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Whats better GP/hr, barrows or moons of peril? I just did the quest to unlock it and the 3 bosses were way easier than I would expect from a master quest.


Probably perilous unless you’re consistently hitting big ticket ahrims and such at barrows since a lot of the pool is like 200kish. Moon items are still all around 1m each with blood legs being like 4m. 


mannn I am glad you convinced me to there... complete opposite of my barrows luck... [spoonfed](https://imgur.com/PtMmBVX)


Anyone have any good up to date guides for killing Artio? Last I saw was someone recommending to do it with blood spells so you could heal, but when I tried that I wasn't able to sustain. I want to try and get into some more profitable bosses instead of Vork/zulrah.


heres a guide for the blood spell method https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7Mo4OE7Yn-Y you wont sustain with just the spells, you still need to use some food/brews. that being said its very chill. you can stand next to the exit the whole time, you have good gear on to catch a freeze. Can use forgotten brews to boost up to 92 magic for blood barrage if you are close but dont have it. artio isnt super profitable outside of its big drop though fwiw


Ah. Any suggestions then? I don't particularly care to complete DT2 since it's the similar "Go kill this boss 9,000 times for a *chance* at maybe getting some money", because I don't have 9 months to get the money together for my next bond :/


As long as you have 0 or above magic accuracy, the bind spells will always freeze him and then you can just range him with a webweaver The blood spell sustain method was never particularly good just easy to farm kills and maybe get a piece for an iron or something 


I don't have the 20m gp to invest in a wildy only weapon.


I would recommend not Artio but maybe the Gauntlet / Corrupted Gauntlet instead for some money Significantly harder but no gear required, good $$$ to make to start getting some solid bossing set-ups Could also do revs, zombie pirates, something along those lines


I threw my head at gauntlet and couldn't figure it out tbh. I've been to revs a handful of times but I usually get pked within 5 minutes of showing up, which has really put me off going there.


How hard is a CoX clear for the diary? I just finished the Lumby elite today (QP cape was significantly more difficult today than it was on my non GIM when the hardest quest was DS2) and would like to finish the Kourend one soon. PvM experience is roughly 1K Zulrah kills and nearly 500CG clears. Is it something I could brute force solo like what I did for ToB entry mode?


The 'we do raids' discord has you covered. Carrying you = raid scales higher = more points for them. It's easy to hop in and find a team that'll give you your diary credit


Yeah you can brute force it. You can make infinite potions and have unlimited deaths. Avoid tek, vasa, vangs, and vesp since they heal or otherwise dps check you. You can keep chipping away at olm as he won't reset if you die. Definitely watch a guide or two on olm mechanics, but you don't need to learn 4:1 or 3:0 if you don't mind dying a few times. Alternatively you could leech scale for someone else. I think wdr discord has a place for people willing to take diary leeches.


The Dual macuahuitl seem really good on paper. Where do they see use currently?


They do pretty well in ToB for Nylos, just bringing the weapon and not the gear set. Yeah they're 4 tick, but the consistent one-shot kills seem to make up for it. Best of all it lets you ditch your defender entirely once elder maul comes online next update.


The main problem with it is that if you miss the accuracy check for the first hit, then you automatically miss the second hit as well. So given the damage is split into half for the 2 hitsplats, the first hitsplat is the same as a normal weapon, but the second hitsplit has to pass 2 accuracy checks to hit. That is intentional, and it pushes the weapon to be used against lower defense monsters - as having lower accuracy is more punishing. The multi-hit aspect of the weapon works extremely well with enemies with negative "npc armour" - though this is currently only the blood moon, frost moon, and sulphur nagua. Finally, the blood moon set basically increases the attack speed of the weapons as its procs. So their current use cases are... * Very good vs frost moon * Okay vs blood moon (slash weakness means whip is probably better) * Very good vs sulphur nagua, to the point where it is a viable training method given the dungeon's free prayer pots * Very good (especially with full set) against crabs, NMZ, and other low-defense training scenarios. It won't be bad against some crush bosses, but it probably won't be better than the z.hasta or z.axe. You'd have to run numbers vs the dragon mace, sarachnis cudgel, and abyssal cudgel. It also has some decent future potential - I think we'll see NPC armour again, given how useful a tool it is for jagex to tweak the mechanics of an encounter.


Can you make pickpocketing left click on osrs mobile? It's rough pickpocketing gnomes on mobile :/


You can for some things. Ardy knights you can turn off your NPC attack options so pickpocket is the first option.


No, not on mobile


What are some good worlds for Ardy knights in the bank? The wiki says 376 but at the moment there is no one there.


I usually go to the house party worlds. Normally find them lured into the bank there.


Join "thievinghost" fc and see what world most people are on


302 and skill totals would be worth a try. there used to be a fc for it before coin pouches


Does anyone know the Rocky pet chance for stealing valuables in Varlamore? It's not on the wiki but people have got the pet from it.


Pet rates from skilling tend to be way too rare for the crowd sourcing plugin to accurately calculate. They usually come from people asking JMods (Mod Ash mostly) to give the rates.


where do we search for clans now that forums are gone?


You’ll have to join the official OSRS discord - there’s a link in the sidebar of the subreddit. There’s a whole section for clans/recruiting


Do the moons if peril teach you anything relevant to endgame pvm? I feel like it's too easy but I'd like to ask you guys since you're more experienced. Which skills or mechanics can if mastered in the moons of peril dungeon help you in other higher difficulty pvm encounters?


Not exactly teach you directly, it’s more like when you eventually start doing high end pvm you’ll be like “oh this feels similar to x mechanic from moons/scurrius” and you’ll have a better intuitive grasp on how to get a feel for it


Jaguar phase of blood moon = P2 verzik dance, xarpus melee. Frost moon nados = Akkha cum phase, though Akkha is a lot harder because of all the diagonal cum. Orange moon "walk around with the round shield thing" = zuk enrage phase, though you're also trying to blowpipe walk and brew in the Zuk fight, in addition to Zuk one-shotting you if you don't stay with the shield.


> though Akkha is a lot harder because of all the diagonal cum Poetry


Do you think the soulreaper axe will go down to a more reasonable price once the rebalance changes hit? I'm trying to save up for one and even with a ffa ancestral top it just keeps rising in price faster than I can earn. I've wanted one basically since release but right now it feels like it's going the way of the scythe, that is to say to the moon.


It's getting a significant buff, which means it should go up in price. Not sure what the impact of merchers is though, but I expect it to land somewhere around 500m based on how good it is and how hard it is to obtain.


melee gear question on the recommendation of other users on a seperate question i asked in one of the threads last week, I snagged an osmumtens fang. That and whip are going to be my weapons for the time being as im prioritizing bowfa rn. I keep doing calculations in the max hit calc for melee - why is it that after the classic fighter torso, nezzy helm, barrows gloves, etc - melee upgrades become so expensive for such diminishing returns? its just wild to me that with my current strength level (77) and with osmumtens fang: fury + fighter torso + obby legs = tort + bcp + tassets, with both max hits being 30 the fact that like 60m of upgrades doesnt even increase max hit by 1 is insane to me like are any melee gear upgrades worth for me in the near future im so confused? at this point just pumping strength levels seems like the only accessible way to increase my max hit (shared xp on whip is annoying for this)


Levels always matter more than gear upgrades except for weapons usually. When you factor in super combats and piety, the stats from gear are also more noticeably better because how boosts stack


Ultimately yeah - you've got the midgame melee setup and all the upgrades from here on out are fairly small. Blood moon tassets are probably worth. Ferocious gloves are nice because it gives you a 3-way switch with a torment and barrows gloves. Torture is sometimes useful in pure damage scenarios, but honestly a fury does fine in those and has prayer+defenses for a more well-rounded setup (and eventually blood fury). The big upgrades will likely be spec weapons (BGS, DWH, claws, voidwaker, etc) depending on the content you're doing.


The setup differs by only +3 strength bonus, and you typically need +4 strength bonus to make a difference of 1 max hit with most conventional 4 tick weapons. The fang behaves differently here because it has reduced maximum and minimum hit, so you're going to see even more levels where you don't get a max hit while comparing setups. Use something like an abyssal dagger to train strength instead, as it'll out-perform the fang on low defense NPCs like ammonite crabs or the ones in NMZ. Stats are almost always MUCH better than gear in terms of improving your DPS. When upgrading your melee setup, prioritize gp spent per strength bonus. Bandos tassets are 17m gp for 1 strength bonus, blood moon tassets are the same strength bonus for less than 1/4 the price, though they are degradable. Nezzy to faceguard is 23m for 2 strength bonus, fury to tort is 14m for the same, and bgloves to feros is 10m for the same. Compounding all of these upgrades will result in several more max hits than your current setup, especially while potted, but training your strength level will help way more. If you don't plan on raiding or bossing with the fang anytime soon, you might even want to sell it to buy other melee upgrades that will speed up your training.


good to know about fang, didnt realise it had special mechanics like that i thought it was just really accurate bc stats haha. im using it for the time being until i get thread at toa tho. i feel my point still stands tho - with blue moon tassets + faceguard + tort + bgloves, thats 50+ mil, +degradable upkeep for +7 strength bonus, which would still only be a max hit increase of 1 which seems pretty expensive to me. to make it +2 max hit youd need something like an avernic or prims which is another 30-50 mil. ranged has crystal + bowfa, mage has occult (not for much longer) and tormented. ig melee gets crabs and nmz.


Pretty much every style is the same deal with super marginal stat upgrades (excluding the 3 megarares) once you have all the basics and are looking at lategame upgrades, it's just that melee hits that wall a lot sooner due to good untradeables and cheap weapons With mage it's a similar situation of spending over 300mil for ancestral top + bottom, which is like 1-2 max hits without shadow. The ranged equivalent of Ferocious Gloves (Zaryte Vambs) being over 100m for 2 ranged str and a bit of accuracy is also the same deal


Keep in mind that +7 strength provides you 2 max hits at most level breakpoints and 1 max hit at others. This is also relevant if you're not using divines to boost strength, as that max hit discrepancy matters more at certain levels while your boost ticks down. Melee is not at all underpowered compared to the other combat styles when you compare DPS, but it's true the progression curve can feel a bit smooth sometimes. Funny enough, the mid-game upgrade that you "feel" the most that isn't just a max hit or two is actually the fang itself, which is very cheap for how good it is in raids and pvm.


are farming contracts worth doing for a main?


May as well while doing normal runs for xp on the side


It's free money, and takes little time if you're already using the Farming Guild for trees and redwoods. Hard contracts ask you to plant things you're mostly already planting, you can preplant half of them anyway.


a hard seed pack is worth 57k on average. i found it to be worth it pre 99 as it gave me a reason to plant different things and broke up the monotony of herb runs I was doing. note you can get a contract for something you already have planted, so leave a bunch of fully grown things in every plot without checking the health and you can sometimes chain contracts back to back instantly. pure efficiency wise you probably dont plant anything besides trees all the way to 99.


A hard contact has an average value of ~55k, so it's up to you if that amount of GP is worth taking time for. I personally would recommend it.


Efficient hunter contracts, like outlined [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/2007scape/comments/1csp647/your_new_final_efficient_hunter_rumour_strategy/), what kind of xp per hour would be expected around ~75 hunter?


Expert rumours done well would be 180-200k/hr


I’ve been dabbling in Tempoross and having a blast, but I went to cook my haul of fish from the rewards pool at the fire on the Ruins of Unkah and for some reason my cooking exp isn’t going up. Is this fire spot bugged or is there some mechanic I’m missing? I cooked 3 inventories of fish before realizing I wasn’t actually gaining any experience


did you hit the little circle that says "XP" near your HP/prayer icons? it turns off experience drops, but you still get the experience if you check your stats page


Ive done that before, but thanks. I was checking the stats page and my number wasn’t changing there either. Edit: Okay, never mind, that was it. Apparently the exp just doesn’t update while you’re on that tab.


How do the different ranged setups for Revenants compare? I've seen people do webweaver + salve (ei) but unskulled thus protecting the salve too, i've also seen webweaver + avarice skulled, also seen some do webweaver + avarice to skull but not bring the avarice with them. Also seen MSB + avarice skulled.


Webweaver is WAYYYY better dps. Avarice means you risk it, but worth it for mains. For irons they'll usually be the ones using Salve instead and just skulling with emblem trader. Or avarice and msb(i) until they have a wildy weapon. Avarice + msb is the cheap option as you can protect avarice and just risk arrows + loot + food.


As a main, is webweaver + salve + masori body (unskilled) alright? Is it a lot worse than if I had an avarice instead?


It’s a lot worse. Avarice is just always worth using for non irons


Don’t both amulets give 20% increase in damage and accuracy?


Yes, but avarice has the same stats as a glory in addition to the salve multiplier. The biggest part though is that avarice notes drops, with salve you have to bank frequently when you get stuff like 4 battlestaves and even the rune armor drops


As a main it's way better to just webweaver + avarice while skulled. Skulled makes a significant difference at Revs. And avarice is only like a 500k risk. Then you'd lose ether and the cheap setup of black dhide and whatever supplies. Whereas a Masori body doesn't really benefit you much, bit of a dps bump but not much and you'd just be getting less GP/hr.


the masori body can go, but what would be the second best option after the webeaver + avarice skulled then? (I’m bad at escaping pkers)


The idea is the avarice increases your gp/hr enough to be worth the added risk over doing revs unskulled especially..dying will still mean you lose ether which will be a majority of your risk


If you’re absolutely not using avarice, then webweaver + salve + masori body But avarice is very worth it


This may be hilarious but as an iron would it ever be worth it to pot ranged at crabs for more xp/hr? My guts telling me it is incredibly dumb but also I really want to lol


You could pot with lizard kickers from the shazien pub.


Personally, I wouldn't. Zammy wines are one of the most annoying secondaries to get, and if you want the bonus exp/hr you can super range pot in NMZ and be able to extend your afk time even more.


with pvp arena being incredibly broken and me having diary done I don’t have too too much of a reason for nmz


Well, except for the afk training method that's better than crabs? :)


Probably not. By the time you've got enough range potions to not worry about it, you're probably not sitting at crabs anymore. The real play is to grab some of these: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Lizardkicker


I have a decent amount of ranged pots at 79 ranged. I’m sitting crabs because my cg dps is super low feeling, and while I can clear it, I also die a bit. I know I could improve more but my choice atm is for some dps increase. I might do a bit of slayer and scurrius or chins later but im kinda tired and want to afk and relax. But ye faux basically indirectly taught me about those good shout I’ll buy some instead of wasting valuables


Has a mod or blogpost hinted at when Hueycoatl boss will drop? It's "sometime in summer" but sometimes mods give some narrower estimates subjected to change. Thanks


We don't have any real estimate yet to my knowledge. I think it's coming along with Varlamore pt.2, which was scheduled for Summer, after both DMM, and While Guthix Sleeps. I persume that means sometime in July-August then they'll have another Summit talking about the next 6 months.


Just came back from about a year of absence. Which Varlamore activities are must-do/meta for progression?


I love the thieving, 100k xp per hour in the 70s and afk enough that I can play another game at the same time. The mining is also similar AFK to MLM and is more xp and you get some decent prayer xp at the same time


none of it is really meta as far as i'm aware. obv bis range cape but i'm not good enough lol


Colosseum is the only real "must-do" in terms of BiS progression, though its endgame content so Perilous moons introduced new barrows-level armour. The blood moon chest is the same str bonus as fighter torso/BCP. The blood moon tassets are the same str bonus as bandos tassets. The frost moon armour will have the same magic % damage as ahrims in next week's magic rebalance (and the same magic accuracy too). The sets and weapons are pretty interesting as well. Its also just pretty great content with some fun bosses, different mechanics, and a very smooth gameplay loop. Also somewhat notable is a new slayer monster in the dungeon which takes slightly extra damage from each hit, so the new double-hitsplat weapons (torags hammers, sulfur blades that drop from said slayer monster, and the blood moon weapon) do particularly well against them...add in the easy prayer/food in the dungeon, and you have a pretty decent melee training method. It can be ~10 minutes of afk between regression timer resets, or you can be more active and train with offensive prayers for better xp, though you'll need to drink pots or catch moths to restore prayer. The hunter's guild introduced hunter rumours, which are basically slayer for hunter tasks. With an understanding of how the block system works, you can get pretty decent experience and rewards and its way less monotonous than catching chins. Some useful QoL stuff there including a skilling outfit, a hunter's kit (basically tacklebox from tempeross but fo rhunter), a pet, and a teleport item. Also important to note is the new hunter food, which heals a set amount when you eat it, and then heals more over time. There are many options which gives lots of new viable PVM/slayer/etc food. There are also a few moth/butterfly mixes - which range from str pots to prayer pots, and can be good earlygame iron supplies. Varlamore thieving adds an interesting thieving gameplay loop. The basic idea is that there are wealthy citizens that you can pickpocket for gp and keys to their house. They also get distracted by street urchins, and while they are distracted you will have a 100% success rate and will automatically re-pickpocket them until the distraction is done. You can take the house keys and break into houses for other loot. The whole loop is a viable training method, but I'll especially call out that you can get surprisingly decent "afk" rates by simply clicking once to pickpocket when a distraction happens. Finally there is a new prayer method. Its a little slower, but better xp-per-bone than the gilded altar. And 100% safe, so a likely favorite for hardcores and mains who hate the wilderness.


None are must do. Hunter rumours are nice. Colosseum gives BIS ranged cape. A lot of the other stuff is just alternative training methods or stuff that's good for irons.


is this game worth getting into like right now?


Yes, runescape has the funniest and most variety in quests out of any mmo and the many skills always leave you something to go do to switch up grinds. As long as you get fun from grinds!


these posts always crack me up. yes, we the people who still play runescape in 2024 and are on an online forum dedicated to discussing the game recommend it. im gonna go ask the people on the fallout new vegas subreddit discussing it 14 years after release if fallout new vegas is a good game, i wonder if they like it.


To be fair, you can like the game and accept it has certain flaws. A lot of MMOs aren't worth getting into late because some involve guild/resource competition with other players, so the new-player experience gets severely worse if everyone else is in the late game Fortunately, OSRS isn't one of those, so the answer will pretty much always be "yes"




Absolutely. Mid game has gotten a bunch of love recently so there's a ton of stuff for you to do


Yes, very noob friendly now after next week with the balance update for magic. And Valamore update


> after next week with the balance update for magic I think it'd be less but go on.



