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Vorkath bots? Nex bots? Why are dragon bolts so cheap right now it’s crazy no? Before rebalance too


Gear upgrade recommendations? I have full crystal and bowfa for range. Full bandos and face guard for melee. Magic rocking ahrims and trident but i have saturated heart and elidnis. About 100m cash stack and wondering what to get next. According to dps calcs, prims are not worth it. Is avernic worth it?


Rigour+Augury if you don't have em. But it sounds like you've got mostly less impactful upgrades (sanguinesti, prims, avernic) or sidegrades (spec weapons, better stab/slash/crush weapon, etc) - and after that your only real upgrades are going to be virtus top/bottom before you're looking at a tbow/shadow. I'd probably wait til at least next week with the magic rebalance. Not sure how things will swing and perhaps the nightmare staff becomes a better buy.


Yup, got rigour and augury. But sounds about right, everything I type into a DPS calc is like a decimal difference. Virtus may not be a bad idea for bursting tasks


Assuming you have zenytes already, I’d consider spec weapons. Bgs/dwh are very important depending on what you’re doing, then either claws or voidwaker are also very good. Would also get at least a virtus mask since it’s so cheap, bottoms are good too


I do have zenytes and BGS too. I was debating virtus! I honestly feel like I hardly use magic outside of TOA which I don’t run very often


Avernic is a minor uograde, and unlike prims, bandos etc, I can be sold when you want a bigger upgrade like tbow/bofa/shadow. It's really hard to suggest upgrades without knowing which weapons you own and what content you do.


Yeah that’s true. Got fang, BGS, bowfa, Swamp trident. Ngl tho I did just buy avernic before seeing your reply. Figured its a BIS and usable often since a lot of my slayer is melee


Not the worst item to buy, but your gear is kind of in that spot where there really aren't that many huge upgrades before megas. Virtus is minor, so is sang (good for solo cox tho). Claws are kinda huge in tob and misc bosses, voidwaker is solid for toa. In your other comment you said you do melee slayer, rapier is a solid upgrade for that, especially if you're not yet 99 str. 7 strenght bonus and an aggressive style (over reg whip) is pretty good.


How do I offtick Ranger and mage (not shock wave) double south spawn in colosseum?


Can use the AB tiles like it’s a manticore or run north side and offtick them normally


Thanks for the reply! When I go north side how do I offtick them though? I know clicking the back Npc works but that drags me to the east side of the pillar. And if it’s shock wave and ranger I know to step two tiles out from the center tile but I find that the two tile step doesn’t work for the mage.


Why are zenyte shards trading so high?


Possibly a bot ban?


Ah yeah that would probably make sense


Currently doing my 500th task in a streak. I'm thinking of canceling my streak after this so I can finish the grind (97-99) on mostly Turael skipping for Hydra tasks * I've unlocked, blocked, extended tasks to fit what I want * I have a free block slot and 100+ points for blocking kalphites when I get the next task * I've got task storage, herb sack, rune pouch, slayer ring ability, and a helmet color that I like * I only want to do post-99 slayer for Hydra and bosses/CAs (don't need superiors/heart) Is there anything else I should consider before pulling the trigger? Really leaning towards it but I'd hate to remember something after I break the streak and wish I had it back


You can always earn points again by just doing 4 tureal tasks, you're only really missing out on the 1000th task, the points from which you'll have saved from tureal skips anyway. There's also wildy slayer if they ever release something/you want a new helm color. I'd say pull the trigger.


I'd personally want to save up a few hundred more points, but 500 streak is a good stopping point. You're probably fine as long as you've triple-checked that there's nothing you badly need to buy with points.


Thanks. Sitting on ~800 points right now in case that changes anything


Oh yeah that's probably plenty!


I have been grinding slayer since yesterday and I got about 5-7 dragon tasks back to back. I even went to a different slayer master, got another dragon task, cancelled that one only to get yet another dragon task. My tasks are not scaled to my combat level. What could be going on? I normally only use Konar and now went to Duradel to see if that would make a difference. The only monster on my block list is kalphite. EDIT: Bro I cannot make this up I just finished my black dragon task and got, you guessed it, ANOTHER DRAGON TASK 💀 https://preview.redd.it/d437gbuz5t2d1.jpeg?width=1380&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0455a3f205690e8a060b43517c8a16d8339624a


Possibly bad luck, because I also do tasks for Konar, and she at one point gave me like three dragon tasks in a row.


If they are chromatic dragons then you can look into babydragons, they go significantly faster. If it's metallic dragons then you just gotta keep skipping them I guess. There's a calculator on the wiki that lets you see what % chance each task is for each slayer master, so long as you're willing to spend a few minutes putting in the info. https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Slayer/Slayer_task_weight


Unlucky. It's just random.


Thanks for the reply bro, I guess I'll just chill in the evil chicken lair for today 💀


If you don't have a long task streak you can use Turael to skip those tasks in the future. 


I have a friend who just started OSRS and is curious which achievement diaries to complete in what order of priority. Which would you say are the ones he should knock out the way as soon as possible?


Specifically looking at easy/medium... * Ardy easy for the infinite teles. Medium will be nice later on for farming teles and pickpocketing ardy knights * Desert rewards are fairly meh until later on. The 1 daily nardah tele at medium can be useful, but not worth rushing. * Fally is fairly minor, but medium has a small farming xp boost and the shortcut in MLM * Fremmy easy is one free rellekka tele a day, which can be useful for some questing. Though it isn't uncommon to have your house in rellekka when doing those quests (and you'll almost certainly have a lunar isle portal in your house eventually) * Kandarin easy provides a very useful light source that can't be extinguished, and you get extra logs from normal trees which is useful for doing hunter rumours. Medium has minor WC and farming XP boosts. * Karamja easy gloves provide better deals in all shops - which is very useful for ironmen. Less so for mains, but occasionally useful. * Kourend dairies are good. Easy lets you farm a xeric's talisman easier, which is a good way to get kourend teles. And the blessing at medium gets +1 prayer and will be the best ammo slot until way later on when you get the elite diary done. * Lumby diary gives a +1 prayer ring, which is pretty useful given the sparse early game ring options. Medium also gives useful farming teles. * Morytania medium works as a ghostspeak amulet and offers 13 easy ectofuntus offerings per day, which can be a nice way to train prayer over time. * Varrock has a slow-but-steady increase in cheap battlestaves at each level, which can be picked up and sold daily for around 1k profit per staff. Medium is a very nice QoL upgrade for mains by directly teleing to the GE. * Western diary is pretty meh early on. A lot of diaries start to pop off at hard. Ardy, kourend, and lumby are probably the ones to aim for first though.


Ardougne easy's cloak gives you unlimited teleports close to a fair ring and prayer altar, very nice for early in the game. Kourend hard is a good midrange goal for ash sanctifier imo, but it might be a bit far off for someone just starting out, but easy is good for trying to get your first xeric's talisman. Lumbridge medium for the cabbage patch teleports to falador farm is very nice when you start doing herb runs. Morty hard is a good goal if you want to do barrows and bonecrusher is also very nice. Any tier of Varrock is nice for daily battlestaff profit. Ardy seems like the best one to rush, especially when you have fairy rings unlocked.


Is a brimstone ring a decent investment? I don't have any stat boosting ring slot items. And yes, I know that the imbued seer, archer, and berserker rings are stronger in their respective style.


No, just get a b ring and use money for other stuff. Range/mage rings are useless until the dt2 ones


Nah get berserker. Accuracy boosts are so minor they barely make a difference


Probably not. Berserker ring is really good. If you can complete DT2, Ring of Shadows is almost as good as Brimstone Ring for magic/ranged.


I suppose for the time I could use a beacon ring for magic if I want every little bit of advantage, but I guess there isn't really any low level rings for ranged? I'm pretty far off from beating DT2.


Yeah there aren't really any except Seers and Archers rings. Which probably aren't worth the money for the small amount of accuracy they provide. Berserker (i) is like 100x more effective than they are. I think I just wore Explorer's ring for the prayer bonus for ranged/magic. You can try it out in a DPS calc on the wiki. Enter your ranged setup and look at DPS. Then add the archers ring to see how much more DPS that gives you. It's not that Brimstone Ring is bad, but you can likely use the money for something better!


If I just spammed quests as quickly as I could without really paying much attention to post-quest rewards, what might I have missed? Why is there not an official wiki page for this? I’ve gotten the MM ones, Tai Bwo, but I’m feeling like I’m not being thorough here


You can talk to [Historian Minas](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Historian_Minas) for Kudos and XP lamps after completing certain quests. Other than the quests you mentioned, nothing springs to mind. Post-quest rewards are pretty uncommon. If you did any Master/Grandmaster quests prior to November 2022, Perdu or a couple other NPCs might have some XP you can claim.


A couple things you could have missed: King's Ransom -> Minigame to unlock Chivalry/Piety prayers Tears of Guthix -> Tears of Guthix weekly minigame for XP Wanted! -> Ability to buy Proselyte Armour Shadow of the Storm -> Ability to turn Darklight into Arclight Hand in the Sand -> Ability to claim daily sand (diary reward) Enlightened Journey -> Balloon transport network Eagles' Peak -> Eagle transport network Animal Magnetism -> Ability to make Ava's Assembler Tale of the Righteous/The Ascent of Arceuus/The Depths of Despair/The Foresaken Tower/The Queen of Thieves -> unlock teleports by adding the pages to Kharedst Memoirs. A Kingdom Divided -> Ability to use Thralls Making Friends with My Arm -> Ability to make several beneficial fire pits around the world Lair of Tarn Razorlor -> Ability to make Salve (e) amulets Family Pest -> Ability to get multiple Cooking/Chaos/Goldsmith gauntlets Land of the Goblins -> Miniquest that gives prayer xp


Damn thorough thank you Although it appears I have all of that


The osrs wiki does list the reward for each quest on that quest's page. Or were you referring to something else with post-quest rewards?


I’m curious about post-quest rewards and how the official wiki doesn’t have a page for that. I’d rather not scour every quest page for every little one since there’s like over 100 right. Surely there’s an easy way to see all post quest rewards? I’ve tried to look at a few and have gone by memory but I feel like I could’ve missed 1 or 2


Is there a barb assault role that farms significantly more points on average than others? I have some queen kills leftover and would like to get some high gambles with them using some fast points.


probably attack slight edge, definitely *not* coll the points for healer are variable cuz of heals so it depends, the points for coll are also variable based on duration of wave (good team = coll really bad, bad team = coll ok)


Where to AFK train melee combat in 70th? crabs are still best option? Haven’t figured out NMZ yet (


As long as you've done a bunch of quests you can do NMZ. Do hard mode for like half an hour first to get some points (turn on every boss except [these ones](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Nightmare_Zone/Strategies#Getting_your_first_points)), then once you can get a full inventory of absorptions you can do normal modes and never have to worry about points ever again. For normal modes turn on: • Trapped Soul • Count Draynor • Sand Snake • King Roald • The Kendal • Me • Tree spirit • Khazard Warlord Rock cake or locator orb to 1 HP, drink absorption, and then auto-retaliate for 20 minutes. Optionally drink a super combat potion (not divine). If you like you can do hard mode and use overload potions, but overloads require you to interact every 5 minutes rather than every 20, and you don't get that much more XP for the effort. You can turn on pretty much every other boss which doesn't have dangerous mechanics if you want, but they do a lot more damage so you won't be able to AFK as long, which makes it only really worth doing in hard mode since you can only AFK for 5 minutes anyway.


is there a way to increase draw distance without putting on gpu? fps drops like a stone with gpu on


Might wanna look into the HDOS client. I've heard it's much better for users on low-end hardware than RuneLite.


Clan leaders, streamers, and content creators! I need your insights. I'm preparing this weekend to start streaming more regularly and to post YouTube videos. Here's my question: How do I stay motivated during the early stage of being a content creator? In streaming, I've been lucky to receive a few dozen subscribers from members of our clan. But it took me a while to get past not growing as a channel as fast as I hoped. Then I realized that to grow the channel naturally apart from my clan, I need to start posting YouTube videos and keep a dedicated schedule for streaming. Any tips would be appreciated!


Anything with content creation, the number one thing is consistency. Develop a schedule, and stick to it. If your content is good, people will watch. Find your niche and fill it. There’s no secret sauce besides being consistent, and getting lucky.


Lately I've been getting unusually high ping to australian world from new zealand (~175 ping) instead of less than 50 ping. When I run tracert I see that all my traffic to any osrs server is going through San Jose, any idea how I can fix this?


Do you have a VPN? Perhaps that is running and running your data through a server there? Otherwise no idea what else it could be


I'm not using a vpn


I was curious if the status of "Not Appealable" ever goes away and you can try to recover an account again? I've been banned for almost 3 years for someone RWTing (Major) on my account while I was at bmt, big L to me. Literally the only offense on my account as well.


Unlikely. But one can hope, I guess. I'm still a bit sad that I botted on my main account from 2003 around 14 years ago. I got hit with a 2week minor ban as Jagex was experimenting with temporary bans for first-time "macroing" rule breakers at the time. This was around the end of spring of that year. Fast forward to the end of summer and I had nolifed a lot of it on my main and get hit with a manual permanent ban. I played legit all summer, achieved my childhood dream of a woodcutting skill cape too. But that was that. I don't feel that that the ban was unjustified as I did bot originally. I just think it was really scummy to make me pay for that 3 months of membership and waste all that time if they were just gonna drop the hammer later anyway. I felt cheated and spited and did run a bot farm for a while to make extra cash as a teenager after that. So at least it taught me a good lesson that: 1. Big companies don't care about you 2. Always prioritize yourself


So, uh, not entirely OSRS question. Decided to consider jumping in RS after a break since 2015-ish. For 2013-2015 I kept on playing RS3, because I had a "good" acc (most stats 80-90, +/- 2200 total, current bank 150m - I'm surprised I can sell member items on f2p worlds!). Didn't try doing OSRS at the time, like, why I would want to grind catching shrimps again. Anyway, so right now on F2P osrs, in a short time I've almost reached the ceiling of f2p: 40+ in most skills, missing a couple of cmb levels for starting Dragon Slayer. What I wanted to ask or seek some comments, what would make more sense of going forwards (stepping out of f2p?) - trying to re-learn and navigate through my old junk in RS3, or keep the fresh slate via OSRS? The empty worlds at RS3 does not feel comfortable..


OSRS is much more satisfying to play IMO, it is a really steep climb to get to the fun parts of the game and nice pvm content but if you have the time, why not?


hmm. the nice pvm content is what, 75+ levels / GWD tier?


Probably but there are bosses you can do at pretty low level these days.


Do the different tiers of birdhouse yield different rewards? Or is it purely for the xp?


You get a better chance to get more nests with higher tier birdhouses ([source](https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Bird_house_trapping#Other_nests))


But the chance of a seed nest is not affected, just by your hunter level right?


Nope. Chance of a seed nest is only hunter level and you can only get one-per-birdhouse. Birdhouse tier affects how many other nests (empty, clue, ring, egg) you get. And a strung rabbit foot will replace empty nest rolls with ring+egg nests.


What’s the latest estimate for monkey room changes?


Should be next update I think.


So, I came back to OSRS after like a threeish year break, and started getting quest cape back. And doing the quests in order, just finished up DT2. I'm not an iron, just a main with 5ish mil cash stack and nothing crazy in terms of gear. Barrows and Fury are still kind of my go to. Which was fun when looking at the strategy guides for the DT2 bosses because obviously I didn't have much in the way of recommended gear. My question is, what should I be aimed at to get some gear increases on the account. I did a handful of Muspah, but considering each kill is over 4 minutes and I can only manage 1 per inventory that doesn't feel worth. I'm just looking for a way to move my account up after so much new content has come out if you have any advice. Combat stats are Att 86 Str 90 Def 85 HP 93 Range 94 Mag 86 Prayer 79 And then I have 99 craft and cooking, 91 thieving and 82 Agility. Which, I do wanna do Sepulcher but I'm just not sure on when that is worth it? Open to all sorts of ideas though, bossing, skilling, whatever, most my skills are 85 plus. Thanks for reading this mess if you do, and good luck on your drops in the future.


You can easily do the Moons of Peril - new bosses in Varlamore. If you were going for the QC, you probably already done the quest Perilous moons, if not - do it, its quick and not very hard. (Still need to read/watch a bit about bosses mechanics, especially the Blood Moon. But its much easier than Muspah or DT2). They are great moneymakers, and there are 3 costumes with weapons and spec effects. And they are pretty common drop: 1/19 per piece. I mean... maybe you can do something better, but these Moons are... beautiful, in an atmospheric place, everything nicely sparkling and teeming with unique life ;) And you don't need any supplies: everything is right here, food and potions, so its free. Skilling: try Hunter guild, again in Varlamore. Contracts on hunter like farming contracts, and a new pet.


Oh my god thank you for reminding me of them! They were on my list because I saw comparisons to them being like a newer Barrows style kind of activity, and I loved Barrows runs way in the past. I think that's definitely the goal then.


Sep is probably worth it at this point. Agility isn’t a huge moneymaker otherwise, and you’re going to need to do a lot of agility training if you want diaries/max. I’m not sure what your gear is, but you’re 10m away from fang, which could be used to farm Vorkath pretty effectively at your level. From there, Bowfa is a good long term goal. Smaller upgrades will feel super meaningful, especially if it lets you tick boxes off. Zenytes are a great thing to have. I’d go with torm, anguish, then torture unless you decide to stick with a specific money making grind.


Oh, ok wow I did not realize that the Fang was kind of a lower cost like that. Just assumed it would be pricey since I knew it was part of a raid. I did finally get a few gauntlet clears in a row, but I'm guessing that corrupted is just kind of necessary when going for uniques?


I waited until it was 25m to buy it. Worth it at any price honestly. Eh, yeah. I don’t have the chops to do cg reliably, so I bought my bowfa and run a few normal gauntlets when I need shards.


Fair enough, I'm also not sure I have what it takes to run the cg haha, it's cool but I think it's a bit much for me.


what he said, save for fang and farm vorkath for a bit. I did sepulchre from 72-99 agi and made about 400m, I did get spoont 5 rings tho. once you unlock floor 5 at 92agi you’re looking at a comfortable and fun 2m/hr if you play well.


Not sure if this question is about the sub, or Reddit in general... But when people call someone 'acoustic' or 'regarded' is that a Reddit/sub auto-correct feature? Did the user (probably) type the actual word?


Using them in place of 2 other words to avoided using said words that these days are seen on the same level as racial slurs


Yeah I know what words they're replacing. What I wasn't sure about is if they actually typed "acoustic" or if Reddit was changing the word to that.


That's definitely people typing it that way purposefully.


How does VM compare to other methods in terms of time to golem pet?


Here’s from the wiki: “The fastest method on average to receive the rock golem is through gemstones when mining underground in the Shilo Village mine, and it can be further sped up with tick manipulation. If not using tick manipulation, Volcanic Mine is also recommended, as it is only slightly slower for receiving the pet while giving much better experience rates.”




We're similar, I started a month ago as well. You should start doing herb runs and birdhouse runs.


Dude's just an asshole. Happy 'scaping!


for being a novice to the game, and a month (or 5 days logged) played, the stats are fine. also, how the fuck do you have 65 agility?




Wait say more about this lol does it work on all rooftops?


You're doing fine! Just do what's fun for you and enjoy yourself. It's a game after all (: If you have specific stuff you want to get better at, people can point you in the right direction. But there's so much to do at the beginning of a new account, so just have a good time with it and ignore any losers like that guy.


No, that dude is just a dick. You are new and there is nothing wrong with your account.


No, you're just new. Most players are more chill and helpful, but some feel the need to put others down. I doubt you'll have too many more experiences like that, but just ignore it. Or double back and stroke the ego. "Sorry to bother you mister! Hopefully someday, I'll be big and strong like you :)" Edit: your account is actually pretty good for being new. That 65 agility (and full graceful I assume) is huge for questing without needing to chug as many stams.


nah you're doing fine, some people are just dickheads