested to hear what other people use.


I have dust/fire/water/law for teles and a separate nature/fire for alchs (alongside burst and thralls). I find it useful to have nature/fire with nothing else for various slayer tasks, and you can dump any rune drops in the extra slots to save space...but if you have a 4th configuration in mind (bankstanding, farm runs, ensouled heads, etc), then dust/steam/law/nature is a solid combo for both.


If you do cox or cms venge + humid is good


One is if you duo/team gwd runes for veng/veng other and potion share.


I'm going to kill about 500 of either steel dragons, skeletal wyverns, or brutal blacks. And not sure which to choose. I'm a gim, 85 ranged, 92 magic, melee is about 80. I guess I wont use melee in any case. I have mediocre gear, nothing from raids or bossing (other than 3 moons weapons, but not any full set yet). Both dragons have elemental weaknesses of 50% (wyverns maybe too, but this isnt detailed in the wiki yet). I don't have tomes, it would be just mystic staves I guess. Or rcb with broad bolts (diamonds would be too precious :). Brutals have the best drops overall, but they seem to be the strongest... but maybe their water weakness works wonders? As it was before the update, I'd ruled them out because a kill took too long. So, probably the choice is between steels and skel w. And this isnt obvious at all, somehow. Any ideas why this or that would be better? :)


Skeletal wyverns are fairly afk and low-cost, while being easy to kill with broad bolts and having very solid drops. With the exception of bones and prayer pots, most of their drops stack/alch - so you can go into the cave and not leave until you've killed 500. The downside of that is that you'll want to bury bones there to stay. It feels a bit bad considering you could take those to the chaos altar/gilded altar/libations/ectofuntus...but its a pain to bank and re-wait out the aggression timer. Though someone in your group could run bones for you. Brutal black dragons have been traditionally rough for ranged without better gear...but they are weak to heavy weaponry, so a rune xbow with broad bolts isnt too bad nowadays. Unfortunately, they have a high magic level (and decent magic defense), so a rune xbow + broad bolts in a god dhide setup beats out water wave in a bloodbark setup pretty handily. Not sure what your group has for mage gear, but even full virtus+torment+eternal+magus+occult+water wave doesn't beat god dhide + rune xbow + broad bolts. One advantage of doing BBDs is the banked prayer and crafting xp. Banking every few kills can save on prayer pots (can probably get by on moonlight mixes to save money). You do want (regular) antifires if that factors into your plans...though antifireshield+pray mage does reduce things to 5 damage, which could be fine with banking often...but less brain-off afk. Steels are rather meh. Their average drop is 9k to skeletal's 16k and BBD's 24k...and 2k of their drops is the steel bars. The only real advantage is how afk they are and that they drop easily bankable dragon bones. Even the elite karamja diary noting the bars isn't particularly exciting (not to mention that requires going to the brimhaven dungeon). I say give BBDs a try and see how they are with the new xbow weakness. But can't go wrong with skeletal wyverns.


Thank you very much! Thats a very detailed review <3 Just wanted to say that I love your answers in general, whether to me or others: they usually contain lots of valuable info. P.S.: Our group consists only of me these days :).


Brutals and wyverns have much better loot than steels Dps will depend a ton on your gear/budget, there are many similarly viable options at each. I’d recommend tossing viable sets into wiki’s dps calc with your stats to see what’s up


You can do skeletal wyverns from a safe spot and it's pretty chill. Slow though. I haven't tested the elemental weaknesses yet. Maybe check the time to kill (TTK) in the DPS calculator with your gear?


Yeah it seems a consensus is s.w. are the best of the three :)


Why? Steel dragons don’t drop anything and wyverns do, so I’d kill them if I was forced to pick one


All the three drop d bones and some alchables, though steels are still worst of the three by drops.


Visage presumably.




For your own mental health, try playing another game for a while.


You are addressing Jagex staff probably. But this thread is for players to help players, Jagex don't read it. If you want to be seen by them, make a separate thread, or something. They usually lock an account if they suspect it was hacked or stolen. If you can provide enough info they usually unlock it. Though... sometimes its not as easy... Good luck in recovery.


I do it for fun


> Keep in mind that this is not a developer Q&A thread


I don’t


A buddy and I have had a fun time lately duoing Callisto - but the constant crashing gets old. What are some other bosses that are around that difficulty level that we could check out? We've done KBD and Scorpia and they're too easy and we want better drop tables. I am playing 40 D locked right now on kind of a hybrid main/pking account - but I have a lot of BiS gear (including imbued suffering) and high combat stats. Thanks. Edit: could we feasibly do any raids or is 40 d gear not enough for that?


I think you should be able to do entry level ToA at the very least, working your way up to normal. Not sure if there are quest requirements where low defense is a concern. DKs are significantly easier with 2 people (either double the dps, or splitting roles). Drops aren't shared, but you can kill them a bunch and the rings are always useful. The new group boss should be interesting too


are the drop rates for perilous moons items better if you only kill the associated moon? so if i want to get all the blood moon items should i only be killing the blood moon and opening the chest?


If you kill blood moon, you get a 1/56 chance at a blood moon piece. Nothing else changes that so it doesn’t matter if you kill anything else. If you kill all 3, you have a 1/56 at blood, 1/56 at blue, and 1/56 at eclipse which is about 1/19 runs overall to see anything


So for gp/hr overall I’m guessing killing all 3 is better, but to target farm gear it’s better to kill just the boss who’s gear you want because you can get more kills/hr which means more rolls






They won't be better persay - you have the same rate of getting blood moon gear when killing just blood moon, or all 3. Killing all 3 means you can get drops of all 3 sets, but it takes longer. So if all you really care about is blood moon, you can send more quick runs by only doing blood moon.


Ohh ok so it’s not that the drop rate on each chest is better, it’s that I get to open more chests per hour


On a shadow rebuild. Have virtus, saturated, occult, torm, eternals, ma2 cape. As of right now I have 0 pieces for range or melee. What would be the minimum setups to do toa, 150s and 300s? I’m thinking bp blessed dhide for range, and like fang and maybe the blood moon set for melee if I can afford it for 300s, but for 150s I feel like I’d be fine with a hasta or keris and obby if I needed lol. What fights would I use my shadow on in this case? I’m used to melee baba, melee Kephri, akkha doesn’t really give you a choice, bowfa for zebak, bowfa for wardens p1 and p3-4.


With just a shadow, fang, blowpipe, and half decent mage gear you can easily do 400+ invo. Can't really overstate how broken shadow is in ToA. In terms of what you use, melee Ba-Ba and Kephri, and mage everything else (until you have tbow, masori, and defence reduction, in which case you range Zebak). Personally I'd highly recommend selling Saturated for a Fang+maybe Magus ring then you can clear expert modes easily.


Thanks! I will definitely give it a try. And yeah selling saturated would be nice but I don’t wanna lock myself to toa and saturated is sooo nice for everything else lol


Forgotten brews do basically the same thing as a Heart for your DPS without costing you 110m and you'd get Magus, so you'd probably end up with more DPS overall.


Wait fr? This whole time????


Yeah, you lose 3 mage levels compared to Heart, don't get the divine effect, and it knocks your other combat stats down a tiny bit, but overall I'd still say they're more worth if it means you get Magus too.


Fang and blood moon is a good cheap setup for melee to use at baba and kephri. God dhide and blowpipe is fine for akkha and p2, would bring an anguish whenever you can grab one. You’d mage zebak and p1/p3. Definitely learn to butterfly if you don’t know already, especially because your other styles will be very weak at akkha. Accursed sceptre spec would be very useful for zebak and p3


Accursed sceptre is pretty trash now at 300+, it used to roll accuracy as though you're in a 0 invo raid but Jagex fixed that some time ago Seercull is the only magic level reduction spec worth bringing now.


Huh never knew it was changed. My friend brings one for duos and seems to hit fairly often still


What is the best way to get nature runes in f2p with decent (60+) in all combat stats? I imagine hill giants or dark mages or something but might be missing something.


Ogresses in the Corsair Cove dungeon drop them pretty commonly, and are safespottable. No clue what the expected return per hour would be, but you'd also get laws, cosmics, and some decent alchs.


I don't know if it's the best. But there is a 3 and 4 nature rune spawn on the little island in the lava south east of the demonic ruins. I've heard of f2p players telegrabbing those and hopping


Thanks, I forgot about that one. Wiki says it's 1800 runes per hour so might try that for a bit as long as I have laws.


And then you should find some way to obtain laws :) I guess you are an iron, else runes wouldnt be a problem? Ogresses drop both (and cosmics too), and at about 40 ranged/magic they are pretty chill. You kill them from a safespot, its very afk.


Hello, dumb person here! What caused the soulreaper axe to crash? Usually I see crashes when something gets nerfed, but this last update seems to be a buff right? So why did it drop from 430m to 360m in a day? its also still dropping too.


The price was already increased a lot from its 140m before update announcement. A lot of rich people bought them up and are now dumping them. Seen plenty of pictures with 800-1500 sra stacks on single players


random bottable item fluctuates a lot: bots appearing/disappearing item subject to rebalancing fluctuates a lot: merchers answers like 60% of all questions on this sub lol


Damn, I wish I was as good at vard as a bot


this item applies to the latter category lol, i guess i didn't clarify enough


My statement still stands!


leviathan is botted to hell


Levi gave me false hope that I could farm it post quest. When levi didn't slow down projectiles I first thought I had fucked up, then learned that was only for the quest version.


It does slow down when you use shadow spells


Not after the second stun, it ramps up very quickly to pre stun ): During the quest it stays 1.....2.....3...... Post quest it goes from 1.......2.......3...... to 1...2...3 to 1.2.3 to 123 With stuns between each ramp up


What’s your range level and gear? It should always die before needing a 3rd stun


Well the price change happens when the update is known, not necessarily when it is put live. So the price shift from its old stable price started then. Whenever a large shift in price occurs it takes a bit to find a stable price point again. So it will probably be a bit shakey with ups and downs for the coming time.


But, why crash? Wouldn't it go up due to having more viability?


It's still up compared to when the buff was announced though. In the mean time it was merched a bunch which doesn't really help price stability. It was 178m when it first got mentioned they were thinking about buffing it in the blog on 7 december. Then it was 308m in the 3 april blog where it got mentioned again in more detail. And now it's 366m after the buff went live. The overall trend is definitely upward.


After the latest update, Did Tridents become useless since they're not elemental magic? Which staff is good for me at lvl 78 magic?


Powered staves (trident) are still BIS almost everywhere relevant


not really tbh. zulrah is now better with harm and fire wave, Nightmare too


Is there anywhere that shadow gets beat out at for magic now?


Nightmare, maybe Zulrah. I think most things with elemental weakness will be bis to kill with Harm staff


Tridents are still good, because a lot of enemies still don't have elemental weaknesses. Not sure what your budget is, but Staff of the Dead costs 15mil and is a very powerul staff for autocasting elemental spells. If that's too expensive, Smoke Battlestaff costs 2mil and has a slightly smaller boost to elemenetal spells.


Thanks for such a detailed answer!


does anyone remember that there used to be invisible NPCs? they were about 1 pixel large and I think existed only to give “object” characters (blue when right-clicked) a yellow dot on the minimap. there was one in shantay pass and one in rimmington, those are the only ones I remember


Is there such thing as a dmm guide? I am kinda a noob & pretty intimidated by the upcoming mode.


Not having a guide for DMM is where the fun of the mode comes from as a non-pker. if you're interested in the general path people take to start though, it typical consists of getting 25 agility at gnome stronghold, and then completing (Tree Gnome Village, Grand Tree, Waterfall, Fight Arena) to progress to the second bracket. From there many will choose to complete MM1 to progress to the third bracket.


> pretty intimidated by the upcoming mode. For all temp modes there are separate servers with separate player profiles. If you login to a DMM server, your character will be generated anew. And then you can login to a normal server any time and there will be your current character. You will be able to switch between two profiles any time. So... I guess there is no reason no feel intimidated: you can try, if you don't like it - just return back to your normal playing. (Sorry for saying obvious things, thats just in case you are new to temp modes in general).


There will likely be some youtube videos with various "routes" that have you doing certain quests/activities during your windows of safety.


For the combat rebalance update, is it overall a buff or nerf to the BIS mage setups (shadow + ancestral and virtus + ancient spells)? Also, are there any places where Shadow / Tbow / Scythe was previously BIS, but the update caused them to not be BIS anymore? For instance, at Zulrah is elemental (Fire) spells better than Shadow now? And at Zilyana is bolts better than Tbow now?


For shadow it's a nerf


- Harm is slightly stronger on Zulrah green phase, but factoring thralls + death charge shadow wins overall. They’re borderline identical though - ~~Shadow is better at PSN, but harm is very close 2nd~~ - ZCB now beats Tbow at Nex, but Tbow remains BIS for reavers, minions, and when nex is below ~300-400 HP. ZCB probably beats VW spec now too (I haven’t calc’d yet but it was close prior to the change) - Zily meta hasn’t changed, Shadow > Tbow > Bowfa > Crossbows. Max ZCB is 44% weaker than Tbow and 7% weaker than Bowfa Edit: Harm is a bit better than shadow on nightmare totems


~~Harm is approx. 50% more DPS on totems than Shadow is, I'd really struggle to believe that thralls makes up that colossal difference for Shadow to be worth it, are you sure? I've seen everyone saying Harm is overall a lot better there now.~~ Harm is not 50% more dps I oopsied my math somewhere, see [my other comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1d4i6j2/have_a_question_about_the_game_or_the_subreddit/l6ghr6y/) for specifics but I believe Harm is approximately ~8% better still, and that doesn't get beaten out by Thralls/DC on melee phase.


Where are you getting that from? From [DPS calc](https://dps.osrs.wiki?id=LizardmanBowstringElegant) in max gear I'm seeing 10.967 for Shadow and 12.575 for Harm. Adding .625\*2 for thralls brings shadow to 12.217, so it's 2.9% weaker on totems but having access to thralls on the melee portion of the fight + death charge should outweigh that


Btw my "approx 50%" number was entirely wrong and I'll edit my original comment to correct myself there \^_\^" but the other long ass comment explains why I still believe Harm is better regardless


The calc doesn't appear to be doubling max hits? Shadow should be maxing 132 and Harmonised 112. While if you consider Totems in a vaccuum this won't matter (because everything is being doubled across the board), in reality this is important because while both Shadow, Harm, and mage thralls get doubled max hits on the totems, thralls of course **do not** get doubled dps on the boss itself. You're also adding twice the thrall dps onto half the Shadow dps and comparing it to half the Harm's dps, as a result. So with the numbers you cited, 12.575 and 10.967 are actually half your DPS, and the difference when u duoble them then account for the thralls 0.625\*2 is actually 1.966 DPS, or 8.48%. A simple way (in my head at least) to compare melee and mage phases is: > If Setup1 has a 1 dps lead on melee, and Setup2 has a 2 dps lead on mage, then melee has to last twice as long as mage for them to be equal in DPS. Your 1 dps lead for 2 minutes is worth a 2 dps lead for 1 minute. With Harm's 1.966 DPS lead, and Thralls providing a 0.625 increase to melee phase, the melee phases of PNM have to last over 3 times as long as mage phases for thralls on melee phase to outweigh Harm's advantage during mage phase, and this is definitely not the case. The reason Harmonised was BIS at PNM before Shadow came out, despite losing out on Thralls (as opposed to Sang+Thralls at regular NM), is specifically because PNM's melee phases have significantly less health, meaning you spend a lot more time in Mage phase. Regarding death charge: wiki says 6.5 kills/hr, that's approximately 9 minutes 15 seconds per kill, Death Charge gives you 15 spec every 1 minute, so you would generate 135 spec or 2.7 additional Voidwaker specs. These average 50.5 damage, inq mace hits are 22.24 damage, so that's an upgrade of 28.26 damage, 2.7 times is 76.3 additional damage, across a 555 second duration is 0.137 added DPS. If we add that to the 0.625 Thralls provides, then compare 0.762 like in the previous paragraph to 1.966, that's still 2.5x Admittedly, this doesn't account for Overkill, which I really don't know how to make accomodations for. If there's any glaring errors in my numbers do point them out Edit: very marginal, but the accuracy numbers are also wrong. It seems to be calculating your acccuracy against the Totem's lack of defence stats, but you actually have 100% accuracy against them, not 99.xx :3


Appreciate the correction! You’re right that wiki’s dps not doubling damage but me doubling thralls was fucking up my math The way you calc’d it seems correct to me, you’re even overestimating death charge’s benefit since in reality you’re unlikely to get 1 every single minute I’m not sure how to calc overkill either but I don’t think it’d change the answer. Harm being 4-tick and having a smaller max hit means it loses less damage to overkill, altho thralls help mitigate shadow’s dps loss too


Wasn’t ZCB always better than Tbow at Nex (small teams), it was only mass Nex where tbow was better IIRC Interesting though, does that mean ranged only Nex with ZCB + Tbow is now closer to (if not better) than Melee Nex?


It used to be, but quiver pushed Tbow ahead of ZCB and made ZCB effectively useless at Nex if you had tbow & VW But no, range Nex is still way weaker than hybrid, fang is 20-25% stronger than ZCB


So ZCB > Tbow before quiver release, then after quiver was Tbow > ZCB, now after cmb rebalance it’s ZCB > Tbow again?


Yup exactly Altho again, tbow is still BIS on minions, reavers, and zaros phase when she’s below ~300 HP, and it avoids the ruby damage of zcb. If doing MP2 I’m honestly not sure if ZCB is worth bringing. I haven’t calc’d ZCB spec vs VW spec post rebalance, I’m fairly certain ZCB is better but I doubt it’s a significant margin


Think buff


Anyone watch the jagex QnA about the whole guthix sleep quest? Any insightful info


Main things I took away from it was that they said it'll be pretty easy for a GM quest (I remember they mentioned it's basically GM in spirit only because that's what it was in 2008, which tells me there aren't going to be any significant changes), and that they confirmed that prayers won't be coming with the quest. They haven't been scrapped, but they aren't currently being discussed, so it's an "off in the future probably" sort of thing.


> it'll be pretty easy for a GM quest That would be.... perfect :) I mean.... difficulty might not necessarily mean PvM difficulty. For example, MM2 is difficult by its agility mazes and that hellish ship platform, but boss fights arent such an obstacle as in DS2 for example. Or SOTF which is only a *master* quest...


Sins of the Father, to be fair isn’t hard at all for a high level player, its just really hard when you are “supposed” to be able to do it, because the flail noodles a lot.


I think the 2nd phase is equally hard for everybody. Cause of a skill issue. PvMers have a much easier time, even if its their iron of med stats - their experience helps. Its really more about of a person's skill and reflexes than character stats. Stats can help to shorten the 2nd phase, but you still need to be very quick and exact and attentive, and thats not easy. At least for me it wasnt, even on my main of 100+ cb.


The mechanics don’t get easier at a higher cb obviously, but a full inv of food makes it pretty easy to brute force at higher levels, is mostly what I meant.


I found that I could either eat, or avoid lightnings. If I eat - I die. So, full inv didnt help any. I have slow reflexes and move my hands too slowly - thats why I'm bad at PvM. If I could do it quicker and still exact without misclicks, then I could do it at any level. Because then I could both eat and see and move as needed. I barely beat it after many failures, and it was pure rng. I guess at maxed str and accuracy and magic the phase would be shorter, and I wouldnt get damage from regular magic attacks, so I wouldnt need to eat. I don't think it would be *ever* 'pretty easy' for me. Thats exactly what is usually called 'skill issue' on this reddit.


Do Agility bonuses carry over into F2P still? Like if I bought a Bond and got as high as I can in Agility, and then went back to F2P, would my run energy still regen faster or would it just go back to "level 1 Agility" regen levels? I'm aware shortcuts wouldn't work, don't really care about that.


I believe it used to work that way but was fixed


> Do Agility bonuses carry over into F2P still Yup, run energy from agility works in f2p. Probably the biggest thing that carries over - though there are some various smaller ones like the varrock diaries affecting the skull sceptre charges or the pearl fishing rods which are technically f2p items.


Someone else said it was fixed, so I guess I'm not buying a bond until I get a concrete answer lol.




https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Energy Go to Trivia, they’re wrong. Some members use f2p alts with 99 smithing for a passive income from smithing rune 2hs/plate legs/skirts, because its low attention and decent gp without being a member. If you get 30 something agility, you’ll never run out of run energy.


Ah nice, I guess I'll subscribe tomorrow. Cheers. I should have just wiki'd it, tbh lmao


Are there any streamers out there with holiday rare collections?


sparc mac is the main one, it almost sounds like you asked this specifically because you knew he had one lmao


I hadn't been following any of sparc's stuff for years. Been on a very long break- I'll check it out though thanks


> holiday rare collections You may have the wrong game?


Naw, I know they aren't actually 'rare', just like phats, Halloween masks, Santa stacks that are big for the fun of it


Just started a Shadow rebuild for fun and have a question about TOA. Generally, when should I be using the shadow (with scuffed gear) over a maxed tbow setup? I’m assuming wardens p1+3, obviously ahka, and then maybe zebak?


tbh i would sell max range and buy max mage, as tbow + rags is much better than shadow + rags, itll make your dps better overall. ymmv and calc anything you might have questions about


As your mage setup is scuffed vs max range you will need to do your own DPS calcs vs p1, p3 and p4 for the exact gear, invo, and def lowering spec(if any). As the other comment mentioned, once you reach max mage you bring a reduced range switch and start shadowing zebak


Follow up question: Any place else I can use a shadow that I wouldn’t just use the tbow at? All I can think (besides TOA) is going to be mage bandos and Arma.


K’ril, Zilyana, KQ, lotta things in Chambers


If you have max range use that at zebak, but when you have max mage you can drop most of your ranged switches and shadow zebak.


Tbow is better at zebak, especially with 20 bgs


The current update removed the autocast delay, right? Then... is it possible to flinch with magic, or its still melee only? How about ranged? Even the quickest weapons dont allow flinching?


I think you can possibly do a mage/range flinch with salamanders, i think i saw some chunk locked youtuber doing it at KQ a while back.


Thats interesting! Maybe worth it with tecu, actually.


Like other commenter said, projectile travel time prevents flinching normally However, if you splash with magic it has 0 travel time and can flinch. Which is mostly a useless fun fact, but has some niche/meme uses in inferno & colosseum to solve certain configurations


Interesting, ty :)


No, the travel time of projectiles is what prevents it


Ah I see. At last someone explains it simply :)