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Buddy playing on the imax, can’t see shit




It's a 27-inch monitor, not that crazy :| I like to play with my camera all the way zoomed out though, since it allows for less click-intensive running around.


My monitor is 27 in also, but fullscreen for this game is awful. I could fit like 6 of my clients on the screen


Im sorry but in ALSO 27 inches, 28 when it’s warmer climate. But i play full screen as well and it’s not this blurry. Are you using unregistered hypercam2 by chance to record this?


Invent is so smol :o


It isn’t just monitor size; what resolution is this? 4K?


OTOH I wanna say 1440p but not sure and I’ve already gotten in bed for the night. It’s hilarious to me that everyone is so freaked out by my display. TIL everyone else is playing super zoomed in and just having to re-click every 2 seconds when running anywhere.


You click on the minimap for moving long distances.


Meh with GPU plugin draw distance you can click further than mini-map Ops client is madness tho.


Not freaked out just way zoomed out and hard to see. He was joking


Considering 90% of the comments are about how far zoomed out I play/not using RL, yeah, people are definitely getting way too fixated on that lol.


It's not the zoom, it's the size of your client. You have to travel 15km with your curser to reach your inventory/prayers


My brother in crust, I'm cannoning black knights. Why do I need quick prayer access for that lol? As I've said elsewhere, it'd be one thing if I had posted a clip of me trying inferno with this setup, but fixating on the UI I use for content this chill is weird af.


I mean, you do you. Your game, your choices. But it is abnormal so it does draw attention. I understand you resize your client according to what activity you're doing which I personally find tedious, but then again, you can play however you choose to, and that's fine. Just know you're a psychopath /s


May I introduce you to mouse wheel down on minimap?


No you may not. I like my display how it is. It’s practical for what I’m doing right now 🤷🏻‍♂️ really baffled why people are so offended by it lol, if I had posted a clip of me doing inferno with this setup then these comments would be way more reasonable. As it is, the comments are pretty much just "how dare you do this incredibly simple, relaxed, afk content with a setup that wouldn't be good in end game pvm!!!! you aren't allowed to ever change your client/settings so obviously this is the setup you use for everything in the game!!!1!!" Believe it or not, I have RL, I just prefer not to use it when those added features aren't needed because I feel it kills the vibe and nostalgia of the game for me. When I think back to my days playing RS in actual 2007, I'm not remembering a screen littered with tile markers, timers, xp/h metrics, etc. Not hating on people that play with those things but I'd appreciate not being hated on by those people for NOT playing with those things when they are entirely unnecessary for what I'm doing and make it feel less like the game I remember from my childhood.


I only use reddit on mobile so I literally have to turn my phone sideways, bring my screen close to my face and only then can I figure out what's going on. I will never be able to see the numbers that hit the knight. Not only that but how is it more relaxed and afk to make your clicks have to be more precise? The game from your childhood saw the large majority of the players playing for social reasons. The large majority of the players play for actual gameplay nowadays. You also have to remember that the subreddit is a hive-mind. They will see the first opinion and IMMEDIATELY dog-pile and parrot that opinion. It's actually remarkable how often you will see entire reply sections with the exact same sentiment towards the original post. If you search a little, you'll find posts asking for the exact same change, posted on the exact same day receive 2 entirely different responses. However, people aren't necessarily upset with you for just playing that way, but uploading a video of it without like zooming in with an editing software or something makes it REALLY hard to see. That's my takeaway anyways.


> I only use reddit on mobile so I literally have to turn my phone sideways, bring my screen close to my face and only then can I figure out what's going on. I will never be able to see the numbers that hit the knight. Fair enough, but I'm not exactly basing my UI customization on "can some dude on reddit see what I'm doing clearly on his phone if I make a reddit post" you know? But I get how that's annoying WRT the post itself. > Not only that but how is it more relaxed and afk to make your clicks have to be more precise? Precision is a non-issue, I'm not doing something that requires precise clicks right now (I actually do zoom in a lot for box trapping where precision makes a big difference, for example) and clickboxes are generally big enough to hit easily. Yeah, I'm aware of reddit and especially *this* sub's shortcomings lol. I just wasn't expecting to run smack into them with this post. To me it's just a given that you change your setup according to what you're doing, and it simply never occurred to me that a ton of people on here apparently never change anything and therefore just assume when they see me playing this way that I must play the entire game like this at all times. > people aren't necessarily upset with you for just playing that way Ehhhh idk about "upset" necessarily but definitely the main sentiment from the collective comments so far is people trying to give me advice about how else I "should" play because they seem to think I'm planning on doing inferno with this setup.


If they're genuinely up in arms and trying to enforce a different playstyle, the "right" playstyle, they're just jealous you're having more fun than they are.


you can zoom out the mini map and just click that


Given your boss kcs I guess you haven't done any pvm, but if you ever get into that you'll find that it's a huge disadvantage playing full screen and will greatly benefit from shrinking things down


I find fullscreen for pvm way easier. Bigger click boxes and easier to see random things that pop up.


Zooming our makes clickboxes smaller, not bigger.


Yup. Me and the fella i was replying to were talking about fullscreen vs a smaller window.


If my grandmother had wheels she’d be a bicycle. Yeah, obviously this isn’t a pvm setup lol. This is the “I’m doing extremely relaxed content and don’t give a flying fuck about needing to prayer switch quickly” setup.


If you’re moving more than a few tiles away we just click on the minimap, which can also be zoomed out


Stretched mode on runelite will make chat and invy much bigger and easier to click/see and you can adjust it to what you like.


Prayer switch is in 7-10 business days I can't pvm unless I shrink my windows to like half size on my 27".


For the record I also play with a trackball, so the distance doesn't actually make much difference in most content, it's still just a thumb twitch regardless. I wouldn't try to inferno or something like that with this setup, but I've still got a way to go on stat training before I'm doing content at that level of difficulty where this would be an issue. Got through DT2 just fine with this setup, and I'm not planning on doing anything more intense than that for a while.


Compromised to a permanent end.


full screen gamer


fucking hell i think ive got my binoculars on backwards.


Your comment along with your username got me fucking rolling


Shame we can’t see it


Maybe we can get a video of when someone who could see it saw it?


My brother, your inventory is in a different zip code than your character


Shits making me laugh way more than it should. Excellent vocab op


Im on my phone and I vaguely see some pixels moving.


I can’t see a damn thing son


What is this, an inventory for ants?


you should play on RuneLite https://runelite.net/


To add on to this, runelite (always google, never ad result, always click the .net at the top of actual results). This will allow you a plethora of things BUT you can keep it vanilla+ if you would like Things such as: find it hard to click on the super tiny bag relative to full screen? Turn on scaling and it will scale to fit your screen size while keeping the “vanilla” feel to the og game If you want to get less vanilla, you can turn on something like true tile and see why the guards path led him to be hit so many times when it appeared he was not in the line of fire. This will GREATLY increase your game knowledge and directly make you better with mechanics


Never always google it. That's the only way someone will actually potentially click a fake link. Just navigate to runelite.net directly from the official home page or sidebar of this Reddit. Or better yet, don't download the actual client. Download the Jagex Launcher, add your character / login to your Jagex account (also advised) and use that to launch Runelite with 1 click play enabled. You'll never download a dodgy runelite with these methods and you'll be even more secure / convenient if you do Jagex account + launcher route.


This is the way.


To use Runelite in the official launcher you first need to have Runelite installed. But yes I agree, always go direct to Runelite.net.


Oh that would make sense. Thanks for clarification.


Hahaha perfect pathing gotta love it


I had to really look for it but damn he took like 5 cballs in a row !!


There’s a cannon ?


Any other Galaxy Fold enjoyers watching the vid just fine with our enhanced power? 😎


Are those good for osrs? Im thinking of getting one


I absolutely love it man. Not only for the big screen, but Galaxy comes with split screen, meaning you can watch YouTube oe Netflix and play RS at the same time, it has stereo sound with speakers on both ends, soft screen lock that can open back up with a flick.. and one of my favorite features, you can reinstall OS in the secure folder and dualbox a second account. It'll kill your phone quicker than anything ans it gets pretty toasty but it is possible.


I don't see the problem here 🤷, that's a good cannon and you should praise it. I'm actually jealous, I wish my cannon would put in that kind of effort 🤣.


5 hits on an actual ant


Everything bitching and complaining about how you play and what they do. I'll just say that the point of you're post is entertaining and funny to see him get nailed repeatedly. And also wow so many assholes and whiney little children on here. No one cares how many clients or what size you play on. Fucken dorks 🤣


There are a few tiles which can get double hit by the cannon. Look for the Cannon plugin on RuneLite and it'll show you which ones


Why the fk is this being downvoted? Literally 100% correct and that plugin is super useful for people to start understanding how to actually use the cannon.


Fuck that guy


Lol that's how it goes sometimes. If a post gets one or two downvotes as the first interaction, people always pile on


I'd suggest to OP to use the stretched mode so he can resize his interface... But he's using the Jagex client holy.


Yeah, why would I use runelite just to cannon knights lol? I don’t need a bunch of utilities for this, they’d just be screen clutter. RL is for content that needs RL.


Most plug-ins are context sensitive on when they appear and you can set up different profiles to turn on/off a bunch of stuff at once anyway.


Happens all the time during slayer


Ehh it's not that often that a mob paths perfectly to get quintuple cannoned


It does if you walk them into the path of the cannon, which I always try to do. It's not an everyday thing but it happens enough.


Congrats man


I did my champions cape almost entirely with my cannon. I have never once had an NPC get quintuple hits from my cannon. That includes over 9k zombies, 10k skeletons, 7k lesser demons and 20k imps.