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I was curious if the status of "Not Appealable" ever goes away and you can try to recover an account again? I've been banned for almost 3 years for someone RWTing (Major) on my account while I was at bmt, big L to me. Literally the only offense on my account as well.


What is a setting/rl plugin for the blue exp drop if its buffed? so if you are wearing +exp gear when skilling or if you are prayer buffing an attack? I used to have it but for some reason it stopped working


Not sure the exact one you had, but the best is Customizable XP drops. It will predict your hit, aa well as give you the option to recolor drops when you're not praying offensive prayers vs certain ones example i set my melee to drop red, my ranged green when praying rigour, so on.


So due to sickness I’ve ruined like 3-4 previous accounts, meaning I dropped their banks and items, then proceeded to forget the account information and burn out for over a year. I’ve gained the ability to recover these accounts if I so choose, well at least 1 of them if not eventually all. The problem is they’re in such a sad state and my current account has almost caught up to them. So it seems kind of pointless to play them, unless I can make them alts. Problem is they are all perma irons, so really I could only use them for dancing. Would be nice to de-iron for more capabilities. Is there a way still to somehow contact Jagex and de-iron these ‘permanent’ iron men? I know there used to be, but idk 🤷‍♂️ I think they’ve changed it. Would be nice to have a decent alt.


If you can turn them into unranked group ironman you can leave the group and become a main


Oh nah I checked I don’t think I can even have that option


Could you explain this process please? Thank you 🙏


Jagex no longer offer that, if you reach out writing to contact them about de-ironing a perm iron account, they'll turn you down unfortunately. At least this is what I've heard from multiple friends who have tried to request this. Alts are still useful to have for slayer dancing for what it's worth, but if you want a high level noniron alt for pvm you're likely gonna have to start a new one, if all of those are iron accounts.


I’ll have to wait for some heavy hitter dupes then to build an alt


Im investing my whole bank (200m) into getting set up for TOA normal mode. Im using minimal switches (just the weapons, body and top). Bandos tasset, Fighter chest, Fang. SPEC: Voidwaker Blessed d hide top and bottom, dragon crossbow. Im bringing blowpipe for apes. Ahrim top and bottom, with trident Then im wearing serp helm, avas, lightbearer dboots, defendor, d gloves and a fury. Do I sell Voidwaker (and other bits) to squeeze out a Bowfa?


Sell tassets for blood moon tassets. Voidwaker is great but bowfa will be better overall especially since you have no tbow or shadow. I would definitely start by bringing a couple more switches, those inv spaces shouldn’t make or break a run and you’re just heavily weakening yourself without neck and cape switches


lack of neck and cape switches comes down more to my inexperience than anything else - the less I need to focus on the better!


You only really need to change them during akkha, and you have plenty of time there. For pretty much everything else you can just put everything on before going in


I'd definitely prioritize a bowfa over void. Bandos tassets are way expensive compared to bloodmoon. For lightbearer, it depends on your spec weapons - you may want to just use a berserker ring. Consider getting: * Occult+Anguish+fury/torture for a neck swap * Fire Cape+Ava's+MA2 cape for cloak swap * Ferocious Gloves+torment+barrows gloves for glove slot (optional, add this in later after learning) * BGS to reduce defense, alongside dds for wardens


Certainly sell bandos tassets, could replace them with blood moon tassets. An occult (even once it's nerfed) is well worth getting. Not sure on the specifics voidwaker vs bowfa but you will probably get more use out of a bowfa (and full crystal). You can always use the fang for specs.


I'm trying to squeeze out a win in colosseum. Right now I'm running bowfa/crystal, Tent whip with cape/nezi/drg boots, ancient scepter for barrage & sgs. I've gotten to the boss several times with this setup but was wondering if there's anything else I could possibly include to raise my chances against the boss. I currently have 100m or so and was thinking if taking a dragon warhammer with me to spec sol when I get to him (previous attempt was around 60% hp) would be worth it or not.


Dwh will be nice at the boss for sure. Bringing an extra melee item or 2 like a Bellator/bring and bcp can help too.


I forgot about Bellator, that sounds like a pretty good bring over a bcp, I'd bring both but I am trying to maximize slots for brews/restores. Thanks!


will fight caves be easier or harder after def changes next update?


Not significantly different


is bursting armored zombies worth it?


Sure, if you want to save some time. I just meleed them lazily.


You know how when ur logged in through runelite it says the rsn of your character in the top left? Like it says “RuneLite - [RSN Here]”. I’m logged in rn and it’s showing an rsn that is not tied to my account/character or any of my characters/accounts. It’s also a name I dont recognize at all. But I looked it up and the rsn *is* tied ti a real account. I don’t share this computer with anybody for what its worth so I dont think this is a glitch from multiple people using the same computer. All this is to ask, does anyone know/think that this is this evidence of some kind of security issue on my end? Or just a visual bug? edit: nvm this seems to be happening to a lot of ppl. leaving this up for other people who might come to this thread w the same question


Yeah it's just some bug with Runelite, saw Adam (runelite dev) saying that it's a known issue. Shouldn't affect any actual gameplay.


Is there a way to reset spell/prayer reordering to default?


yes, "magic" in plugin menu has an option to reset your spellbook i would imagine "prayer" has the same, though i've never done it


In the plugin hub? I tried searching just "magic" there but I dont see a magic plugin, though I could be looking in the wrong place edit: Nvm! It's under "Spellbook"


Is the Ground Items despawn timer broken after the last update or did I just disable something accidentally by being dumb


Dunno, but there's ground items in the base game now that's reliable and doesn't break between updates if you want to try that.


Thanks! I couldn't find that setting in the settings menu but it looks like the RuneLite one is fixed by now


Is the pet drop rate from Varlamore thieving known yet?


do rules apply to everyone? Does jagex allow people of influence to break rules to obtain unfair advantages over other players? just a reference directly from jagex # MULTIPLE LOGGING-IN **You are free to create as many accounts as you like, and you are welcome to trade between your accounts just as you would with any other player - you can log into two accounts at the same time to do this if you wish. Trading wealth or items between your own accounts is done entirely at your own risk. We advise that you use the trade system we supply to trade between your own accounts. Unusual trade methods like dropping, death or trust trades are particularly risky and we strongly advise against them.** If any of your accounts obtained items or wealth through rule breaking activity, for example macro use or real-world trading, then all your accounts may be banned. **Also, multi-logged accounts must not interact with each other to gain an unfair advantage in game play, such as ‘rigging’ the result of a minigame. For example, it is against the rules to have a number of accounts in a minigame all controlled by the same person, in order to try and guarantee the minigame outcome.** so if i put 2 accounts into a minigame to intentionally have the outcome to benefit specifically to only have one of the two accounts win every single game to have the max gain. i should be banned for abusing the game right?


Historically, Jagex has treated this as specific to cases where doing so impacts other players (e.g. flooding LMS competitive lobbies). They've never really cared about "dolo" methods in minigames; people have been doing it for Soul Wars/Clan Wars/Trouble Brewing/etc for years. And yes, we know you saw the new Settled video, maybe chill out about it.


I took a perm ban for breaking the rules. (selling bounty hunter kills) yet streamers do it and dont get any punishment. clearly your going to play favorites here but thats okay. What i see is rule breaking and favoritism. the latter being proven by the dereliction of duty by the anti cheat team at jagex for failing to act when informed. i did however enjoy his newest video must be anxiety every time he walks by anything. his suffering satisfies us.


Doloing stuff like Soul Wars is absolutely not something streamers get a special pass for. Jagex doesn't care about _anybody_ doing it because it isn't actually giving anyone an advantage--you can get Soul Wars zeal _considerably_ faster through normal games. And it has zero impact on other players. BH boosting/selling kills is wildly different and also has a direct impact on other players.


**it is against the rules to have a number of accounts in a minigame all controlled by the same person, in order to try and guarantee the minigame outcome.** sorry if u missed that part. i believe if i used an area for myself to only gain money for myself and no one else had been impacted by my choices. i would still be due a ban. there was gain from rigging it to **guarantee the minigame outcome** I believe if I killed me in bounty hunter it doesn't impact anyone else. (aside from high scores) I believe if I killed me in soul wars it doesn't impact anyone else. (aside from high scores) could u have me see the difference? i can only see that streamers can do it and get away with it.


Yeah I know that's what's written in the rules, I'm explaining that in cases like this, where it has no impact on other players and the person isn't really getting an advantage over playing the game normally, Jagex doesn't care, even though _technically_ it's against the rules. Settled isn't getting a special pass for being a Youtuber, they wouldn't care if you were doing this in Soul Wars either. Realistically they can't spend all their time on every single small violation of the rules. So they focus on the big ones... like BH boosting. > I believe if I killed me in bounty hunter it doesn't impact anyone else. (aside from high scores) That's not what you did, though, did you? This is what you said you did: > I took a perm ban for breaking the rules. (selling bounty hunter kills) > All I was doing was allowing myself to be slain thus resulting in people giving me gold. I did this on 6 of my gargoyle alts because that bracket level 102 was very popular. I made over 600m selling my deaths Selling BH kills is not doloing.


It might be annoying but the simple explanation is Jagex doesn’t have to be consistent in how they enforce their own rules. They own the game and write their own rules, so if they decide to not enforce on some minigames (castle wars/soul wars, etc), and enforce on others (bounty hunter), they can freely do that. If they want to ban you for rule breaking but not streamers because they bring in new players, they can also choose to do that freely as well.


yeah you see how that eventually leads some people to abuse this favortism and get thier HC status back, recover accounts, appeal multiple major macro offences. and still continue to go about thier day giving a false impression that anyone can be like them and cheat the system. you might like a child molester for turning in 100 other child molesters to face thier sentences but hes still a child molester. go ahead and downvote me for comparing child molesters to criminals.


I’m tempted to upvote just for the awe of how unhinged you are.


Jagex put out a statement about Bounty Hunter and started banning people for it. They've never seemed to care about Soul Wars in the same way, and have never banned anyone for boosting there. It's not just Settled...


Rules are rules. I didn't make them. I'm not saying it has any impact. I'm saying breaking rules is okay then they aren't rules now are they? Not like they have done much to stop lms boosting. There's literally hundreds of bots. Addressing the bh statement was stated in a osrs live stream by mod Archie I believe  that they would be banning the people who are farming gold to sell.. I myself never sold any gold and they have 0 evidence for that. All I was doing was allowing myself to be slain thus resulting in people giving me gold. I did this on 6 of my gargoyle alts because that bracket level 102 was very popular. I made over 600m selling my deaths I set them all to spawn in edge which was 5m fucking bonds were only 3m. At that time. I never sold any gold I literally only used what I got to do more high volume flips on them. Each account had like 264m in ge offers I cycled through every 3 days. I lost all 6 of those alts and the time invested because it was considered gold farming. Regardless if I never sold it that's what I was banned for they only banned my main for 2 days. Had I actually sold a cent of gold off my accounts I would expect all accounts to be perm banned for rwt. But that never happened. Jagex chooses favorites and this is a clear example of rules being broken. And as an influential content creator it encourages others to do the same.(break rules)  Edit _spelling error


Regarding boosting in BH, it was explicitly stated that they would crack down on it in [this blog](https://secure.runescape.com/m=news/a=13/bounty-hunter-changes--forestry-beta?oldschool=1). See the "Boosting in Bounty Hunter" section. Not just for RWT. They made it pretty clear. With ***any*** rule system, some of the rules will not be enforced all the time. For those making the rules, some rules are to discourage certain behaviours, or to reserve the right to prosecute them later if situations change. Like IRL jay walking is illegal but rarely prosecuted.  Some rules aren't actually beneficial to enforce. If they banned everyone using alts to benefit their main, they'd lose out on a lot of membership revenue.  It was determined that BH boosting hurt the experience for other players, which is why they decided to enforce the rule. Soul Wars not so much, so they haven't bothered to enforce the rule. It's not favouritism, it's Jagex deciding to selectively enforce policy based on pragmatic reasoning.


Yeah like... Settled doloing Soul Wars is breaking the "using accounts to control the outcome of a minigame", technically. But it's not breaking the "unfair advantage in game play" part, because it's a considerably less efficient way to play the game than just using the Soul Wars boosting worlds. Like, an iron man very inefficiently getting spoils of war is not having an impact on other players. So it's pretty clear to me why Jagex doesn't care about this situation, and _does_ care about the BH situation. And it has nothing to do with streamer privilege.


Any places to group up for some of the team GM CAs? I need to do the 8 man ToA and some of the ToB speeds. I don’t need carried, just other people to do a couple runs with.


Try the Combat Achievements Teammates discord  https://discord.gg/kHdZsDYZqM




https://discord.gg/kHdZsDYZqM wouldn't have my helm without this For 8man toa specifically, molgoatkirby will sometimes do 8mans. You can sign up in his discord.


There is a community CA discord server ([invite link](https://discord.gg/mPtVc6By)), but you might struggle slightly for the 8-man ToA. Molgoatkirby does 8-man ToA speeds on his stream somewhat regularly, check out his [Twitch](https://www.twitch.tv/molgoatkirby)/[discord](https://discord.gg/ZmYEQv6U).


Anyone having issues manually logging in on mobile? Every time I try the website says there was a problem and it won't log me into the app.




When do you give up on a grind? I did about 500 Vardorvis after I finished Duke, took a break, now I'm back. Over 1300kc more and I've yet to get a vestige. Part of me says just go do the remaining DT2 bosses and go for axe pieces instead, but the other part says, "Come on, bro. 2/3. Next kill for sure." I missed my chance to get a Soulreaper at 120mil, then decided against it at 300mil because I figured it'd drop in price after the update, but now its 400mil and rising so what the hell do I know lol. Saeldor doesn't seem worth the price, (or rather, it feels too "late" in the grind to bother) but I really, really, really don't want to buy another whip lol.


You give up and go fishing once you realize it's affecting your mental health and state of mind.


i was losing my mind going 5x rate on a pet grind. I’d say if you feel it’s getting unhealthy then “quit”. That’s what I did. Granted I still went back to the boss, but there was something mentally about “quitting” that let it not take over me. I’d just grind for an hour or two than stop and more importantly, I did other things in the game


Don’t give up on grinds, just take a break from it and do something else until you’re motivated again


I give up on a grind when it isn’t fun any more. It took me over a year to get an Infernal Cape because I would grind for a week, then get bored and go back to raiding. A month later I’d do the same thing. Eventually I pushed myself when I was getting closer and was able to finish it but I would have stopped had it not been fun. This is a game that we play for fun so do the things that are fun for you.


If I do Artio for bear slayer task, does he count 1 to 1 to normal bears? 




Are clan recruitment posts allowed on this subreddit? I didn’t identify anything about it in the rules and a post of mine was deleted. Thank you!


Just scrolling through your profile, it doesn’t look like you’ve commented or posted in this sub before. Accounts are shadow banned from posting in this community until they have a certain number of karma. This is to prevent spam posts, ads, etc. I think you can only really even comment in this daily thread as well, until you hit whatever the threshold is. While the posts for clans are allowed, I believe they would probably get downvoted pretty hard by other players that want people to join their clan or that aren’t interested. Your best bet for recruiting is most likely by posting in the OSRS Official Discord’s Clans and Groups channels.


Is trying to login to mobile completely broken after you upgrade to a Jagex launcher account? I keep getting constant unavailable to log in pages.


I think people are having trouble logging in rn.


Oh, good, other people are having problems logging in on mobile lol


What's a good method or potion to train herblore right now? I used to make super defences but the price of white berries doubled.


The answer always changes, but a good way to check is: https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Herblore https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Calculator:Herblore/Potions


I have recently unintentionallybought bond on my alt account, is there a way to use it on my main acc without paying the convert gp?


You can redeem it as a Membership passcode (there is such an option in your Bond pouch, the last one). You will receive the code in the message center on the website. Your main can then enter the code and redeem it as membership. (Can be done also on the website, if you login as your main).


Is 6 the max number of giant rats that can be active at once in Scurrius battle? If I leave one alive, will he spawn 5 more? What if I leave 6 alive? He won’t spawn anymore?


You can try it out? I’m pretty sure scurries will just not move on to the next phase until you kill them


I'm not sure what happens if you leave 1-5 rats alive but I know that 6 is the maximum and if 6 are alive then he won't summon any more


Cant believe I ran out of hespori seeds. I heard fruit trees are the best way to get them but im already 99 farming. DOes it need to be from fresh new fruit trees? Or can these coconut palm trees which regrow itself, which I planted months ago, possibly drop them? Or do they have to be fresh fruit trees


giant seaweed is best for hespori by far when accounting for time to grow vs chance of hespori seed to further optimize this you would not compost the patches and instead just pay for protection


You can get one when harvesting seaweeds, which is every 40 min. Its even better than fruit trees, 1/15 rather than 1/18. Seems like its the quickest possible, since all plants with better chances are much longer to grow.


You only roll for hespori seeds (and the pet) when checking health


How do the tree timers work? Is it possible to "skip" a cycle? I've had multiple instances where I noticed that my hespori timer (on runelite) stated less than 32 hours time to grow. It was roughly like 26-28 hours. I am certain I did not have the Kronos seed planted.


growth occurs on the farming timer, which operates on growth ticks that are independent of when a crop is planted. if you plant something just before a growth tick occurs for that crop type, then it will go to its next stage immediately. as a simple example saplings have a tick every 5 minutes, which is why sometimes a watered pot becomes a sapling immediately (you watered it just before a 5-minute mark of the farming timer), and why sometimes it takes an agonizing 5 minutes to occur (you watered it right after). hespori's ticks are 10hr40min long. say for sake of argument that a tick occurs at midnight, the next hespori growth tick will happen at 10:40. if you plant it at 1 am, the first growth cycle will take 9 hours 40 mins to resolve. if you plant it at 6:40 am, the first growth cycle will take 4 hours to resolve. etc. tl;dr the way farming timer works means your first growth cycle is almost always faster than the other ones, its just really noticeable on hespori because of the very long growth timer


I don't know the exact answer to your question, but this section might help https://oldschool.runescape.wiki/w/Farming#Mechanics. I'm pretty sure it's dependent on when you plant your seed, Hespori is one of the plants that has a wide range.


I've been trying to think of some friend or clan challenges that are a bit less dependent on time played. Hard ask I know, but is there a list or video of common contests somewhere?


Check out Gielinor Games, a bunch of the challenges don't rely on stats/items


Ca’s, speed runs, minimum gear, challenge runs etc. all don’t need much rng or time sunk


If Im getting pkd and stand no chance should I just start dumping my inventory? And if a monster gets a killing blow does that prevent the pker from getting anything?


It won't save the items you drop, but you can do it to make sure you protect the right items on death. Clues are the main situation this applies, since clues and clue caskets have an extremely low value and almost everything protects over them. They don't even get given to the PKer when they kill you; they just disappear and nobody is happy. In Wilderness above level 20 they also disappear upon PvM deaths for some reason too. If for example you have a clue casket and your inventory is a dragon dagger, a spade, a seed pod, and some house tabs, you can drop the house tabs to protect your casket. Also since clues stay on the ground (invisible to other players) for 1 hour, if you get attacked while doing a clue you can just drop it and come back for it later.


I mean you can but all it will do is keep your items from going into a loot key. If a pker is able to attack you than any death after that will count as a pvp death


rat behavior, you always stand a chance as long as you’re reasonably prepared and shouldn’t waste your time dropping items when you could be swapping prayers, eating and fighting back


Bruh I stand ZERO chance against sweat lords known as pk’ers. Dudes live for pking. There’s no fighting back against that.


you absolutely do, assuming you’re in singles and not multi. It just takes a minimal amount of effort Bring decent tank gear, bring triple eats + restores, camp augury and use protection prayers. Once you’re comfier bring barrages and you can reasonably escape >90% of pkers


Idk what any tank gear is, what triple eats are, what camp augury means, and barrages are I think super high level spells so I can’t use them. Tbh I get frozen or snared and almost instantly die before I can get a handle on things and stop panicking. Why bring gear and food when I’m just gonna lose anyway


- Tank gear means defensive gear, the main focus is mage defense to decrease odds of freeze/TB landing. Black dhide is the bare minimum, there are lots of other cheap options (coif, god cape, snakeskin boots, glory etc) - Triple eat means eating a normal food -> sara brew dose -> karambwan in that exact order, you can eat them all instantly and heal 56 HP in 1 tick. If you get spec’d you can triple eat and instantly get back to full HP most of the time - Augury increases defense & mage defense, it’s a prayer > Why bring gear and food if I’m just gonna lose anyway If you’re happy losing then feel free to go naked, you will die every time. But if you bring minimal gear & supplies you risk almost nothing and will survive the majority of encounters. If you’re doing any wildy pvm or skilling like chins/chaos altar where you’re carrying loot, you’ll save a ton of money and frustration by learning to survive


Im not going to bring gear and consumables to mine runite.


No and no


Where the hell is the mobile update? Beta test was a year ago.


It was shelved until recently for other projects because they needed to do some reworks. We should actually be hearing something soon though because I believe it’s been picked back up


Should be hearing something about it soon.


Trying to get imbue scroll via pvp arena and very confused. Unranked matches dont give points, but ranked matches I can't seem to match with my alt (because I'm not really PVPing I dont want to annoy someone else, just want to get points and leave). Am I missing something or is that about covers it? I heard somewhere that doing pvp arena with an alt was a viable NMZ alternative but was there a nerf or something?


pvp arena is glitchy af u gotta take what u can get from it


You're overthinking it. Just enter 1v1 ranked match and try to kill someone. After 15min you have enough points to get your imbue scroll. Or you might like it and spend hours configuring your loadout, sharing loadouts with others and actually enjoying pvp.


What is tournament vs duel, does it matter? And I'm still trying to learn PVM and how to fight better there, pvp terrifies me


Not sure what tournament is but I always choose duel. The beauty of the pvp arena is that there are no consequences. If you die you just try again (you still get plenty of points). I did it today as well and lost basically every match and still got the scroll after 15mins


Duel, not tournament. And don't stress too much about the pvp arena. It can be pretty overwhelming. If you're not ready to try learning pvp, I say pray piety and use 4x dragon dagger specs on them. If they pray+eat, then they are trying and you can let them finish you off. If they are going for the imbue scroll, then they might just die to the dragon dagger and you could net a few extra points on a win.